The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 29, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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'111? riATI V PlinnVIPf .K veteran orsimlzatlens elsewhere have.
THE, DAlLJLMKUmULjlj. , (mi locnJ im,niI)Ct,s)lll, ,B nr)1 ,.,,
Sn nitj001 ,0,,1U, " very hubHiHi,.,...
by tho Chronlclo I'.ihllfil.lnB company Ino treasury from t'i- payment of dues
Tho post Ik engaged
Ben II. Utfln
Ocncrnl Mnnngcr
Fntpred In Tho Dallrs poslofflco ns
tcond clniw matter.
ITnllrd rronn nnd United Npwk Sorvlco
Mfmbpr of Audit Hurrnii of Circulation
One yrnr. In ndvnnco $5.0(1
HI months, In ndvnnun $3.00
Onn month .'"0
One yenr. In ndvntivo... 5.0(J
Ms monthR, In nilvnncc $2.B0
Orm nionlli .r0
One yenr, In ndvnnro $2.00
In ordering cliniiK"
crllmr Fhould nlwiiyn
now nddix'AR.
of ndilri'BS,
rIvo old nft
Rdltorlnl ItooniH -..Hlnck 111
BuMncftfl, Adv.. Clr. Dcnln Hod 111
Subscribers to tho ("ironlclo nro Rimr
ntped service. I'rninnt nd rrifitlnr do
livery of every subscriber's paper Is tln
Im of tho circulation department. Tho
Chronlclo carriers nro required to put
tho rmnors on tho porch or wherever tin
uoscrlbor wishes .ho impur delivered.
. . t i'-
The wiiler cointiiis.sioii lis on I it;uln
"Willi lis annual warning aKalnst loo
prmniucuoiiK use or water durlnt; the
dry season. II wan piedieled last
.spring that the warning would coni'j
about this lime, anil It did.
The, water used al (lie. Die .Monday
afternoon made a rather serious In
road upon the supply in the reser
volrii. and when no many h.vdraii's
nrn bring used all Ihe lime In in lf;.i
llou, II Jti hard to leplcnlKh the re
serve. Thus it lias been in The Dalles rur
years, and I Inn. It will he lorevor-
jiiore, or al least until the city sees
fit to pull llsell out ol il.H own absurd
position, A solution of Hie water prob
leni wan offered al the dud Ion held
in March; an econoinleal, suro soki
lion. It was lejeded.
iNow there in a plan In the air lo
lap the east I oik ol Hood Itlver. Kx
pcnslve construction will he Involved,
the, cost will mount into huuilieils of
thousands of dollars, and the city
faces an unknown volume of litigation
before It even gels permission lo use
water from this .source. Application
has been made lo the stale water
board for permission to lap Hood riv
er, Thu applieatiou has not horn con
sidered, an far an anyone here knows,
breuusu the commission await addi
tional Inloriniillon in regard to Hie
survey and oilier technical details,
This, sponsors of the plan said, 1h
to be obtained as soon as conditions
in the mountains will permit.
It Is a safe wager that sooner or
iHler Tho Dalles will go back to Ilia
original plan; const met ion of a dam
in Mill creek, a new pipe line and a
reservoir back of Sorosls park.
.IiirI now wo are beginning Ihe old
experience low pressure In the
iiialnH, dry lancets, parched lawns.
Don't hlamii the water commlssou.
That body tried all winter to have Hie
situation remedied. There's plenty of
vwnter around The Dalles. Two weeks
ago tho Columbia threatened to spill
over Into Second street, so far as thai
is concerned. That doesn't help the
city supply. Ilul there's plenty of will
er in Mill creek and Its tributaries
loo, If It Is properly conserved.
o 1
An expert lion' Oiegon Agricultural
college is hero e'imiulii; Wasco couu-
In an effort to
bring a meeting here which will glvt
Thu Dalles state advertising of great
value. A largo delegation will lecve
Thursday evening lor Kugene, where
the stale convention Is being held Ihlr
year, lo swing Ihe convention to thl.i
city. The Legion hoys want the sup
port of the city behind I hem They
want to know licit proi:l".s of ('labor
ate entertainment lor the slate con
vention will not lull through.
The l.eglou is asking little liom ar;
one person, hut Hie aggiegalo will
mean much. The Legion here has liv
ened and is making a record lor It
self over Ihe date. This refleit1; fa
vorably on tho city,'s pitch In anil help.
Small Towns Want Good Music
T7lrc(J3 of similar fancy glass algtn that
now embellish suit drink places that
once were saloons will have to tic
lOiegon was awakened from a iini'ii'
contentment by certain einhiir.'u'iHiiig
facts biought to light In the census
llgllies of I!I2(I. These figures showed
that Ihe average density of popula
Hon throughout the United Slate
was .'ICfi persons per sipii'ie mile; for
the stale of California, 'SI per r.(uaro
utile; lor the stale of Washington
20.1! per square mile, while Orogor
could only boast of per square
mile. These llgiiies were disconcert
lug lo the complacent and Ih.'eioK
self-sal Isl led elli:;ens ol Oregon
"Why Ik II," they asked, "Ilia! othei
stales to Ihe north and south anil utr
of us aie developing al an emu minis
late while we are pnt'-'l ieally standing
still. Questions ceased and invi. digit
lions begun with Hie result thu' rep
resentatives of the Oregon Hint"
Chamber ol Commerce are now In I Ik
middle west, operating I mm Omaha as
a base, and are grouping together all
piospedlve honieseekers for the pur
pose of bringing I hem toOiegon in a
body. .Special I ruin parlies an; being
arranged for alter harvest, thus en
abling Ihe middle western lurine;' h
come lo Oregon and sue for himsHr
Hie opportunities awaiting him.
'.While Oregon's land
plan as inaugurated tills jeui is an oV-
ample of the aggressive spirit ,r Ihe
new west II is aire a symbol of t lie
passing of the oh! older of tilings, "(lo
West," said Horace (Ireely, and lor
(III years the inundate was obeyed. The
mandate bus changed now: "Com-1
west 'where opportunities nwail you"
Is the call The Nation's liu-siriess.
ty wheat llelds lo see II they have
been affected by tho newest glass
peat with which this country in be
coming aflllded.
"Take-all" Is Its name, and It't. a
very descriptive one, 'I t is Hie niosl
dreaded wheat dlsea.e, for It no! oulv
kills the giowlh. but infects the soil
for some jeats allerwarilH.
So lar us can he ascei tallied, "lake
all" has not toadied fields east of
tho mnunUiiiK. II Is prevalent In the
Willamette alle and Ik spreading.
The disease attacks the mots of Ihe
wheat. The tools Hist tot, thu head
nliiivels and the plant dies. .Some
limes the stand looks appaieuilv
health), hut culmination i meals that
the kernels have not formed.
Origin ol I lift illseasu In this coun
try l nun o or less ohticuro. Home huv
it came 1 1 nm Kitropc, oihcti. dace
to Australia. The dihease Is well oh
tahlishcd on Lot It continent.
It was lli'fct (Uncovered alter quaran
tine hud boon placed on Kuroponn
shipments about two yearn ago.
Ill homo places Ileitis Iuim had to
bo abandoned completely. In (he Mil
ley iota t Ion has been tiled with con
siderable success, and valley ngrletil
tttrists believe rotation Is the onh
of Hie problem. Whether or
wheat will come hack when
these llelds nro again planted to that
guild has not yet been usecrlulnoil.
o --
A campaign to lalso Hindu lhioiigh
thu sale of mi automobile has been
launched by inenibors of Tho Dalle
pout of thu American Legion. Tho Lo
gloniitilit'H nro working l el the
slate convention hero In H':':'. bm
(hey tun do nothing without funds.
The it'HMin (he post if without
titntls In hecuiiM' it has never nakci
city (o contribute to itintlilti ' a
(Fioin The Chronlclo, .limb 'M, 1Mb!.)
'he coiiimlllee of ICIks who hud
charge of the excursion was made up
if .1. S. Fish, It. Lonsdale and C. .
'helps. The lime and attention liny
spent on Hie excursion was rewarded
by the unequalled success of the
Today MeKlnloy wns notified lij the
committee of his selection by Hie :e
publican national convention :r, nom
inee tor president. Mr. Hilton of this
city was on that coniiultlou and know
lug .MeKlnloy personally the event
must have been u tioitice of gre'it
pleasuie to him.
The Antelope lleiald desiies it slock
inspector appointed I mm that part
of the country by llio county court.
The upplleanlsi so lar are: Dan Crow
ley, .1. (!. Condon, I". J. Ueeso and H.
C. Cilzpatrick.
A slielch of sand In Celllo country
over which a survey bus been made
for a lioat railway ma be more valu
able Hutu it ;;olil mine, II in addition
to damages allowed a right of way is
gran led fishermen to ttunsporl Ihcli
cinches. In the United States circuit
com I Suttina in Hie suit of the Unti
ed Stales s, I, II. Taffc to condemn
lands at The Dalles for the boat rail
way to be built by the i;ooinincnl
a ertllcl was rendered in luor of
Tulle lor fl-l.aim. Tittle lias a can
nery and llshlug gioiinds at this poll, I
and he claims the boal railway run
uing across his land will cut oil a
spur between the ilvet ami his llsli
house and will also ttikij Iroin him a
V'Mlll.'llltll Ikll I 1,1 l, It ,.1,1...,,
I . ... 1... ...1 f.llll,, J., I , ,11 1,1 11,1 lulu I ,
itrgold and woith a great deal to him
Setitort Itiothot'H arti kiting lot $ I o
DUO damages Their ilamaue consists
besides belnu cut off from ilclUcili"'
their libit, in about $ir,oou worth oi
property nlroiid built upon the ngnt
of ii) which will have to be lemou-u
Dy Alexander F. Jones
(Untied Newts 8tnlf (Jo!i-ioiaetit)
OIIICACO, June 0. -- America's
".Main stieel" towns; nitty have tin
cans mill cow si decorating Uieir boule
vards, but gosli-ii'-inlglily how tlu
folks do love good initclc,
.Members of the National Concert
.Managers' association, In convention
lieie, are unanimous In making this
report. ,
Where the old lime burleuque show
used lo lie Hie season's event In
those towns, they are now (lying tho
death of a (hrj, It Is reported, hut th';
merry villager is willing to go down
in the old wool sock and guarantee a
real fiddler or a soprano with u sure
enough "high C" ft om $1.(1(10 to $l.r,(Mj
per concert without balling tin eye.
The concert iimnagera arc -Jubilant
Ileal stars aie certain of sell oitls in
Ihe corn belt, or anywhere else in the
'piovinees" wliero thu eighth com
pany of a l!)M musical comeilv
"straight I mm Ilroadwa." can't dtaw
break t'c si money.
The movies haven't wiecked the
small towns for legit iniatu tit tractions,
Ihe managers say. 'They have simply
made cheap attractions Impossible,
And, according lo .Miss Klizabolh
Cuetiy, secielary ol the ticiioeiation,
America lias tinned its hack on the
loreign artist whose chief attributes
may be long hair, and unpronounce
able name, si Pomeranian pup, and
great gobs of alleged temperament.
"A foreign name isn't necessary lor
a concert or open1 star anymore,
wild .Miss Cuetiy. "Itlg towns nnd small
phy, she Is not ruined us tin attrac
tion until she changer, her name.
"fSeorbs of American artists, like, for
Instance, ICdward .Johnson, thu great
tenor, huvc changed their names back
to tho American version and find
they are mi even greater atl faction
.lohnt-on used to call himself Kdttatdo
Giovanni In -Italy. That didn't mean
anything In Kunanu City.
"The most tumarkablo development
artistically, In America in the last de
cade, Is tho way the smaller cities tire
demanding the highest class concert
stars. 'They are willing to pay its much
mi Now Yotk or Chicago will pay.
Hood iiimde ha;; spread through Amer
ica like prairie fire."
'The managers decided to put the
bee on the temperamental star who
makes contracts and then finds, on
reaching a town Unit ingrown temper
ament, flltiovs of it pet poodle, or too
much paprika, on the unhid, makes l
impossible to perform. A new uni
versal conl racl will be drawn up for
all concert artists stipulating that the
manager must be reimbursed for non
appearances. Unknown arllsts will also I hid the
going hard unless they produce plenty
of regular chest notes too, it was de
cided. "If an unknown celebrity in gelling
an engiigetnetil In. New ork and falto
to make good, ho will have it hard
time gelling other engagements," said j
Miss Cuetiy. "Wo will send out btillo
tins lei ting ail the other concert man
ageiT. snow iiooui it. I tits will save
our reputations and protect Hio peo-
j Osslp,.hnwsk:, the famous Uitl-
ny United Tress
HPOKANIO. Wash., June 29. -Cold
weather In this section, while it litis
been very beneficial to those gentle
men selling llsht winter clothing to
Ihu female of the species, ban been
anything but a Joy to the professional
ami amateur apiarists.
Willie there litis been no open com
plaint among the bees themselves,
even though they nitty consider I Item
selves stung, In ti measure, by lite
sudden mercurial droit, there litis been
a decided set-back in the maturing of
the honey harvest.
"Decs need a temperature of 00 de
grees to work succcsatitlly," bee keep
err. po"in.t oitL'"Tliey can raise Ihe
temperature of their hives theirfyelve.
25 (legroor., lr necessary. Hut when Ihe
temperature outside the hive falls be
low 05 they have it hard time and
slow up."
Bee men have great holies that Ihe
spell of warm weather now making
Ilia II fell hero will bo sufficiently
consistent to ullow Hie busy little
workers lo make up for lost time.
Taxi Brown's Taxi.
Telephone main 5021.
Auto Stag'e
Twin Six Packard touring cars. Leave The Dalles, Dank Hotel
daily 0 a. in. and 2:30 p. m.
FARES Portland $3.30; Actoria $0.7D; Seaside $7.50
towns, all the peoplo ask is 'can Jif.garlan comb player, and others of hi:;
fiddle,' or "can she sing.' If an 'Atnerl-
tau gill Happens to ho liorn with a
glorious name like say. .daggle .Mir-
ilk, have been getting away with mur
der In this Ingenuous land of tho tree
It wtis intimated.
Datigherty, Cabinet's "Fixer"
By Ralph Turner
(United News Stuff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, .lime 25.--Harry
Datigherty is the "good fellow" of
the cabinet; lie Is lite champion all-
Hound "fixer" of Ihe present repub
lican regime and be Is thu adminis
tral ion's leading commuter.
Mho of course, ho is the creator
of it president and by virtue ol mien
icliieveinent is the present attoiiiey-
Hven Datigherlys political ene
mies have ii liking lor him. '1 lie
erst while Ohio politician is an ami-
ihle Individual. His hand is giad,
his smile is lutlad mid ho Is i: con
sistent exponent of the principle ex
pressed in the words, "now hoys.
Id's talk it over." Datigheily y
knack of palling on the baejt as
Just the proper occasion demand?,
is one explanation ol why Warren
(i. Harding moved into ine unite
With job hunters swaiming all
over the capital, and halt a do,;cii
factions to placate, tho fixing prob
leni litis been it perplexing one for
Dauglterty since March Hit. Peoples
leetiugs tuivo neen nun, ol course,
hul Diiugheity goes right on fixing.
When Daugherty came lo Wash
ington on his four-year joti at the
(leparlmeiit of justice, his wife ana
mother remained in Columbus, Ohio.
That circumstance 'established the
attorney-general's reputation as a
long distance commuter. lie main
tains two homes now, and at fre
quent intervals travels from one to
the other.
Datigherty probably is also the
cabinet's most enthusiastic sports
inpui. He was there at the rail,
when Hie derby was run al Louis
ville nnd, "if be can gel away," he'll
bo at the ringside when tho gong
dungs July 2nd tit Jersey City.
not Hie
liy United I'i-s
WASHINGTON. Juno 2! Auord
lug to moftiiugc icachtng Selu I'e u
icpicacnluthCK here, two ships sail
Im; trout American ports have salol.t
delivered guns for use by the Irloh rc
publican anil. The menage lollowcd
tho Mime route ol that tiunoitttclng the
sale of Dotitil O'Cullaglutti.
mayor ol Cork, it Is uudcr.doott.
Other veisdb In the hnibor were
milled before the saile.l unit guns
and ainiinltlon looud The British aiv
nuiil to have tipped official.-
Brown' Dutur atago Time Table
Two lound trips dully. Leave Dauk
hotel, H a in and p. m Loam
uufyr 7 yv n in mui i u, m tt
Hy United Prow
LOS ANC.KLKS. June 2!). Marl ha
A. I'adley doesn't understand Ihe
piinolples of advertising nor hov
unpleasant misdirected publicity can
llenjiiniln W. I'adley, Martha's linn
baud, thinks so at least. Ilenjamlii
runs :i matrimonial agency.
Maltha is suing hint for a divorce.
Not only that, but she is telling the
wot Id tltinj;s lienjaniln doesn't know
a boil I matrimony.
It's till being threshed out in .linb.e
.1. Perry Wood's divorce court, u sd
Hun not new lo either lletijiiniiu or
Martha. 'They were divorced once
helot o. That was immediately alter
Ihe police hail locked up Itenjatnin's
love brokerage oWc on complaint
of neighboring leiiiinlit, and Inen mer
it led lis proprietor and several of bin
too-affectionate clients lor a time.
Tho I'aiUeys, however, remarried,
and once more the marriagt s-lo-otdor
shingle was hang out on Uenjaniln's
ll would have lit on woll, prob
nbly, If !Mrs, I'adley had not over
heaid her spouse tit.i'ite an uitllntolv,
not lo sa tactless tcjuur!; lo the
offod that while ho could pick em
for other people all right, he'd
liiiuly made a poor choice in
matrimonial gran hag himself.
Agency Union t-auntlry
at (lie Umatilla House. Hood work ami
safe delivery guaranteed. Call Main
5011. , mi
of thousands
fancy stained
United Presa
June 2H. Doslrii"tion
ol dollars worth tit
glass that adorns Hut
fitlo's erstwhile saloon i depends on
a decision soon to he made by Cdv
Judge Woll z.
Kecently a police captain was pass
ing a solt drink establishment that
iit one tinie wiis one of America's
ninny watorlng troughs and his eaglo
eye caught sight of a sign iwhlch had
been worked Into I ho stained win
dow. The sign read: "Wines nnd
The captain arrested llio proprietor
of lite establishment and he pleaded
guilty of having art glass hearing
such legends. It was at'gued that
s-,ic!i signs are now attains! the law
and Judge Wollz look .'the case undor
Should the Judge rule that the
Is unlawful, It will mean that him
Firec r a ckers
Kong Chong Wo Co.
21 First Street
Prince Albert's a new
note in the joys of rolling 'em!
Talking about rolling
your own cigarettes, we'll
tell you right here that
Prince Albert tobacco has
'em all lashed to the mast!
You've got a handful-of-happiness
coming your di
rection when you pal it with
P. A. and the makin's
papers ! For Prince Albert
is not only delightful to
your taste and pleasing in
its refreshing aroma, but our
exclusive patented process
frees it from bite and parch!
And, for a fact, rolling
up Prince Albert is mighty;
easy! P. A. is crimp cut and
stays put and you whisk it
into shape before you can
count three ! And, the next
instant you're puffing away
to beat the band!
Prince Albert is so good
that it has led .four men to
smoke jimmy pipes where
one was smoked before! It's
the greatest old buddy
smoke that ever found its
way into a pipe or cigarette !
Prltir 'Athtrt ii
(oM in toppy red
f My rif f im,
,handnmc pound
nnd hall pound tin
humidors and in thu
pound crystal gtttn
humidor.- with
spans tnoUttner
top, ' '
Prince Albert
the national joy smoke
Copyrleht 1021
by R. J. Reynold
Tobacco Co.
Who Will Buy My
' Perhaps, you
Everybody in
, You have heard of the Oil
cntal Bazaar,
have seen it.
the city or village with any
thing to sell takes his wares
to the bazaar and cries for
buyers. The gardener tvilh
his vegetables, the h c r d c r
with his goats, the old woman
with a basket of fowls, the
rug dealer, the fruit grower
with dates and figs.' There is
much nicturcsqucncss along
with clamor, confusion, dirt
and endless wastage of time.
In our American cities, the
advertisements in your daily,
newspaper take the place of
the ancient bazaar. Whoever
has .something to sell can tell
you of his goods, and where
lo find them directly. What
ever you want to buy, you can
read of it in advertisements,
ind go straight to the place
ivhcre it may be seen. Clear
ind truthful advertising maffe
it safe to order by telephone
ind avoid leaving your home
at all. x
Make it a practice to read Chronicle advertisements. They are
the great bazaar of modern civilization. They arc your source
of information by which wise buying is accomplished.