o i 1 71 JJ o o VOJLVUME :i. The Weekly Enterprise. .V INDEPENDENT PAPER, ton TUB Businessman, the Farmer ArUl the FAMILY CIRCLE. PVBLISHED. tlLHi AT THE OFFICE-Coma of Fifth and Main streets Owg0 Cjy. Ore proprMon THE EXTERPRTSE has been very well re ceived during the time of its iniUieaUon, by gentlemen of distinction in the State, Jl0 recommend it as a journal valuable for Eastern circulation. Such ire shall endeavor to continue to make it. THE WEALTH OF OREGON shall at all times constitute the paramount interest to ' which our columns will be devoted. Every jcea-ure for the good of the State, whether of pritats or public interest, irrespective ot i.artv, will find in us an advocate and a de fender, to the extent of our ability. We shall aim to attract the attention of the millions of POPULATION AND MONEY seeking profit able places, to that channel which iS now making this the fioci of the globe, and ren dering Oregon with other PaeiSc Statcs.the graneries of the world, with a centre of trade second to none. AUniCl'LlTRE will continue to receive that attention which it merits, at the liar.ds of every intelligent Journalist. " The Farmer f( ,d lU at!. THE MARKETS will be watched carefully, and such information as we shall be able to compile will be publishet . JUAXUKACTUUEUS are earnestly requested to inform us with respect to those various ""interests, to the end that we may be able to m.ike the Enterprise as near an encyclo-pxdi-i of the business of Oregon as can be. TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION: le Copy one year $3 00 " six nionius - Three months 1 b0 CLUB RATES: Five Copies. 1 year, $2 50 each. . . .$12 50 S3- In which case an, extra copy will be sunt to the person forming the Club, and as an inducement to such persons, with a view v( extending our circulation, One Dollar and Twenty-Five Cent Will be allowed as Commis.-ion on each addi tional five Subscribers. Thus any person who will interest himself in the matter, may f-ecure the paper free and receive a liberal compensation for his services. US-Rm'Utunces to be made at the risk of Subscribers, and at the expends of Agents. TERMS of ADVERTISING Transient advertisements, including all legal notices, y sq. of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50 1 00 For each subsequent insertion One Column, one vear Half " " Quarter " " Uuainess Card, 1 square one year. . . $120 00 00 to 12 BOOK AX I) JOB PRINTING. .5- The Enterprise office is supplied with be-.uiiii'u!, unproved styles of type, and mod ern MACHINE PRESSES, which will enable the Proprietor to do Job Punting at nil times Neat, Quick and Cheap ! JO Work solicited. C. IRELAND, Proprietor. JJ USIXESS CARD S. JJENTOX K1LLIN. Oregon. City, Oregon. OFFICE la Charman's Brick Block, up stairs. j)U.F. BARCLAY, jySJSlo JZ3a2L &Z2o 33L-9 (Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. II. B. Co.) OFFICE- At Residence, Main street Ore gon City, Oregon. T II. V ATKINS, M. D., ' SURGEON, Portland, Oregon. OFFICE 95 Front street Residence cor ner of M tin and Seventh streets. V JM FERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaHoqtie & Co., OREGON CITY. COveep constantly on hand fot sale, Hour Mailings, Bran aud Chicken Feed, Parties purching feed must furnish the sacks. yfX. BROUG1ITON. Contractor and Builder, Main st., OREGON CITY. VS- Will attend to all work in his line, con sisting iu part of Carpenter and Joiner woik framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly attended t . jJa vid slimi, Successor to SMITH d- MARSHALL, Blaclc-Smith and Wagon Jfaker, Comer of Main and Third streets, .Oregon City Oregon. -B!acksniuYmg in all its branches; Wag on making and repairing. All work warrant ed to frive saUi-fiU-tion. K OS1IL AND 1UIOTIIERS, PORTLAND AUCTION ST0EE, 97 Pirst sC, Portland, Xext Door to Post Office. Importers and Jabbers of Staple and Fancy Pry Goods. Ur.ua bags, Uurlap3, furn Mimg Goods. 65, We pay the highest cash price for Wool, Furs, and liidca. YRM3?S & DALL AAL ZiirOUTEKS A NO JOBBEr.S OF Wood and Willow Ware. Brushes, 2'tc'uics, Cordage, etc., AND SIAXTFACTfRF.RS OF Brooms, Pails, rlibs, Washboards. -c 15 A 217 Sacramento st., San Francisco. 113 Maiden Lane. N. V. Cily. JMES L. DALY, (Late Dalv & Stevens,) G EN EE A L A G E N T, Office No. 104 Front street, Portland, Will give special attention to Collecting snd adjustment of accounts, bills and notes; Negotiating Inland bills ; effecting- loans ; buying, scUingand leasing read estate; house renting, and to the general agency business in all its branches. John. Nestor, Architect, OFFICE IN CARTERS BUILDING, Frout St., Portland Orc-on. FIRST-CLASS RESIDENCES, Business Houses, Halls, Churches, Tenements, Cottages, Suburban Residences, and -M.L INSCRIPTIONS OF UKICK AND FRAME Buildings Designed and Planned With accuracy, and scrupulously and faith fully Mtperititemiei. T"Owner; interests ijnoia-, :i par j 10 Hi BUSINESS CARDS. LADD & TILT ON, BANKERS, rouTuxn, Oregox. Win give prompt attention to collections, and other business appertaining to Banking Sight and Telegraphic Exchange On San Francisco and the Atlantic States for sale. Government Securities bought and sold. Qy. FERRY, BROKER, Portland. Oregox. tor. Front and JVashington Sts. Agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and Manhat tan Life Insurance Company. IFfCovcrnment Securities, Stocks,Bonds and Real Estate bought and sold an Com mission. W. c. JOHNSON". K. O. M COWS. Notary Public. JOHNSON & McCOWN, Oregon City, Oregon. W Will attend to all business entrusted to our care in any of the Courts of the State, Collect money .Negotiate loans, sell real estate etc. Particular attention given to contested Land cases. J. H. MITCHELL. J. N DOLPII. m A. SMITH. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Laio, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors iti Admiralty. srW Office oer the old I'ost Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. A. C. CilBBS. Notary Pulli c. w. rAiuttsn, and Com. qUetdg. GIBBS & PAKRISH, Atlorveys and Counselors at Law, Portland, Oeegox. OFFICE On Alder street, in Carter's brick block. JOHN IYI. BACON, Justice of the Peace d- City Recorder. Office In the Court House and City Council Room, Oregon City. J63 Will attend to the acknowledgment of deeds, aud all other duties appertaining to the business of a Justice of the Peace. Dr. J, H. HATCH" Late Mack Hatch, .v5ggav T-v -n tvt m t t rrt 1 t.S.Tvj.:'tfhj U Jj 1 X 1 O 1 ; The patronage of those desiring First Class Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. B. Nitrous Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office Corner of Washington and Fron streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington street. JENTAL NOTICE. " HOME AGAIN. During my tour of two years in the Eastern States I have spared neither time nor monev to make invse'f per fectly familiar with and master of my pro fession. Those desiring the best work that the nature of the case will admit of eanlind me at my olliee, 107 Front street, two doors above McCormiek's Book Store, Portland, Oregon. BR. J. G. GLENN. GKMriCEY BALL, iiuccrxmir to O radon cf; Co., MAN UP ACT l HKH OF Wagons & Carriages, '201 and 2v-i Front st., Portland, Oregon. OCT" Wagons of every description made to order. GencralJolbing done with neatness and disfxitch. A LARGE jN VOICE OF NEW Sunday School and Gift Books ! -J7R0.U THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE .L ty and Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jefferson st. between" 2J and 3d, Portland, Oregon. G. II. ATKINSON, Secretary, 52.1 y 1 and Treas. Oregon Tract So c CLAEK GREENMAIL City Drayman, 3iO 0JIEG0XCITY. fLI- All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freipht of whatever des cription, to any part of the city, will be exe cuted promptly and with care. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 1849, at the old stand, Main Strict, Oregon CUrj, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, and Scth Thomas' weight Ciocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. Repairing uone on short notice, 1 and thankful for past favors. A. II. CELL. E. A. r IKKEB. BELL & PARKER. I EUGGLSTS, AND DEALERS IX Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes, And every article kept in a Dru Store. Main Street, Oueson City. Robinson fe Lake YTII.L CONTINUE THE STOVE AND Tin-ware trade as usual, at the estab lished EMIGRANT STOKE, Curiier of Front and Salmon sft., Portia nt, Oregon. A. J. MONROE. W. A. K. 31 ELLEN. NIMBLE WORK. MONROE & MELLEN, Dealers in California, Vermont, and Italian Marbles, Obelisks. Afonu- ?ncnts, Head and Foot sloncs, Salem Oregox Mantles and Furniture Marble furnished to ortier. 1 to ANDiiEW WILLIS. WM. r.KOVGTITOX WILLIS & BR0UGHTGN. Having purchased the interest of S. Cram, in the well known LIVERY STABLER vne uoor ui j-iceisior market. Oregon City, announce-that thev will at all times keep good horses ard carriages to let, at reasonable rates, liorses bought and sold cr kept by the day or week. Oregon Seed Store ! R. E. CHATFIELD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden and Field Seeds of all Kinds, PRODIXE AXD COMMISSION". First street, Portland Oregon, y, w, - Tir-, ii.-. OREGON CITY, OREGON, SATURD AY, BECEMBEI112' 1868. PATIEXCE. Why should we murmur, though the storm Is all around us raging? Though angry clouds the skies deform Like battle hosts engaging? An unseen hand the storm king guides As on the wintry wind he rides, And up above the tempest lines The sun in all his glory shines. VThy should we murmur though the ills Of life around us hover? Though through the gloom that nature fills No light we can discover? The arm that guides the tempest king Shall bear us through all suffering, And gently lead us to the shore Where sin and death are known no more. The wintry storm the earth prepares For verdure bright aud vernal ; So oftentimes our wearying cares Fit us for joys supernal. Then murmur not though griefs befall ; With patient heart endure them all Keep but the journey's end in view, And God shall lead thee safelv throurh. FEitrETUAL Presence of Christ. A Christian should make his Savior a perpetual companion everywhere, and on every day of the week. Christ offers to walk with him iu every day's journey of life. What compaa ionship so enlivening and so purifying as His; who else can make our hearts so burn witbiu us by the way ? Christ's presence with believers is one of the best preventives from sin ; one of the best stimulators to duty. Jesus is " made unto us sanctificas tion'' as well as redemption. That is His is a spirit of holiness. And when he lives in hourly communion with Jesus it has a tendency to make us holy. The sense of Christ's immediate presence is a perpetual check upon our lusts a perpetual spur to our self indolence. Are we provoked to cutting words or irritating retorts? One look from the gentle, all-forgiving Jesus should be enough to seal the lip and to smooth the ruftled brow. Are we ever tempted to keen bargains and overreaching in business? Selfishness sa7.", " All is fair, others do it, it is the custom of our trade.'7 Rut what will the pure and holy Jesus say ? How will our account book look to Ilim when He " audits" them ? And so on all through the calendar of duties and the circle of daily temp tations. With my Savior beside me. how will I dare to play the coward, or the cheat, or the trifler, or the sensualist, or the trickster ? No where will Christ's presence be more cheering and sustaining than iu the weariness of the sick room, or under the silent shadows of a creat bereavement. " Christ comes to me in the watches of the night,'' said the bedridden saint, Ilalburton : "He draws aside the curtains and says : It is I ; be of good cheer ; be not afraid. Here 1 lie pained with pain ; without strength, and yet strong." And when Lbe last farewells have been spoken through the sobs of the dying hour, this never failing Friend will sweetly whisper, " Fear not, I am with thee. Where I am ye shall be also. Having loved my own, I will love them until the end." Notable Dreams. A writer in the London Argosy says : Doctor j McNish, " happening to sleep in amp sheets, dreamed that he was dragged through a stream.'' Doctor Symonds witnessed in his sleep what he thought was a prolonged storm of thunder, which he was afterwards able to trace to the light of a candle brought suddenly into the dark room where he had fallen asleep. He re .ites that a person having a blister applied to his head fancied that he was scalped by a party of Indians. I remember, when a boy, sleeping in a strange house, in an old fashioned room, with an oaken store-cupboard over the bed. I dreamed that I was jeing murdered : the assassin struck me on the head, and I awoke with a sense ot pain m tnat region. 1 ut- ting my hand to tny forehead, I found it sticky with blood ! I felt too ill to crv for help : but at lemrtb. I alarmed the household, and on pro curing a light, it was found that some ermented jam had leaked through the bottom of the cupboard and fal len upon my head in a small sluggish stream. From observation, reflection and experience, we nave conduced mat for all in any degree suffering from the use of stimulants, total abstinence 13 tne moss tuecuu muiuuv. u ., t n- . : A TV fou'bt this opinion for fifteen yeara. While deprecating saloon dram- drinking, we were very jotn to mve up the fascinating social nresiae eve-i nino- o-lass of toddy. The pleasure therefrom derived was anticipated hours iu advance. Yet to it we were at last obliged to trace much head ache, languor, depression of spirits, and worse than all, an evtr-recurring desire for a little taste of the creature at odd times and occasions. It was only ou renouncing it entirely that we felt on a safe foundation. Head aud ponder. Ex. --- A Texas paper publishes the following notice : " Persons .wishing their marriage or obituary inserted, will please send or hand it in." Rather i difficult request to be coinpli with IIoiv t!e Northern Piicitic Railroad Project I Opposeil. The Sioux City Branch Road, con necting with the Union Pacific, is now attracting the attention of the advo cates of the Northern Pacific, be cause, in building it the provisions of the section authorizing its coa. struction are evaded.4 In the act of 18G2, incorporating and subsidiziug the Union Pacific Railroad, authority was "given the company to build a road from Sioux City, Iowa, to con nect with the former on the nearest and most practicable route. For this purpose, the liberal subsidy of $10,000 per mile was granted, iu ad dition to the usual land grant. This is what is now known r.s the Sioui City Branch Road, and it was in tended to connect with a Road from Lake Superior to Sioux City, thus affording direct communication from a point on the Union line with the above named lake. From a certain point on said road about one hundred miles west of Sioux City, it is at least one hundred miles nearer to the head of Lake Superior than to Chicago. The construction of this road would be of vast beneGt to the country through which it must pass and the territory contiguous to it. Instead of building the road, however, as con templated in the law, says the Helena (Montana) Herald, by the nearest practicable route and in a direct line from Sioux City to the Union Pacific Road, it runs from Sioux City down the valley of the Missouri river, in the State of Iowa, for seventy-two miles, crossing the Missouri above Omaha, and striking the Union Pacific at Fremont, on the Platte river. For the first sixty ..eight miles of the road, according to the Minneapolis (Minn.) Tribune, every mile after they leave Sioux City takes them from instead of towards the Pacific ocean ; and after sixty eight miles ride, the trav eler finds himself twenty miles farther from the Pacific coast than he was when he left Sioux City. Prom Sioux City to Fremont, by the road, tlie distance is one hundred miles, and Fremont is but six miles nearer the Pacific coast than Sioux City. In brief, the Sioux City Company have built a Pacific Branch Road one hun dred miles Ion?, for every mile of which they have received a subsidy of 810,000 in government bonds and a land grant of 12,800 acres, and at the end of it, they are only six miles" nearer the Pacific than at'the poinf of departure. Had the road been built as provided by law, " iy the shortest practicable route," ninety six miles of road would have joined the Union Pacific at -Columbus, forty five miles nearer the Pacific ocean than the one hundred miles actually built. This was not only a flagrant violation of the express provisions of the law authorizing the construction of the road, but it was an unfriendly act to Minnesota, which has justly excited the ire of the people of that State. The St. Paul Press, in par ticular, is very warm in its denuncia tion of the road built, and says that Minnesota is thus swindled out of the great advantages which the direct route would have given them over Chicago, and that the country is swindled out of the advantages which it would have derived from the sav ing of hundreds of miles of railroad transportation for the vast commerce of the Pacific, especially of heavy freights ; and the Sioux City Branch is reduced to a mere local connection, and deprived of absolutely all its im portance as an avenue of Pacific trade and travel. The farther aud most important object of the Union Pacific of which the Sioux City Road is simply a feeder in building the branch contrary to law, was appar ently to strike a blow at the North ern Pacific Road. We say that the ion Road built the branch, which is true. Although the Sioux City Company is distinct from the Union, yet it is controlled by the latter, as are and will be all feeders to the great monopoly. Under the specious guise of proffers of subsides or other aid to roads now in course of con struction, which can by any possi bility be brought in connection with their - own, nnd thus inflate their power, the Union management are gradually bringing them all under their immediate control, and making them subservient to their own ends. thereby increasing the difficulties in the way of the friends of the more favored route the all important Northern Pacific. We shall have more to sav, at an other time, regarding the danger now existing" that the Union Pacific will become a monopoly that will effectu ally control Congress, and block the wheels of legislation in aid of rival roads. In iron manufacture, it is rc ported that in Staffordshire, England, 275 tons of coal are consumed iu producing 100 tons of iron ; in York, shire, England, 220 tons of coal are used ; in Charleroi, Belgium, 165 tons of coal, and in Marquaise, Fraucc, 145 tous of coal. The French system of producing iron is said to be the most ecouomical in use. An European astronomer pre dicts that in August next, there will be a comet of such brilliancy in the heavens and so near the earth that we shall have our nights almost as light as day. Some Facts about Earthquakes. A Washington correspondent of the New York Herald contributes the following : The recent earthquakes in South America and California have created a desire to know what part of the United States is most liable to these terrible convulsions. During the winter of 1811-12 a portion of the Mississippi Yalley, above and below New Madrid, ex tending even up as fur as Cairo, was convulsed to such a degree as to create lakes and islands, and had the country been thickly inhabited it would have been attended with great loss of life. A tract near Little Prairie became covered with water, and a large lake, many miles in ex tent, was formed in the course of an hour. The village of New Madrid, together with the batik of the river for 15 miles above it, was sunk be neath the water, and the revulsion was such as to force all boats and other material afloat at the time up the stream some 12 or IS miles. The earth rose in great undulations, and when they reached a certain height the soil burst and vast volumes of sand, water and a singular substance resembling coke were discharged. The general directions of the chasms were from southwest to northeast. Iudeed earthquakes may be said to bo chronic throughont a section of the country embracing southeastern Missouri, Northern Arkansas and In dian Territory. Convulsions and tremblings of the earth's surface are of monthly occurrence in many por tions of the district, so common and slight as to excite little attention, but are of importance as showing a con stant babilit' to serious calamity. Among the Ozark mountains there are several extinct volcanoes and one that has shown activity within the past three years. A slight volcauic eruption occurs regularly every twen ty four hours two o'clock in the morning at the hot Springs in Iudi an Territory, west of Arkansas. A loud report is heard, accompanied with an eruption of mineral, oil and water the latter hot enough to boil eggs. The volcanic tendencies of this portion of the Union has seriously retarded its settlement. Rich Mis sissippi bottom lands in the vicinity of New Madrid cannot be sold for ten dollars per acve, while similar lands fifty miles north or south readi ly bring $100 or over. It may be worthy of remark lhat the chasms opened by the Mississippi Valley earthquake of 1 S 1 11 2 were similar in appearance and at right angles with those of the great convul sion in Chile in the year 1835, which extended three hundred miles west ward to the island of Juan Fernan dez, elevatiug some 100,000 square miles of the bed of the 6ea above high water mark. It is estimated that the amount of rock added to the contentment by the last named earth quake was sufficient to form a moun tain higher than Etna, with a circum ference of thirty-fiTe miles, or equal in bulk to one hundred thousand Egyptian pyramids. In view of these and many similar facts, can we continue in the belief that great changes of climates and of the earth's surface are the work of remote periods only and have ceased ? Has our planet got its growth ? Ladies Should Head Newspapers. It is a great mastake iu female edu cation to keep a young lady's time and attention devoted to ' only fash ionable literature of the day. If you would qualify her for conversation, you must give her something to talk about give her education with the actual world, with the outward world, and its transpiring events. Urge her to read newspapers, and become familiar with the present character and imnrovements of our race. History is ot some import --. n . . . . ance ; but the past world is dead, we have nothing to do with it. Our thoughts and our concerns should be for the present world ; to know what it is and improve its condition. Let her have an intelligent opinion, and be able to sustain intelligent convert sation concerning the mental, moral and religious improvements of our times. Let the gilded annuals and poems ou the center table bo kept part of the time covered with weekly and daily journals,, Let the whole family, men, women and children, read newspapers. -Among the gifts to a newly ! married pair at a town in New Jer sey, a short time since, was a broom sent to the lady, accompanied with the following sentiment : " This trifling gift accept from me, Its n.-e I would commend ; In sunshine use the brushy part, la storms the other end." -Novel Kace. A race or a singu lar character took place at the Driv ing Park, Lincoln, Illinois, recently. A man was matched to run two hun dred and twenty yards while a horse was to make four hundred and torty vards. both to start at the sound of the bell. The man won an easy vie tory. -a Claims the Belt. An Illinois editor claims the champion dunner's belt for a gentleman of Jacksonville, iu that State, who dunned a man on his Wfis in chnrcb. and compelled payment before he would allow him to resume his prayer Henry VarI Becclier's Farm. A correspondent of the Canada Farmer, thus describes a visit to the farm of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, at Peekskili, N..Y : We spent an afternoon there very pleasantly. in the society of the gifted proprietor, and his interesting family. Mr. Beecher's farm consists of thirty six acres, having a narrow frontage, and sloping up a considerable distance from the stretch of table land below, so that it commands a Gne panoramic view of the picturesque region about Peekskili, and takes into the scenery a beautiful sweep of the original farm house, somewhat improved since it came into Mr. Beecher's possession, and forming a comfortable but un pretentious family residence, and a large, handsome barn, roofed with variegated slates, and evincines the taste at once of the architect and owner. Mr. Beecher cultivates his domain in the meantime as a vegetable and fruit farm, and it reflects no small credit on his management that last year the salts off it amounted to $4,600 an average of $100 per acre Per contra mu it be reckoned the wages of seven men during the work ing season, outlay for manure, team expenses, &c. Mr. Beecher is a bet ter and more practical farmer than we expected to find him. He under stands the theory and principles of agriculture thoroughly, and is mak ing intelligent application of them on his little estate, which he is managing not so much for the sake cf present profit, as with an eye to making a pleasant home when he retires from active ministerial duties. Most of his land has been thorough ly stirred to the depth of fifteen iuches. It is thoroughly enriched with barnyard and artificial manures. Apple, pear, plum, and peach or chards are planted, and a large vine yard set out. These are protected by evergreen screens and hedges, or rather will be when the young trees become large enough. Shade and ornamental trees are growing up to adorn a spot which already possesses extraordinary attractions, and will be a delightful place when tue owner's plans are carried out. Mr. Beecher has large plantations .of strawberries, raspberries and black berries, grows early potatoes, lima beans, melons, " ruta bagas," and sweet corn extensively, and has not only a bright and beautiful array of flower-beds close to his house, but seems to grow them promiscuously all over his farm. A good sized patch of "ruta bagas'' (or Swede turnips, as we should call them,) is fringed with three rows of dwart as ters which are just coming into pro- bloom. Mr. Beecher is pas sionately found of flowers, and likes to have them wherever he is, even in the pulpit. We were glad to learn from him that his example ot high farming is doing his neighbors good, and that a perceptible improvement has taken place, siace las advent, in the style of husbandry about Peek skill. Such will always be the effect of growing uniformly good crops through the combined application of liberal manure and skilled labor. PRrxTS ox Aitles axd Pears. A friend who has lately been on a visit to the " Hub of the Universe," writes us thus : " I have just seen a very pretty and fanciful iiea developed ou pears and apples, in the orchard of a friend at AVest Roxbury, Massachusetts. As you ramble among the trees, you are ever and anon saluted by an iu scription upon the fruit, done as it were by the hand of nature" herself. On some you will find the names of favorite political candidates. Here you meet with the famiii ir names of Mary, or -Alice, or a date (1SGS) in brief, everything that may suggest itself to your taste or fancy ; and all done in the skin of the fruit, without abrasion of any foreign impression. The discovery was made by the Hon Arthur W. Austin, of W est Roxbury, in 1S51-2. He observed, during the former year, that apples did not red den in that nartof tiie fruit where leaf happened to lie upon it. In 1352 he cut out letters from newspapers, and, when the apples were yet green, he pasted them upon them with paste such as the apothecaries use, made of gum tragacauth. The apples would reddea in all parts not covered by the pasted letters. When the fruit had reddened to perfection, the letters were removed, and they would appear permanently outlined in green. So, again, when he pasted on the ap ple a paper in which the letters were, cut out, the parts covered by the pa per would bo green aud the letters would appear distinctly turned in red, the greeu ground surrounding them. The experiment is a very pretty one, and produces a happy effect let our fruit growers try it. How much sweeter must be the relish of apple or pear if the name of the favorite should thus appear on it, as if written by the hand of nature. What a su perior price such fruit, so inscribed, would command in market, and what a pretty present it would be to any lady at a feast." . , The proprietor of a forge, not remarkable for correctness of Ian guage, but vfho, by honest industry, had realized a comfortable independ- ence. being called upon at a social meeting for a toast, gave " Success to 5 IIOOIvEK. From the Alantic Monthly for December.' This capacious soul was lodged Iti one of the feeblest of bodies. . Physi-, ologists are never weary of telling us that masculine health is necessary to the vigor of the mind ; but the vast mental strength of Hooker was inde pendent of his physical constitution. His appearance in the pulpit conveyed no idea of a great man. Small iu stature, with a low voice, using no gesture, never moving his person or lifting his eyes from his sermon, he seemed the very impersonation of clerical incapacity and dullness ; but soon the thoughtful listener found his miud fascinated by the. automaton speaker ; a still, devout ecstasy breathed from the pallid lips ; thc profoundest thought and the most ex tensive learning found calm expres sion in the low accents ; and, more surprising still, the somewhat rude mother tongue of Englishmen was heard for the first time from the lips of a master of prose composition, de monstrating its capacity for all the purposes of the most refined and most enlarged philosophic thought. In deed, the serene might of Hooker's soul is perhaps most obviously per ceived in his style, -in the easy power with which he wields and bends to his purpose a language not yet trained into a ready vehicle of philosophical expression. It is doubt ful if any English writer siuce his time has shown equal power in the con struction of long sentences, those sentences in which the thought, and the atmosphere of the thought, and the modifications of the thought, are all included in one sweeping period, which gathers clause after clause as it rolls melodiously on to its foreseen conclusion, and having the general gravity aud grandeur ot its modulated movement pervaded by an inexpres sibly sweet undertone of individual sentiment. And the strength is free from every fretful aud morbid quality which commonly taints the perform ances of a strong mind lodged in a sickly body. It is as serene, whole some, and powerful. comprehensive as it is A lady in Boise Valley who has been devoting her time and attention to teaching and raising flowers, writes her experience to the California Farmer, from which we extract : Have I not reason to sing and be glad ? Only a little time ago the world looked so dark and dreary. Never can we forget the heartache and utter desolation of spirit we en dured when calling at the dry goods stores, book stores, and other places, seeking employment as a saleswoman; to all these was not an exception I one said, " Ave don t believe iu wo man's rights." We besought with tears a place to work at one-half the salary paid to young men. " Only take me on trial, I am sure I can try to please you. " No' the answer M t lit J 1 came, we siioum tosc customers; then, " a woman's place is at home I ' What mockery ; Home! ics,home, and yet not a home 1 because rent must be paid, wood bought, provisi ons, lights, everything, and the act ive brain, and strong arms that car ried this burden were gone forever. No wonder thousands of women are hurried on to swift destruction. Oh ! that they knew the balm there is in the blessed sunshine and crisp frosty mornings, and the sweet satisfaction in sleeping, resting and singing, while the elements combine their powers to make her food grow. If old Ben. Franklin and Prof.-Morse were made happy by chaining the lightning making it subservient to their will why should not every toiling woman be equally happy when she wakes up to the fact that sho can, by simplest means, take into her service the nat ural elements . and compel them to grow for her own use, luscious fruit, delicious vegetables.and golden grain"? Slowly we cry Eureka' we have found it"! We can earn bread and hnnlcs clothincr and comforts, and many more - luxuries than any work in woman, or a dweller of cities. We can stay at home, play with the baby, do our own sewing, keep house, write letters, read papers, and enter tain company, go out as often as we wish. Iu a word, feel independent, healthy and happy, no annoyance ot seekintr work, no temptation to un dc-rnrice a poor woman to obtain it, no time spent in collecting bills from house to house The fruit from our garden has been sold at remunerative prices. The larger number of purchasers came to the house with their own carriages after it. Ladies come from towns twenty miles distant to buy slips of roses and verbenas, and later in the season for strawberry plants This seemingly barren hill-side has in two seasons given us a larger sal arv than has been paid to any woman roar-hrr in the Union schools of the country. A strange murder was recently committed at Lyons. Two men at tacked a woman named Jacotot as she was entering her house, tied her hands, foced some corrosive liquor down her throat, and then threw her intr the mnddv stream called Suzon. Sho managed to crawl out of the ( river and reach the nearest house, 1 but was unable to speak, and died iu (,a few minutes. I . the: ixthirrx caxai. , Oa this- sutjoet we fend the fo!lbv-' ingiri a late Eastern journal r . The idea-of a "canal across the Isth muswhich varies in width from H little more than 100 miles to sOiae thing' less tKan, SO miles was broach ed as' early as the days of Philip If, of Spain ; and a partial survey was"' made by his authority, about the year" 1528. But insuperable difficulties were met 'with, aud th6 idea was abandoned. 1826 the plan "Was re vived by a New Grenadiau engineer, and a route 'surveyed. Another and more formal survey: was rh'ark;, by authority of Bolivar, in 1827-29. lit 1813 the French'surveyed for a canal, and obtained a favorable report ; and from that time to the' building' of" the' ' Pauama Railroad, 1850-55, the sub ject continued to be agitated, but without any practical results. Now, however, it is to be hoped tha, the set time has come to begin this miich mooted and most important interna tional undertaking. The present proposed plan is rto build a canal large enough; to allow any ship in tha world, except the Great Eastern, to pass from ocean to ocean, without unloading; and to have it free to all nations, and neu tral ia all wars. . Vessels are to pass and repass by paying a stipulated sum per ton and pef passenger ; the ports at either end to be free except for goods intended for consumption in the Republic of Colombia. The charge on ships' in ballast is hot to exceed 75 cents a ton. $2 a ton.- loaded with merchandise, orrd on passengers $10 a head may be charg ed. The company is to hare a grant from the Government of exclusive right of way for 90 years, - and is to pay the ; Columbian - Government O per cent, of the clearing profits for 25 years, and 8 per cent, for 75 years, for this privilege. A Singular Bird: James Henry, of Mound ' City, Illinois, - 6n Surrday, the 13th ultimo, shot a new and com paratively unknown bird on the Ken tucky shore, opposite that city, which is thus described by the Cairo DeinOi crat r - It is larger than the ostrich, and; weighs lOi pounds. The body of this wonderful bird is covered Citk snow-white down, and its head of a fiery red. The wings, of deep black, measure 15 feet from tip to tip, arid' the bill, of a yellow color. 23 j'neheg Its legs are slender and sinewy, peaV grccu in color, and measure 48 inches in length. . One of the feet resembles" that of a duck, and the other that oT a turkey. Mr. Henry shot it at a distance of 100 yards, from the top most branch of a dead tree,- pTeyfus-upon-a full sized sheep that it had' carried from the ground; A mao who was in the habit of constantly frequenting a cabaret 6b.' the Versailles road, near Paris, was"1 observed by the mistress to be sit ting with his glass empty before him.- What will you take V said the' woman. Uh, nothing more, ' was the reply. " I have but forty sous, and I must buy some charcoal 16' stifle myself with." " Oh. that's" very foolish' rejoined . the landlady,- who thought he was joking ; "with1 two -penny tforth of cord you coulif hang yourself, and by that arrange ment you could have some mora money to' spend in drink.'' " Upon' my word, you're right said the man and he spent thirty-eight of his re maining sous in drink. On Saturday morning he was uiscovered nauging- -1 - to a tree. A Rochester urchin uncouseiou'g- ly perpetrated a great joke at the ex pense of his teacher, announcing to' her pupils the holiday of February 223, and asking them some ques tions concerning its observance ; among others, why the birthday of Washington should be celebrated more than mat 01 any t no eie. Wbv," she added, more than mine, lou may.ien me; sue sia to a little fellow eager to explain " Because," he exclaimed, with great vivacity, "because he never told a lie." " How many regular steady boarders are there m this house t asked a census taker of a Servant fir I. mere s uueeu uoarueis iu an, r r. 1 1 r -It . sir ; but not mor'n four of ern is steady, sir." Oa a recent trial, an Irishman; with characteristic obliquity 61 specbh; after scratching his head1, Said ? " Plase ycr Honor, 1 do' not rcmcm bcror if I do, I forget it now' At Biarritz, last summer; the Russian Princess Garlitzart was one of the boldest swimmers. She would go out a mile or more, attended 6n!y by a big black dog. -e-- : - After Charles Snmncf nad closed his speech at the Chinese' banquet in Boston, some amusement; was caused by the band striking uo " Champagne' Charlie." A : A Western editor reentry m'ar ried One of his compbsitors, another acting as bridegroom, the o&cJatrng clergyman being a retired printer and the local editor giving tha br j!p sway.- " ( n r,T? BANCROFT LIBRARY, -1 ATTnrp-C V - -' -.- .- -.. .,- .j ,r '