THE DALLES DAILY GHftONICLe, mitJAY, JUNE 24, 1921. page four TOE "DAILY CHRONICLE 'JhiUbllAhed 1890 Tho DnllciTOre. Published Every Kvnnln Rxcept Sunday y' iM Chronicle Publlnhlnit company Inc Sen R. L.ttfln General Malinger Entered In Mcond, clnnt The Dalle mutter. pOStofflCO H8 ftnltxl Prima end United Newii Serrlce Member of Audit Httrwiu of Circulation One year, In advance tM tolm MAnllik In nrlvnn.'O I3'.0Q ftn tnnnlh .BO i - w aii w ruonMiri C nv MAIL One year, In ndvnnvp '"' MX month. In Hdvnnce 12. One month ujtrru-t v rlinnwir.l C One year. In n'dvnnr....-. 12.00 In ordering chango crlber ihottld alwnyn new addrnsa. of addreaa, kIvh old n tlh Willi TELEPHONES Bdltorlnl Booms ..Ulnck III Builne, Adv., Clr. Dipt ...Hod 111 Httbacrlbera to tint (TirnnlMo nn guar anteed service. Prompt and rrrulnr rtc llTery of cvitry aiil)crlber'a pnper li th" Aim Of the circulation department. The Chronicle currier ere required to t'U' the 'papers on the poir.h or whprpver th uMcrlher wlahe h imner delivered. LOOP CONNECTION in Hood lUvcr going lo continue tb Je known as tin; cist end of Hip cj(umbifi 'Uvcr 1IR1W'. s f;"' " tourists ,,who journey out of il'ort land are conceincd'.' fAre,, all .thv touilsls circle Alt Hood going tijp, by way of Hood Wasco county going who wish lo to make the. Illvcr. or Is lo divert the construction of traffic this way by a .loop .connection? jrhp United .States forest service will , begin surveying u connecting rosiil through tliu Oregon national l.d'reat next .week. The surveyors will Btict il ,Hrooks Meadows and i;o ui to.'the divide over lo the location slakes for the Mt. Hood loop, .Vahco county will he expected to Iniprpvc, the rpjid from Brooks Men dofrii, dpwn .to The Dalles. The road la. '"already made, by the way, hut sols 'hleh have developed t'inc.e tin war, Is a dramatic lenilnder to the world that the loi cos of natiiie, de spite the groat strides In human progress, ran he controlled hut n'.v ei conquered, and us loan as men K3 down to the se.i In ship.) there will he a toll or life. For those who have been on Hie ocean, Ihere Is a lute of mystery and adventuie In th" Haveise of th" Kieat wastes which Is irr-stlble. 01 ten the ocean Is kind, bidding a welcome lo Its wayrareis to come again. But hack or It I'll the seas me Insatiably cruel ,nnd too lioqiienl y their retribution Is onompsssed m hapless trespassers in wavs which will nevor be t'dd until Hie waters Rive up Hi'dr dead anil th" graves are opened. Wireless telegraph, the t.iiblno en ginos and numerous oih'r wonderltil aeeoiupHshmciits ol men in ieoen,t years have robbed sea travel or nianj ol Its terrors. Hut lor tho wiieloss, one may well remember, Hi" world would probably never had known what became or the Minnie. A leviathan essaying Its llrsi trans Atlantic voyage, the Titanic, in dead of nlRhl Wiis stripp-il ot us nonom on a submerged iceberg. Its air-1 HrIiI compartments buoyed tlie liner for a short while and i Is wireless summoned aid. Thus Its ten line . i r.tory became known to mo worm. The .world has Ioiir pondeied on I he Pate ol Thcodos(s .liurr. me au coinpltshed and beautiful daiiRlit-er of Aaron Hurr, who sailed from Charleston, S. C. on the Patriot lor New York in 1312. The vessel was never more neani irom. rui jvih.i it was rumoied that I tic been eapl.iicd by pirates, dosla made to walk tin I his was never verified in esl deRiee. Here is one of 1 enlRinas ol the Inserutihlt! I The steamer President, vessel of its day, one ol Farmer Hours for H. Wallace SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE AT DESK BY 8 IN MORNING; DANS RUBBER STAMP POLICIES; INTERESTED IN RESTORING PROSPERITY TO RURAL SECTIONS. By John GleiGsncr (United Niuh HinTf I'otni-iH'iMl' iit) WASIIINCTON. .lune :M. Henry (5. Wallace, sorrel -in ol aKi'i' iilline and 'tanner. Iris lroii;;lil l.umers' v. oik-ln-i hal.lln with him lo the ea-d'al. lie Is at Jus do. !. lv s in the morn Ins, when nobody Is aro.inil the bul'd in;; except watchmen, and does n'i eao titilll ti::i'i. This has eaused much e inaieni In I ho sonuiolent 'i o'clock Wallace woika all Hie lime when he Is al his olfiee, loo, excepl when lie Is receiving viilora. Inllmales sa- he likes to rind mil Ihln?;;. to:' liiui self, and raise', ipicsllon.-! on every matter thai Is submitted lor Ills ap proval. Itiihlier stamp methods do not hievall. anil much bulu"!!. which ')l- Idlnaril.v tnlylil he considered votitiiie lis routed over I he seeielary's desk, 'lie is trying lo aonuiie an intimate l'tiowledRo of the etldle; s ramlllea lions of the department over which he pies. des, and lainllla! i.e lilms"ii with .all lis activities. The problems' Hie :;oerotsry inns! consider are lesion and dliersiried. He may he inlerrup cif in a considera tion ol' the pliRht ol llveMoek.Kiowe.:-" who otiiiMol R'll enoiiRh credit, to ap prove the purchase ol two larse hont'' to he used in the department's work In Alaska. The other day I he iuestlon ol' buyinr; iIors. to. pull sleds HiiourIi the Arctic wilds of Alaska weie sub mitted lo him. vessel hud ami Theo- plank, hut the slight the traslc s waters, a palatial the. Hist. . Wallace Is extiemely approachable, and likes to receive visitors, ejpeclal v farmers who have .someihinr, I" bay about their business. He asks man iiier.lioin. oudenwiilnj; in Ill's way lo keep hlniioir directly In lou-'i wllli actual conditions. He is 'pai tl'-t-larly inteie.lod in the Hood of loiter which cyme lo the depaitmen. laliuers all oei I lie colinli'N, win s,i. Ihej have ho-ii luiucd b the depiessh n. Wallace's job just now I.- one or th" most illl'l'lciill In the cabinet. Th" du tiailment Is inoie than .-implj an agency lo piomote iiri kulture and find out, what kim! ol wIiujI will sro-' best iiutler certain conditions, or ho iiiany pounds ol' silage It lakes' to make a pound ol heel. The tlepttr' ninnl is sttnlyinR, in a bioad way, th:: plight or iiRricultuie. Mil'ieriiR iron miaous prices and cicdlt strinRene; which is causing an oiit.eiy Irom I'm til ers everywhere, and Is stirring con gress lo action. Wallace has unite del Inl e Ideas on f'.iuu economic-!, ; 1 1 1 I I, seekliiK to further ineauiies ol' relief A farmer him uir, ho knows ol the sit uation thai is causing complaint. The secretary so lar ha.' not had much lime loi riciealion, l'i lends sa" he is always willing lo plaj g')il' "ne week," untl al'ia expec's to. He hiia been out twice, so i,u- v.ilh l)liec"i Heiieral of Ualltoadr, t)ai., a peisonfi Irlend -and one of thOae lime.. I pouicil tain. and then those who i-upport the linv lish ride ran prc.ent the other side ol tho Uotibic. I am assured that tho rlsht caii.-e wlll win out In the end. We are living lit .an :nlens"ly democrat " age; lor If Hie war has resulted in no other Ihlng it has set the mental machinery ol mankind In rapid mo tion, and when people begin to think Mhnv natural!? want to express their I thoughts and In doing so tlrrc is sun, .to he some friction In the works. I.oi .us always havu on hand a good supply ,(if the oil of ehnrltv an-1 we will he lahle to prevent much of Hie I' le'loii. I Personally j least a dozen lit. A. Torrey. 1, would like to ee at of our evangelist . Ilk'; , J. llulgin, Charles llct'jn 1 Srliovillc. etc.. turned loose In Ireland . .beginning at Cork and go Into every (own and hamlet with the pure sou ' i'el. Poor Ireland needs a tidal wave' or Christianity, which would Hood mil superstition and error, and Hip I solitary place would rejoice and bios soni as tfie lose." H. L. KOItH. Dr. a. nurke MaRsey, dontlst. FirsI National bank, rooms 3(.7-:iii8. Tele ' phone main 3011, res; main lt!H. 811 Firec r a c k e r s -AND- Fireworks d!S ALL KiNDS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL; OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST Kong Chpng Wo Co. 21fi First; Sti:cct CHRONICLE WANT ADS BrtJ!4G QUJCK .flEPULTS. building has ariiveil and will bo put in next week. The good.; wli! he nune I in during August. aotoft new. unking and pionaoij , t..,nH.All.intc ,ii,,eis, after making soiv r,felovatipn, work will have to he w( voyaBCS u, ncw York in i-niark- able time, sailed from Liverpool in 1817 witli ,llags flying and a pas AT THE LIBRARY to make of it a re done in order liable highway. 'niR-ht herp it will he well lo say to Wasco county residents that im prbVenicnt of this road up to Hie heudows Is not going to recpiiie dn'y extra luxation or bond Issues, Ip, the forest reserve, the, govern ment and the. .stalf highway com mission will split .Jim road bill f0,riu. 'To do its .end uf Hie work, the county can use the market rtaid lund. AlioxlniJilciy ICO.VOH will be, avail able. It is 'estlniiUod hy engineers CKal the county cau do all llrj work necessary .on lids conneetioi .fpr $3U,000. i There .is no .district at present ttiote entitled to use or this .kind thai Mill creek of Mt. Hood Flat. N.o,;nono.v has been spent there, and (he Mill creek road In especially heavily trav elod because ol the oiehai.dlug. I Hi lur has Its market rad, AntoAupo i;t getting $47.001 woilh ol road .woik. ahnlko la geUlng a enneetion wilh The Dalles Calltoi ni.t highway, and Waplnltla has had a share of .he iiiurkpl, load funds. It w.ould Htmni that Ihu next ex penditure of market funds could not bo made to b dter advantage than in Improvement of the road .ip to Bivoks' meadows. The ni'onosed loop connection will have scenic advantages far surpass ing those down Hood Jllver valley,1 ay !hos-.s who have boon vor both mutes. The road to The Dalles will be high, and for miles one will hae in view all the snow peaks Irom llainler south to Thioe Sisters. The i onto down Mill Clock valley will be' through charming country no putty as any to he loiiml in die gon As a supplement lo a drive aiound Or.'gon's gloat ohano peak, it .cannot he etpiakd anywhere. ..Kynijuno knows Hist Hie t'ceiierj of tho highwiu bolwton Hood ltei anil The Dalles, while of u dillei,eiU ohai'.tcter, Is jusl as attiac.tho M that below Hood It her. It simply lias .not heialded i:l hecaise Ijie striteli ol hlghwa has not been .open, and tourists have bij-n edu cated that hevond Hood lilwr theie wan nothing to see. With The Dalles CallloinU high way connection here, this elt. will be an luipoiiant, peiliaps Mm n w Unporlanl Junction, ah as th" himbia HUer highway. lis Impor lance lis a louring teiuer will he on 'llAncd with conslniethui ut a coil nottlon with th" Mt. Hood loop .iji'nj'ctlon with the loop will t.oi' iUde tiiir higliwin plan, lor wo will tbftn hny splenilld roadu In' yvo'iy nl- . :' Any U(rlhti' bond lssue ,or r ad flniinelitK must be scanned wi.i t lie, for Ihu piesfuin ot iu.u now weighs heall on landowners. Hut wliei-. theie l money uv.i'.itbl-j l"r ioad cont.truciion, It should ho iimI to best advantage. .Inst now It seem that vomic j,on slth the Mt Ho'id Id u ' nt'xl blggosi tep In hlgliwan. -o - "SHIPS. THAT 00 DOWN" Maritime history, weie it ever lo he chronicled In Pile wiluuie. would ihow lundreils ol instnncon, pioh ablv thoutiuuiU.. of oeuols thai ed lorUl fioi" l')'' "f 1,10 ml which weio .never moio liotp, (The Investigation now being made by the department of commerce- of tfctrotuj tRuncti) cf inlHSIng vo sengtsr list numbering scores of prom inent people. She was sighted one hy ilshlng vessels oH the liisli coast, but nothing more was ever heard irpni her. Tho privateer Hanger, during the wai of 181, alter a series ol bill ll.w.t batt'es with .enemy ships .uo.t.h larger In size, hustled forth I mm Sew York on what was intended to be a short cruis-i oik Hie N'-a Wng land coast. Ilc.r goanitg sails oil' the Jersey coast, discerned ny I nd outs, was her adieu with all the members of her cicw to the haunts of men. In recent years sealareis have been .engrossed In discussing the p.iobahle (ale of , the Cyelop.i, a Unlit!!'. Slates naval repair boat which sail ed, during the war. I mm tho Wcsl udics. b(iii)U (or a French port. No iwlioloHS wold ,evor cimtn to explain her late, although Clival men belln ' her tremendously heavy supeis rue lino, ol derricks and otpilpmenl loi major repaiwj. caused her to cap li.e li a .st i .ill. Only yoiiterday, the nnal depint ment posted as "missing," the ofli ceis and crow 'of tho naval tug Cono sloga, which sailed Horn San Finn ci.te.,1 in Maitdi with a low for llono ! lulu. She wirelesi-el once that the tow hail palled, and that she was standing by the l.arg-t in heavy weather. A huiilcano hail swept the Pacific, and It Is supposed that th" sturdy III I It) vessel win oorw hol.ueu in it. Men build more powoi Hilly as years go on, aoeiulim to loioseo ami oveicomo all Mp whims ol Futlptr Noplune. Hut the sea ean he saxage ness inoainato. giving no mery to Its ploy Terrible storioi. pie told b those who have siirtivctl, hut een thu, perhaps, hav.e pot seen Octnn n her worst moods, for ,sich as lniMt ouoountoiod those moods ale the moil anil women whose names are on I he m. stoi lolls lists of "miss, lug unexplained." I The follow lug new books have jus been allied to Hie library and niav in J examined I mm Thursday mini Salir.' day when I hey will be put Into eircf- latlou: Fiction. Ciillilin Heart of Unaga. , Clirwood Valley ol Silent Men, Delanil Old Chesler Secret. Follies Adventures In Soul hern Seas. Horgosheiiner Throe P.laok P.'iinjs, llowolls, ed. ( Modern Anier lean Stories. Howells Medeiii Instances. Hue. loll -l.eae II To Doris, King Thread of Flame. li'Kiceek Winsome Wtiinie, and Other, Now Nonsenro Novels. II.. Vim Fire Soil. .McSptu'ilen, oil.- l''ainiMis Deteclive Stories. McCulelieotM West Wind Dr'.M. U'llrien. oil Ilos.1 aJmil sior lilU. 'Kutzbeck Alaska Man's laic!.. Non-Fiction. Pi e;. idea's and I'le Famotih Poems KKphun Hie story by l.tiwiu II. Ficeuian. oi his memorable trip down the Cpluin-j bia liver lasl year, l nose who mei Mr. Freeman during his stop in The Dalles will be pid ficularly inlerestoil in the arlitdos. The Hist one In the .Inly Sunset, just received. I ells of his Inspiration to make the trip, and the start, up mount, tins in Hie nritish Columb'a THE FORUM Anile'soli llarho, oil oil. liolllwl'li. Paleallue of Hie .tew It ower Vocal .Mastery. Cheng '.Modern China; u P-ilicai 'Sluilt. Ch!dle Stoiy Sermon s for Child ren. C mi- Iteblrth or K'nioii, ,Dav!os Spiritual Voices in Modern i.lleraluro. Da 'Mp- iieialibor, III" Working Man. l-'llsluger Coinmeroial 'I'ravelers' Clllile lo I. alls Amuitca. 'Ilatorh Negro Minstrels. Lane Making of Herbert lloovei. Pearson, oil. 1 luminous Speaker. Hood Tales of a Vanishing Hlvor. f.-dlgnisnn - Negro Facet. America. William ! Our Slim t Story WriioiN Wood Heroes ol K.uly li rael. Th" Sun i" in.iiii7.lne I. publishing nul'r.r, June lilt. ICdltor, The Cbroniole: - As there is consldcrahle attention paid to Ad miral Sims lor his attitude and re marks on tho liirh question in ICng land. Having an interest In any qau Hpu that affects l,he .toinnion good of the people or a portion of it; and as suming that what hasalready appear ed is put bono publl'co.'I tlesi.e to piesent my views on 'the irstie. It is admitted that'11 Admiral Sims h; a man of the! at a naval ol fleer, and one who has prov ed his!en:-y on the seas. There of lean .lav no question as lo his loyalty to country or government. e::ceptiii" what, coma have t oniilderoil a '.ircacn of official otlquello or pioprieij. as a 'eprosentnllvo of! leer. It should ! borne in mind that ho did not claim to apeak officially lor his govt- nnieni bMt as one who understood the host judgment of the leaders ol' tula nitloi on iho matter under consideration, and no one can deny that he is qual. t'ied to :-po'.ik on the subject. I'oi he solely learned by bitter exporioue" Hie i ttllude of Hie Uein Felnor.-. on the Irish shores when this coiiu'r: was doing Us best lo save the w irlil for democracy; The late ex-Predden' Koo'ievolf, and other men or note juue been jiifil as strong in ex-pressing thou vio'.vs as Mr. Sims and while there . a i nligious propaganda solii-mlnn P wo k up trouble between this count n and F.uglantl a free '.apce will he used I am pot complaining because the clerical partv o' the south of Irel'nd and their adhorinis hro are alriii". Ihei" gilovance. in Iho it'rlull. mariner in the public press; lot theip bring on all the hot .'tufr they tan find i Clipped Have YOU the 50c Coupon? HUNDREDS of Wasco county residents have already done so, and started on the road to future independence. This Coupon has enabled them to open a Savings Account with ONE-HALL the necessary amount, for the Coupon and 50c will cpen aJ?L0f Savings Account. In addition, it will obtain a Liberty Bell Bank. whiclTis by far the most unique home safe we have ever seen. Don't delay another day. Clip the 50c Coupon below and pre sent it at our Bank the first thing TOMORROW! This Coupon and 50c Opens a $1.00 Savings Account 50c Thrift C)upon B.'f CONDITIONS: , t'4 (1) $1.00 of the account must on deposit for oe year. J-., 2) If a second deposit is no.t murte'V within SIX MONTHS, the 50c Cou pon will be deducted when the ac count is closet! at vhich time tha Bell Bank must be returned. (3) Only one account can be opened by an individual. The Wasco County Bank' 1 ! LOOKING BACKWARD (From The Chronicle, .l ino IM IS'ji) Ml t Camion, a jouiri ho'i who was working lor (ioo. Mesdie, while picking straw lierrlt s alum; ." o'cIoim 1 teste. lis), was billon b; a i at i It snake The unlike si. lie', ; her In Hi" hand, the Qiug oitierlug In two plaen As quickly as ponslh'o her wrist wi luuiiiil to tii'ovum circulation of th , '.ohoii and i. ho was made lo d.iuk ahoiii a quail of whlskoi. Hr lloPi lor v a. i ilien Hiimuioncd ind adeiiu luterott the proper medicinal tintldole tv'ter hr.v'ng oautorUo.l the wotinu Tio Miliar i'tds was all ilgh' toliit except lor . t knes.i of the sloniaj oui:ho,I by tin miieh whlnktvy. Catitiiin .loluuton of the stoamor Halle i Clt i. nurttlug a lN.t 111 o knee t a iosiiIi ol too Iniimite aeqiininiaa - with a hloyclo Tim oilgla ol Ihu mi' ler l.i enveloped in nixtiery and oni of Hie captain's It lends declined Hn lh imliluiii tlid mil hatpoii a- h tells It siiii!P5- , sail win Id , licitlil i,v III lirunow and The tulHiil trip vi A Ha' ho,U. .xx.'ii lout, hit beep Inn i Ariliur Komietl I ho iii.nle nexi w oek The lu for the new Williams "I SUMIER EXCURSION RATES To Eastern Points Through CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCKIES Tickets on sale June 1st to August 15th inclusive. Lim it throe months from date of sale, with final return limit October 31st. For full particulars write,, telopHono or call at office. Canadian Pacific Railway E Peon, Cien'l. Agt.. nax-t Dept. &5 Third St., Portland Oregon ' i i The Unit of h Advertising Value Circulation put mere tuiiulier of printed copies means nothing unless they arc actually delivered and read. The Audit Bureau of Circulations a national association of ad vertisers, publishers and advertising agents was organized to . giveimpartiai examination to all publishers' statements issued by A: B.C. members.' An Audit by the A. B. C. covers not Only the total number of papers printed it looks into tthe way subscribers were obtamod. If a paper offers extravagant inducements to wcU the number of subscribers, its value as an advertising .medium is IcsgerfcaV Rome Publishers .print a large number of paper You get that but "allow a information iihnrnl rntin-n from newsdealers. from an 'A. B. C. report. 1 ' - WHEN YOU BUY SPACE FROM A. B. C. ' NEWSPAPER, YOU ARE BUYING WITH ALL THE FACTS BEFORE YOU. . . . ' . . .i The Chronicle is a member of the A. B, C., and you are urged to oxamine carefully the last report oX the A.-B. O. I i ' ' ' TMaco Your Advertising with A. B. C. facts as the guide to sure results. . m lr.