The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 29, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Leaves for Crater Lake Carlton L.
Pepper expects to leave tomorrow
for a two week's automobile trip
'h rough southern Oregon and north'
em California. During the trip ho
will visit Crater lake.
Men Swim Tomorrow night Is
iin n'.i night, at the high school swim
ming tank. In order to pay the cost
of heating tho water to a comfort
able tcnipiiiaiuie, a nominal charge
" will Ik- made Hugh Davey will be
CllSlO'llullr nf iho pojl.
,' "V
Hometivfoe Vacation Ellerton Al
iliicli rTlurncd from the Unlver-
nliy nl Michigan to spend the sum
mer vacation at hjme in The Dalles.
; He graduiited fiom the local high
school fn l'j IS and has since been
t atti'iiding Michigan.
U?. 'Attend Vacation School Attend
ance nt the aentjon si lioul' ua.. !)"
both Mmd;Vy apd Tnt-dm . Tln-re w.U
ton n, Pinion nji j.Monilaj inu'iiin;;
Julv 1, )w)1,'V4" I"01 ,na' "uiny
of tlm children will he avn wiin
Ihelr inmillps for Hip day. The child
rn are exteinlinji?invllaiions to tho folks (! nflend tho Thursday
innrning session to see how the school
U ciiiidiii'leil
Reunion ot Sisters Continues Mrs
l.non ".V. Cii it Irs, Mis it H Aliwfpo
Mi-3. II, S. .n,i!i'e!, Mi .1 M Kim
.lenmn and '.Mr: Ocoijo Hall accom
imnirij ;hiir ulster, Mrs. S. Cooley, to
hor home at Dickleton, Wash., today.
The sisters have been together at
the home of Mrs. Curtlss for tho pa3t
two weeks. The visit will be continued
for several dajs at the home of 'Mrs.
Cooloy before they separate to go to
their homes.
Visiting Stock Ranches Dr. C. G
French, Mrs. F. A. Flench and sons
and Mrs. Samanthn A. French loft
this morning by automobile for the
Oilman-French Land and Livestock
company's, ranches near Fossil. Dr.
French,,, and Mrs. Samantha A.
French 'will be gone for a week or
ten days. Mrs. F. A. French and
sons will spend the summer in the
Dine mountains.
Grass Fire Menaces Wheat Grass
fires originating apparently from cig
arettes thrown along the road from
passing automobiles, swept up the
sieip pastuie lands above Celilo
Tuesday, 'menacing wheat fields own
ed by C. Remington. The fact that
tho wheat was still too green was
the only thing that saved it from
serious damage. Tho firo was more
than ji mile- long, and it burned a
strip Iiaif a mile. wide. Fifty or more
ineir 1 ought the fire, beating it down
with hacks. The blaze was first ills
um'H'd about 10 o'clock and it was
nut' put out". -until after 12 o'clock.
Smoke from v It .'was observed for
-l il i' aUlli Mictions . - ,.
"' Co Easy on' Water The city water
ponihiission toda rennesi.s that con
sumers' 'of water go imi. on their
irrif-'aiiifu ( hud other requirements.
The fire ik'innuds Jlonda lowered
ih" ruaorvpjr several led, and under
pieson) condition'-, with the di.v sea
son coming on, leplwin-limeiif ol tin.'
insni'ves is (rath?!' difficult. The wa
ter commission doe.-, noi want to is
sue tin oriliir ' vol, rest" ictin ", iniga
Hon; 'hut il will bo necessary, niom
liers of the body declare, unless tho
wnslefnl hiethods now being used aro
illHConlln.u'i'l. Then- are people in the
eit who Hip allowing h03C3 to run
day audiUht, viiy officials s?aj and
means to tuu these unneeest-iry loss
es will be adopted nt once
Or.born Suit ContinuesBull ug.iinsl
WJlla'rd Dehorn' and Sln-tili' Levi
('lii'i-iiK.n. abiupily h;.lud yes'erday
morning by lhe death of Osborn in the
court room, was continued in the cir
cuit court toUny with Sheriff Chri.v
man the defendant. Suit is for tho re
turn of tjvo horses, a set of harness
and a faim va'gon, alleged to have
Ix'cii unlawfully jseized by Osborn and
ClniHinan, upon a writ of attachment,
together with damages to the extent
of $500 With, the elimination of Os
born from the case, suit Is now bolng
continued against the sheriff's bonds
men.' Chrisman is in M edfard today,
where ho went to get'two alleged jnvo
' nllo automobile thieves, said to hnvo
been arrested there in possession of
an automobile belonging to John
Wornmark of this city.
Spray Pools With Oil Thero will
bo no serious epidemic of maleria in
,. The Dalles from mosquito bites if
" the O.-W. It. & N. company can
help it.' Al tho requirements of a
wonderful homo of husky young
mosquitoes,- with bills guaranteed to
pierce sjrmor plate and silk stock
ings, w6ra left by tho Columbia river
when it subsides in a number of
pools of stagnant water. Pools such
as the one directly opposite the pas
senger stutlon are natural breeding
places for mosquitoes and polliwogs,
and both had started to appear in
largo numbors when tho railroad
company took a hand. All pools near
tho railroad tracks inside tho city
limits have been sprayed with oil,
deadly to young mosquitoes, accord
ing to C. It. Marshall, freight agent.
It is not known just what effect tho
oil will have upon this year's tad
pole crop.
Delegates to Convention Leave
Dniogaies to tho stato convention or
Hip American Legion will leave Thai
Dalits this afternoon for Eugene, 1
wlnre 'lit- meeting opens tomorrow1
evening. Tho delegates are Ed Har
riiu and Harold Sexton, while Fran
cis V. Galloway and Pat Foley, tho
latter, commander of Tho Dalle
jioflt, q'to. alternates. Mr. and Mra.
Foley are driving to the convention
uiii w it tstnblish Dalles headquar-,
i, n ,c ho Osborne hotel In Eugeno.
rruui these headquarters the cam
paign to secure tht 1922 meeting in
The Dalles will be carried on. Other
delegates who nro also driving to
Eugene, will bo uccompnnled by Hen
ry and George Scherrer and Mis,
S. Uurke Massey. A dozen automo
biles carrying local Legion members
will leave the Elks' club at 7 o'clock
Thursday evening to lend their pres
ence towards the effort to land the
big meeting for this city next year.
A mass meeting of the post, was held
Tuesday at the court house, when
final plans for the convention cam
paign wore laid.
Now khaki outing wear for picnir
and vacation. Rest assortment and
lowest prices at Edw. C. Pease com
pany. 20
Take Notice
Perrons owing bills to tho Phette
place Cozy Corner, at Tenth an I
Union streets are requested to pav
same at the Phct'eplace Store, Second
and Court streets. 1
Wood Sawing
Trvon ,iml rvibnth' wood s'n Sv
rpcxor to Mover Wood Saw hi:pln
Ti'lepln no black 4711.,
New Partnership
,Ben Sharn has purchased an inter
est in tho George Thompson black
smith shop which wilt be conducted
as Thompson & Sharp at 117 East
Third street. 1
every Wednesday stud Saturday night
Chenowith grove open -air pavilion.
Good floor. Good music. Taxi irom
Black & White, f'i't'ecn minute nor
ice, 25 cents. " 1-ltt
Miss Freda Olson of Portland is vis
iting Mrs. Carl IShearcr.
Mrs. Lulu D. Crandall is a business
visitor in LaGrande today.
Mrs. W. II. Nerval of Wamic is a
business visitor in this city today.
Mr. and 'Mrs. A. S. .Johnson of Was
co are shopping in The Dalles.
. Ilauser or Tygh Valley to a
Iness visitor in Tho Dalles today.
E. T. Morran of Centcrviile, Wash.,
to a guest at Hotel Dalles.
U. S. Endersby of Maupln is in
this city today upon business.
Wf M. Thompson of Ileppncr is In
The Dalles today.
F. S. Howell of Wasco is staying
at Hotel Dalles.
Mrs. A. W. Ilauser of Redmond is
visiting with friends in The Dalles.
,J. Tidyman of Boyd was In the city
yesterday on business.
E. T. Morrow of Centervillo -was In
the citv .yesterday on business.
A. 11. Gould of Spokane v,'a. an over
night visitor in i ho c ty.
II. A. Muelli.'i- of Tygh Valley was
in lhe city yesleiday on business.
JJ. A. Smith of Heii'l was a business
vi'iior in 'lip city yesterday.
W. G. Scott of Lexington, spent last
night in the city.
It. H. Johnson of Walla Walla is
In The Dalles today renewing busi
ness acquaintances.
J- M. Conroy of Sherar's bridge is
nttendln'-' t i business matters hre
Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Phillips of Qui
nook are visiting with-friends in this
V. J. Mariner of Hlalock Is in this
city today attending to business mat
ters. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Sawyer ol Wal
la "Walla are registered at the Hank
Edwaid Dunn and Miss Gertrude
Dunn of Seattlo are guests At tho home
of their uncle, E. M. Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Welgel of
North Yakima aro visiting friends
and relatives in tho oily.
G. E. Corson and S. A. Dockstader
went to Moro yesterday on a business
Marion Allen of Tygh Valley was a
business', visitor yesterday in The
Mrs. .1. E. Kennedy and hor daugh-
Thursday - Friday
A drama of life and ad
venture in the islands
of the South Seas.
Coming "Buck Jones"
Life Story Reads Like a Romance
Mechanic Two Years Ago Editor, Author and
Prominent Chautauqua Lecturer Today
The story of E. 15. Fish reads like a romance. Two years ago be was a
machinist on Government work in Eveivtt, Washington. Today lie Is tho editor
of "Labor and Industry," the author of one of the best known hooks on Indus
trial relations, nnd a public speaker who 1ms few equals In the entire West.
Ho performed a heroic work In the Northwest In his light on tho "reds" nnd
In the words of n Texas paper "He Is n human dynntno, n dealer or sledge
hammer blows, u gushing fountain nf torrid eloquence undoubtedly the most
popular lecturer on our 1020 program. 'The best lecturer I have ever heard'
wns the general comment."
tor, Miss Luetic, went to Port laud yes
leiday. They expect to remain sevur
al days.
Thornton's Lakes Dnncc
will not be held tonight on account ol
tho preparations lor I lie Fourth ol
July. Regular Saturday night dunce
will he held, however. 2'J
'Ladles' white canvas oxfords, low
or military heel. F. A. French, oppo
site city hall. Chautauqua lie.kois
here. 1
Fourth of July Celebration
If the youngsters under 10 will
call at the Model Laundry on July
1 or 2, wo will give them something
to help celebrate tho Fourth of July.
Model Laundry, Main -11. Jl
(Continued From Pago 1.)
poena directing
him to appear for
Tho first witness today was ex
pected to ba Miss Isabella Aimstrong,
lltirse , who was brought from San
Diego,. Cal., to testify regarding Still
man's nonaccessabllily in connec
tion with tho question of Guy's le
gitimacy. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lalor.
former servants at tho IMcnsnntt ille
estate, were to testify along similar
It is understood the defense will
have about fifty witnesses, sevoial
of whom will bo used to refute "key
hole and ladder" testimony.
The hearings began at 11 a. m.
Mrs. Stlllman, dressed In a black!
silk dress, with 'black hat, white silk
stockings and black pumps, accom
panied Mack to tho court room. Abol
I. Smith and John Hrennnn were
present us attorneys for Mrs. Stlll
liy Uruioil PrrsK
BERLIN, June 29. Germany got
back today to "peace timo" boor -l'.i
percent. It had previously been
an eight percent, beer, but that hadn't
quite hit tho right spot. Tho beti
gardens are doing a rushing busi
ness. Dr. S. Burko M.'isscy, dentist, First
National bank, rooms o07-at)8. Tele
phono main Mil, res. main 1G!H. 8tf
Children's and Misses' play t lino nan
dala and Emmy liu pumps. F. A
Frenrh, opposite cliy hall. Gel your
Chautauqua tickets here. 2
--Tho service and facilities of lhe French ft Com
pany bank hnvo so commended IhemsolvoB to our
customers that many now ones have boon diuwn
to this bank through their rccommiuqhUioii.
If you.- as a customor or this bank, fool that tho
connection has boon valuable to im, wo will con
sldor It a favor If you will tell new runliJunts or
The Hallos about It.
4 Paid on Savings
E. H. FRENCH, President
V. H.
Tray e l
Conducted by 'Goodrich
Chicago recently conducted one of
the most successful used car rhowi
over held. The show had tho appear
ance of a now car exhibit. Iloalors
vied with each olher in putting out
tho pi oiliest, car. Many cars coul 1
have been lost In a shipment of new
ones as lar as tho exterior was con
cerned. Special mechanical require
ments were enforced befoie tho cars
could bo entered. One was tanged r'
$0,500 a goodly sum for a used auU
Ever play motor pokei V It i". en
and just as fascinating as tho lndoi i
variety! Jus' d' on wvir frnn
alld WaU'll ill' p.ln-11)4 ' l' 'I I"'
Uce of their license number ai i
cord them. Each player is assigned a
car. By Jugpling tho license pinto n i
morals you get pairs, threes, sraigh''',
full houses and fouis. Now ou know
how. Set your own limit.
Omaha, like humu't'ds of other
cities, ha. been seriou ly aflcrUd by
rcckli'-s automobile driving To blip,
FRENCH, Vice-President
FRENCH, Secretary
" t
a local manufacturer, A. C. Scott, tit
nnted the space on his ,glant bill
boards to urge greater caro on the
part of drivers. Hero is a sample or
tlm wording used on the boards:
"Drive carefully wo need the EN
TIRE population to make Omaha 'i
bigger, better city." According to po
lice records tho campaign Inu reduced
the number of accidents.
In Columbus, Ohio, you can gam
ble lor your gas. The proprietor of
one filtlng station there has built up
a big trade through this unique at
traction. Near his gasoline pump he
has placed a raffle wheel. You name
your number, spin tho wheel, and if
the arrow stops on It you get jotn
i gas flee of charge. Usually there Ik a
long line of drivers waiting for their
turn at the wheel.
Beware of "war" tires! Don'l bu.,
them. This Is tho warning of the A
"Delated Advertising Clubi'. ol' the
World. Thousands of standard
-American tires sold to the French
government for one cent a pound are
now being dumped on Iho American
market. They were piled in the mud
at a Fiencli supply depot unprotected
by any covering and'exposed to rain,
snow, sunshine and frosl. These I ires
are worthless, but are being sold by
iiu'crupulous dealer.", as rirst class
Various aro I lie devices used bv
rural oftlcers or Iho peace to appro
bend speeding motorists. Shunting al
the tires and "paving'' lhe road with
tacks are among (be met hods employ
ed. Bui, hero comes the newest way
A constable near Greencastle, Ind., al
tempted to halt a speeding motorist
bj grabbing the spare tire on the rear
of lhe car, It is expected that he
will recover.
Automobile traffic on Lake Erin is
so heavy thai special freight steamer
to load motor cars on all four decks
liar, been put Inlo service between
Cleveland adn Detroit, There is also
big lake t raffle in cars between those
points and Chicago. The terrible rail
road jam of lasl year which kept ears
In transit for weeks suggor.led the po
siblllty of shipping from lhe factories
by boat.
What do you do with your discarded
or worn-out automobile parts. Before
selling them lo tho junk man consider
these uses: One man uses an old pis
ton as a combination paper weight
and pen holder; another has convert
ed a steering wheel inlo a base for
a library lamp; and a flexible speed-
We just received a large shipment oL! Towels in both Turkish and Huck
face. These were bought on a low market and offer excellent value at the
following price. Look over your towels and fill in your supply while this
lot lasts.
J7x.'5(i II uck
18x.'() Iluck
at, each
Two good specials in Bed Spreads.
72x8'l Gladstone Spreads, each
78x88 Wearwcll Spreads, each
Children's Dresses
One lot of children's
attractive, pretty styles,
One lot Children's
One lot Children's
"Wuenllou Think Dru Goods-Think.
omelcr shan forms an excellent arm
for an adjustable lamp.
Our weekly DON'T Don't forget
to take the following accessories with
j on on long motor trips' On? extra
eai-lng In a tire cover; two or moro
extra inner tubes wrapped to protect
them from oil; self vulcanizing patch
es and permanent puncture plugs; a
P resen ts-
Love Flower"
10c War1 Tax
Towels, each ,
Towels, each.
Turkish Towels, good size and excellent
I He,
Summer- Dresses; Whiles ami colored, good quality,
excellent values, some slightly soiled at 'j price.
White Dresses, special price
White Dresses, a special at.
tiro sleevo; sot of applying levers;
box of powdered soapstono to he usedi
between casing and tube ,to provont'
sticking; six valvo insldes and slx
valve caps; air pump, jack and roadj
maps .
Dance Tonight
Chenowith grove open air pavilion.
$1.00, including war tax. W
Included 30c
2f)C and JJoc