The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 15, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Ten for 10 cents. Handy
size. Dealers carry both.
10 for 10c; 20 for 20c.
It's toasted.
Jjw This tnr-
Licensed To Wed A marriage 11
censevas Issued today to Otto M.
.l'HiihV'aS, ff I'owell Butte, Ore., and
Ada Mao- Rears, 19, of The Dalles.
.Attend U, of O. Commencement
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Ward motored
to Portland yesterday. From there
(boy, will go to Salem and then to
'Kugeno to attend the commence
ment programme of (he university.
Their son l'dward Is a member of
the graduating class.
G. A. R. Vets in Pendleton -Tine?
"local veterans of the Civil war are
In Pendleton today, nt tending the
lOtlr annual state encamiinient of
. this grand Army of the Ilopublio.
' They are: .1. At. Patterson, 1). J.
Cooper and 1. O. Davis. They ox
lieet to let urn to this city 'Friday.
Attending Lutheran Convention
Kev. U". 1. ICt-k left last nfclit for
Hjioknno to attend Hie annual conven
tion, of the Pacific Synod of the Unit-
. eil Lutheran church. .Mr. ICcl; Is secre
tary of this S.' nod and president of
. the hoard of missions covering the
toriltory ot Oregon, Wanhinglon, Ida
ho and ISritish Culumhia.
- Coos to New Position .Mt. Cliase,
former agricultural agent -of Wasea
county, lei I Tuesday evening for
,i'j".iraiitic, Wyo,, to assume , his new
duties ar, rtate club leader under ''the
extension v.'m'i of the Wyoining agri
cultural college. Chain) had consider
able ' experience in slate club wo-k
among boys and girls in Oregon, and
is resuming a lino of endeavor in
'which ho has been very successful.
Chaise was agricultural agent in Was-
,-,co couniy lor inrec years, resigning
"'Id1 lake-up wheat farming, leasing llio
ilorbort ICgberl ranch, lie decided to
quit funning and' return to the stale
'woi I; this ..pi'itig.
w.Ticning tor riiurcerors Liuei oi
Police Knmk Heater is today search
'ins all trains lor i-oiue trace of two
aimed buboes who last night shot and
killed Kailroad Detective Phillips in
Portland. Heater received word of the
iHlIing thin morning from Hie Portland
police. Detective Phillips is bald to
have come upon the two tramps as
they weiu in the aj of breaking into
a freight car standing in t ho Albina
yards. Accoiding to the report recoil
ed from Portland, the, detective then
'"attempted to arrest the two men, who
shot and fatally injured Hie special of--Heor
in the scuffle- that followed. The
murderers are thought to have made
their escape on an outgoing freight
train. '
J Latest iln Auto Cods The latest
in aijtonn'ibile traveling equipment,
iivonjcd, by Vernon .1. Brown, a
iJoiUiind Alocfor, passed through The
Dalle's this' morning enrouto (o Yol
Iowstoiie National park, where Mr.
and Mrs. Brown and a friend, Mrs.
Jay Knapp, expect to spend several
weeks. The new invention is noth
ing more than an automobile top
witli two uiiiilv berths built into it.
It tak- s the place of the regular
Up and la high enough to clear the
heada of the passengers In Hi" car
with case. The entire arrangement
Is fastened to projecting rods run
nlng underneath the automobile, to
the top of Hie windshield posts and
to the top of the rear seal of the
car. When the automobile Is stop
ped, I mice rods are let down to the
ground suppoiling the top and two
beds wliile Kinvas wings, kept lolled
ui) during driving, are let down to
give privacy. The new auto camp
bed is not on the market, as yet,
but will probably sell for about $2(.m,
the Inventor believes.
Toy Airplane Patented A patent
has Leon granted to Robert L. d'ar
risk of this city for a new toy air
p'nne, invented by him. The air
plane, whien Is constructed In the
lonn of a gilder, is launched by
means of a spring gun, which sends
Hie miniature airplane through the
air with considerable forco. Parrisb
is undecided whether to undertake
the manufacture of the airplane him
self or accept an offer .which lie
has received from an eastern toy
iiianulactuier, who would undeitake
th? manufacture of the new toy upon
a royalty basis.
Kent Elevator Bankrupt The Ore
gon Journal (Portland) carried the
following news item Tuesday: "The
Kent Elovator company of Kent, Sher
man county, was adjudged a bank
rupt Monday in Hie federal court pnd
the cace turned over to Referee A.
M. Cannon for ditiposllion. In the vol
untary petition which was filed by J.
M. Wilson following a meeting oi the
company officers on June :, the lia
bilitie3 arc given as $51,265.11 ant'
the assets as $70,;i7G.7G. The liabilities
consist mainly of taxes, wages, lent
and noles due to banks, farm machine
companies and farm supply houses
A?3etc include giain, machinery office
furniture and a few notes. Wilson at
tached a note to the petitions after
he had them filled out in which lie
states a considerable shortage in the
I wheat in the elevator bins- appeared
r.iiice ho prepared ills schedules, lie
ji-aid lie wa,s unable to inform the
court as to Hie exact shortage,
Columbia Continues Drop The Co
lumbia liver today continued its
steady decline, this morning's gov
ernment reading showing the water
at N).S feet, a drop of .1 of a foot
iluring the last Ul hours. Business
houses along Second street are still
unable to make use of their base
ments, however. The water will have
to get below the 10 foot- mark ba
lore the majority of basements are
dry again, merchants report. II, it.
Kancher lias a pump going at The
Dalles garage, keeping the water
Ijvel down as tar as possible in order
to save valuable machinery, too
heavy to move, from being damaged
by rust. One strange tiling about
the flood is the manner in which
t ho seepage water, that which Is
flooding Hie basements, is acting.
Last night, the basement of the Par
lor grocery was almost completely
dry. This' morning, .with the river
still going down, the basement has
more water in it than ever. Water
in the numerous pools" in low points
near the tracks, is ulso still coming
up, despite the fact that its source,
the Columbia, is rapidly going down.
C. II. Mage, of Mosler was in the
city yesterday on business.
Misa Flela Chancy returned today
from a visit to Hood River.
Mrs. V J. Legg or Portland Is
visiting her sister, Mr3. W. (1. Woods.
R. J. (!ieenleeof Boyd was in the
city yesteiday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kirk, accom
panied by Mrs. W. A. Klrby, motor
led to Portland Monday.
Paul W. Chllders returned yestei
day from a business trip to Poit
land and Salem.
Mrs. Jessie Calkins of Moro is shop
ing In The Dalles today.
Marvin W. Bovans of Stevenson i3 a
Lusinesa visitor in The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brown of Walla
Walla are registered at Hotel Dalles.
iMr. and Mrs. R. R. Hinlon of Shan
iko arc shopping here today.
O. V. MaePherson of Boardinan, is a
business visitor in the city today.
R. K. Wilson of Maupin 13 a guest
at Hotel Dalles.
Xira. Kred Collins of Condon is vis
iting with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. ShnsV Hcpp
nor are visiting witli friends in The
Dalles today.
!Mr. and Mrs. W. I.. McCutcheon of
Hood River are visitors in The Dalles
Miss Clara Williams of the Kiglil
Mile district was in the city yes
terday. J. C. Egbert wenj to Portland yes
terday to attend the pioneer meet
ing. iMiss Margaret Gates returned
from Willamette university yester
day, for her summer vacation.
Jtcv. T. A. Schoenbcrg of Portland,
field missionary of tlio Lutheran
church for Oregon, Is visi'ing at the
homo of Rev. W. I. lick.
Mis Annie Jlardie, who has been
visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. I. Diitliie,
returned to her home in Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cher.ebro re
turned to Monmouth yesterday after
upending a week In The Dalles, visit
ing witli their daughter, Mrs. C. R.
1 Ellis.
Mrs. MSHSSa Kllngcr and Mrs. W.
11. Williams of Dufur were in the
city yesterday, enroule to Portland
to attend the pioneer meeting there
Rev. E. N. Ixing returned yester
day from Salem and Falls City,
wjieie he had been visiting tor se
era! days.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Piper ol Tekoa,
Wash., reUirnetl to I heir home yes
terday utter vlfitlng i.Mr. Piper's
mother. They are tot met" residents
of the city.
(Continued I-rom I'.mko 1.)
do you thin'.t I am a cockroach?''
Jlc freely admitted that he had sent
the trunk containing the $112,1100 to
his rather-in-Iaw's home, but he would
not acknowledge that ho actually ex
ecuted the holdup. He said a "big
mistake had been made," and that
everything would be explained at the
proper time.
"I'm holding thn sack for someone
else." he said. "I can explain all this.
I'll explain it all. It's why. it's noth
ing at all. If there's an thing wrong
about It, why, you know, I'll take all
the blame myself."
Positive proof that .Murphy not only
engineered the Dearborn street sta
tion theft, but also the $1 00,000 Pull
man station robhory of last August, is
in tin government's hands, accord
ing to federal authorities.
One question remains, they say. to
complete Hie solution of the Dearborn
s-.tation robbery. Someone with an in
timate knowledge ot tho federal re
serve bank, from which most of tho
.fUiiO.OOO in currency and bonds was
being shipped, "tipped off" tho .Mur
phy gang that the consignment was
being sent out. Who was ho? Federal
officials have long suspected that an
"inside man" has been giving Hps to
the perpetrators of a long series of
middle wort mail robberies.
In his- confession, "Big Tim's" chauf
feur named, besides Murphy. 'Peter
and himself, Vincenzo Cosmano, "Big
'Phil's" right hand man, (leorgo M.
lleckor, alias Bradford, one lime rail
way pout office clerk, an escaped pris
oner from the United Stale discip
linary barracks at Fort Leavenwortii,
Sam Simon, a peddler, Peter (liiesen
berg, a city employe, and three other
The robbery, lie said, was planned
in .Murphy's ofllce In (he headquarters
of the gas wot ken.' union.
nig Tim, iciierai otiicials say, has
one chance In a million of escaping a
long term in prison.
"Big Tim" seems to realize II.
It's Uncle Sam, now see?
Dance Tonight
Chenowilh grove open air pa; II ion.
1.00, including war lax. V
Danes Postponed
Because of the coal weather to
night's daiK.o at Thornton's lakes
bus been postponed until Saturday
night. 15
at ;
Auction Sale
;0S East Third street, two doors
of Dalles Meat company, Saiur
June IS, consisting of I'd no,?
r-ern, 20 mattresses, bed springs,
beds, rugs, pillows, comforters
many other articles too nunier
tomention. Sale to commence at
in. .1. C. Thrall, auctioneer. 17w21
Ruth inado his eighteenth run
off Red Faber in Chicago.
Jim Vaughn won his seventh
.traight game beating tho Braves
1 to 0. The Cubs got only H hits.
Ford Roadster Specials
FORD ROADSTER Dcm. wheels, extra good
(ires, Ilassler Shock Ab
sorbers, good top, new
paint $245.00
FORD ROADSTER Motor and transmission
just completely overhaul
ed $215.00
FORD ROADSTER 1 02 0, starter, Oldfield
Cord tires on rear, Ilass
ler Shock Absorbers. A
Gannett Motor Co.
a Authorized
Opposite Postoffice The Dalles, Ore.
Wash Suits
With the little youngster's clothes having to be
washed so often you must be sure that they are of
good material to stand these frequent tubbings.
Kaynee wash suits are made of the best materials.
They can even be boiled without fear of the colors
fading. They're made on smart lines and carefully
finished to save mending.
May we show you our attractive assortment of
Kaynee wash suits? The individual, smart styles
of these little garments will delight you.
We also have the famous Tom Sawyer and Paul
Jones wash suits. Ages 2 to 8.
Prices $1.75 to 5.00
Koveralls $1.00
Wash and Straw Hats 50c to $3.00
"When lou Think Dru Goods -Think,
The Little House with the 1JKJ Pictures
Now Playing and Tomorrow
Diamond Trio
Feature Picture
"The Hidden Code"
Manager Hoisted of The Liberty Theatre, Hood River, played
this act at house breaking records and has given them a re
turn date.
Do you know that '1500 cubic feet of air 20 degrees cooler than' the out
doors will enter the Casino Theater during these hot summer afternoons
and evenings?
Maurice Tourneur's
Latest and Greatest Production
A great big Demille type of picture
Foolish Matrons"
D. W. Griffith's
"Love Flower
Ry popular demand we are bringing (this master piece of eighth art back
to The Dalles after a three day run, and over 1500 people witnessed this
wonderful production of Mr. Griffith.
Music score will be played by a seven piece orchestra directed by F. J.
This time this picture will be played ;il no advance in admission' so all
may see.
Thos. H. Ince's
Mother O'Mine"
Watch for new announcement of new picture contracts.