PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1921. V H I. Ml 'SERBS HAVE QUEER L NOT ONE-ELEVEN Gjjarette3 The boot cigfarette in the world foryou-i3 tha one that suits your tuste. Maybe its ONE-ELEVEN, lust buv a package and I O "111" r, Ocigarettes0 (m Cl,IMl W .1 0 PERCENT Ot- U. OF 0. UHAD5 SELf- SUPPORTING on'ivicusitv ok oitunoN, iou- (11'NK, .1 lltio 2. 'Of I lit 'SM Hlil(k'iil4 who wcio ;i;i(lti;ilcil thin joar I nun tho Univrrsilj of (lrcr.oti, SO pi'iconl have earned more 1 1 ret ft ;i llilnl ol Iholi own way durhu; lour ears ol nliidy, fictordlun to Hlalt'incnl", made hv meinben; of the riant; thin wee!;. Twenty percent navo been nitlioly ' sclf-sunpcrtlra;. Many ami iuloro-,tins are tlic jobs which hae jMilcd an Income lo theee jounK men and wunion w 1 1 i 1 1' they ntudlid. The Ihjii yaida, loncl'iK eninjis, Hhip jaul,"., unliiug i;ioiindn. caw iiilllr, hlpliwny eomUriietlun, har vest fiuldi;, lauii'i, warehouse.!, and the t'orent flervlu.- ail have burn the Botticos of pay l)ec!;'i i'aroftill wiv ed dill lug the Miiiiinrr lo pa. uejiiml expanses in the vvf liter. Dislnv.iiihiiri, mowing launr, pnltiiif; in wood, cook inn, wail hie on tabic.;, owcepiiii; Pour,, have been homely tri'.ka uillltmb and oven cacorlv peiloimeii by tho .wmnr; men and v.omoii wcirlnr, eapn ami KOVns on I lie c unpii:! llihi wcolv. A m-atltinlo In m Klama'li K.illr, toll" how liu git up at I o'clorli In (lie morn iUK to do .hnltoi ivoilc. A f;iil Ironi Vacli:riRf()ii. Irollc J fur lalinon.hi Iho Co'ujiihh', .Attpthei iilil Inui lieoti a eool. lor haivciil hamlu. Two youiij; men were oiler,! on a i.hlp. Another wn- I'oreninn nl a '.HIM "ie I :i i lit. A filil can led Mm mail and earned an perrc:;! ol lier own v.iy Ml III anothei ('hi woi lvd at a :-oil i I' im'ain. ' Tlie worK that v. Ill he lalreu up by the " r.lti youni; men and woman, up on r.r.ndiiMlJon in nlmoat an varied an ihe In: lis? by v, hei he earned Ihtdi way. A largo number will ho hlj;li school tear-hern, aovoial will loach In collcr.i'8. fJomo will piae.'lee law. Otli 'ia will take up meiiieiiie, Manv will continue their iilu'lhu lor hii'lir do Kirea A low have been oidaiued as ininlnler; and will pie.teh. It.uiKs, IDe inriiranee, lori'lnn iiade, Ilin diplo matle nerdro, art.lillecluie, 1 1 1 1 m m . en );lneo: Iiik, iniisic, in Whpapei'H, publish ins homo;, liloraliire, aerial lorehl ptttiol, nunliiK, library woik, laliora toileH, Hlilpplnc illrnn, ail sloieii, and many olhor line.., will claim the ni'i vices cf those who aio f;i admit lug. Dniwn't Dutur Otauiv Tunc Table Two loiind dlmi dally. Leave Hank hotel, !. a. in. and 1 p. ni. I.uaio Dtlfur V:;ill a. in. and 1 p. m. tf llicio'ii A DIKctrnco II jou'wi been u "ready made" man In Hie paid, bo a "niadn lo onlnr num" la the tiitme. Hint elar.H hand tailor ed fuIIk to meai.uie, flbYMI and up. W. H. Webber, one blocli oat.t of pol- office. Ctf By Col, Homer r-olka (Ulllt'l I'H'IS Sliff ')llellilli'llt) l;lOI,CHAUI':, .lime l.-l liaxe Jiih cninpb tod a study of Iho woik ol lln AineilcMii iiiiikcm who have b"en helping Ihe .Sfiblaii xovc rnmetil duiiiiK id. diirieiilt poiioil of M-eon tincHon. i lielr chlel handleap has bfen III" laet I hat iiH'db'al science in Serbia i I mud up ulth an enormouB growl'i ol nr Ji - and i npei :;litloii 4. The mikikhii nui.'so meet eoiillal we (ome I'H'i.m h"ie in Serbia. 'I'll ;;irl-lam: do not allopeih-'r und"i 'land her, lliiv pity her lor lelii); illiliur rii il bill I hey like her ll'o nicni'o i"ly. (ieiiim; . public health aeioas in .;rbla h a pion- or UliderlakliiK. One ilodor to :!0,(iiiii people hi about Ihei ii ual limine, and Ihe tiained iiuim', i illil:noMi III Ihe ah.'ieneo ol Ihe doctor and Ihe mure, iho Serbian landmoiheiH have aerumulaied a ).n;;e rime of I radii lone., niaxliiiH and ui.Mli:. in regard lo rdrlineHa and II' eau:;e:, inevi'iition and euro. Some ol Ihe.e linnly ealabllHlird I rail I1 lour. a i e. II hi very daiiKetoua lor a baby 'o be euliiel e!"an, lor III" d-vll pre foiK lo lake a clean baby The ill,t which aei:.iinlihtc!i bchlnil Ihe car and on the n'ilp ol -i babv who I. pioperl) nei;l- eted noou f n un a sort i I I'liint. II Is veiy d ius'ioun ' ' ictnove Ihl;,. lor the devil would al mo ' (ertiinb abduct Hie child. Tim .iiiot i". alto ucelul in I: cpm awa; Ulb leule;,!:; and llienilicltl It I:-, imcentaiy to 'jind lb1 aim: ol : -n't 1 1 bablf'l cb'"elv lo 'li'ir si 'e i jnd lo bind llmlr np; c.;-;ev Ii ;otlmi and v.ivp lliem up !it;bll la ird'M- lo !iliai-ht'ti tic b.ibv'", aims mil leR.i The niiiR'; eipl.ilii that 'libien' :inv. ami le'j.'i at-" not lcuii.i n Atnei lea and that n v.-i lb d : III' iir rieana ha e i plai'veb .l.aii hi a-iiv. and l-rc It I : dUll m" to ro' nil! i rot conviciion on (I'l1 loint, bowovrr. The ehaln o' p oi! 'i Iho Mfrblmi mid bora i". very clear VII Sf rl I. in balie !; aie boi n will 'lnol.'d ! r: ;! aim:-.. 'I'll '. .m n "d lirchMy in order lo nriU'iici belli. 'I ho (!iowii-Jp Sib". Inv trarjit rimn and I f, , Wlul l)eliM oc I eooll I--' d"Klied. II I', exlremel" daiiTMmn lo d' niv.'hltif whaif'Vfr Km ii (hild on ''ihl-y, v.hbdi v.-ur, Hit T,irk' Ktm lay. tine inollir-r w!ij wai a aim I I ' in i.iiio It v.", ler (he elillil on I' ri lay e).pl il,icd thai nh" h til I ante j I'll ler e.i "i ieiiei I hat I bm muv iot he done, i-'hc bad ihme uo (wire ''ho ll't;l lime He l.o.' aim : Im 'irdl tlelj loll oil a b nw an I luol. on I'm;". Tito io'iutd ti!;i' h" e rvn Wl'h Ijejlll I l"Vev II ' i ,i veiy d oii. 'Mi', ; thi'i; or ;i al'.i lo In- I ii;"ii on' ol Hi" loom lr h h he wait lioiu until h I a' aai in daya ,.hl Win e lie i e m ive vi ry little am! all, t lii- nndl'iiM th" baby'a pio.'pi"'': ver ct Since iloctoi;, ai" ir.'uilly ivjI with a roach, a varletv ol uhi'IuI melhud f tilling up votmihi and Injniie. tae Iceu devbo'll. Moot iciapei I'imi lie ImmIiIi' ol Ihe chimnev b mo veiy mind thlir; lo appl.' lo th wound k'H'iih eahbai?' haven oi 'TijhIi ir-ii II" ai'' een more I I ,hh ivored Ii; dleautu.s lol wound:. l''or oe ilineiiHos a llle nil appli ealiou of very ho! lal la teioni .liended. Soincllnini PIIiiiIich:. i nil';. I til llial, ot c, i - lu an i ho (limato ii no bad and not l cailiie of Ihe hot fat. Kor iUi ilayn beloio ChrlBlmar. and lor lu days tiller Hauler onl hi "I ami heanii aio lo be ml"it I'ni' in det noui I (bed school cbihliim, im r ti ll ted a d'el fi r ro Ion:; n p I olten has veiy nert ma l "Mill : ss. Tree Clinic No Cb.ii'uo l:or E.t.imliiii tion TucsdfiyG anil 1 bin sdayii. Hi' It. nun. ( h!i oprneHc ph ilcian, Tliltd and V,tr,lilii(;loii, main Mil. If Wizards at Entertainment Chautauqua Presents a Notable Company on the Second Day in the Slonc-Platt-Bragers Trio gambling houses In Iho Chlneac ter iltory ol the province. These plaif, had lieielclorc thriven almost In tho heart of the International Settle niont, from which they are barred, hut 'were, because of the pccullarlt'os of the boundary Hns on Chineso soil. Striking among the results of tin? Governor's ukase Is the case of "The Wheel." For many yearn It had world-wide notorlty nn a palatial gambling house. A year ago It was closed and seized by tho Chinese authorities, who said It would be converted Into a hospital. Then came the announcement that It had boon sold to a foreign syndicate which was to remodel It nnd reopen million- dollars was spent on iho place. Governor Ho heard rumors that gambling was to be resumed. Ho took prompt steps. When the re opening dato arrived moro th.m 1000 persons arrived at the re modeled resort. Tlcy found a cor don ol soldiers drawn up around tin' as Hirst-class cabaret. Half ij place. A banjo wizard, n noted monoid-Jut and n gieat Helglnn nccordlonlst am! biirilone, eomprl.'jo Iho Stone-I'lntt -ltiugers Trio coming to I'hatitnuiiun In two bly prot'i'iims on Hie Heeond ilny. It In a gienl combination one of the very best on any phitfoim today. Kleeirn I'latt alone would nswuro the .nicees's of the compnny. Her mon ologue:! are Inimitable. They are nil mlglnnl. You will laugh with Rlectrn I'latt until your sldco ncbo. Vernon Slone, formeily of "The Ttanjo Klends" en the Oiplieum, coaxes remaikable music out of the banjo, the one-string fiddle ami thy lolln. Aehllle ltnerw, IJelglan plnno-nccordlonlpt. nnd Inn Hone Is a giadunto of the Itoynl Con ;oi vatory c,r f-russeli? nnd was formerly oriinlKl nt one of Hiiiofie's gteutt tithcdi nk. SEVEN STAT EG GIVEN COLORADO RIVER RIGHTO tiy 1 ft it it-il I'ihj WASHINGTON, .Mini' U1 -Lcgi'la Hon aul boi l.;iir; ihe ntal-a of Arbo na, Callfoiiila, t.'oloiailo, Nevada New .Mexico, IMah and Wyoming I') cnier Into an amcement for the dlr.- poalHon nl the watera ol iho Colo lado rivr, pasMed n iho hoii';e M"ii day. Itcpuhliean Leader .Mo'dcil the bill - & Eventually--Why Nnl Nov? Ship by 1 1 nek. Portland The Dalles Tiuck xrr ice. Ileii'l'pini lerti, Motor im vie" (bir.tgo. I'orllat'd telephone'', Marshall i:i:,r ami I'iisl iiyyt). It EVEN SHANGHAI HEING REFORMED Dy CliailcH Edwaitl II unn (I'll'M'll l'l'P!'.!l Sllff ClPf 1 I'PlMITHlnit ) SHAN;ilAI, .Intie il. "I'ioiu h"V lo Sbanrhai." ran Hil iinrrv di't popular in Hie ltnil"d Slat"!i it'll maav ye.iifi ago, wlien Ihl. Gale w.'iv lo ihe '"ai' liaiii wuh Ii.'M i known a a "Paris of the Orient" and wbe'ii all soiia ol naiclity llilni'.i weto iitllnii"d In, c mile ! i"ll iol' He night Mfe here. "Pinin Shanghai Soincwhrre 12', ," is the diige being groaneil toda. b tho p ii mini im a ol lhal name nolo, iniii "llll-'ht lile." For be II known lhal Hie Gloom ha - al dow tied Hie .loys' 'I h fan IJu.'c ian maidens who g'tmlmlei lilillirl. lo the tunc ol their o h I'illgli' ll ai ' mipli' buielil ' llllle but tie ine ll .f.-i a in;i( , jv ,,oMilc ii .;olltti(k tin lr habPat "Th-. Ti'iichcr,," dnco nhlaz" with sb.ani itr llbtn, rreannls a otilbcr and tot bidding anpect and "The Whc!," one trtnn the Orient's '.MontO' Carlo. Is surrounded by Chinese soldiers who look misplcionsly upon passr by to aaceitaln whether they may havo been ohscsned of the sporting instinct. General Ho Peng lln, defense com liiisjiloncr of. this provlnco ol Knng nu, has issued an 'all illinium Them shall be no more dance balls nor THE UNIVERSAL CAR Buy Your Ford Now Prices have dropped and we have just received two carloads. The demand for Fords is bigger this year than ever. Prices delivered at your place- TOURING ROADSTER TRUCK SEDAN COUPE TRACTOR BUY NOW .$649.58 602.73 (323.54 909.90 842.21 73500 Self , Starter and 'De mountable rims is now standard equipment. USE THE PHONE GarmettMotorCo. Opposite P. 0. Authorized Ford and Fordson Dealer Phono Main 119.1 The Dalles Clipping Safe Milk 17 I'or Infint.1 & Invalii'i NO COOIC1NC Th- ' I.'ooil-D.mU" r.T All Quick Lunch HtHomc'.OuVcvn l Foiiattnns. . Ar IfORl ICK'S. rtrAvni 1 Imit.ilicn-. - Sulir, r" ,1 11 "'1 mm i m M !::::r Jmi tl VI ill r ,; R-fffr 1 1 1 mm I H lAvrt-' ril till tb" din .. ..ft2S . .i" -i .i TKMPTING, tnsty ami rich in nutrition, Oi.y Mr ic Wheat UeartH make a cer eal both appetizing and satisfying. wliitonogs thin "moat of tho wlipnt " i n ni rment a of htoakfnst or luni'heon "ilo'i-ntlv imd N'onoinii'ully ; adiiptalilt for many jfiKKliea 'tween times, too. At Your linoi'ims OUMI'IC PLOI'R r a ii i f( a f I F I II p lusicr fLouR 9 II. IMIII fldll II H I I l( HRIII Scores Are 50c Thrift Coupons! It seems that almost every one in The Dalles is dipping Liberty Thrift Cou pons. We're glad to hear it fer'it means that this community is going to be a Com munity of Savers. Certainly a more generous offer could not he made. "Why. it's just like finding $2.50," said one man as ho opened an account for himself, his wife, and his three children. And it is, but we intend making the opening of a Savings Ac count so easy that no one will have the slightest excuse for not having one. i , - i i .A Liberty Thrift Coupon and 50c Opens a $1.00 Savings Account There is no red tape connected with taking advantage of this offer. Simply cut out the Liberty Thrift Coupon below, take it with'50c in cash to our Bank and you can open a .$1.00 Savings Account. In addition, " you will be presented with a Liberty Bell Savings Bank. -Three, condi ' lions govern this offer: (1) $1.00 of the account must remain on de posit for one year. (2) If a second deposit is not made within six months, the 50c coupon will be deducted when the account is closed at which time the Bell Bank must b'e returned. (3) Only one account can be opened by an individual. - 4 ' -"31 .-ft Clip the Liberty Thrift Coupon TODAY! ' t . Liberty Thrift Coupon WORTH 50c Sav- This coupon and 50c in cash onens a $100 ings Account and obtains a Liberty Bell Bank. Present it at our Bank. Name . THE WASCO COUNTY BANK Wasco County Bank The Dalles, Oregon . VV'.i if y