PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1921. THE DAILY CHRONICLE I iletabllahed 1690 Tht Dulles, Ore. Publlflhed Every Evening Eicept Sunday by the Chronicle Publishing comixiny Inn Bn R. Lltfln ..Gurieral ManKT t- Hntored In tecond class The Dalles matter. postufflcu us United Press end United News .Service Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ! DAILY CHRONICLE BY CARRIER jirletv which lorblds n public servant " r;o"ndrdvan.. rr-!':oo0 'f ""' POHlH.n dlseussins such ma. One month .60. tern In a forelcn country." Onercir.Y.IaSI.6.Oo! alar, referred to the admiral's Hlx months, In advanre ;2.r.O pi c Ions iudlscielimi. One monUE.c .W ..T,af hf. ,nm,irf.ty f sc!i pub One year. In advance . J2.00 He uttetances has once before been zh'i t)K frrthcr should always as new addrurs. id always give old n well TELEPHONES Editorial Rootiif Mack 111 Buslnesa, Adv.. f'lr. Denta. ....Hud 111 Subscribers lo the ("ironlilo mo guar anteed service. Prompt end regular de livery of every eiibcci Iber'a paper Is tin? Him of the clmilitlon depai tineiit The Chronicle carriers ate rcnulrrd to pul the paoers on the porch or wheiever tin ubsr.ilber vvlslie 'h paaxr delivered. THAT SCHOOL ELECTION In the leport ot the school elec tlon la;t Tuesd.iy, The ('III onlele misprinted a tly.ire. 1.. J. C'atos, one ot the candidates lor dliccior, was ci edited with receiving l!5.ri v ilea, when he In H'allty jeeelved HuTi voten, Just a lew less than the vole Riven -Mr. Klllt7, who wan elected, of lite miKpiint liiiK Kimvn a Out Krnnd hurly-burly. It seems, accord- inr, 'o the stories, I hat The Chion- icle deliberately nicked Mr. (iate.s' total a hundred voles In order to emphasize how totally and complete ly ho was do I en led. Which of is untiuc. Any one nounally analyzing thai election table, could have deduced that an error had been made, Inasmuch as the inuiic.'i wile p'lutril in the order of the number of votes tecelved by each man. Commenting on tills election alter wards, The Chronicle said thai lite voLrs bail deticted siiinelhliiK "one InoiiH" In the lineup, Mid hud taken .steps lo sfjuash it. Ki'lendti of Mr. (lutes again rise to protest l bat tills was an attack against him and the other candidate who ,was ikfeiitt'd, This also la untrue. Before t li i elee- t Ion we expiessed the opluioii that the four candidates lor the hoard wore of equal standiug and worth and1 that any i.l them would have made good on lie board. Thai npiii ion tit ill holds. There Is no uio dsnying that there was an Issue In this recent .school Loaul eltclion. We bavo'nl said it helot e, bill . veryone knows Ibeie was one. And likewise, because every tine iu town km exactly what that Issue was, we ai not v.Mum, t. discuss it now. II was Ibis issue which was "om iuous," and not the (itandlng id' any of tlio candidates, If it Is necessary to draw a picture ot tmr position. And it was this sell-same Hsu which drew out Ihe voieis, The year befoie, 21 voted. At lhl.i yenr, Ihey couldn't get a votim? quorum and the dlreclois hud tn t out and haul iu enough voicn to muke ihe Ldectlou lejnl. Thete ,,ts no "Issue." In Portland 22itOi out, a small miiuhtr a tremendous vote In lion. There weie issu tlon. There have he: n volets turned ot com se, bill a sclioal e:ec s in thai e'i'C lime", in p. 1 1 lain! v,heu And f it i ii ntii In. I. ,'iii t-cunid, or ha i d iv 2 .! i .1 H)i . v I i i.' l-.i.i lllllllitll! ell Ii.n l"l i a i i .i And . j v. t.-i , . v e. : o 111. iK'I'lll.'l, ianl in t- Mitiieihiug ih didli ed into the m lioul hoaid an did tin.' i' duty uiv.iidingb . ihey If any or ih , l.ii tiinali' enough t uini'shi'd hi this teat was due to indeed legi.-tlab. i' .as tine. itldlil. ili'S were li It 'll be inuoceiiily liiSlle. II their de that laclor, It is , but nevcl llieleiui mOlUNd HACKWARl) (I'.om Tin CliMiuiele, June 2.1, IMPS I The ulal ol the Indian nliesled lor I be Mea'lti': oi j ;.'' at Ilim, Kiwi w., . dl'inlssi'd on the motion i.f )e.i illy Lhiiilii Aiioiuey Plndpi Juimw ."nipt louiiil a purte lii i: iiliiooii cm aluln roveral ilollai-, sliicb ihe ovmii'i i, in icgaln b tipplv lug lor ii i t lit .illU'.. u.iil i,iiiiw I'm Ibe adviirtlsciiii"' A clit illli il i Uf 'lie i u ,,t open lilt' Will bit III idi' li,il;lll nil lilliiiii, .v '.MeAlllm- i's lot i,n Third : rn I . 'I IU- Jin v In Ihe cam or the United Stale-. ui"'Ki'M Pou ft it IP. I'll. it- wii Until .Allchell. The IKUIon Packmn .'.if paiiy and I II Tail" .'fluid on ill noon liulii ioila, UU Un tul .Slate Proiii'ctitiug audi in t it 1 1 iti . an I tiller dinii r .v ie dt h u u ih Inc Unit of the iliilils nl wa. in whlclt damn i ui ' i' I Mr Si ll .lino le.HUel e lenl.iv unit ihiV lands iwir.i :i 1 inli-.-t tin jilcul line or boiilculiiiu' .nid i!u- unit ipies lion Iu a-- o ihe lucoiiMMii ,!,( mi Hilling and ilu- c-.n i-,,h-u: d.iiu i e iiii'ii'iioiu iu.' jui m.ih.-i i, in- i-a for 2,00ii, inoyins a uilp oi luiul ibrne mllet. Ions and coniuliilng SO acres. "I HAD IT COMING" (Continued Kiom Page 1.) olflrlal other Iliiin one lo whom t lie cure of our loiejgn policy Is enlrtis' ed " Alier (iuo'iIde Irom Sims' remarks the secretary continued: "The (lepariiiient Inrisls on main mining bnlli the precedent nnil pro- ll.mlli'hl In vulir .'II tt'llt Idtl." the sec- reiaiy said, "Is sliown by the fact thp.t '.'i public reprimand was administered to you in liill for making Ihe follow ing statement in a public speech !n London: "'If the lime ever conies when tlir Hrlllrb empire In Kerlouslj menaced by an external enemy, li Is nij opin ion that yon may count upon everj ti i : n , every dollar, every drop of blooi'. ot your kindred acioss Ihe Hen.'" I "In Ihe i eprliiiand above mention ed, Ihe duties and if .sponslbllltles ot' nll'lcers (tf the navy who speak I1, public v.eie cleiirly and lully set forth. Your remarl's on the occasion now under discussion, therefore, const I- 'idle a llagrant and deliberate ills regard id' specific instructions." Secretary Dcuhy added that the. I navy was not "unmindful of your i co ord and achievements us an ol'llcei of I lie uuvy. Hill Ihe couspicuou posltion you now ' hold, loupleii with the fact that you have previously of fended In a similar manner, merely serves to add to the K.-avltj of the present offense." The department deplored that It viia uececr.ary to rebuke a .'Ian ol'll cer In public, Den by said, adding "Ian you have made inch action un avoidable." Then lollowcd the paragraph cor, laiuiug Ihe reprimand, which will be Issued !n regular oidirs golnn to all hriinches of the navy. Toby Says There aie three Htages of a mai- rled man's lile, ceiemouy, matrimony and alimony. 25 Special Services .Saturday evening, Juno 25, Hie Hev. II. Iliadner ol New York will 1 1 he eongregiil Ion ol St. Paul's ICplseu- chili cli nt 8 o'clock. Dr. Uradner rcprisenlH the department ol lellglous education of Ihe uuilonul council of ho Episcopal chui tit. All are crft ithil 1 invited. 2r There's Bltference It vou'Vu been u "ie;iity nude" man it the punt, l,n ii "made to order man" n the, lullll'ti. Flrat cla hand tailor i ioiHi to meat-lire f :t& 00 and up. W, t Webber one bbx.'k edul Ut pusl- ntiv till NEWS NOTES Mitclonary I'ioijijiu The evening service at the United llrelbien eiiurch tomorrow will consist of u series ol thorl addnvses, readings and special music hearing on littered ing phase; of ml .'.lonary woik. New Minister Honored A pleasant lecopilon was tende.ed Key. and Mrr I'tiioli C Hobeits by ihe ft lends and members of iliy christian cliurch m the Union siitc park last night. A (OiiMuimilj ring, games and re.'iesle tnenls were enjoyed. Prour.un Planned A spe cial musical ptogium will he put on ut Ihe Methodi'it church tomono'v morning Ml.'.s I'Mllh Hugiier will sltia "I'ear Ye Not. () '.Israel." Other limn-bei- will be ri udered by Ihe choir, mi iter the direct Ion of Frauds Scvlon. (U'cord Uinyy Shown An example of the wonderful cherries compris ing this year's crop In Wasco co.lll i, ii puckid 20 pound box is on ills I'lay in ihe window of the 'Wasco County hank The, cherries are Dings and weie giown'jhy (ieorge Wvbb. i'iii'J iiveitige " ;i I luches In I'll' cuinlcrince. Lawn Olven The monthly rorlul of the Ladles' Aid society of the Hulled ll.'elhteii church was held Wednesday ufieiuoou on the lawn nl ihe homo of Mrs. .Muig.iiot While.. .Ml. Sarah Hut-kites and Ml.s Hazel llratich I'ouirlbuie.l a musical and lit joiaiw program Mrs. W. II. Wolfe and Mrs. David Morris tuuisted Mrs. i Will e us hostess. Funncis Make Exctmh County Agent I.'. It. Juckiiiau .nid i number o W.isco oouniy tul liters mil thin iiiiiinliii; Mr Moro, wlut an l.u.pec I ion will be made of the Sher i it'Uilx I'Mii'i lull ut r.ialion. KV'OKYBODY roimuo On! lo THORNTON'S I.AKHS SATURDAY NIGHT IfICi DANCE Heautiful SuiToundinirg Fine Floor w Handlers are making ha trip today who, for various reasons, wei un able to accompany the bin parly which 'went lo Moro with Juckniuu several weeks ago. It Is planned 'o return tonight. Farewell Party Given Twr;nty-lx of the Women's Relief Corps memben gathered ni Lucia Costing's home on Third street on the evening of June 17 for a farewell parly to Mrs. Laura Hlrgfeld, who Is leaving lo reside In Portland. Mrs. lllrgfeld being one. or the Jong time members of the corps, wtis presented with a recognition pin of the Older. The Dalles corps has .1 lecord now of AO new members In tin1 Iniii five months, giving litem a mem bership of 84 iu June, lUlM. Express Office Swamped Ileeause of unusually heavy shipments of fruit being handled through the local express office this yenr, Ihe local express office will be closed each morninu from 10 to 10: -lo o'clock, In order lo give employe) lime lo get the fruit ready for shipments on train No. 2, it was announced this morning. The office will be closed nt this time only during the heavy fruit shipping period. It is impossible i.i handle the buslne:,ii for train No. ' if It is tecelved later ibnn It) a. m express compnny officials explained. Cherries Sent to Invalids - A boil l TO pound's of Lambert and lllng cher ries, I lie cholcrsi fruit that could be procured, were packed by members of the 'Women's Auxiliary to the Ameri can Lesion todny and shlppe.t in th ex-service men who are iu the Porl land hospitals. There are III) men II ihe Plene ranilariiini and 180 ut S Vincent's ho. pital. Mnnbr-ni of lb Auxiliary have made it a montlil pracllce lo send gifts of delicacies ii 1 1 he ex-service rIuK-Ihk in Ihe Pnrllaui I hospltr.lj. helping make lile a lit 1 1 brighter for men, who, as a result oi tlie war, are invalids, many of whon will never leave Ihe hospitals allvt Vacation School Proves Attractive The dally vacation Bible, school a the Ha pi 1st church ir. proving all rue live to many children. Attendance r.t opening day, lasl 'Monday, was 02 which had gtov.n to 97 , )y Tlitirnduj when It was announced that no more children could be taken care of. Tbf manual training class numbers 25 hoys anil keen Inter? '.t in being taken in the medicine che. t and bird houHe.' which thoyrare eoimlructlng. The set-liii!-up excer.ilses which are held lor hlte older cliildrtn in ihe city park draws considerable attention from passers-hy. Two picnics are. annquu" ed tor Ihe school next week, one lor the girls on Tuesday alterunon and onu for Ihe bojs Wednesday. Merrif it-Id's Auto Recove One of ihe two automobiles stolen In The Dalles during the last week was re covered lasl night near Hood ItHvr, win re It bad been ab-indon-jd by the thieves, Tlie car recovere I taliiigs i to Kd Merrlfleld, and was s'olon j Thursday from where it vas pari.ed ut tlie curb near Second ,11111 Wash Inglou streets. Patrolman MeClaskoy ! went lo Hood Hiver last niahi ,tnd diove Ihe car back lo The Dalles Aside Irani running down III.! bat tery the joyriders did no d.iinag' to the car. li is now thought tun' iho (heft was ihe work of jova, who slide the automobile In ordor :o g.'t lo Hood lliver. ,)ohn Wernmark's autoinolilli'. also stolen, hu-t not been recovered us vet. County Chambers Are Meeting Secretin') K. V. Van .Sehnlek of The DallesAViiico County Chamber ol Commerce, left today for Maupln where a joint meet Ing of the commer cial clubs of Maupln ami Wnplnilla is being held. N. (1. Hedln of Waplnilia expected lo head a delegation of about l.r) men fiom the reservation country to the Mnupln gathering. The .Maupln club bus lii-en inuclive mr ionic time, and an ell it will be made today to reorganize it on a more sub stantial basis. The pilnclpal subject 'under discussion this afternoon will lie eliteriuliiment of the parly of pro. pci'llvo homeseekers and business men f i om the middle wwi who are going lo look over Oregon next month under tlie auspices of the state cham ber ol commerce. Loganberries Sent to The Dalles Tlie Oregon t! rowers' Cooperative as- -GLAD HEARTS GLAD FACES GLAD HANDS First Christian Church Cower Court 10:00 11:00 Bihle School. MorninK Worship "The Unsearch able Kiches of Christ. ' 7:00 Christian Endeavor. 8:00 Evening Service. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Roberts Ministers Res. 1220 Jackson socialion is sending mole than 400 tons of loganberries from Willain ette. vulley to Tlie Dalles, for dehy dration in the Dalles King's Pro ducts company's plant, according to M. O. Evans, field manager of the association, who is in The Dalles to day upon a trip of inspection or lo cal activities. In addition to this, the association ; has marketed more than 1000 Ions of Willamette valley logan berries and 200 tons of strawberries. Of the Willamette valley cherry crop, approximately 600 tons will be marketed through the cooperative association, according to Evans. This is aboul 50 percent more than will be. marketed through the local branch of the association, he explained. Evans expects to return lo Salem t onion mv. Tractors Damage Paving Hoi veaiher, tiEphalt pavement and farm lirnctnrf without protecting covers lover thrlr Eteel lire cler.ts, are a had combination as far as paved roads 3t e concerned, nccording to .1. E. Peck, resident engineer working out of the local rtp.te highway office. The eun starts ihe damage by heatlnp, the as phalt pavement until it brc.omes soft ami ihr-n the unshod tractnrr, with Ihelr long spikes, intended to give traction in the Held, complete the de struction, Traciorr. driven uver sun healed pavement, rc rlouslj damage ike in lacing of the road, oil rn tearing mi slices of n.-phalt fpVeral inches In depth, according to Peck. Com plaint lias been made f tin t 'Wasco county farmers have been driving Ihelr tractors lo The Dslles over thc paved road extending to Mile .vlthont protecting Fteel covering over the cleats. The loliowlng paragraph from the Oregon motor vehicle law defines (lie only legal manner In which a tractor may be, driven over pave ment: "Tire Cleais No tire on any motor vehicle of any other vehicle, ex cept such vehicle be actually engaged ai Ihe lime in construct Ion or repaf work on public roads or highways ol ibis Plate, ihall have on the periphery of lis wheels any block, stud, cleat, bead, chain or any other piotuberance of metal which project?, more than .me-fourth of an Inch beyond the iread ir tract Inn surface of ihe tire; .but his section shall not be so construed as to prohibit the use of chains of ,-earouable proportions on motor ve-. hides when required for safely Be-, cause of snow, ice or other condition? lending to cause such vehicle to slide or skip, nor us' to prevent the usr ot traction engines with cleats on the driving wheels thereof on dirt or un-. Improved roads, Fourth of July Celebration If the youngsters under 10 will call at the Model Laundry on July 1 or 2, we will give thenr something to help celebrate the Fourth of July. Model Laundry, Main 41. J I Dance Tonight Chenowlth grove open air pavi 'on, 10 cents per dance, Free dancing horn 9 lo 11:45 ii Toby Says My wife calls me key hole am something lo adore. because 25 FRANKLIN CAR GOES 34.8 MILES ON GALLON WITHOUT COASTING In these days when the ouhjeci of gasoline economy Is so much discuss'' ed, the fuel l bat a slock Ktauklln touring car made .!4.8 miles on a measured gallon of gasoline over 'the Los Angeler, speedway on Mai 18 and with out coasting at any time is worihy of more than parsing notice The tent wa.i made with (tie lop down, the windshield tip and closed, and the motor in constant operation at a set speed from start to tinlsh The car carried an official observer besides the driver. To show that ihe ear was not do." ored up, but was running on a lean mixture, tlie driver (Oeorge Sherwood, service manager of the Pasadena branch of Ralph Hamlin, ihe Frank lin dealer In Lor. AtiBfle.i) put the car around the track at 4S miles per hour upon concluding the one-gallon test During Hie gas test an average speed of heller than twenty miles per hour was maintained. FRANK I ilX MOTOR CAR COMPANY 25 and Ninth Tel. Black 6472 PERSONALS L. Carter of Klamath Falls la via Ring in The Dalles today. U. H. Harper of .Milton is a gueit at Hotel Dalles. Mrs. C. R. Burns of Madras is visit ing with Irlends in this city. James M. Patisou mad a business trip to Wamlc yesterday. Eslel Korick is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. J. T. Rorick. Mrs. S. li. Holmes and Theodore Von Uorstel of Grass Valley were shopping In the city today. J :Kd Herling of Criterion is in The Dalles today, attending to biiElness matters ' . Mrs. J. V. French Is spending few weeks in The Dalles at her Court street home. ,Mrs. Charles Rolh Is at the hofpiial where ehe underwent an operation last Thursday momlng. Mrs. D. D. Bolton and daughter, Uarda, of Clarke street, are visiting, in Walla Walla with relatives. M. H. Beckwlih and Mlrs Gertrude Beckwlth of Sherman Indian school, Riverside, Cal are visiting Mrs. .1. L. Rogue for the summer. O. R. Krior relumed from Spokane yesterday, where he attended tlio funeral of his sister. Mrs. H. V. Briekrtt cf Spokane i. visiting her ulster, Mis. W. C. i'red deu. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hicks of Hood River were visiting relatives in The Dalles yesterday. Rhea l.uper of Heppner is in The Dalles today renewing business ec- j quaintances, Guy Moore of Qiass alley was a business visitor in tlie city yester day. Alter a visit of ?evral weeks at the ,THE WORK WE PO TWf EN YOU AND ME - lb fLUMBING- Or HIGH QUAUTY THERE are no supplies in thin ihop but those of high quality. There are no tricks iu our plumber's kit of tools or in our business conduct, that doesn't square with courteous treat ueni. and fair prices. Qet,.ec ijuainted with our telephone number. JOHN MILNE PLU'MBIMQ HEATING Phone Red 991 The Dalle at a ft'BUICK (9" NEW PRICES We have just received a new sch edule of prices for tlie Buick. The 1922 models include all the regular equipment, silent vaive-in-head motors, Cord tires, and Alemite lubricating system. These have secured success for the Buick in 20 years of success in the automobile field. The new schedule of prices, including war tax and transfer tax are ' as follows: 2244 8-Passenger : $1792.55 22 45 5-Passenger 1S2o.71 22 19 7-Passenger ; 2051.53 Ft 0. B. The Dalles The Dalles Buick Garage Co. . WHEN tETTER. AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THM -linoine of Mr, and .Mru. A. 10. (Irom wall', I Mrs. '.Mary H. Huntington unit diiu.i;l. iter, Mis.) Helen, left this morning lor I their home In Eugene.. i.Mrs. Iluntinrj- ion Is the mother of "Shy" and llollis Huntington, University of On p.on loot tin 1 1 stars before Iholr r,iadtiatlo:i. Kllnytite Keds Men's- and boys' canvas, lenlher trimmed Klingtite Keds. F. A. Fienen, opioslle city hall. -5 Clean loVvels Roller towels for bitnlnesi houSei and offices. Dally, $1 GO per month, o. It hive towels per week, $1.0(1 per ' month. Model Luundty, Main -11. CASINO i Tlie Little House with the BIG Pictures SUNDAY and MONDAY m M am am 9m Aaaam'-iMZZmt Wa Mma BF a aaCm, am . lliK'wIjiH ami I mw Warn ' LiiMmm i i-r i ii rutrTrMI IIIHIIIIIHdEHAV mmmmmmmmmmmmmm1mmmmmmmwammmmmammm TODAY It is always a woman who makes or mars a man. Who knows what men might be If women only knew. "If Women Only Knew" Coolest. Place in Town Main Until Brnnett Taxi- Main 01. tt Dancino" every Wudnesday fiitd.SaJurday night ''lienowith grove. opun ta.iri pavilion. lood floor flood' mtisllv- Taxi from H nek & White, fifteen minute ser- leef 25 cents. Hit Announcement Dr. K. R. I.yda announce:! that Dr. C. H. Day, formerly of tlie American school of osteopathy, has become as sociated with him in the practice of osteopathy Tlie ofllces will be con ducted under the name.' of Drs. Lydu h Day, osteopathic physicians, third tloor N'allonal bank building. 30 3 Taxi Brcwn't Taxi. Telephone main C021.