THE DALLE?) DAILY OHPONIC'.r THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1921. PAOE THREE NAVAL . OARSMEN ; ,WIN. EASY VICTORY POUGHKEEPSIE CLASSIC WALK AWAY: CALIFORNIA WINS ' - SECOND. -By Sydney B. .Whipple (United News fits ft Correspondent) . P.OUGHKEEFnE, N. Y., .Iline 23. "Tho naval academy's Oljmplc oars men, Jed for itHree. mlleo down thq Hud-j son on Wednesday ultcrnoon and afta'-1 banding, an easy beating to t lie tlold in iho fnter.-collcgiato championship, appcar,edatrone enough to, row to New York if tholr special .train hadn't been walking for them. Somewhere the Poughlteopslo dope went wrong. Instead of Columbia's springing a surprise, as the wlso one' had it ticketed to do, the only sur prise was the length by which slio followed the bunch past the, mark. Cornell and the navy shared the dny'fl honors, .tolin Hoylo's boys romp fid.away, w.lth, tho freshman and junior varsity events, retaining the red crew's hold on the two tiophlc3 the; .won last year. , California, an unknown quantity, but a splendid grqup.of six fpot citizens, tanned and nguate jawed and wllii all kinds of ft'owen furnished a sen sation by nosing , out Cornell lor sec ond place Jn the bis event. They do everything wrong, the westerner, the eastern rowing shaiks will tell you. They row like a bunch of amateurs, the eastern authorities ngieo, but as was remarked at the mllo, and a half, they ,can glvfli,tloir,.-s.hell a helluva pull through the water. It was a great day. for the navy, but 'from the wc'ern standpoint nearly a", great for Cayt',or,nla as their llnal pow. erful swings at the oars none I them ahead of. Cornell, bv, Inches into sec ond place. The navy 'was throe; full lengths in front of California and Cor nell, with Pennsylvania a trailing fourth, Syracuse fifth and Columbia last. The' navy took, tho lead at the get away and wan never 'headed. Columbia was away second; Pennsylvania third: Cornell fourth; California filth and Syracuse last.; MEETING NOTICE3 Firemen Attention .Ejection. of alilef and' assistant chief of Tho Dalles Fire. Department will be held Monday, June 27, at ciiv b ill headquarters. PolN open from 3 to 7 p, m, By order of fire delegatus. -7 Masons Attention ' I j p e e i a I communication Wasco lodgp So. 15, A. K. & A. M this Thurada cvenins. 7::i0 p. m. By or der of W. )l. ... .. . . , ' GUY K..1CADB3, M (Special Meeting The Dalles Cooperative Union Ele vator company will hold a rpecial mgftlnsjn K. of hall. Saturday. Juno .25, meeting tojbu called at 2:'M p. m. 'Buslneuso 'oft thiiioi lance to oe transacted. Stockholders please b'i present. L'4 I. K. HII.L, 'secretary-treasurer. Knights of Pythias Regular meeting Monduv night. Juno 27. Woik In page rank. Important bualnesH to bo transacted. All lini;;lity urged to attend. B o der of building committee. C. II. BAG-GOTT, C.-C. 27 Pytljlan Sisters . ; Regular metlns will bp hold.Thura dny at S n. in. After the business mco' lng all Pythian Sisters and families uie invited (o Thornton's J-akca, for u v.-ciner roasts Freo transportation for everyone. Bring jour cars and your coffee tups. Mis. J. C. Haydon 2IJ notified idVfrllntnr 1 cent per woro Mrh niMrllon. . If Inserted X tlm nr mor, .S-4 !i)t n " wirfl. 'Monthly puhll cation rot on application nl thn nfflco. FOR RENT Clean ttont bsilioom In pilvate tamlly. J.l per week. lOOH ; Court. Telephone i"d 1992. 23 FOR RENTn--Hiu-.okceplng and slon lng room?. 520 Jia-.t, Thl.d stiee'4 Telephone black 2.T!1. 28 FOR RfNTrKurnUlied housekeeping room3 fory Udjonly. fa per monih. 714 Caihotin Crpcl , ,,21 i FOR R EN.T 1 lo 1 1 r.ok e op I n g moms. ; 320 East.Th(ni street. Telephone1 red 6342. " 21 1 FOR RFNT.r-'OnP of ihe Black apai' ments. Corner Third and Union. Illicit ami Ciunt-t 24 FOR RENT Furnished light house keeping rooms. 304 East Eighth m.i limn n rcNT-Fmnlfihod houGckecuitt'i . ... I..,...- i . , . t . . t' i T " - .. . . run HAUVi any nusgy m k"ou eon as i v,u oueae men or any nuun- r n meeiiiiK or jane. i;m, ihji. npoti H'm Whc attermojriraiioiraeif T1. -II my!T' roomB.fliwuanviorcai.wu ,i Ion. Telephone blaelc 7lil. .', or ilrolrint; and heallli work. the challcngfir duiini tho first mile, wflh Pennsylvania, Columbia and Cal ifornia following, As thej- passed un der the bridge the powerful stroke of California began lo tell and, they slid Into third place, wl!h Cornell slightly in the lead of them and out after the lice navy shell. Syracuse had given up the battle and was trailing. Then the navy began to draw lur thcr away. There wa-j not a sign, of dlslresr. in the boat as they approach ed tho llnlch line. wlh the great ex panse of open water showing between it and the nearest competitor. Califor nia fought eveti Inch of the way and as the westerners swept along side Cornell toward the line. It was the lln al punch of power that can led-the lip of their shell past the big red crow and won the judges' decision for sec ond pIhcc. The lime was 10 minutes. 20 seconds. CHOOSE YOUR BANK WISELY . IT IS IMPORTANT TO YOU Your present .need for bank service may not be great. small your deposits nowadays, consider, what tiny may become, You may sometime need exceptional bank service, Impor tant help or competent advice. Here, you can depend upon im to pu; I oi in all services well and unusual services willingly. What our present customers like in our service, you will also like. 4 Per Gent Interest, Paid On -.Savings' Accounts. Citizens National Bank Telephone . Officers P. 3. Stadelman, President. Dr. J. A. Kculcr, Vice-Pies. H. R. Greene, Cashier J. P. Tureck, Ass't Cashier. J-OK lM'JNT 01! SAiUS Modern 4 room1 bungalow with bath, Call black 4101. ' FOjTTlliNT Sleeping porch, Biiras". or bed room. 11( West Third street. FOH IlKNT-r Four partly furnished 1 rooms, U'i;i 1'ine si reel. 'Telephone black ni!!ta. FOR RKNT I'attly furniRlied four loom apailment. Modern enliven-ionces,- -vvllh - jjaraBe. Telophonu black G201. ' 2 FOR Rlf-NT Nicely furnished apart' . menl. electric cook-slove. Call back 1 door. old'Coopoi houses cotnur Ful ton and Federal sticela. "7 FOR ,HKNTFurniKhed houaekoeptn; .rooms and.slosplng room. No child 'ren. ('all cvcnlngs.k50G East Fourth 'si' reel. 2;i FOR RUNT Furnished housekeeping rooma in cool brick building. Com fnrtahle and clean. 115 Ha3t Second sircej. 2S FOR RIvNT Fut n lahed housekeepiiu; . lonnii1. Alao small furnished hou suilnble lor batching. Inquire 111 West Second Htreot. 2y FOR RENT 467-acre ranch six miles from Tho Dalles, 85 acres unilm plow, balance lino bunch graaa pas ture. Plenty water, wood, and trult of all kinds. Near school. Renter must buy tome stock and Implo ments. F. JJasser. route 2, The Dalles, Qicgon. 25 FOR SALE FOR SALE Sowinm,!.ii.i:.:nc motor. Almost as good us new, Price $10 Call red 3542. 2" I--OR i'AI,E Small furnished house with lot and garden. Price $10') ' each. Telephone black 4451. 21 FOR F.AhE Two dozen laying Whito Leghorn bona. One looater. Price 120. Telophnno 36F12. 24 FOnAI-'ood" mlik goat. Prlct! ?20. West Elgh'h sti cot Tele phone rod 3052. 24 A SNAP-.Cho.uoIet Tourlnff, Ui'o ' model, cord tires, 300.fio. Term;' f.20 Ei-.t Secon'l street 21 FOR SALE A brand new four-room houcc, modern In every icspect. &) East Fourteenth street. H'A FOR ISALFV-S.ind and grave! Truck pjrvlce. Count: y trips, (lordlon and Van Do'ah. 'clephono red 1331 30 FOR SALE Complete threshing ma chine.. 28-Inch J. I. Case separatee and englno Outfit In flrat clans roa dltion. E, A- Read. Bulck Garage, Telephone aitin 921. 27U , -v . .-. a... .fc.--. v j, . 1 BsiasSSSJSSSSMSMBaSSaiaSSS ,hmmmi mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm vaMaaaMMMMmmi THIS TIME LAST YEAR Until made his twentieth home run ofl Shocker at St. iouls. Yal" beat Harvard t to 2. California beat Michigan 7 to 1. Main GtiGl ftennctt Tasl Main 01. tf ARMY AVIATORS KILLED WHEN PLANES COLLIDE Hy United Nmva NORFOLK. Va. .June 2.'. T0 army aviator.- were killed at Lan:;le lield late Wednesday when their ma chines collided in mid-air and crash ed to earth. P.oth men were conducting testa In lass and Lieutenant Marl Plumb. Hoil'i men were conducting tesis 'lii preparations for the practice bombing Main 3101 Directors P. J. Stadelman. Arthur Seufcrt Dr. J. ' A. Reuter Dr. It. c. Olinger II. L. Kuck J O. Heimlich J. J. Van Delicti FOR SALI3 RawlclRlv products 410 West Fourth St. Black 13:11. J23 FOR A1jK Dry oak wood: old oak. $llf0; scconil gimvlli, $12.50. Deliv cred Call 'MWi, utter li p. in. tf FOR S'AI-di- N'atly furnished houiie, sleeping poi cli, bath, saraso, I wo line lots, frull and Kaiden. ICasy leims. Imiuiro lion Hlulf. '29 FOR SAliE -Cheap. Two man Mc Cormlck combine with good engine, I also hoino attachment. Write W. L. . 'Tyron, r.OG West Eleventh at rent, Tho Dalles. "- FOR ISALE -$051). New house and lot. .Water in .house. .nino big.lruit trees. Terms. See It.- II. Fish, 113 Wofit Thirteenth street. :24 FOR SALE Large and unall farm and orchard tracts. Reasonabln prices, good terms. W. C. llanna, Dufur, Ore. IKif. FOR TlTiaTed'liayi n uimTwM deliver any place in town One horue, weight 1750, 7 yeara 'old. (iuuranteod. Will sell or tiade- tor cattle, fine . team, voij;ht 2400. Sound and gentle. O. K Feed barn. Jnlv2 Want co WANTED -.While leghorn pullet". A. P. Wiiltei'son, pho:i red Ii:t0l. 25 W NTED -Boy for Janitor. Apply at Casino theater, 10:30 a. m to 12. 21 WANTI'D -AVonian to cook on ri'noh. Y.'aijei $43: Trlefilicno rod 2;21. 23 WANTED- Cherry plckeru. Plcklns . without, stems,-Telephone 5FI2. 25 WANT ED' Foil r bav hands See F. L, Po'erscn at Dallos Cuiage. 24 j WANTED- To rcnT turnlsh''d Ikiu i'.'. j close In. See ' McKncoly, Black & WDiito. 24 1 WANTED All kinds or i,econd-hand goods. Illgheat price paid at (J20 Baat Second streot. 27 WANTED Perinanoiil position book keeping, boginnln? Augu t 1 Write EH521, Chronicle. 27 WANTED Six or seven room modern houso Will rent by the oar A.- S Johm-on., Oio 24 WA NTED -Bids on building u garage Also some I'vnodeMn'; In store '5. E. Corson, the MimIo' Man 2 WANTED -Man and -vorn n. ' I'iki', want or' uP'i Iri: ' ' c or hotel. Write box C2. tare ('iron Icle ' Ti WANTED -To rent lor on" year, ijood four or five room house with two lo lour lots AVIII pay rent In ad vance. Write O. C- Dunton, Sher wood, Oregon, 27 of battleships In Hampton Honda, to determine the relative value of all planes and battleships In naval war fat o. Captain .Douglas: was dejeendlt:'; In a nose dive. As he ucared tho giouud, he turned the nose of Hie plane upwaid and rati Into Lieutenant Plumb's machine. Iloth avlatois weie almo.-t Instantly killed. Earlier In the day. do.;tro'or:. Mink two moit! loi nier nermaii submarine-!, : With All Cheese Dishes for lunches, suppers, special occasions. For rarebit Instead of toast, because they're richer and daintier and for toasted cheese they're incomparable. Snow Flakes are truly a unique soda wafer. Made from finest ingredients in modern, sunny bakeries. Their wholesome ness and invariable Ircshncss will delight you. At your grocers. In red pack' ages and I amity tins ijNOWIMICEl P. C. B. CHOCOLATE ECLAIRES Another P C B product A wonderful ditnty confection An ideal dcatcrl At your groctn Pacific Coast Biscuit Go. WANTKD CollcRe men or any huutl or desiring and health woiU, to cant unvcral bundled didl'ii" nionthl in -exclusive tenltory Wille immediately, Indiana I'artr. company, ICclipse Vinor Division. Richmond. Indiana. ' I'.i FOR TRADE FOR TRADE Mitchell touring ri! i mi lesa Hum 5011 mile:!, for good light truck, Dodge picfetrcd. II. ('. rhetteplace. 21 MISCELLANEOUS RACr'E -Storagu by month. $4.00 .for live storage, $1100 for dead storagu per innn'h. Peter Dohin, 111 Flrat stieot Everready ijarago. 25 HK M 'StTtcM 7mc tdVi n g? M rs L M. Boothby, 308 Washington street. Telephone main fi58i. t! TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furnl ture ami piano moving. Freight hauled and general express busl uess Telephones: Stand, red 1"1 ; rc)id'nce black 1352. J. I'., llun.ln. 11 1 f i'ORNISi lKD ROt).tS--iTiir desir able sort, aie In active demand. Mary people have recently moved perhaps going to houses or apart ments whom (hoy have no space lo sparo. Former furnished mom ten .in( in e looking once more lor de sirable quatt"fs. Have you any thin lo offer I hem'.' Tell about it In a riironlcle Want Ad LEGAL NOTICES. Notice for Bids for Dalles City Auditorial., Dalles Cl'.v calls for bids for Ihe constnutlon of tlje auditorium. The Count II ol Dalles Citj his ap proved lilatis and HC'clficiiilons as pr.qpated Houglitallni- A Dougan, architects til Portland, Oiugon. as nhown by the minute1 ol the Coun Hours 9:00 to B:00 8undays IMi Vogt Blk Over Crosby's fJOLDENDALE YAKIMA AND AM, EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Ate reined the easiest by way of Grants an I Mryhill on the MARYIIILL 'FERRY flew Eight-car Ferry No Racking to Hoard Boat A 10 mile paved road connects Maryhlll and Goldendale New Railroad Crossing the 'Mid and the IMS. Seventy-nine J shots were filed at a range of 2,000 j to 3,000 yauls. out of which 39 till out , hits were scored. j ! Dr. S. nurke Masscr. dentist, First ! National bank, rooms 307-308, Tele phone main 3011, res. main ItlDl. Stl I Coming to the Empress Saturday. Charles Hay In "The Old Swiinmln'i Hole" 23 Don't ask tor crackers say SNOW FLAKES ell meeting or Jane 15th. 1921. Sped Itcations, plaim and e.'itimi'to for the coiisl riici Ion are on file in the otl'lee of the Recorder ol Dallos City, suh- Ject to inspection, and th- work will be done In accordance with said plans and specifications and lmd!'r the direction and supei vision, of audi nrchlteeln. AM blda tniist be accompanied by a corlltled check for 10'. of the amount ot the bid, to be toifeited to Dalles City in cane such bid should be accepted and the bidder should fail to enter inlo contract and IioihI lor tin faithful perform- ance of the work, All bills shall be sealed be Hied Willi Iho Recorder City on or before 8:30 p. mill shall of Dulloi in., Jutr' 25, 1921, said bids Ihe Recorder and (o be opened by Council on said dale. Dalles City reserves the right reject any and all bids. Dated this 15th day of June. 19 D. L. CATER, City Recorder. to PROFESSIONAL! AND 8U8IEj Eventually Ship by true! I'ruck service. --Why Not Now? , Porlland-The Dalles lleadquai'luis, Motor I'oilland telephones I Service (iarage, Mat.diall 1355 ami Kast 3990. tf SPECIALTY SHOP llomstllching, picot edging, dross making 218J ICasl Third stieet, Con I don building. Telephone black 5211 7 ! riAIi'OS I'DNtCD ;in: repaired, oc Hon icgulatlng and reflnlshlng Player nctlons a specialty. Work guaranteed. S. A. Dockstadnr, Cor son Music store, 320 Fast Second street. Telephone main 1001. tf t: Txuck Liwts Freight aud expiDhs between The Dalles ami Wasco, Moro and all way j)lnts Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m dully except Sunday. Leave Moro 130 p. in. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m D, M. Pierce, proprietor, Telephons b'.HCl- Ki42 or main 471 if " ?v3l Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist and Evening hy Appointment Druu BtorePhone Black 1111 No Sand j ; 1 ( iil Stop! Look! .Listen! STARTING MONDAY, JUNE 27TH . 'THE .' i , I,.1 , . Nacy & Baird Comedians In Thejr , ,,.. Waterproof Tent Theatre Located on Second Sheet between Laughlin and Jefferson. Pi'csenting- THE REST OF DRAMAS AND COMEDIES With Vaudeville Between Acts OPENING PLAY " 1 i . ' ' "SAINTS AND SINNERS" PRICES Adults 50c-; Tax included Children 25c SURE SOME SHOW! Auto THE DALLES, PORTLAND, ASTORIA, SEAQIQE Twin Six Packard touring cars. Leave The Dalles, Bank Hotel daily 9 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. FARES Portland $3.30; Astoria $6.75; Seaside $7.50 Typing and stenography done ,at reasonable rules. Rosina A. Fleck. Of lice Hotel Dalles, Residence telephoii'. red 2332. I! FORD Specialists Whitney Repair Shop 709 East Second St. Maud Mitlbwmi Sfcel Teacher of Piano, Harmony and Theory Leschelizky method. Special atten tion given lo beginneia. Summer lurin opens Juno 15. Phone red 3491. Kill- dlo 1000 Fulton street J20 WOODARD & T A USC HER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All klndt of Tile and Cement Woik Fireplact Work a Specialty Estimates furnished free of charge. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Cienn's Paint Store Main 3121 Residence Phont Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF (RANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufur I Ol O O. GnANOALL. M.wg.r , 9rt fhnmaa, Aitot M4o'jxr I lr.nd Emhlmers, Cst4hllshe( lUt Women Attnd4nt Telephones Mrs, M. J, Wlllerlor. Dynnd S!(1 Tsleplione nd U8I Nlghtr-nd ,-. j J, H. Harper, Black 2162 Motor Equipment jii3L rr KEED TRANSFER Wo ball anything, any place,- call main 731. 2'4 VENZ BAUER (leneral real estate, Insurance, and loans. 1001 East Second street. Teln phono main 1571. 2ttl E. C. IPRUCE RBgn3ftiredl Arclrii4c4 504 First National Bank Bldg. The Dalles, Ore. 16tf Dr. Geo. F. Nowhouse Eye Specialist We aie eiuipped to give your Jen the very best of caic, Eyea tested. Classes ground. Second and Washington Straeti The Dalles Cut Flowcn