The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 22, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tiy United News
WASHINGTON', June Tl. Im'anlly
is Increasing as a result of t lie wmlil
war and conditions ki-owIiik out of
It, 15r. 0. 11. Lre, of UochoHter, told
the 71st anniversary of t lie American
Institute of homeopathy In session
"Our method of living, our methods
of eating; and the sonornl tendency to
worry and brood maho lor throwing
the mental machinery out or Rear,"
Bald Dr. Leo.
Farmers, Dr. Lee said, outnumber
any other class of persons anion;,' the
."00,000 In asylums m Iho United
States. Ho explained this on the the
ory that farmers work hard, worry
and lack recreation.
Men cnnaijed In other professions
have a greater diversity of Interests
which tend to keep their minds In a
healthier condition, ttio speaker said.
'Intemperance war blamed for send
ing Its quota to asylums In spite of
prohibition. Had whiskey which. Is
now being drunk wurks faster than
the genuine stuff, Dr. Leo said.
My United Press
.VANCOUVKIt, Wash., .lime 'Z'i. -fleorge
Denton, fi, is held as a mate
rial wllncss In the murder of lion
Rich at Itidgellidd on .lime G. lie mav
be ablo to furnish evidence leading
to the arrest of the murderer.
Denton Is not suspected of complic
ity In the crime.
(Continued Kiom I'.ikh I )
ing In, Is about the same in iu:intiiy
and quality as Dial of lonner year.',
recording to Midi, lie does mil ant I'
ripi'to any advance In Iho maiket
pricn for wool unlil neM year, when
(lie surplus will have been, lo :i hug"
exlenl, used up.
The local scouring mill Is the larg
est, in the stale outside of I'oillaud,
and handloH wool fioin all of eastern
Oregon and parls of 'Washington and
daho. It Is owned by I'orllnnd capital.
the cooperation of the business mm
of The Dalle-! In the putting on of
this year'u Komi li of July celebra
Hon, the major details o'r' which arc
being arranged by Iho lodg-. Ho
explained that Hie present Jilen call
ed for a parade in the morning, and
that the lodge would like to have in
dividuals and nuslness houses enlor
lloaln In this parade. The dheetors
agreed to render any assistance pos
sible In the putting over or a rous
ing celebration in The Dalles tills
The auto park committee of the
chamber will probably attempt to
adveitlse The Dalles by placing H00
sets of auto plates, each plate bear
ing the name of Iho city in raised
letters upon f.00 different, automo
biles here. .1. Marsh of the l-,lions-burg,
Wash., chamber of coinmeicu,
appeared before the local directors
lust, nlcht and explain? d the adver
tising Ky name plates
which Is being generally
Washington towns, he
plates will retail at $12 a
Fancher, chairman of the
committee, agreed lo take
Uy United
LONDON, June Knlgrnve,
Manor, Northamptonshire, the home
for centuries of (ieorge Washington's
ancestors, was dedicated today afler
Kb restoration.
Hencofoith the manor will be
maintained its a memorial. Its re
construction was completed recently
at a cost of 1 00,000, raised by the
Sulgrave Institution of America.
The Manor, a survival of Tudor
days, wllli Jacobite additions, has
been restored lo Its original slate,
along with the meadows thai sur
round 11.
In connection iwith today's cere
mony, a bust of Washington was tin
volled at the Manor.
Count met ion work on IS new home
for Corvallis rosldents under way
cost aggregating JfifiJiOO,
(Continued From I'iikh I.)
o1Tbl?TvT"K!icdder. Mrs. D. W
Stickler, 11. It. Stacey. Jack t'liron
lele, A. W'l Nelson Martin Mnni'il,
W. Long M.
(ico. Frnntz,
Ulrlcli, Louis
11. 10. Drake
Anthony, 11.
F. L. Coylicndall, Ira
Jtyder, C. F. Hells,
I'enner. Joo L',
licit A. Itadley, Win.
Meyer, Frank Horn,
(ieo. Sleadmaii, I.'. J.
. (lobrue, L. T. Diapi r,
L. Davn, Tom
Win. Schiller.
Kmil Irabner, T. J. Murarth, Fied
llennett Veil Maker, llemy Hen
(IriekH, J. II. Wade, J. I). Mcl'i"ion,
II. W. Dodge, Mrs ' Hwi M.illoy,
Odessa Malloy, Sadlo Mallo.v, CuyMi
'Malloy, Lillian Malloy. H. V. Mall.
II. U. llarnber. Hinnm C I'alusou,
A. I. Agldlus, Mrs. It. H Dunlell",
Leveret t Kill, Mrs. ('. L Ingl, Mis
(ieo. Maker, Mrs. A. P. Sutton, A. K
Sutton, Ceo. Causey, Mi'K. J. 'I'.
Henry, William Schiller, A F. F.vlcU,
Mario (Irlffln, M. 10. Poller, Huh'
10, Carson, 10. A. SI. Marie. II.
Shearer, Cluib. Itoblimou, W. P.
Smith, J. It HHilman. P. 10. I'ail'-c
11. C. Taylor. W .1 Ditlrymple, W.
Hoering, May Mowers. It 1). Ivelly
M. J. Murphy. It. S. DugKer. 10 1.
Vandorutoln, (i. C. 11-ailloy, .1. T
Heorge, Pied Moiaut, Merl It. Wilder
W, II. Cochran, Jess Staiu'K Vnl
lOgmoud, II. I'1. Schumann, P
HolieilH, Jay Kneadler. It. It. Living
ston. J. II. Cliilaw, J. L I'idliam,
I). (' JaokHim, Mm
Velanle, J. I-'. Merry
'Mrs. C, T. Woodard.
J. (1. Odidl, li. K.
Ilartiuun. 'W. A
ll'iuter, Mix J.
1). ii Da i.i U
C. T. Woodaid.
.1. (i Odntl. Mrs
Harlman, Sarah
Humor, Mrs. W.
11 Mlakeuoy, Vuiuon
Williams. 10. C Price. Ceo. 10. Ponton,
John (Jiivlu. Mutler .v Yateii. 10. M.
Lyda, P. L. Marsh. K M. .Mummy.
Mrs. 0. 1). Donne
Clean Towelr.
Holler towels for luminous house,
and offices. Dully. $1 f per month, -m
, thrro IowoIk per week, J LOO per
month. .Model liumliy, Main II. f
cTtyvvi1l seek
(Contlinivd 1'Hiin 1'hkii I I
coopenillon will ii.huII in the cam
)algn to secure the lOlkt ' convent ton
as In the present offoil to laud the
VJ'i'i Legion convention
J. V. Allen, icpiosenting the
KnlgUtH of I'ythlaH lodge, appeared
before tho directors ami asked for
adopted by
iaid. The
pair. II. K.
auto park
orders for
these plates among local automamie
owners, and if a sufficient number
or orders are s cured to pay the cos!
of the plates, they will be secured.
For Cherry Pickino
Spruce baskets and Securitj latlders
at Walther-Wllllains company -i
There'o A difference
ir you've been a "ready made" man
n, the past, be a "mndo to older man'
in tho future. First class hand tailor
d suits to measure, JH5.00 and up. W
it. Webber, one block east of post
Office. OH
(Continued From I 'a go 1
gulf side of (ialveston island, would
check any danger,
Inhabitants were told not lo he
alarmed. Some lowlands on 111"
streets might Hood bill theie is no
danger lo the clly, Iho weal her bu
reiiu declared.
The lol"phnne company annnunc
ed Hint the gale is moving north
with diminishing liny.
C.ALVI0STON, Texas, June -TV
oil tanker William II. Doheiiey was
at the mercy id" a heavy gale today.
An S. (). S. Horn Caplain Locks
was picked up al I he radio rdatioii
The appeal said: "Helpless 111 high
sea running riom east. Have lost
ptopeller fll miles west of Calveslon
Drilling westward. Heavy winds al
sea. Need help a I once."
The ship is a lll.OOO-lon vessel and
belongs to Iho 'Mexican I'elroleiim
coi poral Ion. t
- .
(Continued Fiom I'mkh 1.)
will furnish a clue lo Iho missing
The sea mystery was (he s-bjeci of
onferonco Tuesday betweenJ Secre
taries Hughes and Hoover end Ku
gene T. Cliambeilaln, comtalssloticr
of navigation In the department of
commorcc, resulting in world wide ct
forts l) government agents to find
the vessels or their crews.
The mystery has grown wtth Infor
mation obtained by the bureau of nu
Igation that at leasl len veshWs have
disappeared yllhln the last six
months. Those ships Hew the flags of
tlinost every seagoing nation- -America,
Britain, France, Japan, Sialn and
The lint confirms the missing ships
.mentioned In a United News ilispatcn
fiom New York'.
In addition, the commerce depart
ment's list includes the llrltlsli tanker
Ottawa, Port Lobos, Mexico, to Liver
pool, and a Brazilian boat, the Cab
hello. These two vessels, and u num
ber of olheis, are reporicd to have
cleared I rem Norfolk, Va., within a
few days of each other and to have
been heard from last while they wers
off the southern Atlantic se.abcttrd.
While It is conceded that f.oni" of
I he missing boats probably were the
victims of tough seas or mines, it Is
pointed out this theory scarcely can
hold for all of I hem, or some tracj
would have been found. The belie!"
allll i:--. held here that In some instan
ces the crews mutinied, taking cln'";
of the vessels, or that a row ot (lie
boats were diverted to the boo'o-nm-
nlng trade, earning their Illicit car
goes from island:! of the West Indies
'o secluded ports off the Florida
With 'the ragged coast of Plot Ida
offering hundreds of sheltering Inlets-
prohibition enforcement officer- Inve
reported a tremendous increase In Iho
amount of smuggling In that dldt.lci
ami It is believed an Increased num
ber of carriers have been put in the
trade, which Is said to be extreinclv
profitable. Liquor cargoes, it Is stited
have most frequently hail as limit1
source tho Islands or Memlnl and Nas
sau, Mrltlsli possessions which are
short sailing from Florida.
The state department suspects "foul
play" In the case of the CaroljDeerlng,
the American schooner which wa3
wrecked off North Carolina, without
leaving a sign of her crew. When the
boat parsed Cape lookout lightship,
N'orlh Carolina, on January III, accord
ing to the stale department, a man on
board hailed the lightship, reporting
the vessel had lost both anchois ami
asking its owners be notified. A abort
lime afterward another vessel parsed
the lightship. It was asked to stop
but detplte numerous attempts 'o at
tract the ship's attention, no rospjnso
was received.
The Carol Deerlng carried a motor
lifeboat and dory but neither of them
has been picked up and no wreckage
from them lias been found. Ma5t r.f
tile provisions, clothing and supplies
of the vessel had been removed
Your present need for bank service rimy not bo great.
However small your deposits nowadays, consider what they
may become,
You may sometime need exceptional bank .lervicc, impor
tant help or competent advice. Here, you can defend upon us
to poi'lorm all services well and ".tnusual services willingly.
Whal our present customers like in our scrvico, you will
also like.
'1 Per Cent Interest; Paid On Savings Accounts.
Citizens National Bank
Telepiiono Main 3101 '
P. J. Sladolman, President.
Dr. J. A. Keillor, Vlce-Prea.
H. H Greene, Cashlor
J. F. Turcck, Ass't Cashior.
P. ,T. Stadclman.
Arthur Soufort
Dr.. J. A. Itcutor..,
Dr. ,43. C. Ollnger-'
H. L. Kuck,
J. O, Holnirlch
J. J. Van Dellcn
White Wash Skirts
Best fitting, and serviceable and the very newest styles.
Don't fail to see our extra values at
$2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.50 and $5.00
Every skirt made right and properly sized.
All sizes from 24 to 36 inch waist measure.
Wirthmor Blouses
Q.-KT- QMS v
See these splendid Blouses, compare them with others selling at double
ur more. You just can't help wondering how such values can be offered for
cO small a price.
You'll ncd extra Blouses for hot weather and to take with you on
your vacation. .rVe these splendid WIRTHMOR Dollar Blouses next time
you arc down tow a.
Edw. C. Pease Co.
rRr.ANl7AT10M IN THE WORLD tc2ea?SEfi
U nma - - " - -
The Most Convincing Test
m.u Kill m i i h ,,mm i
JL. i doc
EVERYTHING that can be said of a
J. C. PENNEY CO. Men's Suit is said of many
other lines of men's clothing. But the feeliflg a
man has when he slips into one of our suits
only J. C. PENNEY CO. clothing can give. It
tells its own story as no advertisement can.
Thousands of men have this feeling of Satisfaction
growing out of the realization that they are
getting the best of everything at the
Lowest Possible Prices
Young Men9s Models
Plenty of Snap in these
Materials Cheviots, Flannels, Fancy Unfinished
Worsteds and Cassimeres. Tweeds, Herring
bones, Hairline Stripes and Mixtures.
Colors Grays, Greens, Browns and Blues,
$19.75 to S39.75
Conservative Models f or Men
All Wool Worsteds Gray and Brown Mixtures
Conservative Three-button Coats
Semi-conservative Two-button Coats
Thsso models appeal strongly to men who prefer
conservative or semi-conservative styles.
$19.75 to $11.75
FMCTITIOUS Vfilues and High Prices nre rnpidly being replaced by
Real Wiies based upon present replacement costs. We are
proud of the fact that our 312 Stores were among the very first to
lower our prices. You always get Real Values here at loweifrices.
- . . A I
pnn 1 r r i T n i ill rvnn i ntKiiiuiw
Clip the Coupon 'Below
-It's Worth 50c
If you were handed 50c, would you take it? Certainly you would.
Well, that is just what this Bank is doing handing you and
everyone else in this community 50c when we offer the Thrift
Coupon below. It has a value of 50c when brought to our Bank
and presented with 50c or more in cash to start a new Sav
ings Account.
In addition, each new depositor will be presented with a Liberty
Bell Savings Bank that is an exact replica of the famous Liberty
Bell that rang out its message of Independence, July 4, 1776.
it's "ringing" with your savings NOW will mean YOUR inde
pendence in future years.
This Coupon and 50c Opens a $1.00 Savings Account! ,
50c Thrift Coupon
(1) $1.00 of the account must remain
on deposit for one year. '
2) If a second deposit is not made
within SIX MONTHS, the 50c Cou
pon will be deducted when the ac
count is closed at which time ths
Bell Bank must be returned.
(3) Only one'account can be opened by
an individual.
The Wasco County Bank
Cherries Wanted
Paying Cash
m2 East Second Street
Across from Wasco Warehouse