V ' ' J, r 1 v v iJljiMVlj I TOL,TJillE 3. The Weekly Enterprise. AN IS DEPENDENT PAPER, FOB THE Business Man, the Farmer jnd the FAMILY CIRCLE. 4ptnMSHED EVERY SATURDAY AT THE OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Main streets rfr"on City, Oregon. Ore0on mELASD, Proprietor. THE ENTERPRISE hag been very well re vived during tbe time of its publication, "l,y gentlemen of distinction in the State, who recommend it as a journal valuable for "Eastern circulation. Such we shall endeavor V, continue to make it. THE WEALTH OF OREGON shall at all times constitute the paramount interest to which our columns will be devoted. Every wcaaure for tbe good of the State, whether r nrirnt,. or public interest, irrespective of V V tarty, will find in m advocate and a de fender, to the extent of our ability. We Khali flim to attract iae awuwuu ui millions of p pULATI0y AND MOSfT seeking proSt ,b!e ra. to that channel whirls now making this the fioci of the globe, ana ren dering Oregon with other Pacific States.the Eriincries of the world, with a centre of trade secod to Cone. AGRICULTURE will continue to receive that cttention which it merits, at the bar.ds of pvery intelligent Journalist. " The Farmer frtdiih all. THE MARKETS will be watched carefully, nnd such information as we shall be able to compile will be published. MANUFACTURERS are earnestly requested to inform us with respect to those various interests, to the end that we may be able to m ike the Entkkpbise as near ah encyclo jiroJl i of the business of Oregon as can be. TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION: Single Copy one year 3 00 ' Six months 2 00 Three months 1 CO CLUB RATES: Five Copies, 1 year, S2 50 each $12 50 y In which case an jxtra copy will be nent to the person forming the Club, and as an inducement to such persons, with a view of extending our circulation, One. Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents Will be allowed as Commission on each add! tional fire Subscriber Thus any person who will interest himself in the matter, may secure the paper free and receive a liberal compensation for his services. sT Remittance to be made at the risk of Subscriber, and at tbe expense of Agents TERMS of A D YER TISIXG t Transient advertisements, including all legal notices, "j? sq. of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50 for each subsequent insertion 1 00 One Column, one year. f 120 00 Half " " ;o Quarter " " 40 Huiue. Card, 1 square one year. .... 12 nook Axn job printing. jT The Enterprise office is supplied with beautiful, approved stylos of type, and mod ern MACHINE PRESSES, which will enable the Proprietor to do Job Pilnting at all times Ntat, Quick and Cheap f if Work solicited. I). C. IRELAND, Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. JJEXTOX KILLIN. Orrgon City, Oregon OFFICE la Charman's Brick Block, Up rJttir. D II. F. 1$ A 11 CLAY, (Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. H. B. Co.) OFFICE At Residence, Main street Ore gon City, Oiegon. JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY. fJ.Keep constantly on hand for sale, flour M:dlm, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties purchinif feed must furnish the sacks. M. B HOUGHTON. Contractor and Builder, Main st., OREGON CITY. , Will attend to all work ia bis line, con justlng in piirt of Carpeuter and Joiner woik framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptly attended t . J) AVID SMITH, Successor to SMITH ct- MARSHALL, I!ack-Smilh and Wagon Maker, Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon 3-BlacksmUhing in all its branches; Was on makiug and repairing. All work warrant- a 10 give satistaction. K OSIILAXD BROTHERS, PORTLAND AUCTION STORE, 9 1 Firs I st., Portia n d, Next Door to Post Office. s-JLTf Importers and Jobbers of StAnlo onfi IViicy Iry Goods. Grain bags, Burlaps, furn ishing Goods. V. We pay the highest cash pr.ee for Wool. Furs, and Hides. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 1843, at the old stand, .Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew- ! elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. Repairing done on short notice. i nd thankful for past favors. J. FLEMING, Retail dealer in School Rxks, Si a tionery; also, Patent Medicines, and Perfumery. t- At the Post Office, iu Masonic building Oregon City. A. n. BELL. E. A. I-AKKEK. BELL &, PARKER. DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS IN Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes, And every article kept in a Drug Store. Main Street, Oregon City. CLARK GREENMAN, City Drayman, OREGON CITY. ,. 3 All orders Tor the delivery of nierchan oise or packages and freijrht of whatever de.s "il'tion, t any j,art f tDe citVj jij be txe. ca-eJ promptly and with care. LL HEADS riilNTKD. At tLt; L'ate-rpri. OCice, BUSINESS CARDS. JADD & TILTON, BANKERS, Portland, Oregon. Will give prompt attention to collections, and other business appertaining to Banking Sight and Telegraphic Exchange On San Francisco and the Atlantic States for sale. Government Securities bought and sold. J C FULLER, BROKER, Portland, Oreoox, Cor. FRONT and Washington Sit. Pays the Highest Price for Gold Dust Legal Tenders and Government securities bought and sold. QP. FERRY, BROKER, Portland. Oregon. Cor. Front and Washington Sis. Agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and Manhat tan Life Insnrance Company. JrfGovernment Securities, Stocks,Bonds and Real Estate bought and sold on Corn mission. RJuTS & DALLAM, IMPORTERS AD JOBBERS OF Wood and Willow Ware. Brushes, 1 wines, Cordope, etc., AND MANUFACTURERS OF Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Washboards, SfC 215 & 217 Sacramento st., San Francisco, 113 Maiden Lane, J. Y. City. W." W ATKINS, M. D. SURGEON, Portland, Oregon. OFFICERS Front street Residence cor ner of Main and Serenth streets. JAMES L. DALY, (Late Daly A Stevens,) G ENER A L AG EN T, Office No. 104 Front street, Portland, V:llgive special attention to Collecting rentiug, and to tbe general agency business in all its branches. W. C.JOHNSOJf. v. o. m'coivn. Notary Public. JOHNSON &. EflcCOWN, Oregon City, Oregon. J3" Will attend to all business entrusted to our care in any of the Courts of the State, Collect money .Negotiate loans, sell real estate etc. Particular attention given to contested Land cases. 8. MITCHELL. 3. K. DOLrH. A. SMITH. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiralty . Office cer the old Fost Office, Front street, Portland. Oregon. A. C. GIBES. C. W. PARR1SH, Notary PuMic and Com. of Deeds. GIBBS & PARRISH, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Portland, Oregon-. OFFICE Qn Alder street, in Carter's brick block. JOHN M BACON, justice of the Peats cf) City Recorder. Office In the Court House and City Council Room, Oregon City. r Will attend to the acknowledgment of deeds, and all other duties appertaining to the business of a Justice of the Peace. J. WELCH, DENTIST, Permanently Located al Oregon City, Oregon. ROO MS W i th Dr. Saffarrans on Main st. MACK: & HATCH, DENTISTS. The patronage of those desiring Ftret Class Operations is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. 11. Nitrous Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Also : tbe Illd'jolene Spray Used for those who prefer it Orfice Corner of Washington ftnd Fron streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington street. 42.tf BUTCHERS & MEAT VENDERS. tTS- Thankful for pat favors of the public respectfully ask a continuance of tbe same. We shall deliver to our patrons all the best qualities of Beef, Mutton, Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a wees, on Tuesdays and Saturdays ! Robinson & Lake XT TILL CONTINUE THE STOVE AND VV Tin-ware trade as usual, at the estab lished EMIGRANT STORE, Corner of Front and Salmon sis., Portland, Oregon. SOMETHING NEW! Boots with Wire Quilted Bottoms o These Roots are made on the American standard last. They never fail to ht and feel comfortable, and require no "breaking in." The Wire Quilted Soks have been proven by practical experience to last twice as long as the ordinary soles. A splendid assortment just received at 11. D. WHITE & Co.'s, Root and Shoe store, " 1.31 First st. Portland. CHAUNCEY BALL, Successor to G radon, tfc Co., MANUFACTURER OF Wagons & Carriages, 201 and 203 Front st,, Portland, Oregon. OCT Wagons of every description made to order. General Jobbing done with neatness and dispatch. John Nestor, Architect, OFFICE IX CARTER'S BUILDING, Front St., Portland Oregon. FIRST-CLASS RESIDENCES, Business Houses, Halls, Churches, Tenements, Cottages, Suburban Residences, and ALL TESCEIPTIOXS OF BEICK AXn FRAME Buildings Designed and Planned With accuracy, and scrupulously and faith fully superintended. rgTOwners interests considered paramount. A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW Sunday School and Gift Books ! I ""ROM THE AMERICAS TRACT SOCIE Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jefferson st. between" Cd and Sd, Portland, Oregon. tl. H. ATKINSON, Secretary, i u..iVj wia Areas. UTcjjoo jrucioo v ana adjustment ot accounts, bills and notes ; Negotiating Inland bills ; effecting loans ; buying, sellingand leasing real estate: housa OREGON CITY, OREGON, SATUMPAY, XVOVEMBER A UTERART ODDITY. The Brewers should to Malta go, The Boobies all to Scilly, The Quakers to the Friendly Isles, The Furriers to Chili. The little, snarling, carroling "!a"jes," That break our nightly rest, Should be packed off to Baby-Ion, To Lap-land, or to Brest; From Spit-head C&oks go o'er to Greece, And while the Miser wait His passage to the Guinea coasf, Spendthrifts are in the Straits.' Spinsters should to the Needles go"; Wine-bibbers to Bvrrgtrndy ; Gourmands should lunch at Sandwich hies, Wags at tho Bay of Fun. tfy. Bachelors to the United Sfates, Maids to the Isle of Man ; Let Gardeners go to Botany Bay, And Shoeblacks to Japan. Thus emigrate and misplaced men Will here no longer vex us ; And all who ain't provided for Had better g to Texas. A Rational View of " Indepen dence." Tbe San Francisco Morn-, ing Chronicle gives the following ex position of its views of newspaper in dependence : Our idea of independence is that it is a reality, and not a sham ; that it is not incompatible with the sharpest and most decisive expression of po litical convictions : that itrdo?s .not involve the necessity of keeping up Z pretence of finding fault with both sides when ycu think one side is in the right ; that it does not require you to avoid the advocacy of what you believe to be right lest you should be suspected of favoring a party that advocates the same thing. In short, the difference between a party organ and an independant journal is, as wre understand it, simply this : the party organ supports men and measures be cause the party supports them, while the independent journal supports what it regarcs as the best men and the best measures irrespective of party. Bogus independence has to keep up appearances by the afJeeta" tion of disagreement with all parties lest it should expose itself to the charge of belonging to one or the other. Genuine independence is not afraid to side boldly and decidedly with any party which for the time being seems to be iu the right. The Chronicle would not be either more or less independent than it is if it sup ported Seymour instead of Grant. It would not be independent at all if it supported neither. We do not jro pose to play the miserable part of a M'hifiler or a time-server, in a crisis like this ; and we do not mean to try to keep up a wretched show of fair ness and impartiality by picking a little at oue side, and then balancing the account by picking a little at tLe other. Who First Ate an Otster. The name of the courageous individual who first ate an oyster has not been recorded, but there is a legend con cerning him to the following effect : Once upon a time it must have been a prodigiously loDg time ago, however a man of melencholy mood, who Was walking by the shore of a picturesque estuary, listening to the sad sea waves, espied a very old and ugly oyster, all coated over with par- asities and seaweeds. It was so un prepossessing that he kicked it with his footj and the animal astonished at such rudeness on his own domain, gapped with indignation. Seeing the beautiful cream-'colorcd layers that shone within the shell, and think ing the interior of the shell itself to be beautiful, he lifted Up the aged " native'' for further examination, in serting his finger and thumb beneath the shell. The irate mollusc think ing, no doubt, that this was meant as a further insult, snapped his pearly doors close upon the fingers of the intruder, causing him some little pain. After releasing his wounded digit, the inquisitive gentleman very naturally put it in his mouth. "Delightful," exclaimed he, opening wide his eyes. " What is this?'' and again he sucked his thumb. The truth" flashed upon him. He had accidentally achieved the most important discovery ever made up to that date ! Taking up a stone he forcid open the oyster, and gingerly tried a piece of the mollusc itself. "Delicious was the result ; and so.there and then.that solitary anony mous man inaugurated the oyster banquet. -- The Earthquake as seen in the Santa Cruz Mountains. A gentle man who was in the mountains near Pescadero Wednesday morning, dur ing the earthquake shock, describes the scene as fearfully grand, lluse redwood trees swayed like fihing rods, and immense dead limbs, de tached bv the violence of the motion, fHli tn thfi earth. Lartre pieces cf rock were wrested from the mass of the mountain, and in some instances rendered tho road impassable. The waters of Pescadero creek became muddy in a moment, and the surface was covered with large bubbles These, when u match was applied to them, burst with a slight report and a small flame, showing they were filled with an inflammable gas that must have come from the bowels of tne earth. me last eiiurt ot the " anxious and aimless" in Iowa, is the establish mentot an organization called "Grant Uirls.' Their motto Is supposed to PRACTICAI JOKES. Practical joking is at a discount. Practical jokea are voted vulgar, wit less, stupid, ill natured ; and it is re aily impossible to deny that the pop ular verdict is a correct cue ; but how amusing they often are Tou must, ia your youth, have either set or fallen into a booby trap." It consisted, yoH may remem ber, of books, boots, etc., balanced on the top of a door, which was left ajar, so that the first incomer got a solid shower-bath. Auother trick was to pour vrater into a stone ink-bottle, cork it tightly, and slip it between the bars of a boy's grate on a winter's evening, when he was returning to his room after a temporary absence the nozzle, of course, directed toward his chair. The tenant returned, and sat down to his verses or translation; presently the water began to boil, and the steam fired off the cork at him. Perhaps the decline of practical joking, both in the army and among civilians, is due in a great measure to the abolition of dueling. It seems mean to play tricks upon a man who has no redress in case he should take serious offense; and this, undoubtedly, is the weak part of the practice, that it necessitates a victim. This is the case, indeed, wilh the majority of our amusements : one cannot win a game without another losing it; fox-hunting is unpleasant for the fox; and shoot ing entails pain and death upon the objects of our sport ; neither does any body, however good a face he may put upon the matter, like to be made gams of. But in the last in stance there is an element of treachery which distinguishes it from the others; to insure the success of a practical juke it is generally necessary to lull the victim into a false security. A French auditor of accounts in the seventeenth century was a great practical joker all his life, and even played a trick after he had lost the power of enjoying it, for he left four large candles to be carried at his funeral, which had not been burning fifteen miuutes before they wentofFas fire-works. When a lady condescends to a prac tical joke it is generally a very neat one. M. Boncourt, the rich financier, was very stingy to his wife in the matter of pin-money. Oue day a lady, closely veiled, and very anxious not to be recognized, called upon him and borrowed a large sum, leaving her diamonds as a pledge. It was his wife. The French thieves sometimes used to steal so funny that even their vies tims were half inclined to pardon them. The Duke of Frousnc, nephew of Marshal Richelieu, was coming out of the opera one night in a splendid dress embroidered with pearls, when two thieves managed to cut off his coat-tails. He turned into his club, where every body laughed at him, and so he lound out what had hap pened, and went home. Early the next morning a well dressed man called at the Duke's hotel, and de manded to see him at once on a mat ter of most vital importance. Mon sieur de xrousac was fi Ffntisno xrn nrnlrptifH ' Monseigneur," said the Visitor, " I am an officer of the police. Monsieur, the lieutenant of police has learned the accident which happened to you yesterday on leaving the opera, and have been sent by him to request you to order the coat to be placed in my hands, that we may convict the offenders bv comparing it with the mutilated tails.'' The dress was given op, and the Duke was in raptures with the vigilance of the police. But t was a new trick of the rogue who had stolen the tails, by which he pos sessed himself of the entire garment. The ancients used to indulge in practical jokes to a considerable ex tent : for instance, the Thracians, at their drinking parties, sometimes alayed the game of hanging. They fixed a round noose to the bough of tree, and placed underneath H a stone of such a shape that it would easily tnrn rouud when any one stood on it. Then they drew lots ; and he who drew the lot took a sickle in his hand, stood on the stone, and put his neck into the halter. The stone Was kicked away ; and if he could cut himself down with the sickle, well and good ; but if he -was not quick enough, he was hanged outright; "and the rest laugb,thinkiug it good sport Indeed, in the early stages of civil ization, practical wit is apt to be grim; as society advances jokes at oiuer people's expense are not quite so heartless 5 when we reach a certain pitch of refinement nothing gives us nleasure which causes pain to another, and then there is a chance of practical joking dying out altogether except iu the case of boys, who will prooaoiy never be humanized. A country editor, praising a successful politician, called him "one of the cleverest fellows that ever lifted a hat to a lady or a boot to a black- guara How to Make a Rich Jam. Crowd twenty fashionably-dressed ladies into one omnibu3. Would this also preserve the tempers of the afore said twenty ladies ? m. tm Jerrold was seriously disappointed with a certain book written by one of his friends. This friend heard that Jerrold had expressed h'13 disappoint ment, and said to him, " I hear you said it was the worst book I -ever wrote." Jerrold. " No . I said it was the worst book anybody ever wrote." ftimcx-iious t oji5r. Tiii: Grecian bend ixdecexcy. Correspondence of the Xew York World. The nights at Saratoga are, more absolutely than they ever were, de toted to follies the. most fascinating, and exhibitions, of fashionable man ners and attires so absurd, that it would seem as if the modistes had conspired together this season to play a monstrous joke upon their patrons. The difference between a female pop injay and a lady is here defined by such a curious and vulgar set of pe culiarities appertianing to the former person that I cannot forbear to de scribe them. The body and waist of tbe dress are remarkable in only one respect-the last is exceedingly tight, and the former rather loose at the top, and rather low. It is below the waist that what is monstrous in the costume first attracts and then repels the eyes of man. A hoop of moder ate dimensions, overspread with an underskirt or two, and a dress of whatever fabrics are worn. Under neath the rear of this hoop,just below the waist of the person designated, is bonnd a coil of wire from two to three inches in diameter which " throws out" and elevates the up per portion of the dress behind, and forms the foundation, so to speak, of an exterior protuberance called the panier. THE PAKIF.R Is a bustle, more or less ehormons. upon which in successive folds or lay ers gathered up, or confined by a baud encircling the dress from the stcmach of the wearer around and beneath, an extra skirt, reaching quite low behind, or rather " wobbles " to and fro. The dress has a train from four to six feet iiHength. THE rOSTUKE Affected in order to set off this at tire is called the " Grecian Bend," a contortion of tbe body which, as it is highly improper in itself, I find it difficult to describe with propriety. High heeled shoes dispose the wearer to incline forward, and high heeled gaiters are therefore adopted by the ' belle of the season." She is thus the more readily enabled to elevate her hips unnaturally behind, enhanc ing the aspect of the panier. to con tract her stomach, and to form an S like curvature of her upper shape by thrusting out her chest, drawirg back her shoulders and bending back her head. The latter is crowned by a hideous chignon, surpassing by sev eral inches the thickness of the shal low nether brain. SUGGESTIVE OF A lAilE KANGAROO. So bent and deformed, the belle constrains her elbows against her sides ; and, with horizontal forearms and little gloved hands dangling from limp wrists, tilts painfully along. The profile of such a figure, and its un graceful gait, are irresistibly s.igges tive of a lame kangaroo. When it is whirled and tossed about in dance by a fashionable jumping jack in black broadcloath, who are here so nu-. merous and so much alike that you can hardly tell one from another, tho sight what with the bobbing up and down of the woman's panier and the agile, sidelong leaps of the jumping jack across the immense trail piled on the floor is too exasperatingly ridic ulous even for laughter. THE INSIDE ARRANGEMENT. It has been confided to me by an elderly woman with whom I conversed at a recent ball, that the distortion of the shape known as the "Grecian bend,'' is quite painful and wearisome, and that sme girls adopt artificial contrivances to aid them in preserv ing the posture for several consecutive hours. " A belt is fastened about the waist, under the skirt. From this belt, down either side the hips, two straps furnished with buckles descend, and are attached to strong bands made fast a' little above the knees. As the buckles of the straps are tightened, the hips are drawn up and held in position. " I Ins," said my amiable informant, " is a relief, of course, to only oue part of the frame, The constriction of the upper part has to be preserved with no other aids than the stays, and those often render it the more difficult and tiresome. GRACIOUS EXI-OSURE OF BUST AND LIMB You perhaps notice another pecu liarity about some of the ladies' dresses. The bodies are not only cut very low, but are so far from clinging jealously to the figure as to seem to challenge the gaze. " So gracious a condescension on the part of our belles," continued the matron, in a tone tingling with irony, " com mends them, you will surely admit, as a far more honest and unequivOcat ing set than the haunts of fashion are used to boast of." And, indeed, this claim might be founded upon proofs even more striking than the one alluded to, Nobody who has been entrapped here, as spectator of the frequent displays of under drap ery on the stairways and the edges of verandas and colonnades, can doubt that manv of the embroidered hose and delicate laces which adorn the limbs of the exhibitors were donned as well for beauty ns for wear, and that the manner of making a graceful disclosure of them is studied as a Hue art. Dean Swift, hearing of a car penter falling through the Bcaffblding of a house whicu he was repairing, remarked that he hked to see a me chanic go through his work promptly. Wherein cousists the humanity of a horse ? He parts with the very bit from his mouth, aud is uevcr deaf to the call tf wo(e). 21, UiVIXd TAPESTKTi The follawing adventure happened in Bath, in the year I79-, and the lady who narrated it was a young girl staying in tbe house. It was in the palmy days of Bath, when that now fallen city rivalled London in brilliancy and dissipation, and when all the rich, the gay, and the high born of England congregated there in tbe seasonand graced the balls and assemblies. Jrlrs. 11 ,once the belle of the court of George III., but at this period gradually retiring from general society, possessed one of the largest of the old houses, and gave in it entertainments which were the most popular of the day. She was cele bfated for three things (once for four, but the fourth her beanty was of the "days gone by.) These things were. her fascination, her benevolence, and a set of the most perfect and matchless amethysts. Her house contained tapestried chambers. The walls of the one in which she slept were hung around with designs from heathen mythology, and the finest piece in the room was that which bung over her dressing table. It rep resented Phoebus driving the chariot of the sun. The figures and horses being life size, it filled op the whole space between the two windows, and the horses were concealed behind the high old-fashioned Venetian looking glass, While Phoebus himself, six feet high,, looked down by day and by night at his mistress, at her toilette. One evening Mrs. ll. had an un usually large party at home. She wore all her amethvsts. On retiring to her room, about four o'clock in the I morning, she took off all her jewels, laid them on the table, and dismissing the weary maid, intended fo put them away herself, but before doing so knelt down, as usual, -to her prayers. While engaged iii her devotions, it was a ha Lit with her to look upward, and ihe face of Phcebus was generally her point of sight, as it were, and the object on which her eyes most easily rested. On this particular hightj as usual, she raised her eyes to Phcebus. W hat docs she see ? Has Pigmalion been here at Work ? Has he filled those dull silk eyes With vital fire ? Or is she dreaming? Iso. Possessed naturally of Wonderful courage and calmness, she continued to move her lips as if in silent prayer, and never once withdrew her gaze, and still the eyes looked down on hers. The light of her candles shone distinctly on liv ing orbs, and her good keen sight en abled her, after a cleverly managed scrutiny, to see that the tapestry eyes of Phoebus had been cut out, aud that, with the door locked and every servant in bed in their distant apartments, and all her jewels spread out before her, she was not alone in the room. She concluded her pray ers with her face suuk in her bands. We can well imagine what those prayers must have been ! She knew there was some one behind that ta pestry ; she knew that bells and screams were equally uselesSj and she lay down in her bed as usual and waited the issue, her onlv omission being that she did not put away her jewels. " They may save my life' she said to herself, and closed her eyes. The clock struck five before a sound was heard, and then the mo ment arrived. She heard a rustle, a descent from behind the tapestry, and a man stood at her dressing table. He took off his coat, and one by one he secured the jewels beneath his waistcoat. What would be his next move ? Would it be to the bedside, or to the window f lie turned ana approached her bedside, but by that tirtle she had seen enough atid again closing her eyes resigned herself to the Providence Whose protection she had just been craving. The man was her own coachman. Apparently satisfied by a brief glance under his dark lantern that he had not dis turbed her, he quietly unlocked her door and left bcr. For iwo hours they must have s.eemed two days she allowed the house to remain un alarmed, her only movement being to relock the door w hich her living Phoc bus had left ajar. At seven in the morning she rang her bell, and ordered the carriage around immediately after breakfast. All this was according to her usual habits. On the box was the man who had cost her a night's rest, and most probably, all her jewelst How ever, she drove off; she went straight to the house of a magistrate. "Seize my coachman," said she; "secure him and search him. I have been robbed, and 1 hardly think he has had time to disencumber himself of the jewels he has taken from me." She was obeyed, and she was right. Ihe amethysts were stilt about him, and he gave himself up without a stru oo'u A story is told of a young lady, a teacher or one oi our foabbath Schools, who one or two Suudays ago asked a youngster what was mat rimony. He mistook the question ier purgatory, ana promptly an swered : " A place or 6tate of pun ishment in this life where some souls suffer for a time before coing to Heaven." A person who was recently called into court for the purpose of proving the correctness of a doctor's biil, was asked by tbe lawyer whether " the doctor did not make several visit f'er the patient was out of danger?' " rxo, replied the witness, ' I considered the patient in d;ingr as long a3 the doctor continued his vigils," Pat. Lyon, tlie Plitlndelplila Black smith. In an article on John N eagle, the artist, in Lippincott's Magazine, we find the following anecdote of Pat rick .Lyon, the famous " retired black smith " of Philadelphia i Shortly after his return to Phila delphia (1825.) while at work one day in his stndio, Pat Lyon, the cele brated retired blacksmith, calledfand seeing Neagle, said? " This, I presume is Mr. Neagle?" " Yes, sir, that is my name." " I wish you, sir, to paint rno at fall length, the size of life, represent, ing me at the smithery, with a be!. lows-blower hammers and all the et ceteras of the shop around me." Thinking he did not know the ex pense of a large picture, with two fig ures and all the surrounditigs, our ar tist said: "This, sir, Will be a large and dif ficult work, and the expense consider able." Mr. Lyon replied, "D n the ex pense!" npon which Neagle added " Even the canvas will cost several dollars." " Here is the money J go ahead, Lyon saidj " how much more will you have to start on V Presently he added, '' I wish you to nnderstand clearly, Mr. Neagle, that I do not desire to be represented in this pic ture as a gentleman to which char acter I have no pretensions. I. want yon to paint me at work at my anvil, with my sleeves rolled up and a leather apron on. I have had my eye upon you. 1 have seen your pic tures, and you are the Tery man for the work." ' An arrangement was then made for the first sitting, which was a mere head to try the likeness. This was so satisfactory to Mr. Lyon and his friends that the full length was imme diately proceeded with; During the progress the painter Visited the black smith in the navy yard, and other shops throughout the cltj, and made a number of sketches, in order to be come acquainted with the detail of the business. On one occasion Nea gle made a sketch of a man with a paper cap on his head; " What are you doing?'' said Lyon. " I am sketching this man for a bellows-blower.1' "Pooh! pooh! do not do anything so absurd. No blacksmith was ever seen with a paper cap on While at work." Afterfrardj Neagle showed him a sketch of an anvil, hooped around Wilh an iron band looped in a manner to receive the tools. Lyon laughed at this, saying: " Put no such thing in my picture, for truth's sake! A gpnuioe black smith would scorn such a thing. Horse shoers only, who strike and do their own blowing, would descend to such a thing 1 Why, my dear sir, you Will always find that a legitimate blacksmith has his tools placed in a frame-work around the bellows. He calls for each tool wanted and it is handed to him by the bellows blower.'' Lyon was a remarkable man in more respects than one. He had a fine mathematical mind, and worked his problems out on paper before he cut his iron. He Was renowned as a blacksmith, lie built the Diligent Ore engine, and it remained the best of Philadelphia engines for forty years after his death. It was a ma chine of remarkable power and sin gular accuracy and skiil. Lyon was noted likewise as a manufacturer of hydraulic engines, locks and every thing relating to his business. A characteristic anecdote is related of him 5 An iron chest in one of the banks could not be opened on account of the'key having been mislaid. Lyon was sent for to pick the lock. He came and opened it. " What is your charge?" asked the President. 'Ten dollars," answered Lyon. "That is exorbitant," said the other. " Very well," replied Lyon, shut ting down the lid again, "perhaps some one will do it for you more cheaply. He then walked away. One or two other persons Were ap plied to and failed in their attempts to open the chest, so it became neces- sary to send for Lyon again, who came and reopened it. " Here is your ten dollars,' the President. said No," replied Lyun, " it must now be twenty. " I will not give it," exclaimed the President, nutting his hands on the l-l .1 i . j . . 1 liu OI ine fuesi, nuu uuem uwu" f u lU'tC 11 CLil.ltll Utli, T ( .. T ...:M ,.U .k, ' n.' the bauds were instantly withdrawn and the lid shut down. It was a case of exeat urcrencv. and. cost what it mirrhf tViA rhpst must honened:so they concl Jded they had better give o ' . him the twenty dollars, for Liyon said he would charge them ten dol lars for each visit. Thereupon the money was paid, and Lyon departed, considerably elated at having in ucaped over the cleanness of the Prts idtUt. N UMBER 2. D1.VNER TABLES. Absence of body color is the great' est. defect in modern pottery, particu larly that portion of it used on ther dinner table. Go where we may, let us be at bonse or abroad, the same dead white is toned against a dead white table elotb ; if there is a pat tern on our pfate, and on the dishes before our eyes, it is probably of a pale green or blue ; or if red, it is in such small masses as to produce littler or no effect. We go out, say to a large London dinner party, where our host has expended 100 or 120 n the service before cs. It is rich in gilding, it bears bis coat of arms, it is bordered with brilliant blue or green ; yet what is the effect ? We look up or down the table and see nothing but dead white surfaces the white table cloth, the uncontrast--ing silver. In fact, there is no effect at all, except of a chill uniformity, un worthy of an age pretending to the least cultivation in matters of taste. Our potters seemingly forget that warm or high toned colors are a car dinal necessity in the decorative arts of Northern climates. English architects are beginning to perceive this truth by their revival of the ornamental terra cotta and fiue red brickwork of the middle oges. Observe how well these masses of dark red stone look against our win try skies; and In summer how well they look amid the verdure of our woods and lawns. Except for occa aional purposes, white brick and largo masses of white stonework are as much out of keeping with our climate as the Grecian order of architecture. Open poiticoes, colonnades, roof lights, and white surfaces are unsuited. to Us. We want solidity, shelter, warmth and tones of warmth in col oring, in our buildings, and wo can not afford to lose sight of the princi pie, so far as color is concerned, in even minor thing?. A century Ago, Wedgwood deplored the necessity ho was under of charginc: the color of his ordinary ware from a fine body color of pale sulphur to a dead white. but the fashionable world, just as ic crew tired of Bath or Wevmouth. Ranelah or the Pantheon, had crowu tired of the cream color, aud with tho caprice natural to a low state of edu cation, vapid accomplishments, mis used wealth, and a senseless and. wearying pursuit of pleasure.clamcred for a change, He tried to compromise the matter1 by introducing what he called pearl white; that was white shehtlv tolled with pink, as the cream color was white, more or less toned with yellow; but it was uot well received. Ilt had thus to. export his finest wares U the West Indies and North America, and adopt for his home trade a pot tery covered with a dead white elazei not so white as that in use at present, but still low tohed compared with tho richest examples of cream color. YeG contrast the two the fine sulphur color of Wedgwood's best dsys, with a modern dinner service ot dead white, on which the pattern is in some low snaue oi me secondary and terti ary colors, as brown or green. In the one case you se no effect at all but negative unobtrusiveness ; in th other a vivid conception of fitness and beauty strikes the mind, and is re tained by the eye of the beholder. 0 What a Man Wants nis Wira to Know. There are certain things a man wants his wife to know, that are never learned at ladies" semina ries, and but too seldom, we fear, at home. One Would like his wife to know how to make a shirt. Ever so rich, it would be a comfortable sensan tioti to think she made it yet there are some who cannot even sew on a button. To be able to cook a beef- steak properlyor roast a joint to a turn to make savory sauce, or dish up a fricasee to cook one's hus band a rood dinner 5 in short, if fleed be, what every woman ought to know and what very few do know, until obliged to learn it. It is a solemn fact that not one marriagable girl in twen ty can make a really good cup of coffee. The Cause of Menken's death. We learn from a private source that the Parisian physician Who attendedb Miss Menken in her last illness de clares that the consumption which terminated in her death Was caused by the strap with Which she was bound to the horse as " Mazeppa.' It Is a sinsular coincidence that the first words of her book of poems, which had been in press for some months before she was taken ill, but oulv appeared a few days after sha diprl are. " Yes. 1 am dead j it --- . . .. . raDidlv running through large editions. and amid all its wild, unpruned rhap sody, contains, here and there, a iu 1 pvua ..1.. w e - , I n-wm iirhih 19 ciifn A fTPITI Llltil almnisr. lmnofisible to believe tnai me I ' f , clir.rf-POminor Me lOnUe OI euiu-- has prated so loudly, could have Deeu its author. A London theater has made a gUCceSs by dramatizing a bloody story from a flash weekly, sacnuwug v., tiling to the reproduction cpoo the stage of the wood vuxs itb wbicu tho tale wa's illustrated Every tableau is recognized wuu approbation 0 o M i