The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 28, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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jTo save 252
is important
please your
taste is more
Just buvCa
package and
Tin A rXtt'
JU'Ktilatlonu govern Inn tho inter
statu inovouumt ol live stock, which
uoconicn I't'lcotivt! on and nflor .Inly
1, 1!I21, anil willed HUlii'i-Mude pn
vIoiih i pf;iilatioiiH on this Htihjecl,
havo linen ihiIiIIuIkmI hy tin- Hnltci
Statna tli.'jia) ( miuil of hki Iciilliire.
For puriiosi'H of luili'iitillcation lliem
l-egulatlona arts di-:)lgiiatil an H. A
1. (Bureau ol Animal industry) Or
iter 27Ii. Tho ivgiilntloiiH liuuli.'jhnil
in tho circular prt'scrllio for the In
Kpeetion, disinfection, certification,
treatment, liandlliif, ami method ami
manner of delivery and Bhipnit'in ol
live stock 'Which la swhjecl lo Inter
stato commerce. The enforcement
of the resnlatiomi in anniclied to I lie
Hecretary of agriculture hy ucIb of
CongreHH. Their purpone hi lo con
trol the interstate shipment of live
Btoelf, ami prevent Ihe unread of
Included In die publication are
acts of Coiiki'chh lelatiiiK to Ihlti
Hiibjcct, general piovlHlonx, and
regulations to prevent the spread of
tho following diseases: Kplunlic,
southern, or Texas fever In entile;
ncablrit In rattle and sheep; dourine
In horuen and asses; hoi; cholera
and swine plague; and tiibercnlosla
in cattle.
every Wednesday and Haturday night
Clienti with trove open air pavilion.
Hood floor. (!ood music. Taxi from
P.lack & AVhitti, nitoon nilnule iier
Ice, 25 cenln. Htt
Hy United Nows
NBW YORK, Juno 28. -Hedlam'a
bacUyard has turned quiet as an old
ladles' home. The curb market, lout;
the lair of Ihe financial wildcat and
the delight of professional guides
about town, has "koho Indoors.'
After a short. Until session Satur
day morning, the New York Curb
Market association takes its final ad
journment as an open air body. On
Monday It will be reopened in the
new a,a.".0,00() building Just back ol
Trinity church, and the down town
rubberneck wagons will have to
change their routes.
Kvery week day lor yours the half
block on Broad street just below Hx
change Place, has looked like a Cieor
fla camp meeting Juki about lo break
up into a riol. A hundred whirling
disciples of IM. Vitus, looping and
doubling their lingeis ecstatically as
I hey peered out iroin under va.'i-col
ored hats, yelled hoarsely at othei
hundreds at the windows above them,
or made quick !nuies on little pad1'
The men above wiggled Ihelr lilt
gets in return, liy their ringer nut-gutigi-all
taken from the deaf and
dumb alphabet, but adapted lo as
many codes as were dealers -
a hundred shares of Associated Oils
weie sold, or a broker was Instruct
ed lo buy till the Consolidated in sight
A transaction made in the slice
was wigwagged Immediately to 1h
Window ledge, Irom whete It vna teli
phoned to Ihe main brokerage oil lee
Orders were transmitted to the street
men in the same way.
One window usually rented for .27fi
a month, although on some of the hl
day.s good window .space Is Laid to
have brought $300 for a single day.
handy lodge might mean a fortune
Fourth of July Celebration
If Ihe youngsters under Id will
call at Ihe Model Laundry on July
J or 2, we will give them sonielhliif;
to help celehrale Ihe Fourth of, July
Model Laundry. Main -II. .11
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LOCAL. Al'l'HCATlONS. us they
cutinot i each tho beat or Uiu dlsuase.
Cauvrh Is a local disease, greatly In
llucit'Hi by constitutional conditions, and
In oidir to euro It you must take an
Intel mil remedy Mall's Catarrh Medl
rlno Id tul.Kii Internally mid acta thru
IIih blood on tho mucous surfaces of tho
gystctn. I iull'd Catarrh Medicine wax
jiesc'iiljtd by one of the beat phynlclana
n llild country for yciiie. It la com
losed of some of tho best tonlca known,
'omblned with minio of tho best blood
.luiltlers. Tho perfect combination of
he ItiKiedU'iits In Hall's Catarrh Medl.
In.- is wllai nruduces such wonderful
(-suits in eut'inlml conditions, tiend for
"jtliiioiiiilii, fieri.
.) CIII'INHV CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Ml I'lilitrlslH, .
h'liini'v "Hi fur constlnatlon.
Fruit Boxes
Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co.
800 E. Second St.
Main 291
Sweet Pasteurized
-:- Milk -:-
Qur milk is pasteurized by the strictly .scien
tific methods and under strictly sanitary con-
All bottles sterilized under live steam before
"sin- - . ....
Hy'Mie use of those methods tho milk you
receive is better in quality and will keep longer
during the hot season.
1 QUART A DAY, per month $2.50
J PINT A DAY, per month $l.r0
Norman Cream Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
Alain lm
ft" MSFSagTr3j
Scee;rrom DV.GDtfflTU'S
! Eugene was Sorlne's son and that
I Mrs. del Secco is either not telling
I the truth or Is mistaken.
The accuracy of Dr. Abrams' "elec
tronic" test was attacked several
days ago by Dr.,. p. H. Buckley, who
claimed to have successfully
"hrtaxed" Dr. Abrams which, Inci
dentally, Dr. Abrams strenuously
Judge Graham therefore asked
Halg J'atlngan to make a close study
of the features of Sorlne and Kugene
and to Inform the court of the points
of similarity and dissimilarity.
Today I'atlngan presented his
sketches to the court.
"I consider that Julius Soiine and
Kugene bear a very striking resem
blance tt) each other," stated 1'atln
Ran. (
Patingan's sketches seem to boar
him out.
H W r.t-llfitli'c "I ,n. I'lrne..,."
Marts tomorrow at the Casino. This
picture played last Jtmuary to mote
than lfiOO patrons In three days. Hv
popular demand the Casino m-iuage-
ment Is bringing this production back
for two days more. Hlchan; Harthel
mess, who will' be reiuem,bered i.ji his
work In '"Way Down Rust," dl.irt in
this picture.
Hy United News
SAN KltANCISCU, June as, The
pencil of a famous sculptor has
backed up the skill of a noted
physician In the Sarine-del-Seeco
questioned paternity case.
Halg 1'atlngan, noted sculptor, has
expressed the opinion Unit there Is
a lucitii resemblance between Julius
Sorlne, and K.igene, six year old, his
supposed sou
Mis. Mamie del Secco, who was
divorced fioin her former husband
Julius Sorlne two yeais ago. Is fight
Ing to retain the custody of L'ugene.
Mrs. del Secco told Judge Thomas
F. Graham that, although Hui'.ene
was born during her wedded life
with Sorlne, the latter had no right
to the custody of the boy because
Ktigene was not Sorlne's son. Soiine
denied this and claims Kiigene Is
rightfully his son. J
Judge Graham ordered Dr. Albert
Abrams to attempt to determine, by
taking blood tests of Ktigene and
Sorine whether they were rightfully
rightfully his won.
Dr. Abrams repoited to the court
that the blood of the two vibrated
in unison, indicating, he said, I hat
Main CUC1 Dennett Taxi Main 01. tf
(Chronicle's Washington Bureau)
WASHINGTON. June 28. Senator
McN'ary today reported his $250,000,-
000 reclamation bill to the senate with
a unanimous report of the IrngUion
committee that the bill pass.
Taxi Brown's Taxi.
Telephone main S021. tf
Beautiful Display of
Mezzanine Floor
Bank Hotel
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
An Oregon Product
Eicon Mfg. Co., 453 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
See D. W. Griffith's
Wednesday at 9:45 a. m., to all children under 12 years of ago
bringing-a boquet of flowers. At the Casino theater.
1 V
Ford and other light car owners can now buy a tire
of recognized standing and quality at a price that
Firestone knows is the greatest .value ever offered to
the motoring public.
Cords At New Low Prices
Firestone Non-Skid'Cords also are offered at lower prices: 30x3, $24.50;
;J2x4, $4G.30; 34x4 '2, $54.90. Tire repair men, who judge values best, class
the Firestone Cord as the sturdiest carcass made. The tread justifies the
name "Non-Skid." It is not merely a pattern but a scientifically construct
ed non-skid with angles arid contacts which give real effectiveness in hold
ing the car against slipping or skidding. Its extra thickness where the wear
is most severe gives many extra miles of service. Forty-seven high-grade car
manufacturers now use it as original equipment. .Att&uMUlfl
Go to the Firestone dealer. He offers you greater protection and economy
at a time when protection and economy are demanded as never before.