PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1921 1 CM tTnTiiimiiniifiiiiirtnriTininifiiuiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Musical Events Interest. (Farewell recltnU by two wull-lcnown leadnrii of tin; coiimiimity, and the ti'tcrmnih ol school iitlaln. lonstitu- ed Dm principal features ol the week's lighter activities the city her of vacailoti parties and affairs ol nil out of door naiuri! Is Increasing as the hot weather draws near, add next week will sec tin climax of .lune entertaining bclorc many leave lor the b( ache? anil other re-iorls. Ilrst lilr, public Shower Miss Anna Lowell weie shower parti tor Mis;, Hadlty. lo.".eh and Miss Ethel hoalespes lor a Mirprlie Thursday inulit, honoi Jng AIlcs Kllzabelh llailliij, who Ii ' be a July bride. Tin; bower was civ in at the W. O. Hadlf.'.. home ami the refreshments wen' serve-! ;n ihe W. K. Lowell home, which bad been elahur ately decorated lor ihe ctca-lnn. The houce was dr coral i'il with lluvveis and evergreens, Baskets ol pink nine" an. I a doll bililo decorated i In- dliiln;', table. The r.llts were ol a miscellan eous chaiaeler. The gin hIb pieuent were: Mrr. K. C. lilunt ami Mrs. Hal oid Oanner, Misses Maud llarrlmaii, Amelia Sleeves, 'Nell I Ins; Idas, Ue:i trice Cotlie, Helen Schoren, Noiuia Mcdler, Thelina Kilt., Jeanelte. Cros lield, Margaret Mab r, Helen llerhrtns and Elizabeth Hadlej '.Miss lladley will he iiiaiili'd to I'M ward Rent ley of liesno, Cnl. Ilolh have, been Minimis ol the University of Orecon. Mlas lladley Is a inemhe" of Ihe Alpha Phi sniorlty and .Mr. By Margaret Walker the children wiitlu,; iiiolodv sounded on the I'liiiiu, They a'so corr-.'ctly named interv.-'i nod ca deuces sounded on the p!,it.. .lust, of the pupils began .win Alft-M Cum- Die mini I mills durliij; the past y ur. l-ip'omas wi'ie (!lvtli lor tl'o yearn work o leach pupil In the da u. Helen J I'cmbci ton, who has siiidled nly a i i keys. This was the jiecltal given in the .'if.'. I Those IiiIiIiik pari in I lie Proliant I u eie: I .Martinet Dnlrymple, W'lllsa lliown, I Robert Rl',",n, Thiimas Ward, Li-da 'Thompson, .Marjoile Hrlni;olf, Riilh llenlei Hariilie.ll Milne, (iviieva IJnir, 'Ruth Curtlhn, (laid Kulton. Marjoile Manchi-r.ter, Real i Ice Man cluster, Hep n IVinhfi ton, John Xhleldn (.llhuiir.i-n, Ruth Knit., Camilla Hales, Lois Aldilcll. Ad. aide Keielniin. Maileiim Hill, l livllls I'atluon, l.licllo Keiiu.-dv. l.i'M. I'll all, Ilany Van Dellen, lUntil.'' FillUeruon, (irnce Wcdi'inf, William .Sunn Ceil rude Vaser. (ioldn riiomi .sou and John Cioftoti. Martinet Chnrnbeis also on Ihe rnograinine. appeared Oregon City and Mr and Kaile of Spokane, Wash. Mrs R Rentley Is a menibcr ol Nu Krnternlt. Lawn Party. Mm. M .Jui'Lensnieler with a lawn party lor bei turs, Dm olh.) and Helen, afternoon at Ihe home of French, 1107 Trevltt at reel wlillo loses were used tor he !3ijjnri enlerlalne I two daue.n Wednesday Mrs. I). M. I'lnk and Ihe tables. Mrs. Fiench nsshled Mrs. .Itirs.'.ei.i' meler. Those present: June John inn. 'Dbroihy and I I. den .lurt;ensinilei , AIM dred liuii'hlorl, I.ols I'ri uch, L'uini'i I'JElieil, Cleo U liter, l.uella ('iilU'ii, Jack Raker, Dick Raker and Hlllie Culleu. Initiate New Hotel. ' Tlm new Colunil'la (!ori;e Intel was inltlali d to ( lis ili.u I'.ucnli; Wedncslliiy evenlii",. when the .women nl Hie I', VI. (). were outti t'alu.'d by their luisbnndi), 1 1 1 li. I I..'h, vltb a dinner party dance .i the, I'lnu new hotel near Hood Rive on the Columbia river Highway. The affair wan a uurprlse to the women and had been the subji c! of much couj. cture din Inn the Week. They were asked lo dress In ' li-lr evonlni; kowiis Wodiienilay iH'eniir. and come for a ride. Kach one nia.l a niiess as lo 'heir d'ntliiaiiou. When they arrived Sidney Klooui olllcialed In prcseutiu'; 'Mrs, John Van Delicti with a two pound box of welners lor ImiiiK coriectty Kiiussed. It I, Kit U dellv ied an address Of welcome. Mr. and Airs (luy ICmery ol Hi. ml River under Ihe ai aumed name ol Air ami .Mis. A. K. Steelcrolt, had been delcKaicil lo pose as iilal.' ol llcem ol iho 1 and R. I I., nrnanlzalloii". Tb women were I 'd t.i believe Ibal an Inlllatoiy ce emiiiiv would b.- alai)d ilurini; the i vi nine When Hi -y be came sulllcli'iitly nieasv, li was dc tuned, and lluallv proved to b camoulliiyu. The bum table in Hie binall dliiln!: louiii was very pi- an ItiH to look upon, wilh eviiy thing new, in linen, chin i and silverware Yellow callloi.Hl.t vwie the Huwei.; iltied Coven wue laid Im lo-ly Kiieala. IJ.ii b i I lb 1'. K O. meui In I'H le. el'nd lamia ol silver pencll'i, elcvnly w.appe.l lo hi e- eni hit lainji'-1 . vi n I'liiii-e dinn.'r w.i- f i rvi l. Or. i i eiaaind .Mai(jaiet Hit, Patty Alia. J. W. Con ion enleitalueil lor her Utile dau.Ui :er M area i el Tin.adaj alieinoon lune I I. The nccai.ilii wai, in liuiioi ol her i:ivlh biilhday annivi iniiry Outdoor games weie playi d on lie- awn and relnulilili'iils vi re seiveii .n the dlnlni; mkiiii. The U'tlr people piesmt ven. : Isabel .Se.ll'erl, rMna May .Seuf.?rl, (ieor);.inne Hod dor, Joan Hladeliuan, Ruth Williams Donald Williams linty Tlioniau, Ailn? (label, M irlha .I'oisytll. At;niT. i.'oisylh, Alajorle Sims, .Malcdm 'viler, Alary and Alair.atei Clnisti'' ondi.n. Tin iie " Recitals .Jaiden, who ! :.sliiiu ol Alitsii .vol U '.villi three Gi en .Mrs. ach. s tin elorcd this rei Itala ijivcn VI loi Dim. .inp s yeai's iJaltir- . and .lav ev.nllitf. Alonda iveuln i'liesdav alteiuoi.ii. Miss Roberta Wilccx and M'n.i Crystal Wllcinc, slsteis, wer.- pr -anlnl In recital S.iluulay lilibt The program consi: ' -h ol: I, (,' -A bum Leal," (Cieii;) ; (b) "Watch i.iiin's Soni',," Robeita Wllcov. Z (a) "To A Wild Ryu.',' (AleDow .'Ik' (b) '-nuiiliuH'li' (.!. Iiyl'.e) ; :: Dint I nor). I I (.1) ' "Itllll. '"Vuii'h ! .t h i.i ilunliiii', I'Ulli Ciystal Wil.'os. 'I luiiK.'.i Ian Dreanin,' ' - onranli'," (llai h); in b i' a n e e, " 1 1 le l.'r) ; I'm in," (Taiihi); I'ccui," (MeDi.wi II) ; li Wilcox. (a) '-Annuel, ( i''a (b)) ( (O . Im irt-ini;," (l'ortler)i .Wachs); Crvntal i Aloudav ulMht's at Ihe Vo;.'.t school on tiatlon of Hie (ll-iel.); (h) "l.ovi (c) (' in leant-." Wilcox iei'i al .va.i held and was a deni Diinuln;: :sie'e I' improved in.tsic I'.tudy for lit ln i en. Decoralivo 1','aturia w e til black notes and musical oh.iacei-s ruspemled in Hie air in front of ih" i lar.e. Keyboaid transpoititiou by li'tle lots was much enjoyed In Hie audience. A walls:, "The l'alhr" and a lullaby went tremiposiil to any Ke, either major or minor as a bed I i r by the auilli nee. Those takln-j iiail were Hetty Doiolh.V Orcene, Loulie Anne Alaij;aret Audi awn. ek Veiiiillliui', Lola Van I K. - ). i 'I'.ioiuas, l.itbbe, l'Yedcr a n ei.j.)e I d niiiK Hi of the ev. mil". .Mil' I w; a I Miitr'-oil lr. the h.Uel oi chest r; The DaMea penule weie espoclallv i.uipiiK.' I'ealme l.tvoieii in the uillclal opening ol the hold d. 0". not occur uti'tl toils j lltiiu, Julia Duncaii. Sn.-.auii" i'ei', R.muouil U.itihow, (!ei,r,',.ii'n. Dodder, Hobby Seulert, I'aul l.'rencli. ( h:.rle. Roib. Ruth Williams. Mar jnlii Taylor, Jay KorlcU, lOdra Ann iic.ileil Reinlee Coulter, Kdn.i L.ds Maju. Joan .Siiidelmai., Do i r Mi'oltei', Maiy Coml'iii, lone Chan y. Alaim.ei He, Lamella Hear 1 u lfeity llo.uh, Mai'iaiet llc.i: s Untold Dawron, Dirothy Mtlckle Me'l Msllhow,'.er WiiliaiiM. Ho we la Yates, (leoi-.atin Jloddcr i'i lal Wilciu, Robeita Wlb-ox .Lucaiet West nnd Fieda Alasb. AH. i. .Maiden pieseiiii d a ji oup id her oldei pt'.plls In aclial Tu-sibn all. 'i noun at her hiiiiie. A pleaslnu M'r Oenienin' Haclljl, '.liM l.'i. lie Cunimiii.i preBfnte.l her jiiiplln In rn l.ih!Hon oi eiis-i work at the hleh 'i-hjnl a.i J.iie Inn, Monday nirU' i' pl.Ki i-i .win lived. All Dl Hie Wivli prep ut IlielllOI'V W.ilk, Dl llllll IliVlllH tl.i.'ll Piovlniitly .' in aimvei ilia ipieeiionr. io,l- luiiiti'i'-: ihq.i Miry ln(eivlti'. Lllile Hu i ijeile Allltie (u riecll.v am Weie Hons i.oui Hie ,ii i. -ii v l.ey ni. H k d Hit. In The child en 1'i.ipui o I vlllllih . 1. 1 u role i(. Car I: v ut a ui. I .'ill 1,1'l'H r i., Hid i.i iritiiiv!' lllllen l iii.-a-uii"' i . ! b U'.e altiin.iou ie til" enterlalnlii'A niiiulieis reii ilH-nl by Minn Alice Hcn'Meve Smith, who Is nu accomplished h.upist and Alius YeiliiM, who i, li 'inail.- leader. Miss SiiiIiI: told Home ol the hi rv ol Hi h' lp and it's evolu Ion It'C'lli n I -1 1 lllKtiuiueil! wbleh tin - neliuit piu. pie earrlul mispend d mill the wtli&l to Hie present el llio He l-irliiiuii 111, wlil.-h Ik made will. I i" e i.i w ood and ha : nt.ui' 'e i.l'iM'd piHilii'b' si'" clnr.Mlcnl music Alms Yeike.-. two pleaslu sebniliinn: "1'be .mi.. by He ll.ud" and "When I ad The ' i,i " 1-Mna l.ol-. ALuoil v'd a r iup of luiir select iin 1 a n nf i D .ioHiv .St ckle W alion. 1'ieda Marsh an 1 Ji u lid id D N C I N G rilORNTO I S l.AKLS TONIGHT Farewell Dinner Party Dr, and At'"!. A. S. Ksson entertained a li,v lull mati! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h with a diuuei' party at. the Hotel Dalles, Monday evening. lioiioiiiiK Airs. Joseph iStail- linan, who lell the' city yesletday to visit her foriui r home ai Kabolta, .Mo. Mrc. West Hostess Airs. T. Ii. Weal was bosless to the RriilK; Luncheon club Tuesday uIt-.;rnoon. There were four tables al Hride.i : Airs. C.eorK" lilakeley leceived the blub sror" prize. (July ineiiibers ol th club weie iiresent. Luncheon For Mrs. Stadtlrnan Airs Carlton 1'. Williams entertained wilh a luncheon Thursday, hoiioiln: Airs Htadelinan. The decorations weie ol marigolds and cornllo.wers. Thy a1' lernoon was spent socially. Amoiif Hose piesenl weie Alesdaiii Suidelman, It. D. Alaxon. 1!. C UlliiKer. S'er.ia .Mays, C,u lion I. Pepper, (). 11. Krier, Al. R. Alaltln-w, llalllu Rice Victor Alaitlm, Clyd Sell., T. II'. Wi;st, Al. Williams and .Miss Prude Palteixon Graduates Gntet tained Airs. W. Rayley entertained Satuidtiy even I ii k, honorliiK several liiembels ol the hb'.h school f-iadiiailni: cla: s. Cauls and d.inclni; weie ihe enle:' lailllin lit of Ihe evenlm:. Dailitv l e liesbliients weio sei by th llo.:tesi. Tho e pieienl v.'e-e: Allrs." liee t'li isc, Phyllis Patlsoli, Ma) art't Alcl.eod, A'lnnll'i i d Amy, K'atherine llayfey and Doioihv Ray lev and William H. .McNeil, John Mcl.eod, Triiinan Wllci x, L'uoch .'bnse iii.d Neii, Weinmarl: Sevinitn LlitluLiy Aiinivei .-.ary Aln 'MytU' yiiiith ave a b rrhdav party nr he- little daughter, Roninna lasl Friday. Out of door gam en wer" iilayrd. The table was decorated ii pin1' and white ami pink baskets I candy wue ei'ven ai: favois The iili lhd.-.v ca:;e held si v. n i -unite" The little ',neats piesenl were, Anna Alarcaret Andirws, Darotliv -icailer, (iirce Laii'.. 1! ryl Vim leholek. HiPle Vandei binin, C,-ors" lannett and Slalford Hniilli Dauerc Entertain M r. and Air Fied llauer entertained al their home on Kim .".tree! last niiilil lion nine -everal out ol town cues's, who hive been inn them this week. Tanielully an anijeil boiupiels of sweel pea.-i Weie ineil in Ihe looms. There wer. Iht".. (aides of bridge and tliree tables nl ,1'lve hundred. Reliesbmeill:- W'I'O sered. Tin invitaCoual lid included Me..srs. and Ale.alaines Itoji Alarcuin, Frank KIllK. llem-Ke Kliebel, Harold tlau;;er, C. T. Woodaid, V.-n. l'.jiier, Alls-.js Realrlce Cotfoe, .luaulta Craw ford, .Messrs. HI hum" liellinnen iinl Itoln i l Murray. The out of town !!iieMs were .Mr. nnd .Mr L.tnue of Villein, Mr and Airs. V Rennet t of Dance Tonight Chenowllli grove open air pavl 10 cents per dance. Fiee danclna lioni 11 lo 1)145. ly ,,orl!.l Wcdncaday p. tn. v.-lth vAIis. .Margaret White, 711 Calhoun , stt itt Prayer meeting, 8. ReV. 0. K. I Hal tman. pastor. Notice The KhIkIiIk of Pythla.i Fourth of July (ommitKe on ai ranKcmunls d( site to hold ii parade on the moinltii; of the Fourth on the cllv atreet.-i, and all business houses and organizations jaro co.-dtully Invited lo help make I Ibis a success by hnvliiK a float nr other suitable display In the put-ado. Patilotlc organizations especially are Invited to assist "In this matter. Any one interested !s invited to confer wilh J. W. Allen, chairman of the commit tee on parades. IS f .FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH' Rible school at 10. Communion i.vl inoinlng worship, 11. Cotnhlno.l Senior and Intermediate Christian "Endeavor. 7, Kvenlns service, 8. .Midweek prayer service and bible study, Thursday, S, Air. and Airs. C. C. Roberts, ministers first .Methodist church Washington nnd Fifth. Morning ser vice, 11. Subject, "At The Point of Power.'' Evening service. S, Hubjnct, 'Menu Christ His invasion." Youw people'.-) morning watch srrvlce In city paik, (I a. in. Sabbath school, it) .Mid-week service Thur.idlt, H. Rev. W. H. II. Forsyth, paalor. CHRISTIAN SGIBNCH SOCIETY Seventh and Case streets. Services 11 a. m. Sunday and 8 p. m. Wednes day. Reading room maintained by the coclety In rooii? 607 First National bank building Is open to thn public dally, except Sunday, from 8 n. in. to li p. in. MORE THAN 3,000 RECEIVE O. A. C. TRAINING IN YEAR I ST. PETER'S CHURCH -Services dining summer months: Flir.l mass, 7 a. m. Second minis, !l::i0 a. in. Rene, diet Ion alter second mass. Confessions on SunilajK and eve ol llrsi Friday tiom I to ii p. in., and 7 to .!) p. ni Rev. P. J. O'ltourke, pastor. F.T. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Trinity IV. Holy cnmninnlon, S a in Church school l):t,; Morning prayer, U. Friday, June 24. Nativity St. John R.i pl 1st. Holy column. lion, 10. Satur day. June 2.1, apodal service. Rev. Dr. Rradner i,f New York will address ihe congregation Rev Dr. Uradntr lepics. nlr, lb; n national department of lellginus education. Rev. O. (!. Iloit.holt, rector. CONCiREOATIONAL CHURCH Morning .service, 11. Children's Day will be observed with a program by Ihe Sunday school. The Rlble school will ineel at 10 o'clock No evening service. , CALVARY RAPTIKT CHURCH - Union ami Seventh. Pleaching service, II a. in. and S p. in. Rlble .'; en on I. 1(1 Junior R, Y. P. U 7. Prayer meeting and bible study Thursday. Pastor John L. Rogue. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH -Elm anil O streets, Sunday school, 10. Aloinlng woiT.hlp, 11. Subjed, "The Eagle" Junior Christian Endeavor, li In erniediato Ian Endeavor, 7. sr-rinon, 8. Ladles' aid month- Sure.y BH. JULY Brunswick Records ON SALE TODAY I . Brunswick Records is smbodled a unique Method of In t; f . ttation, marking the most notable advancement of yetri ii; recording. Tones are clear, true more beautiful. tits: Spirit of Music is reflected in these records. Com in and htar ths July Bruntwich Record. Wm'U gladly play them far you CONCERT 1 IC Lo UMin (rcAmJcAir-Carfnr) 7nor MrioChiraj 0031 . 00 J 1 5i"'3 2C',"7 5a M'i 1 .0 1 0 01 WaltxinCShwnMlair-Op. 64, No. 3 iChoptn) Plancfort Solo Leopold Codawtky 1 Ah I Moon of MJllghl From "In a Persian CarJtn" I (LHnan,M Ttnor ...... Tho Ktl When Mr Sl.lp Com SalUng Homo ISfwart.Dortl) i Tem.t . IhaoKarl SACRED I 'li'l, Still With Th.. (Cirri..) . Crit.rion M.I. Qu.rl.t j iioiof CodCo.iForthtoWtr CutUr) Ctll.ilunM.lj Uu.rl.l INSTRUMENTAL ("l b. Swan (Le Cytnt) (Saint-Sutnt) 1 'Cello Solo . Wlll.m Wlll.k. I. Ucrcau.ofrouiJocalyn (Vadard) 'CelloSolo . Will.m WUI.k. f Aiii.ricaji KanUuU Put I ( Victor Herbert) New York Polk B.nd L Amtricul hantiui Pari II ( VkIof Herbert) New York Folic Band POPULAR f jtm.rica (My Country. 'Tie uf Thee) (Smith.Carey) ' Mined Voicee Coll.ul.l Choir U ie (Emmett) Criterion Mat Quail. I Now I Lay M Down To Sleep (MitehelhMeyer) Tenor Duet , . J. mat Sheridau and Jam.. Lynch I. Sprlnttlm (Kahn-hriedlanJi Tenor . JauieaSherldaa ( Wbcru the Laiy Miwlulppl Flow (Ffrench'J Frtynei Tenor and Baritone . . Chat. Halt and EUiott Shaw l. Sm.body'.Molher(5. rine-VaaTileer) Cruceol Male Trio f Diowey Head (ruins Berlin-Vaughn Je Loath) .... Strand Mai Trio LSaunUrlne Along With Siuan ( VVaren-Curli.) Strand Mai Quartet f Ncille In Your Daddy' Arm (rc-A.r.iura.) J Tenor and Baritone , , Billy June and Erneet Her Down Yond.r (Ciberi) Tenor ami Ba ritone . Billy Jono and Eruett Hare FOR DANCING I10J 5100 ax I Croonlne h'ox Trot Introducing Ju$t a Week from 7'i J day', . . , . , . Cail Fantou'a I In Your Eye One Step Introducing "Andrew" I Carl Fenton'e Orchetlra , I Wonder Where Mr Sweet, Sweel Daddy'. Cone fox Trot ; B.nnl Kruaier't Orthe.tia - I. Satanic Bluet Fox Trot , . Benni Kru.g.r't Orvh.ttra I Tea LaT-fe Trot Whiting) . KudrWiedoeft'eCaliforalan 1. Jabberwockr-fo Trol . . Rudr Wledoell'a CalifwaUn f Moonbeam Fox Trot , , Cre.n Brother' Noy.tly Band J. I Call You Suiuhlu fo Trot Introducing "Say Yet" I. Green Brother.' Noyeltr Band I Cherie l.Uy lar)Fex Trot (flieol Carl Fenton'e Orcheelr JueiKeep a Tbouht For Me Fox Trot Introducing "At I way" Cul K.ntoi'. Urch..Ua ( ORSON, Till: MUSIC MAN OKECON ACHICULTUUAL COL LEriE, COt.VALI.LS, June IS. - All Oregon enuntles, il!) other .".t'ales, anil lf forrign eounlrles were lepresent ed In the sludent body registration tor Ihe sehool year 1!)2()-1!)21. The lotnl number ol long eourse students wa :!C.r.4, wlille Hie grand total Inoludinu short course students wan -1:170 Thl does not take Into consideration thosf In attenilaneo t'niinors' wre!;. Hlxly-one ol the :uu graduatea or' the college In June were transterrrrt i 1 inin Instliiitlnns in 15 stater,, and one orelf;n eounuiry. The average ai;e of June f?f ad nates nf the college war. 24.'.) yea is, higher than nnial. This Is said to be due lo the fact that many of I lie men lost time from college while In Ihe ser vice. Thr- oldest student was 51 years and the oungP3t 10 yean and 11 inontlir.. At.' i Icultiire was In the lend In the lint ol 1H21 graduates of the college, 1)1 comiileiinr; the worlr. Eight, wer" Ironi honii) economics and 511 from I commerce. Twenty spven Orpgon muni Ion, 11 olhor states, and two foreign conn- fries were rpprerenled In the collpgo senior class in the school year jusi closed, Main niifii nennet: Taxt Main 01. If - Notice of Annual School Meeting Notice is rereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 12 of Wasco, County, State uf Oregon,, that Ihe annual school meeting of said District will be hold at the High School bulldlns; to begin at the hour of 2 o'clonk on the third Mon day ol June, being llu 20th day of June, A. U, 1021. J. II, KIRK. Chairman Board of Directors. I'rudince to.. Patterson, District Clerk. " J1-11-1S The School Board Election TIME MONDAY, J UN: 20, 2 P. M. , PLACE HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING. Two directors will be elected. Every qualified voter can vote at this election. Why you are asked to vote for JOHN L. BOGUE for director: 1. He is a property owner and taxpayer in The Dalles. 2. Is the father of 4 children attending our city schools. 3. Has shown an active interest during the past year in the pupils of the local schools. A. HE HAS THE TIME TO ATTEND to SCHOOL BOARD BUSINESS. Does his experience qualify him for the impor tant position? Judge for yourself. EDUCATION Parochial and public schools, . High school and academy, Moody training course, Shorter seminary course. BUSINESS Business college course, American Sales Book company, one year. Traveling salesman, wholesale dry goods, New York and Michigan,, 3 years. NEWSPAPER WORK Elmira, N. Y. Gazette, re porter and circulation. Special Work Elmira Telegram. Williamsport Grit. Salt Lake Tribune. Colfax Palouser, semi-weekly. Editor 8 months. Editor, "Trench and Camp," Camp Lewis, one year. Camp Lewis Commissioner, Presbyterian war service, one year. He spent two years in the army welfare work with the 91st and 13th divisions at Camp Lewis. Wfiy does he seek election to the school-board? "I am Interested 11 our nchools and consider It an honor to serve a community on the school board. 1 believe that I can bo of service to our city and our young people. No mistake wl'l be made in the election of any of the candidates, They are all worthy citizens and will render good service. I am sure that any one of them will appreciate the honor of eke. Ion to the office and ! also would ap preciate the honor and solicit your vote." Vote for JOHN L. BOGUE for school director. (Paid Adv.) By John L. Bogue, The Dalles, Oregon SAY You saw it in the Chronicle when buying adv. goodfC CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday A. M. "The Aggressive Faith" An enjoyable Sunday evening service with an interesting sermon. Pastor John L. Pogue Send it Tniho We have no quarrel with any firm that uses every available opportunity to bring its service before its customers. We do it ourselves. But it is a pleasure for us to occasionally reverse the or der of things and let our customers know that we appreciate their steady patronage and that we value it highly. And as wo value it we shall certainly use every effort to give the, service that will keep it. MODEL LAUNDRY Main 41 m m ii raw VISITORS IN TOWN are invited to make this their headquarters for food during their stay. They will find, here first class food, perfectly cooked and court eously served. They will find every attention paid to their wants and they will find the bill entirely free from any suspicion of overcharg ing. Try Our HOc Noon-Day Luncheon BLACK & WHITE RESTAURANT Corner Second and Court Ch erries Wanted T Paying Cash SEE ME REi ORE DISPOSING OF YOUR CROP CARL WODECKI 822 East Second Street Across from Wasco Warehouse GOOD MU8IC GOOD FLOOR