The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, December 19, 1868, Image 1

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    . . ...... ... .., .,. . ' . "J-4-s-- - ; 7 ' ' ; s : : . , ; , ;
Business Man, the Farmer
" Jnd the FAMILY CIRCLE. " '
offCCornerof Fifth and Main streets
OKWaCy;RELlNI, Proprietor.
!IE ESTEUrWSE has been Very well re
elwd during the time of iU publication,
i. -witleoien of distinction iu the State,
i recommend it as a journal valuable for
vutero circulation. Such we shall endeavor
continue to make it. '7
ti:afg constitute the paramount interest to
which our cnluana will be devoted. Every
'wwurefrtlie good.of the State, whether
f prirafeorywW'C interest, irrespective of
rtv will find in us an advocate aud a de
lender, to the extent of our ability. We
sh.ill aim to attract the attention of the
million" of
I'DPt'LATION" AND MONEY" seeking profit
able places, tu that channel which is now
making thU the fiori of the globe, and ren
dering Oregon with other Pacific States.thc
franeries of the world, with a centre of
trf. le second to none.
ACiUCl'LTl'RK will continue to receive that
atteution which it merits, at the hands of
every intelligent Journalist. " The Farmer
frnkth all.
THE MARKETS will be watched carefully,
and such information as we shall be able to
compile will be published.
JIANCFACTUREHS are earnestly requested
to inform us with respect to those various
intere., to the end that wc may be able to
make the Entkim-iuse as near an eaeyelo
jxJii of the business of Oregon as can be.
tingle Copy one year l 9,
Six months "00
" ' Three months I 00
Five Copies. 1 year, 3 'i 50 each. . . .$12 50
W In which case an extra copy will be
tent to the person forming the Club, and as
an inducement to such persons, with a view
.of extending our circulation,
On f Dollar and TtctntyFive Cetts
'Will be allowed as Commission on each addi
itioiul fire Subscribers. Thus any person
who will interest himself in the matter, may
secure the paper free and receive a liberal
compensation for his services.
Zt- Remittance to be made at the risk of
Sufucriber, itnd at the expense of Agents.
Trannient advertisements, including all
;!ek'il notices, y sq. of l'i lines, 1 w.$ 2 ;'0
Vor each subsequent insertion 1 00
ticCulumn, one year $120 00
H.Sf " " CO
V'ntrVer " " 40
UuaiueM Card, 1 square one year 12
er The Kiiterprise office is supplied with
beautiful, approved style of type, and mod
ern MACHINE! PKKAyKS, which will enable
the Proprietor to do Job Plinting at ail times
Xeat, Qtirk and Cheap !
t g Work solicited.
It. C. IRE LAND; Proprietor.
Oregon City, Oregon.
OFFICE la Charmaifs Brick Block, up
(Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. H. B. Co.)
OFFICE At Itesidence, Main street Ore
gon City, Oregon.
OFFICE M Front ftreet llesidence cor
ner of Mjiu and Seventh streets.
Savier, LaRoque & Co.,
Keen eonstantlv on hand for sale. Hour
Midliuir. Bmri and Chicken Feed. Parties
Jmrehing feed must furnish the sack.
Contractor and Builder,
Main st.. OR KG ON CITY.
erg- Will attend to all work in his line, con
sisting iu part of Carpenter and Joiner woik
framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly
attended t.
zuccetsor to SMITH C If A E SHALL,
Mack-Smith and Wagon Maker,
Corner of llaia and Third streets,
Oregon City Oregon.
-BIncksmithingiu all its branches; Wag
rn making and repairing. All work warraut
d to pive sati-faction.
91 First st., Portland,
Xext Door to Post Office.
e" Importers and Jobbers of Staple and
l-aiicy lry Goods. Gnuu bags. Burlaps, furn
iMiin.i: Goods. ve pav the highest cash
price for Wool, Furs, and Hides.
Wood and Willow Ware.
Brushes. Twines. Corilaoe. etc..
o brooms, Pails, Tubg, Washboards, $c
. Vi Maiden Lane. N. Y. City.
James l. daly 1
(Late Daly & Stevens.)
Offick X0. 104 Front strect, Portland,
ni !'.S'1V special attention to Collecting
N adjustment of accounts, bills and notes ;
iuvi j Inland bills; eflecting loans;
r ."" filing and leasing real estate; house
in ill1' an(J 10 xhQ Seueral agency business
jQlm Nestor, Architect,
rout st., Portland Oregon.
business QVseSt HaUs Churches,
tenement Cottages, Suburban
alu Hesdences, and
iiiuidings. Dsigned and Planned
M!vM.wTMd scrupulously and faith
SSid,"1 d vrmkd- STOwucrs- interests
-TP f T!TTZ rxrzricrci n d n-r i t " ' . . .- , : r .
Vi D
Will give prompt attention to collections,
and other businea appertaining to lUnking.
&tght and: Telegraphic Exchange
On San Francisco and the Atlantie States for
ale. Government Securities bought and
sold. ; , -. -
BROKER. PoRTtJiT Okeoot?.
Cor. Front and Washington StM.
Agent North British aud Mercantile
Insurance Company, and Manhat
tan Life Insurance. Company.
riGovemment Securities, SUcks,Uonds
and Real Estate bought and old on Coru-
Notary Public.
Oregon City, Oregon.
KS Will attend to all biiKiness entrusted to
our care in any of the Courts of the Stat,
Collect money .Negotiate loans, sell real estate
etc. Particular attention given to contented
Land cases.
Mitchell, Dolph & Smith,
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc
tors in Admiralty .
Office o"er the old Post Office, Front
street, Portland, Oregon.
X. C. CilUlSS. C. W. FAUIE1SU,
NoUiry PiiVlic and Corn, vj Deeds.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law,
I'oktlanu, Orego.v.
Alder street, in Carter's
brick block.
Justice of the Peace & City Recorder.
Office In the Court House and City
Council lloorn, Oregon City.
tiTT Will attend to the acknowledgment of
deeds, and all other duties appertaining to the
business of a Justice of the Peace.
Dr. J, H. HATCH,
iMte Mack fy Hatch,
The patronnge of those desiring First Clot
Opt'i-ati'inx, is respectfully soli-cited.
Satisfaction iu all cases gu-aruntecd.
N. U. Xitrtm 0.vy!e ariiuinisturcd for the
Painless Kxtractiou of Tevth.
Officb (,'orner of Washington and Fron
streets, Portland. Entrance ou Washington
jqental notice! "
home again.
During uiy 'cur of two years
in the Eastern States I have
soared neither tim nor
monev to make myse'f pe
fectlv lamiliar with and master ot inv
ro -
fession. Those desirin'ir the best work that
the nature of the case will admit of caniiud
me at rny otlicc, IvT Front street, two doors
above Mccormick's Book Store, Portland,
iiuccexnor to G real on Co.,
Wagons & Carriages,
201 und 200 Front st., Portland, Oregon.
OCT Wagons of every descrijition
made to order. General Jobbing done
with neatness and dispatch.
Sunday School and Gift Books !
1 ty and
Various oilier Publishing Houses I
For sale by the subscriber, on Jefferson st.
between" "2d and 3d, Portland, Ork gort.
G. 11. ATKINSON, Secretary.
52. ly and Treus. Oregon Tract So c
City Drayman, J
All orders for the delivery of merchan
dise or packages and freight of whatever des
cription, to any part of the city, will be exe
cuted promptly and with care.
Estirflished since the old stand,
Main Utreet, Oregon City, Oregon.
An Assortment of Watches, Jew
elry, and Seth ThomaV weight
Clocks, all of which are warranted
to be a represented.
Repairing done on short notice.
kand thankful for past favors.
a. ii. m: i,r.
K. A. 1'AKKKK.
Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints,
Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes,
And every article kept in a Drug Store. Main
Street. Oregon Git v.
A. J. ilO.VKOE. IV. A. K. M ELLEN.
MA.1S.I5.EjI2 WOlUi. .
Dealers in California, Vermont, and
Italian Marbles, Obelisks, Moiiu-
ments, Head and Foot stones,
Salem Oregon.
Mantles and Furniture Marble furni.hed
to order. ( y;.t
Raving' purchased the interest
of S. Cram, in the well known
One door west of LxcelMor .Market. Oregon
City, announce that they will at all times
keep good horses ard carriages to let, at
reasonable rates. Horses bought uud sold
or kept by the day or week.
Oregon Seed Store !
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Garden and Field Seeds of arl Kinds.
First street, Portland Ortgort,
Near the Western. Hotel.
Robinson & Lake
V Tin-ware trade as usual, at the estaS
C-irxer of front and &ilmon. a.,
Portland, Orvjon.
I know a fnnny little man,
As quiet as a mouse, , '
Who does the mischief that is done '
In everybody's house. - "
Thera's no one ever sees his face, ' ' e :
And yet we all agree.
That every plate we break was cracked
1 By Mr. Nobody.
'Tis he who always tears our books
Who leaves the door ajar ;
He pulls the buttons from our shirts,
And scatters pins afar.
That squeaking door will always squeak.
For, prithee, dou't you see, '
We leave the oiling to be done
By Mr. Nubody?
lie puts damp wood upon the fire,
That kettles cannot boil ;
His are the leet that bring in mud,
And all the carpets soil.
The papers always are mislaid ;
Who bad them last, but he?
There's no one tosses them about
But Mr. Nobody.
The finger marks upon the doors
By none of us are made ;
We never leave the blind unclosed,
To let the curtains fade.
The ink we never spill ; the boots
That lying round you see,
Are not our boots ! They all belong
To Mr. Nobodv!
By the Author ot " 3Iiss Slimmin."
Tea too strong ? Wfell, perhaps it
is. 1 ordered it made of extra
strength, to night, for, the fact is,
I've received a nervous shock to-day,
and I feel the need of a good strong
cup of green tea. Guoicdcr ? Yes,
at two dollars and a quarter a pound.
"You are afraid if I drink too much
of it I'll be blowing you up." Fogy,
please dou't indulge iu any of your
stale jokes, this evening. I do not
feel in the spirit to appreciate them.
I am sick astonished disgusted !
I don't dare to think what the world
is coming to especially this city.
Help me to a slice more of the cold
chicken, lhe white meat, but don't
ask me what's the matter.
Well, il you must know, read that!
or, here as your eyesight is failing.
read it to you. I received it to
day at two o'clock, just after you
left the house. It has quite unnerved
me. If people are going to fire
bombshells into your house, they
ought, at least, to give fair warning,
so as not to up?et one's self-possession
entirely. I've not been fit for
anything this afternoon. Prepare
yourself for a great surprise, Fogy,
for if you were to guess all "night
you'd never think what it is.
j SOROS1S. i
The object of this association is to pro-)
:mote agreeable aud useful relations be-: '
Itween women of literary and artistic:
ttastcs. It is entirely independent of sec-:
:tionalism or partisanship, it recognizes:
! women of thought, taste, intelligence.cul-:
Iture.and humanity, everywhere, particu-:
:larly where these qualities have found ex-;
:pression in outward life and work. :
: It aims to establish a sortof FreeMason-:
:ry among wonicu of similar pursuits, to:
: render them helpful to each other, and :
Ibridgeover, in some degree, the barrier:
:whicli custom and social etiquette place."
;in the way of friendly intercourse, it af-:
: fords an opportunity for the discussion.:
."among women, of the new facts and prin-:
;ciples which are constantly being evolved:
; the results of which promise to exert a;
:mst Important influence on the future of;
; woman and the welfare of society. ;
: 0 :
New York, 1S8S.
: Mr. O. FOGY: :
: You are invited to attend the first:
; meeting at Delmonico's, on Monday, 20th:
.April. Lunch. at $1 to each person.wines;
;extra, will be served at 1 r. m. A lady:
;will receive 3-our card at the door, and;
( introduce you. 1
-' Ry order of the j-
( Committee. )
There ! can the boldness nnd inven
tion of the nineteenth century pro
duce anything new after that 1 A
Woman's Club ! "When I've been
told of married men belonging to
snch things, and leaving their own
wives to dine alone, while they took
dinner, and had what they called for,
and did what they pleased, I've said
our country would go to ruin. And
now the women have taken it up !
and, forsooth, they must go to Dcl-
monico' ! Oh, of course ! French
habits, and French tastes, and French
toilets, and French lunches. Lunch!
at one o'clock! No. I thank vou ; I
take my dinner at that hour, and
always expect to, so loug as I've cou
trol of my own house. And what
can they get for a dollar at Delmon
ico's ? tea and toast, I suppose, or
a sandwich. Thank my stars, I'm
not reduced to sandwiches yet ! It's
all very well to begin modestly, but
a bat can see what it'll lead on to.
Don't tell me they are going to stick
to tea and toast ! They'll be having
champagne before the end of a year
champagne and pickled oysters, lobster-salad
and a billiardtable. Don't
tell me! If the women once get the
bit in their mouths, m thai stylte, the
Lord alone knows where they'll bring
I don't understand why they
, sbouid have sent thdr cards to me.
Pm not literary, I don'i approve of
literatnre for the female sex. If a
woman ; has a Lasbatid, that's enough.
If she hasn't, there's her needle, and
her trust In Providence. - These have
been sufficient ? for the rri' since the
world began, and what the" fuss is
about now, I dotrV comprehend.
I suppose I can? guess why they
have invited me." They want my in
fluence. They wish to give an air
of respectability to their dreadful so
ciety and they know very well that
if Mrs. Grundy and I hold aloof, it
will be up-hill work with them ; but
they'll never have the light of my
Member, indeed ! "When I cease
to be a member of my own
church and the Missionary Society, I
may become a heathen outright and
join that new-fangled, wlmt-is-it-they-call
it? Sorosis! That's all Greek
to me, Fogy. You think it ought to
be pronunced " Sorrow-sis." "Well,
I cannot even jest about it. I feel as
if things were coming to too serious
a pass. We have lived a good while,
Oliver, and seen a good many things ;
I notice people begin to call you
" Old Fogy," which isn't very re
spectful, I must say ; and you've ta
ken to spectacles, and I've put on a
headdress, and am looking forward
to a cap ; we've lived some time and
witnessed some changes but a Wo
man's Club !
Didn't I say it ! Didn't I tell you
there would be no bounds, when the
Bloomcrites come out in trousers,
and some of 'cm went to practising
medicine ? Actually had the im
modesty to study medicine and to set
themselves up for doctors of women
and children ! I'd like to know what
I'd do without my doctor, Fogy.
You know, very well, what a com
fort he's been to me ; his very pres
ence acts like a charm, while one of
those little quack ducks would drive
nie into the hysterics.
A Woman's Club ! and what do
you think will come of it, Fogy ?
" It appears to be for the purpose of
enabling intellectual and intelligent
ladies to enjoy a higher-order of con
versation than is afforded in society ;
to give them opportunities for dis
cussing subjects bearing upon the
welfare of the sex !" Fiddlesticks,
Fogy ! any one with the least knowl
edge of her sex knows what those
subjects will be. I'll tell you the re
sult. They'll talk about the fashions
that's what it'll amount to. They'll
meet for the noble purpose of criticiz
ing each other's dresses; and the
lady who is so unfortunate as to pre
sent herself for membership in a last
month's bonnet, will be tlack -balled.
It's as natural as for water to run
down hill. They'll all put ou their
best things, and they'll go there, and
look at each other out of the corners
of their eyes ; and every woman will
feel that it is as much as her life's
worth to be behind the Style ; and
they'll all come in a new rig to each
meeting, and the consequences will
be that their husbands and brothers
will hae to furnish a more frightful
amount of money than ever, to satisfy
the extravagance into which they
will rush. They'll squeeze all thee
money they can out of the men, and
thcn they'll go there and turn round,
iu their flounces and lace shawls, aud
turn up their noses at t heir poor pro
tectors, and slander them frightfully.
Good gracious, Fogy ! if you could
be hidden under the table at DeU
monico's and just hear what they did
say, your blood would boil I know
it. You would h'ear yourself, and
others like you, made out to be ty
rauts aud simpletons; yoa would
learn that women alone were blessed
with brains, and that man is a mere
grosser animal, made, like the horse
and ox, to labor for the benefit of an
ungrateful female world. You would
see those wonderful brains supporting
the weight of equally wonderful bon
nets half as big as your hand ;
and you would see their ethereal
wearers coming down from the
heights of some'subtle discussion of
the last nuance in color, or the wick
edness of the male sex, and calling
for fate de fois gras, and bottles of
Widow- Cliquot, as easily as if they
.had been bred to the bar. If any
woman, with a lingering remnant of
conscience, should rise and seek to
defcud the men, in general or partic
ular, moved by the memory of a con
siderate husband or a fond father, she
would be snuffed out quicker than an
old-fashioned candle.
A Woman's Club t Fogy, hand
me the pickles! If the old maids, or
the uneasy wives, or the pert widows,
want to form such a society, where
tbey tan rail ai the men, aud Bit in
judgment on one another's hair-dye
and face powder, let Am fight if out;
but, for women with families, just
imagine it, Fpgy ! . Just imagine me
coming home from the. Club, about
the time your supper ought to be
ready, my bonnet a little on one side
of my head from having: become too
much exhilarated over my cups of
tea and with such a small - idea of
men iu general, and of yon in particu
lar, that the first thiug I do is to box
your ears, bounce you down ou an
ottoman and tell you not to speak
until supper's ready ! Having dined
on lobster salad el cetera, I don't feel
hungry, and countermand your order
to the cook to have broiled oysters.
When tea is ready, I allow you to
sit at the foot of the table, and treat
you to thin slices of bread and butter
and sponge cake, while I expatiate
on the good things of Delmonico's,
not forgetting his cigars, and warn
you that you must be prudent in your
expenses, as it costs a great deal to
keep up the Club, and I've lost rath
er heavily at the pretty game of try
ing to outdress Mrs. Basbleu. Now,
you know the men have served their
wives so, generation after generation,
and if the women go to getting up
clubs, it's likely they will follow the
only precedent they have. The im
pertinent thing? will be just bold
enough to say " Turn about's fair
play." If there's any stockings
darned after this, you'll find the men
will have to darn 'em ! Mark my
words ! before five years have passed
over our heads, you'll see fathers of
familes coming home early from busi
ness in order to make time to darn
the children's stockings.
Nor that isn't the worst, Fogy !
Hand me the pepper-sauce, waiter.
You'll find 'em up in the nursery tying
np lumps of sugar in rags, while they
rock the cradle with one foot, and
sing distractedly
" Hufh-a-bv baby, a-bnb!
Hush it don't scream so, oh, don't!
When mamma comes home from the Club
You shall drink from the ma-a-tcrual
You may thank your stars, over and
over, Oliver Fogy, that your wife is
the woman she is, or who knows but
you might see me yet, with my heels
in the window of some big corner
house on Fifth Avenue, rolling a pa
per cigarette, and passing remarks
on the young gentlemen as they went
For it'll come to that ! These
wicked, restless, dissatisfied creatures
will have a Club-House of their own,
next ; and it'll be tip top or nothing.
I heard one of them say they'd been
kept down so long that, when the
pressure was removed, they'd go' up
with a vengeance. I told her, ' Yes,
they were like a lot of balloons, filled
with gas ; they needed a network of
ropes to keep 'em in their places, and
the men had furnished the ropes. As
soon as these were cut, I'd like to
know where they'd be ?" And she
screamed out " Free ! free to roam
the boundless spaces of ether !" And
I answered, " Yes, till the gas leaks
out." I had her there ! She look
ed as flat as a pancake.
I don't know but I'll go to their
meeting, after all. I would, were I
not afraid of getting my name in the
papers. Thank Heaven! Mr. and
Mrs. O. Fogy don't meet with that
misfortune very often ! Tbey don't
get our names to lead off their peti
tions for this, that, and the other
abominable new-fangled ' right."
I've heard the next thing they were
going to petitiou for is to have the
word " obev" taken out of the wo-
man's part of the marriage-ceremony
in the prayer-book," and put into the
man's. Now, when I was married
I promised to obey my husband.
What's that, Fogy 1 " Never kept
my promise " Well, that was because
1 wa3 the bigger, stronger, aud smar
ter of the two. It wasn't in nature
that I should be ruled by you ! I
believe I've always had my own way
in this world in mast things certain
ly, as far as you were concerned,
Fogy. It isn't the 'practice 1 advo
cate, it's the principle. But, as I was
saying, I've half a mind to attend their
meeting, if for no ;other object than
to give them the benefit of my opin
ion. When they had all expressed
themselves, and I'd found out just
what their, objects were and what
they proposed to do, and seen what
they had for lunch, and how the
Presidentess behaved herself, and if
the majority were up to the latest
spring styles not that I've a grain
of curiosity abotn the affair, but just
to satisfy myself of its badness then
I'd rise and give them a few of my
ideas. I'd tell them ladies had no
more business with Clubs than babies
i with epen jack-knives. What's that,
Fogy? "Tell 'em they will never
succeed, unless tbey admit a few men
to" manage the affair !" What a fool
you are! If men only icould mind
their own business, both sides get
along better.
I'd tell them the name of a true wo
man should nver appear in print but
twice wheti she's married and when
she's dead. That the only object of her
ambition should be, to be respectable
that she should .shrink with horror
from anvthing which, even for a mo
ment, should compromise her eminent
respectability in the eyes of the
world, no matter what helpless and
down-trodden victims were crying to
her ivt aid. I would point out the
way to attain to the acme of this
holy object of her aspirations al
ways to have those shirt-buttons
sewed on, always to talk as if she
were fond of knitting, to be . regular
in her attendance at the sewing so
ciety, to have a new bonnet when her
neighbors., had theirs, to have her
minister to tea four times a year, to
have plenty of ruffles and scallops on
her children's pantalettes, and to al
ways affirm, distinctly and firmly,
when the subject is brought up, that
she has no rights which a husband is
bound to r.e.-'pect.
These rules, followed faithfully,
will secure to her all which she re
quires. " Groiciiig eloquent P Well,
Fogy, this is the only subject on
which eloquence in one of my sex is
admissable. I believe I've always
been respectable. I take pride in
my position, and I feel that I've rea
son to be proud of it. When I was
a girl, I was mighty high-strung, and
a little high-fiown, too. Cut, my
good mother impressed upon me that
a woman's mission was to be respec
table. She taught me to bhrink from
anything improper. I gave up climb
ing fences when I was a very little
girl, because it was improper for a
girl. When the boys were romping
and enjoying themselve?J I worked
my sampler, and reflected upon what
a nice little lady I was. When I
was older, I believed I had talent as
an artist. But, if I painted por
traits, I might have to paint some of
the male sex. Aly mother did not
approve of it ; so I gave up the
thought, and have since contented
myself with embroidering flowers and
drawing pictures ou the slate for my
What's that? Now, Fogy, that's
a vile slander ! I never painted. I'm
sure I always had natural color
enough and to spare. Because vou
found a pink saucer which I used for
paintincr roses, you must twit me of
it., ' What was it in my dressing bu
reau for ?" Where else should it be,
pray ? You've that prying, insinuat
ing disposition, I declare I feel like
driviug you out of my house a dozen
times a day. ' Not my house ?" Did
I ever ! I guess you're mistaken
there! Thank the Lord, a woman
can hold property in her own right,
nowadays. If you say that again, it
will be a good while before you set
foot in it. My house, indeed ! Don't
you see I'm waiting for you to serve
the custard? I've a mirid. not to
give you another drop of tea this
night. Your house, indeed I
If you hadn't interrupted, I'd been
through with what I wished to say
by -this time. But men's tongues
are hung in the middle, and go at
both ends.
As I was saying, I was high-strung
in my young days, but, in the desire
always to be the pink of propriety,
I've pretty well overcome my natural
temper. I may scold you and brow
beat you, Fogy, but I don't let any
body know it. If you was to ask my
dearest friend, now, which was the
master of this" house, she'd say you,
were. I've always allowed the world
to sunnose that my very thoughts
were regulated by your opinion,
while the truth is, as you know too
well, that i don't care a fig for it. i
You needn't groan, unless you've
eaten too much of that cold stuffing.
I've made you a good wife, of the or
thodox kind. There isn't a hole as
big as an eyelet m any one ot your
stockings, nor a cobweb in this house
from garret to cellar, nor a better
lace shawl than mine in our church.
I never sCap you up before people ;
all my lectures are curtain lectures.
I don't countenance Women's Rights;
l wouldn't vote if the ballot-box was
on the lamp-post iu front of my house.
I've got all the rights I want, so
long as I can shake you till your
teeth chatter, and you daren't say
your soul's your own, uuless I give
you permission.
What1? "Dress you up in my
clothes, and give you my card, and
let you go in my place !" Well, if
tnere s anytnmg ou eanu mai uuij
pitiable it's the base curiosity of the
male sex ! Ever since Adam teased
Eve to give him the apple-core, he's
beeu tagging around after her, trying
to find out what she's about. You'd
look well trying to manage a train,
wouldn't you ? " On a train I'7 Yes,
and have everybody else on it. Bat
I wouldn't care so much for the ruin
of my dress as I would for the ruin
of my reputation, if you should try to
speak for me, which you'd be jast
foolish enough to attempt. I don't
believe in women speakiug in public;
but I should hate to employ you to
take my place. You'd go to flatter
ing up every pretty member of that
Sorosis, and you'd become one of
'em the first chance they gave yon,
instead of setting them dowu as tbey
deserve. No, thank you, Fogy, I
don't choose to be- represented by
gou. , .
A, woman's Club. Well ! well !
well ! As if the Sewing Society had
outlived its day of usefulness, and the
female sex must go to investing some
other , medium of communication.
Meet for '' mutual improvement !"
Doesn't the Sewing Society meet for
mutual improvement 7 1 should like
to be told if any one of its members
ever did anything she hadn't ought
to that it Mas not discussed and-
what did you say ? " ciissed ?" Oh,
you wicked, wicked man ! ' Only
echoed my loord ?"
It's no use reasoning with you,
Fogy, only please don't interrupt so
often. Men should be seen and not
heard, especially at' table. Yes, we
enjoyed the benefits of mutual com
munion in those good old days. We
told all the stories we heard about
each other, we criticized each other's
clothes, and passed judgment on
each other's conduct, and thus kept
society in order, and made women
look sharp to what they did, while,
at the same time, we made up flan
nels for those poor little heathen,
who were all, as the missionaries told
L us, in statu quo, or something to that
.effect it's rather indelicate for a wo
man to nnderstand Latin, so I'm not
certain I've got it right. I suppose
it means like statues, which usually
have uot so many garments as they
ought to have. Yes, we didn't sew
with our tongues idle, I assure you I
mean we didn't talk with our fingers
idle, and I don't know what cau be
desired more improving. And we
didn't go to a hotel for our suppers.
We had tea and biscuits and lady
cake, and the gentlemen to join us in
the evening and see us home. " If that
Sorosis expects to get along without
the gentlemen to see it home, it won't
live long; that's my opinion, so long
as human nature is human nature,
and women are what they are.
" You should not think there would
be any temptation to extravagance
in dress at the Club, since gentlemen
are excluded." Then you never made
a greater mistake In your life, Fogy.
It's a fallacious notion, that women
dress to please the men. They do no
such thing! They dress to spite eath
other. The ouly jealousy they are
ever guilty of, is jealousy of each oth
er's clothes. LaWs! if they dressed
to please the gentlemen, don't they
know they'd be just as charming in a
pink lawn as in a pink silk, only so
that the stuff was soft and pretty ifi
color, and set well to their nice fig
ures. A girl can break a young fel
low's heart with a twd dollar muslin
rightly made up, but she can't break
the hearts of the other girls in her
set with anything less than a two
hundred dollar satin! And tliaCs the
way it, will be at that Sorosis, mind
my word.
A Woman's Ci.rn! Well, Well,
well, well! You suppose they con
sider that a knock-down. argument in
favor of their rights? Fogy, how of
ten have I told you that punning has
been pronounced the very lowest spe
cies of wit? It never ran iu our fam
ily, thank goodness ! We consider
it as improper to be funny as to be
radical. I was never funny in my
life. "Except the time of that alarm
of fire next door, when -yoil threw our
infant out of the window, but stopped
to take your hair out of papers before
you could make your appearance to
see what had become of it. If the
firemen had not cavght oiir little Olla,
icel have been " Come, come, Fo
gy, that's staler than last week's bread.
It a woman can't do as she pldases
with her own curl papers, things have
come to a pretty pass! If you ever
refer to that again, Oliver Fogy, I
don't know but I shall be furious
enough to "join the Clubl"
About 100 miles south of Shanghai
is the great city of Ilang-chow-foo,
on a large stream which coriies down
from the hills of the eastern prov
inces of the Empire. At that city
the Great or Imperial Canal com
mences, running across the meadows
in a northwesterly direction to Soo
chow, a city which is about 10 miles
west of Shanghai, one of the ancient
cities of the Empire. Before the re
bellion it had a population estimated
at 3,000,000, but it is much less than
that now. Fronl SoochoW the Grand
Canal runs in still the same direction,
and communicates with the Yang
te-z'e at the city of Chin Kiang, near
the northern bend. We shall reach
this city by and by, but for the pres
ent we will think of the Yang te-ze
and its connections. There are no
obstacles on the north bank, no need
of locks, and so the grand, artificial
water way the noble monument of
the ancient cirilization continues on
an hundred miles further to the
Whang-ho, or Yellow River, and
then on to Pekin. I have said that
it goes to the Yellow River, a state
ment which needs a little elaboration
The map which lies before me gives
the the YelloW river as emptying
into the Yellow Sea, and I suppose
that all of the school atlases give
that as the butlet; but I am informed
thai the larger volume of the water
of that river empties into the Gulf of
Pechill, through hundreds of creeks
and sluioe ways.
We might step on board one of
these queer river cjrafr, Spread the'
fatten sails, t6rri tip(th6 grand canaf
at the northern, bend of t&.a'i'ang-te-ze
and tome 6'at at Pekifr, or at fifty'
outlets along thectfT" gaining
the main channel of the, fellow river
work our way one thotfsand miles dtfo
west from the' Sea, then turning north
four hundred miles, vie shodia pa'sS
the great Wall, erttef Mctogolia, sail
three or fou hundred miles in' that
county and re-enter China and trav-'
erse the northwest . proyinfcei! 6f the
Empire. . ' ;
As yet nothing is jencvvn' as tt the
practicability of navigating these
northern streams b? steam", but hefo
are junks loaded with salt for the
Manchtls of Tartary, junks bound fo'r
Pekin. During the war between the
Allies arid Chiiia the city of Ching1
Kiang was taken by thfc naval forces;
and the whole northern provinces felt
the blow at once, for' it stopped all
trade between the north and South.
But turning once Ltofe to the
Yang te-ze we see it running through!
the heart of the Empire. If e may'
steam from the city of Cm'ng Kiahg
with a southwest general course al
most to the bbtindary of Burnian. It
has been: explored by Capt. Blaik-
stone; of the royal navy, 1,782 miles
from Shanghai. It is navigable for'
seagoing steamers for 1,1 10 miles.
No one kno'wS how far beyond that
steamers like th6se of the Mississippi
might penetrate, but probably td
Thibet; perhaps to Turkestan. The
entire length Of ths Stream is not far
from 3,000 miles.
We meet great rafts of bathbotf
and timber with houses unon them
which have floated down from the
western provinces of the Empire.
The raftsmen, till .reaching IJaiikow;
never 5a w a steamboat, and they cart
do nothing but stare wondering and
amazed at the apparition of a boat
rolling on wheels up Streatn 12 milcS
an hour. They will hate marvelous
stories to tell when they get back to
their far distant homes.
Looking at this great river, and its'
branches the llati; Ming and Ligg
on the north, the Kiang On the south,
with their branches -it is plain dbat
these water vrajs ere to play a very
important part in the progress of
Civiliratiotf. In this respect the'
Yang-te-ze will Surpass all other
fivers upon the globe. The tides 6'f
Civilisation of trade and commerce
set directly across the Mississippi;
but the Yan-te-ze is the great artery
of this Empire, with a course directly
along the lines of latitude. As yet
modern civilization has barely ob
tained a foothold in fhe Empire five
ports opened to trade permission to
go up to Hankow With steamers.
Missionaries may o Where they
please, for they are looked upon as
inoffensive persons. The Chinese"
Government has been wise enough to
take foreigners into its customs ser
vice, and to1 require some Chinese to
acquire foreign languages, and has
further exhibited its wisdom by op
pointing Mr. Burlingajiie as Envoy
to Western natijo3.
We are going towards the heart of
the empire to-dav. in a steamer rriilt
on the Hudson, propelled by an en
gine from the hands Of New York
mechanics, our Captain a clear-htaded
Yankee from Cape Ann, ithd vfre are
brought face ttj face with questions
Of the future. What part is America
to play on this Continent ? San
Francisco and the valley Of the Col-
rimbii which is to bt the New' lung
land of the Pacific coast are twenty-
hve days distaut. IVext yeaf" JteW
York will be one month from" Shang
hai. What is to be the. measure of
influence of American ideas polit
ical, social, moral and religions in
this laud ? More important what
measure of influence is China to have
upon America ? Sixty to eighty
thousand Chinamen already in Cali-
brnia and Oregon, one thousand
Americans, perhaps, in all China.
The steamers of the Pacific Mail are
crowded with Chinamen. Every sail
ing ship bound to San Francisco car
ries a fall complement Of Chinese
passengers. Four hundred sailed
trom Hong Kod m one vt-ssel.
America has 35,009,000 inhabitants,
China 400,000,000. In China every
inch of land is occupied ; here, mil
lions t'f uCrts are waiting for the
coming ot the cultivator.
We call Astor, Yafiderbilt and
Belmont money kings, bfit there are
merchants iu China rich enough to
buy up a half dozen of the wealthiest
men of the United States, whose
money bags are heavier than thOsei
of the Rothschild3 As Vet the'
West is tributary to the East. China
compels us to bring our silver to hef
coffers. She is powerful enough to
keep the balance of trade against us.
. Is there power and vitality enough
in the United States to affect this
inert mass? Is there not reason to"
fear that the emigration of Chinamen
to America Will serve as a drag upon
our own progress ? Is there power
enough in the great democratic mill
to grind up the odds and ends of all
lands to reduce Ireland, Germany,
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Eng
land, Scotland, Italy, Africa, Mex?cc
and China to common pulp 1 Shall
we have at the last broadcloth et
shoddy 7 . o