The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 22, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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r Dy Wct,:'.)rook Pcglcr
' (United Ncnvn Slnff Cnrip.Siind(nt.)
NEW YORK, .(lino 22. The mere
bunlnoss of natlonii will junl about
slop deail to leave I ho cables, I lie
land lines and the air above (lie
earth clear 'for the news of the Oar-nentlcr-Denipscy
llsht one week
from Saturday afternoon. Alt planes
and at least one seaplane will rest
near the arena to leap oil' with th-!
plates ami' 111ms or the rlnt null
pictures, tho alrplancM to carry them
to American cltlvs, the seaplane to
drop a parachute onto 'the deck of
an outbound 'steamer thus (saving
probably 21 hours In' the forwarding
of the pictures to Ficneli and Hub
llsh newspapers.
Robins, dicky birds and such fowl
aro requested to remain in their
hangars and not block tralllo or
disturb tho tranquility of the air so
necessary to perfect wireless iele-j
vUr. .....1 .... I. . .... !..., ! . II-'
ytlUHV UI1II Iw'lUKIriJMI I I tlllnlll 1 4.) I Ml 11
it isn't asking too much.
Thoro'werc about 20 writers roar
ing the battle of thr Argonne, the
greatest tttrimg!" America over
fought. Six hundred havo bcui allot,
ted seats and about half Hint number
have Bpoke'n lor wire accommodat lot's
at tho rlngrlrio lor the battle of
Doyle's 30' acres, including somo who
covered the fighting In the Argoniio
forest Fred Ferguson and Hill Mc
iNutt, of the Unil'd News, to mention
The Red Cioss and tho committee
for the restoration of devastated
France will have a wireless leln
rliotic set at the ringside and a man
with a lyric basso lr call the playri
for the good people at stations witii
in a radius of-r.U nillcn g.ulieivl in
their town halls and jnentiir, house:!
at 60 cents ?a head. .Miss Anne
Morgan, who promoted the blood
scrap between Lenny Leonard and
Richie Mitchell at the Gauleti last
winter, will have a ringside box I ot
her party. Nicholas Lnngmor h and
John and Ethel narrynn re aim have
bought what the men of sporting
blood aio beginning to refer to a'
"precious pasteboards" or tickets,
it's all tho same.
Commander Pendleton, U. S. N.
In command of the local navy c in
Flicmcn Attention
Election of ehlor and assistant ehioi
of Tho Dalles Flro .Department will
he held Monday, .luno lij, at city hill
headquarters. Poll? opon fiom H lo 7
p. m. By order, of flro delcr.atoj. 7
nclall Clcrkn Attention
.Menlinr; of Ketail clcrkn Wednes-
day, .luno 22, at Setiuiino'ii hall, 7:H'J
p. m, Speei'il huulnc"s.
U. W. HA.UM, Secretary,
,22 it. K. McOLAIN, Trcpmnor.
Sorosis Club.
Called meeting Thursday tit U:30 p.
m, at Y. V. C. A. to hear report:,
from Fcdeiatlon. Full attendance n
desired, '.Mrs. F. II. Walls, prcslden.
Pthinn Sisters
. Regular methiR will ho held Thura
day at 8 p. in. After, the husiness moot
ing all I'j'lliiaii Sisters and fainlllef
uro invited o Thoinion's Lakes for
h wolner roatt. 1'roe traiuiporlalinu
tor overono. UiiuK .' jur cars and
your cofl?e cups. Mrs llaydou JII
ClasslfKO xdvfi IIpIiik I cent per worn
Hch limeitlno. If Inaetieil s tniina nr
more. 3-4' e.'iit ml Munthlv imiIiII-
PDilon rBta on iillRllnu tl nffi.'H
FOR HUNT flood piano. 0. rT fo'
r.on, the MuxIl Man. 21
FOR RUNT -clean Honl bedtooin in
private family. 7.! per week. I'i0f
v Court. Telephone J(!d icoj.
- t
FCR RKNT- lie T.oUceplnR ami Bleep
ItiK rodms." 520 Ra .t Tlilid stte"'.
Telephone black 2301. 2.H
FOR RFNT Film Ishod hoiiriolteepln.';
rooms for ladjv onl). 5 per month.
714 Calhoun 8lr---et. 21
FOR-tFN'K-MoiUHiinjephiK looms,
320 Bast Tlilid strbqt.' Tolophnno
led 6342. 2t
KOr'rFNT- "Ono'or''Mio HhlTapart".
tnrtitn ( 'nrnnr Thii fl :i i I Tnlnii .
Hlack and Cu.r.i 24
FOR Kt'.N'T- Furnished hoiiuj-
keeplns jooni!,. 304 U'irt F.ff;hH
st i cel. L'
FOR RENT-Hsco'tig .rireJi. ai
vi ueu muni, iiu , cb liiliu i.i
FOR REN"' - Four partly furnlsh-d
" rooms, K'13 Pine ntioet Telophon
black uOD2. li
FOR f.ICNT -FuinlKhnd housekeoplnf!
rooms Also small I'urnlr.hed Iioue
Iliqulle 111 West Secon.d 22
FOR RENT Oooil pasture', lots " ol
water, clo?o In. Can take from on
to r.0 head. Inauiro J. C. Thrall. 22
hi T iOU KWNI Nicely turnibiicu i-p.m- fr,0R SALE--Uawlelgh products. 410 L03T on FOUND llieallomi, plans and estimate for the FORD 1 ,
WMi ..r inent. electric cook utovn. Call huc'.t I , ,, ... ..,.,,, ,n.. - ... , I'nmitrticlliiii are on file in the otllee W
munlcnt-t' ns office, i-nyn tV nay
i will cut the working watches U a
'mere skeleton loire during tins flshi
no that the highest possible tmiuW
nl gobs afloat on the s-veli set-)
en i cptest may get the rem n
j by flashes. Th- air Is to bo kop:
1 clear of messages so
j boats Intendiug to ram Into loebeigs
; will kindly airango to send their
S, (). S. calls In advance.
'I'line Is only one way for motor
ists to cross I ho Hudson tlver, I ho
tunnel being still In political stages,
and that's by way ol the farrteu.
On ordinary Saturdays it lakes
hours or walling to get one's boiler Localise til' the cengrs'iotl.
Thei 'fori. lluw ec3tlng to high
totii' the hoi polled by riding In slat"
on Mils m Saturday will
have lo stait over some time Frldav
night. Tho simple hearted, gener
ous and ingenue us natives ol Jersey
.City have decided not to charge
Tliu man who lives for Pay-day alone has a
poor existence. II your pay envelope pays last
week's bills instead of this week's expenses you
;:to running behind.
A havings ac.'ouui here enables you to look far
beyud Pay-day into the Land of Financial in
dependence. - )
4 Interest Pi. id on, Savings Accounts
The Dalles, Oregon
. -",n,a 1
FOIl IIWNT Nicely furnished r.part
ment, electric cook utovn. Call hac'.t
'door, old f'oopor house, corner Fill
ton and Federal stieots, 117
Fo7t "rlfCNT Fmnlchod housckeepins;
rooms and sleepins iotm No elil'd
len. Fall cvcniiifso.'SlKi Fast Fouilh
'c'leet. "'.
FOR RICNT- Fiiinlslied houseko-plim
looinu in cool brick building. Com
foi table and clean. 115 Fast Se.cond
Kticet. ""
FOR IllCNT lt7-aere ranch six nillet
I mm The Dalles, S5 acres undei
plow, balanco line bunch Krasa pas
ture. Plenty water, wood and ft nit
el' all kind" Near school. Router
must buy uniiiu stork anil linple
r.ients. F., route li, The
'OR SAI K S'cwIiir machine mot cm
Almost as nood as now. Price $ll
Call red !5 12. ' 2"
on I MAC Small furnished house
wilh lot and garden. Pi li e
ra-li. Telephone black 44.M. 'M
'OR flAIjF-- Two dozen laving Whl'e
Leghorn lions. One roost or. P;ic"
$2). Telophono ::t!F12. 21
J2((. 000 'West Flchtir slieot. Tele
phone led HUM. 24
'OR '3 A IjK- -' '.trawherrios. 1140 to
l.i;.r) per erate. Itrsh j)lcked. Tele
plioi'o ted 1022. 22
A SNAP dun rolet Touring, Lalo
j model, cord IPos. 300.00. Tonus.
520 Fast Second btroot. 23
FOR -SAL10- -A brand new four-room
houso, modern in every respect. foo
ICasI I''ourie'ntli street. 23
FOR ISA LB Sand and ciuvel Truck
service. Country trips Oordlon imhI
Van Dolah, telephono red Lllil 3u
FOR (SALE Si-"0. New Iiouscj and lot
' Water In house, nino big fruit tire
Terms. S:-e 11 II. Fish, 113 We.u
Thlrtonnth street. 24
FOR 'sATEnleeKKmbcrl
dor 25 lb'! . 7c; under 50 lbr' tic:
over 50 lbs.. 5c. T. S. leivner
Ilox 47, Routo 2. 22w2.j
FOR SALE Condfic thip.-.blnc "-
c(lip 2yf,lngii i. Caso scparntrir
and ctUKlne Outfit la flint clarp ecm
dltinn. E. A. Mead. Huick Car.'ixo.
" Telephone uicin Ml. 27tl
i;oit SALF. -1-irKr nn'J :rnall larm
ami orrlnrd I rati lleaficmabl"
lirlees. kooiI terms. W. C ltnna
rmriir. Oto. 13tf.
FOR SALE Several good second
hand bicycles. Alao motorcyclei"
SoldcrltiK, firindlne, ropalrlns of all
Ulndn .Novelty Works. 51 R Bast
(Soc6nd ntroot. 'i'l
more than $5 per horr.e;io m- fir
parkin" rpace on tho adjacent salt
m.'rtshcH. Customets sue Hill! res-rV
lug reals at ?-10. $.10, $25. $15, and
?lo and thnre are plenty lclt Th"
$5 setits, set back In the yonder
count I -a of Jersey, go on sale Ilia
morning beloro the fight.
Robeitsfti and Moikle made
homo runs In successlm lor th.'
'CJhs off Ilubbcll, Olants.
Smith. Cleveland outfielder,
made a lilple and three singles
In lour limes at bat.
Trronlo and Jeir."y City order
ed lo complete live Inning game
In which uuipiie was forced to
leave the Held
Main Cimi -Menncii Taxi Main
FOR SALE- Dry oak wod; tdd oak.
Jit 50; second niowth, $12.50. Deliv
ored. Call 30F22, alter p. m. II
FOR AliE -Chenp. man jM
Cormick combine with good engine,
also homo attachment. Write W. I.
Tyron, MMiWest Elovonth stroo',
'l'iio Dalles.' -
ICmTsALIC 1 1 J acres, Insido city lim
its; lour rocni house, olectrlc linh1,
city water, good well, two chicken
iliouscsc good barn. Inunlro J. C.
Rlggs, 313 Webster street 22
FOR MALli Haied hay and grain. Wo
deliver any place In town. One
horso, weight 175U, 7 years old
Guaranteed Will sell or trade tor
cattle. One team, wel:;lit 2400.
Sound and gentle. O. K. Feed
barn. Julv3
VOCl?VrMlM new sever,
loom hoiisn. four blocks from
school. Garage, chicken honre, one
aero of g.-imnd in Hull, garden
and alfalfa; plenty of water Prlc"
?4IU0. JOOO carli. balanco JI00 per
year, t'olijinbia Really v-. Loan com
panv, 30S Washington all eel, te'e
phone mV 731. '
WANTED Cliorrv pMuuu. Plckinr
without alellia. Teleidionu 5FI2 21
WANTIOD Four hay hands. Seo F L
Pe'erscn ill Dallna (iaiagu. 24
VA NTI'ilV To TenTTuTnTnhed Imm,".
closo in. See McKneoly, lllack ft
Wlil'e. 5i1
WANTED Choiry Icker. m"
j'citir ' name' ami' ntldroas at th
Chioniclo ollkn. 22
goods. Highest pi Ice paid at 020
Bait Second street. '.'7
WANTED I"" inanont position book
keeping. beglnniiiK Anguit 1. WrI'e
IJH521. Chronicle, :7
WANT1C) Cherry icke s. Children
need not upplj. T. S. Colfey. f)'.
Hollow load. 22
WANTED -Six or seven loom modern
house. Will rent by thy jo'ar A S
' Jcdinr.on, Wtufo, Ore. 21
WANTBIv itllrt cm bulldiiic u gins')
Also r.ome io-iiodeing In Btore G. B 1
Ccitarn. the .Music Man 2 i
WANTED - To lout lor one yea', good
four or five rioni hntino with two!
to fo'ir loio Will pay leu1 In ad !
vanec Writ" O C. Dun'oii. Shot !
ivootj. Oio;on 27
WANTED College men or an hustl-.
or deblring kUhu and health') work.j
lo earn several bundled dollar, i
monthly In cyrluHlvo riltory !
Wrlio Itniutiliately, Indiana Parts!
company. FfllMc VI or fJlvisbm. j
Richmond, Itidlma z,
A'lban.N llurnod creamcy to bo
rebuilt, tort flHUKW.
CANNING is a real pleas
ure when yoit have a
pood oil cookstove.
Just light the burner and
the steady, clean, intense
, heat is driven directly a-
1 gainst the cooking. The kit-
, i chen stays clean and com
fortable. "
To insure best results use
; only Pearl Oil Pearl Oil is
clean burning and uniform,
i Refined and rc-refined by a
' special process. Most eco
nomical to use.
For sale by dealers every
where. Order by name
Pearl Oil.
1 ' (California) '
, LOST UrutylCPliiiii, lealhei ..uitcase, of the Itecorder of Dalles City, silh- e i:(i
between Dtifiir ami The Oallo..
Ploa-,6 Vlotiij- 703 Webster s'reet
led titiSi,"' 22
"Tfor TrtADfi
FO.(J TR AJjEf- Mitchell louring eat
run lennjfljitn 500 miles, for good
J 1 1 1 1 r liupkf D;dgo p.ieloircil. II. C
Phpllepliie'e. 23
(. V:?AG.E - -J-'nragn by moiilli. fl.00
for live storage, $3. 00 for deail
si)'ago per iiumih. Pnic'r Dohni, 111
d'"lrt ntreo' Eierready caraso. 25
L M, lloothby. 208 Washlnston
Nliuol. 'I'eleidione main (if.Kl. II
liirn and piano tiiovlng. Frolnhi
iiHUlcd and general express bunl
npss. Tnlephoner,: Stand, reil toi;
residence black 1352. J. hX iionln
M uTfi WW'ilOiTui "Tf 1 1 1 oil eu I r
able soil, aio In aclive demairl
Viip.v people hare recently moved -
pufbapi going to hoiiHeH or apail
tuenlr, wheic! limy have no spiico lo
spare Former fuiunlii;d loom ten
.tJila am looking om:o more lor du
lilrAble iiiaiei.i. Have you anytblns
lo offer thciuV Tell about it In a
Chronkdo Want Ad.
Notice for li ds for O.illcs C t
Dalles Cilv c.ills for bids for lh
coiiHtructlon of tlm auditorium.
The Council id Dalles city ha ap
proved plans and biuc Iflc iill"ii'i ai
pioiiaied by Iloiight.'illng ft )oiiRan,
architects ol Portland, Oregon, as
shown by the m niites of I he C-jiin
ell meeting of jj.u. ir.ll.. 'J21 Speci
Houra 9:00 to 8; 00- Sundas
I7.1t Vcigt Blk Ov-r Cro&by'
n9lml lw H .,
t.xt reachsd the caoieat by vny of GMnti an I Mi yhill on the
b flew Clulit-car Ferry No flackina to floard Boat
A 10-mile paved road connects Maryhill and Goldendak
Hev Railroad Crossing No SaoJ
Taxi Drewn's Taxi.
Telephone mall 502 1.
fMakes cannineasier
licallomi, plans and estimate for the
construction are on file in the otllee
of Hie Recorder of Dalles City, sub
ject lo inspection, nn'd the work will
be done in urooidanoo with said
plans and specifications ami und'jr
tho direction and uujiet vision ot such
All bids must be accompanied by
a certified check lor li)', Of the
amount of tho bid, lo he foi felted
to Dalle's City )n cascj such bid
should be accepted and the bidder
should fail to enter into contract
and bond lor tho faithful pcrtorm
ance of the wprk,
All bills shall bo sealed and shall
bo llled Wilh Hie Koeoider of Dalles
City on or beloro K 30 p. in, June
25, 11121, said bids lo be opened by
tho Recorder and Council on nail
Dalles Oily leservcu the right I"
lujcrt any and (ill bids
Dated I hl.'l 151 h day or .luno, F.iu
Oily Recoidor. 2:
!z Stetmogiraiplni'tttr
Typing and slencigrtijihy done n'
reasonable) nilo". fjoaliin A. Fleck Ol
lle Hotel Dalles Residence) telephone
led 2332. I!
Homiititchlng. plcot eilclng. dics-i-mlikiug.
21SJ East Third i.tieet. Con
don building. Telephone black 5211
i i.woin i -HU' liipalled, lie
tpiii loKUlatlug and reflnlnh)HK
Playor actions a specialty. WnrV
giiaiantccd. S A. Dor.ksladcir, Cot
Mm Music store, 320 Flint Second
street. Teleplionii niHln lll'll ti
White Trwclk Limit
Fielght and expios between Th'
Dalles and Wasco, Morn and all wa
oiinin Lciavi) Tho Diilles, II a. in
dally excoit Sunday Leave Moro,
1:30 p. n. I ,o,'i vn Wasco, 2:30 p. in
I). M. Pierce, propilelor. Telephone
ri.iiei." sm? or main 471 tt
Eynsiht Specialist
and Evoninys by Appnlnlmini
Drug Store -Phono 1111
. ,i i j ,
Thousands will go
this sunnuer
offered by the big cross-continent railroad
Union Pacific System
Serving the transportation needs of the
Great Pacific Northwest
and giving Ihiotigh service via the popular tit reel routes to Salt
Lake City,' Denver. Omaha, Kansas City. 31. Paul, Mlnn9apoll3 and
Chicago on tbcr.o two'strlctly first class trains
"Oregon-Washington Limited"
and "Continental Limited"
TiitH and inoludlng August 15th
Return limit 90 days, hat not hitqr than October ,31at
Pueblo 77.10 Memphis t $111.60
St. Paul 87.60 Minneapolis.. 87.60
St. Louis 101.40 Omaha' 87.60
Chicago !);i0(i.80 Denver 77.40
Kansas City.. 87.60
S'.; War Ta to lie Added
Pi opoi donate redliollonn to iiiany points Mast. Stopovers at plessure.
Hide trips may lie arranged for Yellowstone, ion
and Rocky Mountain National Parks
For complete details a,s to routings, train schedules, vide- trlpo, slesp
inp car rales and reservations, and oilier travel Information dvsiied,
call on or telephone
C. R. MARSHALL, The Dalles, Ore.
Wm. McMurrny, General Passenger Agent Portland; Oregon
Chronicle Want Ada
Whitney Repair Shop
09 East Second nl.
Taught by
Lessons by Appointment
Empress Tboalro Pianist.
Maud MillRrainra Silnlwollll
Teacher of
-Piano, Harmony ami Theory method Special alien
(Ion given to beginners Summer let in
opens .luno 15 Phono red 34!H. Slu
dju 1000 Fulton '(ilk-el .120
Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers
All kinds of Tile and Cement Work, Fireplac? Work a Specialty
Estimates furnished free of cliarg:, All Work Guaranteed,
Telephone Main 6161 or Call at Gates fllock
Peoples Transfer Co.
Furniture and Piano Moving
Stand at Glenn's Taint Store Main 'M2t
Residence Phone Red 1811
Wasco Tlu Dalles Dufui
IOI.U O. (!ft AN OA U L . MfMU"
. Ui Thoiua, Avint-iol Man.iur
t.lcrot'ii Enibaltucrs, fctMidlthcrf lltir
Woman AUsndant Ttltdiont
Mr, M. J. Wllleclnn Day 3S1
Telephone lied 181 Nlatr1ei
J. H. Harper, Black 2152
Motor Equipment
because of the
Bring: Quick Results
Wo hall anything, any place, call
main 731. 21
General real estate,, and
foa ns. looj East Second meet. Tele
phone mult) 1571. 2Rtl
Rcgizd'Eircdl Arclhollecil
but First National Dank Bldg.
The Dalles, Ore. 16tf
Dp. Geo. F. Newhouse
Eye SptclalUt
We aie pipilpped to give your
eyesi tlio veiy iost of rate, Eye3
I rated. Glasses gio-.ind.
Second wild Wabliitigton Street
The Dalles
Cut Flowcn