PAnE FOUR TIIF tlALLEfi DAILY CHRONICLE. IHIL'AY, JUNIi 1, 1021. DCHE DAILY CHRONICLE UbllBhed 1890 The Dalle. Ore. PuMlahcd Every Evening Except Sttmlny ir tn Chronicle Publishing company Inc iln R Lttfln -General Mnnngcr Rnlered In The Dalles second class matter. postofflco as United Pre nnd United Newa .Service Member of Audit Hurcnu of Circulation da'ilV CHRONICLE by carrier On jrar. In ndvanco $5.00 Hl months, In advance J3.0U Onte month . .50 . DAILY CHRONICLE OY MAIL On year. In ndvnnve. . Sft.oo Rlx months, In nilvHiire... . $2.K0 On month .5'' WEEKLY CHRONICLE Ob year. In ndvancr. $ thai lie tilt I on ii good hIkhv while it lasted. Only lliu llnl.sli mas ill.saji pointing. Ho would have won gicut-j or admiration II' lie had died flglitln;. - - (.- -HERBERT HOOVER, OREGONIAN tn ordrrln cIiaorh of address, sul crlher should nlunys kIvii old na wel' a new address. TELEPHONES Bdltnrlnl Rooms Ulnck 11' Business, Adv., Clr. Depls ...... Itoil 111 Huhscrlbers to tl.ii C .mnli'ii are gimr nteed service. 1'ioinpt end rcBiilnr de Hrery of every subset Ibcr's paper Is tin Aim of the circulation depnrtitietit. Tin Chronlclo carriers urn required to put th papers on the porch or wherever th unscrlber wishes 'he enM-r delivered THE SCHOOL ELECTION A limn wiih In Hie o I rice yosloi ilny and itHketl us who wo weie go Inug to vote lor In .school oleelion next iMontlny afioinoon. It wiih a hard qiieittion coming mi (something lo which wo had not giv en a great deal of consideration. hooking .at It by and largo Ju.-it now, 11 inuat bo confessed thai we haven't decided yel how we will vole. And If we, hud, no one would know about It. In the I'list place, t hecc-'s no Is huc Involved In tl'ls school election: no hidden poll lies no scandal, no muck to be raked. Quite a nitty 111 tie campaign had been started, and lionie people are getting wanned id, out more is nothing to b.u-e an i.s huc on. The sellout boaid is on tin 6tiiarc; has been 'in the square. Tn i four candidates running lor Hie two c.fliccH being vacated are sipiare eonsicentiouB men, who aie tuxpa. ers, have children in .school, Oiogoniiins may well be pmiid nf Hie lact I hut one or the most ills HugiilHhcd iuciiiImth of Piesldenl llnidliig's eahlnel menl liis .vol t 1 1 1 til years In this ntulo. Heihefl Hoofer, liiiniiiliilui Inn or Hie war, whose name is a household wrd In more homes than e.v Kaiser Wilhelni'u name Ir an aiialhema. was reined near Salem lis patents weie Ft lends. In the Salem statesman of iceeni Issue lieie appeared I hie Hlali'inenl : "Mindful of Mis relation to the litirrh of his boyhood, in which h ilil) lelalns his nieinheisliip In spit" )l his b.tsy eaieer, Herbert Hoover, eerelary of conitneiTe in President liaidliiR's eahlnel, kent a cheek of $2flD tills week as a eonlrlhtillnii lo asslsl in building the new Ki lends church, which is holng erected in the Highland addition. "In his message o Nov, I. (J., ' paalof or the cliitrch, aoeomptnyltig the cheek, Air. Hoover giiicinusly expi esses Hie wish that the succor..! af the woik may be assuied. He rogulnily eontribiiluB to the upkeep ol Ihe chinch here." Despite Cabinet Seat, Coolidge Is Not Senate Liaison Officer VICE-PRESIDENT'S LEADERSHIP OF LOWER HOU3E CUIET CON TRAST TO AGGRESSIVE HUMOR DISPLAYED BY HIS PREDE. CESSOR; YANKEE DIALECT PERPLEXES. a-.lced K.niiO.onn h.r the li'.enl of ihe government' pio;;rani. iH'COlir.ij'hii. i netr ii X Ry John M, Glcicsncr H!llltil NeWH Ullllf ('nll'i'MHllldftll) WlAKIIIN(iTO.', .lime IV. - Thine petsotl! who thought 1 r 1 -t -I-ilelil t'oell In , 1 eeall e he Ita: :i sen in the cahlne', wiut'd ilevelop Into a i-tirl of liaison ollleer lie'v.'e'' Picj nenate mid Ihe adnilnlst raHnn ha.'" had lo alter their jildguien'. (.'oolldge hiliiga lo t dialers no word of u liiil transpires about the bin table In the While House wheie I'l-c;- lent Harding's advisors cnlhor tivlc" weekly. He leave-- the senate quiet l. turning over the presiding ollico'-'- i Hire of things cannot he, cl.'ior law I maker or adtiiliih.lintor. I The work or presiding ovo" Ihe sen ale, whi'di is Ihe vice-pi es:d"in 'a real Job, and thai one l.i .'in -I liuea trul lie:iv. iius alvays been handled iUie'- j by t oo.niKe. ( oollilf,'" is not a man or man' I words a:id what he is called iiiioii W !ay ho ra " hriefU and v II lien: ell j cnmlociil Ion. He slls in Hie blfc chit'r : cm Ihe dais in III-' senale cliamhe;-, 'usually wlili his lunula folded in his lap and surveys Ihe senate gravely, rarely chanKiiiK expi e."s!on even when senatoilal oralory gets most fiery. elialr lo some one else and lo capilol hill Just as quictl', nothing to say to senators or anyone else about what cabinet memb"rs think or want. (Nor has he anylhini; to say to cab inet mi mbers about tho councils ef Hie senate and their nil Undo toward tin. executive branches. He ilmpl "advises" wltli Hie piesldenl and tho cabinet oiilcers iikc any ot I tie ot iters ,couy Ills ft lends say, on the nuestlons wlilct; J return.-j Tlie personallly or Coolldfe'e Is In He Inn ' marked coulntsl to lhat of 'Ids pred"- ce: sor, Thomas It. Marshall. They are an dilfeient as a Hoisier and a V:ie kee louldhe. Coolidge never jo!;e.' uliotit his Job; .Marshall fotin.l Ills isolation amitsliiK and didn't mind sa -1 n k so. Marshall, too, had an active sense of humor. He found the senal" mitiH.nt; at times and was oiten g :o i lor the press gallery. Coolidt;i- never is "good copy" and hit. sense o' , I LOOKING BACKWARD (From The Chronicle, .lime 17. ISiiU.) The funeral or H T. Conroj look Plate at 2 p. in. lodin from the'catli,,. lie cliurch, Rev. A. Iliongce t olticiai ing. The I'linrral was attended b me uoodinen In a both ami alinoh entire railroad lone turned on . tin The i er Mood this morning at :l!l.l, a ilse ol a loot dining Hi" last 21 hours. .i s now ilaiiycrotisly near the mad bed, both al.ovo and brlo-.v The Dalles, and lailroad men are alarmed over Hie situation, b.XMtfe mil l"M0"1(!i' '""I "f I wo of valer will'i who certainly Imvo the interests of the drstrlct at heart. So if someone lUtteiingly asks us hv to vote on (his election, we won't tell them. The only counsel wo venture to give Is tills; Vote Tor someone, bill vote! School bonrtl elect Ioiih come home to you fnl h ore anil niolhers a whole lot more than olhei issues Hint ox i:lto Ihe community. The men sit tlB on the boanl direct tic endeav ors of people who have Ihe molding . ol your children in their most Im pressionable years, Last year these! men spent Just , 1.42 percent of the assessed valu ation ol your pioperty lor Ihe edit ci'tion or your children. They lined the teachers, I hoy were lcsponidhle J for Ihe comfort and health of Hie' yoiinsiiters while ihey weie In Ihe Beimel houses. Heiool diieelion In one of your most Important civic inleicfts, and jou can only rullill your duly by otliiR tit these e'ecllons. The lime may come when you will have to choose between good er.iiilidnle.s and bail candidates. The Hide nitty come wheie there will be very linportaui Iss.lea lo decide, Next Monday your ote will be a Mile ol confidence. It will show the boaid that you ate interested and watching, and thai you espeel Ilia' body lo do its duty uill. I If you think Hieie is an Issue, well and good. Vote lor the men whom! .Mill believe as III solve Ihe issue. Itul j II you ITiInk there is no, do jour duty its a watehlul citizen and vote nnywn. j o GARDNER A QUITTER away me lining troin under the track. Hast night was a buy one, with e.t -a crows getting out rock and hauling It lo Umatilla to protect the track there. Illl.siness is also being rushed so thill In case or a tie-up all frelgh! pot, slide lo move shall have passed. Tlie trouble at Hie present time Is the sliding mouiUaln near lion nevllle, where Kin men are working night ami day lo keep the track in re. pair. Tlie pre.ieul spell of hot eallnr, wltli a warm win I. i.s melting Hie snow rapidly and miles:- a spell of cool wetil her seta In at once at the head waters. Hie end ol ih"e high water In not jet In siglii. come up for discussion. So the system of "clucks and bal ances" operate! just like it id wins did h'otwoen lawmakers and adminis trators. In spile or the fact that Hi" vice-president lor the first lime in history has a seal In the cabinet, the traditional separation of the two re mains with the usual illscussio'i about the sphere of each. Coolidge hits steered through a i1!' flcult situation willi ctcdlt, his lrieir! say. A man less diplomatic and less given lo a carolul ohsc nation of the niceties, might readily have broii,",!:t about a disturbed relationship. Ihcv assert, ill it time when (lie iitieslion ol senatorial and e'eeutlve pierot'atlve is niiicli in mind at both ends of the iivenuo. During Hie presldinliiil c.niipai-n I here win much talk of mnkin", ino I humor, when it is exhibited. of .! jipilel sort which Is apt to produce smile.-, instead of hearty laugh'cr j Capilol foil; have a whole catalogue ti jsrorle.t about .Marshall, but abou' Cooiltigo lew have grouu up. Tlie vico-pl esldeul and his wife have it suite at Hie Williird hotel, a fashionable down-town hostelry. Tliev entertain tho'.o anil their reception" and other functions are among Hi" mos! successful social events ol Wash ington. Tlie lyslein ol' social o'-ganiz.,-lion Is such thai -the vice-president becomes it sort of official "diner oul" for the adniinist ration end is repre sentative lor the president a' iiiiui."i oroide luncilons of an official i-r semi official clunaeter. No persons in Washington are ontcrlalmd more ex tensively than Ihe Coolidges. Rarely a day p.vscs hut what tin- afend tin al'rcir I'm, ' the rliiialion Is Immense. , I,' moic grave. Tlie it: time we (-poki v. e ilepored Hi" aellvliies of oe'r, H-'ing Hiemi-elves Christhns .nui t: tl.ty v.e must tenew our deploratioii bed me tlie.-.e sects, which are . weallh. are ixploiting lor s heir own ' Inlercf-tf; Jhe poor populations "When Christian troops delivered tho Holy Land, we shared Hie com mon Joy. but Hint joy wasi somewhat dimmed by Hie lear Hint the .Jow may secure Hie largest ,ii!'it".i.",. ' "These fears have been realized. ChrlHliaini now ,-re in wo, -t p i uu Instead of heller and Hi-1 !avr. itll la i vor the Jew;. Hven In Holy have been defined an. I jlnio I'iitces of auiiisemitr ! wish to rob the Jews or i but we do not des're th. ol Catholics be trampf i.' In Hit house in comni'ins, Tiir.-day night, Winston Churchill, sretetun o'' i tiile for colonini affairs, dechned that (!re-i Urilain's mandatory pronii.oi could not be broken. "We canned allow the mallre n uici Hn"i rair'itne n Ann,)., nor rcpresmis Jiu.tlce and Ihe right both liigdad to he pi litge-l by wild Ilrl jror (lie jirople iit home and lor tin ouin ." lie sold. ( hc'thri Hi- r :n:' tpo pie of el! nations of tlie world. It. Hiim lormi ii We do I'd iiieii lights, i; ihe ligiin DEMOCRACY COM MEND ED IN STATEMENT BY WILSON Hy ttultetl Nevs AI.UCNTOUiN. I'ii., June 17. The , first expression horn former President j Woodrow W:h on since hi roil. -omen! jiioni in i u-r-, iieaiinij upon ponncs or the policies of his paity, is puhlislied ; today hy Hie Allcntown Itecerd, In i s ifiist ijsue. i I "I am glad lo rend a g-eeng n liletuoerats who are nmklng :i enl'ed , ehorl to pioinote Ihe great pi iuclplcs I and causes which our. parly repie-' Hints," Mr. WiUon wrote in respotr-e i lo a i-c' for jt statement fo" pub-1 Heal ion in the newspaper. ) "Kvcry ilc'iiocrat may look forward' lo Hit; immediate luttiro and to Hie diMiint future with Ihe utmost coal'! jdence. becaia e hU party iepr..-'on's ; the thugs tint a'-o peimanenl and' which no human force can r.el'otl. It I therefore alantls wi!li.(hu!,e. vho think juntly and plan righteous') every wheie in ihe world and' the luture lie longs lo these. , r'-, "Our lmme!!:ite tint) is to think in the most practical terms of achieve ment, .lusilce ami the right consllinte a s:e:it deal. We must make It our ob ject to develop a program thai will ve iill.o Ihem lor our.solvos and for olhera. i "Wlio can fail lo lake inspiration troin such ii view ol' pieseni liuk-i itnd luttiro liiunipha?" "Coidliilly youiH, j "(.Signed) Wot d rev.' Wllsyn," Dmwti's Outer Stanc Time fntile 'l' iinl Hips dally, heave Hank hotel, t). a. in. and' 4 p. in, hen re Dulur 7: tin it. m. ami 1 p. in. If Typinu and Stenogriipny dune at reasonable rales. Itosimi A Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Ueat ileiiiH phone red ti Free Clinic No Charge For Examina tion Tuesdays nnd Thursdays, llr. Itaiim, ohiiopracl ie. pliyslclan. I'h i ill and Washington. miUn TiUl. if Dr. Siildal reliirned from Pot Hand. homo todiiv .Mr. Frank Fulton of l.v is In (ho ciiy (odav. Slieiniitn conn- -Mrs. F. P. .Mays is in lin ing with her mother, .Mrs. I sou. Ice-pre.sidcnev into a "real job it hasn't been done. The job is:i I any diffoienl with Co.lldge In it than It has licen under any number ol' pre vious vice-presidents, except for Coolidge's viidls lo the While llou-'e twice weekly. The vice-pro -ident stands,, as always, hall' way between the two branches- legislative anil ex ecutive end Ihe ob: curit Hint ha i always attached lo Hie job attaches lo Coolidge- In Ihe. same degree lhat it has lo others. lai'l'iiir of o;ie kind or another. s:i ! i .-.peaks with a decided Yankee accent. This tuts can .eil ionic difficulty in the Konnte where a con siderable portion of the members live Hie other side of Hip, Alleghcnics and find it difficult to catch lloston vow els, p.iriioulariy wiien ..poken In I lie pilot mimner Coolidge has. It caur o.' trouble in tin press gallery for the wrileis could not heir Hie lulings of Hie chair. The ritu'ittion v.'ar, rem edied when Hie con espondents !!: The job Itself is to blame, of course, The vice-president isn't, and hy Ihe mi- I" pa'ehed an emissary o Coolidge a diplomatic lioslon newspapi r man. POPE COMPLAINS AoOUT CONDITIONS IN PALESTINE city I. M. visit-WH AT THE LIBRARY Tlie report of the llhrailau lor Maj, Mill, its given ut Hie .lime board meet ing last week, shows Hun the people of both Hie town anil the county a-e niiiking mine use of their library ihan Ihey did during the correspondliiR pe riod Inst jear. Tlie gain in lite cic culal loi ef books was HISii, with an increase' of ::oi in the number of per sons using tlie readlnj; room. We're pietly much disappointed and disgusted with l!o (lanlncr, Hie iralu rtdiber who pulled such a clever gelavMt) Itoill Hie I'nlteil Slates imirsliiiis wlm wer- taking him lo piisoit last I'llilui iilltt, and wan caught asleep ai Centialla, Wash., jesieidaj. Cenlralia is tie or In miles liom Cai. He Hock, and .il'ler lie got thai Itw awa ever.Mme Is won lerlitB h lie didu'l keep iti'Mli,- It loolis as though lie wanted to show the wot Id how easy it was lo jjet aw,t from officers ami then decided io sli n i omul and wait lor them io come and gel liliu again Hanllicr, 111 llllei views leptlled by tin I'.'rllami uivsiaier( to h.ue 1i(k M given I iv him over Ioiik dis tatiee telephone tiom feu Ha I in, pitl tillniie io the pah ol guards 1 1 mn whom he escaped by sayliu "they weie Ihe two neruet men" lie had o;T stuck up in IiIh life That was lain. Haidiier wan in the pouseahimi ol Ihe olllceiti when lie telephoned, and tiutuiallv ho wasn't going to wound l heir dice I ties any mine. Ho Just handed lliem a little boqiiet. It's going io i a Wo a lot of argu nielli to convince lolks tint' two Htalwint g.iaids, umfrenled In a manacled man In a close cnmp.tri meat and armed Hii a to plbiol. tllhplayed a peat amount of nene when llie biihlititted lamely to lin ing liandeiilletl. (iiirdmT lioweer hliowed tliat he wan a bin mi t mi it . and people admit" There aie Mime very Interesting lirllcles In tin new .lune niigazlncs which hae been arrlvlirt the past week. Harper's magazine Is beglnulin a seiles ol storie-- by Coinelia .-tint'-ton Parker, whose "American ldvll ' was one of Hie um.M popular liook ol a yeiir ago, on Hie" Miboct, Week lug With the Working Woman." The Hist one in Hits month's number leU-. deliglilfullj of her eperiei.-e. In holding :t "job" In a canih l.tcioi,. As one lesull ol her expel lences slie kii.m., 'For the remainder of mj days a ho of cliocolales will mean a or. peisoiial aliuosl too lor eonit'orl- liilng io me ' Cume in and read It and nee win j Students of iho ivpew i i;lii.; iitsv of the high xchool have m km ll made a number of copies ot two li-is of bookM which tlie llluan has ed. t)lln lift gives Hie lillc m all i lit norllieiu stories, and the o lie. tin. lillek of (he III Kt i r and dee ' stories whlcli Hie llliritn toni.iiti. There Ik only a limited mini i e- i tliee lists but IUI pelMill -peilan Dy A. E. Johnson CUnitril NvvtK Klaft I'm lespiindeiil) 'LON'HON. .lime 17. Tlie alloeiillou ol I'oiir Heueilict to Ihe Cii'tlilials in Home, declaring Hint Hie situation of Christ inns in Palestine Is worse now t'lian before Ihe hind was ileiiveiel b'-1 Chrlsliitn troops, has created anodic" apparently serious conlunersy out of President Wilson1! mandatory s,s..eiu lleielorore, w hen dl'-putes iirose lliey weie merely malteiH between nations or political bodies, but Hie pone', ad drcs lias brought to Ijfio attention of the world a conflict of religious -a-rues which have not been i n iiiluen' sine" Hie minis! ice war signed In official elides, one finds well In formed alll lioril les iplitu iippvelli.'ll -ive lest I In oo of the mo I poweil'ul hit In ences In Ihe world, I lie vali"ai. Jewry and deal Mrilitln, lie found loj lie drilling toward a coulrovers. com-' plieating further Ihe iliffieiillitN of tin much criticized league mandatory sys tem. "In Palestine," .niil Pope IJp''' Madame Housewife! HAVING TROUBLE WITH YOUR OIL STOVE? IS IT BURNING PROPERLY? ARE YOU USING TOO MUCH OIL? WE CAN HELP YOU ' . DEMONSTRATOR 0-'-- FOR ,; 1 ' Perfection Oil Stoves Will be here ALL DAY SATURDAY ITc will tell you about how to hnticre these stoves. mimical they are and how comfortable theV ar kitchen these hot .summer days. SEE HIM He will prove, bpw, for the housewife' in ' . . Mr1'' TOMORROW t ceo-thc AT Docherty & Barnett Complete Hnusi'hold FunuVhcrs ,')l2-i;j Yj!.shini?lon Street. Across fnnn First NalViia! Bunk WSDI 4 . $20.00 A car lead and (loorini;. PER THOUSVNI) ol" short births oi' nulic, ejiliii"; Van Dellen Lumber Co i , i O ' I t iuioicsted ma nlutilii ni Hie di'Sl; for II. one .iKn w !i.-ii il. in ill ii-.1 He Dui'lim the vacation mini' people are le.n lint Hie i tt ti er or lesb period, the lilu.i iieellil pihileges In lea-d ililinhei' ol honUs allow i d time Ihey max he I'epi. '1'iit oonl, hall ol w hit It m. i- he fli on in i 'i iiiKen a' ,t time and l-ep nii'il il . her 1 II iloxii'i'd 'I'tnk ,i hin'K ii -111 Mini hag ,1 wnl ale gum; nu.ii Iheic are iiIwunh ilius run ii hiloicNi vacation when wm A Uld lo Iiiim" ,.nUM'lli:i!ii a' :. . , : read. Eventu.ill) -Why Not Now Ship In li-tu ti Porlliiud The ).t! liruve men wheihei or not Hie) an' True l sir. no lliMdipi,n e Mo'or c iiinlniils. lie's goluK iti tor Ml ( Service tiuniKe Ponliiuil leleplione" )er uow, unci It Lii't riulea lo mi .Jtu shall IW and Kaet u II WHEN A MAN MARRIES t nu '..i'iU i d men and r.ioie June than in na'ln'ial otf'tiuls il ;-ui more sa ugt aecoiiu's crt in my other' ii'.ontji. eonlornnne yl H.iyj, Mas Liald that mile ilia. Hiiigld men - opii'io J la So ,lene, Hie mouth of h.-ld'-a and -.weet gitl giittliiatek nnd euger hoys with Hi light of the world's haitlu hr (heir eic-n--i. aln'i Hie month i t Su 'nu AectUkili" li it w in limit this advantage in tu irrtu I l'.lls? Everyone neuli a savings iwcotpj' and now l the lest tlni lo mart nil, nd hero is a goo I i 'c .i ml Mcitili ot r.imtts in' ei cM Kite doilhb at'i'icitve. plat'e- whore gi ul; llltlkl' UHI l'i Interest I'aid on Savings Accounts rp 1'IRST NATIONAL BANK Tlie Dalles, Oregon The Best of the Bargain When yoii liny advertised i,r(ndf you are gelling' (ho hefjj (f Hie bargain. - i s Only good goods, fairly priced, can stand the strain o!' ad vertising. You can't imagine a mer chant or manufacturer ad vertising a lot of articles lhat are poor, in quality, poor in make, and -that v ill not give reasonable wear. Such gooils' can't stand the stra'n of ad vertising. The busine?s can't stand the strain of public con demnation. When - merchant signs Irs xuww to " stiHcment he is fM'ciV' n-' he says. When the whole reputation of his Invincss is a sta'v he i; fl -"hJ v r.""c''Ml. Whon lhat s'a'nuen' n lr;ing sent out ti a'l-lhc people, so (hat any thing in it lhat is not true will to known io all of his employes nd most of his friends; then you may be sure he is ten times doubly careful. So, when yo.. biy adver tised goods you get tho best of (he bargain, because they must be advertised. Thai is why if pays you lo read C h r o n i r 1 c advertise ments, ;muI to buy the goods ."dycrt'sed. AdwjrMsinnr pro o"ts you. 1?ea' it n:l ge'. the best nf the bargain. i