The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 22, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Biubfiihud 1890 The Dallei, Ore,
Published Every Evenln Except Sunday
hy the Chronicle Publishing company inc
Sen B. Mtfln
General Manager
"Entered In The Dalles postofflce a
cond cla matter.
-United Pre and United" News Service
MhjbT of Audit Bureau of Circulations
Una year. In advance JJ.W
6lx months, In advance i.0
0U d'aIly c-HRON7cre"BY-MA,T ;
One year, In mlvutivc.
tlx months, In udvunco W.iJ
Una month ..... ..- : 6H
One 'year, in artvmn.
In OlderlliK cl'"iiK
crlber should nlnay
new- addrunv.
Of Hddf''HII,
KIvh old m
editorial Itomiis ... ... UIhck in
Business,- Adv., Clr Omita Hud 111
Hilhi'!Tl7erio Him M011I1 lu m Kimr
anteed service. 1'nmipt and ii-kuIki de
livery of every nibsi-ilher'a paper I I In
Im of the cliciilailiiu lepm iiiicnt Tin
Chronicle carlleis urn leijulii-il to pm
the papers on the poich or wIuTvit th
uoscrlber wUhea 'he pHhur delivered
objective of th'j Japniipse In their
cxpuiiHlonlsl duns,
High! In RfiKlncil the lit'oplc nit
tillve lo I hi' fci;llli3 that uvIhIm be
lu'i'sn Hit! I'nltnl tSi.'iit'H ami .Japan,
and fln racial rioiiiiiIs If for nr.tli
liiK clHt', liavi- :iti onu sciiiplt;H siKttliiHt
an nil I. nine which would nice inltut'
the Unit Ai Kingdom lnio a war on
ihi! .s 1 1 1 1 of tlii' .lapniiir,:).
Ii Is .slmil'fuMtit tliat ai this very
tliiio, when Hie premiers an iiii'cllns
and ho Important t question ends,
lliu I'nllcd Sliitt k should In- prepar
ing to concent tnte Iin majoi fleiM
In tlio western sen. Itjn the iiiukI
radical doparturt' I 'ui;i I lie naval pol
Icy of this eoimiry In liiidivdecudeH.
It is pioli.'ihlt ilia' tli' llf. t older
Ik as imicli a rttrolfo In illploniacj as
I Is ol del'enHlve strati i;y.
Will Hays, Dynamo of Cabinet
1,11. (
II n
r. Til. ui. n.t It,
U'.isto and L'.iia- land,
. I.. H.
There has not been In iiccnt
years . n "l-s1 e" In conned ion with
the school administration of the 11!! Ii
dist-det, which includis The Dalles
and some surrouinlln.", territory
There never should he any Issue..
There should he iiothin:.; else In con
nection with the schools of this or
any other city except a policy, and
that 'policy should he to promote tlio
heal possible free, public educational
advantages lo the children of the
It is efJIte evident from II ltc-
t ion results .Monday that there will
he no Issues In the school
titration here If I ho public can pie-
By Ralph H. Turner
I (United News Htiilf Com-Kpnhrielit )
! WASHINGTON, .Iltne 22. - How
ilni'K Will Hays stay put Iodk enoiiji'i
to nccomplhdi niiyihiii!.:'.''.'
That's the llrr.t iiieslion one tni'-'hl
asl; about lliu wlr, dynamic po. '
master' ;'eiier:il as hi. Ictus rtoiu one
loom to i.nnttier, r.lnps one man on
the bad:, ;rab!'. .-mother by the hand,
jabs the bell for h Id Stenoi-nipher and
niii lies a hap lor the telephone.
I Will i!a,r. Is Hie eollnge. cheer It-ad-'tr,
tianuplaiiled to an olflce unite, llo
lis ii bundle of noi'voim eneitfy, clamor
llnlfOor acliim. Arid he him a Iniaefc ol
iK-tllV 11.
I The?-. den , down at the p.-ntolflcu
(I nun The Chronicle, .June Tl, liliii.) iitepai iiiient, tliar 1 here's nn lo it mo.
The expect. :d baa happem il. Thi'l,jn anoul the hose.. ThniV. because
l islliK water ol the liver has wai.bed . ()f Ills eariie-iiii' SH, h I., nel loiiHtless and
out the track in various places be-j Hie tacitliy ol" applying his teaelilni;',
iwceu Umatilla and The Hallos, and iho.o alioiit'litui. This collee clieer
I nil He Is impeded If not blocked. The leader doesn't i i i1 1 when lie has finish.
lnoiniliK passeneer was delayed by a!..,! t?i vlatr the yell Then he himself
washout of Ihiee leniillis of raJI abov I Join.: the e.aine -ti Klntton for
Ktnferl's cannery ami did not arrive
until !l a in. A special coin1 1 1 net ion
niew wat dispatched io the scone of
the trouble at 4 o'clock in Hie iiioiie
liiB. !
name -a Hlmton for punish-
who keeps shout injj for more
when nioHt of his teammates have
called lor time
Hays has the ability lo Impart hi',
entlnt.-.lar.ui to o hets. I f has demon
straied that he war. downright e
riotirf In his huinanl.lnc Idm." He
jllitt his Ideas Into piaiiice ai Hie rlnr'
lie wan convincing, he et tiled to In
lleve In his job and he wr.r'ied
The ,ibeer leader bt'.an to t:.l: on
i many coniniemlable trails or tne
thoilfibtful minded .Similar m;1i.j1 sii
pei jnltjiidrnl'.
Through It all. IIay; mdiicM'd what
be really had stalled out to adiieve
the creation 'of a new pnt liolo ",
around the Jio.-ttollice deiiai lineal. II
ba.v "peppiit up" the employe.: I lid
made .them Ihlnlt lile nilglit lie woi lli
wltlio'atier all.
. Huya Ik a precise, i nappy, neitlv
dresi.ed liidivlilual He miclit lie tin-
exiibeiant, eni husiaM Ic r.ab sniaaa .er j
for Classy Clothes', Inc lint, actually, j
'Hays is not the "j:izV type. He'-, i
Juki :i hard woildnR, bai kboite ol-llie-1
nation American,' who is loud ut' re
counting I llf precocity of five-year-old
Will, ,lr
(lovernoi oluott has annotiiifeil
Hint A. C. llarber, state liiH'.iraiice
comnihi .loin r and s'ale fiio imirsliil.
will be l 'ltpiioinlcd when his term
esplrjs. .llllie ".H,
(lovernor Oicott c.i Kriduy an
n iiiiieptl hi" appointments for llr
ntnie board of aeronautics, created
by the IcKisliitu.e of this yt ar The
nppoinlec!: ait" rchie '. Hot!:, fori-
for five year term; Walter ti.
La Oritiuk', for foticy a" teim;
Hlckniati, Portland, tliiee-y'-n!'
I.oo It. D' Vnliev, Ki.rebim:
real property, according lo an opln
Ion bv Attorney Oenural Vnn Winkle.
two year
Kloyd Hart. Mcill'jrd.
All loral -salary i'.l's that wt'i"
voted on In some count 1-s of Ore"on
oil June 7 "l'e defeated,
Mineral rljjhts thai have no. been
a si" sed for some fean- can be as
so strt and hould be .i. -ciiel 'is
A Rtntunui)t issiied by Sam A.
K.ei, Set'ietiily ol st at , shows that
a total of $J1G,G33.C5 has been paid
out in educational aid to Oregon ex
act vice men tinder un act passed by
the jv Di!e in 191!). A total or 5545
funner soldlrM, sallots or niarlnea
have taHtn advantage Of tlio act,
A '.t)r! i 'oliinibia Knilt C.nnnln'?
company indoi poiatt-s lor J'JO.OOu.
Wamic union Kiinday school will eel
ebiale the Ponrih ol July by havlnt; a
picnic at the picnic ground one mile
and a half west ol Wamlc. ICverybodv
Is Invited to come. Ilrlnn your baskelr
ailmlui- and have a kooiI time.
Committed on arraiifipiuenls Henry
vent them. The nubile mind saw Dilver, .Marl In Willi;, Krank 'WooH-
mntiiiiiis ill l ie lirocriilll cock, .wr. nun .mis. .iiii. .ir. aim .uis.
Monday and set out lo ma'.:e it rl;;ht.
More Important to tl aiiimunlty
hfiweve.' was the interest maiilt't sl
ed in the eluelioii. Mr. Kurl'. and
Mr. Malloy, perhaps uiore than any
other members of Iho board, will
leel thut I ho public Is watching
them, Inasmuch as I lie foiincr reodv
id moie vott-s than have been cast
altogether In any one year In the
labt tea.
a Digger pacific fleet
W. V. Alaglll, Kllgene I'ralt.
'Workmen have finished the Interior
of the K. of P. hall ami work com
menced this moining on the furnish
ings. The lodge has expended more
than $liMiii for furniture and hangings
and their equipment Is elegant and
complete. A Hnrdmnu piano, liom llm
Jacolrien Hook and Music company,
was placed in Hie hall this morning
Uncle Hum is iiol going to bu told
by Iho other powers of the win Id
what to do. He is not going lo let
tiiti dlplott'i'als of . Ktiropean hatlons
lur'g5, und Kiuall tlescrlle his boun
daries 'uor conduct his treaty nego
tiations for It i in.
"No better evidence of the attitude
of Inn piesotit adiiilnistrallon to
Waids the rest of Hie world Is
shbwn than In ttr. oiiUms Just made
thuiBferting capital ships of the
h'HVyVo the Padtlr fleet. It Is highly
significant at this time that Lloyd
Ueorge, is meeting wit Ii lile prtmileiit
of all the dominions of the llrltlsh
ein Ire, and ilw most Important tpies
tion belole this couleielice Is that of
renewing the -Anglo-Japanese pact.
'J'hu, treaty between llritaiu
and Japan will cxplie within a lew
months. It wad this tieaty which
bio'ught Japan into the world war
in VJU and which i;csulied hi ililvlni:
the (ierinaiis fiom ihelr Chinesi po
billon at Shantung. It was this tr. aty
which gave I lie Japanese giollllds
ior their aggression which remll
vd lu seizure of the Herman cable
htatiuu on the island ol Vap, and
which they now claim despite the
demand oil the pail of the United
States that the Island is internal ion
It Is iiol going o be so easy lhl
time for (Ileal llrltaln lo renew Hie
tilliancv with Japan. There Is n
glowing reeling thioiighoul the wot Id
ilini iilliauci'S should be between
peoiles ot the '.anic lace and ol the
Milne lauguai'es Cial llritaiu iMiuld
lik.- nolhlnf. heller than lo form a
tieaty with the United Slatea to
binding ah that ol the eu'eti"'.
Which look KiiKlaiid I'laiice and Kits
si. i together Into the gteai war
' Moitiavei llrltaln' gieat colonies
ha. tledoped a teelinu id' I'lde
peliilelicti as ii roHllli of Hie v. a
which is lat liom .eiiiisut lug lo the
people who iesld o,i the Tight I I1
He Isle, llrltaln reilUes her d bt to
the colonies lor their woil; in ih
War. She ieall.e ho helpless she
,W(i.lld be with: ill Hum
Theie U one ot these dollllnon
whlch meinly dlspiows ot an al
llunco b'ntw'eell thu iiiolltei' i'(iuiltt'.
.Mid Japan- Thin U Attntitilla. I'eo
plu in (he I'altcd Statu ihltik the
ientliui'iii on Hie Pacini- o..sihI b.
blit.r againa. the Jnp. but It bard
Jy compaie with iho anil-Jap ' Hplrl'
lu Ausnalla
1 The Austrahatib lear and hate Hia
Japs. They aie tabid against the
Nipponese and absolutely bar them
fiom Hie coliutiy Thin same splill
Is Juht as htiong In N'w .calami,
ami it" exirtis moie or Icm. i.i ctuitult.
'i'w'o of tiligliilid'a nii'thUesi eolonlex.
Iheli. aie opposed to a Japanese al
' 'Phe Austialiatl goveiniuellt
known to tiiroimly titMtr an an '"
eiuiidiug with Hie Pulled Slates
Wbeieby il would amUt this eouulty
in Hie event ol a war between the
Jupb and Aiueiicn. 'Vhn AUbtrallan .
ligatd the Phlllpplne.t lib the gu'c
way io the Paclllc froin Asia, and
carry on a propaganda to the eUect
that Hie iPliillpplues will Im thu lrl
LKC.K, Corvallis, June - The
Illver C.lader in coinpetltlon
8U other county weeklies, won
place in the Oregon weekly,
service contest al Kai iners' wink.
The a.wanl was on the. basis of
amount anil (piaUty of rural news,
features, ami editorials written to
give tlio reinleis llr1 best possible
service. The ( I lacier had nearly a
polled score and won the silver
loving cup.
The Hood Itlver News won second
I lace. The News was considered
almost on a par with Iho (Haider
fio in the standpoint of niral Hervic.
The Itecotil-Chleflalu of ICnlerp, We.
Wallowa countv, won third place.
Plve awards were made for fourth
place: The Polk County Observer,
Dallas; Argas, Ontario; Hraplilc.
Newberg; Washington County News
Times Purest (iiove; and the Newn
Itopoitor. McMlnnvllle. The Judges
had considerable difficulty in pick
ing out the best live out of eight
papers almost equally good.
News Front State Capital
(Chronicle's Salem Hitreau), .Atlister of the state iii'-Mtioeiiii'.; de
SALKM, Or., June -U.--A' thorough partmcut, Is cotiilin tlm: a siti vey i.i
bred horso show will again be a j both the north and Hie outh por
feature ol Hit; state lair In Septdii-a tlons of the valley,
her. This was decided at a meeting - -- -
of the fair board in Salem toeently. 1 j, atniulanl oil company report '.
I lo Uie secretary of stale that for th"
Peenuso of litigation thai has been : ,imMMI f - .muv k ki, oi,.?ti
liislltuted against the, state highway a.C.Ufi.Hofl.ri gallons of g.isolln an.l
coinmlssloii lu Polk county i dative ; )a, S4((j(jt u taxes un Hie salts.
lo the west side unite ol the Pacilli
highway, the coinuihision tears tin
entire road building piogrnm in Poll.
county may bo held up another year.
Are You Prepared For
The Canning Seasoni
lave a large supply ot" all tlio seasuii's nocesdilies at pi'k'os that are
ally low. Mako tlie canning .season profitable and fjel the best on
We h
the market.
Best Cane Sugar, per 100 lb, sack - $7,00
Hall's Perlcct Mason Jars Economy Jars
Pint' ' " ' ; p.W) Pint :. $1.35
Quarts ': : , $1.15 Quart $1.50
i.j,.gal : $Ui5 "Jo gal : $1.95
, , , r., T Economy Jar Caps, dozen 30c
Hall's Ideal Class Jars
on Mason Jar Caps, dozen Juc
Jltit .pL.U .
Quart .$1.40 Royal Club Grey Rubbers, 3 doz.,.25co
'Water, light and gas utilities oper
ating, In Otogon are given until
August 1 lo lile briefs III protest
against a proposed unllorni sysf in
ol account Inj,' adopled by the public
service commissions of Otegou,
Washington and Idaho lor the tltlli
lies opeialitig 111 the three stales.
At a mooting of the stale hi ?hwav
commission in Portland June '2i bids
I will bo opened on road building p. j
I Joels in Curvy, I.ane, Washington
i Yamhill, Coos, Jackson, Josephhr
A poll tax, the return of uiiloino
biles to the lax rnllr. I'u n her taxa
tion on estates, t'.tate income laves,
ami taxaiiou of ceitaiii clasrcs of
iihiis that aie not' now .taxed are
some of the suggest lens 'made by Hie
slat- Coinmitloo on luxation, created
by the PI'Jl legislature, lor the pur
pose of lightening the burden of taxa
Hon on hind. The committee met in
Salem d.iring the wcuk and I. N
Hay as elected chairman.
A new Irrigation district, known as
Iho Port Votiuey district has been or
ganl.eil in Josephine county, but K
yet to receive the approval of the
state ( nglneei lng department. The
district has naked the state Inlg.i
Hon suourilles commission to certify
a bond Issue of lir.,ttn for const rise
tiou work. Tito ills'. i let embrace?
only Still acies.
lu ronlunclliiu with proceeding lo
deteiuiiiie till the water rights In
Winner valley. Lake county, I.oo Me-
Take a
zvith you
PnoTotJRAi'iiv the KihIhU way is less expensive than
you think our price cards demonstrate it. Anil any
lvuduk is simple to work we can readily show you
how easy it is.
siutQ&raphic KoJtiks from $S,ffl up
Brownies p,(K) up
neighbors gets the
pest mileage out a
Ms tires
Unit) is the U. !5. Uaoo Tu-ad, with a'
biiig-ustablislu'd stundatd of servica
binong motorists who hav un eye to
valut', ua wt'll as to iiiicu. Wbilo sell
:ug tut U'.ss than tba oilier tnus hi tliJ
V. il. KabiU Una, tbd ll.ico bob edroeil
a rcptiuiioii tor ipulity inul iWcnd
ablc croiiomy wbii Ii i- O'.l t.'ii'ttilu.t by
tiil'y tile lit hi klaS.
fj f w
"h'rash. live V. ."'. Tm
flUlll tli llclfl,ul,,l
EVERY once in a while you hear a motorist say as he
kicks a rear tire with an admiring foot, "there's a lucky
tire!" Give him a chancy and he'Jl tell you all about it.
And then you'll find that what he calls "luck" is Simply his
first experience with a quality standard tire.
It all comes to this buy a U. S Tire anywhere
in this country and you get definite, predictable
value for your money no matter what weight car
you drive.
The man who has been guessing his way through
"overstocks," "discontinued lines," "job lots" and the
like, will find it refreshing to talk with the locaj U. &
Tjro dealer who is concentrating on a full, comr
pletely sized line of U. S, Tires.
For the first time he will hear some straight qualify
tire facts and get the difference
between chance and certainty in
tire buying.
The U. S. Tires he seds in stock ore
fresh; live tires. They come direct to the
dealer from his neighboring Factory
There are 92 of these Branches estab
lished and maintained by the U. S. Tire
Giving your dealer a continuous moving
stock of new, fresh tires built on the
certainty of quality first every time
..... r a 4 . .
flu fit it prMnc
with U. S., quality
United States
ates Tires
Rubber Cotripihi
V. E. TIPTON, Dufur, Oregon.
CJANN13TT MOTOR CO., The Dalles, Oregon.