PAGE SIX THE DALLES DAILY CHnONICLE, TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1921. GIRLS GO WRONG AT YOUNGER AGES POLICEWOMEN IN CONVENTION DECLARE PROBLEM IS MOST SERIOUS. I(y iJnltcd Prcas MIIAVAUK13I3, Wis., .Iimu 21 Olrls go wroiiK younger than (hoy (I III, declined Mrs. Minn Vim Will ie, president of the International As sociation of Police Women, In con vention hero today. The girl problem Is one of the hit; gest confronting the police, she said "Mothers have lost control and fathers arc too busy making money, ' she declared. "Too much dependence is placed in the schools, (lirls ar" more difficult, than hoys. Hoys are simply naughty but girls are bad," Mrs. Van Winkle declared. CHIEF STRONGHEAKT COMES FROM FIGHTING STOCK Grandson of Chief Standing Rock, Who Was at "Custer's Last Stand." Chief Stronghenrt, noled Inill-m lee-Miri-entertalner who iippearH at Clinu laiKiun on the fourth afternoon, Is proud of lite nneestry. lie Is the son of Chief HiiniiliiK 131k, who servOd as scout for Ceneriil Howard In t lies Sc, Perce War, and the grandson of Chief NAVAL AVIATORS (Contlmii-d Prom I'iiko 1.) Ihe former Cerinan siiliniailni'. h-iu Circling over I lampion Itomlx, gli. I enlng In llio r.unllghl, arc LM airplane which will try lo sink I ho submarine wilh bombs dropped on II. If lln'v fall the army airplanes aie leaily -it Langlcy field, Virginia, lo tlnlnli tlio job. At a isal'c distauee Ironi the Herman U-boat is the llondeimm, carrying of'l eials, observers and newspaper men. Today's tesl will be Ihe llrst !' a iseries arranged as an outcome of Hie controversy over the relative merlin of the ship and the aiiplane as naval fighters. .Vlce-Ailmlral Hilary I'. .lone, newly appointed eonimander-lii-chlef ol I lie Atlantic Heel, was in Ihese waters In day with ii lormldable pail of his Heel. Admiral Jones b; In supieme command of Hie entire maneuvers, 'Captain A. W. Johnson, command er of tho Atlantic fleet air lorcn, was on the U. S. B. ' Slinwinul, near the Curnian largel, dliectlnn the oper ations in the air. Ilrlgadier-Cencial Mitchell was in command of I lie arm1 air forces, 'Destroyers worn stationed every 10 mllos between tho 11-117 and Tliim bio' Shoal light lo bo ready lor the rcscuu worlc In ease or mishap. Rescue ulrplanes also were hold ieady ,il Hampton Itoads and Langluy f:uld ba ses to-tako Ihe air in case of an acci dent. Tho submarine Is to he attached by tho following divisions -or naval planes: Flist division of Ibrco l-Miln lo use twelvo bombs altogether. Second division of three- F-.Vfs, 111 bombs. Third division of three l-Mi-lii, 11! homhs. Torpedo planes' r.iiuadiou of five Martins, 110 bombs. 'First division of two N'C's eight bomlis, and marine division of fix IJI'jH, 1-' bombs. Then, If the submarine si 111 Is not sunk, tho army planes will attack as follows: Twelvo Martin bombers In lour divi sions of three planes each lo come one division at a lime, each division to use IS bombs; then six 1)11 I's to use 12 bombs, and finally rive nil I's lo use 10 bombs. The army will attack wllh :;ri(i pound bombs and the navy wllh Hio-pound- , MYSTERY or 4 (Continued l-Youi l'ni-n I.) the Deeriug Identified as that of Chief Knglneer Hates. The other two vessels which sail id out Into oblivion weie not blcnll fled, but tho commerce depaitmenl was Investigating loday. While lour departments nt the gov eminent were otlicially concerned in the Investigation, other departments wore Interested In I lit iiiystor.' and romance ol Hie disappcaianee. The coast off Cape llallcras Is mlbl and cildoiu appioached. It woihl not he lmpoMlble for a twentieth ccntur.v Captain Kidd to hide- thoio wllh his baud. It U sug gosled that Hindi a plralc might be iiHiug a submarine In bis ralili.. Another theory advanced by a cabinet olflcer, who was only pailly rerions was that bolsheviks have raptured the shlps made prisoners of the eiew, and taken tho cargoes lo Russia Again, there was Ihe theory that rum runners might have wanted I ho vessels to cairy on their Illegal trade Horn Cuban ports. The Hchooiier Deetlng followed ir Hially llio tin inn mule as the Collier Cyclops which disappeared niyat.'r lo'usly with tho entire ciew du.ln.; tho war. Other vessels iiiltntlui; are llowllt, cnrrylm- a curo of Hiilpbur; Albyn, lust lieard of in October Yuto, a hark last heard Irom nil No vembur II by windless. Tho Hrlllsh admiralty and Kre.nh minister tun aiding tho l'nlti-1 Slates In tho search lor the vo.m'N (lovurnment olllcials lear thai foul play befell the men on tlio Deuiint, Taxi Drcwn'h Taxi. Telephone mall CO'Jl. ' WOODPECKER HOLDS UP SUNSET LIMITED an nuNtcsro. i ai.-The Southern I'aclllc coinpany's Sunset Limited, lunnlili: belweeu San Finn idsco and New Orleans was hold up this week by a woodpecker a led headed one. Tho limited wan clicking ff inllos toward 131 Paso whim a block flgnal ahead dropped rod forcing tin tinglnuor to slop and giving the Hag limn an opportunity to Mrctiit his ! -until tlio next clear hlecU sltowul Standing Rock who fought, nt "Cus Bter'.s last f-tand." The Cblef nil Interesting charac ter. He served as a m-nul on the Mexican bonier ami was the find In dian lo volunteer his services lo Roose velt when Ihe Colonel was trying to ralflo n division of rough riders. He has been on the seieen In three big productions' and appeared on the legit imate stage miller licliiseo In "The Heart of Wetona." against Hie horizon. No train was in sight. Investigation disclosed the fact i:. a ted iioaded ivnodpccker, one of the busy kind that builds Its nest in the lops of telegraph poles in the iiies tpille country, had become lulercslcd in seiiuipliorc No. ,'!!H!7 anil had peck ed away Hie lead wile lo tlio track l" lay post just east of I lie signal. As the block signals automat ieully order "atop" when anything happens lo the mechanism, the feathered red head successfully prevented the pin proas of a liansconllnental train and cscapt d piiiilslimenl. ARMED MEN KIDNAP MEMBER OF NOBILITY ity Unllctl 1'i-uns CORK', .lime til. Tho aged Karl of llaniluu was kidnapped by armed men lasl night, according to advices re ceived here lodav. The earl's residence, Castle Her nard, was burned by the raiders, it was said. Rescue parlies were scour lug; the country in search of (ho earl anil his captors. Ladles' Midsummer Hats at less than cost. Children's largt shapes, ifl.r.O. mack's Millinery, 115 ICast Second street. 'l BOOK THIEVES LIKE DETECTIVE STORIES BEST lly United News N13W YORK. .Mine 21 -More lam els for the doloclivo story, Of all kinds of reading in tho .pub lic llbiaries, it is stolen most fro (liiently, according to the New Yeik public library's chief Investigator. Fiction conies next- light I let Ion, moHtl.N. Alter that, hooks on tho use tul ails. Very lew Million aie lost OREGON PROGRESS Corvallls Work to slail on un theater, to cost between IJS(UKM) and $11111,11110. Hood RlVer to have a new liii-.ibi-.Mini lo run in conjunction with mill at Dee. pan has new $75,000 mill with new Asioiia Youngs' Hay liiiiiiber coin mat'lilucr. equipment. RECEPTl61rG6VND BAD FOR SIMS ARE BANNED By United l'n-Bs M'lW YORK, Juno 21 Theie will he no d.'iiionslratiou either In sym palhy for or against upon tho ar rival of Admiral Sims Irom Kugland. OllleliilH of I ho While Star Uno, with some concern for the saloly ol their docks, decided that "all vis itors and rcccpiiou commlttiiiui" should he bailed lioui the pier when Hie atlmltal arrives The cuncein j July Brunswick Records now on sale don't miss bearing them 2100-Clifri('"ir) (Po Trot) I M IVnlon' l)ril. Jul Kf uTtiounhtforMt (fox Trot) 1 ii ltit"ii Ui hi-ti , .8S 3102 T l.(l'.'X riol) KikIi-Wirdnelt'i I lll.itnin. JbltrwocUy I Vox Trot) Hiuty WliMiii-tt I'ulttoimunii . . .8S 2 OJ-MoiiUni (!'' Trot) li trm lltotlier' Ni -1 1 v 11 . 1 Cull You Sunthin (I'oi Tn t liirim Hio ' Novelty Hand .85 2ll)4-CioninB (!'" Trot) Col rrnlon't Or i liii.tiu In Your iOna Stci) I ml I'cut 'u' Dulitfttm ...... .5 G. E. CORSON THE MUSIC MAN Secretary Denby Is Scrapper NAVY HEAD COMBINES FIGHTING INSTINCT WITH TACT; STRONG ON DISCIPLINE; FIRM SUPPORTER OF BIG. NAVY POLICY; LET OTHERS DISARM FIRST. "POCKET By Ralph H. Turner (United N'ivvs Staff CorroBpomlunt) WASHINGTON, .Juno 20. Edwin Denby Is a fighter. When the news went abroad that an ex-marlne, who bail entered the service as an enlisted man, had been named secretary of the navy, the uniformed folks down at tlr navy department reckoned they had u hard hitting, double-flsted hombre on their hands. They were rhht but with a cer tain (ualilicatlon. The reservation is inserted lest 11 seem Hint this cabinet leather neck JS this typo who's apt to spend a gootl share of his tlmu In water that is past the boiling point. Denby Isn't that kind. He possess-s all Hip declsii'o traits thai a deteimlneil, snunro Jaw usually signifies but he tempers them with caution. Caution was especially evident in Ihe secretary's character when he llrst assumed olfice. He stepped lightly, apparently wailing till he g.d his feet solidly on tho ground. And Ihey had been t irmly implanted in unyielding terra Hi ma about thr time one of his leading admirals Ic Kan speaking a Ion-; ways from home. Whereupon Ihe secretary ol Ihe navy officially continued Hi" original icporl that he was a man ol 100 per cent discipline, wrn wen driincd Ideas about the contKic' ol the navy -anti Hit! mi n In the avv Cancelling then, that Denby comes from tho up and ai-'em school, two very plain Inlcrences may be drawn In connection with present American n.-.val policy. I'Mrnt, there will he nothing ir resolute annul that policy. 'I lie sec relary of Ihe navy Is running Hie navy, hen i uniting II in consiaiu onsullation with the general hoar-l of advisors, but when a decision 13 reached it's going through. Seconds tho secretary or tho navy Is a "bl navy" man. This disarma ment talk, from all appearances, leave's Denby In a temperature around the zero mark. When the nations really start do ing something on disarmament, when they demonstrate their sincerity and supplr.iil woids by action, then Uncle Sam will talk with them. Until then, an American navy "second to none!" That's Denby's position, ex plained with a vigorous click of the teeth and snap of tho jaw. Moio about Denby: He's well set -,ip, husky of " build ing and can claim the baldest h:iitl in tlio navy. He'll swear by the high character of Hie Unlt-'d States marines, whether the " spotlight is turned on them by Haiti or Tiensln. Ilo has an abiding li In llio capital ship, no matter what you hear about bombs bursting in air. Give him a day off anil he'd father go llshlng or swimming than In tlulge In any oilier sport on Hi" calendar. He's an expert at both, but since Maicli 1 hasn't hail I line for either. And he'll Intel est himself in the woes of the most 'owly man in the navy. An enlislcd man, cook, was due recently lor a tdek at sea, Bui bis wife was about to become a mother anil wanted her husband' Iransfor postponed. She can lad h"i appeal to Secretary Denby. The sec retary directed the man's shore ser vice be extended, hut through soni'i Inadverleney, the. order wenl forth sending hint to sea. Denby lieard about II. And llio enlisted man was ordei-'d back to awail Ihe coming ol the heir. FARMERS ORGANIZE T was not so much for action by llf genuine reception commit I en chosen Iron) his admirers, but tor fear of what the uiiotticiai lee-puou com mittee, which promised to turn lis end of Ihe aflair into a mock 'Wel come might do. PONIES' PHI LLY LATEST; NOT S3 SLOW Ity United Picas I'HILADICLIMIIA. .Mine 21. - - If a Gorman immigrant approaches you on Hie street and asks if you would llko lo "play tho horses' or try roulette don't get the impression that the war or tl of his native land have el fret od his mind He is perfectly rational and probab ly Just wants to have a little session with Hie "pocket ponies" and pocket roulette wheel all combined into one device. l'olico bore have in their posses- aim! ! not of "mickel ponies and the minaturo roulette vheel. gambling device comes in a case fellghtly larger than a large watch. l'olico say tho Instrument was made in Germany. Thero are six "ponies on (ho dial, or where the di'-.i or a watch ought to be, and aliny red flag Ihe "stem" is. I3ach "pony" in numbered. The gambler places his bet on a certain number, a string is pulled and the "horses" are off. When they stop, tho one nearest tho red Hag Is the winner. For roulette there is a ciicle linen sixteenths of an inch wide on tho outer edge of the dial. The gamb'er bets on Ills favorite number, the wheel is spun anil the number neaiest the red link lakes tho money. The whole device Is very realistic Ifut If you got caught with a pocket Havre De Graco or a pocket Monte Carlo in your possession, you will probably take a long vacation. P R EMIERS OF EMP I R E ORI3GON AGRICULTURAL COL LKGI3, CORVALLIS, Juno 21. Prelim inary organization of what will be known as the Oregon Cooperative council, was effected at the close ol I tlin nnnl'nrnnnn ntl nnn tinl'fl 1 1 VP timl'lt- etlng In conncc'ion with Farmers' week. The organization was to be completed In room 402 Corbett build ing, Portland, Monday afternoon. I Is predicted that the organization will do much toward furthering Orogon marketing enterprises. The temporarv chairman Is Dr. Hector Macpherson, director of Hie bureau of organization and markets at the college, ami the temporary secretary, U. L. Upson manager of tho Pacific Cooperative Poultry producers. Tlio council expects to coordinate ;thc cooperative work In Oregon and ma J) out a general program which can lie carried out by all enterprises Interested In cooperation. It will as sist new associatons in making the right kind of a start. Many of them in tho past have been formed in a hurry without sufficient funds and with incompetent niunagcmcnt. Aside from those men the council will consist of the following: George A. Mansfield, president of the State I 'arm Bureau federation; C. 13. Spencn, master of the Oregon State grange; A. It. Sliuimvaj', president of the Farmers' Union; Robert Paitiu.i, ! manager of the Oregon Growers' Co- operative association; .1. 1). Mic';:e. .representative of tho Oregon Dairy J men's league; R. A. Wartl, manager of tlio Oiegcn 'W.ool and .Moliatr lirow er;.' Cooperallve association; Vie II. Snil!h, manager of llio Oregon Grain i. rowers' assocla'lon ; the manager of Hie Oregon Mint Growers' associa tion; a representative of the Oregon Ccoperatlvo Hay Growers' associa tion; Paul V. Marls, d!;-'"'tor or the college extension urrvlec , I. 13. Fn ville, chairman of;, the ag. Icultura! conunllleo of tho Portland Clumber of Oommorco; a representative of the State Uankers association and a rep resentative of any other cooperative as.'-ociation now in oxlstonco or any that may subsequently ho organized. (Continued From PnRo 1.) sea power is the basis of Britain's lifo and that it cannot be sacrificed Tlio entirely. Lloyd George referred only indi rectly to the .lapancse treaty, paying a tribute to tha eastern empire's can- t triuution to the war. CHILD WELFARE TOPIC OF SOCIAL WORKERS By United Itcsr MILWAUKEE, Wis., Juno 21. Milwaukee today was the host to thousands of social workers. Rep resentatives of and donators to many relief and welfare organiza tions gathered here for the ISi'.i annual meeting of the National Con ference on Social Work, which opens tomorrow and continues for a week. The monster conference, touching nil angles of relief and social work, will bo presided over by President Allen T. Burns, director of the Study of Americanization, Carnegie Foun dation, Now York. Burns will speak on "Does Social Work Promote So cial Progress," at thd opening ses sion tommorrow. Tve tried them but ive me a Camel I'm through experimenting. No more switching. Ho more trying this and that. It's Camels for me every time. They ' re so refreshing ! So smooth ! So mellow mild I Why? The answer is Camels exclusive expert Wend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos. There's nothing like it. s No other cigarette you can buy gives you the real sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes from the Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette. Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pacK today. Get your information first hand. You'll tie to Camels, too. Camel K. J. REYNOLDS ToVacc C VUtoo.ilm. N. C. AFTER a baking falls JLx becomes tough or soggy, you can't make it tender and tempting. It can't be "fixed." It is like spilled milk "wasted." But, there is away to pre went this waste every woman should use it be cause a bake day loss these days is a real loss. Calumet Baking Powder pos itively prevents failure. It has been doing it for millions of housewives for a third of a century. SSS CALUMET BAKING POWDER BESTBYTEST Makes most palatable and sweetestof foods The biggest selling Baking Powder m the world. Pro duced in the largest, most modern, sanitary Baking Powder Factories. Possesses only such ingredi ents as have been officially approved by U. S. Food Authorities. Most economical in cost and use. You save when you buy it. You save when you use it. Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 or.. Some baking powders come in 12oz. instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you Ret a pound when you want it. Calumet Jelly Roll Recipe 3 eggs beaten separately, 1 cup sugar, IV2 cups pastry flour, 2 level teaspoons Calumet Baking Powder, Yz cup warm water flavor. Then mix in the regular way. FOR SALE- FORD ROADSTER 1916, Dem. wheels, Hass ler Shock Absorbers, 4 good tires, new paint $215.00 CHEVROLET Delivery car, full canopy top and windshield. All in good -condition, 1919 model. Just the thing for hauling fruit. A snap. Terms. GANNETT PTQJt CO. 'Authorized FORD AND FORDSON DEALER Opposite Postoffice The Dalles, Ore. Send if THI A.L.M.CO We have no quarrel with any firm that uses every available opportunity to bring its service before its customers. We do it' ourselves. But it is a pleasure for us to occasionally reverse the or der of things and let our customers know that we appreciate their steady patronage and that we value it highly. And as we value it we shall certainly use every effort to give the service that will' keep it. MODEL LAUNDRY Main 41 HOW FAR CAN YOU SEE BEYOND PAY-DAY The man who lives for Pay-day alone has a poor existence. If your pay envelope pays last week's bills instead of this week's, expenses you are running behind. A savings account here enables you to look far beyond Pay-day into the Land of Financial In dependence. ' ' ! 1 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts the . ;; FIRST NATIONAL BANK The Dalles, Oregon