The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 30, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Marriage License Issued A mar
riage license wns Issued to Forest K.
E'rickson, 28, of listacadn. and Lola
Atla Mann, 21, or The Dalle3.
Tank Open (or Men The high
school awlmniiug tank will be open
for men only tonlght.Tlie water will
be heated sufficiently to take off the
Daughter Is Born Friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Simonsen, Jr., have
just received word of the birth of
a daughter last Saturday. The Sim
onsens formerly lived in The Dalles,
moving from here to Pendleton, their
present home, about four years ago.
Will Attend Conventions U. A
Duncan will leave Saturday morning
tor Los Angeles where he will attend
the convention o!' the Ulg Tiee club,
an organization of Pacific Mutual
Life Insurance company agents. Ik'
will also remain In Los Angeles lo
attend the lilks' convention.
Auto Camp Poputai A total of 433
automobiles, averaging four persons
to the car, stopped at the city auto
park during the first month It war
open, according to II. It. Fancher
chairman of the auto camp ground
committee. The camp ground Is no v.
accom'modntlng from 20 -to 25 cars i
day, and at the present rate more tha
o.OOO people will have, camped then
by the close of this year's touring so:
son, Fancher estimates.
Osborn Funeral Tomorrow Fun
eral services for D. F. Osborn will
be held tomorrow afternoon at 3
o'clock from the Uurget-Mogan com
pany's funeral home, Hev. G. K
Hartman of'ciating. Uurial will be
in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. A
brother,- James Osborn of Missouri,
arrived in The Dalles on the same
afternoon that the Tygh Valley
rancher died. He had come all the
way from Missouri to visit with his
brother, only to find him dead. James
Osborn will remain for the funeral
Prisoner Claims Innocence With
George-Anderson, 1C years old, in cus
tody, Sheriff Levi Chrlsman returned
last night from Medford, where he hnd
gone to secure the prisoner. Anderson
is charged witli stealing an automo
bilo owned by John Wernmark of
this city. He claims that he has never
been in The Dalles before and that
he was picked up by a companion at
Rosoburg and transported as far' as
Medford. At Medford, Anderson was
arrested, his companion escaping.
Owing to the youth of the prisoner
his case will come before the juvenile
Pageant Pictures Coming H. W.
Arbury, Community Service director,
was notified today that the pictures
taken of the Historical pageant on
i.lay 27, will be in The Dalles next
week for first viewing by members
of the Community Service executive
council, T. N. Fenlon, the camera
man who photographed the pageant,
will accompany the pictures, and
(when they are viewed ho will can
vass the question of titles and other
details needed for completion of the
lilms. When the films are ready, it
will bo given several public exhi
bitions in Tho Dalles, and it is like
ly that a sbt will be purchased anil
preserved for the city's use.
Airplane Visitors An airplane,
carrying A. B. McKenzle, a former
nrmy avintor, as pilot, and It. L.
Simmons of Portland, as (passenger,
stopped over for a short time in the
city yesterday afternoon. They havo
been touring eastern Oregon and are
returning to Portland. According lo
McKonzIe, they passed through
heavy rains yesterday in tho vicin
ity of Antelope. They say that they
have seen nothing in their flying
experience equal to the Columbia
river scenory. McKenzie will return
to tho city in tho near future with
a large new passenger plane. He
may later establish a passenger
New Sunday School Organized
Hev. Clark M. Smith, missionary of
the American Sunday School union,
returned AVednorday afternoon from i
weeks' trip reviewing organizations in
Klickitat, Sherman and Morrow coun
ties. Back in tho iMattlson district, 20
miles .outh of Ileppner, where n min
ister seldom penetrates, Mr. Smith
,-eVeorganlzed a .Sunday school to run
during tho summer months. Tho snow
gets too deep In the winter time, he
said, for the scdiool to continue in
winter. At immigrant, Sherman coup-
Miss Mary G. Zoiner, IS yra, old, of Jamestown, 0 is tho nnlv
girl fire-truck driver in America. She drives the truik. answering all
calls either day or night and says .he enjoys the I! a. m. calls. Her
father is town marshal. The flio truck she drives is the newest i'fin,
ped motor file apparatus.
t.v, where there Is a school Willi an at
tendance of about -10 each Sunday, it
lias been decided lo hold set vices on
alternate Sundays during the liarver.t
Twilight League Forming With
local business men taking a ken
interest, organization of a twilight
baseball league is going steadily
forward under the direction of Com
munity Service Director H. Ar
bury. Six teams aie now entered in
the league: the musicians, barbers,
retailers, bankers, office men anil
railroad men. The first league game
is scheduled for Wednesday evening,
6:30 p. m. on Amaton field, between
the barbers and the musicians. An
ticipating a good game, the barbers
are already practicing for Wednes
day's fray. The musicians' team,
made up 'of both dance and "legit"
players, (s rapidly rounding Into
shape and will be there with bells on
Wednesday, accoidlng to local jazz
Half-Year Licenses Ready A
number of automobiles thai have
been in seclusion during the first
half of this year, will bo on the
streets of The Dalles again next
week, adorned ivvitli 11)21 Demise
plates, according to City Recorder
D. L. Cates. Quito a number of auto
mobile owners have been holding
their cars in storage waiting t'oi
July 1, when a state license may be
secured at half price.. In some in
stances, automobile owners attempt
ed to keep their cars in operation
by securing temporary licenses.
Catcs stopped this, however, by rul
ing that a check or cash sufficient
to secure the license plates must be
left with him upon the issuance of
a temporary license, which he sends
to the secretary of state for the car
Rainfall Light Jupu Pluvius, the
old gentleman always seen on the
magazine covers carrying a watering
pot in Ills hand, passed over The
Dalles last night upon a tour of in
spection of the eastern Oregon dis
trict. Ho was carried by a spirited
elhiopian cloud. When directly over
the city, Jupu decided to freshen the
atmosphere a bit and accordingly
tilted his rain jar until a trickle of
water floated down. Only .07 of an
inch of rainfall was leeordcd at the
chamber of commerce. This is not
enough moisture to either do any
harm or good, according lo County
Agent K. It. Jacltman. Virtually all
cheriies near Tho Dalles are now
picked, thus eliminating the possi
bility of the moisture causing them
to crack, ho explained. The rain
broke up tho open air dance at tin;
Chenowith grove pavilion.
Property Listings Wanted Deal es
tate listings of ranches for sale are
not comlngi in fasl enough to suit
Chamber Secretary Van Scholclc
v'an" is getting up a list of all prop
erty In the county that is offeiod for
sale. Tills list will be presented to the
ear.lcm farmers who are on the "home
seekers'" special which will be In tin
county July 27. it is planned to take
Ihe easterners, probably about lfifl in
all, for an automobile tour over the
county. On this tour all diutricls will
be shown the honieReekers, but in
dividual ranches will he shown only
when interest is displayed in any one
district. All persons may list pioperty
for sab; with the chamber miner this
plan. Absolutely no properly will be
shown the easterners that is not so
listed, Van Scholck said.
Finnic King, who was formerly em
ployed in the Royal barber shop, Iris
purchased a half interest with Frank
Golf In the O. K. baibershop. 2
Notice to Patrons
Tho moat markets of The Dalles
will be closed all day Monday, July
1th. City Market,
People's Market,
Dalles Meat Company. 1
Good Eats
The Merry Workers ot' the Good In
tent society will hold a pastry sale
Saturday, July 2, at the Corson Music
store, beginning at 10 o'clock. 1
Agency Union T-aunGry
at tho Umatilla House. Good work and
safe delivery guaranteed. Call Main
5011. Mtt
Fourth of July Celebration
If tho youngsters under 10 will
call at tho Model Laundry on July
1 or 2, we will give them something
to hell) celebrate the Fourth of July.
Model Laundry, Main 41. .11
Take Notice
Persons owing bills to -the Photic
place Cozy Coiner, at Tenth ant
t'nion streets are requested lo pay
.same at the I'holiep'acu Store, Second
and Court rlnols. 1
Dr. 13. II. Lyila announces that Dr.
C. II. Day, formerly of the American
school of osteopathy, has become as
sociated wilh him in the practlco of
osteopathy. The offices will bo con
ducted under the name of Drs. Lyda
& Day, osteopathic physicians, third
floor First National bank buildinc 30
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with I.OCAi., .APPLICATIONS, aa they
cannot reach the beat of the uisoa8.
Can. -rlt is a local disease, ureatly In
fluence '. by conBtltulliyiul conditions, nnd
In ord-r to ciro It you must take an
internal remedy. Mall's Catarrh Medi
cine, la taken Internally and acta thru
ilie blood on tho mucous surfaces of tho
)ystm. Hall's Catarrh .Medicine was
prescribed by one of tliu best physicians
a Ibis country for years. t U com
joaert of some of iho best ionics known,
omblned with dome of the best blood
iiiillleia, The perfect combination of
he Ingredients tn Hall's Catarrh Medl
ine Is wh-it p!oilines such wonderful
estilts in catarrhal conditions, Bend for
eslliiionl-ils. fic-j
'. .1. C'HHNEV CO., Props., Toledo, O.
All UniRHlsts. .V
Halt's Karullv P'lW for con? tluatlon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Crawford are
visiting wllh IrienJs In The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Dllio of Pendle
Ion are In Tho Dalles today.
Rev. and Mrs. F. II. Heard of
Iiond are guests at Hotel Dalles.
II. H. Lessen of White alnion is reg
IMeied at Hotel Dalles.
C. W Field's of Wr.acc Is a
vlbltor In The Dalles today.
Flint of Hood Diver Is ".i guest at
Hotel Dalhv.
Mrs. L. J. Daniel of Dufur was
in tho city Thursday.
Miss Minnie Martin of ltowena was
visiting in tho city Thursday.
Mrs. Thomas Moo and William Ol
sen of Mosior were shopping vlsl
lors in Tho Dalles Thuisday.
Mrs. C. C. Kinne of Spokane Is
visiting her mother, Mrs. F. W.
Mrs. J. II. Stiles ol Grass Valley
was shopping in The Dalles yester
A. J. Klstner of Tygh Valley .wan
a business visitor in the city Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox of Grass
Valley were shopping in Ihe cily yes
terday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Noyce of Mad
ras siient yesterday at t ho homo ol
.Mrs. Doyce'o brother, John 13. Drown.
'Mrs. Glllin Dizney or Madras was a
visitor yesterday al the homo ot her
brother, Carl O. Galloway.
Hen Hackiuan of 'Wasco is In this
city today attending to business mat
ters. .Mrs. 1. D. Pike and daughter of
Grans Valley are vislllng with friends
in this cily today.
'W. M. Dobbin of Union Is renewing
business acquaintances in this ell
Mrs. Grant Rollon of Hoyd was In
The Dalles Th.usday lo meet Mrs.
Charles W. Field of Wasco is in f and points in California. They will
be gone two weeks. Miss George
lesldes at 1811 Alvoid strict.
The Dalles today, attending to btisl
ness matters.
Mr. and .Mrs. O. G. Chltwood of
Madras are visitors In The Dulles to
Mrs. W. A. Tuper of Pendleton is
visiting wltti lelatlves in the city to
S. F. Pace, who accompanied her to
her homo lor a visit.
Miss Helen George left thin morn
ing with Mr. and Mrs Carl I on Pep
per on I lie auloniohile hip which
will take the party to Crater Lake
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tedford lull
for Oakland, Cal yesterday. Ted
ford is manager of the local J. C
Penney company stole.
Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Diddle and datigli.
ters. Misses Vivian and Doris, of
llanfoid, Gal., are visiting with ie!a
lives here.
Mr and Mrs. IS. M. Wingali nr.- Mr.
and Mm. F. O. loy of Portland moio.--ed
lo The Dalles sterdav and -v
llli bed hut evening.
Old Scotch liniment will be nold by
all drug stores. g,
Main COClBennett Taxi Main 01. tt
Ladles' white canvas oxfords, low
or military heel. F. A. French, oppo
site city hull. Chautauqua tickets
here. l
New Partnership
Don Sharp has purchased an inter
est in the George Thompson black
f.iiilth shop which will be conducted
as Thompson & Sharp at 417 Ea3t
Third street l
At the
Rcxall Drug- Store
For one week only, a full size
euko of Kleiizo Toilet Soap
F1US1S Willi each puicliase of
tho new, large, fnmlly-.-ilv.i
tube of Kleiu.) Dental Cieine.
pine, cleansing .mil soothing lo
the skin, Gives a thick creamy
lather and lias Ihe deep woods
scent of pines.
makes your teeth white and
shining, cleanses Iho mouth
unit leaves a .wonderful cool
feeling. This view, giant lube
contains enough Kleuzo lo
brush your teeth twice a day
for nearly four months.
Is tho day this lSconomy Olfor
commences. It is good up to
id Including Saturday the Dili,
but no later, i.tiy In a supply.
Oi tiers tilled by phono, .Make
sure of yours by buying early.
Geo. C. Blakeley & Co.,
The Dalles, Ore.
Tonight and Friday
A drama of life and ad
venture in the islands
of the South Seas.
Coming "Buck Jones"
imedested in service,
Millions of miles of highways and city streets have proved Zero
lene to be a lubricant of highest quality, This uniform quality is the
result of an efficiency in the manufacture of fine lubricants created
by the combined resources, experience, knowledge and equipment
of the Standard Oil Company.
You gain an advantage in the use of this time-tested lubricant by
following the recommendations of our Board of Lubrication Kngi
nreis embodied in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Chart,
Ask for a Chart for your car.
grade for each type of.endne .
UoodncEi lire Fnce i
. applies to all sixes
without reservation
The name of Goodrich on a tire means
just one thing quality. And that quality
is always the highest that can be produced.
Each tire is specially designed for the ser
vice it must deliver. Goodrich Fabrics, in
the popular sizes, have established them
selves as unusual values from the stand
point of real economy. Silvertown Cords
in their class have always held first place
in the esteem of motorists, not only be
cause of their symmetrical perfection of
finish, but furthermore, by reason of their
long life, complete dependability and sat
isfactory performance.
Your dealer will supply you at these fair
30x3 i $24.50 $2.55
32x31 32.90 2.90
32x4 41-85 3.55
33x4 43.10 3.70
32x4 47.30 4.50
33x4L 48.40 4.65
34x4S 49.65 4.75
"33x5 58.90 5.55
35x5 61.90 5.80
The anti-skid safety tread
Silvcrtonii Cord
20 Lower Prices
Tlu Goodrich prict- ri'iliu'tion
which took i-lfi'i'l M.iy 2nd was
without mei v.ition. It included
Siivrrtowni toju-tlu'r wilh Good
rich Public lir-i um Goodrii h Red
and Gray inner tubes.
siTiooth30x3 I $12.00
"Safety 30x3 J3.45
Safety 30x3l 1 6.00
32x3 i
alkran, Ohio
Wo have put on a special sale.
The New Hhioliollo with twin lift burners, which eliminate any pos
sible chance of wicks getting caught, or sticking, a common complaint with
most wick stoves.
Why heat up the entire house with a range when you can do your can
ning, cooking, and baking in comfort with one of these stoves, at less ex
pense than with wood or coal.
Note (he following reductions we have made:
2 Hurner IilueHelle, regular $20.50, cut (o $18.00
IJ Hurner liluclielle, regular $2(;.n0, cut to $2.'UM)
1 Hurner lilueHelle, regular $.'l(,.r0, cut lo $.'2.00
Come in and iet us demonstrate, or we will
send you one of these stoves on approval.
CwNCHistfn y