" .x-H-wr.r THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 15, 1921. I - - -i t- m finite Ik ft Kitchen Kumfort WITH THR New Perfection Cook Stove 45TH COMMENCEMENT ' AT U. OF O. NEXT WEEK Don't suffer from the heat this summer over an ordinary range. Cook in comfort with a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove. Hakes perfectly and cooks anything as you like it. Get oiii prices before buying an oil cookstove. h ,We sell Pearl Oil, the prefect fuel for any oil stove. Law. c 0 Pease Co. Bon Ami Oil Cook Stove Wiil give you a cool kitchen and save you money on your fuel. Generates gas from Pearl Oil (kerosene), mixes it with air and delivers intense heat directly against the utensil. As easy to operate as a gas range. Lot us demonstrate the Hon Ami to you. We Still Pearl Oil Carter Grocery - H. G3lw;:i & Son, Projis. Better Meals YOU don't have (o cool: the same round of dishes ov t und over to have meals on liuu. The Florence Oil Cook Stow will lift you out- of yourjeookmu rut. Because the? Florence needs little attention, it? etuy 10 regulate, and fivers arch Uq.cud nble resultr.. You are sure the meal will bu ready on time no matter what you cool;. Burna karosenc. Come into Kur n to and Icani nioi u iibuiit the i'louMice. More Moat Less Care OIL CGOK STOVES STA DELMAN-HONN HARDWARE CO. J lie M nil iii.iiil ijiuiv - J Have Your Hair Henewcd Wo '-nil give you miy shade, of hair coloring with a famous .'rauco-Anier-li'iiu lialr coloring which In .so perfect that II cannot ho detected I'loni the natural color. Hennaing also a spe cialty. All linos or beauty cult m it at the, Hotel Dalles lleauty whop. Tele phone main 4051. JH Dr. S. Utiike Massey, ilentlBt, Klrst Valional hank, rooms :iU7-:!lX. Tolo liho'iie main ;ij l J , res. niiilii 1 (',!! . Str Taxi Brown's Taxi. Teleiihone mall Mm. WEAK, WEARY WOMEN Learn Uie Cause of Daily Woes and End Them. When When When sleep, When the hack aches and throbs, housework Is torture, night brings no real nor urinary disunion :et in, Women's lot is u weary one. 1'oan's Kidney 1'llls aie for weak kidneys. Have proved their worth In Tho Dalles. Thin is one The Dalles woman's loiitlinony. Mrs. .). Hayes, 11111 .fuckson St.. says' "I know the value or Donn's Udney Pills and keep ttiein nn Hand, ly kidneys were weak und I often UK! dull backaches and felt dull and n.guld. I had no energy and head dies were frequent. My kidneys eted Irreguhuly and I knew they auped the trouble. J)oan's Kldn.iy 'ills from rir.sby's Drug Store slioti elieved all signs of kldnev double." I'rlce (!0e. at all dealers. Don't imply ask for a kidnoy remedy - net 'oau':. Kidney l'il's- the name that 1 1 s. Ilayen had. Kosler-Millnirn Co,, III.' , llutfalo. X. Y. . UNIVERSITY OF OR EC! ON, KU (J ENE, .une 15 Tho calendar or com mencement weolt of the University of Oiegon, from June Ifi to June 20, hns bnun arranged. This Is the 4."th conv inencHineni and tin; In.-gi-st elasr. in the history of the university will graduated, f'lftepn recently received degrees rrorn Hid university medical school in I'orlliind. A hundred and seventy more will leoflve degrees at Eugene. The coinnienceni'Jnt program for t lie five days Is as follows: Thursday, June 16. 8:. 10 1), m. Falling and lieeltmaii o-atorlcal contest, Villain hall. Friday, June 17. ":.",() ji. m. Flower an. I rem proecs "ion, eampu.s. S..!0 p. til. Ar-sthotle dances, campus. !i:im p. in. Twllluht concert, com bined Klee clubs, campus. Ssturday, June 18, Alumni Day. a;ilM a. m. Meetlns; or the alumni council, Johnson hall. 1 !i:::0 a. m. Meeting or tho board of indents, Johiifon 'hall. 30:oo a. in. Annual mretln;; of the Alumnae association, Johnr.ou hall. H'110 a. m. Annual nieetiii'? of the Altunill nssoflation, election of o!TI ceni, Oulld hall. Johnson hall. 1 12:00 noon. University dinner to Milium!, seniors and invited j-.ues.i men's Indoor yinnasiiitn. Special re union classer of 1SS1, KSiliJ, 1W)1, and . :!:()() to r,:00. President's leception. Alumni hall, Woman's hulldliif,'. I (!::!() )i. in. Special reunion class dinner. I Slot) p. m. Commencement .plm, "Disraeli," by Lois I'arltur, Vlliard hall. Sunday, June 19. 11:00 a. m. H'lccalauifale serinnir, Vli'Kll V, Johnson, '!KI, C'lifti'al secre tary of the National Association ol' Travidern' Aid societies. Flr.:t M(;tli odlsl church. 1 :.'!() p. in. Sacred concert under tho dlroclion of the school of muidc, VII Hard hall. Monday, June 20. 10:00 a. m. Commencement addrops. E'.lKar 1!. I'lper, editor of the fort, land Oreaoninn, "Acadeinle Ktecdom." Conferring c.f degrees on gradual Ini' class, Vlliard hall. WARTIME HARNESS CONTRACTS ANNULLED UY PRESIDENT H.V United Picks WASHINGTON. Juno IT,. Preslden' Harding, acting on an eino'wiipv rec onimendatlon today declared eon- !rac s entered into under Seeretarv o' Wjir Maker with the United Stale Harness company, null and void, Sec- rotary Weeks tinnouncKl. Tin harmv.s eon racts invo'vi' many millions of dollar wonh of mir lilus hifiiess hold bv Hie war depart niont. Ar. istant tyvrctavy of Wa Walnrishl said in u ni'innrandiiin lint the contract! seemed o have been made by former nriuy 'officers, as a conspiracy for lliolr own jjnln. NEW PERFECTI ON OIL COOK STOVES I I A Kitchen Triumph! XJmm die lavoiy delight of good cooking ! Yea know thie' everything is "done to a turn' and dclkiouily cooked on the i INcw reflection UU Cook itove. The Long Blue Cliimncy Burner gives just the right heat for all cooking purposes turns every drop of kerosene oil into clean intense heat and drives it full force, directly against the utensil. Lights and heats instantly flame stays where set no smoke cr odor. It keeps the kitchen comfortable makes cooking a delight that'- why there are already 3,000,000 mt. Ask to see a demonstration of the Long Blue Chimney Burner particularly the hWj searing flame. DOCHERTY & BARNETT Across from First National Bank Bids for Coal Sealed bids for a carlord of Koni merer coal, to bo delivered at tha city hall. The Hallos, not later tlmii I." days from acceptance or bids, will bo received by Dalles City. All bids shall lie preserved to the ci.y recorder on or borore June 'jr, vy, at 4 p. in. D. L. CATIOS, City Recorder. Dated at The Dallen, Ore., Juno 11. lDL'l. 17 June Millinery Sale or ladles' and Children's bins. Ulack's Millinery, 115' East Second'. 1' IF BACK HURTS USE SALTS FOR KIDNEY Eat Less Maat if Kldneyo Feel Lead or Bladder Bothers. . Like 1 T .T your Kitchen clean as a new pin YOU can keep it that way when you usia good oil cookstove. No drudgery no dirt. Just touch u match to the burner und you have clean intense cooking heat. To bu sure of beat results in your stove, use PearlOU the uniform kerosene. Pearl1 Oil li clean burning und eco 'nomical. It is refined and re refined by a special process. Every drop is converted in to ruul heut. Pearl Oil is for sale by dealers everywhere. Order by name 'Pearl Oil. STANDARD Oil. COMPANY (Culitotniu) Most folkn forsot that the kidneys, like tho bowels, cet sliiKKisli and cloggad and need a flushing occasion- ! ally, else we have backttclie and dull misery in the kidney tvslon, severe headaches, rheumatic twinge-!, to. Iiid liver, acid stomach, sleepless ness and all sorts of bleddor (lis orders. You simply must keep your kid neys active and clean, r.nrt the mo nient you reel an ache or pain in the kidney region, go'- about rur o.inces of Jad Salts liom any gjod drug store here, take a tablespoon tui in a glass of water before break fast for a few days and your kid nn-fl will then act line This ''nnir salts is made from the acid of era tics and lemon juice, coinbtn'-d witli lithia, and is harmless to flwii clogged kidneys and . stimulate them to noi maT activity, ft also neutral izes the acids in tho urine so k no longer irritates, (bus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is harmless; inoxpen sive; makes a delightful efferve scent lithia-wator drink 'hlch every body should .take now and then to koep their kidneys clean, thus avoid ing serious complications. A well-known local druggist savs he sells lots or .Tad Salts to folks who beliovo in overcoming kidney trouble white it is only trouble. Ad. For Cherry Picking Spruce baskets nnd Security ladders t Walther-Williams company. II J RLOIL C ND LIGHT 1 WA ' JDtiroii Vapor OilSioV 19 HOURS OF SERVICE FROM EACH GALLON OF OIL That is 1 lie record of (he RED STAR .DETROIT VAPOR OIL STOVE THE RED STAR is known for fuel economy. It gives more heat does bettor cooking and baking and uses less fuel. Gives .19 hours of finest cooking or baking heat from each gallon of kerosene. Saves-25 of the fuel usually required. . Cooks, bakes, boils or fries anything, in tho. time called fo,r by. the best recipes. Over 200,000 in use. See us for full demonstration." LANE & SEXTON