THE DALLtS DAILY CHTOfJICLF TUEoUAY, JUNE 2.1, 1921. PAGE FIVE NEW REPORT GIVEN ON NEARBY ROADS The following leport on the con dltlon or toads in thn ootirn Ore Eon division wan tanned today ity J. II. Scott, division engineer: Hood Rlvcr-Moslcr PnvltiK opera licnn under way. Road cloned to traf fic 8:00 h. in. to 12;:!0 p. in. Open 12:30 to 1MM p. ni. Clone' t:"!l to C:30 p. m. Open r,':'M) p. in. to 8.00 n. m. Durlnt; the tlni" this toad M cloned traflln can dolour by v.-.t ot the old 'Monler hill, though P u ad vlonbleto time u dip to take advan tage of oren houril on the Mo3ier hill is passable, hut highway, travel In cautioned to hoc cam In driving, and havo plenty of gas. 'Modler-The Dalles New graveled road hi fair condition a much en. ier and Baler road than Seven Mile hill. Paving will begin nbuut .Inly 1 but a temporary dotou- will bo vided .it The Dalles' cud of thn l'io-, see-; lion. f ' Tho Dalles-Deschutes River Now road not yet open Impassable. Take ''"'"'I rnnd ovor the hill. Deschutes Hirer brldgo open no toll. ' 'Bend-Burns Fuir condition. Take no., loan out ot lijnd for lti miles. The Dalles-Madras (Rend arid Red mond) by way of Sherman county, Wasco, Moro, Grass Valley, Shaulko SLOW DEATH f Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. Tho worlda standard remedy for kidneyliver, bladder and uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL fertnar quick rnlief and often ward off uv uisf asf s. Known sr me notional remedy of Holland for moro than 200 year. All druggists, In three sizes, leak oj the name .Gold Medal on n bo and accept ae imitation MEETING NOTICES Firemen 'Attention Election of chief; iind assistant chiet of Tho Dalles Kirn Department will be held Monday. Juno 27, at cli.v Ii ill headquarters, Poll" open fiom 5 to 7 p. ni. liy order of 'fffo9',Ieg:i'o). -27- ni . - The Good Intent Stcicty will ho'd a picnic ;tt tho Union Street park Wednesday nltnnioon, at i!: HO. A sliver offering ,bl" 25 con's will be taken. 21 St. Paul. Guild vlll meet at the rectory Wodnesday afternoon. Mrs. Lulu I). Cramlall, hns'- ess. X zl Retail Ctcrko Attention Meeting of Roiill clerkn Wednes day, June -12. at iioiianno's h ill, 7:110 p. in. Special busljios-s. If. W. IjiitM, Sccrotiiry 22 11, K, M.cQi;AIN, TiiWHiirer. CUlfl-l rulvHillKlnc 1 epul iir wiro Mirb Innprtliin. If's lnarlr d lliunq or ni"rp. 3-4 rnt e woul. Mmiltily piibll c(lon mine on ni(ll0Hllnii nl lh nffli-. PiilRCNl OR RfWT Kurntrlio-1 Mailt limire keeplng looms;.'!'.1! Hist iilglrh stieet. , Zl TOlTRiTmiFT.artlvTirn j rooms!. KM.t Pino' s1 toot. Telopiiuni black' 50H2. ; Jli FOR RENT - l" p-q io, ni modoin bun : 1 ga'ow and garage. Price J30. In ' , quire 141J Plnol'ctiaet. "1' FOR RENT--rurnhdToJ looinn. etoso in. r. J. Kargi'telophono ird lifiGl. 'i FOR ilEiNT Fiiinlphrd hou'sckecp'n; , , t'rtionis. AIrt small turnished hona.?. Inquire 111 Wit( Uccoiid. 2 'FOR ItEJT Ott'il pasture, lots ot , water, cloro iiij. Can take tioin ont . to'50 head. In-Milie .'. C. Thrall. 22 .FOR RBNT Uigy furnished apart ''men', elrctilc QDOk r.iove Call b'Jc'-t ,t ;dcor, old Coorgl liouso. e n nor Fit' ton and Feiia iii"", .7 FCH RENT Fu r-h od houTkacpin ' itQops and r.lnnljr; o'm' No child--lCn Call oven'tis1, 50fi E-r.t Fourth te'reot. ,n . FOR RENT P)7 jri'.rinch rlx miles from Tho Palfos. 85 nnrcs under plow, balance f!n" buneh grasi pa tore. Plenty waiter, wood and fruit of all kinds. Near school. Renter must buy fomo-.jUook and Imple ment . F. Onsser. route 2 Tho Dalle, Oregon, i., Road In good con To got to Dayvlllc, John Day, Can 'yon City or d-ralt t- City. It h nce.a nary to go by Iwny ot Spray, Monu ment, 1,0113 Cro-k, and Mt. Vernon, for by way ol MltclHI and Dayvlllr from Til Icy 'a or Kaivleo Creek. The latter road In In much Ivdtor con dltlon, and travel in advise.! t' take this rtutc. Dayvllle-Pr.ilrle City Koad in good condition, lat twenty mlhis good graveled road. Prairie Clty-Dakcr Road over the mountain la now open and In usual siiimnicr condition Deschutes River Hcppncr Junc'.ien - Good graft 1 or crushed rock ro.i I all the way except four nilloa pint of John Day River bridge. Macadam worK WJ' on this four mllci, lM, ro:ul ,s "ln to iralfip. The Dalles Ca irornli Hbliw.iy (To Central Oio;;niii The Ddllcs-Madrai It til n lair shape, usual summer condltii.u of this read. Tluough ljul'ur Maupin I Rake Oven or Criterion, Antelope to Madias. Madras Crook d River New crush ed lock mad. j Crookrd River-Rend .."'"wly grav I eled roal in good condition. ' John Day Hijhway. j Arlington Condon Kali- cimlltlon. j Condon-Fossil Fair, except si miles between Thirty Mile and Mary-. Nlllc, still necessary to tit,'.1 ojd road,' no new road is in process of con struction and very rough. BONUSES ARE READY ('Chronicle's Salem Uunau) SALEM, Or.. June 21 -ti.iliinatea have it that nu ncy, cither in cash bonus or loans, will bo avail ihlc for Oregon men and women who arc vet crane or the woi'ld war In about four months. Recaure of the nercssaryj organization and the assemiiiln:; of the needed niachinery it pr bably will be Impossible for any money to go into the hands of the )ii.illfied 'persons in less than that time. I To save lime, which doubtless was accomplk'hcd. Governor Olcott named the Iwo appointive members! of the commission created by the T6R RM;i'--yunlfilie!honr,ek'eeiplng looms and sleoplnE room. No child ren. Call evenings. BOG Bast Kourth 3treet. 1 POR SALE FOR SAUE n-bulnc'r oil stove.' Tote phono rod IIOSI!. -1 FOR "i;SAdjE --S?:-aw'lu3r7lus, $1.40 to ?l.fir per crate, fresh picked. Tele phone ie-1 40;. 'it A SNAP Chevrolet Tour ins, Lalo model, cord li'cs, jaoo.OU. Term:-: GU0 H.-:t Second stioct. FOR SALK. -SeyeMi young Jciuev cows, 5-10 oacli. John Muchli, route 2, The Uallei. 21 w2.'. FOR SAIil' A brand new lour room house, modern in every icspect. 501 Hast 1'ourtceiith street, 2!t TO?rHATrTT?MwdTol d articles, a i'm pieces of furnltuie. Cheap 5111 Union stroct. 21 FOR ISA LIS- -Sand and ginvel Trim): service. Counln trips. Uordion and Van Uolah, telephone red 1:131 w FOR r-tVLE ii."u New home and lot Water In house, nine big Irull tree Terms. See R. II Flnh, J1J Weit Thirteenth s'rec'. 21 FOR SALIC- (jniid work team, 8 and 0 years old. wnght. 2000 lbs. f.lii'. C. Rrewer. Lle, Wash. 21 FOR SALIO KIct goonobei l ie--. Un d'pr 25 lbs., 7c; under 50 lb,- fic; over 50 lbs.. 5c. T. H. iloiner, Mis 47. Routo 2. 22w2& I'OR- SALE Cumplnto thieshlnc ma chine. 2S.lncli J I Case separator rrid ennlno. Outllt In Hist class con dition E. A. Road. Rulck Oarase. Telephone main l21. 7tl FOR SALE Large snrt arnall farm . and ' orchard tract?. Reaaonabb prices, good terms. W. C. Manna. Dufur. Oio ISM- FOR SALF Several good second hand bicycles Also motorcyclef Soldering, grindini:, repairing of all kinds Novelty Works. 513 East loecend Street. 22 FOISALE IP) acres, 33 aire-, in f-nnimor fallow, .'if. In fall heV, purtly cut for hay, 8 neio In or chfnd, l a'no giare3, garden, oiio , team and hainotn. wc.-on. plow, b!ack:-ml'h outfit, enfillae cutler. ;o"l xiump puller, gisolln" wofvl rtw. 12 cuds plno voo'i, good li-room Iioukb, 2 birnc. lot-i ol w.fle l i c l to h' iini and barn, 21 miles troin The Dalle.. Pike fSS per acre, small payment down, et:y terms on balance PARNIELLK RROTIIERH Telephone mnfn 0831 ;i i and Antelope, I dltkn. 1 " -MMe- M-MM ' n i I wWWf FOR KENT Apartment in the Con- R SALE Rawlolgli products. 410 WANTKD Tp rent furnished hou:". rieallons. plans and estimate for the FORD L'- ll don building. y WojU Kour(ll sti Blncj. J2I! close in i-ice- McKneel.v. Hlack K- const ruction are on file In the ol flee 1jf nt au Dnoii as thi election return1! rhowed thai the measure had car lied The appointees arc Captain Lyman G. Pice, of Pendleton, and Aithur C, Spencer ol Portland Tho o'her incinliciit, piovided by tho act, arc I he governor, the sccrciarj ot stale, Sam A. Koztu, and the adju taut general, Georgn A. White. The act Is not yet effective and 'lll not be until tho governor officially pi-v claims the constitutional amendment following the official canvassing of the vote. The early appointment of the commissioners, lunvover makes It possible for them to have much ol Hi" picllmlnary work out of ine way ny tne unic tue act is efl'-ctH c. Hero are some of tho leasons for delay that pu bably will cause not l-ns than four months to go by be loie any bonds can bo nold and money made available: In the Hist place, il-e vole Is not likely lo be canvassed lor four or live weeks, and th" efkctlvc date or the act will be hold up accordingly. Then one .of the most Important lea tines of the act Is tho organization, which necessarily will icqulre cap tion on the pait of the commission., I his is the provision that in each county there shall he appointed by the commission a board of three ap praisers, who shall fix valuation up on properties on which loans may be applied lor, and also shall appoint an attorney, who shall pass on the titles to proporty. Tills necessitates 111 separate appointments by the commission, and will take time. Other delays that will help hold up the opciatlbn of the measure for a few months will be those incident to advertising for bids on bonds and subsequent negotiations with bond brokei'3. Also lime will be con sullied in the drawing tip and prlnl lug of forms on which applications may be made by beneliclaries. Only the constitutional amendment was voted on by tho people. Tho legislature passed the law which pro vides all the machinery, but by a clerical error Hie referendum etn.ise is attached to the legislative ad in the session laws ..vhlch ban been mis leading to numbeis of persons The loans must be repaid to the state, and the appllcuit, his or her j lather, mother, wile or htisand, child, sister or brother must secure such payment by a first mortgage on real estate at 7 poiconl in value In ox- ; cess of the amount loaned. The ex service man 'or 'woman alone con KOTl 'SALE Dry oakfcWood; old oak. J1150; socond growl It, 112.50. Deliv ered. Call IIOF22. alter li p. in. tf FOR SALE Cheap. Two man Mc Comiick combine with good engine, also borne at tachment. Write W, L Tyroti, 500 West Eleventh stro"(, The Dalles. 20 FOR SALF - 111 acres, liuildo city lim its; lour room house, olectilc Ugh', city water, good well, two chicken ihouses, good barn. Inquire J. C. Riggs, UK! Wobslor street. 22 TOli "SALE-TTrresliIng machine but ti', 12 horsepower. Advance steam engiii"; 27 inch Ruasell sepaiator. .1. O. Jones, cave Cosson, tho Music Man. Ul FOR SALli' -IhTlcd hay and gialn Wo deliver any place In town. One horse, weight 1750, 7 years old Ouuranteed. Will sell iir trad lor catllo. Olio team, wuicht 2100. Sound anil gentle. O, K. Feed barn. Julv2 FOR SALE Practically new never. loom house, four blocks -from I school. Oarage, chicken house, one acre ol g ound in trull, garden and alfalta; plenty of walcf Prlc" f 4 100 ion cath, balance J100 per year. Co'uinbl.i Really K- Loan coin pany, 20S Warhln'jton street, tele phone mail 7.11. '.:2 WauI CO VANTED Cherry pickets. Call 5K1" 21 WANTEJ-- -All kinds of lecond-hand goods. lllghesi pilco paid at ' L'at Second street. 27 WAN'l'ED-'PernianRnt, jiosltlon bonk kcplnr;. beninniiig Augu.t 1. Vrlte FII5.1. Chronicle ? ii VANI'Tr " OierTy ' pTc k t'ldh) rcn ncd no' applj. T. S. Coffey, D'v Hollow loail. 2-! vV'ANTED S'x or seven loom modern liouso. Will rent by the jear A.,!) John Ron, Was'o, Oio. 21 W A NTlWRlTbToTTMiird I n TkjTmib" Also some lemo'laMng la store. 'fj. E Coison, the Mush; Man 2 WAJVTICD To noil, rent or repaii typourltorr, and r.rwlng jiuclilnc. Phono Cory on, 21 S ANTED To lent for on" ye.vvp.ood four or five room home ulMi I -of to four lots. Will pay ion' In id anrq. Write O C Dun op. Slier wood, Otegon 27 WANTED -College men or aiu hustl er desiring clean and lieu 1 1 In woik. to earn scleral bundled dollum monthly In exclusive territory WVie Immediately, Indiana Parts company. EcllpM' VI-or DiiihIoii. itichniniid, Indiana 23 the cah loan but thn relatives arsl.-t' by snppl Inn Hie necessary security. The applicant ( cannot have both a loan and the cash bonus. If he selects the bonus he must make his application lo the secretary of the commission within one year after th" effective dale Jf the act or within one year after Ills discharge froni the service at the thno the act became cfTcrlive. If" may have only 'one lean, but he may apply for it Imuicdlatclj or at nnv time during the luture Number Estimated at 25,000. II hat been ertlmated that :r.,U0O men and women will come within the benefits of the law. The number who will ask cash bonuses la esti i mated at 10.000 and thtsc who will prefer loans at Ifj.UtlO. j The assessed valuation of stale Is $l,010,S3!l,OI9.12, Thrcu cent of this Is ;!l,2r,.t77.i7. (h pen the amount .id the fund now created The loans cemliig out of Ibis sum will be icpald the stale. While tin cash bonus total, estimated at 200,000, will not be repaid, amount will be cared for by 1-niill levy. The; 1-mlll levy on basis of the present valuation $1. tilt! the Ihe will pioduce annually ?l.op),s:i!).04. Loans Run 28 Years While the loans may run Tor 2S years, bolng amortized at 2 per cent yearly and I per cent belli.-; paid on Interest. It Is assumed thai a great majority of the borrowers will repay in much less than tho maximum time. Under the law in the event thst congress should provide for the pay ment of cash bonuses to person qualified to receive bonuses under the Oregon act, on, or.Jicforo the .due.'! the Oregon aniondnient becomes cf fective then "any person nmilltlcil to r.ecurc rained Auto Stag'e THE DALLES, PORTLAND, ASTORIA, SEASIDE Twn Six Packard touring cars. Leave The Dalles, Dank Hotel dally 9 a. m. and 2:30 p. ni. FARi;o.T-pQitland 53.30; Astoria. $0.7Q; Seaside $7.50 ' - . i. ' WANTED- -Job" for cook in hotel or re.itaurant. !ciall at (llenwood hotel. VA NTOlTr.oIrT7)7 woman for waP- icon, good pay. rant. . a Ulonwood lleHtnu 21 WANTED Choi ry your name and Chronicle oti'lee. picliors, ' Loavi address ( at the t' '22 31' Oft KOUNO FOUND Child's dark blue coat on aulo camp grounds. Inquire at Chronicle olfice. . ' 21 LOST--Rrnwn, plain, leather suitcase, hot ween Dufur and The Dalles Please notify. 703 Webster a' reel red 11112 1. 22 FOR TRADE FOR TRADE--Mlieliell lourins cr run less than 500 niPci, for goiid light Ii libltl 'Dodge irefoired. R. C PhntlephKC, 23 MlSUtULAN-UUb' HEMSTITCHINC - Plcot edging. Mr L M. RootleThv, 30S Washlngtori street. Telephone main (1581. II TRANSFER AND EX PRESHFurnt turn and piano .moving. Freight hauled and general rprenn bufil tiesa, Telephoncfl: Htand, red 101; residence blank 1362. J. fc. Jlenzln. Utf LEGAL NOTICES, Notice 'for 'Ridi for D.ilica C ty Audftnrri'i,, Dalles City '-alls for bids for lh construct Inn of the aiidltorliiin, The Council nl Dillen (Mly has ap proved plans mid specifications as piupated by H()iii;lit.illn! lougin, archltrctn of f'oiiland, Oiegon. as ahovn by the minutni ol the Onin ell ineetlng ,qff Jjii" If.tji, l')21 Hpocl Dr. T. DeLARHUE'lil Spccinlittl k Hours 9:00 to BiOO Rundiye 17.11 Vogt Blk Over Crosby's (iOLDBNIMLIi YAKIMA AND ALL HASTKKN WASHINOTON POINTS Ate rtached the easiest by wiy or GMnts ani Maryhill on th MAKYIIILL FERRY New Eight-car Terry No Racking to Board Boat A 10 mile paved road connects Maryhill and Ooldendal New Railroad Crossing No Sand irctlvc a boiiur. from the gov ni ini)( shall not be quallM-vl to m cc-lve a bonus fioni the state Sei vice men who have bcnefltrd under the edueai' aid i"l of IMf) must reliinl to tho sl-tti ine nniounis they haw n'celved uii'i-i Inc act belore they shall Iv qnal' lied lo leeelvc oUhe- a bonus ti a loan under the n-'w act. Agency Union Laundry nt the Umatilla House, Good work and ' sate delivery guaranteed. Call main ' 6011. t ! Dancing every Wednesday and !5aturdny night Chcnowith grove open air pavilion. Good floor. Good music Taxi Ironi U'ack &. White, fifteen minute ser vice, 2," cents. Htl SALTS IF BACKACHY AND KIDNEYS HURT Stop Eating. Meat for a While If; Tour manner is irounimg You. When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it generally means you have been eating too much meat, says ti well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys In their el fort to lillcr il from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed anil lossy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog yo.i must relievo i them, like you relieve your bowels; lcnioving all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, nick headache, dizzy spells; your stom ach sours, tongue is coated, and when thn weather Is bad you have lheunmtle twingea. Tne urine is ficatlons. plana and estimate for the construction are on file in tho olfice of the Recorder of Dalles City, sub Ject to inspection, and the work will bo done in accol dance with said plans and specifications and under the direction and supervision of such nivhitecls. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check lor 10', of the amount rd tho hid, lo be forfeited to Dalles City In case such hid should bo nccepted and the bidder should fail to enter Into contract and bond tor the faithful perform ance of the work. All bids shall be scijcd and shall bo tiled witli Hie Recorder of Dalles City on or beforo 8:30 p. m Julio 25, 1021, said bids to bo opened by the Recorder and Council on said date. Dalles City reserves the right I" reject any and all bids. Dated this 15th day of June, III.' D. L. CATES, City Recoidur. 2" PROFES0IONAL AND BUSINEh. FcjiW. S4inigiia!iplliieir Typing and Kfenogiupliy done a' reasonable into- Rosinii A. Fleck. Of (ice Hotel D.illes. Residence telephone led 2332. t! FECIAILTY SHOP HemstllchlnK, plcot edging, dn's. iiiiil;lng "1KJ East Thlrdnliuel. Con don building. Telephone black 5211 1 i i;no i i.M'.i rcp.iii ed, m tiou legulailug and rellnlRhlnK Player actions a npeclally, Work guaranteed. R A. Dockstader, Cor son Music store, 320 Kant Second stroel. Telephone main lOfii, tf WSnifte Tiriuicls Limie Fi eight and exprehn botwocn The Dallea and Wasco, Moro and all way l' lints Leave Tho Dalles, U a.' in dally except Sunday Leave Moio 1:30 p. ni. Leave Wasco, 2.30 p. in D M. ' Pierce, proprietor. Telephone b'.ack J042 or main 171 it and Fvnlnm by Appointmnl Drug filnr Plinni tWt-.U till cloudy full of ncdlmcnt, chinnnls cf ten gel sore, water scalds and you ain obliged to s'ek relief Iwo or three times daring the night. Hither consult a good, reliable phy slclan at onee or "get from your phaunaclst about four ounces of .lad 3alts; lake a tablespoonful In a glass or water befoio bi-akfasl for a lew days and your kidnev; will then act line. Thin lamoua salts In mud! from YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK The World's Greatest Playground AND Mt'SHl'M OF NATIJfR 1, WONDMRR Magnificent hotels and commodious camps; "00 miles of Improved lilghwajs; all In ihe midst ol' matchless scenery. Its hotels are marvelous establishments. Its campii arc pretty little tent vlllnges, models ot cleanliness, sanitation, order, comfort and simple, in lorinnl living, An Ideal place lor vacation plcasiues. Send for our beautifully Illustrated booklet tolling nil about its wonders in woul and picture. , ; THROUGH SLEEPING CAR Operated DAILY during the asason between Portland and West Yellowstone by the UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM COMMENCING SATURDAY, JUNE 18, LEAVING PORTLAND 5:00 P. fo Our local agents will be g'ad (o explain the vni ions touis which enable visitors to see the Yellowslol.o So comfoiliihly und at minimum est; also to quote laics, prepare your Itinerary and maku your reservations. Call on C. R. MARSHALL, Agent The Dalles, Ore. or additrtS W.M. McMURRA V, General I'assiyiccr Agent Portland, Oregon. Whitney Repair Shop 709 East 8econ(l Rt. FOPULAU MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKIUL Lessons by Appointment Empress Thoatro Pianist If Maud Mili-wira Stilwe.. Teacher of Piano, Harmony and Theory, Lescheti'.'ky method Special atten tion given to heginneis Summer leim opens June 15. Phono red 3PJI Slu dlo 1000 Fulton street J2n WOO DAK I) & TA (JSC MIC It (,'onl ractiiitf Hiicklaycis (ind Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty Estimates furnished free of chargi, All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 5461 or Call at Gates Rlock Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK Di.LIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand RtXtienir Paint Store Mam mi Residence JMionc Red 1ft) i HARRY L. CLUFF ('RANDALL UNDERTAKING CO WaHfo The Dalles Dufur (.01 U O. CriANOALL, MiMf.r Rirl ritninei, Annul ml Mrfiiaur I lru'd Embaliners, Elablltlied UHf Woman Attendant Mrs, M. J, Wlllerlon Talephona Red 1781 Motor Equipment the acid of grapes and lemon Juice. I combined with 1 1 1 It in., and hns 'Jiecn used Tor generations to cl-an and stimulate sluggish kidneys, alno to neutralize acids In Ihe jrinc so It no j longor Irritates, Hum undlilg bladder I weakness. i Jad Salts Is a llf" saver for regit ,hir meat eaters. It Is Inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delightful, Iclfeive.iceiit lllliln water drink, Adv. EEED TRANSFER We hall anything, any place', call main 731. 21 VEM2 BAUER (Inneral real estate, Insurance, and fnnns. 100 East Second street. Tele phone main 1571. 28tl E. C. PRICE R-egiitsft-Bir'E'rJI AircIraSt4 504 First National Dank Bldg. Tho Dalles, Ore. 16tf Dr. (o. F. Newliouse Eye Specialist We nie equipped to glvii your eyes the very best or eaiq. .Eyes tested. (Musses groviud. Second and Washington Streets The Dajles Telephones Day Red 331 Nlflht Red J. H, Harper, Black 2152 Cut Flower i 3- 111 ; 4