The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 29, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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(Cuiitiinud Kicuii 1'fino 1 )
back nn nccr ptsiin'o or lojccdon ol the
wage cut until tin- now -wmltliiK rulea
in n madn public hci-nii'il to lie 1 1 j;m
prul opinion. Tin- pasuililllty of u rail
road Hlrlko Is niliilnilzod - milieu tho
roads riifilKt' to enter worldnr. iiree
mentis tin; Hiiiplnyps contddf-r just
Hci' the ,'iplendld .'Ium .'iid ntyle: In
new opera hand colored voile and or
gnndy l)lon JiifI received !it ICdw
C. Pense cotiiiiain. '.'.'I
Theifi'G A Difference
If ymi'vu lieen ;i "ready niudu" man
In tin! pant, bo u "mailo lo older man
In tliu Inline. KIthI class band tailor
ml mills to ineaHiiru, 00 and up. W
It. Weblier, omt block east of post
HOSTON, Ma.SH.. June 'M. (.Special)
The psiHt week lias not dll'leied
greatly In tlio eastern markets iroui
tho preceedlni; week In the wool Initio
Some houses which reported. si lair
business pievioiiMly have had a er
Indifferent rcimcHt lor wool last
week, while, on the other hand, in : i
chants who leported Imslinw-.i cry
dull last week have had a fair call
from tho' iiiantifncturcis dui'hi.v ih
nriwut week. On the whole, I hi
market continues Irregular vif
prices iioiiinuv aiioiii steady, iiiihoiuvi
it must be said that tine ."tap
brl;ht wools have rhowu a down
ward tendency. These wools iniv
been held relatively lil;h, however
While the demand continue;) of
general nature, the call come
cineiiy lor wools ot htj'.h ti;irn'r
blood j;radn and Unci',
Durlni; the iwcck Just closed Ihei
appears to have lieeu more call foi
i ne territory wools ol the line aim
tine medium order and lair sale;; ol
these wools are reported by certah
houses at prices which are linn. "I'll
wools sold have been chielly of h
man, Nevada ami Arr.oiri ;ypi
clothing wools, 1. e, short vool
co.itint; the iiianuiaclurei' alum' do
to Oil ceniH, depending up in tin
quality and character ol IIm wo.i
'While the lonper wools of Ihe Kiemb
or medium coiuhini; deserlpiioii n ivi
'osl the mills iroui i!.r lo 7ii cent t
clean hasla dependlni: upon how r.oi.t
they were.
There has been some Utile hade in
Oregon flue and line medium
In the oil;;lnal bans at in Ices whic!
indicate a clean of about 7.1 ti
71 cents, while railed jist i j uUw
combing wools have I n :ihl m
iihout OS lo 7U cents, clean ha.. is, I In
higher price being f(,r Ver cholc
wind. Tlilti means about !2 lo 1!
conta lor the liner and hue uicliiin
moois ami aboiil I'l cents lor tin
naii-iiiooiis, possibly a lllllci more loi
a very choice wool
1 1 ilia IB shown more or Ir.-i couclii
Hlvely an lesaiils Ihe wools sold a
. i. .. .... i i .. , . . . , .
mi- aaie ill loiliion, Wllell a piolili
nent eastern huyei paid anywhei'.
Irom 17 H-l to tin t i ceuiM lor fin.
and fine medium wools linnl.ln
HOinewhero irom i!7 uv "in inrcciu
'i nil ih eslhuated lo mean a cleat
landed cost of lis to 71 ,.,.l:. 11
llOHton, which is lollx the (-w o
the market here lor inch wools am
It la a iiucHtiou whether wools o
uhnllar dencrlptlou have not ev 1
been Hold hero loi a little es
Intei-ent Ih lieen In (he propoM'i
tariff which It has been leporiei
would be adopted bv the lloibe u;i):
and mourn eomnuitec, ihat is. :
duty -of an cents a pound on Hi
Kcoureil content btihu. Tin-, ImsIs o
duty, which mlt;ht mtiii ,
laireMl method of itsoi'Msin,- dulltv
as a matter of fad would dlsiriml
note a;aliiMi ihe lower unnl- lev
Bhrinklui; woolt, and In favor of tie
fine ;rade vhi 111K1IW! wools
Thug, a flue ,irp Au.iialian Woo
annnKinn mi per cent, and coMim
hO cents clean basis, would pay a
per cent ad aloiem duty, while li
t?oulh America Lincoln wool sin In);
li)K only i!fi par cent, itud coHtlun 1'
cejits clean would pax an ml valoien
duty of IfiU per cent.
Clean Towels
Holler towels for bunluexs lion-e
unit offices. Dally, $1 rat per month '
three tnvcln per week, Jl uu p, 1
inontli. .Model Uiuudry, Main 11, f
Dr. K. it. Ldn uiiuouiue.. that Dr
C. II. Day, lonuerl) ol Ihe AmeiUai:
school of osl copal by, has become a
soeiated with him In Ihe piail o
osteopathy. Tho office will be con
ducted under (ho name of Dr l.vl
& Day, OBteopallilc plu ician thin
door First National bank huildinr 3'
, Uy A. J. Wed
(Uli!tf.l 1'iess .Stlllf Col respondc'llt)
LUN'DON, Jane 29. "Soutli Ameri
ca Is today the brightest Jewel in
the diadem of Irudini; nations and
nun of the keenest Htrui;iiles in Ihe
history of cointiieice is now In pro;-
ler.H for possession of a prlcelci
This is the opinion of Sir Ki'iikk
ley Wood, .M. I'., parliamentary prl
vitte secretary to the .Minim or of
Health, and tin authority on South
American trade and atfalis.
'"file championship is bcinj; played
mainly In the AiKeniine Hepiiblic,"
nald Sir Klni;ey. "The stakr.'i are
10(i,d(il),ii(iO pounds and for the
liniment tlii' I'niled States are win
"(ireat Hritan, it i onlj hir to
sav, wis once the undisputed chain
pion, nor need she lie alraid ol Ihe
reason why she was Ihiown oil' her
form. It was the war that turned
the Arisenline competition upside
down. It found us first and America
second; It lell us second; and
Anireiea llrsl. Not leas significant,
II sent Japan ahootinp, ahead of
(iermany, franco, Italy and UelEinm
"The arrival of Japan Is a nil r
prisiiii; event to many Knr.lislimcn.
In llllfi slie sold to Argentine just
over U ()(,( n t pounds woilh ol ware.",
h'or Ihe Hist six months of 1UHI,
that lotrl had leaped up lo .'
liounds and it continues to rise.
Chlelh II N a trade in 'ollon yarn
cotton drill, silk handerchlels, jdoss.v
silk, calico, sock and an assoilnient
uf toys, buttons and lead pencils.
Japan, 11101 cover ban opened a bank
:il l'.ucnos Ayies, while several Ja
panese merchants are now in busl-iiet-r
there, mid she has a line of
jteainers s-.illlni; refiiihirly to the
Hivcr il'late. Definitely, in short,
lapan has arrived anions the na
tions. "As lime fjoea 011 the race for
first place in the Ai'Kentino niaiket
will probably be between Ihe United
Stales, Japan and iiiitaiu. As lor
ueriiiany, her luliire in Suuili Ameri
ca is as yet uncertain. Once upon
a lime sir' supplied Argentina
with more than half of all the
Jewelry and melalware bo,i(;ht from
Ihe rest of the world.
Today Ihe ap,onts of German iiianii
factiiiers are hack a(;ain, offerini;
dieiulcals and dyes, machinery and
hardware al 'cut' prices. Hut abnoi
mal conipeiillou cannot endure, and
in auv case it has not materially
U'fcctod the main slriiKiilo between
Ihe United Stales and Hrilain,
"Here there Is no icason why
('.real liiitain should not lake the
lead as eliiphal Ically as she has
done on tin.1 i;olf links. The Arf.en
:lne people like us, ami they lilt
jitr methods. .Millions of pounds of
llritisli capllal have helped lo di
velop their country.
"If Hie ptle were the chlef share
mi a yearly Hade of one hundred
11 1 11 Ion pounds, II would bu well
Aorlh the striving for. II Is nr.ich
uore than Ihat. Tin.1 ArKeullne is
like Australia: she has Just be;uu
lo );row, and nobody cim mark IIm
limits of her future. Could Ihe
wealth hall a century hence of thai
practically virgin land be accurately
lorelold loday, there are a lew
limine, us who would have Ihe iuiar.i
latlou to accept a picture of such
.uosperity. A populallou rathei
lamer than l!el!;iuiiis'ii Is llvinr, In a
0,1111 1 y biMl'.er lhau the Unlleil
iiir,doin, (ierniauy, fiance, Spain,
Italy and Japan pn! lor.ether. Its
liossibllllles aie well nluh as vasl
is Ihe need ol Ihe human race lor
neat and wheal lo eat and wool to
Acnr. It Is a shaie In there Inline
loseihillllca as much as to win .1
ueseiii advantage ihat the nations
I 1 1 111 amicable rlvalrx.
'"I'heio I:, room for all, but the
lUer.tli.u I , who will be llrsl?"
Uy A. J. West
(tllllll'J I'll'.I HIltlT l'llltlltlllll'lll)
LONDON. June 7 five's sislel
ins arrived In Loudon.
She lies In a niuan ileal packini;
'ase In Ihe Hn.vplolony section ol
he I'lllveisll) t'olh'Ke, (lower street,
md she doctm't mind in the lea-1
leint; called Ihe oldest young woman
11 Ihe world.
I'rolcwsor I'llnder l'etrle. who ha-,
hecn ieawaleniUK the centuries in
pl, has Just brought this uuimm
10 London. She is at leasi S.000
art) old IIcmIiIo her .Moses Is unite
I model 11 volliur fellow, and to her
'he II' Caesars are but so. yesterday.
She )od in pre-lyiiaMlle KK.vpt.
one. heloie hlulorv bad biu'im She
Aas ibo-.iKnudri of year beioie the
'Mamids and befoie men chipped
u stone Ihe iceoid of their lives
md tunes AIUioukIi other pre
IvnitHtio skeleton'' hao been ilh.
J :f .1 Villi
Bf 7ni"i ill
How would you like l own an
island in the Northland, an Island
holding ii snun summer cabin? Thorn
is no reason why you should not
own one if the idea appeals to yo-.i.
Ontario's vast waterways contain
countless Islands or all sorts, shapes'
and sizes. -Most of them beloiiK I",
the provincial (overnnient and are
for sale at ridiculously low I'ie.ures.
Ten dollars per acre is the averaisu
price. As many of the islands are
less than an acre in extent, yon J
inlay purchase one 01 ineiii 101 a
nominal sum.
In t lie French Hlver district, bo
well beloved by sportsmen, are uiuny
Islanddotted lakes. Most of these
waters are little visited and well !
slocked with fish. T1011I lake, reached!
by an eit;bt mile boat ride fron
il'aKet. station, is noted for Its excel-!
lent fishing and scenic beauty. This
beauty Is due, In larj;e measure to
covered In Fgypt, this Is tho oldest
preserved body of a woman ever
lOxperls say
yeais old when
with her knees
she was about 'M
she died. She lies
drawn up to her
and one hand resting bol'nK
moulh. Her preservation Is
lo exposure In tho sun. She
has been sun-dried mid then lelt in
Hie sands of Kgypt while empires
lose and fell and centuries, like
tides, washed over the world.
'Most of her bones are exposed, a
palo amber color, and hero anil ther"
a few Inches ol' neatly woven (doth
adhere lo them her N.OIIII year ol
gown! Her head Is wonderfull
miwerveil. ller eves weie large, hel
forehead broad, and she was cet
lalnly a tall, slim girl.
- .... .
Tho museum, in which she lies
contains some beautiful, soft F.gyp
linn I'mIoIcs I'erhnns some n it it a
poor little ghost will bo seen look
lug mound for a
new dress, beca.tse
at the moment
tar tho worst
Kve's sister Is by
dressed woman lu
illave you seen till the new stles in
Wlrthinor dollar blouses? Take one or
more with vou on your vacation, bold
inclusively at Fdw. C Pease company
When The Dalleu Citizens Show a
There can be no reason why any
leader of this whil suffers Ihe tor-
tuiea of an aching back, tho annoy
unco of urinary disorders, the pains
Tonight and Thursday
William Farnum
His latest ami last
On (he Organ
"The Idol of (he North'
ro csinp m on raw os - ? cozy Cf?& n thf
the pretty Islands. Some of them
have been used for several seasons
but camping panics, but nearly all
still belong to the government and
hence are available for purchase.
Working northeast from Trout
Lake, the wide expanse of Lake Nip
lssing is entered. Here are many
islands with fine beaches. One of
Ihe larger of these inlands will hold
a boys' camp this summer.
Crossing Lake Niplssing, the town
or Nortli Hay is reached. This is tho
gateway to a lake region that stretch,
es northward. Timagaini Lake, 72
miles north of Nortli Hay, an octo
puslike lake with nine long arms,
contains 1,000 islands. Count 'ein.
They have all been numbered by the
government. They range in size from
a few square' feet holding a long
pine, to Tiniagami with its iS.OOO
acres of forest trees.
and dangers of kidney ills will fall to
heed the words of a neighbor who
has found dellef. Head what a The
Dalles citizen says:
Mrs. 10. M. Haynes,' 7213 ilrd SI.,
says: "I have ulwnys found Doan's
Kidney Hills to bo a rellablo remedy
for attacks of kidney complaint. My
back was weak and lame and 1 felt
so miserable 1 could hardly do my
work. Headaches and dizzy, nervous
2M En si
Fruit Boxes
SOU E. Second St.
Tiniagaini's islands provide site
for many charming summer homes
There are a number of Cleveland
and Pittsburgh families among the.
summer colony. The area of Lake
Tinragami is 85 square miles, exclu
Hive or its islands. This insures
against the possibility of crowding
even though several hundreds of
families make their summer homes
there. Hear Island, 13 miles from
Tiniagami station, boasts an Indian
village and a Hudson's Hay Post and
is the center of Island llfo. Several
launch services afford ample means
for getting about for those who do
not have their own launches. Fishing
and scenery are all that could be
desired. Hass, dore, pike and trout
are plentiful. A boat trip auiongt the
islands presents a kaleldescopic pic
turo with ever changing vistas of
1 green and blue beapty.
spells were frequent and the action
of my kidneys was irregular. 1 used
Flrvin'ii Klrinev Plllst for these at
tacks and they soon relieved the
troublo. 1 felt like a different person
and my Kiuneys uian i irouDie me.
Price 60c at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills tho same that
Mrs. Haynes had. Foster-Milburn Co
Mfrs., Uuffalo, N. V.
Lumber Co.
Main 2911
Open Air Pavilion
rum $1.00, 9 p. m. to 12:30
UtiUlCl!, j Qr 10c Pei. Dance
The Dalles Battery
514 East
Beautiful Display of.
Mezzanine Floor
Bank Hotel
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
An Oregon Product
Eicon Mfg. Co., 4531 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
3 Days
Thrift Coupon
This Coupon and 50c in cash opens
a $1.00 8avlngs Account and obtains
a Liberty Bell Bank.
The Wasco County Bank
The Wasco
The Citizens National Bank studies to please
you. Each one is made to feel that this is his
or her bank a bank where the interests are
mutual. Along these lines we have won many
We pay FOUR percent on Savings Accounts
and have an up-to-date Safety Deposit Vault
with Boxes to rent at very low rates.
Citizens National Bank
Telephone Main 3101
Dr. J. A, Reuter.-Vice-Pres.
H. El Qreene. CaahUr
J. r. Turack, Aia't Cashier.
Second St.
It Is not too late to take
advunta'ge of our gen
erous offer to assist you
in opening a Savings Ac
count. But it will be .too
late after Saturday.
The last 50c Thrift Cou
pon will appear in the
paper Friday night. Hun
dreds have already open
ed Savings Accounts. If
you have not done so,
clip the accompanying
Coupon and open an ac
count wiih this Bank the
first thing TOMORROW.
(1) $1.00 of the account
must remain on de
posit for one year.
(2) If a second deposit
is not made within
50c Coupon w4l be
deducted when the
account is closed at
which time the Bell
Bank must be return
ed. (3) Only one account
can be opened by an
County Bank
. j. aiaaeiKuui.
Arthur Seufert
Or. J. A. Reutr
Dr. B. C. Ollogai
H. U Kuck
J. O. HllmWc
J. J. Van Uelltn