The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 16, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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established 1890 Thn Pillion. Orn,
Ih.. i'h.nlrl r1.l.lll,l.irointmnv Ino
, -
Kin tercet In Tlio Dallen postofflco br
eeonit clans mutter.
.Unltvit Preps find United News SeTYlcn
Mnmbcr of Audit Hurcni of Clrceilntleri
Ono year. In ndvntico.
ii" I.jriJ
Six months, In ndvum.u.
Ono rnontli . -
One yenr. In Hilvnnve;
Six montli.i. In ndvnni'i!.
One month .
. 15.00
Ono yenr. In ndvani'i' 12.00
Tn ordering hnntcx
crllier should iiuhh
as new addifl.
if nililress, mili
Klvo "lil ns
Editorial Hooimh ... Wiit'le 111
BuolncsB, Adv , fir. Dcptn. . Itcil 111
Snh.f rlbi-rs to Uic e. ironlt m iirei guar
anteed service. I'roiiipt and rcKUlar tin
livery of every etibwrlbpr'B paper la tho
ltn of the circulation department. Thn
Chronlolo cnrrlera urn required to put
fho papers on the pored or wherevrr Inn
unnrllier nvImmm 'ho paper delivered.
Alter readliu: about uie arroijt eii
"HIk Tim" Murphy, tlir ('hieami h
litical boss, on a iharfiu of jia 1 1 Ici
r.atins in a I'lanf, mail itibbery, M
makes a lot ol tin glad that we liw
In Oregon, not only berntme Oregon
in free of tit'cmaiife.-' of llilit kind,
but alKO bceaiiM' (lie Oregon way ot
iloinj; lliliiK'i iIdch not pel mil Hit;
Uobh government.
("bleaKo'it political nroiil ban been
it 'nuttiriunu uno ever sinee Moll 'h
row kicked ocr the lanli'in and apt
tlir town mi liu haek in '"I. it
wan (be Ijoiiir of Hill l.oriiiier, for
ono ill.iiilra'inn, tlir man who bought
lilii neat 'in llii' annate from the
Illliioiii Icflisia'iiic in 11)1 1 anil al
most K-t-jiv.ny Willi it.
PiORrtssslve', el' ( lit) kind of pro
j'.rt'BK that niakt'i; il cm ol Ihc ureal
eiltiea ol Mr woild, niieasn'ii po
litical llfi; Ik :k ul "I dale; aw I lie
raiprtliapuciH K.vtil-.'iii would liu In
tiiei Koulh lodtiy.
For crookril, inKiially politico, Chi
ri'Ko, m'ith liri notorioi'.H Nlnlrimlh
waidti and other niKniiizatiiiiiH which
eaimu Hip city to In oak into print
in Hranilalous laMihm neiy I line
there In an piped inn. bun eveirj olb-r
place in thu rounlry skinned oil' tin;
They still have! that leu in of pro
etjilllli) III Cb'raco wliirll ()H".',on
plao-d in Hp; museum wilit' lliu elodo
bird alninnt a dco.iib; ni;: the con
volition. Cnnventiaiu put up iiuin
Ineeii fdr aldermen and lor ewry
other hip, eir llltle. political ji,b.
If one i't lo bell no iutWKitfiiT a'
rtiunb;, r ry ("iieaRtt(" cimvriili ii
tiitiHl be llkn an li t'.bnjan'fi V';uli'
The I iwnt I mi:: r In", the; e lowil
v.imi. The; cily IhPi;; tin c.iud. lata I
bait lei elo allevwanl : la I" immlvr
bin i;aiiK at the pillms plicea, ami
wiicti 'the: hive otVd, i iPation
uiimun and tliii' ii .uound lo i.e-e
that Kijnllenie'n' wl.v lUller in ih'ir
political vlrwi; do mi; j;ct a loo); in.
To (Jtcp nlniiH, I he llutiKbl that
onei man eouhl iIhh h Hip amii;.l!P;
power maint.i.ncel l "Hi'A Tim"
Murphy for so Ions ia almuiit u
OruKon has eltiip many luini
tliingB alonr, p.illlical lice-i In h-r
day, and pmbably will e-int inm- In
put on sovcinminul v.iudi'vllle I r
a loin; l tine' to cpiip' Uut with all
tho things tltat hac btcu "I ricil. out
on tho iloB." lltiiMJ villi r."d ic'llllln,
by tho waji Hump in pieib.i'blj no
Htalo in thu dubm with a clvaiicr po
litical life.
Tlio Uiefjop li.Naiein hay
lldi'al i owtM' Iiihii a fi'
plaeod il with Hit pieiplo.
j;on uyniom is not ahva.Mi
it luu i". titlnU it. amp Ml
Oi'IB'jji ill uinei i.ue
wheo u Tim .MuipIin ii el
lakyn po
ami Ii nt
The (Hp '
right, but
tillt IHism
Hu tiny
"etine hn
Uljr. Ui' r'a'y oHiclali, 'I'be
tho "Ui&'n ii i tn el in pili! ii a
Ui of
u thn
atftt ii. p:tHt
W.ieti vi inui'j Hip ipeel it'le id
liu RcciUl lain i ell) it i'l Hullo I
!' lCi! Iifeuj ej illil'niipel li. i Ohinig '
iu; uiul uviUci U'.tt it il;li prli't-i
iU ,1U ln' PWt pi Hitul t..iclt win
HlO eliHMtr -t a RCmt pl"t'e ol li.if
iLtryf ." P ''aw i hauls uennipon'
timt LU;cieaii i n'ojt'ni aiut H.iu
'I'iio iie.i'n nl liiP eiituito hip "'.ill
lug lor the uew admiitli.HaUiiii tn
Itllllll ILK pleilv,!) of re en inn iiuuli' In
thn eniiipulKn. PitMil'Mit Uni'utng If.
pi'liltmil)' a ..j.iptln-; to du thia villi
thu HioiBmiUuHuii oi il Pel wont-
now isolnu mi in W'Haliiu.-;:-a. uiul '
iiiiwij thiti thu prupiiKUiulM Uelnjt, ot
ilcd (Ut 0 J(ll) bo'tbis Ih not Hulu
tp lialt Hibi work h xnod a w,-. '
Thin o iuy be few taoutinml of
llco lldliluis e e.' I he C'iUUI ..; wb
will dimippi'iio. Iii'i i 'tire uro u fotr
mllllpji plHrpiiH who vil appriivo A
fuw ledoial (hil. w.uni'M.i mt pni
tPiilltii; I'm' Hi" e lilelenry eti ij
K(iiciu:a.n will bp upi.rt with a
whnlPtmlr c'lltiir; tlowu m l.-ft-nipiitVtl
i !'piuiii it; n '' i'lusi-inj
ol payrpH. but iho'i i'u , illl nc
hil hcai;d in i lie.- r m ii (.dilsi.i. ' pi i
Hint will i-.o uy out Hie muiiey thu'
l havpd.
I.'conomy Ih Hip mttion immt in
Kent nucd at tilK Hiiip. anil it eis
jicclally apilies to ailmluistratiou ol
vvory bTlincli of Kovpiniupiit.
I'uclP Sam has bpn idohI lai!g!Mil
of till 111 ictiiinliiR In a poire; bash.
U'iiHhliiHlim liiiii p oloiiKf-il wjir ox-
prnilll iitk iintl wn. strength offices,
wllt'llier lliry be Ui tilt? depart IllCIlt
of nKiIcullni'! or In tho department
of war
nexeiisablc lont;
Many a man went to W'aHhliiKton
duiiim the war an !ii emuiKcncy em
ploye ej tin- government, who now
bclleve'H that Sam owes lilm n
nosltion lor lile. WBajiinKton nan no
mot it leaiam now lor a win I lino oT-e.-!
lorce than Hip idilpyarela which
ciKi'd opeiations Ioiik afji) would
iiivp lor keppin;; jp a big p.iyroll.
lleady gleat' ruin have been made
i the rideral liiiii;, bill Iheio aie
lioiiKainlH i-tlll beiiiK paid who have'
hi i.imtine.'id on me sovetiimeiii ron.i
liairinp. Hip atuff iient out by the
i,o i'l nnii'iii about the bond cam
pnlfcii!!, ulmosi as miiicIi publicity I..
li w belliK iss led ail ellllltlR 1918.
t'ncle Sam iiialntalni! Hie most colos
al itildiclty biiican in Hip worlel,
- nd a (;reat deal ol tin inatler com.
I iik Ihioiinb b) pure piop;r;and:i.
ilaidly iinyoni! rci"isi It. The mil Ion
el llooeleil with pnbilcatioiis einanal-
n B Ii oin Waahinnioii, the cont (I
which niiisl inn ii.t the milli'ir,
"acb niontli.
Tim niiwiepappiB continue lo pp'
slulf I'vpry elay from atnbiHoiin III
t'e bureaus anil elepai tinenlH
no one heaid ol beloie Hie war.
Thci 1 aie' legitimate and Important
goiernnie nl iiubllcaH' :pi. t ut by la.'
Hie gii'iiior volume ol publicity is
II ilepailmenls and bureaus aie an
wanlrlul in other blanches of llielr
woik as in Hie ol printed
mail r, II is tall Hi.o thai inline ef
I 'cllve slashing Is being d lie. And
Hie more fact a low thousand
v.oubl like pension John for the icsl
:f their lives r.liou'd makt; no dlf
- - .
iFipiii The C'liroiiicle, .1 it no Hi, I.Sili'i.l
.In itlii'i .MIIIp;-, "Hie not'l ol the SI
iriai," airiycd in town lodav lioiii
Portland and left again in tlio alle:
popii. His brolber, .iainc;:;, tiling near
Prinoi ille. came In from the coiuilr.t
en! to mco him, bill lltni.'
mcoting, after an abienee of years,
was a i. hurl one, as .laintia reached
hbn only two minutes before) train
I Al S o'clocli Ihl.; ni'i! lliu;; Hip river
s'ood al IIS I loot. This in alreadj an
imurual liei(;!il and will ovcrllow the
inland al the cascades from tyo lo
Hiri'i' feel, linking it posalblev to' Injure
1 1 io- goVcrnim at wort; bj -.v.isjiiiwj. '
t V
The ei y elecliiin ie-leil:iy reiilllled
in the cirri lou ol Frank Meiiet'ee lo
:-'ie 1 hiiuneir as mayor of The
Italics. Meiicl'eii's vole wait icry coiii
pllnicntarj. pollin;; ;2 voles io
.(dams' 1 S:i. The coiincilliien eleeti'l
it ' : llair.i ('lough, Henry Kuck and
( hainplln. Water coiniiiisbioiieri.' T.
a. Seuloii. M. liamlall and .los T
1'clcin The rellrlng t oinicllilieii art-:
jkatipr, ICHliclinan ami Crown. Tho i"-
tiring water roniiiil'.nloiiorn aie Hugh
('In imiiaii and Tlioman Ward. J. '1'
Peter., wan iceleeled.
.1 T. Hi'Min of .Pfiitilt'liiu It, a guest
al Hotel I ),i I 'it..
W. 10. Delnb or llrtlnltir. Waah.. ly
here IpiIii.i upon IiiiiiIiipsb iniitloi'H.
Mi. and Mu,. ,1. .1. Ilofor ol Hipiett
ire lihillng with fi lends iu the city.
Mt. and .Mm. .1. .1. Ilawlcy nl Pen
I'.tcttjli .tin nlailuc al liotol IMIIph.
Ml'.. I! K. Ilaniptoii of Pi'inlt.Cloil '
In Hil;. oil) totbt.i.
V li"IH ol I, a hiriuoh
iltllor in Tbc Dallen lodni.
'.'.mi .li'aephiup Mai I in of
ion v mil In;; w eii H ipihIb Iicip.
,Mi . I'aliHi Al.:t"i nl la'liaiiilb u
vb.t a-; with U pis iu Thn lilu.
Mr. ami .Mrs. . (I. A.mjm pi' Pilot
I'.tu l are ."la) llift I Intel- Hallo.
Mi. W. C Canon of lluppuur
ilrltlim v i h I. n a Ih in 'I'll.' Ii.illot,,
W. .1. Itaor u Until i. imicwln liiii.
i't ' at (ii(ilut!inu hoe today
Ui.v 'til ,M Pi-iih of Waiulc i., u'-,lii-."im
at ho I5iiil: Imlcl;
ite'i oli
. i pit)
C lbio, ,li.,
Jt'o.p tiny
of Maiipln
on hit iu)
w.i a in
Warn lc wit ;
IWtK-l. '
DttlUlliy L, Jonos em I't-n
1ft tostct'.-rt! ut thu Hunk
Vuti" KU;"H uj Ardorirt Is w
i oiiU in (hit, tUi tur u Ip.
1 w, 'i'UiMtm u e.r vun iiuu-i
HiitU', lii a iu Inwj2t ii:itui ui Tli"
t i m !'
I. P.
''Ii. i a1
It i It 1 1 el ,n tl
' all "I A Hi
lintel Hallos
Mls.e .Maigarel and (liace Win
chid, both ol lluod lllu'i. hip vltlllui;
with fiientlb
laiipni JacobsPti. Iravpllnj; nalcBiimn
for (hp J K Clil company, v. as in Uic
rll) lodii. lit; Is IravcliiiK hi aulo
molillo on a hiiKlttcsa trip lbniilj;b Hi"
oaslcrn pari of Hip alalc.
Ii. V. .Smith ol IiCinii'le h In The
IJallfR atlcinliiif; lo luminous ma'
tors. '
Oi'oisc Macleiii" of
Is In TIip Dalles ludaj
biifdncss inatlcn:.
Walla Walla
atifiidhif; to
O. C. llllRlien, Hood HP. er bli hips'?
man, is ii biiuiness lsitor in Til"
Mr. and Mn;. C. A. el' I In; II';;
i;nnd roMtifr- v.oro in f It u i '. j i m.ici
la on liir-.iiif'HS,
11. C. I'ratl of Wanile wart in ibc
ll.i tntl.ii utiroiilu to lik- 1 1 ' 1 1 i - alter
b.'nlnt,' i-poni Heveral npiiitJu. in the
st iilbcrn pall of Hid niate.
Bargainr, in Typctv.itcrs
K'cn A. , U'i'Ml at Hotel Dalb::i
pcelal lei ins to sltidr!!':.. Win lejil
a l)pt)riler when von i nn liuj one i i
Icinm a Irille inon- than fie ie",uliirj
it ii al charge. Hi
Invented Ice Crc.iin Cone F A.
Hruckliu, inventor of the modem ice
cream cone, s in Thu )a l"s lot a.
whlchjii,, jt. ,jnR nn, hoi lliu i'. t. Ilniek-
lln's "real cake coil' i
iilniidard brand upon
all coul pt-i ioiipra will
'' aie now
the maikcl
, as
Rrown Will Probatrd - The lal
will anil of Mr.i, Iloiinii,i
I. Blown wins yesterday adinilte.l
to piobalc. Ileal and personal prop
orly Is valued al $10,!i.r.7. Th. pi in
ripal hcn-'l iclarlei! are lioorg" .1
P.i own, her hiisband, anil Mrs. Katie
(!. (Tm ran. a sister living in I'orl
Swimming Nigbt For 'Men Men of
The Dalles are going lo into
their own tonight at the liigli i chool
swiiiiinlng lank, when swiunniiig will
In; enjoyed by "men only." The tank
will be wanned to the teniperaliirc
of "tl degrees, it is announced. A small
charge will be niailp lo cover tho conl
ol' healing Hie wider.
Fiftictli Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Tioy Shelley nest
Monday will celebiate I heir Golden
wetldlnB anniversary. Mr. anil Mrs
Sbullcy uvcrc I'esitlents : 'of W'hscc
county for .icars iu tli" Parly 90's,
and bvvp many Irleii'ds hero.. Hp
served. ,for six yearn; ati .county school
laiperinlpiulcnl. The wctltllng anni
versaiy ' will bp observed" lit tlwlr
hoipe place, suven miles south of
Hood II Ivor, on what is known ah
the "Piisl sidp road."
1 i ' v -
Fihnk McGettigan Here Frank
Mi:(5oltlg;in. manager ol" tlio Orpheiim
Iboaler In Port land, 1:; In The Dallv
as tiie guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thouiun
II. West and iiirldrntly acting nil
liotiy gtiartl for Hotierl Sloien.
Slevriis iccently rclurncd from Nc.v
York. McGctllgaii explalns, ami he
has not yet gotten back to tvu'ih
so tar as tho Oregon country it eon
cernctl .MtGelllgaii ictiim-il lo orl
bind this .il'iernoon, but Mr. Slev
piih will rt'inain here st vera! lay-,,
attending a boiinl inceting of Hie
about your craukcase
KoneldtiRt. carbon, fine metal particles rpiI other
impurities nccumulnte in your crankcase oil from
engine operation.
Tho p.ritty oil circulates through your engine,
impairing its perfornnmce, and ultimately leads to
rapid depreciation and repairs.
Automobile manufacturers recognize this dan
Rer, nnd in their Instruction Books, carefully ad
vise regular draining nnd flushing of the crnnkcase.
These important instructions are often disre
t;ardel; cleaning the crnnkcaNc is n job generally
To meet this need, Modern Crankcasc Cleaning
Service has been established by first-class parages
nnd other dealers, co-operating with the Sund
nrd Oil Company. These garages and dealers use
Cnlol Flushing Oil, - the scientific agent that
cleans out old oil, dirt, grit and other impurities,
nnd does not imo'! the lubricating efficiency of
fresh oil used.
The cleaned crnnkcase, is refilled with tho prop
er grade of Eerolene,
t P
thf ?iif or dfilfr d'eplumi
tlic lign )iown h'tf- it mfini
"Pfiif tfturim urn t'jr -fi'
iifr." A emice pr.imp(ly
jiirn 4t i n-i.iunil . .el.
for better operation- counly bank and nllontlln
to editor bualntss IiiIcixmId
Freak Pord Appears Obi I lino rl
I'lintm rubbed tholr eyed In natonlsli
mctif I lil i niorniiiR when tlicy saw
wiial wts apparcully n niolor boat In
Rood condllbpi salllni: doiiii the i treat
upon four wIiopIh. Wintt Ihcy really
aw, liowoicr. was an iKiuatlc Kord.
The (picor I'ontraptioii is owned bj the
Mac llalrtl taimctliami, a lout show. .1,
.Mary wan in Tlio Dalle i todin in
tempt in:; nuko arinnci'inunls lor
piri'titiim biu nhow in thin cllj. ,ll':i
bjbiid iiiilijnioblli! i; no liinr, more
I linn a r.toek l-'ortl t:haash ;. lth a regu
lar boat body fi-.lened upon II. It Is
built r.tlhcr aa a tre'.il: au'omobllc
than with any view lot-. piel iiii'.'fiilnca'i
in Hi" Mater.
Diivct .I'lPin n.ikcr h Day Tin
leadr, from The Dalle.-, to JJ.iker ar.c
now in till" condition, accoidlii'.' lo
iNorris tiiieincy .f thai rilj, who yes-
Mcieia.i at'e noon arrliel in llii.; ellvjbp usi'd for tho henrl'il of the local
I alter diiviti!; Uic cnli e iHMatiu" in bis; 'post. Connnander Kolc," ban called a
'llciii.i." Hucriny hit Itakcr at n.Ilft
ir.leidai iiioriiitii:, nloppcd 15 mill-
I tilt .-; for lunch and b ill an hour lo re
pair a piini.tured Hie, ariivin;; in The.
Dalles at ,:l.- eslrrtlay evening. Thf)
(litilainu I rout Huker lo The Dallci hj
, a little more than nnlci:., o II can
I be seen that lliu i path must be prelli'
geoil to I'iriiiil Hie dl.tanee lo bo
mad'' in one da. accortliiif: lo II. It.
1'ant lipr, with whom Gucrnry is vlsi'-ins-
K. of P. To Celebrate Fourth Tip;
Knif.hls ef Pythian dceltlctl tp
Ii.ivp a big Hiiip hcie on .the .Foinlh
ol .Inly, according- 'o aiiiiounccmcnt by
niembpri- ofjlho. co'iinilttp" em arrange
ments lcda.v, A paratle w'jll be hold op
Hip city streols tturing h' morning,
anil all bu.'iintrK houses aud fi;.ilprnal
tirgiHiliallon' arc being Invllod to .par
ticipate through the entry. ol' floalft orl
oilier i.uitalile tlbiiil.T s. . Patriotic ,ko-,
,f;ipli("s are espcc.htlly invited ,to par- j
tlclpate in tlio paiadc, accord Irti; lo
.1. W . Allen, who is ehairiiian of Hip
parade committee. There will bp ji
barbec'ii-! ami other events al Thorn
ton Lakes during the afternoon,
thn' new park linvlng been taken over
for I ho day by t ho Knights.
No Excuse for Beggars There is
no longer any excuse lor bergln
on the streets' bv ho called "down
and outers," who fool that the world
owes them u living, according to
Chambr.iSucretary Van Schoick, who
has bee'n.fOP.orating a municipal cm
ployinrncbiireaUiiipon 'a,,small scalp
for tin last several weeks. Jjo ad
vises persons v1io aii7','hlt up" by
titramorv wanting "a1 dime to buy
a cup of coffee," to Jell, theso men
that Hi ore is plenty of' y'ork avail
able in The Dulles right' new. The
.e'bamber lias placed 20 men to work
nil ntiichf j; a nil al chci ry picking
tltirlng tfcj. present week. Cherry
growerti nrf piling a cent and a
cent and a half a pound for the pick
ing of chcrrleft "this yrar.
River Nearly Stationary Amateur
rlier prophets in TIip Dalles havi
given up In tllspair at altouiplln;', to
piedict with any tlegipp of accuracy
Just what tlio Coliimlila will do next.
"Scstorday' all were unanimous; in
agreeing that the Hood CrCft had
hern i curbed and jiast. ami that
fi out now en tin river wou'd an
ilown rapidly. As If to provn that
Il utlll has a "kick" left to It tlv
river today slowed up Ha decline,
similar to the action Immediately
previous to the la:tt nuddcn Hpur'
upward. This morning tho oH'Iclal
Boverninenl reading showed thu iiv-J
or at 10. (J icct. which is a decline of!
only .2 oC a fool during the last 21'
houm. Water sllll slanehi in u large
number of bnsomcnts alon;,' Second
To Show War Films Action pic
tures ,ol ,Hic American titops in
Franco will bo sbeiwn al I lie I'linprc;.-!
theater next Wednesday umi'jr the
ausplcru of Dallci IV.I No. Amer
ican l,eg!(;n, accnidinc to an antmunco
iiicnt made by Coiiitnandor I'jI Foley
totlay. Theiie a)-r plt:turr3 taken bj
I hp United States ujgnal corpd over
Hcas, and arc bring loaned t t l.cglop
posln nil over the country lor exhi
bition. Hccelils Ironi the show wl'.l
rpcelal meeting of the post for .Mem
day night, when mcnibcis will eoi
Hitler a plan which Is being developed
by the posl officials lo raffle an auto
mobile. Dufur posl of thn Legion liai
proiniscil lo assist The Dalles boys in
tllsposing of Hip car, and has invited
inrniber.'! of Hie ltcal organization to
altcnd the Fourth of .Inly celebration
being given there.' '
Shoots at Hobo .lack Norvalk,
student of nature and wandcier via
the coal car route, last nlcbl had
the experience of being "hall shot'
wit bout having touched a elrop of
llepior. Xorvalk wrta scrrn' ly stredl
ing along the river bank below (hp.
city when spotted by Patrolman Ma
Claskcy. Illght at thn' time, the po
llceman was on tiie lookoul for a
iiwin dressed In iyorklng clothes, of
stature, iwbo had milidei"il
a railroad- detective in the Albiua
freight yards at Portland. McClnskey
was accordingly suspicious of Nor
valk and became more so when that
individual, noticing that ho was un
der observation, became suddenly
imbued with a desire, to hurry away
from thai locality. McC'laskoy oi tier
ed him to halt. Norvalk broke inti
a run. tu-ovoKeu. tno policeman rc-
iterated his command. A burs! of
spcctl was the only answer. Now
thoroughly peeved, McClaskey pulled I
out his revolver and fired three
sho'K ..oyer, ,tbe JlQcjii&mati's juyj.y,-
H A W A 1 1 A N S
?''. ' . ' T ' ; ' '
, ... ,
An early western
- "
. N.QTJGr-Ttie . Diamond Trio have just completed a run at Hood.
River where they played to record breaking houses.
This brought results, and Noivnlk
was soon in the city Jail uniie-ro'nt,
cross examination, He was able to
prove an alibi, however, and was
escorted lo the depot and given di
1 -ctlons a to the ahortsiit route to
Hood Klicr,
A i eh Prejtcricis art; times with a
mission. Their mission la lo.prcit'iii
foot trouble." to keep good loi good
For men and women. Kdw; C. Pease
With Soups,
Another P. C. B. product
A truly delltMful p,ck5 ot
Cookie Cskcs.
Ask your grocer (or them.
Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.
Little House with the BIG
a mo us
NcVf jFeatiirc Tictme
railroad story based on
"Whispering Smith."
Eventually Why Not Now?
Ship by truck. loetlanebTlic Dallen
Truck service.' Hcatlcplnrtcrs, Motor
Service Garage.. tl!orUand telephone's.
.Marshall 1335 un'il Kant HOHU. It
every Wednesday and Sal unlay night
Chciioivllh grove, .open air pavilion.
Good floor. Good music. Taxi from
Black & While,- fifteen mlnuto ser
vice 25 cents. 1U
and Bouillon
Well begun, indeed, is the dinner which com'
menecs with soup and Snow Flakes the crisp,
delicately flavored soda wafer. And for the
later courses' oysters, salads and cheese; Sold
by grocers In ted:packages and the family tins.
Don't ask far crackers
.2- 1,1 ..J"
the famous book
".' v t.