WT J At1E rtam TMG DAI LEO DAILY CHRONICLE. WfcLNhSUAY, JUNIi IB, 132. fHE DAILY CHRONICLE ikatahllihrri 19(1 The rhlbllnhed Rvprv fcvnnlne Rxcppt SiiiiHi fcjr thn Chronlclo Publishing company Inc one or riti ,iic llielr i'.iiiilll b Bon R. Lltfln Entered In Tho Dalles postofrtce n cont cIaks matter. 0nlted Press nnd United News Service Mtmbcr of Audit Htironu of Ulrculnllmi tmibleniH will ho I lu lus: (lieiinst'lvca and Dnlloi. Ore. (Iilir.ish Hie. The moat Important point In limincing, lor tlie average lioy filil, Is the liablt of Hi'ivfni;. o TIMES 00 CHANGE .Gcnernl Mnnnger DAILY CHRONICLE BY CARRIE" "One 'year. In ndvnnco .5,00 Hll month', In fliivrwiuo tJ.oo Onn month .. - .f.O DAILY CHRONICLE BY MAIL One year. In ndvanve J5.00 W months. In ndvnnco J2.r.n One month .CO WEEKLY CHRONICLE One year, In ndvnnco ?2.00 In ordering chnngo of nddrcss, milt crlhor should always glvo old hs well ft new address. TELEPHONES Kdltorlnl Ttoonis Ilhck lit Business, Adv., Clr. Dents Hod 111 Subscribers to the Chronlclo are KUnr nteed service. Prompt nnd rcgulnr de livery of overy subscriber's paper Is tho lm of the circulation depnrtmcnt. Tho Chronlclo carriers nro required to put the papers on tho porch or wherever th subscriber wishes .ho paper delivered. WHAT THE SLUMP TAUGHT 1'iobably the. greatest lesson (hat lias) ho tar came oui of I lie financial nlunir from which the nation Is now (jmerglhK Ik thai oi thrill. 'I'iiu men who .saved dm Inn the period of hipl: wan arc Having to lay, If they are Ktill woikinn; and If it Is a period of Iiltenens, like I ho camel they aie living off their humpy. The fellows who (mtiKlil silk shiils anil automobiles aie we.triiiK out Hie whlits now and tlie aiilo.s woie limit rfHRt'd loriK ao. No mailer whal has happened hctause of the nncrla in biailness conilllloim, Hie Ihrifly f 'I lows in every ease, have weathered tliu lilonn betler tlian any ol the ol hers. iWliilu the war was conducive- to AV'asle, and cncouiHKin;: lo Ihe upend era, It was also productive ol a ureal thrllt wave, for ilu sovirniiieni f;av; fhe rulillc Rieater oiiporiunllles lo save, through its bund issues and War savings cei lllic.iies, ihan Ihe na (ion ever experienced before, Not only did Ihe i-overiiiuenl fur nish tile means, a'diim and illicit inx the till lit habil, but il ciicouraseil savings wlih every publicity device possible in raniininp, home the lues sage or the husbuuded dtJIar, and till of this had a counlciaclaal cH'oH flKiilnat too profound a swing into llui depths when the i;ounlry began sliding back to "nornuile.y." no message oi niuii una come lo the. Ameilcaii public wllli greater force In the lasl lew mom lis than at any time in the history ol' Ihe nation. It should not be forgotten. Particularly the value or thrill. Hhould be drilled Into I he rising gen enttlon. Too many young minds. In the last few ye.irs have seen only the glamor of the pending craze, and have come lo believe thai an automobile Is a neeosHity In every family. Automobiles ar line busi ness, but the yoiithlul aspirant lot n gasoline consumer should Irani llrst lo save the money to hu. il nnd not burrow money for the pur pose, Hundreds of school children aie going out Inlo ihe oichards to earn their sammer money. .School has closed and boys and girls uie I urn ing their hands lo money making dining the summer months. Hand In hand slth their desire io earn money should be the eipiallv t'oivcnl desire lo save Mime ol it. Money spent, wucthci loolislily or lor a good purpose, Is money spent What a contrast with Iho wages of a yeir ago whs shown In Ihe scale published .wsiciilay of the ie niiiiic'Mtfon lo he voeclvod tills year by men employed in the Holds of Wasco county. I.asi year such a lb Ing as a 'scale" was not n.sslble, for banes, bauds dictated their own teilils. As t result of tin- prices paid for labar. farmers who held I holt- wheat too long sull'eied losses which high prices of two ye.irs previous could baldly compensate. Two dollars a day lor laborers: Who would have thought a vcai- ao' that theio could have been such a comedown? Vet men are begging lor Jobs at that price this year and Ihej'ie not dicialing bonis. A year ago til- wise ones 'were iircilirtlnir that high pi Ices would not moder ate for four or live years. As a natter of fact the cittlng process lasted about six months, and its el fee's were moie piolounil than any one could possibly foiesee. FLAG DAY Tho Dalles did heller on Flag Day Tuesday, In displaying tlie national colois, than it did .Memorial Day. although ihe slgnll ln-inco ol ,lun 1 1 as a nallonal memorial is lar (.et , knowii ih'iu .May Ilu. irohabl. tie I .'il' I 1 1 1 i 1 1 so niiiiiv ne ml" In iIih fit aie Inleiesteil in 'he orgaulzal inn i which make ol King Day a se ial event wis respiiasble fir i,o nunc slal'fs (tinylng the naiion's helmed emblem. So lar as we could so-, Hioi was just one building, an Inip.iitaii' public building by u-iiv, uillinul me nag displayed. This sun- build ing llicldenlly did not display Hie alius and stripes on .Menu. rial Da' I'mhably the custodian doesn't know "hat the polo is lor. picnic and remaining for a vlsll at Ihe D. l llcU'ilrln home. Mlns Carlson was a former resident of this place. Ibati Clartnce -Sllll and Mm. I.. II. Me nu,! Donald and granddi!ii!,l)le.'. were Sun day truetls at Ihe (!. II. Whipple home in 53- ill orl . icairnlng home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Itay Darnlelle and ch.ldren spent Sunday In The Dalles. I'm I Carrlco and .Miss Mabel Kii dersby were Dalle.s visitors Monilav. Mis. Yager, who was In The Dalles lasl week lo aliend, (lie gradUiillcn of her daii'-'hier. Mlns tit r! riiile, h:'s icfiaidl home. OREGON MAN IS UP FOR ROAD POSIHON f l'i.nnn.ono a year lor ancestors worshipped, similar Ihti- Lincoln's friendship Tor .fohn' Iilsht. In - v I'l be unvcMed a the tut gatlerv .ln.lv -If and ai Oniln Idge I 'i'lverslt.v i' Dlrinlagham, in m-moo "f r.t n date tj be named. VILL HOT TOLERATE (Ciuillmied I'roin I'.nce I 5 omniendailoiis uhicli will be proton' ;! dhcci lo i; o- ;i T!i' 10 cablne! stfic'arles will t.uggesl a-livitics wit lihi Iholr (h'parltncnis which inlghi heller be transferred lo another de partment. They also will suggest, probably uilh greater emphafls. the functions of oilier departments which ihe; con I'll r lolling In their own i pho. es of inlluenco. Tiic congressional commission will lice these recomiiiendallolis as the b.' sis of Iholr bill lor re-allocallng go 1 1 iniicnt services. Thcre'!i II you've been 'n Ihe jiasl, be a oi Ihe liiture. First 'd suits to measure, Difference i ready made" man made to older man'' clans hand tailor $35.(10 and up. W it. Webber, i nice. one bleck cast of post 6tf (.'hionlcle's Stlem liuic.nO HAI.IO.M, Or., .Itdie in Should th" TowiihcimI liU'ha hill, now pend ing In congress and cus.ti.ig a f d eral highway coinniisslon. b" inacied Inlo lav,- It is uiido.-sloi d In Oiegjn ihat .1. Ajlanis, of Kjgeiie, wll1 s and a chance for apiiolnliiU'ir in; one of (he nicinbein of the c minis sion, Tlie federal highway roiinnls Ion, ii'C')csi.d In the Townscnd hill, would be a body of live membbts, wllli sal .tri' s at ilo.f'W) a. year ut eh I Mr. Adams I", ci elites! with liav ng n leading part In tho dialling of the Townsend bill. The. ni'MMir his lh: approval of the Oregon highway i ommlrfsion and it Is undeia o d Adams' appointnifiu would be look.'il upon with favor by ihe coniinissio.i. Further, he is credited with having drawn together several of Hi" lac lions thai were divided on It" I ill so that lis support haa 1"'n much bolstered, and opinion in Oiegon if that the hill will pasr. K. A. liooth. chainnan ol Ihe o v gun eoiiiinlsslon, has forwarded a lelegiam lo Ihe ():egon dclcgatiin In congKs.s urging the nvmlers lo woik for the bill. In addition to r teal Ing a federal h'ghway coinmis slon, it would appropriaie SinO.OOO,- 000 a year for gene -al lilghwav d" lopiiRiil end list i ads. licibe I lljovei, a ciclr.ry ol coni- jmcice, v.-no 13 strongly m iavor ot ! in w I Mloral il paruneni of puuii' work, and other liiflunulal nitn who f.'.vcr Hticli a dvpartincnf are still opposed lo tlie Townscnd blil. 'f h department of public worrit, sh:).ild it bo 'rcaud. wotili embrace in Its jurisdiction highway develou mem mid all u htr exlenr..vj de v loi'ineiu's of a public lu.turo. f j y MEMORIAL TO LINCOLN LONDON, .lane 15. v mei.ioi l il tablet to Abraham Unci In wa-. deli cated today in Iho llitle 'hnrch at ltlnghain, Norfolk, where I ineolnV EVEREADY WATERLESS SOAP Cleans Iluirls, Clothing Cai'iJctr, Wood work One find 5 lb. Cans ASK YOUR GROCER THE CUSINESS MAN'S DANK HimhfT". men find Hint tin V pany bank, though suillclent (n s'v lo into: all their refUlromints II -in b xi s to loreig'i 0- b-ini'n. In .- i heliiful toward tlu. )ouir; b-Jsiii'jss man e-i'-h .V; t'uu and leiottrni i tl'lfely d -ifriftlt frleiiilly and Your comlir.inlty standing will t-ontnu iclal acconnl h"ie. mil uaiiK -"onnectlon bitslne.-s. h Increa.; yon will iinaluable to the 'rrwlh :d by a have a of. your I 'V'o Paid on Savings II Ell yA i in r v tt i FRENCH. President UL M. FRI-NCH. Vic-Prrnidcnt V. H. FRENCH," Sccictnry J. C. HOSTETLErt, Cnshlct yilfiiFRENCII&CQ. THE DALLES OREGON LOOKING IJACKWARI) (Fiotu The Clironicle. .luue I.. I.sin; ) C'aplain Waitd made an inspi ell i ol Ihe whirlpool below tlie dalle o Ihe Coliiuihla yesterday and deeded boat Mood but ring il la Mifofy. lillk : hot, el Til'1 heal -iavs h'lil will be allov.ed lo remain that a woatlic ed by "mi-hj ii is wiiiic' ine mii"ninei is haiiled around lij wagon, Hie boat to come down later when the v, aier is lower. The llueiit halls In town b edds will he Ihe ones In Hi block. The K. of I. hall will be olid only to Hie ntmory IimII In lll'l't I", sei ' .1 ing capacity and Hie hill ,ul iliini", although smaller, Is large noi"ih in accomodate all the meinbe s . I an single soclelj In town, lioih -i j i I - will be modi Is of neatness and ton veil lence and are well lighted. The only conlu.sl going on today Is over Ihe mayoral I v, the catulhbicH In Ihe Held lioing .Mr. Franli Menefee and Air. S. II. Aihium. The tickets are labeled, "Itegular Citizens' Tl'ke', Ihe naiiies for treasuier, coiiiicllmc-i and water coiuinl siener.. betiiL alike Ihe only difference being that d,i n-' I name i- nub.-.tltiiteil lor "n-d'ee1 on I the Clliiins tlcl:et. Menelee Is sad ,10 be leading In the seuinil and thir.l wauls ami holding his own in Hi fi and does not come back. Money win il. If Hie elecilim la ludlcilel b wisely invested alwa.N.i belongs to Ihe vole al the cl iy.cn;.' nr ling. Me( the Investor, and is inakiiig more "f'o "111 leceivo 1111 aveiaiji if line' liiiuie.N for him. Tho habit of Mining, cultivated Pi hoys anil glils, will be uf nemei: dons' value to ilium when ihe aie out In the world on iheii own Quite ollen il spells the dill "ieuc between hucccss and lalliue. Tin lit habits, habits of saving and ol spend ing ulsel), cnliivaieil In joiitlit.ii minds, are mil likol to lie loM. II every lei) and gill learned in nchool lb- wisdom ol hi) iir.. anlde Id pi'icent or eviry dollar iho. earn ed, no matter how huge oi how kiiiiiII Iho canting, ihe would have had Instilled one ot Hie monies! pi liiclples of suet '. ..-, The thrill Tues sago caiinol be made too Importaiil. Tin in ami indu..i go hand In hind hath luapliet Ihe oilier. IteBtleMiiens and IndoleiK'e' are h.iiiilmaldcuH of piodlgal siendliiu. ine saving iiiHiinc; . ,iui- on in dui tr becaiihe the .iim-i hecs llti'ielu Hie op oiliiiilly ot illci inning hid bank .-n-coutii. Th lain I; uetiiun. In tin n. 1 1 an anchor Hyulust res I less ncss, and in wry lospec'nbl li uafegiaids lu Il vgaiaMt MpeuilHiiifl tendcntle". , Tim war imposed a great burden on Hie public tuhi' V and ami iu I diiliiti made known was ih.n tilt ill. Sso ei in ag u 'lei ili.)e Ii.ii.i. lo eveiy school I.t 'he cumin, dinte ot tlirilt and siioi.il ui n-. 1 h bchool.. did well in war w ul Hun di.'ds of iiillllnus el dollai- w i veslO'l with Hie -ovoiuln -in b. i i chl lil l I'll. Al hough ihe ii. i b mil i no' -; i has passed, the thillt dutv sllll re mains, lis talue should he taught In tlie schools as any oilier subject Is taught. School ehlldieii should h taught lint problems Ihey will lie con I fioillcd with, The ticaltwi ol tliese I mi'ds to Ailanis' Iwo. IHver leading.' Ilmaillla, MM; Weiialchee, .'l.'i l.ev.'lslou, 111.7 The Dalles. .-.e ol j J; rls'i ', lllii of .".7.C; r'.e r, iii of I 'I Ii mi I ol 11. HNDHRSHY NEWS KNDKIISIIY i i't- li'iinleil fiom The Mr. and l; Mr. .Iiim and lamilv Dalles Wedneiday Mi s. ICd I I n rim. hi ami w e Mi i ll 'id l. no I ill in 0 hi -.Co their ll. forifieily ol this placi Mutfoue. weio out Friday old home. Those who atloirdi'd ilu- punt .f Filond fialurd.iy were. Mi: Ma' Dlck.'on. Mrs .Kndei-Mi. . (5 I'l',.. 1 M.k I.. II. McDonaU: artbiuo gr.md I. UMh-.tm. Mr. and Mr O. F n ;t ii M'f e.i I'l'esion. Mi-s M.il.el V. i , ilernUy. Mr. mn .Mrs Fl.nule lluilei and tlaun'jit'i. . M.irle ana Vmi 1 : i . I'lllTlm. Will Hnduri'tt . Winne ami I Dewev Simon- ll.in.. leii .nul Ma 1 1 ill II, mi ,M ih - M limit' l .it I mi i.' I' i 1 1,,' i v .1-, a -.'ee i 1'. d ' n - a . u- I! 1 1 . Ilium i 1 1 'i, Ibi 'if I' n BtfirAW-J wffltW KM 01 (KBROSENE) ISTANUARD OIL COMPANY! 10 1. 1 .1 It N I A What Community Service Has Done In The Dalles , In Three Months n REVIVED COMMUNITY SINGING by winging I lie I'ilchcrs, national song Kptjciali-Uj to the city. Trained Iocl.1 song leader?. . !J. Introduced tiie comnumity-wido children's EasUj'i" egg hunt. d. Drought Captain Cook, national athletic drganizcr to The Dalles, whose work stimulated athletic ac tivities through the introduction oi. volley hall, indoor base ball, other plays and games and open ed the swimming tank at the high school. fi. Established down town playground where aeons of boys and girls play daily. (5. Brought out new social values and generated civic spirit and cooperation by producing. The D dies' greatest -community effort, the Historical pag eant a community activity which drew together the largest crowd ever assembled in Wasco county WHAT COMMUNITY S'MVK'H WILL MEAN TO THE DALLES We h:tve Iji'en asked what Conunuuity Service v.iil nic;i.ii to this city if carried out. Wo answer the qu ii ii'r in kv in the itenrzed list below. The bo- aul w'wU of tiie cil;. are s'.ron for it. IJusincas I prj I't'Kional men reali.e ijs vabie. On Friday inori'iir.f a hrte company of citizens who bel'eve in (bmmim i Hvrvice will visit the homes to secin-j YOUil sup port for (he work for (he nanny, year. IF YOU INVEST IN COMMUNITY SEirVlCEfv' IT WILL MEAN r. 2. 0. Tifcojicniug of summer playgrounds and thcsoS$& c.uring.of a trained director, to. ouliinc recrca tdnal activities for all' our children. The purchase of equipment for at least 10 play grounds. Organized ball games and hikes for the children. A systematic program of organized social eve nings in the different sections of the city.. Fostering of community contests: baby shows, beauty contest, old fushioned speaking contests, singing schoou. (i. Organized community picnics. ' 7. Visits to the city by recreational and musical i ii. I). .10. srcdalists. Community hunts. Christmas' trees .and Eastv egg Community observance under trained leadership of all special holidays and anniversaries. The great Historical Pageant which will bring thousands of people to the city, developed as an annual affair. This eonnnunityei'fort has great er possibilities than the Pendleton Round-Un or Portland Rose Festival and will advertise The Dalles to the world. These arc only a small part of the, activities that will he fostered in The Dalles if every member of the COMMUNITY WiLL STAND HACK OF THE MOV'EMENT. i . -.-. We Cannot Afford to Let This Great Work for Our Children Fail The. Dalles Community Service J. T. ROKICK, Chairman jfciv