The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 18, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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jfcttbllAtifeT 180 The Dnlleii. Orn.
PublUhed Kvery Evnln Kxcept Sundny
fey, th Chronicle TublliihltiK company Ino
Bft R. Lltfln
..Oneral Manager
' Entered In
Mcond etna
Tho Dallas
postofflco an
rfnltefl Prernt and United News SorTlco
Mnbor of Audit IlurenU of Circulation
One year. In advance
(111 month, In advance
One month
One year. In advnnvo..
Mi months. In advance.
One month
One yea'r. In advance
. .SO
In ordering change of addrcsa, sub
vcrlber should always glvo old at well
new addra.
Rdltnrlnl Rooms.- Ulnck 111
Bmlnof. Adv., Clr. Depts. Red 111
Huhdcrlhrra to t,o CaronlMo are Kiiar
nteed acrvlco. Prompt and regular de
livery of every aubucrlbcr'a pnper la the
lm of the circulation department. The
Chronicle carriers nro required to put
the papers on tho porch or whorover th
unsrrlher vvlnlien 'ho pnor dollvured.
' Lrtst school election just 21 tiie,'.
rrid true citizens of the schem' ills
tricl marched up to tliu polU and
expressed tlielr lireferenees. Such
lassitude Is an Indictment against
the city. 'How can you fathers and
niotlibi'H oxpjct the school hoard and
fbo teachers to take the Interest In
your children that you expect ol
t li n in If your outwaid nianllostlons
arc thoso or a groundhog In the
winter time?
Loud woiild have been Hie roar
ent up If members of the school
board had gone to some oulingeoin
expense for a new properly, or If
they had permitted ti e hiring t f
r teacher who taiuh!. Holsluivism.
Hut lor all thai o.'iyuis ol- Tin.
Dalles apparently cind last .ii'to,
the school hoard could have I on
imvay with murder.
That'll not the right npirlt at all.
In the last an,il-i.', in an mini.
Ilo the power of
children shall bo
(..."ing ,'iow .war
ciu'jd for In I hi
.Put yourself In th-i poaitlon ol a
nlan who runs for the aoluwl bond
because he conscientiously believes
he will be ol' service there. Yo,i
are running lor olfleo In a district
T'Jilch can muster in round figures
close to 2,000 voters. Just 20 of theni
turn out. or one percent. The other
!!) percent, by their altitude. Indicate
thai they have- no inteiest in the
mat I or. A good man would probably
lose considerable faith In things un
der such conditions.
There are four good men running
for the school olllces Monday. Two
of theni will ho elected for throe
year terms. There :uu no issues In
thin election. No on" Is trying to
blip anything over so far as it Is
possible to see. The lour men are
taxpayers and lathers, Home may
servo Ihu district hot lor. than others,
but who they
are we would not ten-
turn to say.
There is Just one tiling about it
nil. A uueslioii of citizenship Is In
volved, not of the men who are can-
dldates, but your own. It you are in-
ivrested In your cliildien vote! If,
j on are Interested in The Dalles.
Vote! II you don't give a rap about
anything, slay at home.
- -o -
The next time you are down town
any old time of the da), morning
or evening or noontide, lak a KM.
a the machines paikcd nhai", Hi"
fiih Notice how many are ptlee j
high with baggage; ten' i ami
on m p chairs and rr.tiag pans all
slacked together, and with hall' a
ilczen suitcases and oilier lu;gag"
eaiiieis stiapprd on any old place
where they will stlik.
Or notli'i' (he machines thai pas
by in the stieels. ,5-e how many ol
(hem at" obvio lsl the vehicles id
tliillislB. The occupants ale diessed
in outing clothes, '11111 the dog tied
on tin' running Imanl hit a hoied.
travel worn appearance.
The tourist tick Is on. and the
number of tintcl"rs inming through
In gasoline buggies is 1 1 eiiiendoiis.
Thiee out ol tiie machines one sect)
In town now arc those at tourist.
The tralflc Is alnnwi unbeliovo
ably large, and eiiunlh astonishing
air the places I'l'oin which then'
tiavcleiH originate, it U no uncom
mon thing lo hcc a do?.. -it or more
cais coining through the ilt .ach
da 1 1 out points cam of the ltmi;v
iiio.iulalnu Olio would think that
business conditions ol the laM win
ter should be keeping at lot of them
home. Inn nppnioiit ihc gums
A met lean gyps is moie numerous
t,lns r t liitti ever beluro. .Ma) he
those aie a lot ol war millionaires
who made llieii Make when lime
Men- good, and are mil worthing now
localise Dad Is out id a Job
Hill whatever It Is. the great ml
K"a'u.n Is on. A parage man Ik ro
i.piiiiaible lor the statement thai eui'H
carrying tourists through the clu
iivera::e IMi dally.
.itiieiica Is lit'coiulug a n.uloii of
i -iiiiads. it would seem, nomad of
'.lie nisnliiie unite and the paved
road tlood loads are making travel
easy and cheap autoiiiobllus aie fin
Milling eustorneiH who are not iiiIk
infiais by any menus, Hie oppoil in
lly lor Kival swings tlnoiigh the
WrH U0i clii'lil'ly llliill tlio siiiiie
amount of travel by train woultl ei it
llit'i'i. t
Tin- auto tourist gelti so iiiucIi
1 lore out ol' a hip 'on than dota lb."
iiiu! who koch n it am. no can
liavol Iho by-ways an. I beauty spot'
wlii-ru ttiu steel I tills ilo nut pono
I rate
Tlio thins most striking In Hi"
lour n procession (Ills year Is llio
iMli.i'ji.f ol' campers. Nearly over)
ear (f tiuvelors Is fnden down with
lamtung Rear. FolkM such as these
are not worrying nboul ctt Iiik In
1 1 it Mxl town whete there Is a
'nitt' All" Ihey want Is a place whore
Nl tat can lie paiked anil the."" is
nough water to keen the codec eoi
mm scorching. Tbcv sleep in
rar.s, or on the gioilud beside
I -ley arc In tin; open air 'J I
tin :n
llOU fK
not a
thin 'tf
it the day. They eat he-man
wear hiking dads and cam
blinkely blink what anyone
iihmu how they look.
Tho Joy of life is their's for every
minute of the trip. School may keep
or not. l'u and ma and the whole
family are seeing the country prob
ably for the first lime In their lives,
maybe after years ol toll. They are
ically seeing what u big country it
is; realizing its resouices, meeting
Us peoples.
Tiny go hack homo wiser and a
whole lot prouder. They arc better
citizens, more Intelligent eltizena,
and it is a thousand to one shot
that every one of them goes
a 1UII percent American, no matter
what lils hybrid tendencies may have
boon at the start.
It'll a great life,
Loaded tnirlis go rumbling down
the sired all day long and far Into
tiie night. Heavily laden express car
riots trail behind oilier tohicjes
heading lor the railroad station, t
the express oll'lce one seen crates pil
ed high on one another, awaiting lor
I ra Ins,
Crotvdu go trooping to the. oieliaitl".
each day. At the packing plants hi;
'crows aie winking day and night get
ting Ihu delicate Irull ready lor
shipping, Car.i stand on-sidings to re-
"tailvo the burdens lhe,) will transport
across the continent, blazoning Die
I nanus of Tho Dalles and ol Withco
j The bin vent season Is a good one.
and the bury period of today, coin-
'lug after long mouths of iiioiiotonoii'
.slump and inactivity, Is uxhlluratliig.
pl'liu very thought that once again ev
eryone can work, at least temporarily.
If theie is the desire to work, Is ie
treslilng. ! Strangers dropping Into l lie city to
day, and goodness knows that a lot
of them are coining along In automo
biles, might well think The Dalles an
'oasis in the land of depression. Un
lortuuatcly this city has suffered wIMi
al the others I mm the grand return
to Ihu .so-called "not male) ," Inn Just
now he city is abuzz, with the harvu,.
of the cherry
hanging high,
Theie havi
crop and Hie goose I:-
been jears when the
U'naco county cherry crop was great
er, hut never lias thorn been a time
when the iiuallty wan tluer. The cher
lies tills car arc just about as tip
top as Hie) can be. Wasco count) cher
ilea are becoming ruinous till over the
east lor their iiualltv. It mc:ms kmmwx
j tiling when dliieal Inuu the
big markets come In here and tell
1 producera that the) have the best
jlrull of Ha kind grown anywhere, and
thai Is Just what has happened this
u eel'.
Telegrams horn the buyers in the
east show that Wasco coiintv cherries
win icceivlng first consideration tins
year, as Ihey have In past .tears, in
a lew ilny tin; big black l.itmbert.i aim
lllngs will begin i caching tin- huylnis
centers In huge nuaulltiet, lor carina'!
shipment.!, .as litis in written, are be
uig switched In the yards to go into
easlbotmd (rains.
i'vei)oiiu in Tho Dalle., docs not
own a cheri) orchard, and a lot ol
us don't know an of the iheri'.t or
chanllsts b) ilielr iliwt n.uties Thai
doei.n'1 keui an.t of us iiont heiun
pioud ol the ilouilshlng cheirt cm
tuio Hint is doing iiuiie to put tin.-.
ell) on I he map than anv other tailor
The churi) business. U(I ;o
roads, benellclally allei t. i t en on,
here, and too much cannot he done .o
fosier li, fheriles, m-e small thiiigv.
and a lot of lolks. who reuieinlicr onh
Ille old "pie cherrt" tire in tl,,. I, ,,,,.
bad; tard under which Hint used in
Play when ilie.t weie kids laniiot ion
i.i- oi incut ueinu sinppcti in
and in en car load lots.
Hut Juwi Hinp and conside.
tanner) planning to bu.t
tills seai.on. Oilier auem les
Uiai one
.too huts
ire i, in
iiiiug lo tihlp trout 10 to
(And heule thei.e, an aterage ol 70U
ciimw a dit) tit guiiiji out of here to
I local polnis In tho uoriltw.Hi
'' H't a Hue big hinduc- aiu-i .til .md
ei lallllt Wasco coilltit , nto -i
lacular une. Again we shj , o,i unu'i
luiiiuot be done tu iotei and cm our
agu it,
Specialized cheri.v culture, like a;
pie iiich.irdilig. like Iho (itrus gio,et
in ( aliroiuia. like the bouau'a wheat
l.imii and til t hi p'li'ii' t utile rutiges
Hoover, Cabinet's Tired Man
By Robert J. Bender
(Untied Ni.'Wii Slnff Ooii-iTpimilciil)
WiASIIlNi'.'I'O.V. June IS. Secre
tary or rommeice llerhert I loot er
gives one (lie dlsllnci Impression of a
Minn ilia; hat winked loo much and
plavod too little tinting his fist ihrci
months In the cabinet.
Hoover Is always the object ol In
toreited obsorvalion by Iho llnong.i
who conslanlh stand about the Win'"
House on cabinet days lo gel a "close
Up" of the picsldent'.'! oriicial tautlly.
And alniost Invariably Ihu lirst ex pro".'
slon that springs from (he lips ol ob
servers Is:
"How tired he looks."
As a manor or tact Hoover always
Oonvets the linpiession that ho I.'
tired. The first time .the writer saw
hlin was alter he had come lo Amer
ica from Ilelgium some .tears ago lo
begin the food administration work in
this country. Ho had Just been out
lining his views lo the senate agricul
tural committee pending formula! Ion
ol the food bill. The committee a'
that lime advocated a coiumii'.slon for
the work.
"A commission," Hoover exploded
when the Idea was broached. "A com-
. mission
never works taster than I li
I .
Mowotii man
on It."
Iloofor looked tired then. Ilo had
been dlicctor general of food relii
lor a long time. Yet bo wasn'l so llri'd
out that he was willing to take sole
charge of It In the United Stale.':.
In I'nri'S, we nil thought Hoover
looked tired. He was working night
and day on mwiiid problems. Yet.
alter Hioko weie over he returned to
Hie Unllc't Stales and launched into
another big work Ilia' of Kar Kasle'-'i
relief. And even before thai was end
ed be had been ptessed into service
on llaiding's cabinet.
So Hoover, with no re"-! lo spunk ol
m the last seven years, might well
look I lied. Certain little characteris
tics, however, pioblildy make hltn ap
pear moio wear) than he leally Is
For example, when he is talking It"
either eases tar down in his chair, so
is a distinctive western development.
These things characterize the won'
Iroiii (he east,
We can ver.t well take pride in a lluf utlvci'H.'.os the couimuri
lly so well. And Iho tact that It h
growing each year in a smiling cli
mate exlnmely favtunhlc to its de
velopment should bo a source of sati:'
lad Ion to cvo'.yono.
By Janus T. Kolbert
(United Press Stnll' I'onvf uuluiit)
victory won by the United State.-,
against the malarla-carrylir; Insect
ol the Panama Canal zone may lu
duplicated on a much larger scab
in the tropics by the .Mttlford
scientillc expedition, now on a lri
of exploration and research alon'
the Amazon river and its iribularie.
The paily is expected to leave I i :
Paz, Bolivia, about July 1, for tit,
plunge Into the forests and Jungle
of the eastern slopes of the Anile
and thence into (lie interior.
Might men are in the party. Dr.
H. 11. ltuslihy, dean of the college
of pharmacy of Columbia university,
Is director of tho expedllioii. Olliets
in the parly tire Dr. William t Al
Mann, bureau ol entomology, I'.' S.
department ol; Dr. 10
.M. Pearson, authority on lislies; Dr.
O. 10. While noted botanist; Dr.
Frederick I.. I lol l man, insurance
company official and an authority
on public health and an expert
rlllemaii and a motion picture
The parly will study anil make
collections of plants, Insects, fishes
i a iccont national
lugs bank officials U
iled men save more
and iuoii) savings
Juno than lu any other inonlh,
So June, the month of brides- and sweet ,
girl graduates and eager boys with Ihu
llghl of the world's battle in their eyes -is
also the month of Sav 'nr.s Aecmiii s.
Hut why limit this advnniage to married
folks'.' Everyone needs a .livings account
and now la the best tl''.' to start one.
And hers Is a good place- -vvheio go t'l
sot vice inid secuvli) ol funds make our'
inletest rati) doubly atiuuive.
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
The DitllBs', Oregon
I that Ills shoulders barely appear over
I the top of It, or he leans lorn aril on
his dek, tapping the top thoughtful
ly with u pencil while he talks. When
lie is out of doors, his hat is alniost
always lilted over his left eye, his
hands in hi.i Irousur pockets,
Put up to him a iUes,ion, however,
and the apparent weariness disap
pear. He la called upon to switch
rapid!) from the amount of exports
and linior s ol Ucrmany to the piopcr
standai dlzed weight of a loaf ol' In en, I
- and docs so Willi that incislvenc:s or
knowing what ton are talking about.
One who talks with him can i cattily
see how It, would make any man (lieu
carrying around In his brad what
Hoover docs, were he not lo do any
thing else. Tiie double i: - and it is some concern to his friends
right now -Is that he is living to do
loo much else.
illoover rtaris work usually before
any of the commerce department
cleiks aie down In the morning. And
It Is a rare day that does not find hltn
still at his desk at (i.-.K) p. m, after
nioM of the clerks have gone.
On one of these occasions when
Hoover wa ; leaving lila secretary
"Well, chief, ( Hoove:- Is the "chief
lo those about lilm) how about n lit
tle work a! home tonight?"
"Not unless It's cxtienionly import,
ant tonight." Hoover replied walking
over to 'a pile of panels. He went
through theni hurriedly - and then
tool; mort of I hem home with him.
Hoover Is called upon Io.bcq more
kinds of people than anv other de
partment executive. Danism, busi
ness men, mechanics all classo; of
indualrlal leaders aro Involved In the
plans ho is I'nnnutallilg for helpiii-;
Ametican commerce. 'While those :;o
on during the day. I know of Inntiitier
able occasions when he lias boon up
until after midnight with other cabinet
mom hum working ou'doinesllc 'ii'ua
lions. And, Willi all this. Hoover ra.vs his
chief fun and recreation "arc found
in work"."
and reptiles. Health 'conditions and
the etfoct on t lie ppopps of the
troiiiea by Hie insects and oilier
tllscaso spreadeln will be carefully
studied with a view of destroying
thu pests and providing seiunis
against inlcction. The ultimate ob
ject is to make life mote coinl'oi't
able and worth w.lille living undo'
tropical conditions and .einble com
mercial enterprises to .joxtend their
fluids of activity.
Dr. Kushhy, who already has a
number of explorations in the
tropics to his credit, expects to
bring back at least ft.OUO specie.) ol
plants to the collections in the
New York botonlcal gardens. Ilaiv
aid university and the National
Museum in Washingtcn. Larg-' quan
tities of drugs will also be sent
for study by specialists.
Dr. Mann will devote his time
to a study of the disease-carrying
insects and how lo de?,tioy them
Kxperlnicnts witli many different
insecticides will be carried out !
an effort to develop something whicS
will be effective in protecting trav-let-.!
and natives troni attacks by
noxious Insects.
The party will travel by mule,
rafts and canoes and make stops at
favorable points for Investigation ot
the surrounding country. " K
planned lo reach the city of Moncas,
Hrazil. in November of this year
d'resent plans call for the expedition
to leave Moncas early In 1922, fo
the Itio Nerro and Wo Uiipes. Al
one point on this Journey the part)
will cross I lie trail of the fanioua
Hoosevelt exxprdlllnn.
Kxtraordinary precautions agalns'
skin diseases and other Infections
tot' the tropl" have been taken. I'.vcr.v
member has been vaccinated agaln -t
'smallpox, typhoid and pneumonia
Huge supplies of medicines and ser
inns of- all kinds have been taken
along. These Include a at I snake
venom, quinine, to ward off malaiii.
and a' Vruiu to coinhat dysdrifery:
coaloronrp qf buy-
waa nald thai mal
tha" single men--'
accounts are opened
d lu
An Inleiestlng piece of vlsualba-'
lion wiik has been ace nuplished j
In the city during lhe past year by
i Rev. John I.. Hogue, ol the Haptlst. i
church. Since June I, 1020. ho ban
given 53 lantern talk1', In the public
schools, Thompson's Addition, Hast
end, West end in In all; at the
icily library 13; Haptlst church 17;
Congi .'gatl.onal chinch two; Chrjs
Han church one; United Hiethren
church five: County Home two. The
total attendance at these talks was
1701. The largest crowd niimbcied
20(1 while Hie smallest was 12. Two
of the lectures were paid affaltn
being put on in connection with Hoy
Scout piegrains. At nlno of them a
collection was taken to pay foi the
slides while the rest were given at
no charge to the public. The larger
number of sots of slides were se
cured from the state university and
the onln expense war. tor tianipor
lailon. Twelve of tho lantern talks
given In the public library had a
total attendance ol' 719 people and
(he cost of Hie slider, amounted to
J1.93 which was about 710 of a;
cent per person for entertainment.
(Fiom The Chronicle. June IS, lj!ni.i
The militia last night was practiced
on skirmish, drill. Although this win
their first practical lesion on the
drill, they accomplislic 1 It very crod
illlbl), under the direction of Cipisii
Chi isnian. The drill is a very inipori
ant one, establishing from a compac
line of men in a very short space
of time a line of skirmishers live
paces apart. Aficr the skirmish drill
Ihey were marched to tho armory
where they executed faultlessly the re
malmlcr Of the tactics in military ills
.Tiie H. P. &. A. N. company lias lo-t
sonic ol' lhe piles at the foot of Hi 1
Motor Service Garag'e
We Give Superior Service ':
Announcing the fact that wo have 20,000 square feet of concreteflAfloor
space available for storage purposes. t
Our basement is concreted, heated, and frost proof. We are prepared
Lo accept anything for storage at reasonable rates from a trunk to a truck.
Our Specialty is Service at the Gas Tank
i . . . .
Wilson & Loomis, Props.
Successors to Motor Service Co.
The Best of the Bargain
AYhcn you buy advertised goods you are getting the best, of
the bargain. , ......
Only good goods, fairly priced, can stand the strain of advertising.
Ypu can't imagine a mer
chant -or manufacturer ad
vertising a lot of articles that
pre poor in. quality, poor in
make, and that will not give
reasonable wear. Such goods
can't stand the strain of. ad
vertising. The business can't
stand the strain of public con
demnation. When a merchant signs hjs
name (o " statement he' h
careful of what he says. When
the whole reputation of his
business ii at- stake, he is
doubly ca-efol. When that
s'atfinent is being sent out t j
Congressional Campaign of 1 922
Being Waged In Washington
By L. C. Martin
(I'nlteil I'rcfis Stuff l!ot tesuondetit)
WASHINGTON, Juno 18 Sharp
political lightings, presaging the
storm ol the congr?snlo.ial dec' Ions
of 1922. arc forking the sky here
abouts, and the issues of that cam
jpalgn are beginning to loom up like
For despite the fact that the re
publican administration has been
only a little over three months In
power, democratic, party leaders arc
already avtive They count cacli day
of the G. O. P. administration a day
in the net campaign, and arc pro
ceeding as though the elections were
only a short way ofl.
Tiie Issues which have already
tcken dellnite shape, In the demo
cratic inlnd, at least, are. these:
1 Governmental expenditures and
the lax burden.
2 The tariff.
World psace.
The democrats are proceeding on
the theory, their lenders in congress
acknowledge, that the republican ad
ministration will accentuate those
Issues day by day and month by
month until they v.MH finnlsh all
the material needed for n first o'ass
light for control or Congress, The
democratic campaign, as exemplified
in the tactics of leading' democrats
In Congress, Is to call publis atten
ion day by day to failures, real or
apparent, of the republicans to live
up to campaign pledges of economy,
incline, which wcro pulled up by the
lifting force of tho vvutcr.
"The river will rise about 10 feet
moie. A coin inucd rise is probable
until the maximum height is reach
oil. Cooler weather lor. the next three
This Is the (ex of a telegram re
ceived this morning by S. L. Drookt
from Observer Pague, and was con
a'K the people, so that any
thing that is not true
will be known to all of lite
employes mid most of hte
friends; then you may be sure
he is ten times doubly careful.
So, when you buy adver
tised, goods you get the best
of tho bargain, because they
must be a advertised.
That is. whv if pays you fo
rca;d Chronicle advertise
ments, and fo buy the goods
advertised. Advertising pro
ted you. Read it and get
tho best of the bargain.
reduction or living costa through
slashing of federal spending, aids to
business through speedy . tarilf revi
sion, ichahllltatlon of tiie railroadu
and kindred domestic questions.
They have already bcgi.n lo call
attention to what Ihey 'name tho
delay of the Hauling administration
In wot kin-, out an International ar
rangement to Insure peace, as a sub-
t stltute
lor lhe Wilson league ol im-
tlons. Senator Underwood, demo
cratic leader of the Sinate, did that,
in a speech on the pending navy
"You said when you rejected the
Versailles treaty that you fiivoied
some International understanding."
said Underwood to tin republicans.
"You have been In power three
months, and what have you done?"
It Is by that sort ol thing the de
mocrats hope to get the country lo
watching for every mistake, error of
onimlsslon on or commission, and
every delay of the (i. O, P. By the
time the campaign aetimlly begins,'
they hope to have the voters In a
state of indignation." Republicans:
In and out of congress nro aware ot
this. They are urging leaders to fol
low Harding's Hp and cut govern
ment expenditures until it hurl
Hurting a lew officeholders to tlte
benefit of the great army of voters
back home would bo only wiso
economics, but extremely wise poli
tics, these somewhat worried repub
licans argue.
firmed by a telephone message. Thiii
would bring the rivor to a height of'
50 loot, lacking only 9.0 feel or being,
up to, the 1S1I4 rise. In telephoning to
Pague, the latler said that 10 feet is
considered the maximum figure to he
attained and thai al least G feet more
than the present stngr wan po?ltivc.
This will do a vast amount of dam:
age and cause' considerable '-trouble'
anil expense.