The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 28, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Amateur Dopesters Have Real
Low Down On
' "'
By William Slavens McNutt
(United News Stnft Correspondent)
ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., June 2sfj
I know all about the Dempsey
Carpentler fight now.
A number of men who know the
real truth have told me.
My first Informant was a man with
whom I made casual conversation
while leaning on the railing of the
board walk listening to the sad .song
of the sea waves. Ho asked, mo
what my line was and I told him 1
was writing pieces about the. fight.
"Its a shames I"1'' tt ? he said
I didn't know to what he referred
and told him so.
"Why dont you know?" he asked
me. "The fight's fixed. Its going
to be a fake. Its arranged for Car
pent let' to "win in the eleventh
round." ' 1 '
I admitted that this statement"
was news to me.
"Who told you?" I asked
"Kearna?" he said, "who's Kearns?"
"He's Dempse.N's manager."
"I never met him,' my informant
admitted. "But 1 got It straight
from n friend of mine; a fellow I
met on a train coming from Chicago;
a fellow by the name of . 1 for
get his name now. Harris or Bow
man or something like that. Any
how, he had .a cousin who was a
vaudeville actor and he played the
same theater with Dempsey once
out .west somewhere ,and he got It
straight. Carpentler in the eleventh
round. They're going to let him win
and then make a lot of money show
ing the pictures in "Europe. It's
a shame isn't it?"
"Are you sure its true?" I asked
"Absolutely," he assured me. "I
got it straight.'
"How much are you betting?" I
asked him.
"Not a nickel. I wouldn't bet on
one of those things. They're
Think of it! He could gel per
haps as high as 15 or 20 to 1 and
clean up a fortune and he won't lint
a niCKel liecause no Knows n
T Lift lttin llutftnlncr irt lllrt
plaintiff sad sea waves. I l.ave .brought Earns of admiration from de
doubt he knew perfectly well what butaWes and envious satire from the
Vm delivered. Gall red 2821. 30 .,-ound. 20 acres pasture, eight L. M. Boothbj, .108 Washington y Typing and stenography done at - Lsf
LBaLT 4fcs I
Eastern Star
Regular meeting Columbia
Chapter No. 33, O. K. S.
Tuesday, June 28, at 8 p. in.
-''o'clock. Social. 28
St. Paul's Guild,
war meet with Mrs. F. H. Watts, Hi;
Alvord, Wednesday afternoon. 2!
Legionnaires Attention!
Tho most Important meet
ring since the founding ol
The Dalles post No. 19,
'will bo held tonight. Your
attendance is urgently re
quested, 8 p. in. at the
courthouse. By order of
PAT FOLEY, Commander. 28
CUailfled advertising 1 emit pur wuro
each Insertion. If Inserted 6 times or
mora. S- cent a word- Monthly publt
cation rates on applltton at th offlca.
FOR RENT Player piano. G. E. Cor
eon the Music Man. 'JO
FOR RENT Three room furnished
apartment, private bath, Telephone
red 3972. 1521 Jackcon. 2
FOR RENT Three room nicely tin
nlshed apartments. 320 East Third
street. Red G342. 28
FORRENT Four partly .furnished
rooms, 1313 Pine street. Telephone
black 5092. "8
FORKENT Housekeeping rooms
rates reasonable 722 East Third
street. 50
FOR RENT Housekeeping and sleep
ing rooms. 520 East Third fitree'
Telephone black 2301. 28
room modern bungalow on est
Twelfth street. Inquire Dalles Real
ty company, black 5691. 30
FOR RDNT-yNlcely furnished -ooins,
absolutely clean. Running water.
... . . . i . .it.,i(
One DIOCK iroill oubihbbh iiimmuij
1jnhnnA hlack 5781. 28H
FOR RENT Sleeping porch, garage,
or bed room. 11C West Third street
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms In cool brick building. Coin
fortable and clean. 115 East Second
street. -s
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
looms. Also small furnished house
suitable for batching. Inquire 111
V-bt Second street, 2J
FOR SALE--One ton Maxwell trunk
in excellent condition. Bargain.
"Write box Ml, care Chronicle. 9
Impending Scrap
they were saying.
He was a wise
My next Informant was a man
with whom 1 rode the roller coastyri
in an amusement park.
"Do you think Dempsey can get
back into shape before the fight?"
he .asked me after wo had paid for
our ride and were descending theHiut, two Inches or more In places
steps to the hoard walk.
He seems to bo In good eondi -
Hon," I said.
The man laughed. "Aren't yon
wise?" he asked me, "why, he's out
hitting the high spots every night.
Drunk all the time.'
"Where does lie get drunk?" I
"All ovor the place," the man ex
plained. "Have you seen him soused?" 1
i uaveni seen.iiim, uio man
admitted, "but everybody knows it'
true, 'lie's around drunk all the
tlnu. Didn't you know that?"
I admitted my ignorance. The
man smiled pityingly and went hi
way. I know what he ,was thinking.
It was this:
"What a dumb bunch these re
porters are. Paid to find ouk what a
kiiiiii; mi anii iney uon't Know as
much as the ordinal y man in the
I know what is going to happen
though. The two men mentioned
above and a hundred or more like
them have told me. None of them
know either fight hi- nor anyone con
nected with either tainp, but they
know all about what Is going on
I've got all the inside dope from
the outside and if I had one kopeck
In Russian money which is the
equivalent of about one-mlllioneth of
one American cent, I might bet thai
much on the fight in this way:
Nobody who's talking or writing
about the fight, expert cr dub, knows
lly Unitru News
M AN H ASSET, L. I.', June
IGone are the flowing locks
FOR SMJE-$20uu will bjiy a gopd
homo at 705 Calhoun afreet.
FOR SALE iN'ew bug; cheap for
cash. Might trade lor light tourint;.
702 'Webster street.
FOR SALr5 3-year-old Durham bull,
color, dark red. J. AV. Armstrong,
route 4, box 44, The Dalles. 28w26
FOR SALE A small, fully furnlui
ed and good paying rooming house.
Inquire at. The Modern Cle-.nera 28
FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old oak,
$11.50; second growth, $12.50. Deliv
ered. Call 30F22, alter C p. in. tf
FOR SALE One 54-gallon gasoline
tank; one 10-gnllon oil tank; one
telephono (Western Electric). Tele
phone black 0241. 30
FOR ISALE Sand and gravel. Truck
service. Country trips. Gordlon and
Van Dolaii, telephone red 1331. 30
FOR SALE Several good dairy cows,
some to freshen soon. Conic after 5
p. m. Paul Curtiss, three miles up
Mill creek.
FOR SALE One white" enamel kitch
en cabinet; one Howard Heater.
Call red 5('i81 or inquire 514 West
Eighth. JJ
FOR SALE - Four hole range, wilh
warming oven; washing machine;
45 feet throe-quarter inch hose. 903
Garrison street. Call evenliigu. New
lintnlnflu fni sale. 28
FOR SALE 'Large .and -..mall farm
and orchard tracts. Reasonable
prices, good umus. W. C. Hanna,
Duftir, Ore. lf-
FOR SALIC Neatly furnished house,
sleeping porch, bath, garage, two
fine lots, fruit and garden. Easy
terms. Inquire 1105 Bluff. 2'J
FOR SALB Nine room house, with
big lot, extends from Third to
Fourth street, street Improvements
In and paid, will bo sold cheap and
on good terms. Black &. Crum 20
FOR SALICCompletn threshing ma
chine. 28-Inch J. I Cace separator
and onglno Outllt In first class con
dition. E. A. Read, Bulck Garage,
Telephone main 921. 2711
FOR SALE Baled hay and grain. We
deliver any place in town. One
horse, weight 1750, 7 years old
Guaranteed. Will sell or Hade lor
cattle, One team, weight 2400.
Sound and gentle. O. K- Feed
barn. Julv2
FOR SALE One hay rhoppu: thiee
header boxes, 9x18; one itoubl'
disk; one two-bottom 14 lnc!i gang
pluw; one 14 inch two-way plow
Several head of horses. Hoy Oi.v
ham, Northwest Sheep company
Oranddalles, Wash., or J C rbr.ul
city. Jvw20
.pens ot journalists. Georges has hail
Ills hair cut.
VTiZ;nZn1! Z"
jteilous sparring partner In the early
',ull,K ,on,,!l did mova damage to
I Cai peutler's good looka than could a
lumclred Deinpseys.
T,,0i,H !o"K. bay rumnied locks' that
used to wave from high brow'to cere
belluni, no longer tumble into the
Frenchman's eye-i as he shakes his
aristocratic head. Their roots stand
but with spiky Intentness. Georges,
! bi ushintf with nervous hands, feels
only the rasp as of sandpaper where
once glistened oiled silklness.
Interviewed, Georges said: "Does it
look as bad as that? Well, It's cooler
By Henry L. Farrell,
(United Press Start Correspondent)
NEW YORK, June 28. Big money
comes only after big work, big
trouble and big worry.
Tex Itickard, king of all boxing
promoters, has learned this hi the
spectacular career that has made
him the blggesl figure In Hie sport
ing world.
'itickard has done big things, but
he had to work and worry to do
them and the returns haven't always
been in proportion to the risk In
volved. If the promoting king had been
inclined to iworry abnormally, lie
would have gray hair dating 'back
to 190G when he staged) the Gans
Nelson lightweight championship
bout. .
Gang, then the champion, and Nel
son wero dickering around for a
bout when a telegram came from an
unknown, one Tex Riekard, who was
running a gambling house in Gold
field, Nevada, offering $30,000 for
the contest.
Gans and .Nelson both laughed at
suhc a ridiculous offer and passed
it up as coming from a "nut" or a
publicity seeker. Riekard kept In
sisting, however, nnd finally ho pro
vailed upon them to come to Gold
field where he showed them fUO.OOO
FOR SALE OR 'RENT 87 ncres. 35
acres In alfalfa, 30 acreB plow
ground, 20 acres pasture, eight
miles from town. Prior water right
for irrigation. HoUjeVjv'o big bains
and all necessary buildings. Sclioo.
across road. $100 per acre, $3400
would hnndle. C. McDonald, Club
Cigar store. 2:1
Want ed
WANTED A cook on ranch,
phone 14 F5.
WANTED Two waitresses for Hotel
Patrick, at Heppner. Apply Hotel
Dalles, city, or In Heppner. 2S
WANTED Three men for haying, two
to drive teams. Inquire Rank hotel.
WANTED To buy one or t wo brood
sows, coming in or with pigs. Joe
Geigur, telephone. 1CF22. 29
WANTED Bids on building a garage
Also some remodeling In store. G. E.
Corson, tho Music Man. 2
WANTED To sell, rent and repair
sewing machines and typi writers.
Phone Coryea. 2S
WANTED Hospital steward or order
ly. Apply to The Dalles hospital or
Renter and Thompson. 28
WANTED An experienced practical
nurse wants position. Confinement
cases preferred. Telephone black
4791. -
W ANTED To "'buy " "gooTdTamo
Will pay cash, if price is right.
Must have Immediate!) . Write J. .M.
J., 200, Chronicle. 30
WANTED Man and woman, cooks
want work with harvest cvi".'. or
hotel. Write box 02. care Chron
icle. 29
LOST Black skunk hcarf. $5 it-ward
If leturnod to Chronicle ofl 29
LOST- Between The: Dalles and Uu
fur, Colt's automatic, 25 caliber
Finder leave at Chronicle otflc and
receive leward 2s
TAKEN HP Jenny, branded ii.r un
left side ol neck. Owner may have
same by paying lor ad and damages.
F. L, Carman, Thompson's addition
ating in The Dalles. Cars are ii i'g
stolen. I provide automobile '.( Mir
mice Gitchcll, 403 Washington
street. 2?
fnlMSTIToTuW plcotlng V
tachment, $2.00. Buttonhole attach
inent, $9.85, fits any sewing ma
chine Personal checks, 10c extra
Lights Mail Order House, box 127,
Birmingham, Ala, 1
In twenty-dollar gold pieces. They
Riekard was looked upon as a fit
subject for an insane asylum, He
had put up every cent he possessed
and was considered a sure lose but
he went through with the bout nno
made money, cleaning up about
The trouble he nad at Goldflold
was nothing compared to his expert
ence when he made his next big
step In the game by signing Jim
Jeffries and Jack Johnson to decide
the heavyweight championship for a
purse ot $120,000.
He had the fight all arranged and
an arena partly completed in Cali
fornia when the governor decided
that his state wanted nothing of the
big bout anil ordered Riekard out.
He had his fight all dressed, up and
no place to go.
Riekard dashed across the line
into Reno, Nevada, threw an arena
together and packed them in. The
lecelpts were close to $300,000.
The Willaiil-AIoran bout in Madi
son Square Garden was easy, except
he had to guarantee the big Kans.v.i
a fortune before he would consent
to meet tho blonde l'ittsburgher. He
made money on that fight also.
Bad breaks came when he was
getting ready for the Denipsoy-Wll
lard fight In Toledo. He tied himself
tip to a $127,500 purse but tho proj
pect was exceedingly rosy when tho
governor of tho Buckeye stato sane
tloned the bout and a big stadium
was complete.
However, the government, then In
charge of the operation of the rail
roads, ret used to give any special train
service and the immense stadium was
only partially filled. Riekard made
some money but not tfie amount he
was entitled to expect.
With almost a ear spent in getting
the principals signed, Riekard experi
enced similar 1 rouble with the Demp-sey-Carpentler
arrangements. But
most of the obstacles came early
when he had plenty of lime to make
other arrangements.
Riekard planned first, to gel the
champion and the Frenchman in the
ring at Madison Square Garden for n
purse of $500,000, of which $:(00,00o
was to go to Dempsey and $200,000 to
The hugo size of the purse brought
aboiit such opposition that the New
York State Boxing commission, aim-
ture and piano moving. Freight
hauled and general express bus)
ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101;
residence black 1352. J. K. Henzle.
11 tf
Notice for Bids for Dalles City
Dalles City calls for bids for tho
construction of the auditorium.
The Council of Dalles City has ap
proved plans and specifications as
propared by Iloughtallng & Dougan,
architects of Portland, Oregon, as
shown by tho minutes of the Coun
cil meeting of June 15th, 1921. Speci
fications, plans and estimate for the
construction are on file In the office
of tho Recorder of Dalles City, sub
ject to inspection, and the work will
bo dono In accordance with said
plans and specifications and under
the direction and supervision of such
All bids must be accompanied by
a certified check for 10 of tho
amount of 'the bid, to bo forfeited
to Dalles City in caso such bid
should be accepted and tlc bidder
should fall to enter Into contract
and bond for the faithful perform
ance of the work.
All bids shall be sealed and shall
Dr. T.
pL Eyfiight Speciality
Hours i(N to 6:00 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment
17-H Vot Hlk Over Crosby's Drug Store Phone 'atUck 1111
ins directly at the bout, ruled that not
more than $15 could be charged for a
seat at any championship bout.
This, of course, made it Impossible
to stage tho contest in the Onrden,
owing to Its limited seating capacity.
j Itickard then set his eyes on Sheeps
i head Bay, the r.Ite'of the old automo
jblle race track, where he planned to
. erect an Immense stadium.
I Clovernor Miller then stepped in and
let It he known that the contest could
not be held In New York state.
To remove the "big money scandal"
Riekard then succeeded In getting tho
principals to work, on n percentage
agreement by offering them fit) poreent
of the gate recelpta.
New Jersey went after the bout
then, in fact, invited It. Riekard was
assured that there would be no inter
ference and he selected Jersey City.
No rooner had New Jersey been nam-
ed as the site, than Governor Edwards
issued a statement that "as Ions as
the contest was conducted In accord
ance with the boxing laws. New Jersey
would be glad to have it."
Bancroft, New York, got six
singles out of six times up and
accepted fifteen out of - sixteen
chances against Philadelphia.
Alter losing -eighteen successive
games, the Athletics beat Wash
ington. Holke knocked a home run for
the Braves ' that beat Brooklyn
after he had struck out three
Jones, Harvard first baseman,
"nine to terms Willi the Athletics.
By United News
BERLIN, June 28.--Writing in the
third Internationale's newspaper,
"Big Bill" Haywood declared that
tho present American "crisis" is the
accomplishment of gigantic plot
which is actually developing into
open war against the workers, with
lis aims to reduce wages to a pre
war standard.
"Its prelude," he declares, "was
the closing of the factories."
Haywood accuses the market men
of destroying apples in Michigan and
bo riled with tho Recorder of Dalles
City on or before K:30 p. m June
30, 1921. said bids to be opened by
the Recorder and CounciL on said
Dalles City reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Dated this 15th day of June, 1921
City Recorder. 3d
EventuallyWhy Not Now?
Ship by truck. Pcrtland-The Dalles
Truck service. Hoadquarlors, Motor
Service Oarage. Portland telephones!
Marshall 1355 and East 3990. tl
Hemstitching, plcot edging, dress
making. 21i East Third street; Con
don building. Telephone black 5211.7
PIANOS TUNiSU una repaired, ac
Hon regulating and reflnlahlng.
Player actions a specialty. Work
gharanteed. 8, A. Dnckstader, Cor
son Music store, 320 East Second
street. Telephone main 1001. tf
Whitney Repair 8hop
709 East Vflcond St.
rice In Arkansas, of dumping coffee
overboard ' nnd destroying fruit In
San Francisco harbor, rather than
to sell It at reduced prices. Finally,
he declares that cotton glowers are
purposely reducing their acreage in
order to maintain high prices.
lly United New
YORK, June 28.
Employes of the Guaranty Trust
company are giving Baron Arlington
olherwifo iNapior George Henry
Stuart, peer of Crlehel, Wlmbourne,
England- -a real deluge of Anierlcrtn
informality since he has come ovc
to "learn business," as lie puts It, tn
the Gnarantj's educational depart
ment. iLord Arlington taken it. He rinds
the mazer, of finance "much more ro
mantic than the social world," he ad
mits with bashfulner.n.
For the baton Is young only 24
and hasn't been around much, except
to have a speaking acquaintance with
a few hundred dukes and earla and to
have served during I he war as a flight
lieutenant of the Royal 'Naval Aviation
Ho hasn't even seen a baseball
game. Perhaps that Is one reason why
he came to America.
dint the real reason, he said, la that
he became discontented at having
things done for' him.
"1 believe that everyone should
know how to handle his own affair
and- thii". requires business .Miowl
edge,'1 It his way of looking at It.
"When I go back I'm going to take
with nie n complete knowledge ot fi
nances. I am literally learning the
business. 1 don't know whether I will
jtake up finance as a profession, hdl
I at least 1 will know how." '
I Tho youug baronet has already been
i through the general hanking depart
I men) of the Guaranty. Soon he will
take up the credit end ami go fioni
! there to foreign exchange.
Just now he is doing auditing, and
' works from nine till five on the third
'floor at 114 Broadway.
Typing and stenography dono at
reasonable rates. Roslna A. Fleck. Of
flee Hotel Dalies, 'Residence telephone
red 2332. tl
WMtte Track L5mi
Freight and express between The
Dalles and Wasco, Morn and all way
points Leavo Tho Dalles, 9 a. in,
dally except Sunday. Leavo Moro,
1:30 p. m. Lonvo Wasco, 2:30 p. in.
D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone
black 1G42 or main 471. tf
MsMi MiMbnainm Stilwel!
Teacher o?
Piano, Harmony and Theory.
Leschetlzky method. Special atten
tion given to beginners. Summer term
opens June 15. Phone red 3491. Stu
dio 1000 Fulton street J20
Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers
All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work, a Specialty
Ectlmates furnished free of charg;, All Work Guaranteed,
Telephone Main 64C1 or Call at Qates Block
Peoples Transfer Co.
Furniture and Piano Moving
Stand at Ck'nn k Paint .StoreMain HVii
Residence Phone Ited IK 11
Wnmo The Dalles Dufur
Bert Thomas, Assistant M-inuyer
Llcenifd Ernbalmtrs, Established 1U7 .
Woman Attendant
Mr, M. J. Wlllrrton
lelephone Red 17UI
Motor Equipment
i 'By United Press''
SAN ANTONIO, To., June '28'
One man in the world knows the
location of the Cavnllo Blanco cave,
in old Mexico, and 'knowings It may
result In his becoming the possessor
of $73,530,000 in gold r.nd silver.
Adam Fischer, recently returned
from Mexico, said ho had relocated
the Blanco cave, with its great treas
ure trove. He discovered It once
before, but iwas unable to find it
when he returned,
Fischer Js now awaiting tho-'decision
of the Mexican government
on his application for a concession
to remove the hoard.
The story of the gold and silver
tuns and Spanish octagonal dollars
dates back to 1810. At that time, dur
ing a revolution against the Span
ish government, it is claimed that
officers of tho government and army
took the gold and silver from the
treasury and hid It in tho-Cavallo
Blanco cave, in the Cerro de Sllla
mountains, near Monterey, - In 'the
Stato of Nuevo Yeon.
Hundreds have spent their lives In
the search for the treasure, accord
ing to Fischer, but he alone has dis
covered Its hiding plnce.
If Fischer gains possession -of- the
great fortune ho plans to erect a
$2,000,000 monument on Alamo Plaza
to the heroes of the Alamo, and
also make other munificent munici
pal gifts. '
Keep the vital orini healthy by
regularly taking; the," wqrjd'a
standard remedy'fOr kidney, ! liver,
bladder and uric acid troubra
- ? .r.i'J?
I'ti Notion! Ronisdy it Upland for
cumulus Mtidis nipped by,. Queen
Willi. Iinliu. AM druggists, three sizes.
Umk for thninu.CU tf4al tu . 1
Los ul accvpt (tajuiutiau
Wo hall anything, any place, ' call
main 731, "'"' x
General real estate, Insurance, and
foans. 100 East Second street. Tele
phone main 1671. iiU
E. C.
UifigHelbfiireil AtrcM4c4
004 First National Bank Uldfl.
The Dalles, Ore, 16tf
1 .
Dr. Geo. F. Newhouse
Eye Specialist
We are equipped to give your
eyes tho very best of care. Eyea
tested, Glasses ground.
Second and Washington Streets
The Dalles
1 elspbonea
Day Red SSI
' Night Red KM
J. H. Harper, Black 2152
Cut Floweri