The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 27, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Real Estate News
After remaining In a slato of virtual lots 1, 2, 5, 0, 7, 8, block 2 of the (own
otagnatlon for nearly' a month, the city
and county real estate market came to
Jlfe with a bang last -week, with the
result that some of tho. biggest deals of
the year were put across.
Porter and Merrlfleld ,of the Colum
bia Realty and Ioan comrany, report
the sale and transfer of the Ralph
Butler ranches In the Center Ridge
district and the W. H. Sternwels and
Butler ranch five miles east of Dufur
to W. A. Woods; also that St em wets
and Butler have purchased the stock
ranches ownad hy .Woddr, In Union
county, near North Powder. The en
tire consideration Involved in the
two transactions is approximately
The Columbia Realty- and Loan
company also reports the sale of the
Rondeau stock ranch, Wheeler county,
to Felix Sexton of Wasco county, for
a consideration of approximately $00
000. RondeaUj)befbre!movlng to'Wheel
er county, owned- and operated a
wheat ranch .Tieaf Tygh rldse. Upon
the completion of sale of his Wheeler
county ranch, he purchased through
tho Columbia Realty and Loan com
pany an 80-acre fruit and hay ranch
In Hood River Valley. Consideration in
this deal was approximately- $32,00(1.
Another large deal recorded at t ho
court house, Is the sale of 57 acres
of land In sections -14. and 15, township
2, north of range 11, east of (lie Wil
lamette meridian, from .fames E. Car
penter, et ux, to "Ella M, Storey, Can
celled revenue stamps place the con
sideration at approximately $14,000.
'Darnlelle Brothers report the sale
of a 140-acre ranch 2 miles south of
The Dalles from R.- dl. Darnlelle lo
Charles Wjakemnn; consideration $7,
700. A modern five-roombungalow on
West Eleventh street wan purchased
from Charles Wakeman by R. H. Dar
nlelle and others. The consideration
was $2,500.
The following" transfers of real es
tate were recorded during the week at
the. court house:
Margaret E.Mason to W. T. Uurge:
lot 10, block i, W. H. Taylor's addi
tion to Dalles fjlty. .Consideration ap
proximately $1,000, i ,
Jess Foss, et ux, to .George I. Ramus:
of Boyd. Consideration, $375.
Friendship lodge of Th Dalles to
First Church of Christ, Scientist: prop
erty In block 13 of Dalles City. Con
sideration, 2,500.
Christopher McRae, et ux, to Mui
do J. Flnlayson: property- In sections
11, 12, 14. township 8, south of rang1
17, east of Hip Wlllaniettu meridian.
Also property in sections 1, 33, 13,
township 8, south of range 17, east
of the Willamette meridian.
E. W. 'McCnrty, et ux, to Carrie
Francis Coulter: 24 acres of land In
sections 3 and 10, township 2, north
of range 11, east of the Willamette
Richard Hughes to Ellis -Hughes:
!otsl and 2 of the east half of the
northwest quarter of section 31, town
ship 8, south of range 17 and east, of
the Willamette meridian, containing
148.82 acres In all. Consideration, $800.
Black and Crum report the sale of
lot (!, block 20, Gates addition to
pg? Eyesight Specialist
Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sunday and Evenings by Appointment
IMS Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug Store Phone Black 1111
Dale3 City. from. Pentland estates to,
L. A. Bailey.
Taxi Brown's Taxi.
Telephone mnln 5021.
rown's-.Dutur stags- Time Table
Two round trips dally. Leave Bank
hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. to. Leave
Dufur 7:30 n. in. and 1 p. m. tt
When in need of medical attention, you consult
a specialist; when legal matters bother you, you
see an attorney; why do any differently In finan
cial matters'.'
The French & Company bank acts as linanclal
specialists to the community. Our customers find
this a good place to come to get disinterested advice.
4 Paid on Savings in nil. mmi mi nsKsmwui
E. H. FRENCH, President
PAUL M. FRENCH, Vice-President
V. H. FRENCH, Secretary ,
J. C. HOSTETLER, Cashier
Pay Off The
Mortgage On Yourself
If you are working today for the
money you must pay out on Saturday,
you are owned by whoever has uought
your time, and the use of your body
and brain. Get AHEAD of next Sat
urday. ,
To save money is to pay 6ff the
mortgage on your self and that ought
to be worth while. We have a "Savings-Investment
Plan" that will help
you. Any one who can get together
as little as 34c a day and SAVE it can
soon own a share of this Company's
Preferred Stock! It earns an income
payable quarterly amounting to 1 a
Pacific Power & Light Co.
A Business which of Neces sity la Permanent.
-1 .-
Notice to the Public:
Having bought out the interest of J. H.
Ballweg in the firm of Ballweg & Crandall,
electrical contractors, we wish to thank The
Dalles public for the patronage the firm has
enjoyed the past year, and .ask for your future
electrical business. Remember our location, in
the Norman Cream building, 409 East Second
street. Phone Main 6441.
Everything Electrical
Fill this out NOW; mall It TODAY
Investment Dept., Gasco Bldg., Portland, Oregon
Send hie (1) 8-page Illustrated booklet, "The Story of
an Opportunity ut Home," (2) Information nbout your Pre
ferred Stock, (3) Details of Easy Payment Plnn, (4) How
to judge uu Investment.
Firecr ackers
Kong Chong Wo Co.
. III 216 First Street II
111 1
THE. DALLES OREGON mmmtmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmm a aifsisi
Pmmtmmidmr Bking Results ijfSi '
fOU RENT Furnished light house- fpQR SA,LEj2oon will buy a good I WANTED Man and woman, cooks, a certified check for 10 of tho PmMbC Sftemogmplheir S 1
I Wnonlncr i-nnnis. H04 Kast Eighth I , A, nii,,, oi.n - I innni .lr til h.ii-vol v-rv-. nrlnmniint nf thn hid. to be forfeited ,..... ... i... .1...... ..-1 BsW-WlW. '
BHV -SSSS 1 iiuiiiu ii lu.i lumuuu aiicut. - 1 -- ..... ...... v. " .. ,.. .. 1. iil ryiiWK mill KituuiKiui'iiy "'I BUBSMV. I
1 BsbaBB" I street. f ..wwm....- I
Good Intent Society
Special meeting Tuesday afternoon,
2:30 o'clock in basement of the church
Masons Attention
Special communication
Wjasco Lodge, No, If), A. F.
& A. M., this Monday
evening, 7:30. Work in M.
M. degree, -By order of W.- -M.
FOR KKNT Sleeping porch, garage,
or bed room. 110 West Third street.
Eastern Star
Regular meeting Columbia
Chapter No. .33. O. E. S.
Tuesday, June 28, at 8 p. m.
Wcloclc. Social. 2S
'h Firemen Attention
Election of chief and assistant chief
of The Dalle's, Fire Department will
be held Monday, June427, at city hall
headquarters. Polls open from 5 to 7
p. m. By order of fire delegates. 27
Knights of Pythias
Regular meeting Monday
night, Juno 27. Work In page
rank. Important business to
be transacted. All knights
urged to attend. By order of building
committee. C. H. BAGGOTT, C. C. 27
Regular meeting of Inland Hncanin
ment !No. 56, I. O. 0. F. Monday even
ing, June 27, at 8 o'clock. Work in
; Royal Purple degree. A full attend
ance Is desired. Vifiting patiiaichs
i Chief 27
FOR RENT Three room furnished
apartment, prlvato bath. Telephone
red 3972. 1&21 Ja,ck?oa. 2
FOR RENT Three room nicely tur
nlshed apartments. 320 Bast Third
street. Red C342. 23
FOR RENT Four partly tarnished
rooms, 1313 Pine street. Telephone-
black 5092.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
and sleeping room. No children, Call
evenings. 606 East Fourth street. 27
FQR RENT Two furnished house
keeping rooms.. 322 Eant Third
t street.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms
rates reasonable 722 East Third
street, so
FOR RENT Housekeeping and sleep
lug rooms. 520 East Third etree.
f Telephone black 2301, 24
FOR RE-NT Nicely furnished -ooms,
absolutely clean, Running water
One block from business district
Telephone black p7?l. CS
FOR RENT Nicely furnished apart
ment, electric cook stove. Call hack
door, old Cooper house, corner Ful
ton and Federal streets, 27
FOR KENT Furnish
rooms in cool brick building. Com
fortable and clean. 115 East Second
street. 3S
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms. Also small furnished house
suitable for batching. Inquire 111
West Second street. 2 J
FOR SALE One white enamel kitch
en cabinet; one Howard Heater.
Call red C681 or Inquire 514 West
Eighth. Jl
FOR SALE One ton Maxwell trunk
in excellent condition. Bargain.
Write box Ml, care Chronicle. 20
FOR SALE 3-year-old Durham bull,
color, dark red. J. W. Armstrong,
route 4, box 44, The Dalles. 28w2C
FOR SALE A small fully furul ril
ed and good paying rooming house.
Inquire at The Modern Cle.ncra 28
FOR SAIjE Dry oak wood; old oak,
?11.G0; second growth, $12.50. Deliv
ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. in. tf
FOR SALE One 54-gallon gasoline
tank; one 10-gallon oil tank; one
telephone (Western Electric). Tele
phone black G241. 30
FOR ISALU Sann and gravel. Truck
service. Country trips. Gordlon and
Van Dolah, telephone red 1331. 3u
FOR SALE Several good dairy cows,
some to freshen soon. Come alter 5
p. in. Paul Curtlss, three miles up
Mill creek, 29
FOR SALE Neatly furnished house,
sleeping porch, bath, garage, two
fine lots, fruit and garden. Easy
terms, Inquire 1105 Blulf. 29
TOR SALK 1918 Chevrolet touring,
inow transmission, rebullL motor. 'A1
condition all over. A bargain. Tele
phone black :691. 27
FOR HALE Winchester pump ham
merless shot gun, 12 gauge, almost
new, with leather case, $45. Orig
inal cost of gun and case, $72. Ap
ply 120 Wust Third street. 11
FOR SALE Complete tlueshlng ma
chine. 28-Inch J. I. Case separator
and engine Outfit In first class con
dition. E, A. Read, Bulck Garage,
Telephone main 921. 27tf
FOR SALE One haychoipnhree
header boxes, 9x18; oue aoubl'j
disk; one two-bottom 14-inch gang
Vlow; one 14 inch two-way plow.
Several head of horses. Roy Gia
ham, Northwest Sheep company.
Oranddalles, Wash., or J. C. rhr.ill,
city. J'.w2i3
FOR S,AjLE Four hole range, with
warming oven; washing machine;
45 feet three-quarter inch hose. 903
Garrison street. Call evenings. Now
potatoes for sale. 28
FOR SALE-Tljarge ana !,mall farm
and orchard tracts. Reasonable
prices, good terms. W. C. Hanna,
. Dufur, Ore. 18tf.
FOR SALE Baled nay and grain. We
deliver any place In town. One
horse, weight 1750, 7 years old.
Guaranteed. Will sell or trade for
cattle. One team, weight 2400.
Sound and gentle. O. K. Feed
barn. July2
FORJ SALE OR 'RENX87 acres. 35
acres in alfalfa, fli) acres plow
ground, 20 acres pasture, elpht
miles from town. Prior water right
for irrigation. House, two big barns
and all necessary buildings. Hrhooi
across road. $100 per acre, $3400
would handle. C. MeDonald, Club
Cigar store. 2ll
WANTED 'Man and woman, cooks
want work with liar vest crov or
liotel. AVirlto box C2, care Chron
icle. 29
WANTED To rent for one year, good
four or five room house with two
to four lots. Will pay rent in ad
vance. "Write O. C. Dnnton," Sher
wood, Oregon. 27
LOST Black skunk scarf. $5 reward
If returned to Chronicle office. 29
WAIN TED A cook on ranch. Tele
phone 14F5. 29
WANTED Two waitresses for Hotel
Patrick, at Heppner. Apply Hotel
Dalles, city, or In Heppner. 28
WANTED To buy one or. two brood
sows, coming In or with pigs. Joe
Gelger, telephone 16F22. 29
WANTED lllds on building a garage
Also some remodeling In store, G. E.
Corson, the Music Man. 2
WANTED To sell,
sewing machines
Phono Coryea.
rent aid rapalr
and typi writers.
LOST Botween The Dalles and Du
fur, Colt's automatic, 25 caliber.
Finder leave at Chrftnlclo office and
receive reward. 2S
LOST -Eastman kodak In case be
tween The Dalles and Deschutes
river. Return to Chronicle. Reward.
left side of neck. Owner may havo
' same by paying for ad and damages.
F. L. Carman, Thompson's nddltio.i.
a certified check for 10 of tho
amount of tho bid, to be forfeited
to Dalle's City In case such bid
should bo accepted and the bidder
should fall to enter into contract
and bond for the. faithful perform
ance of tho work.
All bids shall be sealed and shall
be filed with the Recorder of Dalles
City on or before 8:30 p. m June
30, 1921, said bids to be opened by
tho Recorder and Council on said
Dalles City reserves tho right to
reject any and all "bids,
Dated this 15th day of June, 1921
City Recorder. 30
FOR TRADE 'Mitchell touring car,
run less than 500 miles, for good
light truck, Dodgo preferred. B. C.
Phetteplace. 27
ating in The Dalles. Cars are be i-g
stolen. I provide automobile insur
ance. Gltchtjll, 403 Washington
street. 28
HEMSTITCH! NO Pico t 1 edging! Mtu
L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington
street. Telephone main C581. tl
WANTED Hospital steward or order
ly. Apply to Tho Dalles hospital or
Reuter and Thompson. 28
WANTED All kinds of second-hand
goods Highest price paid at 020
East Second street. 27
WANTED Permanent position book
keeping, beginning August 1. Writ)
15HG21, Chronicle. 27
WANTED An experienced practical
nurse wantn position. Confinement
cases preferred. Telephone black
4791. 2
WANTED -To buy good diamond.
Will pay cash. If price is right.
Must here Immediately. Wrlto J. M.
J., 200, Chronicle. 29
WANTED I will pay $1500 for n
small house and piece of ground in
or near city $200 down. Balance
monthly installments, Gltchell, 403
Washington, 27
HEMSTITCHING and plcotlng at
tachment, $2.00. Buttonhole attach
ment, $9.85, Ills any sewing ma
chine. Personal cheeks, 10c extra.
ILIghttt Mull Order House, box 127,
Birmingham, Ala, 1
ture and piano moving. Freight
hauled und genera! express bust
nesH. Telephones : Stand, red 101;
residence black 1362, J. h Henzle.
11 tf
Notice for Bids for Dalles City
Dalles City calls for bids for tun
construction of the auditorium,
Tho Council of Dulles City has ap
proved plans and specifications as
prepared by Houghtuling & Dougan,
architects of Portland, Oregon, as
shown by tho minutes of the Coun
cil meeting of June 15th, 1921. Speci
fications, plans and estltuaUt for tho
construction are on file In the office
of the Recorder of Dalles City, sub
ject to Inspection, and tho work will
be done in accordance with said
plans and specifications and under
tho direction and supervision of tiuch
All bids mutt be accompanied by
$50,000.0) Dalles City, Oregon, Gen
eral Obligation Auditorium Bonds.
Sealed bids will be received until
the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. July 5,
1921, by the undersigned, and Imme
diately thereafter publicly opened by
the City Council ut the Council
chumheis In tho City Hall of Dalles
City, Oregon, for the purchase of
$50,000.00 of General Obligation
Auditorium Bonds of the said City,
authorized ut an election liell foi
said purpose, said bonds to be In
denominations or $1,000.00, $500.00
or $100.00 each, at the option or the
purchaser, all to bo dated July 1,
1921, duo $10,000.00 each on July 1
1932, 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1936 re
spectlvely. Said bonds to bear Interest at 6
percent per annum, payable on the
1st days of January and July ol
each year, principal and Intorest pay
able in United States gold coin of
the present utandnid of value, ut the
Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon
In New York City, or at the olflce
of the City Treasurer In Dalles City,
All bids he accompanied !y
ti certified check for 5 percent of
tho par vulue of the amount of tin
bonds bid for.
The legality of this Issue of bonds
has been passed upon by Teal, Min
or & Wlnfree, attorneys of Portland,
Oregon, ami an upprovlng opinion
will be furnished successful bidders.
The Council reserves the right to
reject aii and all bids.
June27-30Julyl-2-5 City Recorder.
,5c SftdmogmpIraiBir
Typing and stenography done at
reasonable rates. Roslna A. Fleck. Of
lice Hotel Dalles, Residence telephone
red 2332. tl
5tte Tmmck Liime
Freight and express liotwoen Tho
Dalles and Wusco, Moro and ull way
paints Leavo The Dalles, 9 a. in.
dally except Sunday. Leave Moro,
1:30 p. m. J-oavo Wasco, 2:30 p. m.
D. M. Plerco, proprietor. Telephone
black 1642 or main 471. tf
WmsA M5ll!bOT!m Sfillwclll
Teacher or
Piano, Harmony and Theory.
Leschetfzky method. Special atten
tion given to beginners. Summer term
opons Juno 15. Phone red 3491, Stu
dio 1000 Fulton street J20
Wo hall anything, any place, call
main 731. 23
General real estate, insurance, and
loans. 1(101 'East Second street, Tele
phono main 1571. 2ll
Regacftcredl Atrdruaftecft
504 First National Bank Bldg.
The Dalles, Ore. 1Utf
Eventually Why Not Now?
Ship by truck. PortlandThe Dalles
Truck service. Headquurterfl, Motor
Service Garage. Portland telephones,
Marshall 1355 and East 3990. tf
Hemstitching, pk-ot edging, dress
making 218J East Third street, Con
don building. Telephone black 5211 7
PIANOS TUNiCD una repaired, ac
tion regulating and reflnluhlng.
Player actions a specialty. Work
guaranteed. H. A, Dockstader, Cor
son Music store, 320 East Second
street. Telephone main 1061. tf
Whitney Repair Shop
tv 709 East ttcond St.
Dr. Geo. F. Newhouse
Eye Specialist
Wo aro equipped to give your
yen the very best of care. Eyes
tested. Glasses ground.
Second and Washington Streets
The Dalles
Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers
All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty
Estimates furnlohcd freo of charg:. All Work Guaranteed.
Telephone Main 6401 or Call at Gates Block
Peoples Transfer Co.
Furniture and Piano Moving
Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 11721
Residence Phono Red 1811
Whmco The Dalles Dufur
Bert Thomas. Assistant Manager i
Licensed Embalmsrs, Established 1M7
Woman Attendant Telephones
Mrs. M. J. Willeiton Day Red 151
Telephone Red 17H1 Night Red S
J. H. Harper, Black 2162
Cut Flowwi
Motor Equipment