THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, TUESDAY, JUNE 2S, 1921. PAGE THREE Cigarette To seal in tho delicious Burloy tobacco flavor. It's Toasted fire, the Black nml White restaurant will bo oprn for bui-'inc. s , . ...I " 'ior,iv niTordlnj: n y, , v ,e. K ( MoKueely. Virtually all of the dam age to tho icstnurant was caused b water, although the roof of the kitchen was burned off as the flames swcuit upward through tho floorhiK and into the Y. W, 0. A. club rooms. As far as can bo learned the firo was caused .... nfnilinnlnil flltn t'tlftlllm-H Hllll other equipment in the . v. t. A. club rooms was Jiadly damaged by both fire and water. Thla damage !n noed liv Insurance, according to Mrs. 10. M. Williams, vice-president of the Y. W. C. A. board of directors. Temporary club rooms will be estab lished at some place lit tho city as coon as Insurance claims have been r.djuated, Mrs. Williams said. Tho building Is owned by N. 11. dates of eattH Mrs. C. IJ. ICUis Is acting as nrjcnt. lor tho building. Fiio damage to both the building and icstaurant ,is completely covered by insurance. Mrs. Kelly Cyr and her dnurjlitcr, Mnbel, of Matiptn, motored to The Dalles yesterday with George Morris. Mrs. A. 13. Oils and little sou, Hob-' ert, of New York aro In The Dalles visiting with Mis. Otis clstcr, A.m., Ous A. Pearson. i Ins been legislation for tho minority" The bill, In addition to knocking out 1I10 beer ruling, has raised the. ques tion of how many whiskey pnsclp tiona doctors may write. The prohi bition commissioner arbitrarily has hot the number at inn every On day:;. Children's and Aliases' playtime san dals and Knmiy lou pumps. V. A. Kreiich. opposite city hnll. Get your Chautauqua liclicts here. '") NEWS NOTES ACTION OP Arch Preervor shoes aro made with various (ypes of toes and heights of heels; also in different leathers and patterns. For men and women. ICdw. C. Pease company. Women's"1Switnming Nirjht Tho hltjh sehoolsjuvimming tauk will be opru ivoiuin tonight, with the witcr ly-i-ied to a coinl'orlablo teni-li-iatuie, it is announced, Three License's Issued Three mar 1 las' llci-nses were placed to the ere;! it idiViWvAsPiipid's ledger this iiiotnlnf.' I 'll" were issued 10 Jiirneui Gijy-'.iog.liU., ty.nil .Mabel, Wldma T Iul3.'i;. brtllrniAVit'nilc; Koy Thomas, J!!),' mid Floreiieu Robinson, 24, both of lloosOuvcr. Siilno Uiker. 21, ami V'rtuu'i. I'lilM.-, yk,-'4tv!,h or.DUfur. ' Ranch Hand Dies, Dairy Matthews,' r,U'Vorfe oHIt-C'i'Vijlien hanil working . whip (iraVft"V:ll1t. 'mc.l' this morning of lionVi fallur-, lollowlnj? a short ill ni'BW. -Flineriil i".'vice wero held thi tijleruoon at I o'clock from the ranch,, under the direction of the Orn Kirt Vhlley iirnncli of the crandull Piiei?aki!ig company. .Uuilal was in U16 OJrtiBs Valley ccmeiery. No sur viving; relatives are known. Mosler Babies Examined Mrs Fmncjjs.Saul, pi the local Rod Cross qrtfiCey.wlth Mrs. A. Payley, secretary Of lhjj J'aroiUs' KdiKNiUoiml bureau untt.ijr. Sara wuiiexnip (.1 i-on 1:11111, held if baiiy eiwnirs ted ni Mosier last iwak Thirty-five mb'.i-, whic tf slnif;- .Sfouio excellent snbiecis weif ftjciuijed and theie were children lio limvod, the need of corrective tPtt'iijlfl. .'Hie tests wp;e nude at tiitj ' li'ottio it" Airs. HllfoU, ami slio, ,whlt 'othr Mohier women, as 'luted. ' WiiHC'l 'county needs mmc such worls j5a4.,r"1 ,ii:,,ririR' Takes' One, Ueta Two KM in." two lilnlswUh one slouc, Sheriff I.ev! C'li! i.onun lefl tod.iy for Salem ,n com p;my jiih Frank IbitVi-, juvenile b'.n dlt n$ciei followinc? the hold-up of ihe (Jlenwixx! l-.-vl last winter and laier sentenced to a term in the state reformatory. From Salem, Ohrlsimn will go to Aledford, where two boys aro under arrest upon charges of stealing an 'automobile belonging to John - Wernmark of this city. Chris man will bring t lie two alleged auto mobile thieves, whoso names are not known, back to The Dalles for dial. Chamber Boosts Por Convention ' In Iine"with The DallesAVasco County Chamber of Commerce's promise to assist tho local post of tho American Legion. to secure tin 1922 state Amer ican Legion convention for this city, Chamber Secretary Van Scbolck has prepared a pamphlet setting forth. 101 things of interest about Tho Dalles Acros3 the front page of this circular 13 stamped in largo letters: "The Dalles and Wasco county want you in 1022." .It- is planned to send 1,000 of these pamph'.ots to Kugono, tho slto of this year's slato convention, prior to June 30, when tho convention will open. Conrad Yeaekel Dead Conrad Jl. Ycaekel, 70 years old, pioneer resident of Klickitat county, died this morning at the hospital follqwins an extended illness Ycackel was born in Canada, dpnfmg to The Dalles in 1877. Tho same yew he moved to Klickitat conn ,ry, lalMix up a homestead near Cen terville, lit-n lie lias lived ever fincc Hi- ov n'd (XUTinuo land holdings in Kll K :t:.i iolu: lie l' urvived bv er In cli.lU -Mii: Mrs. Emma Crocker am! Mm. Nellie Nesbot of Odldendale; 1 n Liszw Murijuii-a and Mrs, Mabel Alien or c ntervi'.i Tieary Yeaekel ql' Tin- Dalle.i; (' ..ic . FroU and Joe '. Yttficltol of Conen id.- runeral ser vices v,lil be held FriUui, July 1. from the tamtl home nr-ai- Cenierv Hie. The binh vj.h taken 'o the homo this af- 1 1 .' i'M-;" 1 !; riu coin- it..:'. a.-- i' a ill re r, 1 i " 1 . v :tl bo in Announcement 'Dr. K. R. Lydu announces that Dr. C. If. Day, formerly of the American school of osteopathy, has become as sociated willi him in the practice of osteopathy. The offices will be con ducted under the name of Drs. Lyda & Day, osteopathic physicians, third floor First National bank building. lit) Clean Towels Roller towels for business houses and offices. Daily, $1.50 per month, or three towels per week, $1,00 per month. Alodel Laundry, Atain 41. 5 PERSONALS "1 1 -,C. F. Read of Portland was in Ihe city yestetday. . l .imiibr-ll of Alo-der wa" 't b'.t'.lness isltor In the cilv ester, Kv W. W. Adams oi Moro was la Mi city yesterday on business. 1 A. J. Bcllniis of (liass Vallcv i., a business visitor In The Dnljo.s todav 'Airs. J. 13. lierwlck of iShaniUo t- a guest at 'Hotel Dalles. Mrs. 1!. H. Chirk of Caldwell, .Ma . is visit lug wilh Mends in. Tho Dalit--. 13. .Wakerltg of Shnnikn fs in t!ii city tiansai tlriR burlneaa today. IC. Katon of Grass Valley is a busi ness visitor in Tno Dalles. -Vernon Nerval of Wamln is a gne 1 at the Bank hotel. Pear! Winnlow of 'Dufur is visiting vith friends in The Dalles today. Donald AIcKay of Gateway 13 in this city today, attending to business mat ters. Aliss Aijrtle Thompson of AIcTIinn yille is visiting with friends in The Dalles today. Ira Kistnor of Maupin is in this city today attending to business mat ters. C. Al. Porlor of Hood River, for merly a resident of The Dalles, was in the cll yesterday on business. (Air. and Alru. B. 13. Nichol of Alosler were business visitors in (lie city yesterday. Airs. Anna Penny went to Portland yesterday to visit her daughter, Airs. J. W. Leo. Aliss Anno Hansen and Alius 1311 1 Hanson of Portland wore gliosis Sun day at tho C. 'A. Johnston home. ,Alrs. Ida Alclntosh of Portland re turned to her homo yesterday after visiting her fclster, 'Mrs. R. (1. Brooks of Three AHIe. (Continued Fiom l'ago 1.) the time telling how their advocacy of the original prohibition measure had been justified. Reprc-entative Julius Kahn of Cali fornia, brought smiles to the laces of (the perspiring legislators when he said that many who voted in favor of prohibiting beer would enjoy a glass of it with their dinners. "There tire many men In this con gress wlio volo for prohibition and drink more in a day than 1 do in a year, although I vote againrt It," said Kahn. Inlcres-lcd gallery spectators weic Wayne 1. Wheeler, counsel for the Anti-Saloon league, and 13. C. Dinwid dle, formerly a member of tho league who is now associated with other re form organizations. Wheeler and Din widdle had disputed about the man ner in which the bill should be drawn. They were not together. Representative Gallivan id' Alii'.s.i chusetts, made the principal speech of the day, in which ho compaiod Rep lesentalive Volstead, prohibition lead er, wilh Rameres I of Kgypt. "Egypt died because of too much regulation by Jaw," declared Gallivan. He suggested that tho bill the chris tened "the Volstead act, Jr." "Wle fooled the country with ,tlie Volstead law a year ago, and now we are going to fool it with the Vols'crl law, Jr.," lie said, "that it may not have to bear the sins of the parent, no- bo hampered in its own course n it coos out before the cotmliy -omc more. "Tin i'ldi -f n r- rommi'ice If; n1! bowing to the minori'y This is in keeping with tho whole agitation n l !i"i.-1a(!nn eonee nlnir prohibiten 'i GOVERNMENT WILL FARM OUT ITS WAR LEASES United News WASHINGTON, June 28- The war depaitment Is soon gjlng into tho leal estate market necking tenants for surplus space in some of the arsenals and oilier government build ings expanded under war prcssuie. Secretary of- War Weeks lias an nounced that some of the depart ment buildings 'throughout the coun try aro equipped wilh machinery which would be goo.l I'-r ;nianiiliie l tiring purposes and otheis have vast Klnrnup sunt a which could lie Utilized by private business needlngs such lacililies. lie is going to advertise for bids for tenancy of both. The plan is part of Weeks' gen eral program of eeoii' my. 11" an nounces the department has effecled r.nvinirK iii rentals at lb' rale of neai lv $:f!.000 a year out of annual rentals totalling $l,r()ii.0HO. a year, when he took office. This Avas ac complished by eotisolidatiii;- and ad justing various wcrk created dur ing tJie war. iln addition, on July 1, llv govern ment gives 'up Its lease on the 10, 000 acre chemical warfare experi mental grounds at Lake Hurst, N. J., but the saving on this lias not been determined because no rale of ren tal was ever fixed on this ground, Weeks says. regional and local county wool pools, were discussed at a cnnfcrrncc re cently held in Washington. Tho farm bureau federation fav. is the plan of regional pools at pi ints of large concentration, and Is not convinced, it is said, of the practical value of the tentative wool grade;. The conference resulted in a better -diiderslandlng .of the views of the farm bureau federation and of the bureau of markets legarding Ihe points under discussion. The meeting adjourned with the iinderstandleii that the bureau of uiaikets iwoitld arrange for a later conference between representative wool growes, buyers, mills, and or ganlzati.ins of tanners at a conveni ent date In order to promote 1 belter understanding of the work of iae ouroiiii wiiii nin-i 1 in imwiiu,,. grading, and market ing wool. WOOL MARKETING PLANS DISCUSSED Tentative wool by tho bureau of States' department gother with the bureau and tho Bureau federation grades formulated markets, United of agriculture, to policies of the American Farm in regard to the Agency Union Laundry al the Umatilla limine. Good work and safe delivery guaranteed. Call Maui .Mill. Hi' Free Clinic No charge For Examina tion Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. Baum. chiiopractlc physician, I'lilid and Washington, main 501. it Reputation fjf 17 0 17 9 o fi5?3 litf'Jft. ar 1 t?UI Thi"if Cpupon 1 r ' T rrr .3t v. i 1 This Coupon and DOi in cash opens a $1.00 Savings Account and obtains a Liberty Bell Bank. The Wasco County Bank r or v t Car. you afford to throw away 50c? That is just what you are doing when you refrain from clipping tbe accompanying Cou pon and presenting it at our Bank. 50c in cash and this Cou. pon will start a 51.00 Savings Account and ob tain a Liberty Bell Bank. CONDITIONS: (1) $1.00 of the account must remain on de posit for one year. (2) If a second deposit is not made within SIX MONTHS, the 50c Coupon will be deducted when the account is closed at wbich time the Bell Bank must be return ed. (3) Only one account can be opened by an individual. The Wasco County Bank :om Mexico to Canada t( ltl( I'll t. ' p. :,' ist Tl. m n '.' ' ! .-it'. t ' Will Reopen HeStaurhqt Although Cell 'I' ' 'V ves' onlay s Milk For Infanta & Invalid NO COOKING Tho "Food-Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch at Home, Office, and Fountains. Ak for HORUCK'S. 1-Avoid Imitations & Substitute itf( Automobile onglnesof every ' ' Im type, In city and country, over t t 'saT?VM 1 -vinti highwnys and mountain pass- JT'ifWmKKY esarelubricatedwithZorolene. ,CMtacSlsflMu More than half tho mntnristsof TiPntcVa 1 1 tho Pacific Coast use Zeroleno lllgjj, for Correct Lubrication. t , oAfpfade for.'each type of engine GOOD SWEET MILK docs not need to be pasteurized Foster's Dairy supplies only good, sweet milk, from high-bred, contented cows. Foster's Dairy Phone Main 2111 There's Lots of PEP in a Chronicle Want Ad Sassy Jane Dresses and Polly Prim Aprons Just received by express two new shipments of interest to women, Sassy Jane Dresses for street and house and clever styles in the Polly Prim Aprons. Sassy Jane Dresses in Jap Crepe, clever chic styles, made with short sleeves, patent leather string belts, embroidery and Aplique trimmed in beau tiful combination of colors. One model in particular, the Gretehen, is unusual ly attractive, which is admired by everyone. Very modestly priced for such chic garments. At $6.50, $8.50, SJJ.OO to $10.00 Polly Prim Aprons in Jap Crepe md ginghams, attractive, pretty styles in a large. range of colors. Priced at 98c, 91.50 to $2.50 New Sport Skirts Just received from our New York buyer, a fine assortment of nifty new Sport Skirts. These come in both plaid and Roman stripes. Colors, Tans, Navies, Black and White and other beautiful patterns. Some especial ly designed for stylish stout sizes ranging from 2G to 36 waist measure. Priced at S(.5() to $1(5.50 New Middies OF UNUSUAL STYLE The checked Co-ed Middy, something new and smart. Tho middy craze of the season. Made of English Gingham, checks of red, green, pink and blue with white collars and cuffs, velvet ribbon laces and the Co-ed belt. Priced at1 $2.25 Each Wheou Think Dri Goods -Tliink? rjjjgggJJMM7 DAJLL.ES- ORJE- a Mr LEGIONNAIRES ATTENTION! The success or failure of Legion activities in The Dalles ARE AT STAKE Are YOU willing to Help? Show your good faith by al lending the MASS MEETING TONIGHT At The Court House EVERY IUHMUER OF THE POST IS EXPECTED TO ATTEND Do You Want the State Convention in 1!)22? Are You Interested in Equipping the Legion Quarters? 8 p. m. TONIGHT COURTHOUSE These Problems Will Be Settled Hy Order of PAT FOLEY, Commander. 1