The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 21, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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No cigarette has
the same delicious
flavor as Lucky
Strike. Because
Lucky Strike is the
toasted cigarette.
Daughter Born Horn, to Mr. nml
Mrs. C. K. Quirk, at The Dalles hos
pital, an Infant daughter.
R. R. Butler III Attorney H. It. Hut
lrr Ih iiiivtgutlnc tho streets of The
Dalle3 with the a HI of a cano today,
as a result of a severe attack of rheu
matism. Hutlcr was confined in lied
for several days last wee It by tho
same disease.
Park Meeting for W. C. T. U. The
local 'W. C. T. U. will hold an outdoor
meet Inn at the city park Thursday at
ternoon. The nipc-ting will lie In tho
form of a reception for the largo num
ber of new members recently uniting
wit li die organization. A program will
be put on under direction of tho flow
er iiiirslon superintendent'.
, 'Divorce Complaint Filed Alleging
cruel and inhuman treatment, Mrs.
Idalla Surnitt today filed suit in the
circuit court for a divorce from V. S.
Sut rat t. Ever since thoy were married,
r.?Nhs. Surratt alleges in the complaint,
rhe has provided her own support uy
working at her occupation of nurse.
She asks for an absolute decree of
' 'divorce 'and costrf and disbursements.
New Organist at Empress George
M. Stearns, formerly of Prineville,
has been secured by the management
of the Empress theater to preside
over the pipe organ in the place of
Bob Wersclikul, resigned. Stearns
has had considerable experience in
theater work, in addition to studying
music JiUt lie University of Oregon.
Swimming for Women Tho swim
ming tank at the high school will
bo open tonight for, the women's
.swimming class, ofgwnlzed under tho
auspices of Community Service.
Miss Charlotte Thrall will bo in
structor in charge, and tho water
will be heated to a temperature of
70 degrees. Tho tank will be open
at 7:150.
Piano Recital Tomorrow Music pu
pils of Mir. II. II. Puncher will appear
in recital at the Vogl school audito
rium tomorrow evening, in an espe
cially arranged program. Although at
tendance at the recital is by invita
tion, all persons interested in music
may becuro Invitations by communi
cating with Mrs, Fancher. Piano selec
tions will be featured on the program.
Barnett Funeral Tomorrow The
body of J. M. Harnett, who died Mon
day, June 20 at Madras, will arrive
in Tho Dalles tomorrow morning on
tho liend train. Funeral services will
be held from tho Crandall Undertak
ing company's chapel tomorrow after
noon at o'clock. ..Burial will bo in
tho Odd Fellows' cemetery. Mrs.
James Rico, a sister, will accompanv
the body from Madras to tills city.
Dies at Wasco Mrs. Fronio Wilson
41 years old, died suddenly at 0:20
yesterday morning at tho family home
near Wasco, following an attack of
heart trouble. She Is survived by her
husband, L. L. Wilson and two child
ren. Funeral services will be held to
morrow afternoon at a o'clock from
tho 'Wasco Christian -church, under
tho dltcction of Uib Crandall Under
taking company, Rurial will be in the
Wasco cemetery.
Marshalls Depart Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Marshall and son Allan Marshall
who linve been In tho Dalles for a
week or more visiting C, II, Mar
shall, local agent for tho O.-W. It.
'& N., left Monday afternoon by auto
inoblle lor their home in La Juntr.,
Colo. Mr. and Mrs, Marshall arc Ihe
parents of C, It. Marshall. They v. Ill
drive first tb Yellowstone, thence
south lo Salt Lake City before re
turning to Colorado. They traveled
2,500 miles by automobile from Colo
rado before reaching The Danes
With Supply Train The monthly
supply (rain of tho O.-W. It. & N.
company went through The Dalles
Monday night, headed eastward, in
charge of Superintendent A. Ruck
ley. Other officials were M. C. Wil
liams, division englnoer and W. E.
Drown, division storekeeper. The
monthly supply train carries requisi
tioned supplies for the system as
far east us Huntington, thus saving
the shipment of necessities In small
lots at various times during tho
month. Tito train Is made up at Al
blna. Working on Antelope Grade
Crews of men are. no' dorkl.ig on
the Antelopo grade, which, when
completed, will give Antelope a rival
percent connecting road with Slmn
iko, according to County IlondmtiAter
P. W. .Marx. Contract for tho grading
of tills stretcli of the road lias been
let to tho United Contracting com
pany of Portland. The present grade
la both steep and dangerous. The
new Antelope grade Is about three
anil one-half miles In length. Th
last bridge on, tho Dulur valley mar
ket road will bo completed within
a faw days, accoidlng to Mar';. The
completion of this bildr.e twill Ik the
last bit or construction work on tin
market road.
Here To Write Book Colonel II. II
Chllih rs, whose face and personality
was familiar in The Dalles several
years ago when he wa3 rpeclal agent
of the United States general land of
Ike, has returned to this city for an
indefinite stay. Colonel Chllders will
ptnd ills time collecting material
for ii novel in which he will exploit
the homestead and incidentally the
:till:ing natural phenomena of this
section of Oregon. lie says it is Ills
purpose to centralize the scenes of Ills
book around The Dalles and will name
this city In his writings. Colonel Chi!
dors is well known to the reading pub
lic as a newspaper man and nrtgazlne
writer and his contemplated literary
effort will lie watched with increas
ing interest, i
Columbia Leaves Fish Crop "As
ye sow, so shall ye reap." This blbil
cal expression might have been true
in paleolithic times but Wasco coun
ty r:i).( I ers declarj that s'ich is not
the case today. For Instance, farm
ers living along the banks of tlr.J
Columbia river sowed varied crops
tills spring, In the expectation of
leaping the same kind of vegetables
they had planted. And then along
came the high water and thrust a
new element into tho case by cover
ing up tlie vegetable gardens with
several feet of the stuff that people
drink. With the water came a fish
commonly called German carp. These
fish, originally placed in western
waters as a food llsh, have develop
ed a remarkable appetite for garden
truck, and as a result have virtually
clenred tho inundated gardens of all
traces of the original crop thereon
The receding water is leaving the
farmers a crop, however. All low
places on the lands are covered witli
little pools and each pool is filled
witli literally hundreds of carp, trap
ped by the receding waters. All that
is necessary to become an expert
fisherman Is a gunny sack, a pair
of rubber boots and a pitchfork.
Vacation School Popular The daily
vacation school which opened for
three weeks yesterday in the Uaptist
church building, dispelled all doubts
as to the popularity of the movement
by having an attendance of nearly 70
at the first session. The program
which is being followed is of such a
varied nature that at no time is there
any monotony. The order which wi'l
be followed dally beginning at it
o'clock In, processional, flag salute,
pledge of allegiance, repealing ol
Lord's prayer, roll call, memory sonc,
singing period, liible story, boolchaiu'i
work, mat. weaving, picture frame
weaving, manual training, calbihin
tigs, outdoor games, dramatization
work, character story, song and dis
missal. The kindergarten in under di
rection of Mrs. Hex Greene who work
ed for .several seasons in the success
ful vacation schools of Conor d'Alene.
In tliis department interesting world
stories are told, while book hand
worlt, sand moulding and out-door
games appeal lo the smaller children
Those who are in charge of tho ac
tivities of tlie school are Mrs. J. L.
Bogue, Mrs. Iielver, 'Mrs. Hex Greene,
Miss Thelina Crandall and Marjorie
Crandall. Parents who have children
in tho school and who are interested
In lis activities are invited to visit
tho building (luring tlie morning ses
sion. Just Received
Another shipment of men's, wom
en's and children's tennis shoes and
oxfords. F. A. French. 22
Dr. E. It, Lydif announces that Dr.
C. II, Day, formerly of the American
school of osteopathy, has become as
sociated with him in the practice of
osteopathy. The offices will be con
ducted under tlie name of Lyda ti
Day. 30
By United Prc-sH
CELLEFONTA1NE, Pa., June 21.
Four murderers weie electrocute J
hero Monday, This Is the first time
in the history of the state thai f 'tir
persons have paid the death penalty
for the same crltiiu.
WASHINGTON, June 21. Oratlu
ates of distinguished military schools
and colleges, who pass tho required
examination, will bo given an oppor
tunity to secure commissions as
second lieutenants in tho murine
corps reserve, according to an an
nouncement made by Major General
John A. Lojeiine, the conunandtrtit of
the corps. While on actlvo duty in
the reserve at Quantlco, Va,. they
will be given instruction and train
ing pending their examination for
permanent commlslsons in the ma
rine corps next December.
About 150 officers will bo required
to fill vacancies existing In tho corps
next January. Fifty non-commissioned
officers are to rorelve Instruc
tion at tho marine corps Institute
here, and will take tho examination
for permanent commission In the
marine corps before tho officers,
serving temporarily in tho reserve at
Quantlco, are examined.
O. F. Carlson of Salem Is in Tlie
Dallrs today upon business.
V, II. Smith or Wasco Is n business
visitor in Tlie Dalles today.
A. T. Karr ol' Yakima IS a business
visitor In the city today.
Mrs. Clove Illllgen of Dulur wuf
shopping in tlie city yesterday.
Frank Stone of llormiston war, in
tlie city today on business.
V. W. Amos of Mitchell viis a busi
ness visitor In the city est onlay.
J. O'Keele of Aillugton Is a giiest
Bt Hotel Dalles.
Vene Everett s of Piptland was a
dalles visitor yesterday.
C. .1. Corson returned yesterday from
a business trip to Port land.
.Mrs'. Henry Yeackol and Miss Iron"
Yeackel returned yesterday fiom a v fa
it to Portland.
C. A. Donnell and MJs.H Cora Don
nell, their cousins left yesterday for
tlieir lio i lies in Indiana.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. E. Berwick ol Shan
iko are visiting witli friends in thfa
city today.
Ernest C. .Smith, Hood Hlver attor
ney, Is a business visitor in The Dalles
Misses. Grace Zerelj and Hena Mor
ton, both, of Moro, are visiting with
friends in The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. F. 11. Brag ot Grass
Valley are shopping in The Dalles to
day. George Gnrdnler, Miss Helen Gard
iner, and Norris Curney, all of Baker,
are visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. It. Fancher.
Mr. and Mrs. .lleindon Maurey, for
mer realdent s of The Dalits, were in
tlie city yesterday. Mr. Maurey is a
banker of Wlnlock, Wash.
Misses Mary Sharp, Adelaide .iesch
and Elsie Dohni, who have been in
Spokane tor tlie past nine months, re
turned to their homes here, yesteiday.
Miss Verne Curtiss returned Satur
day from Seattle where she lias boon
attending the University of Washing
ton. Mrs. M. Klinger and Lota Darnielle
oi uiiiur were in uie cuy iimay, uug
route to tneir Homes at uuiur, alter
a visit in Portland.
Mrs. C. F. Peterson and son, Daniel,
spent last week at Wreiitliam visiting
Mrs. Peterson's sister, Mrs. S. i'P,
Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Mcitae of La
Grande, who have boon visiting lUr.
and Mrs. C. S. Gray, started yesterday
for Sea3ido and southern Oregon'
For Cherry Picking
Spruce baskets and Security ladders
at Walther-Wllliams company. 211
Clean Towels
Holier towels for business houso
and offices. Daily, $1.50 per mouth, oi
three towels per week, $1.00 per
month. Model Laundry, Main 11. Ii
Don't Shoot Fireworks
All poisons are hereby notified that
a city ordinance prohibits the shoot inn
of fireworks of any kind in lite city
limits. Anyone found shooting fire
works will bo prosecuted,
Frank Heater, chief of police.
Harry Learned, chief of fire dept. 21
Uy United News
NEW YORK Juno 21 Carpentler's
two sparring ' mates, Paul Journee,
tho heavyweight Frenchman, and
Italian Joe Gans, tho middleweight,
weio knocked but In their hunts hero
Monday night at Ebbet's Field. The
referee, Johnny Haukep, slopped Ihe
bout between ChallOj Wlenert, -of
Newark, and Journeo In tho fifth
round, after tho latter was knocked
down seven times dining the con
Augie Itatner, Gans' opponent, pun
ished tlie Italian so badly that the
referee, after 10 rounds of one sided
fighting, stopped the bout to savo
Both fights were to have been 12
round goes.
The LITTLE House
with the
BIG Pictures
Episode 10
"Double Adventure"
Episode 2
Wednesday - Thursday
Coolest Place in Town
(Contlmitd From Vaav 1)
ami tlie casual mourners outside gos
siping in low tones."
Carpenlicr came out nlllrod in his
dressing gown, inland emerging from
ii conference wills Lloyd George Upon
which hung the peace of Europe would
not have commanded more deference
from the same group.
Tho broad-minded man has recent
ly completed a ttlp around the world,
during the course ol" which he inter
viewed the grei.t men of all land.
Yet, he was impressed. He walked
sortly and talked low. We all did. With
a bond air, the Euiopcau champion
went through a short workoul with
file sparing parlneis. lie showi d notli
lug, lie never does in public. We all
of us watched him intently, lie bowed
and went back into seclusion in the
farm house. We look long breaths and
began lo tail: loud again.
'"lie has nice legs," the cynic ad
''lie's a thorough gentleman," liv
idealist reiterated. Then, sadly, "l'.ii"
1 don't see how he can boat Di-mpsey."
"He's a war hero." the heated pa
triot consoled, "but he isn't going to
have his airplane with him on July 2,
and what good's a man's war lecord
when Dempscj rocks him In those
thin slats?"
"He's got a chance," Ihe broad
minded man gave his opinion.
"Not a chance in the world!"
"lie has."
"He has not."
We fought thai way over there for
a couple hours. Five men accustom
ed lo reporting; matters of Interest
and Importance In the world. We
could not have had a more heated ar
gument over the bej'lnning of a new
world war.
Thousands aie Involved in the same
arguments. Just hi cam e these two
"S routiDE.D rN- iae2 x"
iiieie is no safer or more convenient method
of carrying money on vacation Hips than by Trav
elers' Checks, issued by the I'Yonch ,t Company
Willi Travelers' Checks you are rid of'oll- worry,
and requlie no oilier iilenl I Ileal imi than your sig
nal urc. Come in and lei us talk- to you about I hem.
"o Paid
tinm?-. c- H. FRENCH, Preoldrnt
MHapT summerexjCUrsion
llilMKIS To Eastern Points Through
Tickets on sale June 1st to
ML;"; August 15th inclusive. Lim-
it three months from date
HJBJLJ of sak with final return
IHBfijlV particulars write, telephone
HHp or call at office.
i':''i M E' renn' Cen'l. Ajjt., P.-ica. Drpt.
Ejil: ' ',r' Third tit., Portland Oregon
men are going to take a punch at
each other with phned hands on Jul;
It may be silly, but It's a fact, and
of course a fact is never silly. I don't
see how he can win," the Idealist 'aid
rinally. "But .1 think he will."
"He is a man of destiny."
"Destiny!" tlie man of tho broad
miiid said, "Haw! Haw!"
The rest ol us joined In. The aigu
iiient started all over again and it still
is going on.
Alain 0001 - Monneti Taxi Main 01. tt
(Contlnui (I From I'liRf
quickly, rivets Of beer will begin lo
Wheeler charged that Dinwiddle is
unknowingly piotecting the liquor
Opposition to (he bill before the
itiles committee, which has no power
to change It, and thus prevent its
consideration by the house, Is shindy
an attempt to 1:111 the bill, Wheeler
declared. "Mr. Dinwiddle has not
been with the Auii-K.iloon league for
more than a year and in assuming to
piotiui certain phasi s of the trade
lie is unwittingly protecting the il
legal traffic."
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
Willi I .OCA; J. IMPLICATION'S, us tlieir
tumid H'ucli the seat of tlie dlaeuse.
Ouii ill Is -i Im-al itlst'iiHo, ureatly In
lut . IjV ooii.slluitiuua! conditions, and
a oio-r to tf'iiu It .you must tuko an
uti-imii rt-msily. Mall's Catarrh Medi
um Is ml hii Intel unity mid acts tliru
he lilood on tho mucous surfaces of tlie
nsteiu. Hall's Cutarrh Medlelno was
on-Ti lled by one, ot tliu bent pliyslcluns
n this country fur years. It 13 com
lo.sed of oine of lh" best tonics known,
omblni-d with aMiio of the best blood
.Hii'ISlera. The iijifect combination or
lie Ingredients In Hall's Catairh Medl
ine Is what ii'uriurt-d such wonderful
faults in caMi'ihul conditions. Send (or
eailmonlals, frej
.1. lilWNKV it- CO., Props., Toledo, O.
All 1)1 UUKlflS, V,.'
Hmi; i-'mui' mil ' -.- coii'tinatlon.
on Savings
M. FRENCH, Vlce-rr-sldent
TETLER, Caohlfir
"Perhaps You Don't Know"
says the Good Judge
How long a little of
the Real Tobacco
Chew will last.
Nor how much gen
uine chewing satisfac
tion the full, rich real
lobacco taste will give.
Ask any man who usea
the Real Tobatco Chew.
He will tell you that
this1 class of tobacco
will give more satisfac
tionand at less cost
than the ordinary kind.
Put ufi in two styles
W-B GUT is a long fine -
The Dance
Will be
An Old Fashioned One
the regular
Everyone Invited
Music by the Harmony 4
Home of Good
"While New York
1 020 Cinemelodrama of
life in the great me
tropolis. No Advance in
Official War Films
Shown under auspices
American Legion
CHARLES RAY "The Old Swimmin' Hole"
Re minders
The hay and wheat crop is
Buy Now While Our Slock is Complete
Farm Machine Headquarters v
Walther-Williams Co.
cut tobacco
GUT is a short-cut tobacco
Justine Johnstone
. In
The ncar-lragedy of a,
girl who grew up ig
norant of all evil in the
world, unwarned, un
prepared. Paramount Magazine
coming along nicely and you
will need dependable equip
ment such as "International"
Mccormick or deering
Mowers and Hay Rakes, Bin
ders, Reapers or maybe a