THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLF WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1921. PAGE FIVE i' it. If Fight Is Framed, Carpentier Is Throwing Away A Lot of Coin 8y William Slavens McNutt (United Nuws Stuff Correspondent.) MANHASSET, L. I,, Junu .!!).--( The degree of certainty of u Dsi'.p sey victory expressed by tUe grral 1 majority of experts is not borne out in the record butting on the big fight. According to 99 out of lull American experts, Dempsey is nt least a CO to 1 shot. They nre ul nfost unauiinous in the opinion tliut ho should win within live rounds or less and few of them accord the Frenchman an outside chunco to stay the limit, let alone knpek thu croWn from Dempseys head. In spite of all this I lie odds are hovering around U to 1 and there is little betting. If the acknowledged expert judges of tights and fighters are s: certain that Dempsey is sun1 to win, why aren't they offering big ger odds and thuo taking the op portunity to cash in on a sinro tiling? The answer Is the secrecy in which Carpentier ha's prepared for the bout. No one is abnolutely cer tain as to what is going on in the ring back behind the barn in the country road jual a short distance from this quiet village. The experts came to see Carpen tier work on the days when the public was admitted and went away no wiser. The Frenchman, they said, had nothing. Dempsey would beat him in the Hist round, the challenger would nut last beyond the first solid punch Dempsey landed. It was absurd, they said, the idea of this slim French boy seriously believing that he had a chance with the burly champion. They hinted that he knew he had no chance; that he had come over Just to take down the loser's end of the puise; that he expected to get Into the ring, take a poke on the chin, the count of 10, his money and a boal back to France in as rapid succession as possible. They were almost sure that thi:i was the case, but not quite. Not quite sure. They are not quite sure yet and that it why the betting odds do not squnre with the opinions ex pressed. This is one tiling they cannot satisfactorily explain: If Carpentier is here just to take down the loser's end of the purse, without hope that he may win, why does he MEETING NOTICES iNydla club, Daughters of the Nile will meet at the home of .Mrs. L. A. Booth, Saturday, Julj 2. i'i Masons Attention Special coniniunicattlon Wasco lodge No. 15, A. F. &. A. M. this Wednesday evening, 7:30 p. m. Work in M. Af. degree. By order of W. M. GUY E. HADES. 29 Clammed advertising 1 cent Iter word ach insertion. If lugerted 6 times or more, 8-4 cent a word. Monthly publl catloji rate on application at thu ottlco. FOB RENT FOR RENT Player piano. G. E. Cm' son the .Music Man, 30 FOR RENT Well furnished sleeping room on first floor. Large enough for two. Hot water. 1 FOR RENT Till ee room finished apartment, private- bath. Telephone red 3972. 1521 Jackcon. 2 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, rates reasonable. 722 East. Third street. 3U FOR. RENT OR FOR SALE 'Four room modern bungalow ou "West Twelfth street. Intptire Dalles Real ty company, black 5091. 30 FOR RENT Rooms at 508 Washing Uiif. One largo enough for two on tirst floor; also sleeping porch anu kitchen. 1 FOR REINT -Sleeping roomr, $10 per month, bath :-nd telephone included 409 Vest Eighth Hreot. Telephone red 5132. 1 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping looms. Also small furnished house suitable for batching. Inquire 111 West Second street. 29 FOR RBNT ,OR SALE The .Ml Wrenn ranch, Including liny crop, fruit and vegetables. Will give lous lease very reasonable. Write box 321, care Chronicle, l FOR SALE FOR SALE Ono ton Maxwell truck In excellent condition. Bargain. Write box Ml, care Chronicle. 29 FOR SALE Itmbert cJierriea for canning, 'cheap. Oregon Growers, First nnd Jefferson streets. 1 FOR SALE The meanest man in town will sell hay at east end of Second street Wheat luy or nlfalf" $17 per ton delivered. $16 and you tftke it away 8 a. in, to 6 p. in, 6 f?yTHESEt Haw Ads 1 leftist the $30,000 to $50,000 that he 1 might make in adniissjons if he ! trained somewhere near Atlantic City and admitted the public at so much .. ... . , , per head? Why does he refuse ,,.,.. n.l .v.... .1 1... r.... , . , ' , ' uniess ue nas something up his sleeve? Unless he hopes to win and, capitalize the championship .' It Is an pentler Is $50,000 for In secret, will be a record in admitted fact that Car imvllicr' frmii 4'!nriim 1.1 ....... VUUUUU ,w tlie privilege of training 11 nil loses, mm money dead loss. It is not on the experience of any with tin French that a American I'l enchniaii loses a dime without lie i sees a chance to make a dollar. Logic arguer. mat Carpentier be lieves that 4hj has a good chance to win the title. lie may be sadly mistaken, but he surely believes it. Logic further argues that lie inns! bo doing something iu.-tthe secrecy Tor which he lias paid so dear; something about the value of which , the fight experts and Jack Demp I sey are not certain. They don't think it amounts to anything. They snesr at it, but they aie not 100 percent certain that their cneera are justified. The result is evident in the odds. It costs nothing to laugh at the Frenchman's pretensions. They arc nat so sure that it will not be costly to give odds against his performance commensurate 'with the scorn of him they express. Experts who state definitely Hint Carpentiei hasn't even an outside chance to last the limit, let alone win, refuse to give odds better than 3 to 1 that Dempsey will win. What has Carpentier in reserve? How good is he today? How excel lent a defensive battle is he capable of fighting? Does he show staff in his private workouts that would change the betting odds in case it was known? The experts laugh at this idea. The attendants at tiie Dempsey camp laugh at it. They say Dempsey is only afraid that the Frenchman will be unable to make a contest of it. Perhaps. But talk is cheap and that is talk. If the experts knew absolutely what goes on in the privacy of the FOR SAiLE-HGood 'loose wheat .hay, delivered. Call red 2821. 30 FOR' SALE $2000 will buy a good homo at 705 Calhoun street. FOR SALE Young rich milking 2 gallon Jersey cow. Very gentle. Price $45.00. Telephono red 1101. 5 FOR SALE Brown maro, 9 years old, weight 1300. Inquire W W. Zaehury. dra.Miian. 1- FOR SALE Xew bug; cheap for cash. .Might trade for light touring 702 Webster street. "0 FOR iSALE Dry oak wood; old ouU, $11.50; second growth, $12.50. Dellv- ored. Call 30F22. after ti p. in. tf FOR SALE One 54-gallon gasoline tank: one 10-gallon oil tank; one telephone (Western Electric). Tele phono black 0211. 30 FOR ISALE Sand and grnvel. Truck service. Country trips. Gordlon and .Van Dolah, telephone red 1331. 3u FOR SALE Several good dairy cown, some to freshen noon. Come after 5 p. m. Paul Curtlss, three mlieq up Mill creek. 29 FOR SALE One white enamel kitch en cabinet; one Howard Heater. Cull red 5CS1 or inquire 514 West Eighth. - - Jl FOR SALE Large . and uuall farm ami orchard tracts. Reasonable prices, good tonus. W. C. Hanna, Dulur, Ore. , lStf. FOR SALE--Neatly furnished liouso, sleeping porch, bath, garage, two fine hits, fruit and garden. Easy terms Inquire lion Bluff. 2'J FOR 'SALENlne room house, 'with big hit, extends from Third to .Fourth street, street Improvements In and paid, will be sold cheap and on good terms. Black & Cruui, 30 FOR SALE Complete threshing ma' clilne. 28-Inch J. I. Caso separator nnd engine Outfit in first class con dition E. A. Read, Rulck Oarago, Telephono main 921. 27tf FOR SALE TJaled nay and grain. Wo deliver any place in town. Ono horse, weight 1750. 7 years old. Guaranteed. Will sell or trado for cattle One team, weight 2400. Sound and gentle. O. K. Feed barn. Julv2 FOR SALE One hay chopper; lliree header boxes, 9x18; ono coublu disk, one two-bottom 14-inch gang iilow one 14 Inch two-way plow Several head of hotses, Roy Gra ham Northwest Sheep company Oranddailes, Wash,, or J C city. 2'.w2i3 Carpentier camp the privacy so dearly bought -they would he more wining pernaps to net tiielr money the way they express thair opinions. It is also said that Dempsey would 'sleep better of nights If he had ub solutely accurate reports on the con dition and ability of his opponent. A tl1 urwiil cttwitt nf ttifTtttti tit utm.lh :' ,. K"V.'rt ' " 1U .1 VMIIHM MUM UepilllIlg IO .i.,,-,,.,,, ,,, .., -". " may be demonstrated In the rini; Jersey City that Carpentier Ins a great Illusion; before the chain been the victim of s helpless that liu i piou. nut if that pioves to be the ' case. the most surprised man In the will be Carpentier. He be that he can beat Deinusev (llt..l : r,,vi, lie is so sure ot it that lie has tossed aside from $30,000 to $50,000 llor theprhiige of fittlns himself for victory in seclusion. And the hotting odds prove that the men who sneer at him for his belief in himself are not so sure that be is mistaken as they say they are. Those intimately connected .w it li the bout express no concern over the attempt being made by reformers I J1 havu the bout prohibited. Governor Edw'anl I, Edwards, of New Jersey, said Monday that he thought the re formers were wasting their time in making t he attempt. "This exhibition," the governor saw, win ue conuueteu strictly ac cording to law. I can say that." It is lecalled that rhe Leonard Dundee fight tor the lightweight championship-was held in New Jer sey under the present law and it was legally equivalent to the Demp-sey-Carpentier fight. NO AMERICAN IN HENLEY REGATTA Uy tJnlttd Press HENLEY-ON-THAMES, June 29. Henley Regatta, England's greatest aquatic meeting and . society river picnic opened today with pre-war brilliance. The river iwas gay with aristocratic houseboats, launches, punts and other i iver-craft, the womenfolk donning the latest crea tions of Uond Street and Paris modistes. All the riverside mansions contributed their quota of spectators, there being numerous al fresco pic nics on the lawns. From the sporting point of view the racing suffered from the absence of American, French and Uelglan competitors, but the International character of the event was well FOR SALE OR RENT 87 acres, 35 acres -in alfalfa-, 30 acres plow 'ground, 20 acres pasture, eight miles from town. Prior water right for irrigation. House, two big barns and all necessary buildings. Mehoo. across road. $100 per acre, $3100 would handle. C. McDonald, Club Cigar' store. 29 WANT ED WANTED -- Chambermaid) Hotel Dalles, See housekeeper. 30 wXntTcDa' cook on ranch. Tele phone 14F5. 29 WANTED Three men Mr haying, two to drive teams. Inquire Bank hotel. 3U WANTE D--To Tu y mor"t wo "brood sows, coming in or with pigs, Joe Gelger, telephone 10F22. 29 WANTED- Rids on building a garage Also some remodeling In store, (1. 10. Corson, the Music Man. 2 WANTED--An experienced practical nurse wants position. Confinement cases preferred. Telephone black 4791. WANTED To buy good diamond Will pay cash, If prico Is right Must have immediately. Write J. M J 200, Chronicle. 30 WANTED - MaTTTnd woumu, cdmIch want work with harvest crev. in hotel. Write box C2, care Chrou iclo. 29 LOST OH FOUND LOST Black skunk i:carf. '$5 tewnnl if returned lo Chronicle ofil'f. 2'.i LOST Two keys on Chronicle- of I Ice. ring. Return to 1 LOST On Set'oud street, brown containing about $7.00. Ahio Cut Rate ihoo cheek. Return to Chronl cle office. Reward. 29 LOST -Parly finding bag of laundry on night of June 27 or 28, whL-h wis lost oil' truck In The Dalles between 11 p. in. and 0:30 a. in., return lo l.Motor Service garage. No questions uuked. Poriland-Tho Dalles Truck Uorvico. 1 MISCELLANEOUS PLAIN SEWING -and shhts uiaur to order tit 211 Court street, ('ill ittrl talk It over. ,i nfiMS'nTcluNO I'lcot edglngira' U M. Boothb;', 308 Washington street. Telephone main C581. II HEMSTITCHING and plcollng ul tachinent, $2.00, Buttonhole attach in f-nt, $9.85, Ills any sewing ma chine Personal checks, 10c extra Llghta Mail Order House, box 127, Birmingham, Ala. 1 innlniilned by entries from Holland and Norwny. The Dutch .Mans Row- dig club had an elj;ht entered tor the) Grand Challenge Cup while t lie Chrlstiania Rowing club had an eight in die Thames Challenge Cup and a four In the Wyfold Challenge Cup iwhlln at Dutchman, F. E. Eyken of the Delft University club, was among the entiles for the Diamonds Sculls, which carry virtually the champion ship of England, if not Indeed, the world. Eyken made uti unsuccessful attock on the diamonds last year, Racing continues for four days, the semi-finals being alated for Friday and thu final.i to;- Saturday. All the beat amateur oainien In England aie competing, UNCLE SAM'S FIGHT MONEY "CUT" BIG By Unltt'd Pre.iM NEW YORK, June Uncle Sam wasn't mentioned in the agreement, and lie is not going to put on t lie gloves. The closest he will get to the ring will be the box office. Uncle Sam, however, Is going to get tlie biggest cut of the Dempsey Carpentier money. He will get more than Tex Rickurd will make out of the show and he will get more than Dempsey and Carpentier, wit limit turning a hand. Revenue officials, basing their fig ures on receipts of a million dollars which seem sure, have it in black and white that Uncle Sam will make close to $500,000 in that one Satur day afternoon. Tlie first cut is 10 percent of the gross receipts. On a million dollar gale that means $100,000. Jack Dempsey will got $3 10,000 for his shnre. His tax will amount to approximately $165,000. Georges Carpentier, having a""wlfo and child, will not have to pay the government as much income tax as tlie champion. From his purse or $240,00(1 ho will have to subtract $01,000. From Tex Richard, whose net pro fits may be around $150,000, Uncle Sam also will get a generous cut. Altogether, especially if the re ceipts go beyond a million dollars, which is not Improbable, die govern Bring Results I'RANSKER AND EXPRESS Furnl turn and piano moving. Freight hauled and general express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; rosldenco black 1352. J. K Henzie. lltf able sort, are In active demand. Many people have recently moved--perhaps going to houses or apart ments where they have no space to spare. Portlier iiinilslied room ten .mlu aio looking once more for do fllrable quarters. Have you anything to offer them? Tell about it In a Chronicle Want Ad. LEGAL NOTICES. Notice for Dids for Dnller. City Atidltori'i'i,. Dalles City calls for bids for Hit construction of (lie auditorium. The Council of Dalles City has tip proved plans and specifications us piepaied by Iloughtalliig & Uoiigan, architects' of Portland, Oregon, as shown by tho minutes of the Coun cil meeting of .Line 1511), 1921. Sped tlcations, plans and eslluutte for the construction are on file in the office of I lie Recorder of Dulles City, sub jeci to Inspection, and the work will be done in accoidancti with nald plans and specifications and undni the direction and supervision of such architects. All bids must be .accompanied by i certified check for 10 of thu amount of tho bid, to he forfeited to Dalles City In caso such bid should be accepted and tho bidder should fall to enter into contract mil bond for the faithful pertorru ance of the work. All bids shall be sealed and shall The Right of Way Printing h the' Sa legman Who Ha the Right of Way Your sales letter in the United States mail has the right of way straight to your customer's desk. Strengthen your anneal by using a paper ot Knowvquaniuy nammermiu . Bond und Kood printing which will 1 attract your custorner'a attention, and U your goods. That's the kind of printing we do and the paper we Ui Mora Printtd Smlmanhiq. Aih ut CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO, Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist Hours 3:00 to 8:00 Sundays IMS Vogt Hlk Over Crosby's ment will get very close to a half million. Then also the state of New Jersey which levies a 10 per cent tax on boxing, will come In for a cool little $100,000. Figure It up and see profit, Uickard stands to how much mu'-x'. COUNTERFEIT TICKETS SOLD By United Press NEW YORK, June 29 The comic palter sleuth reading glass 'nevery thingis confing back. Tex Rickard today engaged a gang of the reading glass Sherlocks to tissist at his Jersey City soiree next Saturday. If it weren't so hot the non-disgulseable whiskers might also be revived. Tex hired Jhe reading glass squad when he learned today that another flock of counterfeit tickets has been seen. Thu counterfeit is so good that It defies everyone but an expert en graver, and even ho must aid his eyes with a lens. Three of the tick ets were sold in Wall street today before the 'auUioritles became sus picious, MARSHAL FOCH DOESN'T LIKE THE LIMELIGHT lly United Press PAR'IS, June J!l. Marshal Foch has an awful time of It every time they trot him out to shlnu at official ceremonies. , The little grey-eyed gentleman, who looks more like a professor of (reek than fho greatest soldier of Ills age, was particularly put out iwheu they cast him and Cardinal Dnpoy as tlie co-stars for the Napolean centenary. For while the Cardinal, being used to the purple was quite at ease, the commander of the mightiest army ever gathered together most distinctly wasn't. He was particularly ombarassed when they brought him the famous "sword of Austerlitz," which "the little corporal" had brandished at that battle. He fingered it gingerly, as though it were a lighted lire cracker. Then he laid it across Ills knees, but that didn't suit him. Next ho stood it up by the side of the gilded chair In which they had placed. Hut, fearing it might fall down wttli an awful clatter at the solemnest moment of the service, he took it up in Ills iihnds again. It bo filed with the. Recorder of Dalles City on or before K:30 p. in., Juno 30, 1021, said bids to be opened by the Recorder and Council on salil ditto. Dalles City reserves tito right lo reject nils' nnd all bids, Dated this 15lh day of June, 1921 D. L. GATES, City Recorder. 30 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS SPECIALTY SHOP llomslilchlng, plcot edging, dress making. 21SJ East Third tilreet. Con don building. Telephone black 5211.7 FOEDj . Speciisilliaftc Whitney Repair Shop 709 Cast Second 6t. DRUGS EXCITE YOUR KIDNEYS, USE SALTS If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Eiottiers, Drink Lots of Water. When, your kidneys hut I and your back ieels soie, don'l gel scaled ami piocccd to load your stomach Willi a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate Hie entire urin ury trad. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by fliishin;, I hem v. ilh a mild, liui inh't, h sails, which lemoves the IioiIv'm uriu ous waste and stimulates them to their normal activity. The function of the kidneys is lo lilter tile blood In 21 ho.irs I hey strain I roiq II 500 grains of acid and waste, so wo can readily understand the ilal iiupor tancii of keeping the kldlievs active Drink lots ol drink top much; pliarmacisl about Salts; take a I water you curl also get from any four ounces of Jail abl"spoontul In a glass of morning water hcfoiit breakfast each for a few days and your kidneys will then aci line. This fa mouH salts Is made from the acid ol grapes ami lemon Juice, combined with lltlihi; and lias been used for generations to clean and stiiiuliie clogged kidneys; also to neutralize the acids In mine so it Is no longer a source of Irritation, Hi. is ending bladder weakness Jad Salts Is inexpensive; cannot Injure; makes a delightful efferve scent llllila-water ill Ink which every one should take now and then to keep I heir kidneys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will won dcr what became of your kidney trouble ami backache Adv, and Evenlnu by Appointment Drug Store Phone Mlack 1111 of a nuisance than One of those near to him heard the .Marshal muttering says he into his moustache: "Yes, 1 suppose the next Hint they'll bring me thu 'sun of Auster llu and then what'll I do with It?" FOOD PRICES BEGIN TO FALL IN GERMANY By United I'luss RERUN, June 2!). -A slight sink ing of prices for the most important foods is noted in German markets, Statistics show that with the excep tion of bread, the tfcessltles have dropped about 15 percent since the flint of the year. Ulead and coal, however, cost slightly more than on January 1. Mutter was released in June from government control, with tlie result that considerable can now be pur chased in tlie stoics openly and at lower prices than previously. 'Ph.' price dropped within a low days from 35 marks to 22 marks a pound, Restrictions on rationing of milk have also been decreased though a certain governmental control is still maintained so that the poor may not be victims of profiteering and so that they may be at:suied a proper quantity of milk for their children. LEPER A DAY, KEEPS CROWD AWAY, OPINES JUDGE lly United Nuwa SAN FRANCISCO, June 21. The usual crowd of hangers on which get Its thrills of life visiting the courts dully to enjoy the airing of other people's troubles, was In at tendance this afternoon in Superior Court Judge Michael Roche's coin I "Your honor," said George Perkins attorney for Lin Fook, in making a presentation that Ills client bo ad mitted to hail, "my client has leprosy and." There was an uproar in tlie court room and a small riot ensued. Shabbllv dressed men and lal overly dressed women made a slmll taneous rush for the doorway, all attempting to get tlnough at once. The bailiff rapped for order in vain. When the last of the crowd had disappeared, Judge Roche cleared his throat and announced to the empty courtroom that leprosy was not contagious. "A leper a day seems to keep the crowd away," slated the judge. iipiruer Typing and stenography done at reasonable rates. Rosiua A, Flock. Of lice Holel Dalles. Residence telephone; red 2332. ti WMlbe Track ILiinia Fi eight and cxprrmi between Thu Dalles and Watico, Moro and all way p.ilnts Leave The Dalles, 9 a. 11). dally except Sunday. Leave Moro, 1:30 p. m, Loavo Wasco, 3:30 p. in. 1). Al. Pierce, propi'lnlor. Telephone 11142 or main 471. it PIANOS TUMID Knot repaired, ac tion regulating mid rellnlHliliiK. Player net ions a specialty. Work guaranteed. 0, A. Dockntader, Cor son Mush: store, 320 Fast Second r.lreel. Telephono main 1001. tf was more crown. Dr. Ceo. F. Ncwlumse Eye 8pecalftt We are equipped to give your eyen tlie very best of care. Eyes tested. Glasses ground. Second and Washington Street! . , 1 The Dallen WOO I) AKD & TAUSOUEK Conlractinp; Hricklayers and l'lasterers All kinds of Tile nnd Cement Woik. Fireplace Work a Specialty ICctlmateo fumluhed free of charg;. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6401 or Call at Gates Block Peoples Transfer Co. QUICJIC DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at (Jlenn s I'aint Store Main .Tt2i Residence 3'liono Red 181 1 HARRY L. CLUFF CRANDAU, UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufur LULU I). CRANOALL, Manager llrrt Thomae, Aciintant Manager Licensed Fmbalmera, EntablUhed 1187 Woman Attendant Telephone! Mm, M. J. Wlllerton Day Red 351 Telephone Red 1ttt NlQlit Red Ut!t J. H, Harper, Black 2IG2 Motor Equipment a THREE TO ONE ODDS GIVEN ON DEIM i J i HEAVY BETTING ON OUTCOME OF FIGHT STARTS IN NEW YORK. By United New NEW YORK, Juno. 29 The big money is beginning to show Its color on Hie Dempsey-Curpenller fight. For the llrst time since the bout was arranged, Wall street began betting heavily Tuesday. Approximately $800, 000 was wagered on the floor of the stock exchange. The first bet recorded was $00,000 to $20,000 that Denipsoy would score a knockout. It was snapped up. Thirty thousand dollars at the same odds went somewhat slower, but was finally placed. Another $30,000 failed to find takers, at the same odds. "The same broker then began phic lug bets and found ready money for them at even money that Car pentier would not respond to the bell at tho beginning of Hie seventh round. Main COfil -nennett Taxt Main 01. tf Chronicle Will Show Fight Returns, Round By Round, Saturday The Chronicle will have a full report of the Dempsey-Carpentier championship fight Saturday af ternoon. Round by round, as fast as they are ticked off in tlia Jer sey City ring, the returns will reach The Dalles, and put on the bulletin board. The first returns will probably begin getting In about 12 o'clock, noon. TJiero are eight preliminary bouts, and the main light probab ly will not start much before 8:30, New York time. Tills Is 12:30, Pa cific time, but the flsht may start earlier, if the preliminaries are slulrt, and 'there will be other news of interest 16 ItUlip tho fans happy. Immediately after the "fight Is over, The 'Chronicle will be oil J (he street, iwith a lull account. REED TRANSFER Wo hall main 731. anything, any place, call 23 VENZ BAUER General real estate, insurance, and loans. 100J Kust Second street. Tel phone main 1571. . 2Htl E. C. PRICE Rfigisfteiredl AircWltecft 604 First National Dank Bldfj. The Dalles, Ore, 16tf Cut Flowera 1 -"" riri