The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, December 12, 1868, Image 2

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Oregon City, Oregon ,
0 Saturday : : : Dec. 12, 1863.
W II Rhodes known exten-
by the nom de plume, Caxton,
delivered a lecture in San Franciseo
recently on the subject of earth-
qnakes. He ascribes them to el ec-
tricity, and electrical action of the
earth's surface, and not to gasses
generated in the interior of the globe,
He contended that earthquakes could
never occur during the years iu which
auroreas previlcd, and declared that
a series of auroreas would begin this
winter and continue nineteen years;
consequently there was no danger to
be apprehended from earthquakes for
the next twenty years, and then we
bo ppose property holders may look
out for another shaking up.
llnw no you do 1 The OrtaonX"' -
ir.rahl mmPS to us now with the
can 4t. I
editor, Beriah Brown having been
nnrrceded: We trust that Mr.Brown
11 i .,.i i i
vr:ll not wander Ions unemnloveu.and whnn he does net another berth
, . . i -
he will not wallow so neon in the
filthv nonl as has been his wont. It
c t- t, . v v
is of no use. iwr. 1 ennoyer has the I
name of being a" gentleman-and
i u M(r:9n s MUn
IHVU I Ullllll V ItU 111I IU pUHVlUO(
we wish him success as an Ed ... . Col.
J. C. Dow has mounted the tripod of
. , , .
the CommerctaluQ comes out square-
toed for Democracy. We have a
suspicion that Dow. will make it hot
for that other Copperhead shop over
.the way. : ; ; ,
-It was rnmored early this week
that the new editor of the Herald
1 4 U J 1 .,(. 1.
"C OU MUl' tLu ouuu m
seat. We. do not consider it our
place to suggest plans for the success
of the leading ;" organ" of Democracy
in this State, but if the proprietor
will allow us to say it we will
take this occasion to again urge our
favorite, Gen. J. W. Jasper. The
General, is willin' as we are credibly
' J
informed, and of his ability, and
n J
Ihcn he is a home production, knows
the people, and is up within a huu
drcd years of the progressive spirit
of the age, and would represent the
advance guard of Democracy. Give
the boy a chance. The Courier is
too small for him.
That "Pictr." The Polk County
Signal man appears to be muchly
.annoyed about that graphic photo
graph which represents him among
Democratic devices and mottoes, in
tthe hall of the House of Represents
tives, the morning after the 'iast sad
act" was performed by. Speaker
Whitcaker, and devotes a column of
.editorial, ' besides numerous squibs,
in the last issue of his paper, to show
ing how the picture was obtained.
Now, what is the use of being ugly
about it, Upton ? The boys found
you drunk and asleep in the hall of
thc House, and took an " impression"
of you ; that's how it was done, and
all your friends recognize you in the
picter. If you waut to get out of
the dirTtcully, don't get drunk any
The late Douglas Cooke, of the
Saturday Review, left an estate worth
50,000. He commenced life as a
poor boy, and accumulated the for
tune by industry and the exercise of
his sharp wits. No obituary notice
has appeared in the Ilcviexo, not even
an announcement of Mr. Cooke's
.death, the managers being desirous
of inducing the belief that no change
has been made in the editorial con-
-duct of thc journal. - .
ferr- a rvr nf Wro i lion on
, - , . , ,
. . .... ,
i ru, io imprison military ouenaers,
. c . . .
his department, in the State neniten-
tiary, at San Quent'm. Recent whole-
sale- escapes from the military prison
.at Aicatraz, 1 or t To in t and else-
imnrisnnmonf noeow
Sir William Abody, who died
lately la London of too much port
nA , . , . 1
vw6u, iUurieSt ieil 0UUU)uuu
jn uaru cash, besides a magnificent
jiurary. Aire stamp duty on his will
was so,uvu.
A womau one hundred and five
years old, named Mrs. Tobie, lives California is now sending veget
iu New Glen, Maine, and retains her aIes tc Japan. Considering that
mental powers all -unimpaired. She
lived seyenty-two years with her bus-
band, who dred a few years ago.
Napoleon's stable cost him last
year $130,000, When he was Presi
dent in IdiS his salary was but
...Ay-hv-V i!
if iuuafuv. xei iiieiu wjine wno
think the Empire is not stable,
a nrm,-.n nhilflwist.ntT3,0
" 1 ' . "
English "'Will ne tne, unrvfrsai un-
.... ... . .i
Not below cr beyond the province
of journalism is any subject so con
nected with the well-being of society
as that which we have placed at the
head of this article. Our paper goes
into hundreds of families, and we
wish it to go not only without carry
ng au evil influence, but freighted
with benefit to those who read it.
With this view we store it with news,
and mingle with its utterances some
words of counsel, and occasionally of a
caution. Politically wc espouse the ;
cause of regulated liberty against
tyranny and bondage. Wc take the
sarac position in relation to the con-
veutionalisms of society. "No des-
potism" is our essential principle, and
in conformity with it, we give a few
ords of counsel and caution suited
to the title of the present article.
Some of the old moralists were
fonl uf saying that dress, which was,
m fact a memento and badge of sex 1
m the human family, had become an !
object of idolatrous love and pride,
n . i .i a- .
Both paits of this saying indicate a
close connection of dress with the
bora's of the race. As a decent,
becoming, tasteful covering of the j
nrrsnn if. mpets its nrio-mal ,!.?. I
person, it meets its original design.
the racaD3 of Sravc aud serous !
moral evils. Thc extravagant cax i
out on dress cannot
Jusimecl uy a single argnraen
treated as a moral questioi:
admit that as connected with mercau
tile business or with the fine arts,
something may be said for it. But
if it have bad moral tendencies, as it
TUonably has, nnancial ar
aesthetic considerations should not I
deemed sufficient to sustain the fash-
ion of extravagance. Not one gen-
eruus principle or. impulse oi iue nu-
1 1
maun h!art ,s a;i3cd b' cosl1 crcss
tlulcr IU person wuu wears u, or
in any other person. When fondness
for it becomes a passion, it often pro-
duces results of feeling, temnrr r.nd
dact &TQ ltQ .
with virtue.
and nQt a book or a trcaUse vo pfe.
fer to go into details, that wc may-
give a remark or two to the general
subject. The street shall furnish our !
views, the younger class of ladies, j
our subiects. Dress, motions, locks. I
, . ,
speech, present the appearance of an
, ...... ....
. r . .. ,
reference to observation and observ -
out-ouuoor costume exhibition, lne
ers appears to be pervading and con- j
graces, not natural
lied and imitative,
-a flPcrrr .nnd kind
stant. Airs and
and easy, but sfudi
attract attention a uerrree ana kind
of it sometimes that cannot be either
agreeabls or beneficial to the delicacy
that belongs to the sex of the aire.
That the tyranny of fashion sways its
potent sceptre, to produce this exhi
bition, cannot for a moment bo doubt
, .,, , , .,
one who will take the
hink. Individual ladies,
ed, by any
trouble to tb
unsupported by the forced concur
rence of the sex, would shrink from
thc scene abashed. But ia the crowd
and the community of the fashion, ins
dividuality is merged, and personal
repugnance to an ostentatious display
of finery and faces is held in abey-?
The bearing of dress on the emo
tions and the connection of emotions
with permanent principles and habits,
give immense importance to these
frequent costume exhibitions, and es
pecially in thc period of life when
character is forming, when lasting re
lations in life are being adjusted, and
when the delicacy and purity of thc
young nature should be most sedu
lously protected from the remotest
possibility of a soiling touch. Yet
the abominable despotism of fashion
forces the. sweet, modest, beautiful
creatures or me uuman lamtiy to do ( used is common to bo looked for.
violence to their own taste and pre- j They explain that the humid atmosv
ference, aud to troop about, in street j P-erc rise3 fr0-n the occsm .and pro
nn.l nnrlnr m,,,-!, ce o cT,- ! cJ iuhmd. This current of damn
Muw 7Uiv iiuu VUIUW14 MO l OllVU U'
people to look at a martyrdom often
to themselves and a merriment oftencr
with morals, we have only referred to
in its less onensivo degrees. How
, . .
the passion for expensive dress
comparatively expensive we mean
impels the unhappy victim to crime
of various kinds, our space does riot
allow us to portray. Society wit
,'csscs mucl1 ot t!'e consequences. A
I larger, sadder accumulation is com-
P?sed of lhose who have shrunk, de-
"T ' y.
Is there no remedy for this grow
nVr CTi ? ;ye havc extinguished one
horrible system of bondage. Is ther
no humane champion to interfere for
the emancipation of the race from
this thraldom ?
China is now but 25 davs from San
Francisco, when Mongolians become
8oriKfra.,, . , ,T ,. , .
accustomed to "Mtbcan man's" rice
we ma expect a large demand for
ur mrPh crops iu that direction.
Tlie Salt;ni mills, of Oregon, have
1 1 I P O tl tDnH . . . . T i . " r.
- ---- --".i. heeuuu qnaiuv ot lioar
to China, and the reports by telegraph
assure us that flour is well received
there. At lion- Ron-
or iNovember, flour was selling at led as much, or more by tne coidsioo, j mav have a wider application than
V ? per 'snck of 50 lbs or I thaa lhe Mteny." j thinks, lie should study to avoi
t to u.20 per bbl. ' j Wc shall not prejudice the ease. personalities. Orwnirtn.
.leclloii of n. Ilisliox for Oregon' sixi-.l
' The newly elected Missionary
Bishop of Oregon and "Washington
Territory, Benjamin Wistar Morris,
of Germantown, Fa., was consecrated
in Philadelphia on Sunday, Octo
ber 25th.
The election of the Ilev. B. W.
MonTs, Hector of St. Luke's Church,
Germantown, as the Missionary
Bishop of Oregon and of Washington
Territory, has been characterized by (
degree of wisdom in counsel, and j
unanimity in action, which is an
honor to the 'Church, and must be
overwhelmingly gratifying to the ob
ject of so decided a preference. Mr.
Morris has been too long and widely
known iu ,the Church to need, at this
day, any detailed statement of his
peculiar qualifications for the work
to which he has been called. The
favor with which his name was re
ceived when first scut down from the
Ilonsa of IJishops.attcsts the Church's
appreciation of his mmi-deria! record,
and of his unblemished life as a man
Space was allowed for one ot these
Iiarl -solemn brcnks m tbe rou.
tjue 0f business, when the Convention,
in .silent prayer, invokes the especial
presence and guidance of heaven; and
the completion of the work was sig-
nalized by the return of thar.ks am
prase, in the elevating language of i
thc Gloria in Kvcchi.s i)co!
comes in tones too loud- and distinct
to allow the intrusion of any mere
local or selfish considerations. And
the same remark will apply to Mr.
Morris, with whom the decision of
the question now rests. Many, and
powerful and tender, arc tho ties
which bind him to his native Diocese,
and to the scene of his ministerial
labors. But there is another scene
on which he dare not close his eyes.
It is that witnessed at his election to
the Episcopate, when the bund of
Providence was distinctly visible.
Wc can hardly conceive of a call
more unmistakably made, or, under
circumstances, more gratifying to its
r.Iib'i'f lliMUfrb if Isa i-".ti "n'ribrnwr
self-denial, oil, separation from home I
and lifevlong friendships, and whati
ever else of hardship may be involved !
in carrying tire Gosjl and the Church j
to our" Western Spiritual wastes.
j Church Chronicle
Herald " dares'' the Oregon ian to
i produce proof to support its state-
, 1 1 1
I merit that tho Pcnnhhcan members
! of the Ltrri!aturo at tho lata session
" labored three successive days'' to ;,
j get the appror-riation b'.li through,
! "
I Ifc h ,1ot a vcr-v d31',:"r0:,:i Viiuti;r to
i rcfP0!;d to thi;3 challenge, "i he re-
! Ported Pcedmgs of the Legislature
shmv thnt thc nprropriation bill was
introduced in the House bv Mr.
Waymire on Friday, 23d October,
but not acted upon ; that Saturday,
tue 4in, was spent, uy rue emo-
ii ,,,. i.:p-
cratic mstonty in the merest trihmg,
and tll0c-h the .ses3i0n WaS i,relon -
ed till past midnight they would not
pass the appropriation bill ; and that
on Monuay, the 2 bin, hi liepublr-
can "members made four several at-
tempts to have the appropriation bill
i laSiCU UP aru passeu, v, ii;ctr attempts
..! 1 1 I'l l. i
were uue ij u!JC utituicu uy t"e
i. .i, r.,., t.i i .t,
Democratic majority. Hero is the
verification of the Orejoniands state
ment. The editor of thc Herald can
trace the matter up through the
throe days by going over the files of
his own paper. V'e have the cllieifd
journals of the session ; we believe
the printing of them has not yet been
Raint and Rain Fall. A gentle
man from the west tide of the river,
says that there has been more rain
here, says the Unionist, than with
him. The ground in the western
part of his county is-scarcely dump
enough to work, while on this side,
farmers have been plowing-fur two
j tbis phenomcna if that term mfTy he
. Ill , ."I ,
iiil l ' 111'- ivt. j' IV3 I W.tlOO " i i I I l V L x-
teniDerature had been lowered, there
by prod tiding rair, unless it was or
rested m its course by Jugn mouu-
tains or other obstructions. lUen,
iontiwiog mis law, uuo wuuiu e.;"-ei,
to fin'd the western slone of the Cas
cade Mountains, which is the case.
The humid currents of air, are borne
from tbe ocean, over the coast range,
though losing dampness there, until
it strikes the higher range of the
Cascades, where it is turned 'back
and at the same timo condensed, and
falling to the earth in the shape of
rain ft, be greater bulk of water de
ceuding on the country first passed
over which is the belt on the east
side of the river, but reaching, though
in a less amount to the west side or
raore remote districts. A -ram the
tracts of land on the east sidecf the
mountains, are not visited with such
f ; fp.-
copious showers of ram fn;m the
fact that tbe humid atmosphere from
the ocean, does -not escape in" such
trreat bulk ever the summit cf the
fcKlIt .
The Albany Democrat is of the
opinion that when the suit against
the steamer Success is decided it will
be found ,
" That instead of. the Success pay-
ing $3,34G 79 .damages to the P. 1.
Company, they wiii have to pay tne
Pennsylvania will tuns lose one of j . . . rnwt;v r,f v
be i the most earnest, active and efficient j ' judging from the
I nf her- cvio f l)in;'Of,e where there is i . n- . i
t, wuen ; v - ; woi-Kiugs or it upon our omee laoic.
, ty j 'w.t .v.v4 .W4 ...o o ho; e to see it practically testea
u " e 1 such : but the call fur the sacnlicc lr. ;, .. A
on the 5lh 1 Success damages ; mr sue w u.jui- " xlebel emissaries-' is a term w
Tho Philharmonic Society of
Portland, now occupy their new hall
on First street. The hall and the so
ciety are among the best on the coast.
We are pleased to learn that
Brother Upton, of the Polk County
Signal, has renounced the devil
and resolved to be a sober man.
Dr. A. M. Loryea and Dr. Ival
lenburg havo opened a dispeusary on
First street. Portland, upon the East-
ern plan of filling prescriptions with
out charge for medical attendance.
Mr. J. C. Mann, of the Capital
Hotel, Salem, called on Wednesday
looking hale and hearty. We are
pleased to note that the Capital is
fckimrning the cream of traveling
society at Salem.
The Washington Guard dedi
cated their new armory, on Stark
street, Portland, last Tuesday eve
ning. It is a fine hall, being all of
Waliamet Theatre, with stag?, par
quet, pit,-and dross circle extracted.
D street, one of the environs of
Portland two years ago, is now the
Wabashaw of the metropolis. It has
j been finely graded and sidewalks laid
aloi g both sides, for a long distance
Mr. Tustin of Portland, has just
finished the model of a new gang
nlow of his own invention. It iscer-
and must surely become popular.
We have received bills of lnd
ing for freight shipped November
17th on board Halite G. Bessie, from
New York City to Portland. Di
rect trade is much easier than one
would suppose, until it is tried. If
our merchants would, entrust an or
der to Capt. J. M. Kceier, 05 LibN
crty fct., or Broekway & Baker, 23
South street, they would soon become
accustcmcd io the system.
It is supposed that a pirt if not
whole, of the g"ng, of suspicion?
scoundrels recently infvsting this
A&C ne traveled northward. The
!jV.l,lso ! Mr f1 1Luel'!r'
entered, on Ihursday
f- of l?st w,cck' ro,bbe?
l0d ',pt c3"' fl?d a, ok! T1 va!ued
at us dunuay nignt tne store
of Dr. ilack, at iiast Portland, was
entered, where the burglar was con
fronted by the owner, and a hand to
hand conflict resulted, which nearly
cost the Doctor his life, aud probably
gave the lsurgl ir u hurt which may
lead to hid capture. iJc on the alert,
readers, and go prepared to slay if
necesstu v.
iiitte warrants will no
oo. re
ceived at the State Treasurer's ofllee,
h- county, taxes, as was formerly the
c(;,'...IPP.llt. from ti- .;, -
otaie warrants iiora toe countte,au3
j . , i .
lramediatelv charge such warrants to
the appropriate funds as so much
j i ; "ibe transferred to the War Denarf
u ; ! iu' iiiuuu iijul', lis is too L use
11 l ,
! now, savs tne I tuovmt, these war-
i rants cannot be received, as ifc would
no appro iriation inaue, as is tne case
be jmying money out of thc State
Treasury without the authority of
law. County Treasurers will have
to govern themselves accordingly, and
not receive such paper for taxes, or
purchase them. They have hereto-
i . , v
; rore taken sucn warrants as an nc
j commodation to holders, and turned
them into tho State Treasury as
money, but under the present circum
stanccs it cannot be done.
Tho West Side Railroad Com.
puny intend pushing operations
through the entire winter, it is re
ported. The East Side has suspend
ed operatioi.s.
Our attention has been called to
the above little paragraph i;i several
of cur exchanges. We pronounce it
false, so far as it refers to the East
Side Company. They have now in
constant employment, getting out
tits, framing trestle work, building
bridges, etc., at their mills in this
county, as great a number of men
sa the West Side ever had, at any
or,c time. So much for suspended
operations. If tho West Side can
grade in winter, profitably to those
who pay their mousy, joy bo with
I ti Vill
Doing good and Seeing Ir.
i Feabody, tho American banker in
I Ensland, took delight in making
princely donations for the benefit of
the poor, etc. Peter Cooper, of New
York, also did much good where he
could see it. We delight in seeing
rich men so use their funds to relieve
distress, and while it is literally true
that there are but few paupers in
Oregon, we have many rich men. and
an incident . w hich was Urought to
our notice last week, in Portland,
te'.ls us that thc reason wc have so
few poor, in proportion to our popu-
; ation, is because we have so many
j Hberal men 0f wealth, in proportion
, , ,
to population. e ave our jivcs,
; t
! but we aiso have cur I eabody s and
'Peter Cooper s.
j T, 7Tt .,
I Personal. The editor of the
U- . . ,,. , , .
ancenver licxi-itcr thmks ' rebel
j emissaries" have been tampering with
j hostile Indians. The editor of the
Portland Commercial takes the re
mark as-a personal affront, and gets
j very mad about ifc. The Vancouver
mao does very wrong to gird at anv
; portion cf his editorial brethren.
President's Message has been
received. He repeats tho old story
of wrongs inflicted upon the people,
growls about the tenure of office bill,
refers to the finances of the country
at great length, raid closes with a
chapter upon foreign relations. We
have perused the document, and agree
with our cotemporary of the Ore.
qoniaii that it is an insult to the na
tion, and that Congress should have
refused to receive it. "Any one
knowing nothing of the willful obsti
nacy of the acting President would
suppose that he had not heard the
verdict of the people upon the mcas
ure. which he condemns. That por
tion of the message which relates to
finances is a repetition verlalim of an
electioneering document which he is
sued in October in behalf of Seymour
and Blair. It is extremely fortunate
that the country is so nearly done
witti this hazy-headed demagogue.''
In the house of Representatives,
on the Sth inst., the speaker pre
sented tho resolutions of the Oregon
Legislature concerning tho resigna-
tion of Senators Williams and Cor
bett. The Clerk read endorsement !
, .
on the paper as follows :
I'esolutions of the Legislative As
sembly of Oregon instructing their
Senators in Congress to resign, hav
ing voted for measures plainly uncon
stitutional, which have overthrown
liberty and free government, and con
signing the citizens of eleven States
to an odious and despotic dictator
ship. Washburue of Illinois said, " the
title is enough ; I move the paper be
returned to the source whence it
After some discussion the paper
was read in full, after which a resolu-
4iuU v,'as adopteu directing that the
coco merit be returned to the proper
oGiccrs of both branches of the Ore
gon " Lcgisla'ure, ' the same being
scandalous and impertinent.
A very heavy gale prevailed
throughout England Sunday rrght
and Monday morning. Many tele-
grams are received, reporting marine
, ,P, t- .
Uisas-ers. lne phlPP:S 111 the van-
ous harbors suffered much ; houses
were blown down and thc damage
was great.
Den. Iloliaday has instituted
suit for $5!), 000 damages og-iinst J.
W. Lndd, V . S. Ladd, W. C. Ral
ston, of the Bank of -California,' the
Oregon Steam Navigation Company,
and others, alleging- a confederation
of the parties to defraud him in 1807.
The ca?e grows vut, of tho ea'.e of the
steamship Oregonia n.
citizen? o! St. Louis and
j $Uverron, in Marion comrtv,. have
t0 Sell liquors, and stopped the trafhc
in those places.
-Tho Indian Bureau is about to
j mens, in me House on the Sth, a
i bill was passed making such transfer,
by a vote of 1 10 to
Thc new town on I'uget Sound,
Tacorna, is going ahead at a rapid
rate. According to accounts at hand
not less than $1,000,000 will be ex
pended there within one year.
The Electoral Vote. The total
Electoral vote this year is 204 nec
essary to elect, 1-19. Grant has re
ceived 2 11 in all, or G3 more than
are nccessarv to elect.
To Dnrvs Off Hats Take a
bunch of matches and soak them over
night in a teacupful of water; then
take out the matches, thicken the
water with indian meal to a stiff
dough, adding a spoonful of sugar
and a little lard, and lay it about t he
premises where the rats and nothing
else will get it. I have tried differ
ent kinds of exterminators w ith poor
success until I tried this. Rats are
now strangers about my premises,
and make short stops when they call,
and go away with a terrible squeak
and a griping in the stomach.
On the occasion of visiting the
cemetery ministerially on the 23d ult.,
Rev. C. W. Todd wrote as follows to
tho Advocate :
To-day, for the second time since
my recent arrival in this city, I !mve
visited our graveyard, either time to
see interred the remains of a little
child. The one. to-day was a sweet
babe of ten months, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bralley. They laid
their little one not by thc side of kin
dred dust, but among strangers, as
many have done before them, in this
land of strangers. .The same was not
true of the first ; "it joins partition
walls in its narrow house with two
brothers aud a sister of the same ten
der infant years. T.aey were the
loved treasures of Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Bacon. As I saw these fond pa
rents weeping as they nestled this
sweet form beside the three that had
passed on before, I wondered if thev
desired to call these little ones back
again to this world of sin and sorrow;
their forms sleeping so quietly, and
their spirits so happy in the presence
of Him who could stoop to bless a
little child. Is it not; "thought I, a
thing of blessed memory, to have
these d?ar little ones in 'that happy
land to beckon you thither, waiting
to greet you on that glad shore. How
beautiful, in anticipation, to see these
littla plants spring np side by side to
an immortal life ia the resurrection
morning. No, fond parent?, wish
them not to return to yon, only per
severe until you shall rest with them.
ExTErrsiPE Orncr,
Orcyou City, Dec. 1!, 18CS. j
Through favor of Wells, Fargo & Co.
wc have files of San Francisco papers up
to the 3d inst.
The Alia gives the following in explana
tion of the nature of tho San Francisco
markets :
Thc Grain market has been more firm
and steady without any considerable
transactions during the week. The nature
of the market is not generally borne in
mind, and some confusion arises at times
for want of perspicacity on the part of
market reporters. The wholesale market
here is the one which regulates prices, be
cause it is the one which takes off 5.000,
000 sacks out ot 7.000,000 sacks produced;
or, in other words, the whole crop, less
the 2,000.000 sacks rerpiired for seed and
consumption. The cargo purchases made
lor export constitute the wholesale mar
ket, while the sales of job lots for ilourinaj
is properly the retail market. The one is
distinct from the other. Sales are some
times made for local use at prices which
are no guide to what cargo lots could be
had for. For instance, by way of illustra
tion : The local demand is equal to about
oli.OOO sks milling "Wheat per month.
There may be a .short supply of milling
qualities, and millers may pay, say c l
for small lots ; at the same time there may
be a superabundant supply of shipping
qualities, for which there is little demand,
and it would be difficult to realize Si SO.
It is seen at once thai to quote the market
SI would give a very wrong idea to
holders id Wheat at a distance. Thc quo
tation of small lots sold for local use at
fancy prices, is erroneous. Jt does not
give any id.-a of the market. Again, there
may be a lair supply oi shipping W neat
u,,on tI.c ma;k-t. sav;).ooo sack. which
is offering at :?1 7". because the local trade
does not want it and exporters are not
buying ; at the same time the commission
houses usav be aware, from the mode in
which Wheat is held, that although a few
thousand sacks are offered them at SI 7a.
they could not buy full cargoes without
having to pay fl SO. They might, con
sequently, quote the market to their clients
at $1 7 ."(.. 1 f0, wiihout incurring the
charge of giving false report.
Instances might be multiplied where
the want of a proper distinction between
the wholesale and retail market has led
to wrong impressions. At this moment
there are few orders in the maiket. and
perhaps 1.000 tons could not he bought
under. SI on the other hand, 1.000
tons could not be fjohl ci 80. That is
uV?ut the u r n- c'.ir.e
wiocn hfts taken plac3 in freights, from
-.1 to 2 i:.s., is equal to 5 cents rise on
Wheat. That is. Wheat shipped at $1 75;
with freight 3. is equal to Wheat at 1
SO. with freight at Zl 13s. This decline in
freight Iras been due to the incrtne.-o of
the export trade. The vessels that come
under home charters must be loaded, and
purchases are made in that view. The
Wheat quotations from Liverpool is re
duced to 12s. "d. This quotation is uni
formly the price for California Wheat.
Thus Xov. cdi. Wheat was, bv cable here.
reported in Liverpool at 12s. 0d. The
mail confirms that li-'tue, but on 1h same
y.-.... vrkeat was rroorted iu New
. . ... - . - - j - -, -
lower than California AVheat. Private
telegrams are occasionally circulated for
speculative purposes, all'ecfing to throw
discredit upon tho cable ivports. but the
latter proves to be correct. For instance,
on the I.'tih of "November the cablo price
was 12s. -id. in Liverpool, aud certain par
ties here, being then buyers, circulated
' private telegrams'- that carso lots were
V, nt ) !!(!. in I .1 vermm' or 2s. ltd.
sold in Liverpool at Us. To-
the Liv
erpool price is 12s. :., a fall ot Id., and
" private U.degrasn'" sty that ' sales are
much higher.-'- The only safe nslw is to
abide by the cable. The price at this date
last Vi'ur declined in Liverpool from 17s.
to l;k say, Si 1 1 ( ? 'A) per sack. In
k the one.-', was 1 0.
I rnnce our last rt?;'ort there iu;s jjee
n a
i marked sti'iV.ess in the prices; a:-ked for
waeat. in i..aii:or:ua. otic uie iiu'.ir market i
i doubt that export orders are still being
triven cut but at rates which leave little if
fcivcu c.u, uat a -um. uc i.
any nr.irgni on present asking nucs or j
wheat, l-'or Oregon brands there, has j
been a good demand, and round sale.? - of
Imperial and aleni have been effected at :!
1 i
prices fully equal to tho current rates of
i?iui Francisco mills. The New York
market is reported: dull at S7tf-M2 V bar- !
Oafs seem to have reached their
zenith, and supplies of Oregon now ma
terially reduce tho prices eretoforo ob
V'e are in receipt of Harper's Monthly
Hagazine for November, a highly interest
ing number, closing the oTtii volume. A
full set of these publication.? would form j
almost as complete a library as one could j 1 ve niCSca,V-' that V1? b? 3our
wWif?r. Harper Brothers are the leading j yyQ Hcnv" 7rtf;ri5Sa beautiful
imbhstiors of America. Their veeidy 11- i
lustrated X wsonpor lias come to be reeoi.
nized as a standard work, anil their Ladies
Ihizaar is the most popular fashion paper
in the United States.
The Atlantic Monthly for December is
at hand, and as usual has a rica taole of
contents. Mr. Tieknor has retired from
thc fir in. and the I'ubliMung llnnsi is now
known as Fields, Or-good & Co., Boston.
Futnams" Monthly for December, pre
sents a rim array oi eoutriounoad nom
several authors of the United Slates. We
l, .. i;,.j, ,r s.ti-! I'Vcm s, '! ,.
ere- "One.aore ear aom i . u .1 a.mei,
" A day ..f Surprises-- by " irgmia A auglin
and an historical s'.udy upon Stonewall
Jackson, bv the author of "Lost Cause.--
together with the usual variety.
Jt-S" Now is the most titling time to pay
our holiday respects to the book market.
Books are the holiday staples after all.
Tows and kniek-nacks break; dowers fai
boa Ions molt: dress wears out : jewelry
changes fashion; but books survive as
joys tnrougtiout the morbu lorever Lnaii
also, what a prolongation of a holiday re
sults from the gift of a year's sub-cription
to a newspaper. Clinsuaas and isew
Year repeat themselves weekly, upon such
presents being bestowed. For s-'o 0 paid
in advance, we mail two copies of the E"
tkufkisk one year, as requested. Send
the paper to friends in the Eastern States.
Two copies one year. . '. S. u0
Four copies six months ." 00
Eight copies, throe m oaths 5 00
The Baptist Church at Albany,
was robbed on Friday of last week,
of tbe Sabbath School Scholar's con
tributions to the amount of $5.75.
The following proper! y belonQ'ing to
the deceased 1). E. Wallace and M S.
Coombes, w ill be sold at the Court House,
where the property is. lodged, on Momby
2 let December at 12 o'clock precisely,
terms cash coin. Bv order Probuto
riiorr.nrv ron salk.
1 Gold double cased watch,
1 " chain do.
1 Common silver watch,
1 Henry's Rifle & 200 cartridges,
1 Leather Trunk,
1 Fort mantan,
1 Xew suit of clothes,
A quantity old clothes, shirts, books. c.
F'air blankets.
Anl' many other articles.
I At the resilience oi toe m.ue s p.ucm.-.,
on the 2d of December, lMirf, by
Miner Mr. J. B. DAVID, of this city, and
Miss MAItY E. WEIGHT, of Hillsdale,
Clackamas County, Oregon.
t the residence of the brides' father,
Vonticello, V'. T.. November 29ih. by Rev
1). Ik Grav. Capt HIVING STEVENS.and
Sew Advertisements.
Siiiiln I fins'
Where my Head Quarters have Icai
HslaViishcd for the Past Seven
Years, and where I will
n uj:ixg the holidays.
That all may observe the
I Hcrcicith Issue tny Annual
1'itocL.AJiATiox : : r
J)t!ar Fcrthls and Children ! once more I
And wish you nood Cliflslmas, and ILipny
Vf!o Lc'.n
I've brought you glad tidings I've opened
once more !
'v Bv.'lnet of Wonders at MeCunnkk's
"Book Store !
I've spread out my treasures, so give me
a call
And view the nice GIFTS I've procured
" for you ail.
In Presents this year we've conveyed to
the town,
Try Ju-ccr'.s- new clipper, the swift SaUie
The stock's most complete! The assort
ment Comprise
t otiosities rare, ot ail ;,i;ap
e? and nil sizes!
I've Jjoilh . that ia'tkL'vv babhs -that
(Sumo, -erv handsome, I purchased in
; I've Fitsk that f an swim I've Jiooster;
! ,r.
who strive
io Eke oainre. you'd (kink ihen'r-
' Savnujs j.pd.s,
i n v i, n.r mj .i,- ;n
i Aml ''" lok civ neat w lien ta
. rxnk I
Fve j-v. and ri-iUs, their Christmas
to keep.
1 'vo Cand',:, Jl.fectors aad JJraekdsa.
T-. . i , .i-.' ,'i V ? , , . , ,
4 vo beautiful .ba.ivtds. (a nice gilt lor Ma.)
Aud liaudsomo Oyu- Stands suited
fur IV. !
While there's nothing so welcome to uncle
i 1 u'liii.
Asa beautiful port" nut of President Grant!
I've )Vork Bres handsome as ever were
With ladies" utensils ail nicely arrayed.
I've nice seits of China I've Vases cf
And Jf'.isical Bvxes that play at all hours.
I've Ear rut ure, 1 'Ukujcs, Steamboats, and
That gay little joker, called Jaekdndhc
Box !
I've Tables, and Dressers, for China or
tie If.
1 O r.lilK;
..11 ,r
ood children nmrrv at night.
; j.-,
or gWi6 a si-iiot
a nice SiJj'pln-j
And for family fun I've the rev.' Zoetrope!
I've Uanies that instruct, and Book, that
for Gifts to good people I never refuse,
I 1:1 'hb I've got aii that each heart could
To r.ame them all over your patience I'd
But call on me earlv. or call on me late.
I'll visit your houses all over this .State
, j u ahifigton"s clime in young Idaho
! I'm sure to find children w herever I go ;
j 1 e mucieu mr Years vou an must re-
ru lu, sixiy-nine at the end of December.
j My hair is all white, and my body doth
i tend
To the latest sensation the new Grecian
On Christmas Eve night, as in bed you all
With pack on my back down each chimney
1 Ul .".r.
, rn Jay OJU my QnU but ob , Hwiu be
Should I find a hole in anv one's .stocking!
j S(b JIf j'"'? ioods-lor Dolls sweet
as hoiiev.
Go to McCURMlCK'S you'll save half
your money 1
Nice Presents or Gifts any kind you re
You'll find at tho " Fka?;u
i. ,
(the num-
":i ... -
On Front Toreet, ne.irA.derlrt.,.
Li i;iet you can t miss it and when vera
Don't ask goods at cost, for you'll find, if
you try,
That gooda sold "at cost" always cost
verv hih 1
Ibit to purchasers all, this maxim I'd giv
, . Given at lay Palace, in Wond
s Given at lay Palace, in "VVonder-
-. i.. 8. - land. llii:i 7th day of tho two!
month., bring the second Year
I . . 1 .1 - . . t r
to-: iciLMi u uin iniru ueorge. in
the land of Vv'ebiV-ut.
Keeper of the Great Seal.
IV. . . : - i . i-
Tn G.orjc H. Treoh:
You are hereby notified that llanison
D. Wilson ha a spoiied at this ofiVo to enter
the lots !os. 2, :i, 4, 5 and (J, and thc Ei of S
W4 of Sec. 30, in T 4 S H 2 E, which tract is
covered by your pre-emption tiling of the "17th
February -,-; , alleging that you have aban
doned said land, and you are farther notined
that unless you appear within thirty days from
service hereof, and establish your rijMit there
to, that said land will be awarded to said Wil
son, and his entry allowed.
Las 1 Oilicc Oregon City, Pec. 7, 13G?.
OWEN WADK, ll.ififtcr,
5. It- 11 LINE Y WARE EN", lieccU-e,:
A. 1 lUclisirclsoift
1 TTOT1inTT.'Bn . 7
Ji ej o i i u a ri l li I
Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland.
Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchan
dise aud Horses,
Every Wednesday and Saturday
A. B. Kichardsox, Auctioneer.
Fnglish refined I'ar and Handle Iron ;
English Square rftnd Octagon Cast steel
Horse shoes, Files, Kasjis, saws ; '
Screws, Fry-paus, sheet iron, 11. G. Iron
also : '
A large assortment of Groceries and Liquor
A. D. Kichardsox, Auctioneer."
Forwarding Merchants,
Hawaiian and Oiegon Packet Lines. '
Importers of San Queutin und Carmen
Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coile
Kiee, and 1'ulu. '
Agents lor Provost s & Co. s Preserved
Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar.
Dealers in Hour, Grain, Bacon, Lard &
Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster.
Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship
ment of Merchandise or Produce in New
York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland.
Nos 2ui and 20o CaliforniseStreet,
San Francisco.
l(i North Front Street, Portland.
ftcw Advertisements.
313 Mission street, San Francisco.
-jLoon runiFiER and eexoya-
JL3 tor of the system. A certain on. fate
cure for all diseases. Made lroja the uativo
herbs of California.
r. il Mcdonald &. Co.
Druggists and Agents, Saa" Francisco and
Growers, and Wholesale and Helail
Dealers in
Xo. C'05 San some st., San Francisco.
t'S' Fields at San Ahtor.ia, Alanif-da Co.
Orders ty ruail from thc country promptly
yUUU to Agent.? to introduce tin?
V iisf.n Sewing Machine. Stitch vlik rn lik
sidr-s. Karepli-s on two week's trial. Extra
inducements to experienced Agents. For fur
ther particulars address the Wilson Sewing
Ma' hiue co., Cleveland, O.; Boston, Mass.; or
St. Louis, Ma
"Tobacco antidote,
"VT7"ATtllANTKI) io rein-ire all pesike ,-r
"f teco. i'nis great retnett.v lsanes-
ceuent appetizer, it rcniFiKs- tuk blood,
iu vii.iraf cs the system, possesses great
li.'eirijihinsr and strcntheuing power, en
ables the stoi!!ach to digest the lejai tk-.-t
food, makes slvt-p re freshintr.and cstahlhshes
rcb".st hetdth. S;i'd-vt's end Ch'tar jr
sV.y J""t'?'. Cured. Price Fiftr Cents j.-r
box, post ft eo. Cua bes-Jut any distance by
mail with perfect safety. A treatise on the
injurious eflects of Tobacco, with lists of
references, testimonials, Ac, sent iri
Agents wanted. Address Dr. T. It. AII
1XSTT, ."Jersey City. X. J.
The Great American Fulton Hole,
Oversea mi ng and Saving Machine.
Is the only machine invented doing every
kind of Sewing, besides making moat beantifr.t
and perfect button holes on any material, and
performing together IS varieties of work.
I' rice only $:0. Send for samples and circu
lars. A. "II. Suplee, sole ageat, 200 Kearny
street. San Francisco.
Holiday Journal New No Free.
For the Holidays '.f 1SGS-9, containing a
Christmas storv. Farler plays, Mafic sports,
Odd tricks, Qaoer Experiments, Problem?,
Puzzles, etc; 1G large pages, ii!utrateJ. irer.t
free. Address, .A dams Co., Publishers, 25
Croomheld street, Boston, Mass.
Cash L'rug House of
San Francisco & Sacramento,
Cal., and M I'latt Street, N. Y.
t:o-iili Oo.?i
Flew York, Japan & China,
Will be dispatched na follows :
Leave wharf corner of First aud Ilrannnn
streets, at 11 o'clock a. m. of the following
dates, for Panama, connecting via. Panama
K. IJ: with one of the company's spit-mild
steamers from Aspinwall for "ev York, on
Tlie GtH, 1-itH, tiZi and SOtli,
0 F K .1 C If M O V T II!
Steamers leaving PanFrancisco on tbe t4th
and 3oth toneh at Manzanillo. All touch at
Aeapulco. Departure of the 6th connects
with English steamer andAustralia. Depart
ure of tlie 14 th is expected to connect witN
the French Trans-Atlantic Go.'s steumer for
St. Nazaire, and English steamer fur South
America. Through tickets can be obtained.
Departure of lltTi is expected to connect
with English steamer for Southampton, South
America, and P. It 11: Co.'s steamer for Cen
tral America. Through tickets can be had.
Steamers for December 1SCS.
December rAh Montana. Gapt. West con-,
nceting with Akttka, Capt. firar.
1 )ece m ber Hth Golden City", Capt. Wm..
11 Hudson, couuectini with Eisitiir Star,
Cant. Kmir.
.,, , - ,..,. n., T ir
I Cavarlv, connecting with Jieiiry C hzuncey ,
Capt. Conner. .
! December noth Cnlmrl, Cant. K. S.
F;irnsworth, connecting with Arizona, Capt.
i-v" Passengers berthed through, lias--gage
checked throigh. loo lbs. allowed to,
eaeh adult. An experienced snrireoa on
! r)0::r.1. M ni nnr! :it f -.?i.l."L!-f- fret?.
o'clock. Passengers are requested to bave
their baggage on board before ten o'clock.
"p-fT" Through tickets to Liverpool by tho
Cunard, Innian and National steamship lines
can be obtained at tbe P. M. S.S: Co.'s ollico
in SanFraneisco, where may also be obtained
orders for pa-?snge from Liverpool or SoutU
nmpton to SanTfraucisco, either via New
'ot k or St. Thomas if desired an amount
of .10 or i.'-JO will be advanced with the
above orders. Holders of orders will be re
quired to identify them&c-Ives to the Agents
in England.
For merchandise and freight for New l orii
and way pot ts, apply to Wells, Fargo A Co.
No Freight received after 2 p. m. of tuo
dav prior to departure.
For passairc und all other information, ap
ply at the P.- M. S.S: Co.'s ofiiee, comer ot -Sacramento
and Leidesdorlf sts.
TJnlilnsnn & Lake
V Tin-ware trade as usual, at he est ib-
Corner f f;iti non ..