The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 21, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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f rl
ami N. If. (lairs
feaUbllthod 1800 Tfhe Dalle. Ore.
Puttfthed Every Evening .Except Supday
kr thi Clirbnlcle Publishing company Inc '
Bn It Lltfln
Entered In
lcond class
The Dallus
At I hi bride's lesldence, IiMIiIh city
Saturday, June 20, by Hov. V. (', Cur
tint), pastor (if tlin Congi ogniloitnl
postofflce as churrli, Dr. Sllus H. I'rn.ler and .Mr?.
1 A t Idit Dunham were married.
By M
argarct Walker
two dlf
, Guticrnl Manager
ttntt,t Prpmi nnd United News Sorvlcu
M.inhcr of Audit Hureuu of Circulations
mil v ruunNir.LE BY CARRIER
One year, In udvanco W.JJU
fits months. In advuntu IJ.uo
llnu mnlith .. . . I'"
riAii v runoNICLE BY MAIL
One year. In ndvunve J5.00
Six months. In udviirice t'-i'!
One month 6U
One year, In advance... --""
In ordering 1ihiiku
crlber should iilwuyn
new address.
of addrufls,
Klvu old h
Kooms Ilhick 1
Adv., Clr. Duols ...Hud 111
Huhscrtbera In the ( aniiilctH uro kiihi
nteed service. I'mnipt mih! ickiiImi- de
livery of every Billifleilhei'n (taper Is the
I in of, the circulation depm intent. Tltu
Chronicle canlurs hih injnlieil lit put
the papers on the p'tich or whemver I It
upscrtber wishes Mm pufcer delivered.
We've had Ymuu
Thrlti Weeks, I'nblie
Cleanup Weeks and a
?r special weeks this
t!ray Weeks,
Health Weeks,
liumtier of tl!i
p.tst yeai, Hut
to mention ordinary ones thai come
four times every mouth. This is
Cheese Week, so ordained hy Hov
eionr Oleoit In a pioelaiuuiloii.
It seems that OregnnluiiH, ncrord
Ing to the goveinbr, aie paying a
Whole lot less munition Hi Oregon
cheese that thu rest ol the nation,
and that wo are citing only one
i... ..i. ,.i,i,i
tenth oi tne amnum uiui "'"
In older to keep up the stale's iei
Bb a cheese champion, gnstiolloinl-(
caliy sneaking, h well as liom a
frrodufctive standiiolnt
Here is the proch'inulioii.
"To the I'eople oi tile Slate of
Oregou:--The dairy industry lias a
lelatlonshlp lo tin; public:, wellare ol
the people of this stale liiai inusl
he recognized, Cheese const it ill e:i
one of the leading pioil.iris of this
great industry, and In its production,
our Oregon eliinale, soil and crop.i
lend Ideal conditions lo the produc
tion of milk and ll.e manufacture
ol thlb mosl wholesome food.
, "We produce uiuuil'llv tell inlllloll
pounds. Ills (iialliy is recognized
throughout the entire country, yet
our per capita ooiuuinptlou Is onlv
One.tenlh ol .what ii should he.
"I hereby designate the wool: from
June 1!) to June M inclusive, as
Cheese Consumption Week Ihrough
out (his state.
"I request the lull cooperation of
the people of tills male. In a move
ment that will encourage one of
our best industiies and lead lo a
rhore extended use of one ol .our
!ut louds.
: "I urge I hiti every home in Ore
gon take adwwitiigti of Hie opportun
ity which is presented by the dairy
industry of this state, lo become well
supplied with this food. I ask for
the cooperation of y.rocors and re
lull merchants, that this product
might he sold on lair margin ol
profit. and that hotels and rcstaii
lainu and all public eating places
nerve liberal poi lions at a pi Ice thai
will stimulate consumption.
"I also bespeak the c.i opot at tun
ot the piess Which Is always Ireelv
fciveu In the liiillierauce of eveij
j-roper and benellclul movement.
' "Verv Muceioly yours,
1832. six
there foi
Suites was born .Inly
miles from Italcigh,
The .Snipe., family lived
seven years. I lien moved to
N'oii'i iU
- r
Hy United J'less
Hl'fJHNK, Or.. .Inn.' 21. Two hun
dred and thiry degiees, and eighi
certificates, went gimitod bv tilt'
I'nlversliy of Oicgoii yesterday at
the ifith niitinal eomineficeineiil ex-1
erclses in Villard hall. Ol this'
number Vf leceive.l either the
bachelor of arts or the bachelor of (
sci 'iices decrees, IS were giuduuled
Irom Hie Kindiiaic t.cliool with their
iiiiistL'is' dc. lues, and 15 ivccivcill
dej;iees Irom Ihe medical srliool.
Aceoillltig to C'arllon S.neiicer,
legistim, thin is l,h" class
ever graduated Irom the university.
The largest giollp lo lecelve ilegiees
Horn any one depaiimcin, outside ol
Hie college, of llleratuie, udence anil
urlis, ,was from the school of Itusi
ness niluiiuint ration, Wi icceiving
their sheepskins.
line hundred received their brai.i
"okehs" 1 1 oil) the school of llteia
lure, ails, and science. The school
of education turned out 117 ami the
graduate school ,1S. Of lhe more
lnii.jitaiil schools, law came the
lowest, with only thirteen checked
VellM'SHce, wheie I hey Ihed
(ieorge was 12 years old. The ii.l
move was lo .letferstni Count), low.i
(ietirj.e attended the colinuy .-cho'il,
and his f :i in ft lived as did the fniiu-
'(!, fami! of iihtderale means. As lie
became o'd.-r, oin pai I leiilnr Klrl, .Mar
tha Imli r, in the Utile ivhool, 'eeined
more atliactive ami brilite.' than anv
t.ther. lie hail leichel': mall
iincwntiul lor II. e I" ' liarl In that
people weie fin Hln.t.e in not bt
oii'lm til or eiieounli iin; any mis-
!haps. Occai-loiiull.v frehli was so
cute:! Ini'lbe I'.illllif.' of bulfalo or an-
until ( lelope. One man was pk.eod In r.uiho'-
jliy over the trai.i. ICach person
1 r i't tain dliHes lo do; the mo:.! irk-.sor.-ie
tn,sl:s were ut.uido.l lo ftj dllfer
I'lit one ; con.-erullvi ly. Two yoiius
mt-ii weie iijip tinted ' lo ; .1.1 ;il the
. camp ejeh evOniiig.
, The ur! nlghl thai iinyiblna Marl
Hint; happened v.a.-i once when ili.
jenmpoil insl acro'ia the ireek Irom -i
!ai7;e li'abi, winch n..d .'ihiinl llun
hood, people IJiioiiRhoui the stale weie (Jf ,.,t,;- i,ith k!ik we.i' illlcllv
becoming j'.ieaMj intereiiled In the ;'i;izlng, when i.tii ot lh' jmanlH in
country Inrther west. Iowa and .Mi!i-Jumping the email, ml. .Judged
ton: I weie no loinor I'tonller i, tales jib,, ijisinnce and p'.uiiged iuin ill
Theie wa.-i ihe line lor the honie-.n-e:,-! water. The sudden :ttlaslilrii' I'l l,".'!'
old June l'luvitis
the cheiry men
with bib shuwets.
up iu this count r
Mcklug fain
spi ink
ptu a
rinieiit In
this se.i
oil all spring, en
the (wheat groweis,
came near handing
a bunch Snliudio
It's a siiuuge thing
lo hear an.wiue
dining ihe mint
me r lime, but the spasmodic
llllgs H'.UUldav (l.'l' ueail)
crimp in the glowing ep
Unval Amies liidlll', tried
toil Ho lb.- tirsl lime
lloal Amies uiJ' dellcile crenluies
who i.ti ii Mi eiisil) and ciack. C'lieny
iiu-ii who are woiiUng oui the e
pciliuelll ol teeiiiK whether or not
lh can bi traiibpoited all the way
iici'itsu the continent and command
high pi ice., held their bieilhs
Him watched the heavj cloiidh
Some ilainane wnn done, but H
was coiuliatativel) sn.all, 4nd a low
i1u: ol good Weatbei now
things thlphhai" I.-'I k l"t
Mill g''d! NlH I"' lueicillll
ll'iom The 'hiouiclc. June SJI. IS'.ui.i
The chaillplou )n tltlK lecord of .'i
which ha.'
(ichmldi tin
hi oken I bin
J.lehe made
been held h Victor
the hut two wetd.a. wan
morning when lltinv
a H.'Oie of til ptlllllM.
An iiaiued AloiJoiuild. a
trifle illtil. I Ihe "inlltieii. e." le'l lit. in
tilt- ItiltlKc Mini il'c u;ilei while liMic
lo it v id a Ham today II ' w h. ie eue
li u;i .Mitoih and found to be ion
tldcrahly biult.cii.
The boya who weie airehied for
Ciuelty to uiiluials weie dUiulsned tc
day by Jubttoo D.ivIb. licit I'lielpi
nd HaywHid Iliddcll were altoiiu'jn
Hv United Hies
WAMHINC.TtJN', June 21 J'Apecl
am eye.-- tinned Inwards a bK
blacltboaid, a tin un tilled Peitii",;. I
vinilK avenue. overlloA inn tic cu I lie
Hiteel car tracks, iuipeding auli.u'')'
bile unfile, relusing lo heed lh"1
admonitions of three lull" ie'i. All
e0rt locused upon Ihe blackboard,1
wlu.ii. in-. .hi, ill lv :i vitlilli wllii . ol"( e !
ol chalk inscribed llnee n.iMit, loi
lowed by caball.Uie numbers.
A buy., of ciiuv.nsation iwepl ihe
ciowd,. Theie was a iiii;i'.llu'- of
satislacllou and gruiubllou, with
plenty of curses ll'idcr Ihe h.e.ith.
Shi III voices of women wvi" beard
nnd iln-lr piesi'iice wa.i further
inaikcd by Ihe gayest dr:e.'N end
It mas the regular utleinnoi g'.h
eilng of a few ot Ihe race boiuus of
Ihe uallolial capital. Illnide I lit
newspaper oillce operators Wi re
ceaselessly answeihrt lh query
"Who won'.''" and Hie Inovii'iiik' se i
quel, "Wbal did U pay'.'"
Washlnglon is gambling mad. No,
clly in the country, fo the knowing1
professional gamblers nay. has a !
worse ,ase ol 'iteliiug I'cMir (iovern
mint einployos by the thoim niW I
wager every 'ulh;ruoon u sum Ihal
in Ihe aggregate looks like on item
front an approi rial Ion bill bet, re
cohgiess. Theie aie bookmaki rs or,
their ageliln in .all (he government !
buildings. When (ieorge Carter look
oll'lce leclilly as d'ublic I'linler, be
louiid horse race gambling , am tug
employes of the (i.iveruniinl I'rint
itlg oil ice so thai he was
Ion id lo suspend some enip!ots(
and to threaten gctieial dismissal lo
slop ii. Women as well as men were
"plunging" and, accoidlng to Car
ter's invest Igiil Ion, d'vollng niorej
lime lo a study of "fin in chails"
ami "dope sbeels" on Ihe horses
than to their duties.
There's the case of a man
wjio not so long ago was a sieiela.-)
to iioiuehody id' Importance. He
thinking aboiil gelling m..rrle.l, he
i;aid, si he saved his money. II
i'liioiiiilcd lo 1",M)II when Ii stalled
betting, Willi visions of a big pile ol
cuss money. Jle's a tali;ui diivel
today, and he isn't thinking about
nii. tiling in licit euMpt gelling llnec
m.'nls a i H i ami a bed.
Thcie's a lelegraph opeuilor wilh
a good Job. who follow!, a legulai
routine, saving lellglouulv linlll be
h.i.. $::uu. then (.pending It all on
Ihe ponies. When it's gone h. stai'lr
lo save auolher :liai. lie has a
"s slem."
A Aoitiift woman who came here
as a war worker and lost her post
Hon with the signing of li. aruils
tlce Is teputcd, atiioii.' hei-'frlemb
lo have won f12.uiili on Ihe races
slnio Iheli. She eiect'. lo lo. e .1
all seine of those dll.s.
"I'heii " she -Mild, "I'm g.ii ig back
lo Minnesota, whvre ihe oiil horses
I'll know anything about will be ihe
kind tin hil-b to a pirns or wagon "
cimscopal worehc.
Hold weli-'ahe conkehencf.
It V t'lllteil I'Ikhh
MII.WAl'KKK. Wis . June .'1 Ko
the Hist time a national confciouc"
ol social Mirlci worker of the
HpUropul chinch Will be h -Id im
uiedlatidv preceding the National
Coilleteiice ol Social Wolk The
cotifeiellce open ll.'lc today illld c Jl
i.'iuei ihroiiuh to Tbuitila
.li lill M (ilellll, dileclor of the W
se!l Sane l-'oiimlaliou, will addtesf
the HpiHcopal Mirkei-s toiilglit on
"What llelalliiiib Oughl Ihe Sm lal
Son ice Wqik of ()ur Chinch to
Hear hi the Wotk of Hihei' ChrUiiaii
CoiuiuisNioiiti " Among itiliem to lake
iuin of the' giithorlng tiro: li-'v
Chillies K (iilbort. titcrotary of die
Social Son Ice CoiuiiiUmoii of I If
Diocese of New York lte Augu-i
lino Kluiembuf, wlm In i u cuti
n etc I with inuliiuih n.s in New J.e
tun ; M iM Katheiille I' II w uu.
eiiet'iil sei'rolar) . Chinch Home
,-, ... ton Mass Ji.Uli
M , (ilellll, prcHldi'llt of lh- Nan.i.ul
Council ol Chinch iMIdHiia oi Help
Hov I. 10. Suildolllilld, mipouil ell
dent id City M Unburn of the cll ui
Now Yoi U
Dr. H. Iliirku Mtmau;, dentist, First
National bank, ukjiiih 307-tlo.s. Tele
phone main 3'Jll, n't. mu in 1091 SU
or lo push la.ther rtetl. wheie new'
lands could be bad fur the Hnlmlug.
The y,ar he was 20 yuais old, many
!ol the nclHhluiis of Ihe Snip fam
ily rob! their posaesrions and maije
u,i an euiigraiii Haiti io (uiuo lo IM"
igoll, Among them were the Imleis.
' Al'lor lhe bad ;;ori(', a ie.,lle.-. -. de
Mre lo go st i.ed (iisirgc. Ill luoilier
outlined li i in wi'lb enough clolhes lo
last a year. Willi only the lie elm bus.
lie bid the home lulu good'byo and
Marled on tool. He walked 211 miles
I to a village wheie a parly of men
I with three' wagons wore tiartln-.1, won'.
They neeileii a driver lor one wagon,
and since be was e.ierience,l ill lh"
management ol oxyen, (ieorge w.t- en
gaged lo go with tin in. He did not
Hud their company in hU liking, how
ever, mid after two week",, decided to
leave Ihcm. lie walked .'!." miles lo a
small town, Wlnleirel, Iowa.
Here he found qnlle ii ua'n pre tir
ing lo st:rl lot Oiegin. The ne::i
morning he siood bv and watched In-
I of stock Dining Ihe t ! r.-st
i (ieorge helped when vo.1 fu
expei ieiicod boys attempting to joke
up Hie om n. lie hiugheil at I heir clum
sy elloriti, wli n one of the men said,'
"Can you drive an ox loam?"
"Yes," (ieorge teplied,
Then," .aid Ihe man, "If vnii want
to g.t wilh us, I will mice you and jo-i
can slaj wilh us for two weeks afle
we gel lo On g'lll."
lie ;;!ail! i.gieeil lo Ihe I, run.
The pulv on b'loj of K! wamiu i.
22 men and no! qliile in nianv womci
and chlldri ii. Including Ihe oxen and
milk- cows, I bey had about 1IMI head
few day.,
was Heed
ed. One p.ulicular wagon driven b n
joinig, man In which several girls iode
wa.i couslanlh in trouble. The dilvei
did not know bow to manage, his oxen
and mosl of his ill I (Ml t ion was devoted
lo ihe girls rather than lo the loam.
As a coureiiuenco In passing through
marshy districts In Iowa, the wagon
wa,s lepeiiledly iiilro.l down and' Ihe
oxen liirned in Iheir yokes.
The respolisritillly of driving Ihem
was then glen lo (Ieorge Snipes.
Tills Inclined Ihe ellliillv of Ihe oilier
youlh. When he lauiilcd (ieorge, say.
lug he bad schemed to i bio with the
girls, (ieorge told liliu thai he in ed
not woiry about thai, thai he had a
l iner girl In a I rain ahead.
The louruej nerosi Hie plain w;i
Jiti"d il.o (alih-and .staiiid a st.u'c
'ode. Tile liaml of llnil Kill tor 11
, inlloii bel'oM- lln;v e.:i-ld be sloitped
Tlie :anriller band of Kin .u, stop, ted
hi fore thej had ione la. .
; The wagon trojji rtopi.e.l ove,- on.
jda.v at Soda i-prlngs, uheio i-everal
I train:, were camprd. .Mr. Snipes tells
'ui one man heie, as an example of Ihi-
(.(( aslonul hflll'di traveler. "This
man," he said, "belong, d lo 1 1 n ill
ft om .Missouri He hud Iwo wagon:
In ihe train and .'.nine ol uis oxen
died. He v. nr. then force. I to leave om
wai'on behind; bill rather than lo
anvone else gel any b. neili, ha Din no I
Ii. Thej had only gone three mili
um iiom moinitig, whin his ovci
slampt ded, It. olte the wa.;on io plecs
and bioko lh. loan's , leg, He v.'i ' Inc
wilhoiit air. wagon, when he might
have had one good mio left."
Al Holse. several people losl sloi 'i
which were ijoi.ionud by a wed.
which they ale. A tloelor in, the patty
! lo.-.i a f f in steer. Doing, anxious to d
t : in In ii ihe cause of hi; death, ho
j opened (he body lor .examination. In
i doing so, he so-niched 'hi: hand In
some wa and lit,- poison r'h:ore.l III
.".ysleiu. AfU-r Inlense, he
dle-l Ihe next morning. Thl.i was tin
only death in the parly during the
long and tedious loinnoj. Th? bom
v.'.'is placed In a rough box and iliec
Die box was wrapped wilh bo.nj lo. .
chains, lo proiicl ii tioiu ih wolves
The bit; la I was made in a foiks ol' lh"
road near the Snake liver.
I'o'ipli', who cror.sod the plains (he'
year before sull'erid I'.'oni eholeta
and in ::ome ins auce-,, iln ae It t.elj
grave., coiiiained the bodies of a doz
en fti ople wlio had died rtj a sltiglo
nlghl. 'ai'
At Salmon Falls, ,idaho,Jtbej 'camo
up wilh a train which loolfcd str.'iny;'i'
1 familiar to (Ieorge Snipe-;. Ac. thej
came nearer ills hopes we.ui .fulfilled
for ho saw the old neighbor; and
friends and the linlrrs were there.
.Martha Iniler was please'd, but' no'
tier t'.Uher. Ho had no use for ha1.'
young lover ami did not hoiitale lo
say so.
Thu Iwo trains now liavoled ties'
logo'.her, hut Ihe satisfaction m
(ieorge and .Maltha was sori I trio I
by Ihe sulci survoilunce to whlel
thej wore subjected. Dm in.'; the ie
inalnder of the trip they onl op
J MIM-Will l ! i.l li. I I ! I W ii.i I iJMiMW
uju tiff :t io7undr4 i
of the Cascades
On tht mator road from Seattle
to Tucoma nnd this llust, the
motorist passes through niuiiy
po.iita of vmuaunl ecenic interest.
Lake Keeclielui to o;io of these.
It is over six miles in length,-
tuviiiK tho of a
river, and is situated at an eleva
tion of 3,000 feet in the very heurt
of the Cascade range.
Motorista will find this region
h inottt eiiehantinn country dot
ted with beautltul'lakes ami
niotiHtauis and lme fir,' apnioe
and cedar trees measuring iu
iionic instances six to eight feet
in diameter. '
And all ulong thu route tha
motorist can get Red Crown Gas
oline th- allrivjiuory motor fuel,
that insures quick stur.liiwi, rapid
aect'U-uitiou ami more power.
LiKt for the Kvd Crown sytu
t Gtisolivz
of Qitality
po.tiiiltv foi ( onverantlui) on
ft ten occdrloll
t Ihe D .'chuies tlver thu trains
It nn d lowi.r.1 fifteen .Mile crenk, Or
the vlrlnilv wh"ie Dufur now ..tanil.i.
i When camp was made al the Dc.v
jclnitei.. (ieorge found a card address
rl lo Dr. 3haog, The Dalles. This wis
i alums! like iiieflng one of ills n"
famll. , lor Dr. iniaug had been the
family doctor and nn liiiimate friend
nf iin. s;niiii's fiiniiiv in low. i 'rills wa
i ' ..
on Kililav. He iinmediau'iy ationt
gelling a siiirslinite io drive for hi:n
cm S:n unlay, and on Siitulay. Hie
tialns alwaj:. leallng, he came to Th
, A warm welcome was fjlvon him bv
Ihe doctor and his good wife. Thev
had a r.tote here and owue.l I be land
which is now the Snipes land, west
of the city. When he was offered work,
(lent go replied, "No, I must go on
to tin vallej and get a siari, for I
have to steal mj girl lo Let her."
"Heie, we'll fix that tight here"
said Dr Shuug. "I have a lot of cay
uses. Well send a couple of trusty
fellows and gel her right away,-'
The plan was made, but when the
young kldnnppt rs i cache. 1 i.'ii'iiv
.Mile, the linlrrs had left Hio train an
.tarted toward Tjgli Valley, (ieirgi
waited at the camp, while his iw
companions went seven miles soul1
to what Is now known as the Drool'
liritiKf place, where the luili rs wen
One of the boys iein-:lned ir 'I'.
background with his 'lorsc an! the
extra horse, wilh on- sli! sa Idle
while Ihe other one iod.' up lo tin
camp mid asko-l IW .Mr Inner. Win c
he a epped lorwartl Hie .vouun matt
said thai his name was Iniler :.nd
that be had come to ir po.-:sihh
they were i elated. The newcomer w:i'
Invited to supper and proceeded lo
make himself agreeable.
When opportunlt; offered be slip
ped a loiter lo .Martha explaining
Hie sit tin I Ion iind lolling her l.xslip
away. She told him I hut silo w.m'd lie
About dark, .Mr linle.r went to see
'about the rattle, when he noticed iwo
horiej with saddles, tied in the shrub
hety nenr Ihu c.-eek He came bai k to
camp and ordeted the boys to Lather
the stock In iif'ir the wagons and keep
the ui there, "for theie are two fel
lows out 'there who probably meant
Karlj' In the evenjig, llarlha plead
ed an exciir.e for going lo bed. Thu
party was gathered about a big camp
fire. Tin- visitor excused himself soon
af.or and made hi.i departure. After
getting' into the wagon, where hhe
was si.ppor.uil lo sleep, .Maltha Iniler
watched nn.xloii.'.ly lor her father to
t in ri hlr. hack. When finally he did,
she slipped out and ran'lo the wall
ing hoi semen.
The ui.xt morning .Martha did no;
come lo kioakl.'u.l.
"Call .Marlha," ordered her fatliPr.
A younif man replied. "If you had
had a guard over jour girl last night,
instead of the cattle, she might be
heie now."
.Mr. I ruler wnt, turlously ungry.
The. elopers t.nd their asaistanti
reached Tin; Dalles at two o'clock in
the morning. Hiding up to the tent,
vhere the iSlmiig family lived, (ieorge
slllpes called, "Hello Doc."
"AJ1 right sir," came Die answer.
A Methodist minister had arrived
.'roni Oieson City the night before,
'n an hour Marlha Imler- became the
.vile of (ieorge Snipes. She had onlv
the clothes which she wore; he had
Ills clolhes and $1.(10 In money.
The doctor fitted them out with all
hey needed and gave Mr. Snipe i
work. Thoy lived with Dr. and Mr-,
sluing until September, 1854.
Tho next year they bought land a: j
oweiia and here they built it log.
hoiine. ISIght children were born ,o j
t he-iii hero.
.Several years later Ihey bought ihe
piesent family homo' west of The
Dalles, which, had changed hands four
times a It or Dr. Sluing solil It. A throe-
room log house was built and here Ihe
family of I I children was reared. Af- j neera who have bean truly home build
ler year' of work and fateful iiianusO- ois.
meiil the brick lo'- the present Orwell'
Hour heme were made and btirnetf by
Mr Snipes.
One of the triumphs of his l.lfe came
when after year.-, of anger on thf
part of hK I'aiher-ln-law, Mr. Iniler
came lo llieir home when the new
house was being planned and ' asked
to burrow money, thu.-. acknowledging
bis -mistake when in former years he
bad called (ieorge Snipes a "worth
ies i good-'fnr-nothlilg." The money
was loaned him and the bitterness of
years was wiped out. '
The new1 ll-l'Oolll hniule was built
In 1iTi and the family has lived
there ever since. '
Mr. .Snipes' account of lite in the
old- log house and of the irto-.o into
Hm now ll-'ooiii bilck house, Hie btf.t
In the count!. v, called 'to mind the
words ot - Will Cnrlum, when ho said.
Out of the old house, Nancy, moved
r.p Into the new;
All Ihe hllrry and worry is just as
, ood us 1 hrnugh.
iJut I'll tell .-on a thing right her? that
I ain't ashamed to ray,
Theie's precious things ill this old
house thai wo .can never taka
"Probably you lonioinber how-ncii we
weie that night,
When we were fairly .soli Iod nn' hau
things snug and. tight;
We feel as prounil as you please, Nan
cy, over our house that's now,
Hut we lelt as proud under this old
tool", and a good deal prouder, too.
"Pare you well, old house! You're
naught that can feel or nee,
Hut you room like a human being a
dear old friend to me; ,
And sf never will have a better home
If my opinion siandsi
LJntil we commence n-keopln' house
in the house not made by hands."
Mrs. Snipes died in l'JOl. Of the
II children. 4 !irls and 4 boys are
jet living. The lives of Mr. u.nd'Mrs,
Snipe,; stand as examples of tho pin-
Ch erries Wanted
Paying Cash
822 East. Second Street
Across hm Wasco Warehouse
The Best of the Bargain
When you buy advertised goods yon are getting the be;
t of
' Only' good goads, fairly priced, can stand the strain of advertising.
You can't imagine a mer
chant or lnnnufccUircr ad
vertising a lot of articles that
are poor in quality, poor i-t
make, ami that will not give
reasonable wear. Such gooJs
can't stand the strain of ad
vertising. The business can't
stand the strain of jublic con
, yhcn !; merchant signs his
name .'o 1 .statement he h
ravefu3 if whr't he says. When
tho wlule reputation of his
luhvuc.s h t sta'tj, he- U
(hnhlv cn'eritl. tiu'
eiatrment is baing-. .sent out
all the people,, so that any
thing in ii that is not true
will be known to all of his
employes and most of hi3
friends; then you may be sure
he is ten times doubly careful,
So, ,whe:j yo,i b iv adver
tised goods you get tlt3 best
of tho bargain, because- they
must be a advertised. '
. .- . , ...
' That is why -i' , paysi you to
read Chronn' Ic advertise
nuMits, and to buv the goods
;dvevlised. M er'isin'? , pro
'? fits, you , Read it, and ,fffct
the bent of the. bargain. tj.,.
1' I ft'" i '-.,' ,