The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 20, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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By United Nov
.LONDON, June 20. The question
of empire to he discussed at the coin
ing Imperial British conference ere
i;o momentous that It Is now unoffi
cially predicted that the meeting will
continue for at least two months.
The first gathering will take place
Monday morning at 10 o'clock, at
Downing street. Subseiiuent Hcusinm
will he held in St. .lames palace.
Among those who will meet with
Lloyd George at the opening session
are Premiers Hughes of Australia,
Masscy of Now Zealand, General
Smuts of South Africa, Molghen, of
Canada .and the Maharaja of Ciitch,
India. It. Is reported I hat this sitting
Is to he more or less of a primary al
fair, to permit tho various colon i.n
pt cnilers to deliver their personal
vlewpolnlH to Lloyd George.
Tho most Important rpicr.tion, and
one which will receive iinmodlale al
tnnllon, will he that of I he renewal of
the Anglo-Japanese treaty. It ia re
ported on good amnnrlly that the
Billlsh cahiiiel. jecenlly discussed
tho situation and irepnred lis own
"hrlef to place Hie imperial policy ie
gi'.rdlng Japan iiuniely before I lie do
minion lender. Whal I hat policy I,-,
however, will not he disclosed until
tho colonials have themselves deliver
ed their own views.
Theio aro cerliun hints from various
mini tern that the cahinel desires lo re
.new the iindorslnnding willi Japafi.
hut that II will not press for a lenow-
al of tho actual alliance -provided
such a understanding does not chiINc!
with the, paramount desire In in rive al
complete accoid with the United
'Other (piestlons lo he laken up h;,
the imperial confeienc(! will he I In
empire's lorelgn policy, ,lrade tola
lions hetween the various: socllonn of
the cmplro and woild coniiniinlcatiou
Two Little Stories A bout Town
Main GUG1 Bennett Taxi Main
Agency Union Laundry
at tho Umatilla House. Good work anil
safo delivery guaranteed. Call main
5011. L'l
By United News
LONDON, Juno 20 Irish lopuhll
can troops, scattered over loof tops
and hehlnd chimney pots In liw
heart of Dublin, poured a deadly hail
ot bullets into a hnry tilled Willi
crown forces, late Saturday night
and precipitated one of Ihe bitterest
street battles that has ever laken
place In the Irish oily.
Reports of Ihe tight now becom
ing public Indicate thai several of
tho military, rebels and c.vlliunn
were killed, and at least If. persons
were wounded, including tliiee 'vo
The streets were tilled a (lie I line
ot Ihe atfray. A bomb, droppid inlo
the street fioni one of the roofs.
Just as the government lorry was
passing beneath, was I lie MkiiiiI for
an outburst ot tire. The trjopir..
leaped from the lorry to leluin the
fire of the attackers, who weie dll'II
cult to locate because nl the ;.r
curily ol their liiding place:.
Crowds on the sidewalks became
panic stricken, mid rushed lo'ei
Ihtough Ihe Menu of bullet., many
of Ihem falling hcucith ihe fei I ot
Ihe fleeing citizens.
Tho militaiy linallv :-iii i i-icled in
l catering older In tin- :.t reel, but Ihe
lobols are tepoited lo hm-'i . 'ipul
The extent ol eaAualll'. anion , tilt
lepuhticaus is not knituu
Ol the known wounded n In
civilians and six ate ol de
CeuHlahlo llradl'ord a-; kllbl and
ColiHlablo Ktuail was uo inili il Sun
day In an attacks at Thonia .town.
Kilkenny, and other c.i u.iIIh repot i
the shooting of I wo luiiiMT -..ililioi.
named Bullly and Cuuuiimhiim, m
Kings county. Auotbei turmer Mihller
Itobort I'lke, was iihot dead in Dub
J lit.
.Business men in Tho Dalles aie hn
ing a perplexing time these nays try
ing to keep' straight in their tnlu'ls
the Identity of two good looking
blonde girls who arc einplojed In of
lahlislimonts on Second r-lrect. Tinw
are sisters, not. twins, but constructed
ro generally along tho same linos that
each can wear the clothes of the
oilier equally well.
One woiks on tho north side of Sec
ond street, tho oilier on the south
side. Thai's as far as wo will go on
It. A. I.ubbu of Ihe Kdwnrd C. J'eaKe
rampnny, lias .occasion frequently lo
go into tho office where the North
Side Sister works. He arcs her ovor
day. The oilier day, Ihe South Side
Sister went inlo the Tease company
wilh a llllie bill lor Mr. I.ubho.
"Do you.woik In bolh places now,"
mid l.ubhe, lneni inning Hie ollic.'.
whoio the North Sldo Sister Is em
ploj ed.
Tlic South Side Sister explalued
Ihul sho really was a sister of (lie
other girl, so, when a short time lat
er, Liibhe happened lo nee Ihe North
ISide Sister, he lold her of the oceur-
icnec, and promised thai he would
J-now Ihem apart next lime.
Thai same evening, the Norlh Side
tiisler's It'll on Ihe .South Side Sister's
speaking lo l.uhbe, Ihe laller asked
her if she had given him a receipt lor
that little bill "this morning."
"M I hough t you said you wBrc going
lo know us apart," Ihe, North Side
fdslei- exclaimed, laughing.
If the Soulli Side Sisler didn't have
flufly hair, even her own relatives
would hardly know how lo dislingiiis.'i
belween Ihe pair. I'll! (ho North Sid"
Sister's iiad on Ihe Soulli Side Sinter's
head, and Ihe Noilh' Side Sister's
boss will be slopping Ihe S. S. S. on
the streel some day to ask If Ihe cash
How fast cm a jack rabbit travel
Is a question that has been perplex
ing eastern Oiogonlans ever since
the first long-legged jack waved his
ears over a hilltop lo see tho cara
vnners traellng down tho Columbia
lioioic talc; have been told Of Ihe
lightning-like qualities of a lean Jack
vrtieh ho is feeling good and some
thing is behind, spurring Him along
There is one man employed on The
Ciionielo who harbirs the vain ambi
tion to rhoot a Jack with a .22 caliber
rifle, and who declares that the anl-
mi'l can mil run Ihe ballot.
Lilt Harry Vallher comes forth with
an absolutely scionl'l'lu t;peod test
which he declares solves the quest ion
of their speed bevond dispute. Ycsler
'1'iy was spenl by Waltlier anil a partv
of friends Hailing along I lie IK'.clitltos
above Manilla.
Coming back In a hurry, WaUlier'!
rosdclor was Hiooiing along north
Horn the Matipin road, In ading for
'I'ygh Vallev. The ro:xl hi stralghl end
f!al and I ho going good.
Up hopped a .hick Iroin l!ie middl.:
or Ihe road, while WJnltherV. cm- was
culling mihn an iiour, .t shown
by Ihe upcodomulcr. The car war.
almost on Ihe jack, and in ;:u in taut
lie ge.aied hi.- Ion"; hind h ;,:; from a
spied or 0 to :p) miles and belter. In
fact lliis rahbil w t holler than :m.
Walliier had no desire to be "lu..i
ed by a Jack inhbil so ho hlcppc.1 on
her. So did Ihe iacl;. Tlie speedometer
oiawled lo miles, then to ;!". The
labblt's spring were Ihiowmg dust
back on Ihe radiator cap. L'vcry ten
leel Ihe jack would jump a yard la
Ihe air and pul on mine momentum
Al III! mles an hour the aulo crawled
up. Al .''.7, Ihe jack hi-.:an hilling Ihe
side of Ihe road, and at .'IS, h-leapo'l
aside as Ihe wheels touched his tail.
Tills is a'l WalliH-i 'i, atoiy of coutHe,
bill he claims to have had two tried
and I rue citizens of The Dalles hi : lie
car with him, one of whom watched
the speedometer while tho other toot
e I for the Jack rabbit.
toiuoriow. The cointnillee In cliarg"
of II was expected to recommend that
union labor he urged to support the
Irish cause. It was reported reliably,
however, that the elauso declaring a
boycott on Itiltlsh goods had been
Thero'n -. Slfference
If you've aeon a "ready made" man
in the past, bo a "made to order man"
in tho future. I'Mrst class hand tailor
nil suits to measure, $35.00 and up. W.
it. Webber, one block oast of post
office. Gtf
SI. Louis dropped a game lo tho
(Hauls after winning 10 straight.
Announcement made that pro
lessienal baseball would he at
tempted in Japan
O'.Mara, Indianapolis; Wagner,
Columbus and Kvans, Kan.-as
City, apph lor reinstatement in
the American Association
(COMtlmiL'll 1'VOIII PURI! 1.)
ers and maintenance or way workers.
The appearance of I ho representa
tives of the road today is considered
a mere I'ormalily, as there is no doubt
in railroad circles 1ml what their le
qiicst will be compiled with.
Freo Clinic No Charge For Examina
tion Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Dr. Bauni, chiropractic physician,
Third and Washington, main 501. if
Brown's Dutur ssagr. Time Tablo
Two round trips dally. Leavo Hank
hotel, 1). a. m. and I p. in. Leave
Dufur 7:20 a. m. and 1 p. m. tf
Mis. Margaret Wade of A M. Wll
N. C. Hod in if Wapiuliia is a
business isitor in The Dalles today.
I Hams and company is absent from
the store on account of illness.
I Mrs. I. Surratt or Wasco Is visit
! Ing with friends In The Dalles today.
Mrs.' W. W. Williams of Wasco is
visiting with friends in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Schlffler of Pen
dleton arc visitors In this city today.
Mr. and Mrs. '. Ii. Tucker of Prino
vlllo are gues's u Hotel Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. I). O. MePherson of
Hend are registered al Hotel Dalles.
A. (. Harvey of Wanilc was in
the city on business today.
Mrs. W. P. Merry of Portland Is
spending several weeks, at tho Mer
ry ranch In the Three Mile district.
W. J. Mariner of Dlalock Is In tills
city today attending to business mat
ter.? Miss Gertrude Iloulow of Pendleton
was In The Dalles yesterday visltin;
with Irietids.
Jay Sallzinan, stale tralflc ol fleer,
is in The Dalles today InvosUtrating
several matters reported lo his office.
Mrs. Hay Angel I and daughter, Eva,
were week-end visitors at Ihe home of
Mia. IS. ilobortson at Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs. Kniersott liurtner
of Dufur weie hopping In the city
Satin day.
Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell of
Wamio were Jn tho city today on
Mrs. I). A. Lubbc accompanied
Mrs. Victor Marden to Portland, Sat
urday. She will spend several days
Jn the Hose City.
John Gavin, Jr., returned yester
day from Eugene, whole he has
been attending the University of
Oregon law school.
Mrs. D. L. HarWns left Sunday tor
Council Blulfs, la., where sho expects
to spend several weeks visiting with
her daughter, Mrs, Albert Jensen.
G. Clarence of Goldcndale, Wash.,
was a business visitor In the city
It. V. Gunn of Corvnllls Is la this
city today attending to business ma'
Ben Hockman and Newton Cnm
field, both of Wasco, arc leglstered at
Hotel Dalles.
Mr. and 'Mis. A. G. Sheridan ol
Bend are visiting with friends In this
Conrad Yeackel of Goldcndale,
who is seriously 111, was brought to
the local hospital yesterday by Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Yeackel. They are
stopping at the homo of Henry
Mr. and. Mrs. K. D. Howe and Mrs,
and Mrs. H. K. Khrsani. all of Port
land, were visiting over tho week
"Annual Income -Annual
Annual Income
Annual Expenditure
Mr. MIcawbcr
The experience of Dickens' Mr. Micav,
ber is the same as that of thousands of
us whose whole lives are made miser
able through the folly of living beyond
our means.
Save part of what you earn and invest
it in our Preferred Stock. Even though
you lay aside but $10 a month you can
soon own a share. If you start NOW,
the dividends will amount to 7 on
your money. Ask any of cur employes
' they're our salesmen, or tear out the
coupon NOW mail it TODAY.
Pacific Power & Light Co.
A Business which of Neces sity is Permanent.
. Fill this out NOW; mall it TODAY .
Investment Dept., Gasco Bldg., Portland, Oregon
Send mo (1) 8-page illustrated booklet, "Tho Story of
an Opportunity at Home," (2) Information about your Pre
ferred Stock, 0!) Details of Easy Payment Plan, (i) How
to judgo an Investment.-
Name .,
I'ot Hand-- Department m i)ido-,
('Ulcus Inderal rat-killing ciiui ,mvh
Baker I'oc del It.n mine . , i
linn) starts lea Mump null
iPorllaud Kchool boaid will i in -i
stale law forbidding m tuml - an I 1
leges from teaching print mr, i i le
and doing Job printing
l)r, S. Burke Masaey, rtcntut, First
National bank, rooms Ilo? :ms Tele
phono mala 3'Jll, ies mam U.'.U mi
S H I P f 'Tn G H O A ft D
(Oinillimt'it From I'.ikm 1 )
dampers and Lewis taction-. iiiKht lu
A printed report that Leu i.. - ii'
ported by a lund of $iuu,imu -urn I
a number of dolegatts to dunu'd i
thorough Investigation.
Tho railroad uuIoiik. women gar
niont workers and m.nhmiMs ha
swung to the biipport m Lewis' rae
dldacy. 'With this pronil of a hei
voto, Lewis himself w.i.. .utue ui the
campaign today. With lonilnuuUH run
feronces on tho convent am floor, n
hotel lobuloa and hotel urnin-. 1 n
vor might, have hoon iiiteii.nniUK
jmrty convention.
Tim Irish ouestlon pribabh will 1"
fought out In tho convention lodai or
Home of Good I'liotoplayu
New York Sleeps
A slory of (he bright lights and black shadows
of the Great Metropolis that no one can afford
to miss. The most sensational melodrama of
all time.
"Mixed Pickles" Our Organ
end with Mr. and Mrs. John Cham
pers. They motored to this city over
the highway.
.1. H. 'Welstcr of Bend is In The
Dalles today renewing business ac
quaintances. Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Ritcher and
son James of Tacoma, who have
been visiting at the home of Mrs.
H. B. Stacey, 1201 Fair street, for
the week, left today for their home
Mrs. Stacey and Mrs. Ritcher are
- -
Eventually Why Not Now?
Ship by truck. Portlanil-The Dalles
Truck service. Headquarters, Motor,
Service Garage. Portland telephones,
Marshall 1355 and East 3990. tt
Silks! Silks!
Good dependable qualities are the kindxwe sell.
Our large stock of always newest novelties afford
better selections as well as lowest prices. Here are
a few of the most popular Summer Silks for
Blouses, Skirts and Dresses.
98c, $1.25, $1.69 to $2.50 Yard
Very best heavy quality. Per yard Wd
Exceptional quality. Per yard &f M
For Blouses, Skirts or Dresses. An unequalled
fabric for service. Comes in White, Flesh, Navy,
Browns and other leading colors. Yard $2.75
Try Skinner White Satin for Wash Skirts
No. 404 all silk quality, yard $2.75
No. 236 Cotton Back quality, yard $2.50
Attractive colorings and exceptional qualities,
at per yard $1.69
The most popular silk fabric for 1921. White,
Pearl Grey and Nevy. Per yard $5.00
CREPE DE CHINES-i-All colors, $1.89 and $2.25
GEORGETTE CREPES All colors $1.95
If you want the best, our stocks offer you larger
assortments and best values.
Dress Ginghams in All Colors Plaids, Checks,
Stripes and solid shades, 27 inches wide
19c and 25c Yard.
Wide Dress Ginghams 32 inches wide. All new
styles in Plaidss, Stripes and solid shades.
29c, 35c and 45c Yard
Best quality, 36 inch
Shirting Madras. New
est stripes for men's
and boys' Dress Shirts.
39c Yard
Omo Neck Bands are
accurately sized and
save lots of time and
worry in the making of
10c Each
Edw. C. Pease Co.
Send it
(DtM A.k.M.CO
We have no quarrel with any firm that
uses every available opportunity to
bring its service before its customers.
We do it ourselves. But it is a pleasure
for us to occasionally reverse the or
der of things and let our customers
know that we appreciate their liteady
patronage and that we value it highlv.
And as we value it we shall certainly
use every effort to give the service
that will keep it.