THf. DAL'LES DAILY CHFONICLF FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1921. PAGE' FIVE If Carpentier Wins, It Will Be A Miracle, By William Slavens McNutt (United New1 Staff Correspondent) ATLAjNTu'C CITY, 'N. J., June 24. On Monday I saw Carpentier box. On Tuesday I saw Jack Dempsey nt work. If t sue Carpeniier win on July 2 I will believe in miracles be- cause i win nave seen one Happen, After seeing Carpentier and then Kpeinp r0mtfiv nnii rfitiw tlu Frcuchmna zero as a gosd Insurance cal lime. At Dempsey's camp the risk. combination of a sideshow and :i The! a is fjood reason for the tre tough construction camp on the des mendous Interest taken in the cant- erl. At the Frenchman's placo in light. Perhaps never before has HkuK.v, exeluslveness, an attempt at there been a prize fight In which the fa Al Dempsey's place, easy principles so truly represented anil- familiarity, bolsterousness and thetical types. Certainly not since happy-go-lucky manneis of. the hobo the slendur young Jim Corbel t flat- s,(l ,llt' showman, tened the burly John L. Sullivan at1 Tuesday afternoon Dcmpsey boxed New, Orlpans. Even thai light was four tounds. Young Eddie O'Hare not the test of tvnes that this wMl tfave him 10 cents for a half a uei oecause jonn vu. was past ms t i . i primu. it mtgnt nave. Deen .another storv had he been at IiIk hel. I Both Dempsey and Carpentier are at their best. Carpeniier in the hlgh-'ior est development of- what mat'' be called the Rapier. type of fighter. He is slender, brilliant, lightning last, with the strength and deadlines that one associates, with a Hashing rapier. Dempsey Is the war club. Not a Dcndcrous. heavv war club but a comcact. swlftlv wielded weapon with a potential, crunching power that one estimates not without cer- tain feelings of horror. Carpentier is the steel-sinewed, swiit striking wolf hound. Dempsey is the le:o clous thick thewed, battle loving bull dog. Carpenticr-is the highest modern development of the lefine- ment of human flesh In Hues of strength and beauty that the Greeks of old established in maible. Hemp- sey is the best modern survival ot the. men of the cave and forest who .fought beast q with clubs and rocks lilm, but no one took the minor ser thousands of years, befoie the time iously enough to ko Vtiify it. of the glory cl Oree'k art. Carpeniier Dempsey then went ' on tor a is the expression oj'. the battling man of 'today. Dempsey. is the savage warrior of yesterday. Can. the rapier withstand the bat- tering war club? Can the wolf hound better the bull dog? Can the combination 6f strength and artistic beauty as immortalized in marble hold his own with the man of aes . - MEETING NOTICES ''-'' Firemen Attention Election of chief and assistant chief of The Dallrs Fire- Department will i be.held .Monday, Juno 27, at env ball hea'dquarters. poll open fiom 5 to 7 p. ifi. By oleot'Jlre delegates. !!7 Special -Meeting Th'e Ddlles Coft'peVative Union me vator company will hold a special meeting in K, of P. hall, Saturday, Junei25, meeting to be called at 2:30 p. iii. Business of importance to ne transacted. Stockholders please be present. 24 I. 1 HILL, secretary trf-r.surer. Knights of Pythias Regular meeting Monday night, June 27. Work in pace rank. Important business to bo transacted. All knlKhu: to attend, II v order of building i committee, C. II. UAGGOTT, C. C, 27 ClfVlfUd advcitlaliiK 1 vnt per wora acti' Intertlon. If Inteited llmoa ot more. 3-4 cent a woit) Monthly publi cation rate on application at tlm otfica FOR RENT FOR, RENT Furnished hotuekepplng I and sleeping r.-.crn. No children. CjiI evenings. 50C Easl Vourth uiedi. 27 I FORi RENT Three roor.t furnhhwl apiVtment, piivatc 'bath. Tclpplmnt) red. 3972, 1521 Jackson streei. 2fi FOR RENT Two furnished keeping tocrn;., 322 East street. houyj Third FOR RENT Housekeeping room rates rearonable. Etret. 722-East Third FORrRKNT HouselteeplnB and shill ing rooms. 520 East Third strep' Telephone black 2301. 2a FOH .RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms for lad) onl5 '. per month. T'Calhoun strrel 24 FQH RENT House keeping looms. 320 East Third street.' Telephone red C342. - . , 2t FOR RFNT One of I he Black aiiar' luents. Corner 'Third ' and Union, Bbick and Crntn 24 FOR ,rr.N'T Furnished light house keeping rooms, 304 East Eighth atrtct "i FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping tombs. Alto barn for car. Call even 13 Federal. 2t , ; , ' ;.l"1,.v...l-6l , V-IHT? rgBnaecK ' r orw-- '' ' t -. ... , """ i ' '"' " ' " ' ' ' " ' "" " ' ' " tl ML ............. - FOR SAuE Neatly furnislieil liouso, Aim some .reniqiieiinu n store, u. k. in auonH, jiuum nun -rain i:n w Tvii- n,.,i .....nuL-nniu" .'ton., nt , 5- ' i WN0 ... 410J. iA-l ..,. .....i, ,,,,. ,,nL.v,n .), Vtii,. tn i constiuci loii are on file In the o.lflce Tl'iL and i.lenoBiaph done at ,, B , . 't. urged Writer Declares gone? The man wlio Is ,'ajl 'ferocity and fighting power. The two tialn'.ng camps truly re flect the commuting persona. I ties of ,p ,wo '"KHieis. At .Mniihasset, deep shade nut! fragrant, flowers, at mrpon, uusi ami a uurning sun. ah Carpeniier's camp the atmosphere ciirrnmiflltitr n piwit itinn nt n nrlil. I iir.lhiv i t hftvinrr hut tt frtwcm lltn "",.,,". ... , . u"""i"j" iuuu i ui ,u!ir 111:5 liEbter opponent and slug hill) off llla le- Th came Larry Williams a lountt. Larry looks liko u viking and acts like something that "oatad Into Atlantic City on a high, ' minus wiui uempsey all(i the champion knocked him jlown. Larry got up and Dempsey iviiuunuu unu uuwu .iK.uii iarrt acted like n second-hand car In a bud mud hole. Hi' rattled and heaved s,nd I,'0(l Kuf UP and earn ihs "read. 1,1,1 carburetor was flooded, l!ln Hlarka were elogcod. He had a Hmp in his transmission and hi.) steering gear wus on the blink. He linally managed to get up and spin on one heel like a modem souse trying to find his way back to whaie nu got it. it was no use. Williams was through lor the day. A kind hearted attendant led him away. 1 Some one said he was no t.,cd any moie and that the atttndant had probably taken him out t uliool lound with Jack Renault and after-1 wards wrestled with Bull Montana. 1 Bull Montana gets big immey in moving pictures because Mi.' looks I like a composite picture of Captain ' Kldd. Blue Beard. Jesse James,-Jack the Rlnner and the Bogey man. He. Is the living image of the man who) chases you in your sleep after you've FOR RENT Sleeping porch, Barag.;, or bed room. 11G West Thiid stieet. 2S PolT'REaTtTyTurnlRhed four room apaitment. Modern conven iences, with enrage. Telephone blach Ci!U. -r FOR RENT Nicely furnished apart ment, electric cook stove. Call back door, old Cooper house, corner Fill .ton and Federal stieots. "7 poll RENT-Furnished houseUeepln rooms in cool brick building. Crim foriablo and clean, 115 Eajt Second street. 28 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping looms. Also small furnished house suitable for batching, luquiro 111 West Second street. 2!l FOR RENT 4C7-acre ranch six miles from The Dalles. 85 acres undet plow, balance line bunch grass pas ture. Plenty water, wood and fruit of all kind".. .War school. Renter must buy uomo- stock and Imple ments. F. Cuitcr, route 2, The Dalles, Oiegon. U FOR SALE FOR SALE Baby buggy In good con dliion. Telephone black 7fil. :'i FOR SALE - Ford truck, almost new, wlih slock or wood iuck, aim cap Will be at the Ihilek garage Sit in day. -1 FOR t5 ALE Dry oak wood; old oak, J1150; second giowlh, $12.S. Dellv fcr.)d. Call ;iOF22, alter p. in. tf I OR KALE Small furnished Ikmju. with lot and garden. Price 10n carh. Telephone black 4451. 21 poll SALE 'two dozen laying Whlto . Leghorn hen-i. One rooster. Pi ice. iT2ft. Telephone 3GF12. 24 FOR SALE flood milk Ecat Price 2n. CM West Eighth street. Tele phono red 2052, 24 FOR iSALE Sand and giavel Trucl; service Country trips, flordlon and Van Dolah, telephone red 1331. 3u FOR SALE 101S Chevrolet tourlntt, new transmission, rebuilt motor, Al toudlllon all over. A bareain. Tele phono black CC91. 27 FOR JVVLE Complete threshing nu chine. 28-inch J. I. Case separator nnd engine Outfit In first class con dition. E. A. Head, Buick Garage. FCR SAl 12 Buffet, rockers, chairs, stove, bed, kitchen cabinet, and other .household furnishings. .Mrs A, Spelchlnger, 121 Fast Eighth street. Telephone red 401. 27 eaten sauerkraut, ice cream, choco 'wealthy alumni of both universities. Inte drops und pigs' knuckles. Last night lights shown down on I Iks' Ueinpsjy done wrong by the bull.' dark depths" of tho river." .Music lie slapped his eats tmd gave him floated over the water from the I a sculp massage Mint would have dVnces win re the "Who's Who" oi taken the hide otf a hedgehog. Hull America were entertaining their! breather hard and looked fierce but i friends and lauding their alma mater 1 it only got him nughtcr treatment, Looklus fierce jets him money from the moyies, but all It gats him from Dempsey is more tioullu. j ako mlticr' workout un weunesuay tne champ may . w - r ANNUAL HARVARD-YALE ROWING CONTEST STAGED ' By Hunry L. Farrell ( United 1'iefr. Staff t'orrefiiondi'lit) NEW LONDON, Conn., June 24. Yale and Harvard meet here toduvj on the Thames river for their an niial race over the four mile course. All tin usual color and. brilliance, all the usual crowd of old grads and! nndergrads, the usual gathering of just ordinary spectators ami all the trimmings for the ununl Yale Har- vard classic were there. Some "disrespectful" Harvard or Yale ones, with no attachments, Ctimson an. I Injng,ea anions: the Blue followers with the cynical at- ,, ..Some raPe- Two of the worst Cl.awa on 1ae water" ( Ilu', ,hey were lookei, upon In lUs. daJn by ,h(J , , Ha,.van, ,, yallJ followers wlio let it to be known j tily: "It matters not nhout the crews, they're Yale nnd Harvard." One heretic floated around the elite circles with the offer to bet that Yale couldn't even row the dls tance. He was calmly but polit Jy ignored. 1 That is just how they feel here about the lace. The experts figure n a race hetwsen two very ordinary crews. The writers look upon it as something that has to be covered, bm Yale and Harvard consider it the gala event of the season. Crimson nnd Blue banners hang from I lie lamp posts. Ciimson and Blue pendants fill the shop windows All manners of souvenirs with the Yale and Harvard colors appear In ' the wears of the curb venders.' Whistles blow and flags fly. Songs j of Yale and snuus of Harvard eonm from the groups in the hotel lobbies. I in the railroad station and on the nubile, coiners. ! The course is lined with big aristo- cratic vachts, the lilav things of the I I Telephone ineln 921. FOR SALE Neatly furnished house, sleeping porch, bath, garage, iwo fine lots, iruil and garden. Easy leuus. Iiuiul're. 1105 Ululf. 29 FOR SALE Cheap. Two man Mo Comitate combine with good engine', also horse altnehinenl. Write W. L. Tyron, 50G West Eleventh street, The Dalles. 2ii s FOR 'SALE G5. New house and lot Water in house, nine big Iruil trees Terms. .See It. H. Fish. 113 West Thirteenth street. 24 FOR li.vtfr-Jaige uiul Juiull farm and orchard trusts. Iteasonablo prices, good terms, V. C Hamiu, Dutur. Ore. Ihir. FolTTLl-Frve"rrifini modern cot tage on Calhoun mrei, gnrag.-, yhlclten house, lots of shade, one In', good garde.i ground. Price $231111. $000 down, balance eaiy terms. Co lumbia Really &. Lcjan company. 'Mi Washington si reel, FOR SALE --Haled bay and grain Wo deliver :my placo in lown. One horse, weight 1750, 7 years old Ouarrtnleed Will sell or trnde fur cuttle. Ope team, weight 2KM)., Sound and gentle. O, K Feed barn. Julv2 FOR SALE Two uTanos. On- Chicl; eilng and one Weber upright. Hour in perlect condition. Will sui; at prices below their vi.lue 'is I am leaving the cliy. Alsi Hire! de-.l" able bulldins.: lots wilh sewer 'on ntc.tlons paid for. No phan- ail". Wii. UiigtVld, 120 West Mnih street. 2d WN1 CD W.-NTED White leghoiti pullet i P. Watior.on, phone red 031. W'ANTFIJ -Woman to ci.ok on. ratuh Wage.. 45. Tnlcphmo led 2fi21 25 WANTED Cherrj plcVem. Plcklni' without stems. Teloph 5F12 25 WANTED Four hay hand;- S0e F L. Petersen at Dalles Oarage. 24 WANTED- Will pa, 12000 cash hr r;ood hiodoin flve-rffim lious'e v.ell located (ilfhell. 403 Wa .hlngton. 2a WANTED- To n-nl fiirnlBhed lion. ", elpse. hi. Si'o .McKneoly. Black fi Wlilte. 24 WANTED All kinds of f.erond-lMii.( goods. Highest price, paid al i!2 East Second slri-.ot, . '.'7 WANTED Permanent poh tion book keeping, beginning Auguit 1 Wiii EH52I, Chronicle. il WANTED- S.x or suvu room modern houso Will rent by the )ear A il Jobncon, Waeco, Ore. 2 wind J lie eight young huskies who will Carry the colors. Thete was, a lot ot lii-ltiug. Har vard men will always bet on Haivnrd became it l.i Harvard and Yale HS rover the bets becnito It Is Yale. There are no dope deductions in their wagering. ' ' Thore ol the "neutrals' with a ten- j dency to put up money, however. made Harvard the favorite at f to 4. I Free Uinic Ho Charge For Examina tion Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. Baum, chiropractic phjslclan, I'hlrd and War htngtou, main 601 it FOUNDED jP! Vtt& " SAFEGUARD YOUR VALUABLES Many ol your papers are worth more to you than actual ensh. Yet you aie constant!? running Hie jisk, if ou keep them at iioine ir In your ofiice, :f (osing them through caiehssness, lire, or rob ''fry. If. you rait a safe deposit box af the Fiench & Com'ptihy bank, they will be pprf.:ctly safeguaidrd, vgv easilv accessible. It costs but little. Why run risks? 4 Paid ''ANTEI--iu nnd tvfliiinn, ciokii, want' work Vhli luuve.: eve' n hdtel. Writ'f box C2, care Chron- Icle. 29 WANTED To rent for one year, good four 'or five mom hour.e with two lo fonr-lols. Will pay rod I in ad vance, Write O. '('. Duiilim, Sher wood. Oregon. 27 LOST Oft FOUND LOf.T--UtiMnian kodak in be tween The Dalles and D.whute:; river. Return to Chron. cle. Reward FOR TRADE FOR TltADE--'Mlichell loiulng car. tun less than r.iin mile,-., for grind light Illicit, Dodge preferred. U, ('. Pheireplac, 27 fll8CtLUANCOU8 (-KA(MC-:?lorflge by month. $4 mi for IHe sioiage, f 3 (Hi tor dead storage per inuntli. Peter Ixilwii, 111 First streei Everready gainge. 25 J..mJ .Li jjulJiUJUi m..t .... 1 1 KM STITCH IN 11- Plcnl edging. Mis I. M. Bonthby, 2(18 Wnshlngloii stieul. Telephone main i:r.xi II TRANSFER AND EXPRESS - Furnl lure a ml piano moving. Freight bauled ami geiiurul expriA lul n.'tH. Telephones: Stand, red 101; reWitaui-e black 1352. J. V. Ileiiiete till LEGAL NOTICES. Notice for Bids for Dalles City Auditorrii,, Daltas CP.v calls for bids for Ihe construct ion of ihe auditorium, The Council of Dalles City has up I proved plans iiiid HVeclfJcatlnhH n prepared by Ifoughtallng Dougan; archliectH of Portland, Oregon, -as hown by the mtnuics of the Conn rlbiifi"9!00 to 1:00 Sundays tMUJogt Blk Over Crosby's ,111 ii!ijraSii5!v. E- Bi!l,lint"-rfl jau imm w lit' .B-.tBfega'tL,lJ.l?J.J3 'I'j (JOLDENDALK YAKIMA AND ALL EASTKHN WASHINGTON POINTS . : . , . .' ' Are reached the eaciest by way of 0 rants ni Maiyhlll on the MAUYHILL FERRY New Eight-car Ferry No Backing to Board Boat . A 10-mlle paved road connects Maryhill and Qoldendale New Hallroii Crossing THIS TIME LAST YEAR Scott, Hed Sox shortstop,' made new record by playing 579th sue ceslve- game". Ruth hit n homer In an eVh! bit ion Maine at Columbus. Olio Kuabu made niatiNxcr iy.uisas Cliy American .'.smici I lou club. Brown's Dutur Stage, Time Table Two round trips dally. Leave Hju hotel, St. u. m. and 4 p. m. Uufnr 7:30 a. m and 1 p. m. Lea te " II There's A Difference If ynu'vt been a "ready made" In the past, be a "made to order iiiuii ' in the luture. First class ho ml tailor fit Willis to measuie, $36 00 nnd up W K. Webber, one block east nt pnt office. till on Savings H. FRENCH, President PAUL M. FRENCH, Vice-Prtsldent V. H. FRENCH, Secretary J. C. HOSTETLER, Cashier FRENCH &C0 BANKERS INC- OREGON ..II n.ulln I.,nn ICtl. idOl Qnrf.X. construction are on file In the olflce of Ihe Riieordor pi Dalles Cliy, sub- juct to' Inspection, -and Ihe work w)l be done in accoidance with "said plans tine, spectticatinns ami unuer the direction and Hiipervision of sUch arch It rets. ' All bids must be. accompanied by :i certified check lor 10', of the ainounl of Ihe bid, to be forfeited to Dalles City in case such bid should he accepted and the Milder idiouhl full lo enter Into contract and bond for the faithful perform anee of the work. All bids shall be sealed, and shall he filed with the Recorder of D.HIes City on 'or before, 8 : 30 p. rn., Jun 25, 1921, said bldii to he opined by the Recorder and Council on said date. Dalles City reserved the rip hi In reject' any and all bids. Dated this 15th day of June, 192 D. L. GATES, City Recorder. 25 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINEf.- Eventually Why Not Now? Ship by Iruck. porllandThi; Dalles Truck sirvice lleaihiuuiters, Motor Sorvli'H (laragu, Portland telephone's, Maintain 1."i5? and I' 3990. II SPECIALTY SHOP liuiuslllchinK, picol edging, .Iremi making 2li East Third stioel, Con don building. Telephone black 5211 7 MALI'S Ili.NrtlJ All-V IBJiuiied, at lion tHKulalluK i and retlnlshliiK Player actions a specialty. WorV guaranteed. H. A. Dockslader, Cor sou Music store, 320 Fast Second street. Telephone main lfnil. t Wttiiifte TiruiEc L5mi Fielghl and t-xprrns between Th Dalles and Waxen, Moro and all wa Villus Leave The Dalles, 9 a. in dally titcept Sunday. I.eavo Moro, 1:30 p. in. Iava Wasco, 2:30 p. ni D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephon b.acV 1C42 or tnuln 471 it Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyeaiaht tSpecmliat , , and Evenings by Appointment Drug Store Phone attack 1111 No 6and Stop! Look! STARTING MONDAY, JUNE 27TH - the ; Nacy & Baird Comedians In f heir ; . iu. Waterproof Tent Theatre i j .. . Located on Second and ... Presenting THE BEST OF DRAMAS AND COMEDIES With Vaudeville Between Acts OPENING PLAY "SAINTS AND SINNERS" PRICES Adults 50c Tax included Children 25c SURE SOME SHOW! rrr : jS li Art r-ft-a-imr iin -f-nMrnni n him.i. - u in mini nnniimai i if hi Ifi am ' t -i- - i i -iii i m - i i ii ii it uniim til l smmmmrii Auto THE DALLCS, PORTLAND, -'ASTORKA, VsE?ASlDE t Twin Six Packard tourlno cari. Leave The Dalles, Bank Hotel ; daily 0 a. in. and 2:30 p. in. FARES Poitland $3.30; Astoria $0.70; Seaside Y.iO ' ' 11 " ' 111 """ 1 ' " 1 11 I Typing and stenography done nt reasonable rates. Roslnn ,. Fleck. Of (Ice Motel Dalles. Residence telephone ,red 2.'I32. tl Whlln'cy Repair Shop 7U.abt Second St. ' Maud Milburn SirilwfeH Teachor of Piano, Harmony add Theory. I.eschetji'.ky melhod. Special atten tiun glviin lo beginners. Summer term opens Juno 15, Pliune red 3491. Stu dio 100O Fulton street ,l2o I ttWjBTw lul' will ii I I kl 1 WOO I) Alt I) & TAUSCHEU Contracting Hiickluyois and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Woik. Fireplace Work a Specialty fcttlmatcs furnished free of chaig:. All Work Quaranteed, Telephone Main b-4'CI or Call at Gates block Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DriLIVISItY SKUV ICK EXPRESS AIVID DRAY AGE Furniture and I'iano Moving Stand at Cft'mi's Paint Store Main 'M'M kesidence Phout Ked 1HI1 HARRY L. CLUFF ('RANDALL UNDKRTAICINC CO W'uach The Dalles Dutui LUt.ll II, CltANllALU, MJiUtftf Meit lliiiin, AtsltUiil Mjiugor , tUviUrd tmbalinsr, t'.t.Lll.l.,-, Itott '. Wbm$n AIisoUjih felsplions Mr. M. J. WHUilon Dy Hsd ill Telephone Rd 1s)i NightRed SSI J. H. Harper, Black 2152 Motor Equipment it Slieiit between taugldia ... Jefferson. t Stag'e . REED TRANSFER -Mi? -.We hall anything, any place, call ma Iii 7.11. 'h Nmz BAUER . - - Oeueral real estate, itisura'r.ce, and foans. 1001 -East Secona street. Tel phone main. 1571. tt , E. c. ipracE IRvagiafteiredl Airckaiccft 504 First. National Bank etldg. The Dalles, Ore. 16tf Dr. Geo. V. Newhouse 1 Eye Specialist We in h eiiilpped to gtva your eyes I lui very best of caie. Eye tested, tlbsses ground. Second uih! Wathingtan Stieiti The Dalles t..; c Cut FIowkib ",Vi i ot tin