The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 30, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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By Wllllcn, Slavcns McNtitt
JlANHAbSL 1 , L. r June 30. The
Carpentier cam, hn? returned to nor
malcy after the explosion of yostcidav
caused bj the advent of too nianv vis
Itors during the absence ot M." Dei
campo. Again It Is Impossible to crash
the gate at the old farm hoirso and
tho challenger is cnjojlng the peace
and quiet which ho maintains Is so
necessary to hlni In his training.
Tho remainder of his training- will
consist of just that peace ami quiet
nesn. The heavy work and condition
ing in over and it but rctuilnr, for
Deicamps to hcrp his charge on edge
mini ne steps Into the ring to blast
loose tho heavyweight. crown from
t tho head of the present champion, or
resign his pretension?: t0 wo.1(1 jHtic
.Thonc who hWjfiPft,,,,, , nlm,,ls mn
see little to euA-- -
taPPir two ol Carpentier s t-nnr-
ring partners, Italian Joe (Jans and
Paul .Tournce, set sail on the rude
. sea of combat in a ring In Brooklyn
and came to grief. Cans took to th
lifeboat in the 10th round while Jour
nee went down with colors fly In.1;.
Nevertheless, he wen), down. The col
ors that he flew when ho went down
wore crimson and the coloring mat tor
was knocked loose from his arterioi
by the stern and rockbound fists ol
Mr. Wcineri.
Those who play onions shook I heir
X ' heads over this double defeat of mem
bers of the Cat pent far camp. It was,
thoy said, bad medicine.
Then Captain Mallet, a French itrnn
.officer who has always done duty ir
-Carpentler's corner when the latlei
fought, wont out a-swinimlng and lef
his legs out in 1 lies hot sun when he
emerged from tho water. Captair
Mallet's logs, as a result, are temper
arlly neither beautiful nor useful
They aro red, swollen and blistcrc
and tho captain will nol be piescn
In (he challenger's corner at the hie
light. No. The captain will bo home ii
Y. W. C. A.
iRegular monthly meet ing Y. W. C.
A. board to be held Friday, July 1. at S
p, m. Instead of Wednesday, July 5.
Homo of K. M. Williams. All board
members are urged to be piesent, verj
important meeting.
MRS. 1). M. FRENCH, Piesidont. 1
Wotncn'G Relief Corps Attention
Meeting tonioirow evening at 7:30
o'clock. AH necessary business trans
acted, at this meotlng. Edith M. Reed,
president. 1
Classified advertising 1 eont per worn
ich Inspitlnn. ' If lunerled fi tlnioa or
more. 3-4 cent n wnrd. Monthly publi
cation rate on application t tli nfflc.
FOR RENT (Housekeeping
913 Federal.
FOR RENT--Player piano. G. E. Cor
eon tho Music Man. 'JO
rooms. Adults only. Tele
phone black 1811. "
TOR "RENT miriaTHy HinihslnTl
rooms. 1313 Pine hired. Telephone
black 5092. 7
MUij ltwtjjv(JxjI-i-' .-nn.-M-xj-u-nrii-v-
FOR RENT Three room furnished
apartment, prlvnto bath. Telephone
red 3972. 1521 Jackson. 2
FOR RENT Housekeeping roonn
ratC3 'reasonable. 722 East Third
street. 1'
foti -RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms. Alco small furnished house
suitable for batching- Inquire 111
West Second 7
room modern bungalow on West
Twelfth stroot. Inqulro Dalles Real
ty company, black 5691. 30
FOR RENT Rooms at -508 Yasdtig
ton. Ono largo cno'ugh for two on
LflrHt floor; nlso sleeping porch ami
kitchen. 1
FOR RENT Slooplnc rooms, f 10 per
month, bath and tolcphono included
409 Wc;u Eighth .itreet. Telephone
red 5131:
Wrcnn ranch, Including hay ciop.
'''trull and vosetablos. Will give loin
lea" very leasonable. Write box
321, caro Chronicle 1
FOR SA.LE 1-iinhert cherries for
canning, cheap. Oregon Growers.
First and Jefferson streols. 1
FOR SALE Young rich mllklntr 2
gallon Jersey cow Very penile
Price $45.00. Telephone red 1101 5
bed getting the results over tho tele
phone, while a nurse rubs the blister
ed extremities with ointment to tho
, accompaniment of a soothing breeze
by an electric fan.
Carpentier Is fighting tho jinx to tho
best of Ills ability. While out on bin
;road work Wednesday he found un
old and rusted horseshoe which ho
picked up, btought home and nailed up
alougrlde the front door. He would
have nailed It up over the door, ho
says, but with the luck breaking so
; poorly tor him and his, he decided that
If he did so 11 would probably fall
and hit him on the head some time
when he was leaving the house.
Catpentler is calm and rays he Is
.confident even tiling that can be dono
to tit him lor the fray has been dono.
Ho wins or loses on the strength of
the condition that he has already at
ny Unit. ci i'icn.1
"Just walling for tho bell,'
Georges Carpenlier today.
Tho challenger has coinplrtcd his
training. Ho Is in perfect physical
condition and apparently untroubled
by tho imminence of the champion
ship battle.
Having lipped the scales this morn
ing at 1721 pounds and laid away
(ho gloves until Saturday alturnoon,
Georges declares ho will do nuthing
but rest I lorn now on.
Georges' doctor is enthusiast Io
over his condition. Gus Wilson,
whoso job it is to massage and rub
him down, says ho was never so
clean cut and ready for a light.
Francois IJescaiiips goes about tho
farm rubbing his hands and smil
ing. After the little flurry of nerves
which al lacked the challenger's
camp on Tuesday, everyone is on
edge with confidence.
Carpontlor himself is the least wor
ried man, as lar as appearances go,
ol anyone at Manhasset. He avoided
visitors today, but in private joked
and played cards and seemed en
tirely at his ease.
All of the difficulties which liavo
arisen during the past month have
been swept away. Carpentier and
Dcscamps arc satlsllcd iwith the size
if the ring, which has been com
deled, and arc pleased with the
Ircsslng rooms and other arrange
henls. FOR SALE Good loose wheat hay,
delivered. Call led 2S21. 30
FOR SALE $2000 will buy a good
home at 705 Calhoun street. 2
FOR SALE A brand new four-room
house, modern in every respect. In
fluire at 500 East Fourteenlh. 7
weight 1300. Inqulio W W. Zac'.usry,
drayman. .1-
FORSaTe""' Now bug; cheap lor
cash. Might trade for light touring
702 Webster street. "0
FOR AL1C- Dry oak wood; old oak,
fling; second stowtb, $12.50. Deliv
ered. Call 30F22, alter 0p. in. tf
FoTrT"One51-galloti gasoline
lank; one 10-gulIoti oil lank; one
telephono (Western Electilc). Tele
phono black 6211. 30
TORlsvl'Sam'. and gravel. Truck
service. Country trips. Gordlon and
Van Dolah, telephono red 1331. 3o
FOR SALE- Tim meanest man In
town will sell hay at east end ot
Second sired Wheat hay or alfalf
$17 per ton delivered. fKi and you
take it away S a. m. to 5 p. in. U
FORSALE One while enamel kitch
en cabinet; one Howard Heater.
Call red 5681 or inqulro Gil West
Eighth. Jl
FOR SALE Largo and unall farm
and orchard tracts. Reasonable
prices, good terms. W. 0. Hanna.
Dtilur, Oro. IStf.
FOR SALE Nine loom house, with
big lot, extends liom Third to
Fourth street. Mrcel Improvement?
In and paid, will be sold cheap and
on good tQriiio. Black & Cium. 30
FOR SALE .('ompleto tin calling in,i
-chine. 28-inch J. I. Caso separator
and onglno. OuUtt in lirst clash con
dition. E. A. Read, Buick Garago,
Telophone lui'ln 921. 27(1
FOR SALE Confectionery business,
stock and fixtures. Splendid leaso
or will sell property. Excellent lo
cation. Clearing over $1,000 a
month. Will stand closest investi
gation Wiite Fail C Millur, Tho
n.illns fire iron 1
FOR SALE Baled hay nnd gialn. Wn
deliver any place in town. One
horse, weight 1750. years old
Guaranteed. Will soli or Hade lor
cattle. Ono team, weight 2100.
Sound and gentle. O. K. Feed
barn. Julv2
FOR SALE--Ono hay rhoppu; threo
header boiea. !ml; ono double
disk; ono twoboitom 1 1-Inch gang
Plow; ono 14 Inch two-way plow.
Soviral head of horres. Roy Gra
ham, Northwest Sheep company
firanddnllM. Wash, or J C r.'ir.ul.
city. ?'w2d
By Henry L. Farrcll
(United Pre.m Stnff Correspondent)
(NEW YORK, June SO. The Doinp-sny-Cerpi-ntlcr
batik-, called "the
bout ol a century and the greatest
of all times," adds a chapter to a
list of important hc.ivvwelcht chain.
plonshlps that started back in 1882.
John I j. Sullivan was the first to
bo consiileied one ol the real greats
of the ring. Ho won tho llllo by
knocking out Faddy Ryan In nine
round? at Mississippi City. Mis?.,
Feb. 7, 1SS2. Ho successfully do
tended Ills clown by knocking out
Jake Kllrain in a 75 lound battle al
Iticliburg. Miss., on July S, 1SS9. II
way Hie last light with bare
Figuicd without a rhanee, James J.
Corbet I, a bank clerk, gave one of
the fiisi p'-ools of tho merits of
brains and rclencu
and brute strength
the championship
September 7, 1802,
against b;awn
when ho won
from Sullivan
in a 21 round
tight In
I ended
New Orleans. Corbel I ile
itis tltlu against. Charlie
Mitchell in a three round fight at
Jacksonville, January 25, tS'.M.
, After defeating ll'eter Maher in ono
round in Mexico in 1S9I3. Hob Fllz-
Simmons came along then and won
tho title from Coibctt alter M rounds
In Carson City, Nevada, March 17,
1897. lie held the ciown until June
9, 1899, when he was knocked out
by James J. Jel fries in an 1J. round
fight at Coney Island, N. Y.
On (ho samo battleground, Jelfrics
beat Tom Sharkey in 2,r rounds on
November ,V 1899. Fitzsiminons
challenged again lor the title, bin
Jeffries knocked him out in an 8
round bout in an Francisco on August
25, 1902. Corbet t then challenged
Jeffries and was knocked out in 10
rounds at San Francisco on August
11, 1903. Jack Munroc challenged
him but suffered the samo fato
after two rounds in San Francisco
August 26, 1901. Jeffries retired in
1905, undefeated.
Mhrvin Hart claimed the title after
knocking out Jack Root in a 12
round bout at Reno, July 13, 1905.
Jcl'fiies rel'crced I ho bout and pre
sented Hart with his title.
Tommy Burns became the chain
FOR SALE-Bulck, late '"17." $750.00
cash, or fSOO.OO terms. This car has
just been overhauled, newly painted
and new lop. Five practically new
cord tiros. Driven only 20,000 miles
INover been in a repair shop or oil
pavement. Had the best of care and
.must bo seen lo be appreciated.
'Write box D205, care of Chionlclo. 2
Want eo
WANTED -- Chambermaid. Hotel
'Dalles. Sec housekeeper. 30
wTOTETTireo men Tor haying, two
to drive teams. Inqulro Bank lio'el.
WANTED Spot cash will bo paid
for good diamond If price is light.
-Must hear quid:. Write J. M. J., 200.
Chronicle. -
WANTED An expoilencod practical
nurso wants position. Conlinement
cases preferred. Telophone bli'ck
1791. -
WANaMOD-TrTuTgoo dTaTmnwT
Will pay cash, If prlcu is right.
Must have immediately. Write J. M.
J., 200, Chiouide. 30
LOST Two keys on ring. Return to
Chronicle oft Ice. I
LOST -Five baseball bats and llng-i
mitt at last Sunday's baseball game
Return to C. L. Bobn for icward.
TAKEN UP - One light -colored Jet so
cow, marked ,under-bit out of right
ear. Owner can havo same by pa".
in:; for mi. Thoimn A. Hill. 210 Eat
Fotiitecnlh street. 7
LOST -Party fiiidlnt,' b"g of lat:iidr
on VJxi of June 27 or 28. whl-h w il
lost oil truck in The D:dleii between
11 i. in. and 0.30 a. in, rdurn l
i.Motor Servlfo garage. No question,
asked. Poriland-Tho Dalles Ti-uk
ilcrvlco. I
PLAIN SEWING and shl:ti, mane to
order at 211 Court stieot. ('ill and
talk It over. i
HI-.' MST I TCH ! N ( i ThoTdmTMTs"
L. M. Boothiy, 3Q3 Washington
street. Telephone main C5S1. tl
HEMSTITCHING and piloting at
tachment, $2.00. Buttonhole attach
inent, $9.85, fits any sewing ma
chine. Personal checks, 10c extra
Lights Mail Older House, box 127.
Birmingham, Ala. 1
nblo cort, aro In active demand
Many peoplo have recently moved
perhaps going to houses or apart
meats wheio thoy havo no space to
spare. Former furnished room ten
ants aro looking onco moro lor do
slrablo quarters Havo you anything
to offer them? Toll about II In a
CtironMc Want Ad.
plon when ho won a 20 round deci
sion fiom Halt In I.os Angeles on
February 2.1, I90G. Hart claimed a
foul, but It was not granted. On
j.May 7, 1907, limns defeated Jack
O Urlen in a 20 round bout In Los
Angolcs and on July 4. 1907, he
knocked out 1)111 Squires In one
round at Colma, Cal.
Jack Johnson came Into possession
of the title when he beat limns In a
20 round bout at Sjdnoy. Australia
Police stopped the contest. Hums
received $:?0,noO. while Johnson got
lii.OUO along with the ciown. The
colored fighter whipped Stanley
Ketchol . in 12 rounds at Colma.
! October 1(3. 1909, and knocked out
Jamcj J. Jelfcrles in 15 lounds at
Reno July I, 1910.
Alter Johnson had defeated Jim
Flynn in nine rounds at Las Vegas
July I, 1912, ho got Into trouble witli
the .government and a tourney of
while heavyweights was arranged in
Los Angeles in ID III, Luther Mc
carty beat Al lCaulfman, Jim Flynn
and Al Palzer and was pioclaimcd
the while heavyweight cliampinn of
America. On .May 21, 19L3, at Cal
gary, Canada, Mc.Caity was knocked
out by Arthur Polkey. McCarty col
lapsed in the ring and died from
what tho coroncr'a Jury termed a
hcniorihagc of the brain.
Gunboat Smith won the title fiom
Polkey In 15 rounds at San Fran
cisco on January 1, 191 1.
Jess Wlllnrd then canio. along and
being proclaimed the white hope he
was matched with Jack Johnson, still
world's heavyweight champion. Wil
lard won the world's championship
by knocking out the negro In the
2Gth round at Havana. April 5, 1915.
Alter a sensational string of short
knockout victories, Jank Deinpsey
was matched with Willard by Tex
Rickard. Tney met in Toledo, Ohio,
on July 4, 1919. Deinpsey knocked
Willard down seven limes in the
first round and won the title when
Willard failed to answer the bell for
the lth round.
Ruth hit his (wenly-third homer
off ' Bigbee, Athletics, In first
game of double header and his
twenty-fourth in the second game
off Perry.
Tho Robins beat the Giants in
a double header.
turo and plnno moving. Freight
hauled nnd general express buol
nena. Telephones: Stand, red 101;
residence black 1352. J. E. Houzln
Tito undersigned wjll receive sealed
bids up to and including July 9, 1921,
al 8 p. in. for 1'iiinlshlng transporta
tion during the ensuing school year
to the pupils ol school district No,
27, lo tlio Dufur school house and
The successful bidder must furnish
bond anil sign contract tor the faith
ful performance of his duties.
Further particulars may bo obtained
r i (in the district school board or the
The board leserves tho right to ie
jeel any find all bids.
30vv27 Dial i Id Clerk.
Notice for Bids for Dalles City
Dalles City calls for bids for tho
construction of the auditorium,
Tim Council id' Dalles City has ap
proved plans, and specifications as
pi opal ed by Doughtaling & Dougnn.
irchltects of Portland, Oregon, tin
.diown by the minutes of the Conn
rll meeting of Juno lfith, 1921, Spec!
flcations, plans antl estimate for the
construction aro on file in tho olflce
if the Recorder of Dalles City, sub
ject to Inspection, and tho work will
be done In accordance with s,.ld
plans and specifications and under
The Right of Way
Printing 1$ tfrc Salesman
Who Hag the Right of Way
Your Eatea letter in the United States
mail has the right of way straight to your
customer's desk.
Strengthen your appeal by using a
fiaperof knowi quantity Hammermill
lond and goo-1 printing which will
attract your customer's attention, and
sell your goods.
That's the kind of printing wo do and
the paper we use.
Iff Mot Print r J Sahimatuhlp. Aik mi.
chron'icle" PUBLISHING CO.
Dr. T.
H Evfiiieht Specialist
Hours 9:00 to 8:00 Sundays
17-lf Vogt Blk Over Crosby's
30, 1921.
Big Purses In
Ring History
lly United Prons
NEW YORK, June 30. Tev
Rickard has figured in live of the
biggest money contest of boxing his
tory, Including the UcmpsoyCnrpon
tier bout, which with a million dol
lar gate by lar exceeds all other
spoiling events of all time.
Rickard started his now famous
caieer as a piomotcr with the Gans
Nelson lightweight contest, when he
offered tho then unheard or sum' ol
$;t0,ooo for the bout. Ills next ven
ture was the Johnson Jet fries heavy
weight championship affair and then
came, the Wlllard-Moran bout, the
Dcmpscy-WJllard championship an I
now the greatest of them all, the
Doinpsoy-Carpcntler meel Ing.
The purse of $600,000, which Is
approximately what Hcmpsey and
Carpentier will divide Is moro than
the total receipts of any boxing con
test In history and il exceeds by
inoio than four times the sum ever
given to any boxers in the past.
The following tables gives the
locclpls and. what the principals-sol
In the biggest money drawing con
tests of the past:
Dempsey-WUIard .,
Jolmson-Jcl fries ....
Corbet t-McCoy ..
Brltt-Corbett 21,000
Joffrics-Ruhl'ii 19,250
Jeffrics-Fitzsinnnons ..22,200
Britt-Nelson 16,000
Jolinson-Ketchcl 21,000
Nelson-Brit t 15,273
Corbett-Sulllvan 25,000
N. J.,
June 30 -
Jack Dcmpsey Is through training
Bring Results
the direction and supervision of sucli
All bids must bo accompanied by
i certified check lor 10 of tho
amount of tho fold, lo ho forfeited
to Dalles City In caso such bid
should be accepted and Hie bidder
should fail to enter into contract
and bond lor the faithful perforin
auce of tho work.
All bids shall be scaled and shall
be filed wilh the Recorder of Dalles
City on or before 8:30 p. in., June
30, 1921, said bids to be opened by
the Recorder and Council on said
Dalles City reserves tho right to
rojoct any and fill bids,
Dated tills 151 h day of June, 192'
City Recoiiler. 30
J50.000.CJ Dalles City, Oregon, Gen
eral Obligation Auditorium Bonds.
Sealetl bills will be received until
the hour of 8 o'clock p. in. July 5,
1921, b tin; undersigned, and Inline
dlately thereafter publicly opened by
tho City Council at nthe C').iti"il
chambers in tho City Hall or Dalles
City, Oregon, for tho purcnase of
$50,000.00 ol' General Obligation
Auditorium Bonds of the said City,
authorized at an election liel 1 I'oi
said purpose, said bonds to Ik In
denominations of $1,000.00, $500 00
or $100.00 each, at the option ttl the
purchaser, all lo liu dated July 1,
1921, due $10,000.00 each on July 1,
1932. 1933, 1931, 1935 and 1936 re-
Said bonds to bear Inleiesl al (!
UOi ecu! ier annum, payable on the
1st days of January and July ol
each year, piinclpa! and Interest pay
able In United States gold coin of
the present stnndatd of value, at I lie
Fisctil Agency of the Stato of Oregon
In Now Yoik City, or tit the olfic"
of tho City Tieasuier In Dalles Cll,
All bids bo accompanied by
a cot tilled check for 5 percent of
the par value of tho amount ol the
bonds bid for.
The legality ol this Issue of Iruidb
has been passed upon by Teal, Mln
or K- Wlnfiee, attorneys of Portland.
Oregon, and an approving opinion
will bo furnished successful bidders
Tho Council reserves Uto light to
reject any and all bids.
Jiine27-30-Julyl-2-5 City Recoiiler
Hemstitching, picot edging, -lieiiii-making.
218! East Thlid tided, Con
don building. Telephone black 5211 7
Whitney Repair Shop
703 East Second St.
and Evenings by Appointment
Druo Store Phone Black 1111
'and he Is glad of It. The world's
champion will do his last work today
when he punches tho bag for two
rounds and lakes a long walk on
tho road.
Dcmpsey and his household will
move Friday to Jersey City. His
means of transportation and ills des
tination at the scene of tho battle
are being kept secret by Manager
Kcarns, It is understood that he wti!
spend the eve of the contest In a
private homo near the stadium and
will see no "one.
The champion looked to b:i just
how ho said ho felt In the finest
By United 1'irr.i
(By Mall) - Alechln, not
player, thrice condemned
ed chess
I to death in Moscow, will be one of
'the participants In tho forthcoming
iworld chess tournament in Havana.
His friends, with dlflicully, got him
free and he is now here, where be
Is booked for a match with Telcli
Herr Kngan In charge of Ihu Eu
ropcan end of the tournament told
tho Hulled Press today the contest
would probably be at the end of the
year in Havana. The lollowing par
ticipants have already been listed:
Marshal, Teichiuann, Tarrasch, Bctl,
Drcyer, F.uwe Bogoljuboff (a young
Hollander especially recommended
by Lasker), Rubinstein, Alechln,
Kostltch, and Maroczy, with probably
the Austrians Tartakuw and Spiel
ninnn. All the participants receive pas
sage and pay. It is expected hero
Hint a big tournament will follow
In New York.
By United I'rcoa
LONDON, June 30. -A slat ul e or
Georgo Washlngtontho leader or
the Continental army that wrested
the fTl colonics from George III.
was .unveiled, today in Trafalgar
Square, opposite the National Gal
lary of art and just across tho square
from a statue ol Georgo IV.
All members of tho American offi
cial and residential colony attended
thu ceremony, ono of a series ar
ranged for this summer in connec
tion with the dedication or Sulgravo
Manor, homo of Washington's an
FuMic Sfteiraogiraip'luvfiir
Typing and stenography dono at
reasonable rates. Roslna A. Flock. Of
lice Hotel Dulles Residence telephone
ted 2332. tl
Wlhiii-e Track Lira
Freight and express betwoeu The
Dallca and Wasco, Moro and all way
pninis Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m.
dally except Sunday. Leave Moro,
1:30, p. m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. in.
1). M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephono
black 1642 or main 471. tf
PIANOS TUNED ma repalied, ac
tion regulating and reflnlshlng.
Playur actions a specially. Work
gtiaiantccd. S. A, Duckstaiier, Cor
son Mush: store, 320 Kant Second
street, Telephono main 1061. tf
' Contracting Dricklayers and Plasterers
All hinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specially
Estimated furnished free of chain';. All Work Guaranteed,
Telephone Main C1G1 or Call at Gates Block
Peoples Transfer Co.
Furniture and Piano Moving
Stand at Glenn's Paint Storo Main 3721
Residence Phone Red 1811
Wasco The Dalles Dufur
' Bert Thomas, Assistant Managnr
Licensed Embalmers, Established 1M7
Women Attendant Telephones
Mrs. M. J. Wlllerton Day fled 351
Telephone nsd 1781 Nlflht Red MJI
J. 11. Harper, Black 2152
Motor Equipment
KNDFRSBY. June 28. M.r. arul 'Mrs
Paul Darnlcllo and two children were
out from Tho Dalles Sunday, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Darnlede.
Air. and Mrs. R. P. Dainielle's Httlo
daughter, Margery, Is on the. sick lis:.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Angell and daugh
ter, Eva. and Mr. and Mrs. O. F An
gell motored to Herman check Sun
day and were met there by u number
ol relatives from Portland and enioy
ed si latnlly reunion. There wero 15'
In Hie party.
Mrs, Victor Thonipscn Is staying at
the home of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. J. Davidson, while her mother
is in Tito Hallos hospital.
Mrs. Jessie Chandler ol The Dalles
and Mrs. Daisy Bell and son Alan, of
Edmondton, Alia., visited thu L. H.
McDonald homo a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Yager and
daughter, Grade Ma, and Miss Ger'
I rude and Clara Yager were out from
The Dalles Sunday.
Judson Brown of Tho Dalles came,
out Friday night and preached Sun
day morning and evening. H. L. Feid
of Dufui- preached at 3 o'clock Sun
day afternoon.
Dewey Simons was thrown frpm a
horse Sunday. A rib was broken.
Corey McDonald and his mother,
Mrs. Mildred McDonald, former . resi
dents here, but now of Washington
are visiting old friends and neighbors
while attending to business matters
regarding thoir ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. JIarvey McAllister are
rejoicing over tho nrrival of a son,
born at The Dalles hospital last week.
Mrs. McAllister way lormerly Miss
Lucy Winslow, who taught the
by school hero.
Tho I li st baled alfalfa hay of ths
season was hauled from tho Corey' Mc
Donald place by Karl Carlco'.
Wood Sawing
Tryon and Gllbroth'.s wood say. Suc
cessor lo Mpyor Wood Saw business.
Telephone black 4711. ' fi
Free Clinic No Charge For Examina
tion Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Dr. Baum, ctilrnpractic physician',
Third and Washington, main 601. It
Wo hall anything, any place, call
main 731. 23
General real estate, insurance, nnd
loans. 100 East Second street. Tele
phone mailt 1571. 2811
R'Ba'5!iciricdl AircMftecit
DOt First National Bink Bldg.
Tho Dalles, Ore. 16tf
Dr. Geo. F. Newhouse
Eye GpccUlUt
We aie equipped to give J'our
eyes thu very bent of caie. Eyes
tested, Glauses ground.
Second and Washington Sttceti
The Dalles
Cut Flower