I 11,1 THE DALLES DAILY CHTONIOLf WEDNESDAY. JUNE 15, 1921. PAGE" Wf m I FEAR CALIFORNIA IN BIG REGATTA By Henry L. Farrcll (United Piuis .Stuff Corr!piui(leni) NEW YOHK, June 15. Around these parts they figure thai thu supremacy of the water rests be tween the great Columbia crew anil the world's champion Navy eight. However, the handsome bis Cali fornia crew la going lo have soins thins to say when 11m pick of the years weep down the Hudson at Poughkeepsic on June 22. No one believes It more than En sign Jacominl, who was pulling on oar in the, Navy shell when it went to a world'fc championship at the Olympic games last summer. Jacominl was pent down Irom the Naval Acadtny to look over the Call fornians when they meed f'rlnc'ton He hiiw the big sturdy Pacific Coast shell loso by a length and u quarter, j but he said: I '"California's the ctew we haw to beat." Over a three-mile distance, Navy, , Columbia, ooiiuii, oyintv.se and Penn will find that big, strong, I smooth-pulling crew a hard outfit to j beat. It's a poor splinting crew, but it lias the stiength to set anJ keep a terrific pace in a long race. Princeton, with a rowing policy against more than two miles, will , not compete for the championship at i Poughkeepsle. Nevei theless, the Tigers, from Coach Spealh down lo : tho meekest freshman, are claiming the championship for Heinle Lt It's crew. Ptlnceton, fortunately, had two gieat crews. Lcli's ctew started a it the second varsity but showej such sun rising form that It replaced dipt. CfRWell's first varsity. Creswell's crew rowed agiitiH Columbia in the Chllds cup race and was defeated ' handily. Thereuj.on Princeton smiled ami said: "lint that was not iPrincolon. II The Tlgeis were bnaten by ship, but In rowing no, The Plough- lbla and the Impression kec-psie tegntta Is open to all. Any ' ' was the second crew. Our firs' ton. crev navor was defeated. loiumtiln ami the impression kcrpsie tegntta Is open to all. Any RogardlCiF. or whether Columbia mnlns that the New orl university university or college crew can com .beat the flrsr second or third crew, could have beaten and can beat pete for a legitimate recogniz- il lit wns entered as a Princeton crew anything Prlncetc.il has in a sir II championship, .and carrlf.l the Tiger colors and' In football, any university can get1 , ihe d feat was a defeat for Piinc?- ilWil.v wllli a claim foi a champion Main I'.nnt actum: ra.xt .Main ill f i ! ! OUR FEET ARE SQUARELY ON THE GROUND When asked how long' a man's legs should be, a wise man once said "Long enough lo reach the ground." i And wo feel the same about the service" ft' a bank. It should be long enough 1 1 reach riu'ht down to the practical problems oC evervda r life. Ours does try it. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK The Dalles, Oregon Me-o-my5 how you9!! take to a pipe and P A. ! Before you're a day older you want to let the idea slip under your hat that this is the open season to start something with a joy' us jimmy, pipe and some Prince Albert! Because, a pipe packed with Prince Albert satisfies a man as he was never satis fied before and keeps him satisfied! And, you can prove it! Why P. A.'s flavor and fragrance and coolness and its freedom GET THE HARIT OF THRIFT If you would succeed, methods of utmost integrity must be employed, and the greatest of these is thrift. Thrift is a natural habit, easily cultivated through industry and abstinence of waste and extravagance. If you would be thrifty, start an account with the '1 Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings Accounts. Citizens National Bank Telephone Main :!101 Officers Directors P. J. Kl.ulelmun.lVesldent. sttlu-,.,n,nn. Dr. .1. A. Hunter. Vlce-I'ies. r""I,r l!"for1t Dr. J. . lteuier 11. K Greene, Cashier r- C. Ollugur II. L. Kuck J. F. Tureck, Ass't Cashier. J. G- Heimlich J. .1. Van Oellen from bite and parch (cut out by our exclusive pat ented process) are a reve lation to the man who never could get acquainted with a pipe! P. A. has made a pipe a thing of joy to four men where one was cmoked before! Ever roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert? Man, man -but you've got a party coming your way! Talk about a cigarette smoke; we tell you it's a peach! Irince Albert Prince Albert it told in loppy reai hags, tidy red tint, handtumm pound und hull pou.'.d tin humidor and in tit liounJ irytut via humidor with tpunx Moiitimt top. Cueyrlylit 1821 by R. J. Keynulda Tutj4Cll Co. Wliiilnii-.SaUM, N.e. the national joy smoke Orchard Ladders Wo have a complete stock al vc-divjod prices. It will pay you to see us before you buy. MANCHESTER MFG. CO. king Results FOH SAL13- Ten-i'ooln hotel. Inquire box 07, Kent, Oregon. .120 MEETING NOTICES FOR SALFGood work team, S and ft years old, weight, 3000 lbs. $:i!:iV C. Brewer, I.ylo, Wash. 21 FOR SAUK Bungalow, nearly tinisli- ed. Pour rooms and bath. Bargain. Inquire 512 West Eleventh street. 17 FOlfsAI.E Heavy team and harness, "Vlnch wagon. Terms to responsible person. I. M. Cravens, Thompson's addition, above store. 17 United Artisans Regular meeting at S o'clock, Wed nesday, June 15, K. of P. hall. Initia tion and nomination of officers. 15 Royal Arch Masons Slated convocation this Wednesday evening, 7 :'.!'!. Visit Ing companions wel come THOMAS It. HUDSON, Secretary. 15 Claatftfd advertlNlng 1 cent per woro euch IhHerllon. If timerled G time or more. 3- nont n word Monthly publi cation rates on application at tliu office. FOH RENT FOK RKNT Furnished housekeen ing rooms, 115 East Second. It! 4 - m ti t ,.., , Jt1flrxj1 V FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, 503 Washington. Lots of hot water, lfi For" RENT Furnished rooms. 210 East Fourth nlicot. lfi FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, 221 West Fourth street. Telephone Red 1502. 1C FOR 1 RUNT Three unfurnished rooms, 131!! Pino street. Call hlack 5092. 17 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Inquire 511 Liberty street. Telephone red 4192. lfi FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms upstairs. Telephone blank 4341. 1H FOR RENT Three or four unfurnish ed housekeeping rooms, 407 Union streot, 15 FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old oak, $1150; second giowth, $12.50. Dellv ered. Call 30F22, after C p. m. tf FOR SALE Cheap, a dandy 20-aero truck farm on Firteen Mile creek, rich bottom land, improved. Terms. L. A. Whlted, route 1, Dufur, Or, 15 FOR SALE 5-rootn modem house, ga rage and sleeping porch. Close in. Small payment down, easy terms on balance. See W. R. Webber. 20 FOR SALE -Complete threshing ma chine. 28-inch .1. I. Case separator and engine. Outrit In first class con ditton. E. A. Read, Bulck Oarage, Telephone malt! 021. 27tt FOR S a! Ji I ja rge and small farm and orchard tracts. Reasonable prlceb, good tonus. W. C. Hanna, Dulur, Ore. IKtf- FOR SALE Cheap. Two man Mc Qormlek combine with Good engine, also horse attachment. Writo W. L. Tyron, 50C West Eleventh street. Tho Dalles. 20 I-OR SALE orne of the best resi dence lots In The Daller have been placed with us at attractive price1 We have something for you. IXtlle, Realty cimti.ai.y. hkul: 5G!il, lfi FOR RENT Go to 722 East Third for nlcoly furnished housekeeping rooms. Rates reasonable. 15 FOR SALE FOR SALEBtticlc four, louring car Motor Service pirns v FOR SALE Rawleigh products. 410 West Fourth St. Black 1331. J23 FOR SALE Fre.;li cow with calf, glv. ing 4 gallons of rich milk, C, L. Hazon, telephone 2SF3. !! FOR ISAlE Sand and gravel. Trud: sorvlce. Country trips. Oordlon and Van Dolah, telephone red 1231, 3u FOR SALE Residence property and vacant lots. Easy tenu3. Inqulro CIS Clay street." " .18 FOR SALE A pii'iVied Kentucky .lad;. ; years old, 15J hands, a' real sacrifice. Will take a good usiid Dodge or Chevrolet. Some to;in.i. For particulars write J. 13. Jlal'yhurlon, Ortley, Ore. 17 FOR SALE 80 aces, :',, mlloi from Friend. "J miles Trom Dufur on Flf tern Mile; five room house, large barn; thmoaere faiully orchard. '; A. Tailor. TUSr. Fo.der Road, I'm' land, Oro. ! FOR SALE- Bids' will bo received : Iho hoard of (rustoos. Mo'hoTlat church, for the salo of dwelling used as Ihn parsonage, til Third and Union slrents. Building can be ex ntnlned al any couvi ulent lime by Interested parties. The board reser ves the right to reject any and all bids, should they prove unsatisfac tory W. E. mihousen, chairman commit lee. 17 FOR SALE OR TRADE Fully equip ped, shetii light, 900 acre wheat and stocl. ranch, on creek, with plenty of alfalfa, one half mile from school, 7 miles from county coat, seven-room house, plenty of barno, etc. 1n' have you. Box 8S, Heppnor, Ore. 15 FOR" SALE BaTeiMniy and grain. We deliver any place in town. One horse, weight. 1750, 7 years old Guaranteed. Will sell or. trade for cattle. One team, weight 2100 Sound nnd gentle. O. K. Feed barn. TulvL' " --r-, WANTED -- I'oslilon as p'.'actlcU nut so. Conl'lnemeii' canes preferred. Mrs. D. A. Cornwell. black 1791. lfi LOST OR FOUND LOST Black purse containing aboil! $15. Identification inside. It turn to Chronicle office. It! WaNT ED WANTED Two men for haying. Ap ply Bank hotel. 1 NvXNTElS-VcmTan for himsewoik. Apply Norman Cream company. 15 WANTED A ilano box. Call or write 1112 I'ine street. 1(i WANTED Cherry plckorr. about .June 14 or 15. For definite date telephone (!FI. F. .1. Thomas, l.itf LOST Ludy'u coat and mini's coat between Mosler and Rowena. Tele phone .1. J. Fleck. 1") LOST Blac5T,,00TirrM' was roached. Raised near Nanaene. IB.andod OM on left shoulder. Lib eral reward for information. Virgil (1. Kelly. R. R. 3, The Dalles. IfiwLT. 'URNISUED ROOMS of tho desir able sort, are in active demand. Mary people have recently moved perhaps going to houses or apart ments where they have no space to spare. Former furnished room ton .intu aro looking once more for do Slrable quarters, Have you anything to offer l hem? Tell about It in a Uliioni'do Want Ad LOST Black handbag with Initials, F. M. L., contalnitii; safety razor and women's lingerie, between Tygh .Valley and The Dalles. If found not If v The Dallc.i Garage. Reward. 15w2l FOR TRADE WANTED Housework on ranch. In qulro room 3, 115 East Second street. 15 FOR TRADE Five room modern house and lot 'ti 1'orllaml ' for home or ae;o3go In The Dalle.. W rite box 77. care Chronicle - Li LOANS WANTED Man and wife want job as cooks on ranch or In camp. Write bos 55, cute Chronicle. IX WANTED -To cool: on ranch. No woman ove rseer. Write box 92, care of Chronicle. 17 VANT EljinwberryidclcerH. Wilte lor Information, Eleven act us. George W. Collins & Sons, Under wood, Wash 15 WANTED -.lob for cook In hotel or restaurant. Call at GlPtiwood hotel 21 WANTED- -Girl or woman lor wal ic.'..!, good pay. (ilenwood Re ta i tant. 21 WANTED Tractor work or ordia'-d wik Experienced num. Cj:i band!' r;::soli: e i ngltii s. Te!eMioii" e ;',5fil, o iiM 12i'2 .l.itl:. on lire Hi MONEY TO LEND To owner ! Chenowlth Homo tracts or other good property lor buildlii", pnrpoeu. W. F. Gltchn!!, 103 Washliii-'.loii Htreet. 17 MISCELLANEOUS Catarrh Cannot Be Cured villi I.OL.'w. ..''LICAT1UN3. aa itiej cannut rcuuli tlio brat of tliu Cicojii. Cats rh l - If'-al Uiaruse, Krcatly In-nurvt- by constliulloijul cinJltton, ona In oiu-h to c ire It V'U muit tul;o an Inlerimt reinvily falt' faturrh Mtdl rtne a tali-ii Intel nuil' and acts Unu Hit- liluuj on the nun huh mil f ice u( tile yltm. llall'a i eurrli .Mulalno umj plvsi-ilbed t y 3liu uf the lrkl ihylclam In "oijmry fur yum. :c i.- com. post-d of ioiiu of the t-3t ionics knonn. combined with mine of the Lk-mI blued cturlncr. Tlie perfect curnblnutlon of the tneredimu In Hall's Catarrh Medi cine U wliui produce lucti wonderful reaults In cutairhul conditions. Uend for tMtlinoiilil. fit F. J. C1IWNEY CO., I'ropi., Toledo, O. All DrUKKlita. Xc Uli' FtunUv VUU far conttDtlotk TRANSFER AND EX I'll ESS Furnl tur and piano moving. Fielnh' hauled and general express busl tiess. Telephones- Stand, red 11: residence black 1352. J. I'.'. Hen.le lilt HEMSTITCHING I'lfol edging M rn L M. BooHibv, 'M WadiltiKton stteel. Telephone main 'a".s tl PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS SPECIALTY SHOP llunistltcliiug, plcot edging, dress making. 2181 East Third r.ticut, Con don building. Telephone black 5211.1 INUS TliXhi. .in repaired, ac lion legulaliug and retlulshlnp I'laycr actions a specialty. Won guaranteed. S A. Dockstader. 'Coi irm Mii-ii- st'TH. 320 Fast Secon street. Teeilionii main 1001. il FOED Whitney Repair Shop 709 East 8ecor.fl R. Wfentc Track ILiirae Freight and exprens between Tin Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all wn paints Lonvo Tho Dalles, 0 a. m dally except Sunday. Leave Moro 1:30 p. m. Lonvo Wasco, 2:30 p. ni 1). M. I'lerco, proprietor. Telephone black 1642 or mala 471. rt Maud Milbum StiRwell Teacher of I'lano, Harmony and Theory. Leschetl.ky method. Special atten tion given to beginners. Summer lerm opens Juno 15. l'liouu red 3191. Stu dio 1000 Fulton street .120 VENZ BAUER Genora) real estate, insurance, and 'onus. 1001 East Second street. Tele phone main. 1571. 2Htl E. C. FEHCE Ee'gkftieir2il Arc&iiiteclt 504 First National Bank Bldg. The Dalles, Ore. 16tf I'OI'ULAIt MUSIC Taught by EOE WEESCFIECUL Lessoiis by Appoluliiient EmptcHS Tboatro IManlsi LUCHLE CUMMHNfl Teacher of Piano lUiullo M 513 I'nUiu In e !)' i. n i bl'icl, t.oul. Tel" .12' l Dr. Geo. F. Newhouse Eye Specialist We tun equipped to give your eyes Iho very best of care. Eyes tested. Glasses ground. Second and Washington Streets . 1 Tins Dalles WOODAIU) & TA (JSC HE It Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All klmU of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplaco Work a Specialty n&tlrn.ites furnlabed free of chain; All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Mam 0161 or Call at Gates Block Dr. T. DeLARHUE Ey6if;lit Specialist , Hourl 9:00 to 5:00 Sunday and nvenlnuu by Appointment 17-11 Vogt Blk Ovrr Crosby's Drug Store niion Hlack 1111 Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DriMVKItY SIOKVICIO EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and I'iano Moving Stand at Civnn s I'aint Litorc- Main .T21 Residence 3Mioir Ked 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CIOLDIONDALK YAKIMA AND ALL 10ASTKKN WASHIN(iT()N POINTS Arc rearhfd the easiect by way of Grtnts an I Maryhill on thn MARYHILL FERRY New Eioht car Ferry No Oacklno to Uoard float A 10-mile paved road connects Maryhill and Uoldendale New Railroad Crossing No SanJ CRAND.A LL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufur LUI.U O. GHANOAl. L. M.in.igrr llnl I lioinut, Annul ml Mjil.lucr I Icciltril l llll-jllllrl a, l.trtlilUhi-( IIS ' i, I elcptionet Dny Red 391 Night Red 332 J. H. Harper, Black 21&2 Cut Flowera Woman AtiendJiit Mm. M. J. Wlllerton Telephone lied UU1 Motor E(iiipnient . il 1 y. id 1 r-l - - ntmn r n ir