THS 2ALLSC DAILY CAT OJIC-? TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 31. PAGE FIVE DEMPSEY BESTS : UNI FRIDAY CHAMP EYES SPARRING VICTIMS, PLANNING NEXT WEEK'S SLAUGHTER. i By Henry L. Farrell f Unlttd Press Staff Cut respondent) ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., June 14 Jack Dempsuy bore up well today under the strain of doing nothing. Loafing on the steps or his Jiojs-3 here today, Jack watched his spar ring partners, Marty Duike, Jack Renault and Larry Williams, dolled to the limit of the style o: 1922, head for the board walk. "They're having their fun now." gritted the champion. "Wait until 1 1 get at them next week." I He swung his heavy left arm in a' vicious sweep to emphasize the! threat. I Manager Jack Kearns told hi?' chargu today that he could do no real work until Friday. I "If Isn't that bad eye that's keep Ing us back." Kearns said. "Jack Is uolng too line. He's down to 192, and he needed a rest. When he starts again he can go at high speed to the day ol" the fight. He won't need ten days' rest to put him In better shape than he was at To-' letlo. The hardest work permitted the cHimplen now is a brief walk. His trainers look at him suspiciously if , ha remains away Irom camp more than, an hour, fearing that he hast extended the valk allowed him. 1 CARPENTIER HARD AT WORK MANHASSET. N. Y.. June 14 Entrenched from the public eye be hind the barbed wire of his training farm once more, Georgss Carpentler began his week's real work today. Ma.Uger Farncois Descamps said today that yesterday's workout which disappointed the hundred or more' sport writers who made the hot and dusty trip to the 'farm to ses Georges stall through five rounds of desultory boxing, was put on MEETING NOTICES United Artisans Regulfjr meeting at 8 o'clock, Wed nesday, June 15, K. of P. hall, Inltir tion and nomination of olllcers. 15 St. PauIVs Guild will meet at the rectory Wednesday afternoon, -Mrs, Hairy Walther, host ess. 14 Pire Delegates Regular monthly 111061111.7, 7; 30 p. 111., Tuesday, June 14th. C. F. Condon, secretary. 14 Firemen Attention General meeting and drill, Tuesday June 14, 7:30 p. m. at city hall. All members of department requested to be present. By order, Hoard of Fire Delegates, C F. Condon, secretary. 14 ClanalNed advertlKlrir 1 cnt per worn ach' Insertion. If lnertl times or more. 3-4 'int h word. Monthly publi cation rata on application at Ihn offlcn. FOR RENT FOR RENT Five-room house, close in, Write box 20, earn Chronicle. 14 FOR RENT Apartment In the Con don building. 14 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, 115 East Second. li FOR RENT Sieeprug rooms, 508 Washington Lots or hot water. 15 FOR RENT Furnishod rooms, 210 East Fouitli sticot. 1J FOR RENT Housekeeping rojins. 221 West Fouith street. Telephone Red 1562. 16 FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, 1313 I'lne stioet. Call black 5092. . 1? FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Inquire .Mi l.iboily street Telephone led 4102. l'i FOR RENT - Throe unlumi3lie'l 1001113 upstairs. Telephone blank 4341. 18 t FoTt RENT--Three or tour unturnlsh ed housekeeping looms. 107 Union stieut. lr FOR RENT Go o 722 East Third for nicely furnislsol hoii3ckeeji'nf; 1001113. Rato3 r"i-.onable. 15 FOR RENT i-'u n-.tie'i Hpattm-jn'. cool and cieun Telopliono red 3001 It FOR SALE FOR SALE Jersey cow. Inquire 322 Calhoun or telephone black 3261 14 FOR 8A1.B Bulck four, touring car, Motor Service pnrnge. 15 merely for their benefit. He 13 not Hnxioua to woik his cherge hard these hot days, especially no Gcorse3 Is within two rounda ol the 172 he1 will carry into the rlnp aKalnst , Dempsey, but it whs "op-m house" tiny, so Carpentler was exhibited THIS TIME LAST YEAR University of California beat Rudgers 6 to 4. Braves piotested same with the Pirates. PROMOTER PICKS DEMFSEY NEW ORLEANS. La.. June 14 Dominick Toitorich. fight promoter: "1 think .Carpentler is a much bet ter man than he is generally thought to be. He has brains. Is fast and has a hard runch and that goes far to waid winning a light. Still, I think Dempsey Is tlio better man he Is much stronger and a terrllic hitter. I think Dempsey will win. though the fight may go 10 rounds. AMERICAN GIRL RUJJNERUP IN FRENCH GOLF TOURNEY KONTAINEm.EAlT. Trance, June ll-Miss Alcxa Stirling. Atlnnt.-i, eas ily won in the first round of the woman's golf championships hero to day. Miss Stirling eliminated Mile. Chassclciip Laubet. 7 to 6. Tlio Atlanta girl's iron play was the remarkable part of her exhibit ion. LEONARD BRUISED IN AUTOMOBILE SMASHUP MEW YORK, June 14 -- Henn Leonard, lightweight champ'on. and his mother. Mrs. Minnie L?inort. were slightly bruised todav when their automobile was struck by another machine driven by a mac who said he was Paul Su of Dorchester, Mass. The man Avas arrested on a charg" of having stolen the automobile. Typing and Stenography done at reasonable rates. Ko.tna A Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Res, dence phon red 2332. ti i HESE I FOR SALE Rawlelgh products. 410 West Fourth St. Black 1331. J23 FOR SALE Fresh cow with call', giv ing 4 gallons of rich milk. C L. Hazen, telephone 38F3. t FOR ISALE--Sand and gia-el. Truel service. Country trips. Oordlon itnP Van Dolah, telephone red 1J31. 30 FOR SALEFour-jear-old U-gullon rich milking Jersey cow, H.r. Just tresh. Telephone red 1161. 14 TORsXLETn:Toa7 Telephone red 4032. Call 725 Fair street. 11 (FOR SALE Resilience property and vacant lots, Easj terms. Inquire lilt Clay street. 1& FOR SALE Ten-room hotel. Inquire box f7, Kent, Oregon-. J-iO FOIt"sALE "-wo liO-gaiion wood ol' barrels. First class. 220 East Thin' street. 14 FOR SALE Horse, buggy and har ness, cheap. Joe. (lelgor, telephone 16F22. H FOR SALE We have some excep tionally good bargains In brand now steel and wood auto trailers. Wit thcr-Wllliams company. 11 FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old oak, $11 50; second giowth, $12.50. Deliv ered. Call 30F22. after 6 p. m. tf FOR S ALE-Chca p. a dandy 20-acrr. truck farm on Fifteen Mile creek, rich bottom land, improved. Terms L. A. Whltcd. route 1. Duiur, Or. 15 FOR SALE 5-room modern house, ga rage ,and sleeping porch. Close In Snrall pameni dorn, easy terms on balance, See W. R. Wohher. 20 FOR SALE Complete thrashing ma chine. 28-inch J. I Case separator nud engine Outllt in first class con dition. E. A. Read. Buick Oarage, Telephone main 021. 27tt FOR SALE Iirge and small farm und orchard tract?. Keanonabln prices, good terms, W. C- Hanaa, Dufur. Ore. I8"- FOR SALE Cheap. Two man Mc Cormlek coinhine with good engine, also horse attachment. Write W L Tyron, 50fi West Eluvontlt street, The Dalles -r FOR SALBLato model King elL'h' 1 iind Chandler touring car. Oieatlyj reduced juices. Terms if wanted j Walther-Williams company. i4 ' FOR SALE Some or tlio best lesl dence lots In The Dalles lune been, placed with us at attractive prlcci. 1 We have t-oinethlng tor ou Dalles J Rcaltj cjuipans. black 5H01. FOR SALE A pniebied Keuiucky Jack, Ct years old, lfil handB. a real facrirlce. Will take a good used Dodge or Chevrolet. Some terms For particulars write J. E, Ham-burton, Orlley, Ore. 17 lEPllullCIS FIGHT OVER PATRONAGE By L. C. Martin j fUntttd Piosb "'tnff rVrrecondent) ', WASHINGTON. June 14. Collec tion of "promissory notes," IssueJ , by some enthusiastic politicians bo j fore, during and after the republican 'convention last June Is causing 'trouble In republican party circles. I These "promissory notes" were In fact vague assurances of federat Jobs. They were not made in a way to violate the Federal corrupt prao tlccs act, but apparently many work ers took them to be good and are now holding the milkers for piy mont. That. In substance, is the bottom of tlm situation which was exempli ficd In the (piatrel between Sena'or Fiellnghuysen of Nnv Jersey and Attorney General I)augh"rty over patronage. As explained by republican poll tielans here, too many piomlses wore ntule by too many poisons. These promises weio mostly vague and were born perhaps ol' tlm en thusiasm of the moment. Hut now It develops that a good many more folks have expectations than then; j aro places. uaugucrix, as itcskiciu iianungs chief political advisor, has been more or less In charge of the pi" counter. He has been of course In sole charge of the many federal Judgeships, district attorneyships, and U. S. marslialshipa which conic Safe Milk For Infante & Invalids NO COOKING Tho "Food-Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch at Home, Office,.! Fountains. Ask for HORLICfCS. lepAvoid Inritalions Substitute FOR SALE 30 aeies, 3J miles from ' Friend. 7A miles from Dntur on FIM teen Mile, five-room house, large, barn; thieeacre lamlly oichurd. j A. Taj lor, 7R35 Foster Road. Port laud, Ore. If' j FOJt'SALE -7-i-ooin house on Calhoun'! street, garden.' bai 11, chicken house.! fruit trees, lawn, lot 50x120. $2.0. j terms. We also have lots on Jiloveiilh sheet at reasonable prieer.. DAH.V1ELLE BROTHERS 14 FOR SALE Riled hay and grain. Wn deliver any place in tow.11. One homo, weight 1750. 7 years old Guaranteed. Will sell or tradf for cattle. One team, weight 2100 Sound and gentle. O. K. Feed barn. Julv2 FOR SALE OR TRADE Fully equip ped, sheep li;;ht, 900 acre wheat and stocl. ranch, on creek, with plenty of alfalla, one hull mile from school, 7 miles from county :;al, snvon-rnon house, plenty of barns, etc. Wb:i' have you. Box SR. Ileppner, Ore 15 FOR SALE- Bids will be received In the board of trustees, Mo' hod 1st church, for the. sale ol dwelling used as the paisonag", at Third and Union streets. Building can be ex amined at any convenient time by j Interested parlies. The board truer ves the right, to reject any and nil bids, should they prove nnsatlsfiie tory. W. E. Ollhousen, chairman committee. 17 VaN I ED WANTED Woman for housework. 'Apply Norman Cioam company. l"i WANTED A piano box. Call or write, 1112 Pino street. 11 vvVVNTED Man ami wife vati Job as cooks on taneh or In camp. Writ" box 55, care Chtonlcle, 1: WANTICD Strawberry pl'-k-r'. Wiite for Information. Eleven auroir fieorge W. Collins & Sons, Under wood, Wash & COVER & ! j IT" PRINTED Booklets and Circulars will Sell Your Goods JConie to Us CHRONICLli ruauiSHING CO. w m "r . aw V "''0... undei the department of Justice. He has In some eases npp'iintnd men wher selection was a giea ilhnp polntment of otht ippttbllctin poll ticlans, who bad ghen other can dlilap r. nssuraii'-cs. Aricr It became '.tinvn that Fre lingh.iysen and Dangherty had hot words In Daugherty's orflco over New Jeisry patronag many rcpubll can members of const eo't be-jan o discuss their differences with Daugli-erty. WANTED Chcm plckera about June 14 or 15. For dot'iiHe date teleplu-ni iiF4. F. J, Thomas, l.iif W.ANt"ed" PoTlTl kn 1 " as" "7raetT(Ml tin; so. ConlincmiMil eases prclcrred. Mis. D. A. Coinwell. blacl; 4791. 10 LOST OH KOUND LOST Lady'.", coat and man'. co-it I between Mosler and Rowena. Tele J phone .1. J. Fleck. 15 1 IA)ST B7a7irTwnb7f 7fh j F. M. L containing salety razor I mid women's lingerie, between Ty'i .Valley and Tim Dalles. K lound j notifv The Dalles (". Reward. I5w24 FOR TRADE FOR Tit A DH- Five room modern house and lot In Portland for home or acreage In The Dalles. Write box 77, caio'Chniuiele. lli LOANS MONEY TO LUND -To owners ol riieni.'U-lth Home tracts or other good proper! v lor building put poses. W. F. Ollehe'l. 1 03 Washington street. 17 MISCELLANEOUS TUANSFI5R AND KXI'RKSB Furnl turn and piano moving. Freluhl hauled and general ezpresn bunt nrsn. 'I'olei'linnea Stand, red 101; residence black 1352. J E. Honzle. Illf IIIO.MSTITOIIINO I'leot edging Mis I. M. Boolhbv. 308 Washington r,(ie()l, 'J'oleplionn 'main fir.Rt. If FDRNISUICD ROOMS of the desir able fort, ate In active demand. Mary people have recently moved- -perhaps going to houses or apirt nieiitx where tier, have no space to spare Former furnished 100111 ten Jiita are looking euro more for de sirable qijst ler Have yon anything to offer tliein 1 Toll about it In a Chronl'-lii Want Ad Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays 17.11 Vogt Blk Over Crosby's COM)ENDALIC YAKIMA AND ALL 10 A SHORN WASHINGTON POINTS Are leached the easiest by way of Gfants an! Maryhill on the MAIiYHIlX FERRY New Eight-car Ferry No Backing to Board Boat A 10 mile paved road connects Maryhlll and Go'dendale New Railroad Crossing Have Your Hair Renewed We can give you any shade of halt coloring with a famoti3 Franco-American hair coloring which la so perfect that it cannot bo detected from the natuinl color, Hennaing also a spe cialty All lines or beauty cultuie at the, Hotel Dalles Heauty shop. Tele phone main 4051. II' Hood Rivet Columbia Gorge 'uiil plans annex and number of i:p--i on grounds. i:i:i:i:ii.!:!::i!,,.t,J SUMMER EXCURSION RATES To Eastern Points Through CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCKIES Tickets on sale June 1st to A ii mist, lfit.h inclusive. Lim- A B V y . V . V V it three months from date nf snln with final return limit October 31st. For full particulars write, telephone or call at office. t Canadian Pacific Railway E. E. Perm, Gen'l. Ant., Paos. Dept. D5 Third St., Portland Oregon Re RING SPECIALTY SHOP Hemstitching, plcot edging, dress making. 21SJ East Third street,- Con don building. Telephone black 5211.7 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS I- Portland-Tho Dulles Truck Service tlcneial freight hauling. Leaves Portland 2 p. m. Leaves The Dalles, 1:30 p. in. Daily smvice. The Dalles 1 telephone red ('.741. Portland tele phones. Marshall 1355 or east 3900. .117 Maud Milburn Sftilw li Teacher of Plnno, Harmony and Theory. Lnschotlzky method. Special alien Hon given to beginners. Summer term opens Juno 15. Phone red 3491. Stu dio 1000 Fulton street .120 PIANOS TUNED Jtna repaired, ac tion tegulatlng and reflnlshlng. Player actions a specialty. Work gnataiitecd. S. A. Dockstador. Cor ot Music store. 320 Fad Second street. Telephone main mil . tf FORD SpttciiiliitHe Whitney P,pair Shop 709 East Second fit. WW! Tirnnclk Lamift Freight and expti.s between The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all wav pjlnts Leave The Dalles, 0 a tn dally except Sunday. Leave Moro 1:30 p, in. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m I). M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone b'.aei- l'UV or main 471. tf LUC1LE CUMMINS Teacher of Piano Studio at r. 1 ;t Union xlieet. phone black 0001. Tele. ! .120 Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eynsiftht Specialist and Evening by Appointment Drug Store Phone Black 1111 No Sand FOR SALE -A DAY! And the price is willingness to try a new method. Instead of a day of hard manual work with the family washing or of dreary superintending of a "wash-woman," you can buy yourself freedom for a day by bundling up that wash, hand ing it to our representative and get ting it back on time with all the work done beautifully. And when you figure up the cost, you'll find it costs you no more than a woman would. You've bought a day for nothing! Start saving time this week ! MODEL LAUNDRY Orchard Ladders We have a complete stock at reduced prices. It will pay you to see us before you buy. MANCHESTER MFG. CO. POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCIH1KUL Lessons by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist tf I VENZ BAUER (leiieral real ostute,, nnn loans. 1004 East Second street, ToIp phone main 1571. 2Stl LEGAL NOTICES. Notice for Bi)5 for O. L. Grltqn niact 11 , ,.. I nl... ....Ilu f,,.. I tl mm:ip l .iilllll) ,,, 1 i.l.j I'Min .... ..v.... .. iMiIh for riiiiIIiik (if the (1. L. (iilffln rtmo, rnsiiiriy item AiuiiciirHU'i iiim, n (llHtiuicc et :i-t of 11 mile. All liiils of 111 II liu 011 iiiiiiimiI hlank which will he ruriilxhi'il upon iiplicii I Ion hv the 'oimty Itomlinnster The hicc- IrlciltlODR llllltlH llllll OHtllllllteil fof this itnprovfinenl me on (lie In the office of County Clerk of W'iikco County, Ore con. nnil nlso with P. V Alnrx, Coun ty ItomliiMHter at his offh-e In cloiinty Court HoiiM1, The Dnllt-s, ClicKon, mul snhject to Inspection, The woik will don In ncconliiniKi with the nbovn nientloneil plans und siit'cUlcallnnH tin Dr. Geo. F. Newhouse Eye Specialist We ht equipped to give your eyes the very boat of car. Bfs tested. Olassra grounrl. Second and Washington Street 1-7 -, - ,- , . I The Dalles WOOD ARD & T A USC HER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kind of Tile and Cement Work. Plreplacq Work a Kpeclalty Estimates furnished free of cliargi. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main C'llil o,- Call at Gates Block Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at (iienn's Pain! Istorc Main 3721 Residence Phont Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CRANDAM, UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The I. Ill O O. OFIANOAI.L, MjiM'j.r ll!rt Ttinnias, Aitittmt Mn.ij'r I vtwsrA Gmbalmrrt, Ctlilltiirl 197 Wnmni Attendant Telephones Mrs, M, J. Wlllerlon Day Red .191 Tclcphont Red 1781 Night Rad S9S J, H. Harper, Black 2152 Motor Equipment I tier inn siiporvinion aim directum ui I the Comity ItoiulmHstcr. All IiIiIh nniHt bo nccoinpinled by a certified check for S percent of the mniMint of the hid, to be forfeited to' Wasco County in case such bid should he accepted turn the hinder should fail to enter Into contract, und bond for the faithful ixTfoi inimcc or the work. All lhls should ho scaled nnd filed with the County Clerk on or before the 15th ilny of June, ISL'l. All bids will be opened by the County Court fit 10 o'clock 11. 111, on wild date. U'nsco County reserves the, right to reject iiny end fill bids. Dated this. 1st dny or June. A. D., 1021. W I.. CHICIITON, 14 County Clerk. E. C. PRICE Kegtaftcirefd! Airclhiaftcft 501 First National Bank Bldg. The Dalles, Ore. 16tf Dalles Dufur Cut Flowori