The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 23, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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ttetabtlshed 1830 The Dnllen. Ore.
Published Every Evening Hxeent Sunday
iiy the Chronlclo ubllolil UK company Inc
Ben It. Lltfln
. Ueuernl Mnnnger
Kntered In
second class
Tho Dalles
poBtofflce as
United Press and United News Hurvlcn
Member of Audit Hureau of Circulations
. In
. . . .ho
ay mail i
12. Ml
Six months,
In advance,
One month - . .. -.
One year. lit advanve
Blx months. In advance.
One month
One year. In advance. 12.00
In ordering sliango of address, stib
ecrlbor should always glvo old as well
a new address.
Editorial Hooni.H , .. . Wrick 111
EluslntflH, Adv., t'lr Denta, .. Red 111
Kuhsoritiets to lliti t iironlLlo aro Ktiar
antiii service. Prtiiripl and regular do
ll vnry of evt;ry subscriber' impnr Is thn
lm of the fliculallon depnrtrnenl. Tho
Uhrorilclo carriers nni rtijulred to put
th papers on the porch or wherever Hit
uoscrlher ulph" 'ho paper delivered.
At the city election hint Noinnbt'r.
the voteis, by intiio limn two lo one,
passed !i inciiRiiri i'ti:il)lln'4 .Second
slrcjt. butanes:- men lo put In a ss
teni cf ornamental at i ret lli;li'ln.
Tlin cltj' iiRincd to pay hair the
cost ol tho iiticot llfilita tho Hint
year. Al forwards 1 1 1 - city wan lo
laky over the maintenance, of tho
Ilr.htti, ant) lo ucauniu ownership of
Has Hit! street lihtini; inraiitin;
died? It would c em so, In libit no
woirl has burn hcanl fiom It In liiaiij
moons As a matter ol lact, a little
Inquiry maths ycn'nui.iv di'velop"d
that, the Issue In uily sic pint;.
Property ownt'is In I he two blocks
at tho extiemi' ruct eml ol I ho pro
posed lh;hl illiitilct, uccnidhiK to
members of I lio hit: hifun men's cunt
mittee, havt! absolutely i ! jhoi! to
stand any ol tin t'xpenso of (hn
It ha:i been decld' d Innielore to
put In tbi! light!) f- a distal ol
tho blocks, lx!i;iiiiiliifi al Union
street and t'vit lulins; pan! .v. ml
through tho principal biisl:!t"."i sre
Cost ot matcri-ils anil of lab
have tjoni: down, and tin c uninr .'c
Ir, j;oinn im a:iK In- new bid i. It In
believed thai the. nw coal will he
al leant 1!5 pciTiil ruder that est I
mated last tall.
Moinbuir, ul tho caiitniiltec luw
promised o put dr: lliiir; I h i tu j; h
thh; numuiur autl union action Ir. uii
tuniplatcd th'i.i wu-k. Meich.tuti; bar.'
solidly l;;ncd up for live block'!, ;i
theio will be in ditPouiy In (!i.l io
upect. 1 " '
The IlrJit iiioJJi'iic in Jiifl li:i
portant. now an ii was hut I, id In
keeping with the timet-, tho biiirincii
Section 'ol ThL' Diillua nil Mid be lu!
ter lighted. A wh"j way down Hoc
oml Htitcl v ill be an rtiisul in dol
lain and ccnli,.
', shi;j a uu;
"I'm nhlppln half a drzri bo-.c-ol"
ohuiilca bid; lo I Mends In I Ik
caul.'' I ' don't l;tvw v.'lt.U w. uld
please, t hum , more."
A renldcnl or Trj l)ill":t bjJ-I ihli
jtinividay. Uti's a mm whoui ov-.'iy
cno kninwi. II" Ii m t ii liio rli'itr:
bushiuaa. ll-i Iir. v. .- r-n-e hi 1 n
and litimbnta mid !. 'ii amu h i
dial' r e l.inii I, ij hi. iii "i 'it
lint b .i iii iii i . 'i .. i i ,
IU..HJ III" it, eliil
Knt i .' i i i ,t t i ii
ouiint y i.;ic, i a ui 1 1. i mut
aetiu aiijwlioio; he inn... ihu, ine
111') lluufat 1 1 ivm cl ( hen hi. i inu.iiii ,
in I ho nul'd tilalea And he Uuov..'.
Ibal aa a dUt ,i live imciIiuI ul (he
Kl,tt. Ilidl" i) lit il It'll ', in Oier, n
tun pa. i,o. Ih'i V.'.i. io ipiiiit, chut i.i.
Uii t it a k id 'ilu i iIumii Ii (o
think ul H' nd UK cle'llltn to tliope
ili.m a wiinl ' nnu ib'er eb.e
v. laro ,ii Hi c )Uiili;, '
It t; Ait bo done, e i!o thun )
IhlijK '11)0 Id; Iuk hive, nl tun"
tilliio' br i.' tit by piitstu post ci.v
tioiivpjii' nth, b it 'i t an H"iul lh'
ktujjliu loMii, or men pack you
own 'jiiinIoi
INdkH bo tonic hoi" fiom th"
aiiRt Innw 111 it the full b't'- u Waftcn
cu'anly clioiij. an Is, timtiluly b m
no C 'Uiuot p ii I l'iiwhro In l'i" o ut
l'tiUPl'i turit ol die liui'UloR do n it hi'
llevii tUu Uiri.ltia i. ui kioa as Ulr.e
in th') I'.iiu , and l,.iinbi'i'n me com
uiniily Bce ground lr ie
Wo t:ou tl t!i u '' I m.uJ til' eil
ing thuin. an I Ui' '.icn'-. c htitbulo
n ll'dti I i ok'iiU-iiie 'h luuntj.
I'Jviin H clieny chiv be ti rafvnUli'iR
UKtipt II a bu Unlied pcitntn. u 'i
yf wJiteti t tV vuv ctu' t am I hit
coiuitr " iHrWAke u ral ml p,?!u;'l1'
a chi ii' lit to i.i. i ...
pupn ibUjr
l'tjQtb x!w have a' c.iml b,'
iruiO'nD'J i?y MitrM", l4 ! u it tu
I Wtl'JB,!
'I luir I-
'i' ,vt ttbl It
. '
U'lI "
I lip''
' '.
i I
tlO-dlU tfj -'i vtttbl It- up
1 1. p
iiUi iiuo .
FARMt;R5 U. ii. o v J T
,WAf51ll'(TO,. Juno -A tostem
of broadcustlng agricultural uuifket
reporlH lliroiiBhoul llio t;renicr pan
? fnr by wirelcar wn estab
lished .June 20 when im-toitlcc depart
mcnt wlrolesn atations at
l'latto, Nohr., Kock Sprlnga.
and Klko, Nov., were included In
radio market, news service of die
reati or markets.
Agricultural niaikot icporln on live
stock and liioatH, firain and potatoeH
In 1 in port i ii I national niarkeln have
boon dispatched dally idncn Apill IS
from poHlofllco depat tinent w'lr'desi
stiidonti at St. Inils, Omaha, an I
'WushltiKton, I). r , and the propoMeil
expansion Ik duo lo tho Hiiceeaslul op
cratiou ol the acivlce at the-.o polnin
The bureau yf markets also iiran!;-'d
recently to broadcaal niaiket repoitH
fiom Pllinl'iiih by tadlophotie.
Kor tin- Ural lime IAlh" hlatory of
the, country It ! possllde, by moaiiM
or the ilepartmcnrH ladlo servlcn, for
lairneni to keep Informed of nation
al aKi'ifiiHural inaikei conditions die
Kitint! tl.-n that business la trnnnaote,d
l''ornit!ily the ;;rover.s In many hoc
llon.t, now to he covered with ladlo
nown, locelved llndr midonal inarke1
iiwvn soveral dayn late.
(Kioni The Chronicle, Juno li, lStn!.)
Tlie old blookliotine at the Cascadea
is last disappearine, and will soon be
only a memory. Captain Wand took no
ca.'ilon to savo a lolle ol It heloro It
Is conipletelj tloalroyod.
The new stoio Ironl oi A. Al. Wd
Hams is ve.iy handsome, die hoallold
IliG having linn taken down Ihl.
tuiii n Itit; and I ho fir: t unoliNt: licit"
vlnv havlni; boon ireiienlod. Tin
pressed hi If k 1 1 out hi colors anil vi
tied wllli blocks oT fiandstono con
lalnliif: carvings, ptc'icnln a most al
I ract I vo stoio Itonl, cnllrely tllfloi
cnt In (k':-l;;n I nun any oilier In the
Mr. X.-In Unit's
a biiRKj, i. in ;.way
Itoi's", attached in
Uii:, i.ioi li inc. ccin
In;; down
hi eaknec!
the Union slice! nil al
H'ecd. 'I he animal made ,i
iJoflcel len to die rli;lil upon roaehin ;
I'll Hi slreel and ciashel llnoiinli .1
W C-ondonV. fence, Inarln;; down
shout 20 led of i:. The bore I lion
i Irclcd t'W.'i the lloweibod-i anil
lhroii;b tho ienee again about Hi) o
Itiilher down tho c.anio line ol
leiico. It then broke louse ironi die
IniKcy and tan Into I lie count rv Neilh
it Moliitorh nor dm buy v; is Inlui
A. Uuchior
iiioi uii;:;.
went lo the Lyks this
K. IC. h,
la icl'l for Pur'-iand till;
W louli.t'ook
(or Poitlund
tho Mite uwiv lot 'I
die J luinos
in ' Tho Ol I
floniiiif; to
Ch.irlo; itay
KatiiidaN .
Uv, ininiin'
I oby Otys
ICat an applo (i da and keep tip
tloctor'away. b'.it iwcn'y and i,t w u.i
will hai'piui. 1!.
rer ulrrin ,'Jo ClMror l or f .imliis
tloo 1 lleflav5 ud 1 lltlr'l.i yii
Hi Mi ii in. i h!inii;tcllo phjslc.iail,
i'IiIhI anil W.i hi mil i hi. main fill) il
New llrlr Arrive -A lain w,i: bnitl
at Tlie I 1 1 Ion hi.spl'ul TtieaJay lo .M1'.
pud .Mi... Ill m e .'li.ii.
Moo Swim Toni(ht Toni'llil in
men's night'' al (be b'gh mliool
t. w i in in In u pool. I' Is i'linouueoil i
llug'i D.n v, Ciiniinunlt; Sei vit o : ,v, im-mlir-
luii' l ue'o,' Tho wator vlll bo
bni'leil n a eouilt'l t "b!c letupoiMi in n
A ..mull fl'.'.igo wl'l be maile i i nun
tlio toil ol hciiMug die -yattl Tlie
poi I v. ill tin open at 7 . .to. l.rntlrr to '.ipoak llr !:
P.i'iidliot of Now York will lie in Th"
Dalit) j S itunlay. June a.", for tho pur
poipt ol. iiddio.'iilng dm congregation'
of St. I'aul's ICpi..cnp,il church. Dr
Hiiidnor tepie e-il , dip itep.ii Uncut i
lellgiiins educaHun of the national
council nf tlio Kplsocipal church. Her,
xleo.i will Htnrt at S i in
Reception to P.utor .riltuids and
liicinberit td die Christian church aie
ghlnu a iccoptinii at the Union
Sticet Kridas night, boglnniug
.it S ti'cioi k, lor llov. and Mis Car
loll C Rolieitt, who have immiit'y
poiuo to iiilnlRtpr In (lie chinch hcu
A eonitiiuulli sing led by H. W Ar
buiy Hint ,i social fltuo will loatur
die evt iiing iiyogram
lOOi) r.iqs Oi doicd--l'oi' Iie pur
.ti.o ol tclltilg lilt) wolld that tlttitp
i - a c ui tirtigon with plenty of pop
I but l liiuued 'I'llP IMlltlH, I PIH! Ktcol
pl itc.i, beiii lug th" lunio of tho cltv
In i,yil I 'l,;tr.., will tf ion ho oitoie !
il i,lt. I., iuptiMo.itittloa ul tho ai
tu niiii: i iwiujllco oi The Dallei- Wa.
i ciuu' ch.unkt'i oi comuioictt Tho
pU'pj ar" i ho li.ituieil abuvo the
iogU'i lb i ii
1'jr J'J a - ait
.e la Tin" will mill
Mew D i c'oi S V
nd P c M t r i i , p,.
l' , ui ii -i i i,, i ii , . -1
' " " i ' .i "ik-, ' 1 1 i . j-,
ill" h i Imiii'I Ii. IiI,
vl lUiti.lutf au ofticigl
lo I I KillU
in Mti li- t o the
tu Inio oi
' il me 'line, oi
lo ('IP pUI'poj-l
i:tnvai,u ot IIia
uiln can In Mondiii's tudioul election,
Tho new nieiiibei uucceed .1. II KlrK
and ,W. K Dual:, tetliini; Kirk was
chaliniiui of the old honnl A S. Rob.
oris nutomnilenii) bocomoj chuiruiiin
ol the new hoard. Ucfore turning over
the reins of office to the new boattl,
members of tho old board granted
'Community Service permlsnlon to use
the yards of public school;) in tho city
for chlldrcnu' playGrountl Hitca.
Wernmark Car Stolen "Lost,
stiayed or stolen one Henry, Las!
seen atandltiR tiulotly by the curb
on Court sticet, near Second." All
of which Is meant to convoy the
conoral Itica that somebody appro
priated John Woniniai k's automobile,
which wiifi left at rest there last
Tuesday evening Weinniark Is now
wiilklnc lo ntnl lioni hla r.hoti ro
palrinp; shop.
Pnrtncrnhip Severed H. ,N. Cran
dall has purchased the Interest of
I. H. Ilaltwoa In lite oloctrlcal con
tractlng firm of Halhvog and Cran
dall, ami hencolorth the liuslnfH
wlll be operated as the Critndu.ll
merino foniiaii, eccoiuum iii tin
aniioimtemoiii maiio loony, ir.iiionui
lias lieen in The Dulles just a yoai,
and Ilallweg lias ' been engaged In
outside contracts for almost thai
oamo poilod. Dallweg is now In I
I'fiitland. Tlie ileal amis concluded .
last week.
Wtnr. Membership Flag The J. ,W.
Nosmilh post, W. U C. of Tho
Dalles, has the honor of winning Ihu
llag picsoiileil by tho state lor Hit'
post with tlio gioatost Incicase In
inenihtufdilp during the last year,
according to post members who at
tended die annual convention held al
Pendleton. At the Pendleton conven
lion Mrs. Margaret Mocker was elect,
ed department president of the ,W.
It. C. lor tho slate. Mis. Hecker wan
torinerly a resilient of The Dalles.
Delegates fiom this city who attend
ftl the convention were: Mrs. Ktlitli
Keed. Mrs. Jennie Ferguson, Mm
lithel Martin, Mrs. Mary Hopkins,
Mis li. Fralcy, J. M Patterson and
I,. Kraley.
Excursion to More, County Ac,onl
V, It. .larkinan has iirinnrjetl for an
other excursion ol larinetr, and all
other poisons Interet'etl. to the go
ornmrnl oxpcrlinenlal station al Moro
The excuirloii will he Saturday, and
members of tho part; will roach More
in Ilinti for -lunch This will give the
vlsilois mort of tho artornoiin foi
H'uilylng die new vaildlep being de
jveloped al the slittlou and the improv
ed methods now in ttne lor handlin
sitiiiincr lnllow. Tiio cxneriincntal i,tn
, lien al Moro glrcs vlsilois an excel
lent idea of die work being done. b
I the government In die Interests of dr
I land lnrmlng. D. H. Kte.phein, nip-'i ln
le.ndont of the slat Ion, will lie in
charge ol' the detnonrttations.
Po!5C-,rion of Lltpior Costly Kni
lilrinizing the well-known tact that
there Is ' man; a nllp 'Iwiv tho cur
and the lip," .lobn H In-own of Hond
Ibli liiorniir paid a I'ne'cf 530 In the
looal pidiie eoiut upon a ihaig" oi
porrotidnfi lnlo.lratiiir, Honor, ili.own
war, mro'i'cl last iiight 1;;, I'.itrohii'in
Diins.inoi'c, ,i,in tjcco'iid jticct. The
th'irstv Individual hat) ji'.sd diivxn lo
The D.illcs fiom IjQU'I, cnroiito to, a
logging cinip noai Portlanil whove )ie
has a Job. Thed fiom the long drle,
lie Ihotisht lo partake ol liquid rc
IroDhincnt Jir I at tho time DuiisnuiiR
climcetl lo com" along the r.trept,
nboul inldiilghl. Upon the pollctnan t;
iniiuli'.N '' I wlui I tho ug from which
Urown wai drinking con'alnojj, tio
latter, in III i excl'einont, dropped thn
hi", bi'lhlng (hn a phall pavement
wi'h neafly a gallon of lieiih "uioiin
lain de.w." In Ihu lonntiau ol llrovn's
fir. anolbor gallon jug of uioon.ililne
w hi, key was found, (ogethei with i:i
iiiait bottles of homo tnado wine He
lold tlin pollen lhal this supply wits
his pilvale stoek which ho wan trails
polling lo I lie lumber camp lor hl.i
own iii.o.
Road Show Coining People of Th"
fMllea will haj the oppoi tuiiily of at
tending plain mid v. unity. Illo Ip.'ro dm
igu die next wcok. when Macy ami
'n.iird'fi stock company will pu' 1 1 1 lip-
tent eovnrlntr of their big open-ah
tlioatei on Hip vacant lo' ii'ljo.iilnc
W. A .loliiMton iv Sou'.i gaiago. This
Muck e'inipanv lias completed '
Hiiccp.-.jl'iil run in I loo I Itlvei A"- evi
uetico oi tlie tnipie:;;,ioii tnado Hi i'in
tdiow upon iciildont.. ol that city. M.n
oi l-i d,. .Scobpe ha. i pici.'inled M.r
niaiiagorn w in tno loiioiving letter oi
i Ion: ".Man an I Ha lid's
Stock company have, boon li in - tit
l.or two weeks, .nid oxptvl to be hot'
Uiiolhoi- week. They have been puttiu :
cn n, good moiiil churnc'oi- uhov. over'
night Hood River i n i lty oi ppopl.i
Who ni' voiy partlcuhii about die kind
ot allow:-, dun attend and Ihei lia
liail a lull hoit.,0 every night. I ntotili
have mlmied hpt a voiy lew nlgltU',
and I dud It a good clean i how in
e-orj inspect Tho sltow people itavn
50110 1'ito i.f eral hointjs to board
vbile I101 o ind limy haxo heen to
lioiled to bo loal uico clcart people'
I bo po.foimaiico wlil 1h given
.loinlii evening
Coming to
Chai Itu It. i
in '
The Old
Sw linmln'
Artisani Picnic
Tlie dulled Artisan. will hio a pie,
nle Sunda. June L'tl, al the W II Wil
son plaeo on Cheiiow(li .cieok Aid
sans,' f.iiutllef, and ti'ituul;; are
wu'eonte Hriug .ottr lunch hitneli
will bo muead at I o'clock ",')
T.txl- Drown's 7 axl,
Telepiiotie main Mi.'l
ASK FOR anrl GF.t
Tho Original
MalUd Milk
for Infanta and InTallda
AtoM IroltKtloni m4 SubiUUtm
Solon Dobson
buslneos visitor
or Hood IHvcr is -i
In The Dalles today
J. C. and I). McDeimld both of Wur,
to aro staying at the Dank hotel.
Mm. John Knight ol StanHcld Is vIb
i Ing with friends. In this cltj today.
Clay Itlnohart. of Walla Walla
business visitor in The Dalles.
la a
Mr. anil Mrs. L. J. Wlllfong of Walla
Walla are RiieMr, al the Hank hotel.
Audio AIcCluic or Bend in visiting
wllh friends in Tho Dallcc
Peter Peters ol Kent, was In
city Wednesday on business.
T. H.
ot Wainle wit3
on busln-jsa.
If C. At.wxiod. of Wasco ,ls roglstere'l
at Hotel Dalles,
V. H. Smith of Wasco is a business
If-ltor In this city today.
, . . . .
I ,ira. r. r . lvtrKiiam ol ur.rur
' shopping in the city Wednesday.
Woodcock of
on business.
Waniic is in
Mrs. T. W. Olavy or Dufur whs
shopping in the city yesterday.
Mrs. C. It. Daitl of Tygh Valk-J
wna chopiiing In tho city yesterday.
A. Ted Ooodwin ol
Wash., Is visiting Rev.
Castle Hock
:ntl Mrs. Car-
roll C. Hohorts.
K. Ilaiiset' of Tygh Valley Is in Tne
Dalles today unending to business
.Mrs. Hay Alexander and .Mrs. H
Rickets, both of Pendleton, are. guestn
at Holel Dalles.
C. 'V. Oalligan of Dufur is in this
oily todaj attentling to business mat
ters, t
S. K. Ronnell ol Madras is attendlnr;
lo business niattcts in The Dalles lo
'lay. Miss Anuio Hook of CentoFvlHe
Wash., was shopping in The Dall-j.-jcstciilay."
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Haninp'r ci
Maupln were business visitors in
Tho Dalles, yesterday.
.Max Taylcr rt Hood River is in
Ihu city visiting his sister. Mrs. O
K. Corson.
. .Miss Ruth Gay ol San Dlejo, Cl.
is the guest of Miss Kthel IvOwell.
Minn Guy expects to upend two
weakn in the elly,
Mrs. K. A. Clatk and Mis R. i:
Mercer were guest", at a f.irc vpll p.i'
ty jojtcrtlay afternoon nt (he home ol
V i33es Maty and Hoience lanu.
Mis,-. Ciara
pur,t woe'., in
ha.s relumed
i.eld, Wrtsh.
-McCoy; who Epcht the
The Dallc3 with frion'J3,
to her homy In Ridge-
Kotd uuto, licence Xo. 'Jt4U4, ensin"
No. lysUSl. Notify John 'Wernmark
The D.illcs. 6h
Toby Says
Tho mot n tnan-gols die mure
w ants. . lixcept twins.
Agency. Union Laundry
at tho Umatilla House. Gootl work and
safe tlclhery guaranteed. Call Main
Still. Mtf
Coming lo
Charles Ray
In "
Tho Old
Don't Shoot Fireworks
All portions aro hereby not H ied that
n oily ordinance, prohibits I he shoottntj
of liuuvorks of any kind in the el'j
lliniln. Anyone found sliiiodn'; tire
works will bo prosecuted.
Prank Heater, chief of police
llitirj' Learnedj chief olflre tlepl 'ii
Catarrh Cannot Be Curtd
ennnor rpacli the.aenl of ihi dtsMM.
Cntcrh In - local tflient. erMtly In-niii--.,
' by cnnitltutlnnal ondUlon, and
In onl-r 10 cur It you must lake an
Internal rumsily. -Mall'a Catarrh Mpdl
rlnc Is taken Interenllv and nets thru
th blood on (be mticotia surfaced of the
ayiletn. Hull'd c.'atarrb M, Urine was
presorlbfrt by ona of tin' bfit phyriclans
m thta country for yean. It m com
eoscil of nome ofi-t lie best tonics known,
comblni'd wllh topie. of the host blood
puilfter. The perfect comhinatton of
he itBr1l',lnt tn'1 Hall's Catarrh MedV
nine Is what produce anrti wonderful
uatili! in catarrhal conditions. ' Send for
testimonials, i're
T. .1 (MllJNKV A CO.. I'rons . Toledo, a
All lirilBKISI.
1 Mi'.'. i.'ml'i' ''UU
Tlie LITTLE House
-with the
BIG Pictures
A finish fight in Wall
An 'ApacheDanee;
A wrecked mine.
A ride for life and
Friday and Saturday
Coolest Place in Town
!?r tfnllrd rrc
WASHINGTON. June 23 Hjpe
for medicinal beer in Hhatteied.
. Chairnian Voi3lead, of th2 house
Judiciary cjninilttce, today broke a
10-day silence and .agreed to ac
cept die GampbellAVillis anli-bcof
bill as a Hiibstltute for his own sup
plemcntnl appropriation bill.
Congress expecta to pasB tho Cafnp
bellfWillla bill lielorc tho treasury
department can , Iphuo rnmilatlonw
permitting ti c sale and manufacture
of leal beer.
Coming to
Charles Ray
in '
The- Old
For Cherry Picking
Spruce baskets and Securltj ladders
at WallherAV'llllams company. 5:3
(Continued From Pbro 1.)
glvo the town Tpam a mighty close run
for Us money."
The idea of a "twilight" league,
with teams- made up of business men.
to play in the cooler hours of tho
evening, is rapidly finding favoi about
town. As one business man expressed
it: "Pin getting too old lor football
autl never' learned tennis, so bajebail
just about sull3 me right."
Amnion field. 5 o'clock, tomorrow
afternoon la I ho time and z5 cents
is tho price ot admission. Thj money
received will be added to the Com
munity Service budget fund.
The following additional subscribers
to the budget aro reported:
Coming to
Charles Ray
in '
The Old
By United News
CHICAGO, June 2.! 'How she killed
Herbert P. Zelgler, $25,000 a 3 ear
tire man. in her "Gold Coast" apart
ment, was described on tho witness
stand in criminal .court Wednesday
by .Mrs. Cora Isabelle Orthweln. dl
vorcee, In the following words:
"Alter iHerrfvnd I quarreled in the
cabaiet I went hottietfp-.bed. .Later
11 you are troul-led with pains or
aeries; fel tiretl ; have headache,
indigestion, insomnia; painful
passage of urine, you 'wiiJ find
relief by regularly taking
Tha world's standard remedy for Icldnoy,
liver, bladder and uric acid-troubUs and
National Remedy of Holland since 1696.
Three sires, all druggists. Guaranteed.
Laok lor the name CeM MeiUI on avery
oaaq,cpt, jio ifnUeioa
gllM4aVaaHVr1lUM ttfcaaWMMMBWiMaBMMMMWgBaWMaaafcyjari
, Clearance Sale oi Women s
Coats and Suits-Now On
These 'garments are the products of some of this country's best-makers
of women's wearables and at the following low prices offer decided
bargains that should not be overlooked.
In. Checks,- Velours, Jerseys, Tricotino and Serge.
Tnn iinrl TTnuHint' liiivftirns All rnnrysnnHno f.hie
styles and models. '
Ladies' Suits priced at
Coats in Velours.
and short models, loose
i-aVaia1r aVlni nAiinnMln
btyio ii( mic ocrtouu uiubt Wttuictf onttuco;
$12.98, $13.98, $14.98, $15;98, $24.98 up
heard the downstairs bells ringing.
Then I heard some one at the dour
trvlns to not In.
", went lo the door. Mr. Zelgler win
I there. Ho said that If 1 would not let
him In he would kill inc. he was
wearing and Irylng to break the
I Chain. 1 said, 'Herb, you can't come In;
1 please go away.' With an oath, he said
I he would show me. He crashed'againut
J the door.
t "I saw tho door give 'way and run
back to my bedroom door. 1 opened
the door and he struck me, knnckln?
mo back Into my room. 'I will kill
Visit Our Ten City )
1 1
At Your Nearest Ocean Beach .;
W-: aro in the city for a lew days to talk with, those interested
in obtaining 11 summer home or making a, safe f.nd profitable in- v
vestment at the -nearest and hiost accessible' Ocean Reach.
Columbia Beach By-Thc-Sea
For particulars call Room 317, Hotel Dalles
Home of Good Photoplays
AVm. D. Taylor's Gi:cat Production u '
"The Soul of Youth"
The story of a boy that will please everyone.
,Do you remember .that boy. in
''.Huckleberry Finn?"
We have him back and the work of that won
derful "Huckleberry Finn" kid alone, is worth
the price of admission.
1 1 '
With, an All-Star Cast including
The noted juvenile juvjst.
Modernized from Charles Dickens' sTory
also-. -
Mutt and Jeff
"Glue Factory"
In "The Old Swimmin' Hole"
KSri-jiA -: szir ,. . iiji J WHMILlI
, 1
$12.98, $13;98, $16.98, $18.75,
Polo Cloth. Trlcotine, Serges
and helteo! backs. Many
n aV- m a n M 4- nllfl 1 A r .
llduThfnk tku Goods -
5011, he said with, an oath. I.tqldhlm
not to hit me agnrn. "When, I ,rjot to
my feet he rushed at me Hgaln.' I Bar,'
the revolver on the, sland, near me. He
looked like he was, crazy, ,1 picked uu,
the un and fired. He fell. 1 Hred .
again. S guess.''
Soveral tlmca during her testimony,
Mrs. Orthwcln collapsed. After she
had finished She refused to re-enact'
the murder scene lor. the Jury.'
Coming to
Charles Ray
the Empress
in "The Old
7 V -gl
1 t.r
George Stearns
On the Organ
H -..V. fi uyv.
Colors Navy, Brown,
ennenn's mnct .nnmtlan
' A
$19j98, $22;98 to $5625
and Bolivia botfti
attractive patterns an
. 4B SaVHfl
Jl A
to $44.98
I t 4AjVl