0. O o f di o o i3 n I o o o f o O o 0 O o S o O o G 0 O o 0 if Oregon Oity, Oregon , 9. C. IRELAXD, EDITOR AXD PECrRIETOR. Saturday Nov. 21, 1363. St. Joe claims thirty thousand. a population of California is shipping potatoes to Japan. -The West Iudia rebels are de stroying valuable property. During the l&st twenty-five years the Odd Fellows have educated 45 O90 children in this country. White Pine district, a new sil ver region in Nevada, is said to out -do Washoe or Owyhee. The wedding of Speaker Colfax -and Miss Wade took place at A ndover on Wednesday. Ressin, the great Italian musical composer, aged-77, died on the 15th in Paris. A mob destroyed the Eensley ilouriDg mill3 and dam, on Clear Lake outlet, California, on the 15th. eon overflow of lands. Ilea Sacramento thinks, and so does Portland, that the best part of San Francjsco will move up for firmer footing, since the last earthquake. -The schooner Lulu, built at ' Port Madison, "was successfully 'launched on the 13th inst. She is -said'tobe the fiuest vessel ever built -on the coast. II. T. Helmbold thought to do something " nice," no doubt, when he gave $40,000 to the New York City Seymour corruptionists. He had better have given it to the Widows' and Orphans' fund. . . The Tammany Hall Democracy want to cast all the votes for Grant. This is surely a good move of theirs, but will they remain surrendered if we take'their votes, or will they not try to hoodwink Union men worse and worse, in four years from now ? The Post's Washington special soys the British government has con- - ceded the point at issue in the San Juan business, by agreeing to withv 3raw the joint occupancy of the island. 'This gives the United States control of Puget Sound, and ono of the best harbors between Sitka and San Francisco. -Col. Warren, of the California JFurmcr, suggests that the World's Fair in 1870 should be held on tbis coast We admire the Colonel's en thusiasm but think he is a little too fast, even for California. However, Ave aro tending that way, for the 'Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows will , meet in Sau Francisco next year. An important change was made civ the first of October in charges on ..printed matter sent from this coast by the overland mails. Printed mat- ' ter ha3 hitherto been charged the -6arne3 letter postage. This regula- ! tiotf has caused much vexation and floss to persons who did not understand the law, as matter placed in the mails - v'iih newspaper postage was not for- warded. Since the 1st of October, printed matter has been sent at newspaper rates. South Carolina gives her vote ' to Grant and Colfax. The Eugene Journal says that Oregon, New York and New Jersey are the only North ern States now mourning by the grave of treason and rebellion ; and that this spectacle is made still more sorrowful by the fact that " the mother of treason" deserted her child iu it dying hour aud left it a disgrace to itself and a shame to the world. George Francis Train refuses the services of the Government in his behalf while they allow the Irish Americans to remain in a British bas 'tile. He says: " I shall have a sler -cotypti lecture ready by the time I reach America, which I shall be pre pared to deliver throughout the Uni ted States from Maine to Oregon, and from the lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Here it is : ' England Bombarded with Bastile Epigrams ; by Cms Americaxcs Sum.'" He was yet in prison at Dublin on the 30th ult. H. C. Huston, the Democratic Senator from Polk county, writes to the Herald : "I did resigumy seat in the Sen ate ; but then some Democrats said it was a pity I had not resigned at o . "ttfc ocnig me case 1 hope, no one will call me a 4 seces' Bionist.' l may be permitted to add O that fools and knaves, in offica, ' sel dom die and never resign.' I know there are plenty of men who are hun gry for my scat, and who are very O o orry ih&t my name was ever on the Democratic ticket ; therefore, to ac o commodate them and myself, I give O them a chance. While 1 care but lit 0 tie for the past, I feel irtclined to de. jnd ray reputation, even to denying th at I ever was in the Legislature, if . u:h a thiug were pc-sjjib'c.'' PACIFIC COAST. From the Chicago Times of October 21. At the close of the proceeding oa Change yesterday, the President of the board introduced to the board the Rev. George H. Atkinson, of Orrgon, who thanked them for their courtesy in giving him a chance to ppeak to them of the resources of the north West coast, where he bad been for twenty years. He had already spoken to the Chamber of Commerce, New York, and had been invited to do the same thing before other bodies. They had heard in Stevens' and other re ports of the temperature of the coast, of the resources of grain, forests and grasses, and had possibly doubted their truth. They had heard that the Oregon climate was much more tem perate than theirs it was in accord ance with a law which he would state. They all knew how much climatehad to do with products and population. The entire west coast bordered on the Facific, and was affected by an immense current of warm air flowing from the tropics. It was also loaded with moisture. The physical con formation of the coast was also pe culiar. There came first the higher coast range, and then back of that another and a higher chain, lower,, however, at Puget Sonnd than farther south. Then, east of that, were the Rocky Mountains. These ranges caught the moisture of that air cur rent, and precipitated it in rain, which flowed down their sides, the greater amount being intercepted, however, by the first two ranges. Thus the vast range was covered with dense forests of sf ruces ten feet in diameter, and of firs 300 feet high. Puget Sound was the region of lumber, sup plying English and American vessels, and the China trade. These forests, too, were continually growing, and made that northwest the region where were the grandest forests on th:s continent. As another result of this air current, the grasses were very rich and abund ant. The Indian horses lived all winter cn the bunch grass which, owing to the little amount of snow falling near the Cascades, were not covered. Farmers now frequently let their cattle take care of them selves, relying on this continual growth of grass. The best wheat in America the best flour came from "Oregon. They might have seen some of the enormous kernels of wheat. That was due to the air current. For the last year Oregon had sent her wheat to New York and Liverpool, at a profit. They had also the mines, which were as yet partially developed, and which were found all aioncr the second mountain range and in the spurs of the Kooky. As far as the climate and the route for a northern railroad was concerned, he would say there could be no con flict between the three proposed lines. The one from St. Paul west would develop a rich country, and would also give the shortest way to China and Japan, and that with a lower gradient.. That northern region not only had resources but it was near to them. There was less snow north than south, because the higher south- em mountains caught more snow, while at the north it was very d lifer ent. There was nothing to make snow of the current from the Pacific raised the temperature the whole dis tance. He had thus mentioned one of the great laws iegulating the Pacific coast, and would close by saying that Alaska was a good bargain, worth five times what was paid, because it had a tolerably warm cl invite. There Were no icebergs and no white bear, but there were numerous deer, which necessarily had to feed cn grass. There were cod, salmon and halibut fisheries of great value. The furs there also formed a great item. There were fifty thousand fur-bearing ani mals killed by the Russim Fur Com pany a few years ago. There was coal, which the Russians used in 1SG0 to run their steam engines. There were also immense lumber interests iu Alaska. The acquisition of that country bad been very advantageous to the whaling trade, because whalers could refit at Sitka or Kodiak, iu steod of going to Honolulu or San Francisco, and save months. By ap plying that to twenty ships, it made a great saving. He hoped his remarks would lead to an inquiry into the prospects and resources of the great Northwest. The New Y'ork Shaping List notices at length the new line of sail ing vessels which has been established between that city and Portland. The first vessel recently arrived out, after a long passage. The SaUie Brown was dispatched in April last with an assorted cargo of 700 tons, aud the second, the barque Osmyn, cleared out a few days since with a similar cargo of 800 tons. The four-masted ship Hattie C. Besse is now on the berth at pier 9, East River. The Hattie C. Besse wa3 formerly the gunboat GenessetJoit at the Charles ton, Mass., Navy Yard. She has lately been overhauled and converted into a sailing vessel at Wilmington, Delaware. If the experiment of di rect trade is successful,a large amount of . wheat will probably be shipped from the Columbia river to New York. This new commercial venture will be watched with some interest. i uget Sound has already a direct trade with many of the large com mercial cities of the world ; at least, spars and lumber are shipped direct, although there are no return cargoes. The Herald finds fault because Governor Woods calls upon the peo ple of Oregon to observe Thanksiv mgr; in accordance with tha ! tion of toe President. Some neonle are decidedly fretful. 4 A lt.VTTl.lS ANNIVERSARY. November 25:h will be the fifth anniver?nry of the battle of Lookout Mountain en episode of the great operations of General Grant, now known as the Battle of Chattanooga and altogether one of the most re markable combats known in .history. Lookout Mountain, for the posses sion of which the battle was fought, is 1,400 feet above the Tennessee river, and was held by a force cf at least 6,000 rebels strongly fortified. There are but two routes by which the summit can be reached One of these is twenty miles from the scene of the assault. The other is by a road which winds up the eastern side of the mountain. General Hooker's plan of operation wa3 to get posses sion of the road. To do so was to gain possession of the mountain. A Tmall force under General Osterhaus was ordered to make a feint upon the enemy's rifle-pits at the point of the mountain, while 'General Geary moved up the valley west of the moun tain until a mile in rear, of the ene. my's position ; the troops then as cended the side of the range until the head of the column reached the palis ades which crown the mountain, and formed in a line of battle at right angles with them ; they then marched forward as Osterhaus made a sharp attack as a feint, and, by taking the relul works in flank and rear, secured about 1,300 prisoners The enemy fled around the " nose" of the moun tain, closely pursued, to a position on the opposite side, where they were again attacked. After one or two desperate efforts the rebel works were carried, but it was at such a late hour (midnight) that it was impossible to dUlodge them fiom the Summcrtown road, a route by which they evacuat ed during the night. General M. C. Meigs has given the combat its name of the "Battle above the Clouds." It is true that Hooker fought above the cloud--', but more than this, he manufactured the clouds that he might fight above them. Dur ing the night before the engagement a slight, misty rain had fallen, and when "the sun rose, cold and dull, next morning, a fog hung over the river and enveloped the mountain, serving as a convenient mask to Hook er's movements As the day advanced, however, the fog began to lift, and was fast disappearing, when the bat tle on the west side of the mountain began to rage heavily. Then the smcke of Hooker's musketry and ar tillery began to mingle with the mist and clouds ; they grew heavy again, and settled down close upon the mountaint so that at one time the clouds thus formed hid the contend forces from the view of those in the valley, and Hooker literally fought the battle above the clouds of his own making. The party in favor of a confed crated government in Briti.-h Colum bia, were successful on the day of their election, the 3d inst. They a lowed all foreigners three months in the country, to vote. This included negroes, Chinese, etc., and we feel as surred that it is not a white man's government. The Bulletin says of the election : The efforts of the people of the Island to resist the project of De Cos mos of carrying the British Pacific colonies in his pocket to Canada, and lying them at the feet of the Minis ter of the Dominion, in return for his appointment as Lieutenant-Governor, have failed. All the mainland con stituencies have gone for confedera tion as far as heard from, and as the mainland, with a petty population, returns more riiembers to the Colo nial Council than Vancouver Island, with its comparatively largo popula tion, we must suppose that De Cosn mos is successful, in spite of his own personal defeat. Uuder the peculiar laws of the Colony, one of the elected members from the mainland by re- ! signing can make a vacancy-to which De Cosmos may be able to get him self elected, so as to take part in the debate on the destiny of the colony, which must certainly occupy the .time of the Council shortly after Christ mas, if hot before. A Christmas Eva ball will be given at McCann's dancing hall, Portland, on Christmas Eve, under the management, or rather, the invi tations will be issued under the di rection of the following named com mittee : II. C. Chapin, F. A. Craw ford, C. P. Ferry, Win. McCready, George F. Greene, Wm. Braden, C. F. Stewart, Cv P. Crandall, Wm. Andrews, Ed. Hiude, Jas. C. Fox, and Geo. II. Clarke. No invitations will be issued except by the commit tea, aud no person will be admitted who has not a ticket signed by one of them. This arrangement will be ef fectual in excluding exceptional char acters. The tickets will be put at a reasonable price ; the best music at tainable will be procured, and every thing possible will be done to insure a pleasant holiday party. Speaking of Mr. Cross' meat packing business at Salem, the Union ist says : " This enterprise is proving a great success, the fame of his supe rior article of meats reaching even leyond the State limits. This is only another instance of the success to be met by choosing one profession or trade, and never letting a piece of work go out of the shop without its being of the best quality. Mr. Cross deserves the reputation he has won, and it is a credit to the State that we have such an establishment within its limits." Speaking of the only member of the Legislature left at Salem, the Unionist says : "Yesterday Cot. Gray of Grant county, perambulated np and down the streets, the only one in the faithful twenty-eight. The Col onel thinks that if the fool killer had come about, the Legislature would have been without a quorum long be fore it was. He seems to be some what disgusted with the manner in which the majority did business." OREOOS. B. F. Dowell, of the Sentinel, has ogain left for Washington City. . The Albany municipal election will be held on the 7th of December. Another case of small pos is re ported in Fortland. But there i3 no danger of its spreading. All the machinery at the Ash land Woolen Mills is running. It is engaged on flannel at present. Goiding & Bacon, of the Port land Machine Works, are manufac turing a fine water wheel. Dr. W. Gray, of Albany, has been appointed Resident Physician at the Warm Spring Indian Reserva tion. The Umpqua Academy is re ceiving repairs, and an adlitional school room is being attached to the main building. Quackenbush & Co. have pur chased the interest of Waterhouse Si Lester, importers of hardwood lum ber, etc., at Portland. There is a report in circulation to the effect that four white men had been murdered by the Indians in the vicinty of Oehoco. The settlement at Oehoco now numbers ten families. About seven ty five other claims have been selected for settlement next spring. The vote of Douulas county on the division question was 4 10 for the proposition, and S19 against it. Rose burg remains the county seat. Mr. John Wilson, one of the most popular aud successful mer chants of Portland, has taken a new store in White's block. - The Brownsville Woolen factory will be sold by the Sheriff on the 2d proximo. The incorporation will perhaps purchase. The Goose Lake country is fast settling up, and good prospects for gold mining are reported about the head waters of Sprague's river. The Pilots on the Columbia bar denounce the statement that the Jen nie Alice raked her bottom crossing over ; say they have 24 feet of water. The Register mentions as a re markable fact, that the Union men of Scio " demonstrated '' after the elec tion. The Mayor -of Scio ought lo be a Republican His heart is in the right place for it. An uncommon inetoric display was witnessed in various parts of Oregon on the morning of the 15ih inst. Also one was witnessed at Oxford University on the night of the loth, as we hear by telegraph. The total number of post offices in operation in Oregon is 1-13; in Washington Territory 78 ; in Idaho 34. No better indication can be given of the rapid increase and pros perity of our State and adjoining Territories than is shown by the above statement. Mrs. H. Clarke, Secretary of the Oregon Children's Aid Society writes: "The ladies of the Children's Aid Society desire to acknowledge the re ceipt of two hundred dollars in cur rency, donated to the Society by Iiev. J. II. Wilbur, and two hundred dollars in coin, donated by Senator Corbctt." Geo. J. M. Kaliich will parade Portland to-day, turning a hand or gan, according to the arrangement made with Chas Dolson last summer, Grant being the man. Mr. Dolson will collect funds from the crowd to be devoted to charitable uses. The Evening Commercial is of the opinion that some law should be enacted that would prevent the mal treating of dumb animals. There i ho doubt, on abundance of work for a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to do, in Oregon, when one i3 organized. According to the biennial report of Secretary S. E. May, the Slate of Oregon is making more rapid advance ment, than people generally snpposc, in wealth and population, and its fi nances are in an excellent condition. For the year 1S67 the total taxable property of the SUte vvas about $20, 000,000, and the amount of tax ro ceived into the treasury during that year was 277,259 4J. On Monday next the Portland Homestead Association elect new of ficers. We understand that the shares are nearly all taken. The scheme is a perfectly safe one and parties in want of a small homestead might find it to their advantage to look after the few remaining shares. Call cn Mr. R. E. Chatfield, Dr. Yeach gives it as his opin ion, says the Unionist, that a sub stance found in Oregon and examined by him is decomposed volcanic ashes compressed, which is valuable for fire brick. These useful and indi5N pensable articles are shipped here from England, and if a mine of good fire clay can be found in this vicinity it would be of more value than agofd mine. Miss Mary A. Conser, of Marion county, recently wrought a rich Grant and Colfax flag to surmount the sum mit of Mount Jefferson. It was placed there by trustworthy hands, and the Unionist says there it stands of all the ensigns of the eaftb. nearest the throne of God, the victorious sign of freedom and Conquest, the votive gift of patriotic and enlightened Beauty, at once the sign of our coun try's existence, aud an immortality to RAILROAD ITEMS, Mr. S. G. Reed has sailed for the East, to winter at Washington City, D. C. The people of Ashland are ex ploring the Cascade range for a Rail road pass easterly. The validity of the law of the city council of Portland levying a tax for Railroad purposes, is being tried before Judge Upton. Horry Ellsworth, ngent for Wells, Fargo Sc Co., at the terminus of the Union Pacific R. R., has moved west of Green river. The Olympia Transcript has " got his bile riz,'' because Ben Hoi laday & Co. have contracted to build a Railroad over to Puget Sound. The Idaho Statesman notes the arrival at Boise of Mr. Iludnetts, advance agent of the Union Pacific R. R., which is heading for Oregon. Population will stream in upon us and ere long wc can so perfect our system of internal improvements that we will be able to compete with the world in any branch of industry. 1 We are glad to learn that Hon. J. F. Gaz'ey ha3 at length become sati.-fied that the Oregon Central Railroad Company of Salem have been acting in good faith. Mr. Burrage, with a competent corps of assistants, has gone south for the purpose of surveying the line of this Railroad from Y'oncalla through Pass Creek, to the sou:hern boundary of Oregon. The time between San Francisco and Omaha is now eight days. From New York to Omaha requires three days, so that the traveler who pos sesses the needful endurance can now reach San Francisco from New Y'ork in eleven days. The triumph of the east side, railroad company, in Oregon, will doubtless prove beneficial to North ern California. The Bulletin says that it will doubtless induce the more rapid construction of the California and Oregon Railroad from Marysville or OioviUe northward, which project is in the hands of the Central Pacific Managers. If California goes to work in earnest, as has Oregon, the time will soon be at hand when the two golden States can be traversed in a fuw hours. Bull says the West side road will have the first iron and locomo tives, and the first twenty miles in operation. That's all right ; stop your growling, if you think so. It seems to hurt you, though, somehow, about those "certain other great rail " road builders on the East side " dodging a stump. Keep to work and nrnd your own business, if stumps are in the way over here it don't hurt you. You are silly to mention it because Ben Ilolladay will send a man up some day to dig them out. Keep your shirt on, Bull. --The Albany Democrat, speaking of the Railroad prospects of that city, says : We have it from author ity which we consider reliable that, if the citizens of Albany, anl its viein. ity, desire to have the railroad run here, they must do something quite handsome. It this be not done it will run from Jefferson direct to Spore's Ferry via, Springfield, cr as nearly so as possible. We are con fident that the company will not foot all the extra expenses just forsake of touching Albany. Which is truly a long distance out of a direct' course. Mr. C. B. Talbot, civil engineer and draughtsman, is engaged in mak ing for the East side R. R. Co., a huge map of Oregon ard the north ern part of California, showing the geography of the valleys through which the railroad line is to run and the location of the road throughout the length of the State. The map is complied from the latest authorities and surveys and if published would no doubt meet with much favor. In the comp my's office are also a map of Washington Territory and another of southern Oregon and the Siskiyou regon of California both on a large scale ana tinea wun cietaiis. ine Oregoniun says they are very credi table specimens of work. Judge F. A. Chenoweth, in a letter to the Gazette, gives a few of the causes which have tended to check the progress of construction on the O. C. Ii. It., and says : I do not mention these things to complain of th?m, it was perhaps in evitable man can't all see alike, and it is siir.ply cur county's misfortune that some have opposed, and many have been slow to give it actual sup port. But the indications are now more cheering, confidence appears to be firmly established and the matter is getting to be understood. No well informed persons that are free from prejudices, appear to h&ve any longer doubts about it. Now if we all would do what little we are per fectly able to do, to help it along, it would be completed a great deal sooner than it otherwise will be, and if there is any possible doubt of its success, that doubt would be removed by our friendly aid. The only thing that ever has thrown a doubt upon it, is the mistaken opposition that has been made to it. So far, it has suc cessfully combatted all opposition, and is now on a basis of apparent in fallible success. Referring to the project of build ing a Railroad from the Columbia river to Puget Sound, the Olympia Tribune says: Build it who will, whether Ben. Ilolladay or Ben. Brown, and termi nate it where they may, it is des tined to work a revolution in the con dition of the Territory. It will prove the initial step in the career of pros perity which our people have so long looked for in vain, and hasten its progress in the path of greatness marked out for it long years 8go by sagacious and far-seeing men. The terminus is not a matter of indiffer ence to us; but we cheerfully waive all predilections on that score for the sake of the Territory at large. We have observed that the TH hunt was always glad to chronicle events transpiring fr the good of the Territory, and in tfyis matter we are not disappointed to see it take a liberal view of " the situation." The course of the Tribune is quite in con trast to that of the Transcript. The Standard says nothing as yet upon the subject. We hope the Tribune will not be the only paper on the Sound to take a liberal view of this question as we know by our own experience what it is to stand alone in defense of a vital principle until a reaction takes place in the minds of the masses of people who like to be with the crowd The withdrawal of the opposition steamers between San Francisco and New Y'ork was recently announced. The " unflinching opposition to an unrelenting monopoly" is no more. The New York Sun says that Van- derbilt, the great railway king, has secured the property of the company, and an action has been instituted against him to recover $3,000,000. The plaintiffs, however, in a trial just closed, were assigned only 185,000. The case will go to the Supreme Court, and thence,- undoubtedly, to the. Court of Appeals, before a final verdict is secured. A full history of the case is given in the Sun, from which we deduct the following sum mary : The distance between this finding and the amount claimed, 3, 000,000, is certainly very wide, and is an illus tration of the variances of human judgment. Nicaragua stock has been kept alive in the market, and from time to time kept up to respectable quotations, on speculations as to the probable successful issne of this pro tracted suit. The $3,000,000 looked for as the result of this litigation is in fact about the only assets of the de funct Company, and those who have bought stock on the strength of this lit'gation are very likely to receive about two cents on the dollar for their investment. The State Journal of the 14'h gives an account of the reception of Mr. E. D. Bristow, Grand Repre sentative to the Grand Lodge of the U. S., I. O. O. F., from which we quote : At 0 the crowd assembled at the Hall of Spencer Bitte Lodge. The meeting was called to order by D. M. Risdon, Eq., after which the members sung the opening ode. S. Ellsworth, Esq., in a short and feel, ing address welcomed Mr. Bristow home. The latter responded in a few well-timed, off-hand remarks. Supper being announced, the com pany formed and marched down, where a good collation was found spread out, and presided over by Mrs. Moo- e. After meeting at the hall again, toasts were given aud re sponded to. The first toast was to Odd Fellowship, which was responded to by Henry Gilfry. Next to Ma sonry, responded to by A- A. Smith. The next to the Rebeccas, response by E. L. Applegate. After a few volun teer toasts, the ball was given up to the young folks, and merriment and good feeling was kept up till eleven o'clock. Messrs. Lewis, Frank Ells worth and J. II. McCIunfr, merit the thanks of the Order for the music on that occasion. The reception was emphatically a success. Loug live Odd Fellowship, say we. The Grant electors of California will select Gsneral O. II. La Grange as the bearer of that State's decision as to the successor of Andrew John son. Gen. La Grange has smelled powder with Grant against the enemy, and can eloquently talk to our east ern brothers in regard to this coast. The Postmaster General having ordered Postal Agent Brooks to take charge of the postoflice in Portland until further instruction.", wc are pleased to know, says the Orcgonian, that the Agent has designated our worthy townsman, John R. Prindle, Esq., to act as postmaster during the suspension of Mr. Randall. No more suitable person could have been se lected to discharge the important and responsible duties of the position. The Post Office Department has closed the contract, for the transporta tion of the overland mails, with Wells, Fargo & Co., at the rate of $1,750,000 per annum for 800 miles, with the agreement that the price shall be reduced at a liberal pro rata as the distance is reduced by the building .of the Pacific railroad. If the railroad is completed in July next, this contract will cost the Govern ment about $750,000. The Union Pacific Railroad Company have com pleted 880 miles of their road west of Omaha. Twenty days ago they laid nearly 7 miles of track in one day, and passed the advance stakes of the Central Pacific line, and the grade of each is now overlapping the other. The Salem municipal election will be held on the 7th proximo. Official returns of the election in Oregon give the State to Seymour at.d B air by a small majority. The Bulletin speaks of a me chanical orchestra, just received in San Francisco. We have had one in Oregon over a year. Seven Japanese, wrecked off St. Peter's Island 18 months ago, who had taken refuge there, were recently rescued by Capt. E. F. Nye, of the bark Wm. Rotche. Beriah cries pitifully because Scott exposed the fact that " the organ" would soon be sold at public vendue by the sheriff of Multnomah county. Personal property does not necessarily have to be advertised in the public prints. The California Farmer says that the people of that State are seriously beginning to realize the unsoundness of their foundations for earthquakes, and they must lay aside all the fancy ornaments upon the tops of buildings, which have already caused more loss of life than by any other cause. Mr. J. A. McDonald, late of Oswego, who has been very sick re cently' we are glad to learn ha3 re covered. He speaks highly of the treatment he received at S. Joseph's Hospital, at Vancouver. Mac. We are glad you are around again now don't be a bachelor any longer than you can help. Then any attentions will be better appreciated should you again fall uuder the weather." The Puget Sound and Columbia River R. R. Co. has filed its articles of incorporation organized elected its officers located its priucipal place of busiuess at Vancouver, W. T. ; let a contract for the construction of the road, and already a corps of compe tent engineers are in the field. The contract was given to Ben. Holladay 6c Co. This insures the success of the enterprise. We live in an age of steam, and it is some satisfaction to know that a few of those having the " financial fuel" have reached Oregon. Advertisement. AN EPITAPH. In memory of THE DEM OCR A TIC PA R TV, Died November 3, 18G8, o In the early years of THE REPUBLIC, It was the representative of Democratic Ideas. The advocate of popular progress. The friend of freedom. The exponent of Constitutional Law, and The great Defender of Union, Perpetual, Sacred, and Inviolate, Between The American People. o THOMAS JEKFERSOV The npontate of the Detoocratic Faith, wrote the immortal Doctrine of its early creed in The Declaration of Independence, iu the affirmation, That All men are created free and equa!, and are endowed By their Creator With certain inalienable rights,. Anionj which are life, liberty, auJ the pur suit of Happiness, Reaffirmed it in the prophetic warning : " I tremble for mv country when I remem ber tl at GOD IS JL'ST." o In its mature year, This party, Flushed with the long possession of power,. Becoming Corrupt with the patronage of office, Forsook its principles, Breathed the infected atmosphere of treason ; Inscribed " Slavery" as the legend upon its bauners. And pledged itself to fasten the Fetters on the limbs of the Slave And to plant the system On soil forever consecrated to Freedom, It appealed to the lowest prejudices of the masses against the JS'egra. It denied Law To a man because he wa Black, And Honored Crime If perpetrated in the name of Democracy by a White. It lost . The confidence of the people. And then sought, By secret organizations aud wide-spread Re- bellion, The Destruction'of the Republic, The overthrow of Democratic government, and The erection of an Aristocracy in the South, In which African Slavery should be the cornerstone. o During Pour Years of IVar, To vindicate the majesty of law and the principles of constitutional government, it Sympathized with Treason; .Pronounced the war a cri.'rc and a failure; Attempted by disorder, bloodshed, and violence, to Frovoke civil war in the loyal States, and Pleaded for peace on the basis of Disunion. o On the restoration of peace. Won by the heroism and sacrifice of our Defenders, That Tarty Appealed to the judgment of the people, And was condei.ined to Die By the voice of the loval millions through trie Ballot Box ; November 3, icw Advertisements. D EXTAL NOTICE. HOME AGAIN. During my 'our of two vcars n the Eastern States I "have spared neither time nor nionev to make mvsplf nr. fectly familiar with and master of my pro fession. Those desiring the best work that the nature of the case will admit of can find me at my office, 107 Front street, two doors above McCormick's Book Store, Portland, Oregon. DR. J. G. GLENN. s ELLIN G OFF to close J3TThe undersigned being in delicate health, and finding it necessary to travel for recuperation, desires to sell, consider ably below cost, the entire stock in trade, consisting of the following named articles, to-wit : One full set of Time Honored Principles, Sortewhat the worse for wear. Two Pet Lions, Extremely docile, teeth extracted, and claws blunted. N. B. -Any time between this and the 4th of March, A. D. 1859, the undersigned can be found immediately at the mouth of the gieat Salt river. If the above-mentioned articles are not otherwise disposed of previ ous to that date, they will then be given in exchange for a few packages ot Congres sional reconstruction, and an unlimited number of carpet bags. USED UP DEMOCRAT. AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. I. Richardson w AUCTIONEER! ' M Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate Groceries, General Merely dise and Horses, aQ- G Every Wednesday and Saturday t A. B. Richardsox, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bandle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws ' Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R.' G. Iron -also : ' A large assortment of Groceries and Liqnor. A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer heut6nThastings& co! HEUSTON, HASTINGS & SO. ARE THE FASIII0XABLE CLOTHIERS OF 0 SAN FRANCISCO. SPECIALTIES. o o PRICE A NO CUAUAXTEE. The largest and most varitd stock of Gph tlemen's Clothing, Furnishing Good, Trunks, Hags and Valises, on the Pacific Coast. Every article sold, being of our own manufacture, is guaranteed. Having cor.' tracts direct with European and American Manufacturers of piece goods we then-br effect a saving of fully f0 percent, in whole sale dealers profits-and are thus able to oftr superior Goods at less than second-rate prices. STYLES. Having agents in London and I'Sris w introduce the new styles in San rancisisi simultaneously with their appearance in New York. GOODS MADE TO ORDER. o For the accommodation of such as may de sire, we have secured the services of a cele brated European cutter, and are prepared to make up piece goods in a style superior to anv other house on the coast, Shirts, Tics, Collars, t-tc, made to order at short notice "COUNTRY ORDERS, Goods forwarded by Express to any pan of the Pacific Coast on receipt of orders and measures ; send, for directions for measure ments HEUSTON, HASTINCS & CO. LICK. IIOL'SG BX.OCIC, novSI SAX FRANCISCO. JJNTERPUISE JARKET ! THE PLACE TO GET YOU 11 MONEY'S WORTH. Straight & Hunsaker Proprietors, 3"Keep constantly on hand an assortment of Corned and fresh Meats. Lard, Ilutter, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables. JJTLDBUEGH, BROS., & Co. d. n. niLDBunc.H, ? LOUIS EINSTEIN, f Portland. L. H ILDBURGH, San Francisco. Importtrt and IXTioIf-iale DcaJntin All Kinds of Cognacs ! Scotch and Irish Whiskies, Rum, Gin, Domestic Liquors, Wines, PORTLAND Opposite Fairings. Front Street, next door to A. B. Richardson QOSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. Formerly jirrigonis, PORTLAND, Oregon. The undersigned respectfully an nounce that having purchased this widelv known and well kept hotel, they are now prepared to offer superior accommodatiw to the traveling public at greatly reduced prices. This hotel is located nearest t'ue steamboat landings. The hotel coach will be in attendance to convey passengers to and from the house free of charge. W. R. SEW ALL, GEO. B. COOK. Proprietors. CHANGE OF NAME ! - WEUCADO & COMP.1SV, Succeaxor to MERC ADO & SEULLY, Have been obliged, for their own protection and the safety of the public, to change the name of thtir celebrated Btt ters to Mercados Native California Wine Bitters. 3. We subjoin the following affidavit in an injunction suit formerly pending between Mer otdn Jr. Snllr nlaintiffs. and G. A. Simon, dc- I fendant, P. Sainsevain.be duly sworn, says ;: "TJiat the article kuwvn a Santraw California Wine Bitters, was maufad'ir by jlercido Sueliy. about month of Xatn. 1R61. without the snid Sai?ierain Brother havirxr any concern in the manufacture there of, that dtinent ho alway known ami conidrd taid Jfercado Setdly a the $ Proprietors of tlie Sainstvaine California Ifine Bitters." Notwithstanding the above affidavit the said P. Sainsevaine is putting n a compound under the name ot Sainsevain's Wine Bitter . representing it to be the Fame as our celebrai ed Bitters, which we have been manufactur in? and selling in immense quantities since 1860. and also affixing a nearly similar to that used on our genuine Vi me Bitter . Be not Deceived. Send for Mercado Native California Wine Litters . And you will obtain the .arae r"Har age so favorably known since W60. wwire of Counterfeit. Purchasers of ourVr Deb ters are requested to observe the familiar oW yellow label, and see that the oraU'Xt 4- &tfy, San Francisco, are Government utamp. pasted over the cork o each bottle. This is the only efiectual security against the counterfeit imitations. "DEPOTSWi and 503 f 'frf Francisco. t2:3ruj MLRCAPO 4 A ii w'H' 'I'm,, 1 -