THE DALLES DAILY CHTONICLF FRIDAY, JUNE 17. 1921. PAGE FIVE M'NARY ASKS AID TO SAIE FORESTS (Chronicle's Washington Burouu) WASHINGTON. Juno 17. Sunalor McNary has asked the stnatc to appropriate $150,000 to proUot the forests of Oregon from the pine beetlj. After a most careful study by tho bureau of entomology of tho de partment of ugricultuie, the bureau announced that approximately ono billion feet of yellow and sugar pine tlmbur have Leon killed by the bark bettle over a million and a quarter acres situated in this ie;lon. The monetary loss Involved amount to over $3,000,000, and unless heroic measures are taken the loss will grow until it. will encompass all the valuable pine limber in this belt. Tho legislatuie of the Oregon passed a bill which for the declaring of Insect tiona of Ibis character to bo nuisance and tor the compulsory abatement of that nuisance by i era of tho land. I While this law is a wise picco of legislation, it cannot be erfec iw until the government controls the work and destroys Insects upon gov ernment owned or administered lands. There must be simultaneous ef forts upon the part of the govern ment agencies as well as the private land owners, In otiler lo bring about a complete corrective of the condi tions so perilous to the pine timber in these two slates. Infestations cover part of Fremcnt and Crater national forests in Ore gon and Modoc, Klamath and Shaslu national forests In California Ihe Klamath Indian reservations In Ore- THIS TIME LAST YEAR Tragesser's home run enabled the Phils to beat the Cards 1 to 0.. In game between thy Slants and Pirates only one New York player was' thrown out at llrst base. i; resident. Fulls, International League, ordered Akron and Haiti more to play over game of .May C with the Davis cup trials, the na tion championships and the cha( lenge matches for the cup. The ap pearance of the French girl wizard will be fat from the least feature. FRENCH TENNIS STAR COMING TO AMERICA FARMERS' WEEK IN FULL SWING CKEJCN AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallls. June 17. Farmers' week and homeniakors' conference Is now in full swing. Hundreds of peo pie are here from all parts of Oregon. Many of them came by automobile, sevetal excursions having been ar ranged, Including those fiom Lane and Douglas counties. s'ate of provides i liil'esta- a public' Hy Hciry L. Farrcll (United Press Staff Correspondent) NEW YOUK, June 17. Lo'ikln fonvaid to future bi.ttlos, the Long- len Mnllcry tennis encounters appear as promising as any number on a program with summer classics. When the two greatest women ten nis players come o Amei'ca after 'battles at St. Cloud and Wimbledon, ' most anything enn be expected. There is no love lost between the French and Ameilcan stars. Hitter feeling ran through the French hard i oouri championships, in wh'ch Mile I Lenglen defeated M.-s. Mallory in the finals. Tho 111-fcollng was somewhat re lieved when Mile. Lenglen jumped over the net altei the finals and' Main f,(ir,i--Mennett t.ixi Main hand o! the American uhoolt tho woman. The French championships prov d thai Mile Lenglen hi not so superior in her class as she was generally rated. She did win the title, hut victory came to hoi mere thrnugii Mrs. Mailing's eimr than through her own individual biilllance. IMlle. Lenglen rospiots the ability ! of tho American woman in wan I shown in the finals ol the French , louiuameiit i.vhon she ies-led lo . safity first nu thods and ab.iii lcned . Iif. HtHinl .1 'i all In tr pin n til In t ir'illln on and the lands formerly granted I ,.., "' ' ... Dr. S. Htirke Massoy, dentist, First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele phone main 3911, res. main lliill Sir TAX CONFERENCE CALLED JJv United Prog NEW YOUK. June 17. The offi cers of Ihe National Tax association have perleetcd arrangements lo hold tlu' fouiteenth annual tax con I'eroneo this year at the Mount Washington Hotel, Diction Woods New Hampshire, September 12 to 10. The association is composed of tax officials of Ihe various slates,1 the United States' porse.slons and j tlu Canadian provinces, as well as of numerous municipal taxing offi cials, tax experts and attorneys,' economists and Individuals and cor porate taxpayers. PRIEST DIES AT 102 By l)tH:u . ies WINNEPKO. Man., June 17.--Father Dqmnsa Paiulurand, said to be the oldest Catholic priest In the world, is dead at St. Honlfnce, a suburb of Winnipeg. He was 102 years ofd. Father Dandurund was Lorn at La Prairie, Quebec, In 1819. The record If his birth is still in the parish archives. He was appointed to Ottawa in ' 1844 when the present capital tf Canada was known as Dytown and labored there 30 years. He came to St. Honltace lr 1875. Winnipeg, acioss Hed Klver. was a He was present a little later at the tcceptlon to the Prlnco of Wales In Winnipeg. Bert organdies, 79 cents a yard. AH leading colors In finest Imported per nianeir finish quality. Edw. C. Pease company. 17 U. S. ISSUES NEW SERIES OF TREASURY CERTIFICATES SAN FRANCISCO, June 17. Fl nancinl experts of the country are agreed that the Government's offer of three year 5 3 4 per cent United States treasiny gold notes June 1.1 group of cabins under the walls of I In combination with an Issue of Foil Garry. The young piieal saw) treasury certificates of ir.d btedneiist the buffalo vanish and tlu settlers I for an aggregate of $500,000 000 con come. He saw wigwag villages give, stltutrs Ihe new adnilnljtratlon's place lo towns and clt.e.i and the "first important oilglnal financial prairie wilderness change Into pros- operation" and that Secretary Mel porous farms. On his lOOih birth Ion's plan offers the only substantial day two years ago, he celebrated hope of avoiding a spreinculur re high mass In St. Honlfnce cathedral. i lunding operation which would weigh henvlly'upon security markets and Industrial financing. The sue crss of these latest Issues of new government secu'itles is held vital to the secretary s plan wnlch Is part of President Harding's financial program to make tlr war debt man ageable without any convulsive op. eratlous. Secretary Mellon in a .letter to the bankers of the country stated that he was counting confidently on their full-hearted support In tin ab-, sorption of the Issues. Full con sideration (vas given to the temper of financial market.) and every of foit was tnatlo to make the new of ferlngs as attractive as possible to private investors to whom a special Invitation was extended to partici pate. The treasury Is anxious fo gain as wide a distribution of the now securities as possible among the public at large. Efforts of the Federal Reserve Banks to market the combined issues of $500,000,000 will be supplemented, according to well authenticated reports, by n special circular to 500,000 large Hi vestcrs and taxpayers throughout the country. The Government ex pects the support of not only the banks but investment dealers In general to guarantee success. to the Oregon & California Railroad company and small areas of lightly timbered public domain, Get Our Pricej on picking ladders. H Will pay Stadelmnn-Bonn. you IS Agency Union Laundry at the Umatilla House. Good worli r.afe delivery guaranteed. Call 6011. ! est form. She was permau n.ty olf in the llnals :nJ prrctlcally bear herself. Condi! inns will be reversed when she gels tho flashy French stnt1 on American courts. Announcement that Mile. I. listen would come to the United States with the French Davis Cap was accepted with almost jubilation in American tennis circles. Summer and main competition on the courts Is goliii -1 i to be the greatest in history here EVERREADY WATERLESS SOAP Cleans Hands, Clothing Carpet ?, Wood work One and 5 lb. Cans ASK YOUR GROCER GET THE HAHIT Ol' THRIFT The essential qualities to cultivate the thrift habit are determination and a normal earning power things which we all have. To put thrift into definite practice there is no better plan than to tie up with the CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK We can assist you in outlining a plan that will make SAVING easy. Success is yours through thrift will you be thrifty? 4 Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings Accounts. Citizens National Bank Dr. J. A. Router, Vice-Pros. Director Stadelmmi. Telephone Main 3101 Officers J. Kladelmaii, President. Arinur Seuferl Dr. J. A. Reuter H. H Greene. Cashier tF- ,u- ,.c; 0,1"er II. Li. KUCIc J. F. Tureck, Ass't Cashier. -J- Hinriuh J. J. Van Dollen Timely Reminders The hay and wheat crop is , coming along nicely and you will need dependable equip ment such as "International" McCORMICK or DEERING Mowers and Hay Rakes, Bin ders, Reapers or maybe a Header. Buy Now While Our Stock is Complete At Farm Machine Headquarters Walther Williams Co. IHC ring Results MEETING NOTICES Knights of Pythias Regular meeting night, June 20, 8 p. In knight rank. By C. H. BAGGOTT, Monday in. Work order of C. C. 20 I OR SALE - 0x12 Axmlnstor rug. large mirror, etc. 218 East Third. IS FdB I3ALE Sand and" gravel. True): service. Country trips. Gordlon and Van Dolah, telophone red 1331. 30 FOR SALE Three lots or gardon, good condition; 100 young chicken House for rent, Telephone hlatK 2291. 20 Federai Union Notice All nienibors and applicants to Tho Dalles Federal union No. 17544 are requested to be present at the next meeting Saturday evening, Juno IS, at Schanno hall, at 8 o'clock. Important business. 11. Spauldlng, secretary. 18 Seventh Day Atlventlst Services at Ihe Seventh Day Adven list chinch. 500 East Fourteen:1) street aru held regularly as follows. Sabbath school at !l;45, preaching at 11 a. m. and Young People's merg ing at 3 p. in. Saturday. Preaching Sunday night at 7:30. Prayer anl mlsKioitpry mooting Wednesday even ing at 7:.!" The public Is invited to attend tlio.m meetings. Elder P. V. Province, pitor. Personal uddrea-', 420 East Fourteenth street. Clannlfled iidvurllntiiK 'l "'"lit rer worn Bach Insertion. If ln-rli-l 6 llmux or mure, :i-4 cunt m mini Mnnlhty publi cation ratun mi hiiiIIi'miiiii Mt tin- iiffli" FOR RENT FOR RENT -Futnis.i.-d hoiiel:eopln': rooms, llf) Hast L'lvtiiul. 2'l FOirit" BNT Th rer- room house. "ln quire Carl Mallei, Thompson" addition. 20 FOR RENT i hree-rooiu furnished apartment, piivnte bath, 1521 Jack son street. Call after ,4 p. in. IS j f6iT"iVentfu! rooms. Also small ftirnl3hed lioute. ' Iniuiio'lll West Second. 22 j Three unfurnished 1 Pino street. Call black 1 17 FOR SALE Residence properly and vacnnt lots. Easy terms. Inquire UU Hl.'iv Kti-PHl. 1S FGlfs A LE Good work team, S and 0 years old, weight, P.000 lbs. $321'. ('. Brewer, Lyle, Wash. 21 FORsTLFr"iliinga!ov, nearly finish oil. Four rooms and bath, B.irgain Inquire 512 West Elnvmth s'roet. 17 FOR SALE Heavy loam anil harnes". 3 1-inch wagon. Terms to responsible person. I. M. Cravens, Thompson' addition, above store. 17 FOR SA: E Ovnlanil, model 7.1. Also Ford light delivery body. Bargain Am leaving town. Inquire 0(1!) Al vord si reel. 2U FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old oak, WANTED Position as stenographer. $11 .10; second giowlh, $12.50. Deliv- Call black 3522. 1 ored. Call .".0F22. alter fi p. ,m. ,tf FOR SALE Cheap. Tin man Cormick combine with good engine, also horse attachment. Write W. L. Wanted Tyron. 50(1 West Eleventh strep',! The Dalles. fi j i ANTED Man and wife want inb -rc. J as cooks on ranch or in camp. Write box 55, care Chronicle. IS To cook on ranch. No woman oveiveer. Write box !)2, care of Chronicle. I' FOR. RlCiN'T apai I un lit pi'iuo, light, phone, mill black 5131. Furnished throe loom with balh, including wuler, ice and lelo (inrrirnu. Telephone r OR F.ALE-Lno pool table, goud condition. Also one fioiil and back bur. while enamel. The Adjustment Bureau, till Pitiook block, I 'on hind, Oie.Ton. is FOR SALE 5-rimm modern house, g:i rage and sleeping porch. Cloe in Small payment down, easy terms on balance. Soe W R. Wobbor. 20 FOR SALE Complete threshing ma chine. 28-inch J. I Case separator end engine. Outfit in first class con dition. E. A. Road, Biilrk Garage. Telephone lilDIl 021. :'7H FOR RENT rooms, 1313 5092. FOR KALI. l-arge and email farm and orchard tracts. Rear.onabb prices, good terms, W. C. Hanna, lliifur. Ore. IStf. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms upstairs? Telephono blank 4341. is; FOR RENT Good pasture lots of water, clor.e In. Can tnko from one ; to 50 head. Inqulio J. C. Thrall. 22 FOR SALE A punirert Kentuckv Jac'.-, C year. old. 15J hands, a real Kncrll'ice. Will take a good lined Dodge or Chevrolet. Some tonus, For particulars wtlto J. E Ilallyburton, Ottley, Oro. 17 FOR SALE FOR SALE Rnwlelgh products. 410 West Fourth St. Black 1331. J23; FOR SALE IVu-roiiiu iuitel. Inqillie box C7, Kent. Oregon JM CO R C N - TV P E W H T E R1f o7 "mi I o A i al bargain. ... L. Wiest, Ho'-' Dalles. 17 FOR SALE A brand now four-room house, modern In every respect. 500 East Fourteenth street 23 FOR SALE Bd led hay and grain We deliver any place In tov.n. Ono hon.e. weight 1750, 7 years old Guarnnleod. Will hell or Hade fir caltlo Oro team, wolf'ht "100 Sound and gentle. O. K. Feed barn; Julv2 well Improved ranch en mtlf f.10 down, easv 720 acren nonr II'R SI S 5-a(re I chicken and fruit I oir. price ?25i) 00; terms on balance. The Dalles, all fenced, some In culti vation, price C.50 per aero, easy term. DARNIELLE BROTHERS IS FOR SA L10 Bids will be received t'. the board of trustees, Methodist church, for tho salo of dwelling used as Ihe parsonage, al Third and Union streets. Building can bo ex amine I at pny convenient time by Intoreiel parties. The board loser- vos ihe right to reject any and all bids, r.houH they prove unsatisfac tory W. E. Gllhoiu'rn, cliali mini coiunillloo. 17 FOir'sAIjE"-n''TnT7tock ranch, Trout Lake, Wash.. I have for salo by own er a fine ranch in the famous Trout Lake vallei, 24 miles above While Salmon. WuMi. Fine improvement.", two la ge barns, one ileclrle liglil ed; 10-roo'iu house Willi water un der prossuie. A very line IrrU.iteil ranch witli abundance of water. Jii.u tjie place to raise lull blood'c. Write If. N. Warnick, Trout lil;e. Wa. h , or reo him Satiirduy, June 18, al Hod I Dalles. IS CHERRY PICKERS Apply at 403 'Wanhinglcii stieef, or GilclioU's Old Glory orchard, 17 wTNTimlTTncm re.'itiiir'.mt. Call at Cllonwood holol. 21 LOANS MONEY TO LENl)To owners ol Chonowlth Homo tracts or othei good proper, y lor building purpo.i'.'s. W. F. Glicholl, 403 Wailhlnglon sheet. ' 17 FOKD Sjpeciailiafts Whitney Repair Shop 709 East Second St. MISCELLANEOUS .ANTED -Girl o resa, gi.ovt pay. rant. woman for wal' Glonwoid Reslau 21 LEGAL NOTICES. STRAYED STRAVEH 0:t STOLEN Black main about six i'.irs old, weight abnul 1400 lbf.. Branded S-l on Bhnnlde". $10 rew.ud. T. lopl.ono black 3522 or wrlle S13 Federal street. ISwlT. Want eo Notice fr- ' ft.ilies City Auditoriliti,. Dalles City calls for bids for Ibo construction of the audiloriuin. The Council of Dalles City has ap proved plans und specifications as . l .ou uy Hoiightallng & Dongan, arcliltLcts of Portland, Oregon, as shown by Ihe minutes of the C.ituf ell meeting of J im- 151b, 1021. Sped I licalloiiK, plans ami estimate for the OOI18I ruction are on iiie m me oiiico ol Ihe Recorder ol Dalle City. ! lib Joel lo Insiiectloii, and Hie work will be doiio In a'ooidance with said plans and spccll'icailnm and iiihI-t the dlivqtlon and supeivi.ilou of such archltoclfi. i:iu:a In check the bill, Cily In ucceplcd HEMSTITCHING Plcot edging. Mrs. 1. M. Boothby, 308 Wellington slieel. Telephone main 05X1. tl TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Klirnl lure and piano moving. Freight hauled and general exprnsA bust ness. Telephones: Stand, red P'l; refldence black 13C2. J. h. Hen.le 1 1 tl fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffr nffffffffff' Jl I IB i-rjyB 4BB"i PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS SPECHALTY ?3H01P llnmst Itching, plcot edging, dress making. 218A East Third ntrnel, Con don building. Telephone black 5211 7 PI cos TGNKir-;un7 repaired, ac tion regulating and reflnlBhlng Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S. A. Dockstnder. Cor son Music: store, 320 l'astKecont street. Telephono main lOt',1. tf u,A"'TFD - Cherry inciters. F. I. Thomas, telephone 0FI. 23 WANTED Cliorrv picker.). Call 5F12. 21 WANTED- Two men for hu.viii:; Ap ply Bank hotel. is WAN"tED A piano hex. Call or wrlle 1112 Pine street. Ifi U'A NTB! J Ma n" and wife want worH on ranch. Wrlto box 30, care Chron Icle. 18 accouipaiiloil by i" 10'i of Hie lo bo In 1 1' Hod ca:,o such bid and the. bidder contract pt rform- All bids a certified liimouui of to Dalles should be should fail lo outer Into und bond for the faithful unco of the work. All bids shall bo sealed and f'o'H be filed willr the Recorder of D'Olot 1 1 y on or beioie 8:30 p. m, Jtin ' 25, 1021, said bld.s to. bu opt nod by the Rocoider and Council o;i :alil dale. Dalles City icserves the rl'h lo relert any an I all bids Dated this 15'h dav of June, 1 !).':' D, 1. CATES, City R oorder. '-" LUCHLE CUMMBWS Teacher of Piano Sludlo at 513 Union street, pr.omi black 0001. Tel .12'- POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WE1RSCHKUL Liihiioiis by Appoiiitmeul Euifiress Theatro Pianist Toaidier of Piano, Harmon) and Theory. l.oiiohollzky iiielhod. Spoidal alien lion given to borlnueiH Summer term opens Juno 15. Phone led 311)1 Stu dio 1000 Kill I on si reel .120 REED TRANSFER We hall anything, any place, call ma In 731. 23 venz bauer . General real estate, ItiHurai.ce, and loans. 100! East Second Street. Tel Phone main 1.171. 2Xtf E. C PRICE RiEgfafttfinftidl Arclhiiftec'l 001 FIrat National Dank Bldg. Tho Dalles, Ore. 16tf Dr. Ceo. F. Ncwhouse Eye Specialist We hid equipped to glvn your eyes the very best of care. Eyea tested, Glauses gnrJiid. Second and Washington Streets 1 The Dalles WANTED Five or six room modem house, closo In. Wrlto box 111, cue Chronicle. 2 WMHe Track Liiias Freight and cxprrNB between Tin Dalles and Wasco, .Morn and nil wai ojImih Leave The Dalles, ! a in dully except Sunday Leave Moro, 1 30 p m Lea vo Wasco, 2:30 p. m D, M. Pierce, proprietor, Tolephonn b'.ncl' 1042 or main 471. tf WOO HARD & TAUSCHEK Contracting Hricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work, Fireplace Work a Specialty .Estimates furnished free of chargi. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Mdin or Call nt Gates Block WANTED Working hou .ekeoper with experience. Also chain borm-'ih Hotel Dalle i. 1S'U Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialint Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays and Evsnlngs by Appointment 17-H Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug 3tora Phone Black 1111 WANTED Che. ry pickers. Unv your name anil addre s at the Chronicle oiflcv. WANTED -Po Ition as remit on ranid!. Middle iifod woman. Wrlle box II. raro of Chron'c'e. IK WArTfKDCher "it Kelly Avenue Grocery i lore ewr morning at 0 o'clock. Call 5F2. 18 WANTED Vacant lot or tract in outskirts of i own for garden laud William Dod-on. box 71. Sumner. 'Wash, I (JOLDENDALE YAKIMA ANI) ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are reached the easiest by way of C'jnts an! Maryhlll on the MARYIIILL FERRY New Eight-car Ferry No Backing to Board Boat A 10mlle paved road connects Maryhlll and Qoldendale New Railroad Crossing No SanJ Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Gisnn's Paint WoreMain .T2t Residence Phom Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CRANDA LL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufui LULU D. CIS ANOAUL. M.i'i.igrr Urit Thomjt, t.lcrekril CmiPjIimci , ktulil tblx'il lit) Woman Attendant Telephones Mrs. M. J. Wlllerton Day Red 351 Telephone Red 17UI Night Red 3SI J, H. Harper, Black 2182 Motor Equipment Cut Floweri