THE DALLES DAILY CHTONICLF SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1921. PAGE FIVE FIRST POLO MATCH WON BY AMERICANS August of 1914. Par beyond tho military age. the rugged old mayor signed up as a volulitl-ei, and by dint of blurting, cajoling and throat 'eiilng the army doctota. Ilnally got himself accepted lor the set vice. i And he didn't have any riur- slnecjie, either. Kioin 1914 until SCORE 11 TO 4 IN OPENER , OF 1919 he did the dirty work or INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION- j r,vn,p' ,tl,,!n ?,' . u. co,"or;'' ' m SHIP TOURNEY. sergeant, In a lighting unit, and ' ' 1 went over the top with all the rest . By UhlUd New "'' f,hu, brC yoWHK, 'J"'11' , , HURLINOHAM, Kugland, June IS U il ,vai fivlc reception In -America won the first gam;. ,.f iho!1919 iU Auxi-n-o, when covered with international polo championship here 1 "u"1 anil slory. he .marched into h s t0(jay i lown hall, displaying his Otolx tie The final score wr.s 11 to 4 tiuerre, Mednllle Militalro, and Le- The Americans riwept the Urn:- Y ! lon r Honm. I.altetly the old cr. off their feet in the firs' chuk "tlean of lw " ' H"?" ker. The Ilrltlatr wue on the il.jfen-1 refer to h in, rcmovet! to Paris. Hut sh tlimiiirhnnt. wlln th.. A!ii...-'eiin i ,llfi 1,nl alr "r thf ,Hital proved pressing continually. mote detrimental to his robust oltt The British hit their stride with the start of the second period, how ever. The rlt'ling ot both iiuaitettes was furious. Both sid s threatened, but each broke through hut once. The same ten ilk- pace was main 'WHt tamed in the third chukker, each I team scoring two goals. The defense of both was slightly more lax duej to the hard riding on both sides. The- fourth chukker score wan, ' America 0; England 1. . Tompkinson scored the goal. j The title began to turn in the, fourth chukker. The Kngll3hm1.11 showed more dash than in any per iod and only superb defensive, work by the Ainei loans kept the score down. The score for the filth chukker was America 2; England 0, inaklnj? the total America 7; England 4 After the British spurt in frame than the snow of Dounuiiiout or thi! marshes of St. Ootid ; and at the sui-er-CIIeiiiLncauvlan n-je of 82 the grand old man has finally been gathered to Ills lost comrades ot the Taxi Brown's Taxi. Telephone mail 5021 RUSSIANS WELCOME OUTSIDE CAPITAL l.Moscow reallzej that anything re sembllng n communist revolution il western .Europe, Is now more or le.i' remote. "So far na foreign trade Is con cerned, Moscow 1ms recognized u-l-vate property anil private ownership It has created the essential clenientt of a new bourgeol3e, without the fun tlnmcntal evils of the oltl anil with a stern democratic control. "At the present moment Moscow welcomes foreign capitalists. The gov ernment it cannot, without assistance, organize Its own trade, nnd consequent) must turn to foreign concessions. It must rely upon the money, experience and Initiative of foreign capitalists to create stable and economic conditions with which to make for Russian prosperity. "Russia, however, still hopes, by n syr.teni of firm control, to abolish competition, dn'ngers and the. capital istic chaos which occurs in periods ot stress." KinsHln maintained It would he more 10 Poland's Inteient to cooper ate with Russia 1 linn to shape her policies upon the dictation of France Notice My cherry pickers are notified that I shall be ready for them on .Monday, June i!0th. Truck will leave resilience, 201) East Fourth street, at ti o'clock a. m. C). U 1JOANE. 18 l!y United J'leaa LONDON, June W -A frank con tension of past mlsL.Mv In Russli the 'and an expression ot hope lor the Hi- fourth period, the Aineiicans again ,ture is voiced by Leonid Krasain, assumed the aggressive in the fifth bolshevik trade aijent in Lindon, in a and by brilliant individual play swept plgned article hi the Sunday Tlme3. their opponents back and scoied two goals, Captain Deverenu.v Millnirn of Die The article is one of tho clearest ex prersions that hii3 come from a bol shevik representative in confession American team made Ids first tsoal1hat S0Ine , ,,, ,uos, rn(1ral ).Pais In the tilth chukker. Hitchcock ac-,0. h(1 p.iat w(.( J)m7 ,J0n fi),an,,on. counted lor tue oiner a men rim score. ,-ed. DEATH CLAIMS OLDEST I "Great changes have taken plare POILU , withiii the last few mouths in the pol- I ini- nf Hlisnln.' If i ic.ln'n fie ,ln. By United i'resa jelares. ''.Moscow has found It absolute- PARIS, June 18. The "oldest ly necesfary to consumniate trade polln" of the great war Surugue, mayor of Auxerre, in Bur-out lhe world. gundy, has Just died. j "We wish to duplicate the British : Ho; was 75 years oltl when the (ratio agreement with Fiance, Ainer mobilization call came early Injica, Italy anil Scandinavian countries. Monsieur .agreements with capitalists Ihiougb- S.OVIET DIDN'T LAST LONG AT BRUSSELS By R. H. Sheffield lllnlteil I'i.-ps Staff t'oiii- iiomli'iil) LRUS?. ELS, June IS. - Without previous warning, the soviet occupa- Catarrh Cannot Be Cured Willi I.UI.AL. ..PLICATIONS, us they :annot leuch tile seat of the disease. ;hi -rh 1 Jncal disease, greatly ln lu .. by constitutional conditions, and ir. .iu 1' to oiiiu li you niiift take an menial rtmc-dy. Hall's Catarrh Medi um is lui-nn Internally and acts thru tie blood on the mucous surfaces ot the .vsteiii. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was it esc 1 1 Lied ty Jne of the best physicians 11 this country for years. It 13 com-.os.-rt of dome of the best tonics known, omblned with somu of the best blood urlUeiH. The perfect combination of he Ingied.'.nu In Hull's Catarrh Medl ine la what produces such wonderful esultb in catarrhal conditions. Send tor sllinonlJls. fre... .1. CllliINKI ft CO., Props., Toledo, O. Ml Piucylms, .'So, i-.,ii. "ill. ..- ".ntliatlnt ion of factor'es Idea struck Belgium. Following the example ol Italian tvoikers. who 'look titer p. ants hroughout Italy the Belgian woik .uen immediately hoisted the red .lag over the occupiid plant. Tile AOikers, who are employes of the Auto-Mettalurgltiue factory at Mar chienne. in South llcltdum. stoilllv denied communist or bolshevlstj with delegations from the mnnas? niunt and from the workers nnd per suaded Uiem to acceiit a compromise settlement, that was agreeable to both parties. Cherry Season. (let your ladders and baskets troin us. Stadeliiian-I3onn. lis sentiments. 1 Trouble started when an old sol dler who did not belong lo tiny 1 ratio' .inion was employed. Soon the Irrl-j ated woikmen applied to the 111:111 iger for dint barge of the war voter-1 in. TI10 director icfiist-tl lo lire t tie 1 man who was able to do all t hut j was reunited of hlin' Alter holding a "chapel" the! workmen proceeded to turn out of I the factory the diaughtsuicn, inau-t .igers, clerks and tline'teepers nii't then carried on their work in the ordinary way. Next morning the red I In;; wat floating over the works. Police j '.quads turned out tearing trouble, lut nothing happen' il. Thereupon followed a series of negotiations be tween men and managers, (lovein ment authorities tit HriiNnebi were notified and took precautions. Even tually the premier held conference pVERKEADY WATERLESS SOAP Cleans Hands, Clothing Carpets, Woodwork One and 5 lb. Cans ASK YOUR CROCER Dr. Geo. F.. N.ewhouse- Eye Specialist , . Wo aiu equipped to give your eyes the very best of- care. Kyes tested. Glasses ground. Second and Washington StrecU The Dalles WOO DA III) & TAUSCHEK Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kindi of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty Estimates furnished free of chargs. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block Safe WHIM for INFANTS & INVALIDS " ' ASK FOR HorlickTs The Orif iaal Avoid Imitation kd Substitutes. ForlnfaliW.tiivalldtandarowt.inClitldrw I RU-tiMnk.MalUdOrali.Biilractlii Powder Tbo Original KooU-Diink For All Ages No CuoUng-NourwhtnB-WigesUblo Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's I'aint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF GET THE HABIT OF THRIFT The essential qualities to cultivate the thrift' habit are determination and a normal earning power things which we all have. To put thrift into definite practice there is no better plan than to tie up with the CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK We can assist you in outlining a pian that will make SAVING easy. Success is yours through thrift will you be thrifty? 4 Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings' Accounts. Citizens National Bank p. Ir. J. A. Hetlter, Vice-I'res. Olrtctorir l J. Stadelmsn. Telephone Maiu 3101 Officers J. Htadeliuan.Pi'eBldent. Arthur Seufert Dr. J. A. Reuter H. HI Oreene. Cashier r' ,B' F" Plta" 11, 1.. Kuck J. V. Tureck, Ass't Cashier. -f. ? Jleln"',h J. J. Van Dellen ?jP These nmrAta ' B ring Results MEETING NOTICES Knights of Pythias Kejjular meeting .Mondnv night, June 20 K p. m. Work in knight rank. By order ct C. H. IlAWiOTT." C. C. L'lt Federal Union Notice All mombeni antl applicants to The' Dalles Federal union No. 17i44 are requested to .be. present at the next meeting Saturday evening, .June IS, ai Schannn hail, nt 8 o'clock. Iiuportiinl buaiiieFS. II. Spauliling, secretary. .IS K'OH SALE Dxl2 Axiuiuster rug, larco mirror, etc. 21S East Third. IS F.H F1ENT FOll ISALIS Santl and gin vol. Truck service. Country trips. Oordion anil Van Dolah, telephone red Viil. SO PC R I iA.I.K Vc30.' 'New house "and lot. Water in house, nine big t'rult irees. Tonus. B;e It. II. Kijh, 113 Weal Thirtuenth street. -'4 TOir'sXlTrS'i'liii'i! iotsof ganlen, ftnod condition: Hit) yoiitiK chickens. House lor rent. Telephone hlacu 2201. FOH SAbIC Hesifienco proiierty and vacant lots. ICasj teruiR. Inquire 01. X Clay street. 'S FOliTISAI.R - (loud work team, H and !1 yearn old, weight, Ulwo lbs. ?22i. ('. Brewer, l.yle. Wash. 21 FOH SALFDr oak wood: old oii'c, $11 r.fl; second giowth, $12.50. Uellv ered. Call, .KiF22, after (i p. m. tf WANTED- -Man and wife want lab as cookn on rahch;or in camp, Wiil'a box nn, care C'liroiilclii. FOH SAMC--Chenp. Two man Mi Cormlck combint1 with good engi'm', also home attachment. Write W. I.. Tyron, 50C West Eleventh, street, The Dalles. 2ti FOH B.Vl E -Threshlnfi uiachliie nut lit, 12 Iiorr.eP'iwcr. Advance sileain engine: 27. inch r.tiflsull separator. .) O .lone;, Corson, the Miuh: .Man. 21 i WANTED .fob for cook in hotel or re.itaurant. Call at (ileuwood hotel, 21 VAN TkIv -rrTiri""w7JmaTI7ul''"-resa, good pay. (lleinvooil Restau rant. 21 LOST OH KOUND FOB RPNT Oootl upright )iiano. (1. E. Corson, the Music Man. 21 FTJR RENT Five-room modern bun galow and gnrage. Price $:iu. In quire 1412 Pine street. VI FOR RENT A pat Uncut- in, lhe Con don building. "1 FOR RENT Furnished hoii!..ekeepinr; ' rooms. 115 East Second. 2'l FGRr"f5nT Furnished rooms, clone in. F. J. Kar;;l. telephone red titiiil. 21 FOR RENT Threii room houto. in quire Carl Malies, Thnmpaon addition. 20 FOR RENT rhreetpoin furnished apartment, pi i vate bath. 1521 Jack son street. Call afier 4 p. in. IX FOH SALE Ovniiand, model 75. Also Ford light delivery body. Hargair- ! Am lea vine. town. Inquire Hull Al vord Mreut. 2(i FOH RENT Furnished Ituee room I apart incut with bath, Includhip ' piano, light, water, Ice and tele phone, lioti Ciairison. Teiepnone black 51:11. 1 OH SALE Ono pool table, gond condition. Also one 1'iont and back bur, while enamel. Tho Adjus men' Bureau, till Pit lock block, Portland Oregon. Is FOR RENT- -Furnished housekeeping rooms. Al o small furnished house Inquhe 111 Weoi Second. 22 FOR RENT - Three unfurnished rooms up&lalis Telephone bb"k 4341. 1S FOR RENT -Good pastille, lots ot water, clore in. Can tike from one to 50 head. Inquire J. C. Thrall. 22 FOr'rENT- Furnished housekeeping rooms and -lec-plnrr loom. No child ren. Call evenings 500 East Fourth Btieet. -l FOR SA I. E .ri-rooni modem house, ga rage and sleeping porch. Close Hi Small payment down, easy lorma on balance. See W. H. Webber. 20 FOH SALE Complete thlflfihlnc cblne. 2X-lnch .1. I. Case separator and engine. Outfit In first class con dition. E. A. Head, Bulck Garag, Telephone mam U21. 27'l FOH SAI.1. Large and email farm and orchard tracts. Reasonable i.rtces. kooiI teiuis. W. C Manila Dultir, Oie IKlf. lOH SALE Oi will trade tor mill: goals or Angoran nt equal value, ihrcn good grade Jerscv cows, com ing fre-.h soon, (leorge C. Watson, box 73S, The Dalles, Oregon. 20 FOR SALE FOR' SALE V.-buuirr oil rft-ive. Tele phone red 30ts2. -l FCR SALE - Small iweel cherries, Miltahle for fanning or wine. Two corns por pound, plckln:; them yourself. .1. L Fowler, ono mile olf Mill Creek on Dutch Flat load. 2ii FOR SALE-Rafleigh -p.roductn. 410 'West Fourth St. Black 1311. J2U FOR SALE Ten-room hotel. Inqulie box 07, Kent, Oregon. FOrTsAJvE A brand new four-room houfo. modern In every respect. 5ihi East Fourteenth street. '-:! FOR SALE --Household article., n iev. pieces of furniiure. Cheap. T.Vi Union stteet. -1 FOR SALE Baled-hay and grain. W deliver any place In town. One horse, weight 1750. 7 years old Guaranteed Will sell or trade for cat i In. One team, weight 2400. Sound and gentle. O. K. Feed barn. J"lv2 FOR SALE- Fine slock ranch. Trout Lake, Wash.. I have for sale by own ei a tine ranch In the famous Trout Lake vulle , 24 tulles above White Salmon, Wash. Fine linprovenientr two, large harm, one rleetrie light ed: Ifl-rooiu house with water tin der pressure. A very line irrigated ntnch with abundance of water. .Ins. lhe place to raise full blood slock Write H. N. Warnlck, Trout Lake Wash,, or sen hint Saliuday, Join 18. at Hotel Dalles. li: FOUND Child'.; dark blue coal on 1111.0 camp grounds. Iimulit' at Chronlcie office. 21 STHAYED the direction and supet vision of such a rchltects. All bids must be accompanied by a ctirlilied clteclti lor 10', of lhe amount of the hid,, to be forfeited to Dalles City In case such hid should bo accepted and the bidder should fall to enter' Into contract and bund for', th'j fal.thful pi'rfonni anco. of tho work. All bids shall- be sealill and .fhtilt he tiled wilh the Recorder of Dallei City on. or before 8; '10 p. 111., Juiicj 25. P.I21. said bils to be opened h.7 the Recorder ami Council 011 sali dale. Dalles City roserve.t the right It rulect any and all bids.' Dated this' 151 h day of June. 1!)2 D. L. CATES, City H.;coider. 2 FOKD Whitney Repair Shop 709 East Second St. POPULAR MUSIC Taught by Eoiffi WE1RS5CHKUL. Ltn-HOiiH by Apiioluliitmii WinproKS Thoatro llansf . t 1 .1 r REED TRANSFER'; ; We hall anything, any phfee, call main 7111. 2:1 t WN1 ED WANTED A piano box. Call or wri e 1122 Pin. turret. 2ti WANTED--Posh Ion as stenographer Call black '1522. IX WAITED ''C'heiry pickers F. I. Thomas, telephone t!F4. 2:t V ANTED Cherrv pickers. Call 6F12 21 WANTED- Two men tin haying. Ap ply Bank hotel. ix WANTED -Six or seven room modern liotiso. Will nut by lhe ear. A. S John ion, Wasco. Ore. 21 WANTED- Bids on buildlm a garage Also some le'iio'lellng In etori-. G. E Corson, lhe Music Man. 2 WANTEiD To sell, tent or repah t.pewrliers and srwliir; macliines Phone Coryen 21 STRAYED OH S'lOLEN Black mare about six ycar.i old, wni;;ht about 1400 lbs. Lraiidi'il S-ll (connecK'-J) on f.houlilcr. $10 reward. TolephoiiM lilark :!522 or v.illc Hll! Federal slrenl. lSv.2ri PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS MISCELLANEOUS HEMSTITCHING - Picot edging. Mrs. L M. Hoothby, 308 Washington street. Telephone main f'.r.xt II TH ANSFKR AND ExTmTksS- -I'tiriit turo and piano moving. Fi eight IiuiiIkU and oxpieHH tnisl uesrt Telephone.- Stand, led mi; reMilt-nce black 1:152. J. h. IU-ir.le ntr lPnjilbJic SfteEiiogii'ap'lK.eir T.vplni, and stenograpliy done a re. 1.10 liable l.lli'j. Rosltia Fleck. Of lice Hotel Dalles. Ite sldi-iiie lelephont. red 2:i.'!2. II SIPE'CHALTY SHOP . I U'tniii Itt'lilut;. picot edging, dreuu-' making. 21Xi East Thiid utreel, Con d.iu buililliii; Telephone black 5211 i I l.l.MI.I I Ij.S I .1' I ixKiilallug I'lllM-r IM'UllllB mi." 1 cinii ml, uc mid kiIIiiIhIiIiik h specially. Wm k Kiuiranltii d. S A Dficksi'.idcr, Cm son Muhlc nice, :I2u Fast Secoii'i street. Telephone main P'OI LEGAL NOTICES. Notice for Bide for Oalles Cit Auditori'i'i.. Dalles City calls for bids for the construction of the auditorium. The Council ot Dalles City lias up proved plans and iipecltlcailons as prepared by Hoimhtallnc & Doug.111, architects ot Portland, Oregon, as shown by the minutes ol tie' C nin ell meeting of .l.lil.- 15(11, PJ21 Sped licallons, plana and tmliiuatu for tin coiiKiiucllon are on file In III - oli'Ic of Iho Recorder ol Dalles CHy, ..ob ject to, nnd Uu work will be done in actoiilancn wilii said plans nnd spc mention.-, and under LUCILLE CUMMOWfl Tdacher of Piano iluillo at 51'! Union y.v?. p.-.oue black 0001. Tel" Fielglil nii'l etpiNH bi-lwt-en Tie 1 1:1 1 1. ti nit WuM-o, Moio and all wa mints Leave The Dalles, !l a. 111 dally except Sunday Lease Mom I :t0 p 111 Leave Wasco, 2:1111 p. in D M Pb-rce, proprietor. Telephone b.acl' 3i:42 or main 471. " 1 " POR SALE Billy goat Price fi.uo. or trade tor guitar. C E. Olbson. TUompjcn'a addition. s FOR SALE 5-arre well Improved chicken and fruit ranch one mile out, price 13250.00; $250 down, eusv lerms on balance.- "20 ncreo near Th Dalles, all fenced, some In culti vation, price $C60 per acre, easy terms DARN1EL.LE BROTHERS is WANTED -Man and wife wsinl work on ranch. Write box 'to, care Chroa icle 1 WAjNTED- Five or sl room modern house, clohe In. Write box IM. cue Chronicle v WANTED hou-ekeep.-r with experience. Also chambermaid I Hotel flalle.. IK WANTED Chetrj picker-. Uav- j your name and ad.lre.-.w hi thi Chiouicli- olfUe WANTED - Piriuon us coolf on ranch. Middle aged woman. Write box 51, earn of Chronicle. IX WANTED - Cherry plckcis Meet 'it Kelly Avenue Grocery store every morning at C o'clock. Call 6F2. IS Vmt BAUER ' ;! General real estate, Insurance, q4 loans. 100J East Second street. Tel-, phone main 1571. ' J 2Htl Teacher ot Piano, Harmony and Theory. Leschiifl'ky method. Special' alien- lion given to beginners. Suinmcr term opens June 15, Phono red Ill'.ll. Sill- ( dlo 1000 Fulton street .120 E. C. MICE IRegiifteiredl Arcfeiiftecft 504 First National Bunk Bldfl. The Dalles, Ore. 16tf SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT U. S. BRANCH OF THE LONDON GUARANTEE & ACCIDENT uf L011tt1.11. In On- KlimJuiii of KiiifUiid, on the tblity L..i I'l'.f. m.hiIh to th biMiir.iniu Coiiimliwluner Ou',' lilllfUHiit to taw CAPITAL Amount ot titutory depoult - INCOME Net dihiiiIuiiih if.-.ilv.-d duili.K the y"r ... ............... Inturt-Nt. illvlili-nd Hiid imiiIh .linl-iK the year.. Inuumo troin other miici-0 reniivud dmliiK ttiu year... Toul Incoms ............. DISBURSEMENTS Nt lo....-- .uld diirlr.K the year Im-iiiilliiK HilJUMtnifiit exi.'iiMe It.'inlttuni'eH to home office ...... PomiiilKAloi.M and nuiMilen puld duiinn tlm tui Tuxih. lli.-.-iiH.- mill fui'f Cild durliiR tin- yiai Alitoui.t of ull other expenditure Total expenditure ASSETS Vtilue of I'mI ..'HtHte owneil (insrHut vuliie) VulUii of MocM ami iioI.uh owiii-u iouuh.-i moi l.oun on untrtKMyi' "'"t (-'ollnlt-1 ul, etc- Ckh III hunkn mill 011 huncl PiemluiilH In courn of cnllu.'tioii Mini Hi.tiiiiii.r 3. vrsti , Intereat and ii'iit duo and ue.-rued mid vuiluun uccount OF THB CO., LTD. that duv of D of the Stt of 9 400,000.00'i.lU fiUI.UOa 93 ... -j2.4S7.17 .. 14,SH,1M., 1 e 4'i,ii7 .17 519,389 8 . li.l"l,HM.IJ!f 53J,IM.0() 411.453 13 t I). DU n.jiin jj.s 17.4S23.UO 2 8",345,78 CS4.63J (i Total .dirilttd jnutu ilb,7UO,0ll, 9 1 I A II 1 1 ITIP5 r;to. cluliini for liwf uiipild - - 5iIJ.'IoiJ Amount of premium on nil nuttiilidrn rink. J"'''?-" Due for coinmlmloii m.d biokeruKM SS.J'" ? Ji All other llabllltltn , ., " , !m i',o Voliinliiry iemtvi for i-oiillnrfeneleH - .dd.ijw.ud ToUl lUli'lltlBi, uxcluklVB of t-tutory dcyoult of Dr. T. DeLARHUE Evfftiifltt Specittlial Hours 0:00 to 5:00 Sunday and Cveninun by 17.1 Vogt Blk Over' Drug 8tor Phona Ulack till DimiMCcc iu niirr.ON Ff)H THE YHAH Net tiieiiiluuik roclvid duilHK the er ' . .... . ......1 ..... . .... ...u . . l.ohtut incurred durlim thu yur (JOI.DFNDAIJC YAKIMA AND ALL KASTKRN WASHINCiON POINTS Are leachrd the easiest hy way of Q.-antu an! Maryhlll on tti MAUVHILL PERRY New EiQht-car Ferry No Oackino to Hoard Boat A 10-mile paved road connects Maryhlll anil Qoldendali New Railroad Crotung No Oani 2li 8U la 199,23, LONDON Ol'.MtANTLK A Ci 'I lil'INT CO., I .TP. I- V I.awnoii. I' S. Muiimer Bttttutory le.met.t attorney for ! vlei- T E. Hocl.w.ll, Horllin'd. Hockwll, 6thir & ChJiiiburUIn, Agm.tii, Artlnint Hlg.. Portland, Ore. ('RANDALL UNDICRTAICINC CO VH8nt. The Dallos Dtifui The Dallos LUl I) I). CMAN1IAI L, Mjiugur Ucit I tilHiiat, AklUi.t M.injwcr t ll'rotrd tinUjliil, LUlilllinl f. woman Attendant Mr. M. J. Wlllcrlon lelephone Red 1bl Motor Equipment I tlihooe U4y Red 991 Nlgllt-fUd iU J, H, Harper, Black 2162 Cut Flowers