PAGE SIX (J, S, DESTROYER IS STRUCK BY TORPEDO Hv Wiv SAN PEDRO, Oil., Juno IS. -With a jugged hole in her hull, the U. S. !-'. destroyer Dent put In hen1 lute to dny. The destroyer was accidentally Htrilck by 11 "dud" torpedo In 1 1n. eh am battle in :i n!ll v cih of the Pa elf It; fleet near San Clomenlo Island '50 miles off the coast or Southern Cut il'onila. AlthoiiKh tin lipped torpedoes were being used, savlne, the Hoverniuenl thousands of doltais over the usu of regular torpedoes with the powder charge taken out, the loree wllh which the toipedo .struck the Dent was sufficient lo make a Jammed t est I In her hull. Officers of I he Deal sahl that the torpedo was being Hied from another destioyer al a baltleMilp a long distance away. In some maiiiiei . the proper nlgnal was not given an. I ! the Dent sped across Ihe course o( the toipedo, but a low bundled yards In front, of the destroyer from which It was fired. The Denl'i; forward com pai lineal nipldly filled wlih water, bin she managed lo limp in under her own power. Il Is expM-lod an investigation will , tie oideri-d as soon as the Heel ie turns from the scene id' maneuvers'. MRS. HARDING (Contlnutiri From I'hko 1.) Irom Wasco county this jear in till way: flisl, because or the great uliortage in soft fruits all over the east and middle west and, second, Ibis year the Wasco Hoyal Amies will hit the New York auction market just about the lime the California market Is over. The windiip of the California season Is taking place now. Frazler also cites Die tact that lit I gated cherries do not carry so well as ihe non-Irrigated fruit. Irrigated cher lies from the Yakima, I.ewlKton and Spokane districts In Hie past have not borne up well. They have nevei been shipped east of Chicago, accoid lug lo Fra.lor. California cherries ar" non-irrigated, and usually they arrive In the eastern markets Just us good as (ho blnck cherries. Taking all of these tilings Into con sideration, the cooperatives have no hesitancy in expressing the opinion t hut the Hoyal Anno shipments from hero tills .wear will he vcr.u success ful. ..Men who have been. growers here lor years have hern shipping Hoyal Amies In small lots through the us ual express lanes, without refrigera tion, to points iis far east as New Jer sey. The cherries have always arrived In splendid condition, they maintain. Then, Is reasoned, there is no rea son why Hie cherries, ;arel'ully hand led In Hie packing rooms and refriger ated, should not go IIiiujikIi lu I'lpiul ly good condition 1 SERVICE ROW SETTLED BY WEEKS Hy I lulled iN'v WASHINGTON, June IS Peace hns been restored In Ihe army air ser vice. Its chief, llrlgudler (icnorul Charles T. Mencher, lias withdrawn ills rec ommendation tor I ho relief ol Hie as sistant chief, llrlgudler (ienernl Wil liam Mitchell, Mitchell, In tin u, has promised that actions of his which Incurred the wrath of his superior olflceis will not lie repealed. The arrangenieni was made at m conference of Hie two olfl-ers and Secretary or War Weeks. WeekH staled Hint Hie iwoininen datlon made by (ietieral Metioher fur Hit) lemoviil of Heueral Mitchell, in his opinion, Justified ihe request. Mitchell s ciedlled wllh having been "loo active." "The recrelary, however, believing in Hie Interests of the it it service and ol the government itself, such act ion would be undesirable ami uiitorlunate at this lime, lias been able to i-ecure a satisfactory adjustment of the till llcultles Involved," said Weeks today. IT'LL COST LESSTHAN TO GET A NEW KITCHEN SINK COST Q PLUMBlNG- NOW looking at II Wlfn't. point of view, from our ilmi'l llllllH It WOUllt lll II Il.lll: imuI lilcii lo put In a K'lotl Mi.ii, ii Vint inimiiiii or the iiititcil cleanly run vt'iiii'iice or l In- tliliiK. loot, hi from u health ttiiiidliolul. Tall It It n-i nun jour win- ami talk It over wllh un. llii'ii JOHN MILNE PLUMUINQ & HEATINQ Phone Red 991 The Dalles -0 I I M . - CHAUTAUQUA PRESENTS "IT PAYS TO This Great Comedy Succes3 Is to Be Presented on the Fourth Night by New York Players ICIllson-Willie presents something new for Cliaiitaiiqua patrons this year a splendid eastern dramatic company in one of our greatest American plays, "It Pays to Advertise." This big comedy success has broken many records for continuous runs lit cities all over the country. It is a play with lots of ac tion, clean and wholesome, and abounding In funny situations. Tim Keighley New York Players, will give a complete production of tills spleii'lld comedy, adequately staged In every way. The ru Is un all-profession-al one and hns a high stundliig in dramatic circles. See "It Pays To'' by all means it ltf refreshing, Invigorating, mirth-compelling and a true gloom-cliaser. Il is a sure cure for the hlueii. NEW PACKERS' BILL PLEASING PACKERS, 'JHAFIC.G WASHINGTON, June IS -The Hun gen packer hill, passed by tun sen ale yesterday, was today declared lo have Ihe "pucker stump on It.," and lo lie thoroughly satisfactory to tliein. Charges to thai -fleet Wen; -.mide from the lloor ol the scnal- an. I not denied. P. J. LEADS (Continued Kl Dill I'ML'n t.) the funds helne subscribed in tin Comiuiinlly Service canvuss now go ing on. Children will be admitted free III' next Friday's game proves a sii"- cess, an effort will be made lo estab lish a twilight baseball league, made up of teams of torn I business men, tie coidlug lo Arliury. Community Service i-s now eiilali lisb several others upon ucanl lots ill various parts of Hie city. .Mine than .tfilMi has alriady been turned hi by .solicitor:! in Community Sei vice's canvass lor Hinds, now gu lug on. The vast majority of this sum Is In iliiiuu, quarters and half dollars Subscribers repotted lo Ity Service up to .l.iue 1 follows : Coinmun were us Helen Fair, Maigaro! Walker, I. ynn Itoycroll, F. . llru.-.'tiu, Anne M. Lang, U, C. Malloy, .Mrs. .1. M, Smith, C. I.. Pepper, Fred Cypher.-, Mrs. I,. I). Crandull, Mrs. I). M Ficncli Chas. Iloth, Mrs. Joseph Stadelinan, A. i.M. Splckormun, Mrs Itlcliard Kiencll, II. A. I.llblie, Mrs II. A. Lulibe, Mrs. John Nash, C. M ell, .1. T. liorick, Mis. C. P. Wil liams, John I,, llogu.', Mrs. F. I,. Saul, lturget and Mogau, lilack and While, Hestauranl, Cramer Ilros, .1. II. Italli. I). Unqulsl, Mrs. W. I-' Smithy Hurl Scott, Maude Sinionsou J. II,' Kllmorc, Itohert Simousou, Kdrn Senl'erl, Frieda Marsh, Miss Hugger, Coraldlne Kelly, Mrs. F, S (iunnitig, Mm. C. 11. liodder, Mrs Sclienck, Miirgnret West, Kuthryn West. Mrs, Sheldon, Mrs. W. .1 Seufert. Margaret Muier, Tdm West, Mrs. Tom West, Alice Marlon Itace, Dorothy Jane Hare, l.averm N'lebiils. Henry Scherrer, Karl Fil.wntor, (ilea- wood Hotel. V, !. Sanders, Mrs. I'. 11. Sanders, A. Fliiin, Mm. Un qulsl, Coelli Cainey, Hud Cute.-, Horn Sexton, .1. S. Jensen, Dr. (,oo. 1!. Culling, Itulli Williams, Donald Wil liams, Harold Dawson, Kenneth Dawson, Mrs. F. I,, Houghton, Hang Naka, Robert lilgga, Mrs. Hurry McCrlte, Freddie French Vera French, Janet Alspiiunh Mrs Hawkins, Haul McCoy, lleryl Villi Seholck, Peggy Van Seholck, Iviither Ino Wissler, Mrs. 1 D,, Mrs. Maude Kilinoto, Mis. Fnttun Crooks, Klizabeth Morau, ijeo. C. Iilakeley, Mrs. (5eo. C. iilakeley, Max (iinnberl. Win. I-'. Kil.gerald. Mis K. Rondeau. Mrs. II W. llariholoniew. Mrs. 11. W. l'euiilnglon, J. II. Miller ..Mrs. J. 11. Miller, Mrs and Miss I.amsoii, Josio O'llalloiaii, J. K. Dylmll, (5. K. Mini Chester, Mrs. Fied Moore, N. A. Krlckson, I!. 0 Wrlghl, K A. Oof Ion, A. il. Wlllard. Mrs. N. K. Crof ton. C M. Morris, Mrs. Judd. S. A. i'leiich. M. 1.. l.ogan, S. J. lladcock, T 1', Moody, O. T. Itrown, C. H. Merrynuin C. li. Marshall, C. Y. I.atub, Mrs A. A. Cooper, K. C. Pease. K. F. Van Seholck, Mrs. ,M. S. l.siy. Mrs. (). 1). Donne, K. D. Snyder, Mrs K Cavaiiaiigh, Mrs. W. J. Saveaii, Mabel Hill. Get Our Prices oil picking ladders II will pay y-w. .Stailelniau r.'Uni. IS FINANCING OF HARVEST (Coiltllllll'll I'lMlll P.ltll 1.) take advantage of loans from cast tin eapltalUls." financing is mccssiun because of Hie fact that faiineis who have been in Hie habit of honowliK from the banks with Ihilr wlie: I as sectiilu lave eoiiveytd title in wh-.i' to the On Mm tiiain tiioWLi )' uaso THE DALLES elation by becoming ii'enihers of that organization. "The most Important tiling which we have to do now Is to sell the wheat thiit iwe have under contract," Ludwiek explained. "And to sell this wheal, we must have financial backing." Although Hio sole-lion of a man ager for Hie Oregon association was given considerable discussion last night, no definite decision was reach ed. The directors plan to go over this mutter in person Tuesday with several Portland business men who ate in line for the position. The position of manager will be tho highest salaried in Die organi.a Hon. Thi! manager will have charge of all organization work, handling of funds and in l:u:l, everything but Ihe actual selling of the wheat, which will be done thiough Ilia salesmaiia ger of the Northwest (5 rain 0 row ers', associated. T. W. Nelson oc cupies this position. The headquarters of the stale as social ion will he moed from The Dalles to Portland as soon as the cliaifge can lti made, Ihe dlnclor decided. This change is being made in ordi r Unit thP headquarters of flee may be in closer lunch with the market sliuuHon. lOlectlon of directors was Jicld yes-: .orday afternoon. The delegates re elected A. 11. Sliuiuway of Millon as president of the board and V. II. Smith of Wasco secretary. How ard Anderson of Jlcppner, Herbert Olden of lone anil Charles llarlh ol Tim Da lies were reelected as di ice tors, and new directors are II. It. Davldhizer of Joseph, (leorge 'II llrown of New Kra and W. J. lid wards (d' Dayvllle. .1. K. Keynold.-. ol' l,a (Irando was chosen chairman of the board of district delegates. l.el your boy or girl utu nil ihe Daily Vara (Ion rcliool IS ON FORESTRY BOARD Hv United Press WASHINGTON. June IS. - No Ice-presldeiils and three iioav mom hers ol the hoard of directors ot the American Forestry iiBsocliillon an no. meed today by Charles l.athrop Paik, president, Included the nnino LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kid neys if Bladder Bothers You. Kilting meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or oilier, says 'i well known an thorlly, because Ihe urie'aeld In meat excites the kidneys, they be come oxerworked; get sluggish; do,; up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and misery lu the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stout ach. constipation, torpid liver, sleep lessness, bladder and urinary inlta Hon. The moment your back hints or, kidneys aien'l acting right, or If' bladder bothers you, got about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tnhlcsponiiful in 1 a ghfsis ol water before breakfas' for a few duyo and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous sails is made tioin tho acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lllbla, ami litis been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stim ulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize Hie acids In the urine so it no longer Irritates, tints ending bladder disorders. . Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; . makes u dellglittul effervescent llth la water drink which millions or men and women take now and th n to keep the kidneys and urinary oreniw clean thus avoiding serloua kidney disease Atfv, I MRS. HARDING NAMED DAILY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, or Mrs. Warren 0. Harding as a vice-president. Dr. Henry S. Drinker, former piesi dent of Lehigh; Charles K. Quincy of New York City, and Dr. Hugh P. linker of New York City, all dlrec tois of the American Forestry as social ion, have been made members of the forestry committee .of the V. S. Chamber ol Commerce which committee is in session in Chicago tills week. From there the commit tee goes to the Pacific Coast to gather data as lo the requirements for a national forest policy. New vice-presidents are: Dr. John Grler Hihben, president of Prince ton; Medill McCorinick, senator from Illinois; Dr. K. Ii. Fernow of Canada; Hon. John W. Weeks of Massachusetts, "secretary of war; Hon. Henry C, Wallace of Iowa, secretary or, agriculture; Mrs. War ten (1. Harding ot' Ohio; Mrs. John Dickinson Sherman of Chicago, General Federation of Women's Clubs; Vincent Astor of Now York; Dr Charles W. Kllot of Cambridge, Mass; Kvorilt G. Griggs. Tacoma. Coming Monday EMPRESS Sunday FOX NEWS TONIGHT "THE CALL OF YOUTH" A Paramount Picture. JUNE 18, 1921, ADVERTISE the Keighley 99 'Wash.; John M-. Ovontou of Tennes see, president of the Tennessee forestry association; Henry C. Campbell of Milwaukee, president of .tilts Wisconsin fore; try associa tion; Goodrich Jones, j -"blent of the Texas forestry association; Hon. H. H. Snell of Potsdam, N. Y.; Hon. Stephen T. Mather of Illinois, director of national parks; Thomas Nelson Page of Virginia; J. T. Roth rock, Pennsylvania forestry commis sion; Flllbert Hoth of Michigan; W. K. Colby of California, secretary of Hie Sierra club; Howard von Sclirenck of St. Louis, Missouri; Col. Robert M. Thompson, president, New Yoik slate forestry association. Now members of the board of di rectors are Dr. Hugh P. ilaker, sec retary, American Paper and Pulp association; R. S. Kellogg of New York City, secretary of the News Print service bureau, and K. A. Sherman, assistant forester of the United States. , Da llji Vacation school, Uaptinl church Monday. Free. Ages 1 to 12. U "While New York Sleeps" The mightiest screen melodrama of all time. A' picture of night life in the lights and shadows of the Great Metiopolis. As titanic as the Great City itself. DON'T MISS IT. Home of Good Conway Tearle "Society Snobs" A photoplay that proves the truth of Ihe statement, "Everything comes to him who waits." Don't wait, but go. ADDED ATTRACTIONS Clyde Cook in HARVEST TIME (Continued From Fane 1.) much out of the emergency tariff measure. It Is criticized both for its ;ommlsslons as well as Its omissions. Secretary J. H. Mercer, of the Kan sas Livestock association, alreadv has sent out requests to all members lo write their representatives in con gress to see what Items omitted in the emergency bill are included In Ihe geneial tariff law. The restiveness of farmers gener ally Is not directed at an one thine oilier than credit. There Is no doubl ing their altitude toward the hanks, however, and Hiii has developed to lie point where one hears more and more talk among them of concerted political action. They don't know ex icily what they want. They do know they are not satisfied with what they ire getting:. A. tstiong political leader Thomsen's Candies Made in Oregon A fresh shipment just received. Just the kind for that Picnic or Auto trip. Service Drug Store Prescription Specialists Two doors west of Parlor Grocery Open Sunday Photoplays OUR MIGHTY ORGAN "The Jockey" who could establish Hie confidence of the farmers, could cause more than a ripple now on the surface of American politics. They are In the attltudu of awaiting such leadership. Not that a socialistic movement is developing in the agricultural Industry, but dissatis faction is increasingly evident. 1 1 Free Clinic No Charge For Examln tion Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. Ilaum, cblropractlc phjslclan, Tlilid and Washington, main 601. It Brown's Uutur 3(agc Time Table Two round trips dally. Leave Bank hotel, 9. a. in. and 4 p. m. Lenre Dufui 7:31) a. in. and 1 p. ni. it Eventually Why Not Now? Ship by truck. l'ortland-The Dalles Tiuck service. Headquarters, .Motor Service Oarage. Portland telephones, Marshall 1355 and East 3990. tf Free Delivery Tel. Main 2451 Mornings, 8 to 12 9