THt- DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1921. a short honeymoon and then the try for the American Association for couple will return to "kesp house. ' the Recognition of the Irish republic realization that he was a doomed' man. He left over protests of many close friends, who pointed out he could hide In the United States for 66 Mary Adel Hays9 Opera Singers at Chautauqua Feature Musical Attraction Scheduled for Last Day of tho Assembly Headed by Mary Adel Hays, Noted American Coloratura Soprano Whether O Callaghan arrive'! In Trntnnrl nr fin tlin nnnMiionl ... nrj Mn'.te the most of our special vnl nn, In unmon'a irnlln vnolii .1! 1"n " """"" ""' 15c, 19c. 26. Also women's union suits t..f, Y.u "ovomeats are; months. needed over there," ills .., rrin riin rr.n ou,. A1i ..t.1..n tn choo-orrom. E'dw. C. Peace f VtU" '"TV" Mm " 2 T ONE-ELEVEN I not content to do the tnlklng in the Ul-s J I Close advisers today cald O'Calla ghr.n left the United Slntes with the United, States and let others do fighting back home." T LABOR QUESTION (Continued From Pnga 1.) PAGE TWO cuutANTcurr FEDERATION TAKES (CdiitliniiMl I'Toin l'fii;i 5 1 1 tho International union, tho commit tee todtr.i made consldi'i'iihln piocieft with tin- wink of I'l'-'.litliHl w:if culii, ineetitii,' the luolili'in ul unemployment and strt'tiKtliciiliii; lis organization Hi the fnee of :ill:iclcs I. (.in opt n shop forces, An effort ol llii! colored dnIcKallim to present a l'f r.olullun condcmnlm', the activities of Klu Klux Klan In llie sriuih and nii',;ili the ledcrnl and suite IjiiVfTii iiifn I lo lain slops lo crush the on; Ion v.i:: no! allowed lo hi! presented. Unanimous (onsen! of llie conven tion Is nccpsnary for llie Introduction of a resolution afler I lie seeotnl day ol the convention. When I'reildenl (loin- pers asked II I here wiu oliieelion lo iiieHcntfitlon ol tills ineasuie, 'Will lam lH.ulchlnson, of the llollioihnoil ol Carpenleni and .loli.eis, uhje.-ded. Set eral protests wen made l.i llulclilii lion's ohjeetlon, hill (li.iiiper.-i held the measure could not he piesented. A resolution culling for ortjan'lxallon of one hi;; union :.nd favoring the general strllte ir a weapon of lalmr unions was defeated wit Until a dir srntlng vole. Auction Sale at DOS Kan! Third Btieel, two doors east of Dalles Meat company, Saiur day, Juno IS, consisting of ne. dressers, uuiltrei'SCH, hot; npring, Iron hod.!, rugs, pilluWs, comforter." and many o her article:? loo nutnor ous to mention. Kale to commence a! a p. m. .1. C. Thrall, auctioneer. 17W1M To The Votcij ouj'ho CallcG Monday, Juno 20, al 2:IK) p. in. n! tho high school hullding there will ho held an elect Ion, when two mem hit's of thu school hoard will he elect ed. Any qualified voter nun caul bal lot; and I am one of those nominated. :ontiary to custom my nolnhhnrs did no! pormmdi1 me to accept I Ills nomination; 1 believed I was (lunliflcd i;o threw my hat into llie ling and now anlc your rupporl, hut suiiporllii" am- candidate docs not do him much good unless you conipli In the support by I voting for him. I HI you want u cheap member on tin school boatd do uoi vole lor me as I liellovo lial In order lo secure ca pable Insli iiL'lorii thai we must pay for I hem, and I am willing to pay niv pail, as I want only the be-.t to my children. I do promise, however. io try and 'Perfect a thorough iiiglnlz.tCim, II elected, in thai ileparliuenl, and lo lioep elflclime a'wavs In iron! of ;is as efficiency can only lie secured tliiougb prri'tiimn ol ion. I am aciiialnlei with llie n miiiulii", meinliern of the school board anil have had personal dealings with- ihem in handling rehnol al fairs and know ina if elected that I will be able to cooper ale Willi llii m In llie liille: degree. Ill cnnclllrduli. Mile or "oiiieone, and vole for me If cunsh'citi, but put "pep" In seliool mailers and give a bettor moral nuppoil than has been given in Hie a -i mo elecllons and build up a t oihl liberal oie, C'ald Al ) V. ('. M .o'. ' ' ' ' lecied enough votes to defeat the nove. A H-;olutlon commending Sycro tnry lenby for his action on Adrnlr- 1 ii 1 Sims' speech in London also has been sidetracked for the time being. Tin- icsoiutlon calls for tile dismiss al of f-"ms If he made the nntl Sinn 1 ein ! lie ich-attilbutod to lilm The lust day of ('limitiiuiiuii promises much to muse i.nors. Mnry Adel Hays, prominent American soprano Is brlnuiiig I'rolii New York her ou.i coiiipany ol Craild I'leni Slngi rs, Hu'elber Willi lieulali Chirk, pianist and uc eonipanlsl. No 'iieli musical orgaiili'.atlon bus ecr been i.resenleil on "the Western ('bautauiiuas. The nan f .Mary Adel Ilajs Is familiar on the Coast. This is llie tilth triins-contliientul tour of this charming coloraiura Milolst. The Atlanta of Atlanta, Ceorgia. In1 speaking nt a recent nppcurance said, "Those who iicai d Miss I lays in her recital are enthusiastic In their pralMi nnil conipnre voice with Tetrazzlnl's In its innrvel ous eclmiilie null beauty of tone." liulli I'carcy, coiilralto, has a voice of extraordinary beauty. She lias '((ipeared repeateilly with such celebrities us John .McCorniiick.. Alda, I'ere.v (Irniicer mid Toscha Sublet. CwiimK- Scbell, tenor and John Wtilninau, baritone, fire soloists with establish! d reputations In the KnM. liPHLIN, June 17 "President" De Vnlera of Ireland, In a niessaga to the American Federation of Labor today, urged support of the Irish cause. "Kecognltlon of Ireland by the United States will lead to a true demociacy - heie," lie Valt-ra said. SEIZURE DISCLOSES By A. E. Johnson (UmUmI Nc',' Stuff i 'im"Mii)ilt'nt ) l,ONl0f.. June 17 I'ouli.n'ed In llie win si gun running cam.)aig:i i:t f,1 years of Irish Double, (Iroal lirli ain'!' Kccro service and coastal palro!". and confidential agents of llie Iris'i i flice are cooperating with Scoilund Yard men both beio and in Aiucn.M ) stint om inn coulee of a"nia!ucii: Highly iiciu.ulional coveloiinrnl" u.'i epecteil If Hie rclu ! agents (!) ti) (ill! trying t.i smuggle arum to Hk Loin l'Y'n aim l'it,:,i A;..c. Ie;i. The I -s ci r' l.clug I. Iiislt lute' Dial ii h.ii, U i a i n' of pia'cha -cd Ii : !U'c :j;t ise pn ; been av.'.n e tli i in lilnn r' Ui w ' American cin I" 'ne s. T-.'d consignincnis ot 'Id and II, i e.ipcctively, a:e bclloveil to have reached Ireland. Alter a cou-.iiltat l')n, officials ho'-o (decided lo expose Hie Mmrin bv seu ,111!; a slilpmeiii in lloboken, which was (lone 'Wednesday, Instead of waiting iiulil il arrived off Hie Iri.-h coast, Hie (diee( being lo liirulsh Irrel'iilalde pi oof of llie origin of I In weapon.-'. The inventor of Hie gun, Ceneial Thompson, founeiiy of the ordnance i. rm of llie Hulled Stales army, is no.v In London and has been tiere for a consldl'ialile lime negotiating alniou slicec ssl ully lo sell his pale, its lo Hie l.'rltish governmenl. Annj gunnery o.v I erls made i)hiins ive lesis of llie .'eapiin and approved tt. Iteciimiueiid at Ions are now belore Hie Itrttisli ireiinury for Hie purchase of llie pat i ills, luil Hum piobaldy will be can celled ouiii'.'. lo the i.UHplclon tint eisons coiiceined wllli the irc.uul.ic luie ol Hie guns liiive been dealing iith American Si In Keillors, Captured '?i'lu Ken ductiiueul-i which I liae been perinii ted to icv ,"ae the III in. h inilliiirittes their fn-.i (lue lo the : iiiuguling ol .uiis houi Hie I'niicd .-i ali 1 1 Other dociimi pi ill -ioi-e ihal Hie weapon in iiuest.'o.i ha I In on as the iinei wea pi.n of the lildi republican army. Kh.boialo dlri clious as to its opera lion v.en f en i out ticcompanfed h1' footnote!' signed by Uiclmrd .Mu'cuh.v, (hlef of .si at f of Hie Scin l''ein army. The tun use. a calibre Uiilie.l j iiates aiiny piotol idiell, wh'ch is itai-i to be Hie ammunition most cadly i avails bio. The gun Itsjlf h small and ! compact and ideal for guerilla war ! fine aalnsi the police, a.s tt can bo ' a ried under a man's raincoat. The ma;;a;'.tncs are so small that they can :'.t Into a man's coat pocket. British (lest royeir, are totMlanlly pa Moling the lilsh coa d lo ctileh gun rutinor!-.. Oltlclnls hero unlicipate that Unite. I States congrers will milk;1 an jfl'ltlnl Invostlg'itlon and pe luii.'s a?!: n the d'si'liurge of some siib'ordl 1 lute cl'fl.'ials ol Hie euslouis doiiart :iont a result (f di-'closit:on. v.'hlch ' re cx per; (oi l to me GIFTS FROM POOR FOR LOLITAARIWOUR RICH CHICAGO GIRL, FRIEND CRIPPLES, VyiLL BE BRIDE TOMORROW. OF l!v United YOitK, Juno xmw il'aii" irovornuicnt now me, the i;if Thompson ( onfiscaled Wednesdn; Niiwi 11. --Tho Hnile.l owns, by sens inaehine guns evening on Hie tiler alongsido the sieanislilp lOaat Jldc, t'reni wh.ise hold they had been eui'.vid, "hci'llv huforu ll'.o ship w:is ;iiin!cd clearancn for Dublin I'e ier- 1 .lud;',e Clniries l Lynih, in the hiiiid Hiates district court at New .rk, N. J . i'i",ned an ouh r lute Thur:. day oiileriiiK the lloboken police to inn over Hie weapons, Hie aininunl lion ami Hie machine gun clip.'- lo I'm C. Kyuii, Inspeelor ol cus oms, and insl 1 iici lug li.wui I i s'ore the ma ( ill Hie disjoins i;lo: choice m Manila! Ian. Acci nioa'iii il by rjieelal g.iaid-', r'd Ing on the truck, and oilier t walking beside II. (he guns were t r:ui:,poriod io N' -tt Yoik Thursday uighl. ny United Press C1IIOAOO June 17 -Tho home of the world's i (client brldo was banked today with slrnplu little present:; from poor cripples she had befriend ed. Miss Lolita Armour, daughter of J. Ogden Armour, multi-millionaire packer, is to be married tomorrow lo John J. Mitchell, Jr. Miss Armour, hcistlf once a crip. plo and miraculously save I by an operation, has deolcd hvr life In reli'il lliatlng' -otlu is. 'Although s'ho,- c'au affoid (lie most liMiiloim wcjldlng inouoy could pio vide; the ceii'ini-ny is to bj very simple.' "I'lxtravagatuc '.is a sin." she raid. "1 want i.iy vediling to bo a lucky on. therefore I will not start out by wanting." .Miss Armours w. ddlns gown Ii a (simple little thing of while velvet land finite inoxponsiw. She Is not I going to wear any j. well at the j cei cniony. ' Her Irouc.seau la made ii) uiostlv t W "left ovei'i," I 'Sliutlng on an ecinoin'ciil basis, .a iiian : ml a woman have a bettor ! chance," she said. "if I u'oio to luvh h a small for i into on my liou.'ujcau and gown, memory would hi in?, only lead l.i n e later on. "II would he only selfishness and I di.n'1 belicvj selfish people are i v. r happy or lucky." I After the weddlns tbeie will be SHIPPING BOARD (Coiillniieil From Page 1.) empharlzed by the president are: (Ivealer efficiency, elimination or dead wood personnel and new heads in the operating, construction and re pair divisions and other crucial posi tions. Immediate invenlory of all earning assets ol the board, charging of cot down to present marice! prices ol vessels, yards and enulpnant, allo cating ihe amount churned off lo the war expense." of (he United Stales. Placing the new figures as the haalr. on which the hoard shall de velop trade routes and operate ship ping hoard vessels until they are dis posed of to citizens of the United Stales to be operated under the Amer ican flag. Immtidiale realization of plan to dispose- of Hie ship, at market prices nn twenty to thirty years' time at a reti ionable interest rate. I"vio.l of a'l han i in r cialm and disputes growing out of constr'" Hon program and limiting the activ ities of the boaid to eomple.lng the construction of vessels now on the wayr and the operation and sale ot chips completed. When nil shlpj are sold, to ntper vife their operation and aid in the de velopment of trade routes and tho en, 1 pi cement of laws to prevent discrim ination against American producers and shippers. Chairman Lasker's rlgnature to llie agreement with the engineers to ac cept the 15 percent reduction in wages will wipe out the labor controveraj . "PHANTOM" REBEL (Continued From Page 1.) During his r'nf here, the 2!)-year-o'.d: Irish rebol leader stumped the coun- j The School Board Election TIME MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2 P. M. PLACE HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING. Two directors will be elected. Every qualified voter can vote at this election. Why you are asked to vote for JOHN L. BOGUE for director: 1. He is a property owner and taxpayer in The Dalles. 2. Is the father of 4 children attending our city schools. 3. Has shown an active interest during the past year in the pupils of the local schools. '4. HE HAS THE TIME TO ATTEND to SCHOOL BOARD BUSINESS. Does his experience qualify him for the impor tant position? Judge for yourself. EDUCATION Parochial and public schools, High school and academy, fr Moody training course, Shorter seminary course. BUSINESS Business college course, American Sales Book company, one year. Traveling salesman, wholesale dry goods, New York and Michigan,, 3l2 years. NEWSPAPER WORK Elmira, N. Y. Gazette, re porter and circulation. Special Work Elmira Telegram. Williamsport Grit. Salt Lake Tribune. Colfax Palouser, semi-weekly. Editor 8 months. Editor, "Trench and Camp," Camp Lewis, Gne year. Camp Lewis Commissioner, Presbyterian war service, one year. He spent two years in the arm-' welfare work ' with the 91st and 13th divisions at Camp Lewis. Why does he seek election to the school board? "I am interested in our schools and consider It an honor to serve a community on the school board. 1 believe that I can be of sorvice to our city and our young people. No mistake wi'l be made in the election of any of the candidates. They are all worthy citizens and will render good service. I am sure that any one of them will appreciate the, honor of election to the office and I also would ap preciate the honor and solicit your vote." Vote for JOHN L. BOGUE for school director. (Paid Adv.) By John L. Bogue, The Dalles, Oregon "Something- New Every Month" KOK Y01TK PICNIC Walnut Brittle l-Yo ;hly Mr.t'c Today From (he iJes. Hmvlish Walnuts You can pack il anywhere- and it. win nut jj.;t. "sticky. SPr$c:AL vm a pojim.) 0 1 q r $ Pi. I 11. I M I.I f I "Jit M tho tandy Of tlio .... , STORES lOOii Union Sale Why Not Books For The June Bride SPECIAL SATURDAY AND SUNDAY FRESH STRAWBERRY SHERBET Books are as essential as any wedding or shower gift. In addition to our list of standard books of poems, travel, and books in sets, we suggest the following as being of special in terest for the June bride! Boston Cooking School Book .$2.50 Mrs. Norton's Cook Book 2.50 Economical Cooking : 50 White House Cooking Book .$2.00 vlarden Year Book '. 75 V Calendar oi' Lun-jheons 75 A Calendar of Smarts 75 V Calendar of Dinner!.'! , 75 Homo Ejonoiuizers 50c-$1.00 Rsi'ipwMy Friends' and Mv Own $1.50 hvlpos Locso Leaf ;$-i,50 WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Wc are now representatives for the Embo.s O Graving Promts, engraved effects without tho expense of a plate. ' Judd & Carlisle Rooksellers and Stationers CASINO The Little House with the BIG Pictures HELD OVER FOR TWO DAYS' MORE CHAS. DIAMOND AND CO.'s HAWAIIANS In Addition to Our Regular Program. 15, 35c with Tax SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE TWO BIG SHOWS NIGHTLY COMING SUNDAY AND MONDAY Maurice Tourncur's "Foolish Matrons" WATCH FOR NEW FILM CONTRACTS 4