j NEWS NOTES Mrs. Warden Leaves Mrs. Victor Maiden wont to Portland today. While tlioie she will Inku a special course in tho Diiimins system of music. About the middle of July, .Mia. Marilcn will go to Chicago to study under Tanny Uloomficid-JJcrislcr. Railroad Officials Here J. F. Jor- bet I , assistant. stmcTiulcndunl of the l'orllaud Uivfaion of the O.-W. H. li M. company, IV. C. Wilson, general claim agent, and James Doran, road foreman of engines, are in Tho Dalles today on company business. Will Admitted to Probate The will Legion Is going to make a determined of Mis. S. E. Klein, deceased, was attempt at tho slate American Legion admitted to probate by County Judg3 , convention to be held in LOugrne on J. T.' Adklsson i this moining. The July 1 and to secure the 1022 state biggest part of her estate, valued at convention for The Dalles, Comniand ?::,r00, is left to her son, Frank Il.'or iat Foley announced this morning. Klein or lWt'lanil. She bequeaths to Tho Dalles post will lie officially rep hvr husband, S. R rUcin, ?10 in t-ash.lt,HcnU;(, ,1V Uvo ,1(,it.;r;lU;Si K(lgai. 1Tfl., Damaac Suit Piled Suit to secure Harold Sexton. Foley plan--? 181.20, together with court and at- ' have at least 100 American Legion .... !., ,..iii ti7 .,..,! members from this city in attendance tiled against Horace I. Belknap in the rlrcnit couit today by O. 10. Mc Cluro. 'McUluro alleges that the above mentioned stuns are duo him lor re pahs upon an automobile owned by Dclicuap. Girl Struck Py . Auto Urn lielle Uoilgos, daugliler of .Mr. and .Mrs. (). L. lltidges, was idlglttly injured Wed nesday afternoon when slio was hit Miy the delivery, car of the Model hum- (lft- mm dm mil nmnhlln v.i? hnnklt1!! up after having been parked at the curb on' Second street. Xo bones ivera broken. She was attended by Dr. Pied Thompson, , Cooperation of Farmers Sought Willi reorganization dctuilu incident to tho -transformation of The Dalles chamber of commerce into The Dalles U asco County Chamber of Commerce now completed, F. F. Van Schoiclc chamber secretary, is planning to gel into intimate touch with county mom- i ulf. ill:.. .,iTi, i t.. ,. uuin. . 1 1 II l II la iJirjcL in ium, , mi Schoiclc in- the future expects to at tend all public farmers' meetings hot' in tho county, as .well as meetings ol the various county commercial clubs War Film To -Be Shown Picture! of American troops in actual battle, filmed by the signal corps of the Unit ed States army, will be shown at the Km press theater ,noxt Wednesday night, under, the auspices of The Dalles post pf the American Legion. The film shows battle scenes taken at Cliateau-Thicrry, Aisnc, Marne, Soissons, St. Mibicl and Mouse-Ar-gonne. Money ttrken in at Wednes day's perforinahce will go to the local po.jt of the Legion. Nurses' Conference Registered nlireoa-of 'The-Dalles arc planning, to . attcndthe northwestern sectional con ferenec pf tliqji,i'aduato Xurses' asso ciation for tlie states of Washington, Idaho, Montana and Oregon, to lie held in Portland June 22, 2J, and 21. Lead ers in tho nursing profession, physi cians and ijtlticatoni. of tho northwest will participate in a comprehensive urogram toughing upon all phases of tho social 'and business lives of the nurses. t Offer Reward for Murderers Hoy Marshall, local agenl for the OAS'. It, . & X., was notified today that the company litis offered a reward ol flOOO for the apprehension and con viction of the,, persons who killed .1. 11. Phillips, s'jpeeliil ol fleer, when tho I , liiuui uuuiitpvi'u in iiiici iiium v. 'inn in (ho act of iili'eiing from freight cars in Poitland. Tlie shooling occur red Tuesday ovening. Two men arc be lieved lo have pai ticipated in lh minder, from accoutfiti given by oilier men, found Hijlho train. ' Columliin Continues to Drop With reports llidiclliiri" ;i subsliintial tali in tho Snaked and upper Columbia rivers and the Columbia at Th" Dallas reg!st"iing tlie biggost 21houi droit since tlie water started reced ing, residents cf this city tiro breath ing easier today in tho belief tlia' virtually all danger ot a bad flood is now over. The official government leading taken, here this morning allowed thei .iver standing at 30. s feet, a drop of ;8 foot during the last 21 fjours. A report from the Snake river (ills morning said that that river has dropped a toot during tlw l;wt ! linnru To Decide on. Fair Decision as to whother or not a county fair will be held in Th" Dalle.- ihi., eur, will prob GRAND Friday Only EDITH ROBERTS "THE UNKNOWN WIFE" Also "HIS MISSTEP" ! ably be made cither tomorrow or Mnn day, when tho county fair bo.ml is1 a iiiwvy, dcel.i.oil he had id iniornnt expected to meet. K. l Van Sclunck, ' tion whicli would lead him to beli-ve J. C. Johnston and X. (5. llodln com-it prise the membership of the ti:r,eo:il rates this season. HecatiRC of t lie board. At this meeting, (lie quos ion of a site for this year's county fair, if one Is held in The Dalles, will ! hi ought up and discussed, tOsjincr with tho proposition of allowing T,ri Valley half of the state fair appionia tlon, to assist (lint town in puttir.i' on tho annual Tygh Vallc;. fair. At least one member of the fair beaul, Van Schoiclc, lias declared himself as being opposed to using the city sires'.-; as a site for this year's county fair, The Dalles After Legion Convention Tho Dalles post of tho Amerif-an at the convention, however, to add weight to tho local post's request that The Dalles bo selected as the silo fot the 1022 convention. The local poc -''Hng out circular letters to all other posts in the st ate, asking then to help secure next year's convention for Tlje Dalles. Auditorium Plans Accepted Plant for tlie new $11 1,000 municipal audi torium, drawn, by 1 ioughtaling & Dougan, Portland architects, have ..u u . v.m ,.., . plans committee. I5itls for the con st ruction of the auditorium have been advertised for and will be opened June 2."), Actual construction wor'. will probably start soon after thai date. iXot a single offer has been re ceived by the city for' the old Vile bain, which stands upon the t:ie pu cliased for tho auditorium. The olii barn' is now closed for the first time in 50 years. During the last 5!' years, (!,., !..-,, ........ rpi... -n..ll..c . . f 1 1 uui" into ov.t.11 i nu ly.ina hi"" from a straggling village to the mod ern city which it is today. The adven: of the automobile did much to dettro the popularity of thctonce alwaya-lnm stables. The barn v??;l probably or torn down and the lumber used, whenever possible, in the constiuction of the new auditorium which will t.nte its place. Coal Scarcity Threatens Bceauoo of tho high freight tariffs on coal, and tho national agreement with nilnot which prevents tho drawing of new wage scales before next year, there will bo no reduction in the prices of coal this year, according to 10. it Shea, northwestern representative of Utah and Wyoming mines, who va in . i lin r'l f V vfia( nrfl n V fin 11 tn tr itrinn 1 . mi 1 (lcaer;i she;l hhfl . R tron- Herbert Hoover, secretary of coin- THE DALLES !tiurcc In which the latter, replying to hut there would be ati; leiluetiou in do.-iine in demand, due to rates, Ilia pi-eduction of the mines is -really cur tailed juBt now, and if consume! a wait until fall to buy their winter rupplios, Slieu said, there will bo a seiiouj scarcity. A campaign :j now being put on by dealers all over the eounty to Induce ordering of winter supplies now, so that deliveiies may be spread over the summer, and congestion tmiv be avoided dining the rush season nest fall and winter. Picking B.-.Gkcts. Our pi ices are right. Stadclman Bonn. IS Ladles' Midsummer Hats at less than cost. Children's largf :5hapoH. 51.50. Hlack's Millinery, 1 IS Rust Second sticot. 'l Attractive new foulard deigns in best -lO-ineh dret s wdlo.i Just. recei ed, only f0 and-oft cents a ya.il. IMw. 0. I'ease company. . 17 Dancing ivory Wednesday and Saturday night Chenowilh grove open air pavilion. Oood floor. Good music. Taxi, from lllack While, fifteen minute ser vice, 25 cents. lltt Bids for Coal Sealed bids for a carload of Kom niercr coal, to bo doliwied al Hie city 'iall, Tlie Dalles, not later than 15 days from acceptance of bids, will be received by Dalles City. All bids sha'! l:o presented to tlie ciiy recorder on or before June 25, 1021, al 1 p. m. D. L. CAT10S. City Kecorder. Daled at The Dalles, Ore., June 11, 1021. 17 MmvIoii Allen ol Typh ViiIIom was in tho city yesterday on business. 10. M. Strauss of Mosior was it busi ness visitor in tlie city yesterday. J. W. Voder loft (he city today to go (o Canby, Ore. Mrs. T. M. benedict of Lvlo was shopping in the city yesterday, 'Miss Aiofa -Mr.rOwon of Coldondale, Wash., was in tlie city yesterday. Airs. C. F. Calligan of Duhir wis shopping in tlie city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Harnett of .Moodv were shopping in the city yesterday. Fred Wise of Condon is a busi ness visitor in this city today. J. H. 'Weston of bend is a guest at Hotel Dalles. C. 11. Wckinson of 'Fossil is in ihe city renewing business acquainlaf c .. . . ' 1 PERSONALS I ' ? i tih, nrst thing you 1. want in foods and the all important fhing is purity. Cost taste everything else is of minor consideration. Foods should be nourishing. That's what they arc for to build up strong, sturdy bodies. Calumet Baking Powder is pure in the can. It is made in the largest, cleanest, most modern Baking' Powder Factories on earth only of such ingredients as have been officially endorsed by United States Food Authorities. It's pure in the baking. Cal umet never fails to produce the sweetest and most palatable of nourishing foods. It has more than the ordinary leavening strength. You use less of it. That's one reason it is the most economical of all leaveners. Another reason is it is sold at a moderate price you save when you buy it. A pound can of Calumet contains full 1 Sorne bakjng pmyders come in 12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you net a pound when you want it. DAILY CHRONICLE, F HI DAY, JUNE J. 10. llcynolds of LaUvando la a business visitor here. Mis. II. l5Hfrshow of Lntirande 's visiting with f. lends In The Dalles. 11. W. llaro ol Yakima is here, todav on btisincs Hrucc Mooro of (?rns Valtev & wtayins at tho Uanli hotel. ,. U. Killott of Frientl Is a business visitor in Tlie Dalles today. SS A. Wade or Pendleton ia regis tered at the Dank hoiel. Mrs, llaxol Deny, accompanied Mrs Jack White, who ban been her guest, to Seattle, yesterday for a visit. H. I j. Jorden and Floyd A. Powell of Princvillc-are guests at tho Dank ho tel. , '.Mr. and Miv. U. 10. Fh ir.lt or 'Walla Wnll.'i are business visitors in Th i Dalles today. Miss M. A. Sliet idan ol P.end is is i'ing with fi lends in The Dalles to, day. Miss J. Thompson. Mrs. M. Tliomp son and Mrs. 10. C. l'.ergh, all ol Prinoville, aie guests tit Hotel Dalles. (!. 10. Corson id timed from a busi nesTi Dip to Shernuin county ye-,ler day. Mi-a. .S. It, SSirklun of Hillsbom at lived in -Tlie Dalies lasl evening to spend a work as (he gticet of Mrs. Sid ney Plooin. Mrs. Uo.m Talc and 'Mrs. Simpson, who have been visiting Mis. .1. W. Foster, relumed to their homes yes terday. Miss Kdnu Paulhon of Madras, who has bcon visiting relatives In the city, started yesterday to Monmouth whore she will alt Gird the summer Normal school. v Mrs, X! Auderer of Porllantl, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. II. chillier, lelttrtied lo llieir home jeslurday, iiccompiiniod by little .Mil lion Ccliuiler. Mrs. A. 10. Price of Fort Smith, Arlr . arrived in The Dalles Wednesday to make her home with her con, 10. F. Price, whom she has not. seen for 11 iiirs. A. K. Shuniway of Milton is in Tlie Dalles today for tlie purpose of at tending the annual meeting ot tlie Oi.; gon Grain Growers' Cooperative asso ciation. Mrs. Don W. Yantis and two child ren accompanied .Mrs. Killott Roberts hi a drive over the Columbia River higliwify to Portland yesterday. .Mis. Yantis and children will remain in Portland until t lie flrsijir the week. Mrs. Carrie lirowncll, Mrs. Anna Clodius, both of Portland,- and Mi. Nellie M. Tunison of Corvailis, have been attending the G. A. It. con von P. Cdumet Wff! Recipn 2S4cupsEiftcil past ry flour, 3 level tea rpoons Calumet ISaking Powder, Vt teaspoon salt, 1V2 cups milk, 1 table tpoon sugar, 2 table spoons melted but ter, 2 cks beaten eeparately. Then mix in the regular way. ili 17, 1021. (Ion In Pendleton and stopped off in Tlie Dulles loihn tn visit ti lends, Mrs. Joseph Stadclman and her lit tle daughter, .loan, left tlie city today t:i visit relatives at Mis. Stndeluinn's girlhood home, Kuhoka, Mo. They will flop over for a few days at Salt Lake City and Denver to visit friends. Mr. and Mis. M. S. Lunge and daughter of Salem, Miss Juanlta Ciawfoid, also of Salem; Mrs. Viola Dennett anil daughter of Oregon City, are guests in Tlie Dalles al tlie home of Mr. and Mis. Fred ISauer. They drove to this city lioin Salem. .Mrs. Lange is Mrs. liaiier's sister. Very best lilting wash c'drts in all the latest styles. JJ.fiO, ?:i.5U, 1.50, at lOdw. C. i'ease company. - Cherry Season. Get your ladders and baskets firm us. S:adelinan-Bonn. is There'n . Difference 11 you'vo been a "ready made" nrin I in the past, be a "made to order man'' J tn the future. Flrst class hand lallor ed s-uits to measure, ?35.00 and up. it. Webber, one block east of pot Jffico. Ctf OUT Q' rv jljuj Suitable for Camping-. Hiking and Motoring Made by the Waterproof Garment Co., Portland, Ore. The khaki material is of a refined, high grade, soft finish texture, that permits the garment to drape in such a fashion as to create an immediate expression of satis faction. Of special mention are our Ladies' Woolen Outing Garments, in a pleasing greenish fabric, woven in a way that allows of perfect air circulation and modeled to ac claim the admiration of the women folk. AVc have a complete stock of both the heavy and light weight khaki garments. Ladies' Outing Coats, prices ;....$3.5() and $5.75 Ladies' Long Coat, price $5.75 Ladies' Norfolk Coat, price , ..$5.50 Ladies' Lace Leg Breeches, price 3.00 and .$4.00 Ladies' three panel Walking Skirts, price $1.50 Ladies' Outing Skirts $o.:-!T Ladies' Skirts, price $1.50 to $2.75 Ladies' Middies, price $fi.75 Ladies' Wrapped Leggings $1.15 Ladies' Hats, price $J.5' When lou Think Dru Goods -TMnle 1UJM- C m m m m m m m Cherries SSStXlM GH SEE ME HEi'OKE DISPOSING OF YOUR CKOP CARL WODECRI 822 East Second Street Notice The Knights of P thins Fourth of July committee on arrangements de fire to hold a parade on the morning of the Fourth on tlie city streets, and all business houses and organizations are cordially Invited to help make (his a success by bavin-; a float or other suitable display in tlie parade. Patriotic organizations especially arc Invited to assdat in this matter. Any one interested is invited lo conrer with J. W. Allr'i, elmli man ol the comnil'. tee on parades, IS Taxi Brown's Taxi. Telephone mall 5021. . tf COLUMBIA HIGHWAY MARKET G1C East Second Strsct We Carry All Kinds FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS We Have Our Own Delivery Leaving at 9:30 a. ni. nnd 0:30 p. m. TRY OUR SERVICE Telephone Main 701 F. MAYFIELO, Proprietor WEAR DOOR GARMENTT For Women Woolen Coat, price $.11.50 Woolen Breeches, price $8.50 AVoolcn Hat, price $3.50 Wool heavy ribbed Stocking Leg gings, rolled cuff top, assorted colors. Pair THE DALLES - OR mmmummmmmmmu VISITORS IN TOWN are invited to make this their headquarters for food during their slay. They will find here first class food, perfectly cooked and court eously served. They will find every attention paid to their wants and they will find the bill entirely free from any suspicion of overcharg ing. Try Our 50c Noon-Day Luncheon BLACK & WHITE KESTAUKANT Corner Second and Court W Cash Across PAGE THflEE ONE PERSON IN EVERY f EIGHT FOREIGN BORN By United Press WASHINGTON', June 17. One pert, ron out of every eight In tho United Staton is foreign-bom, according . to figures issued by tho census bureau today. , ' Notice My cherry pickers arn notified Unit I shall bo ready for them on Monday, Juno 20th. Truck will leave tcsidenee, 200 Kast Fourth street, at G o'clock a. in. 0. D. DOANB, IS 9 9 f m m m KWSmBKmiESMaBSt! Sill L 6 from Wasco Warehouse