PAQE FOUR THE HAULER DAILY CHRONICLE. TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1321. THE DAILY CHRONICLE BaUbllahed 1890 The Dalles, Ore. Published Every Evnnlne Except Sunday by the Chronicle Publishing company Inc Ben K. Lltfln -.Ucnernl Manager Entered In ccond class The Dalles matter. postofflcu as I United Press and United News Service Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations BACK TO THE OLD .SWfKiMir HOLE DAILY CHRONICLE BY Ona year, In advance Biz months, In advance One month DAILY CHRONICLE One year. In ndvunvn Biz months, In advance. One mouth CAHRIER G.OO 3.tUI BY MAIL S5.U0 2,50 WEEKLY CHRONICLE One year, In advance 12 In ordering clmngo crib i: r should always new address. of addrcrin, give old ua sub-well TELEPHONES Editorial Hooms Tllnck ill Business, Adv.. Clr. Dcpts lted 111 Subscribers to the Chronleln are guar nteed service. Prompt and regular de livery of every subHctllier's paper Is the Im of the circulation department. The Chronicle carriers are requited to put the pupers on the p irch or whetever tin UDlcrlber wishes Mitt paner delivered. MISQUOTED II is an easy tiling for si man In get Ji on his feet md expound be lori; :i crowd of people when lit knows tin- crowd Is willi li I aim. It. is something else lor lilm to Ken nil Hint lit lias set down in the prints of the world lor everyone, in eluding those who do mil sympn Ihlze wllh Ills views Hi nil, to rend. Quite ollen it is Hie i.lilgt Including the. moat fashionable nntl .cliiiv-' ( li cit s, peril i- to picnic atnld the heather, nnd to use their tirtii utitotm biles, f arrl:i';of or otlie (tniveyaiues. ns K.-andHKinds. Kins (ieorge, ucconipi'.nieti h Quern Mary, . the Prince of Wales, Dnk of York, jl'iince H"tir and Princess .Mary, to , Kctlie wltli the whol.' fourt, tlidV lit) state ir ni Witiilsor Ca"tin, wlur. family is Htnyinj; for the royal week. Mnny vuluitlile prizes' will he com petetl for tlttrins the four days rae itiK and th" bt'Kl in Knsiatul will runners. The jiilncipal imchh todny tlit- Ascot gold vaso (prciented by the kins, a liatiilsomo trophy valued at 1.000 pounds,) a weight the six race over two nnJ a (pinrt r in'lcs, "the Ascot stakes, worth 1,200 r ttnds, a hanaica'i over two miles: and the Coventry stake.. etiiilm value 1.U00 p(iui:tiH. he !imnn"Hl the I Veaf-oltls, over fiVt! lor r lassie fntlonps. t wo- Dr. S. nurfcn Massoy, dentlnt, Klrst N'at tonal bank. ro'ms :!07-:i'lJi. 'I'e!e phone n;ain .".all, if... innin 1i',!U X'f of iineliiployineiil. the HrowiiiK ttMi t!; ney toward "open nhops" and the iMltlltiK tlnv. ii of wtnes. fjoinper.s iiiiiilesti( nably represents j tile ,t-0lise-.1.llive willK of tile fed eiallon, uHIioiikIi Ms stand lias ion ol cl'irn been any t liint.: hut eonserva-i loseup of Harding Portrays Gracious, Sympathetic Figure ANNOUNCING TUK OPENING OF Located with The Dalles Meat Company all tle hern in tlio such men to say Hint they were misquoted; Hint the piess mports were eirbled. This niparehtly was the cotnse taken by Admiral Sims in biilldhiK up his line of defense lor the ex planations he must make when lie luces Secretary of Hie Navy Denhy I'The report of sliileiuents is ineor tect niiil Inferi'tiily wionj;," Sims' mefisnge to Dtnby is reported to have said. If Sims was mtviiuotcd, that at leasf a dozen- reporters misunder stood him, lor all I he press asso ciations with lepiMuentatlves on the other sldo roportitl in substance Identically Hie same lemarks. Moreover, the London newspapers whose snrihes are notorious in the publication world tor their painltil and detailed acc.iraey, also cK-dllcd the admiral as classing Amci leans who sympathize with Hie Sein l''eln ilioveinent In Ireland with "J..el usses." It's hard to believe that newspapermen could ha 1 wronK wllh Sims ulnae heini; rl'ghl. On Hie other hand it Is very rca sonuhle to think Dial Sims, living true to his pro-'Kiusllsh expressions of the Inst 2f yearn, ilid say Just the very IIiIiiks creililctl to hint. Just now the Sell. I'eln movement is one of the hijw:'"l issues hal'llinK' John Hull, and anything that liollr.-is John seems to bother Sims aceoid iiiKly. Admiral Sims mm i el lie behind Hit) old refuge of public, men and nay that he was iiitstiuotcd. lit1 uiav not iiway witli 11, so lar as the (iov eminent Is couetuned Hut II'h a 10 to one shot tlnii he'll never sit" any or the aguniiles tlial "misipiolcil" him for libel. Th-. libel law was made for Just suflL cast s too. Th" libel law hewt ver is so so- cuif-iy InKralnetl into a newspaper-1 iiiiui's lining that u lespousitile man never trifles with It. lining London correspondents for ngenilcs supply ing hundreds of papers Hie news lor' millions of readers, It is tiltc likely j the newspapermen voce lesponsihle. j Anil being I espoiislhle, thej wele careful to sec that Hie admiral was correctly nuoletl. o GOMPt.tS AND DEN VEK tive for employeik, willi whom he hu'tled, fii;inpers has been largely r sponsible for Hm bl;;li iiosilionw-il-lellled by Hie feileration, and uiiilei los diiectiou and unswerving c.,n t (! labor is helieved to have gained ar liitjle in the last score ol yeais Hum it would have achieved had mole abrupt, aggressive tactics been i-lideavoied, Samuel Compels iias not saiil lie vonld pull out I'ioiii Hie feileration leatlership this year. He lias wel coined hat He before, nnd lias always been vicloilous. Tie greatest fight in fedemtlon history is appareiill I rowing. Will Hie wljy ohl Veleiall of Imllistrial struggle lor 10 yours win onl, or Is lie willing to turn over the lelgns lo a younger man'.' Will Denver be his final Wie-r loo, even as it was Hie nceun ,'' his Initio of I.elpsicV PflESIDENT NOT SENSATIONALIST, BUT IS PARTY LEADERS; GIVES AUDIENCE TO JOYS SOCIAL LIFE. NOT DOMINATED EVERYONE; EN- BY LOOKING 'IJACKWAKI) (l-roni The Chronicle, .lime I I, ISIIO.) There is said lo lie a very large amount ol snow in Hie region of Hie upper Columbia. The gi eal , volume ol Denver Is tin' only ctl In which the Auieilcnn l-'etlerallon of Labor lias met where Samuel Hoiupers, vet eiau leader of union lahoi In the United States, has been tleleated as tlio uaudltjate lor picsldcii! .Will coalition ol political anil rad ical elements of labor in tint con vention now meeting In Denver bJ strong ciinurh to put Hoiupers out, ih he was beaten -7 .wars ago'.' St long sentiment cvisiN in the jiiescnt convention foi the mittcntlng of the man who Im guided the fed crut Ion's destinies for more than a quarter of a ceniur.t. John M. Lewis, president of the mine workem, young nntl rutlli-uhmii . 1h the slau tin nl bearer of the elements which would defeat Hie 7 1-year-old (ioiup- There are inanv In organized labor who leseiited Hoinperii' actlvt war work daring the lute contllct, and lie was openly ucuuucd iioui many angles at Hie Toronto conwmllou of standing In with capitalistic inter eats, j (outliers has restrained the toiler at Ion from going to bat tor certain union organizations who xtiuck In vlolntjon of contract with eiuploor ilnrlng lhj' .nLJ,ir ir"'-'"'1 "',, ,war, nnd bitter oiUKislilon has m iUlted. That l ho nreseiit ronvenilou may tlovelop Into a blltet stniggle he tween the radical and I ho hocalletl conservative. I'aoiloiis of the teder ullon is vtiy pitibable, The split over procedurii on the part of labor against cinplnyurH lt greater now (ban ever before, sentiment having cryetallucd inn last wiMur btcauto the ilse of the Snake i oviy mi ilia' liuusuall high water is scarcely to be feared. The rher is about on a stand still. There Is'an air of suppre.-j-ie I excite inenl in mililia circles al Hie picscut Hint1 ami Hie hoys are on ipil vivt of ::!iilicipailon over the Astoria Iro-i- bles, Olilerr. originally given for e;i campmeiil tit Hood liiver have boon cancelled. Caplain Levi Clitlsman os teiilu.v icceiveil a supply of webbed jcnrlridgo helth. and il is'ptoliulile Hint lie lias orders to supply thorn lo ill Ills companies. The waul meetings last night in sulted III Hie st leelion ol the lollowin-; named gentlemen for our coming conn clltuen and witter eoiumlssinnei s : first watd, councilman, Harry Clougli; commissioner, 'I'. .1. Soni'eri; second ward, councilman, Henry Kucl;, coin inlssioiicr, Hugh ChiKniaii ; third waul, councilman, Charles Champl'ii, coilltulKslonor, Joseph 'I'. I't'ler;'. It has been agreed upon between Superintendent Troy Shellej and C. I, jlillbert, superlllli.udelil-idecl. to hold iionual liisiiiuie in 'I'lio Dalles, be ginning .) nl 1-", and coin inning loin wetilis. 'Past lititleicpiioit" was iinjcted b a large audience at Hie new 'og, The alt r liiHi eenlng. The tetnper.mi e drama has tin Interest lug phu, rah laleil to hhow tlio ileinorall.iug elleclrf of lltiior. hoih morally nnd ph sic.illv The cast a:t a whole gave a er go" I illterprelallou of Hie pla w lien M i consldiiioil that in nearly oeri In sliince It w;is I lit lr fir -i appear. itn before the footlighls. A to lire leatl:i- role, tal.en by I'rtiftM.tu- TraM.-. to flaw could he deiccie.l Principal sue pott was assumed by tjeorge K S'ew tut. "Alajor DiMIJB." Ii Mr K II Met rill ami Ihe comedy putts In Me (! A. ami Charlch Clnt'lie .ind Mi lo!i. Ilarttiiitl idlcited ipucli I'avoiable con. nieni. JesHle" w.i i.ipltally taken it, Mint. Peatl Dean Miss Mabel Itlddel! inatle a ilechleil hit In the more eoim cat Mitiiatious An important pan a-. ably hiislained by Mrs J I." Dean. H. C. L.lVT URA2IL lly United Tieae lill) DH JANKIIil). June II de .laueriii Is Jum H'aitlng Its pretentloitii swat at the II C I. ntniketH are helng install. -il in public xipmi'cs ihi'otiliout Hie Ry Robert J. Bender (L'ultt-il New stuff i 'in i i-Fpuiiili'iit) WAKIIINHTDN, June II. "No- I boys. I don't wain to eh 'til you. I'm golu.-; lo tell vou ell that can be sa.'l about the subject lor the motnen'. Vou will understand why I can't go hevond what I am go'ng to : ay.'' II is President llardlnn levea'iii', iilmscll to newspaper correspondents in Hie must si rlkins .characlerisHc h" pus-.', tsch as chief oxecillive ol the itation deallnrr fairly, ami at Hut i.amc lime, ct naerva" ively with the prniilt ms in hand. Alter llttie tiionllis in Hie White lit, Hie presPienl has pioved an I ti teres: in;; Mudv in lilliiiau ipMitre. pl'lucipally becuu.'.e h Is so human lie lr, not a dytiamo. Ho will mil, dur ing his lurm of office,' produce any iipeclaciilar Ha.-.lies of lire. Il is ex tremely doiili I ul that he will tin tiiiy tliin.V si iicallonal lli doe ai't wor'; t'lai way. When he is' con 1 1 tinted wi.h a iimstion lie sludie.i ii seriously, counsels with bin advlaors ant then mal-e.'i up ill. mind. , j There can lie no doubt, after lliete first three months, ilia! Hauling make.; up his own iiiinil. Duriir; Hie campaign li'.s opponents I opu.itetlly de claim! II would be made up for him lit a tcpitblic::!! senaloiial clliiue of in fluent 'at. No'hing has transpired 'o date to confirm the;- nnd Hie general f'.mll ha; been a vl;Iosprcad feeling of t onl'ideiice, tiiliauceil, til ctiur. e, be cause of I lie uncerlaln'y which was piovnlont In the country owing to Ihe lii"t thai ilaidlng wn.t mil so promi nent a lL;iire n.t othets In l he rep,ibli can party. liaitlltig. if Hie oliae. vat Ion of nit" wlio iias olirervcd lilm at clone range lince he took oll'iee can be logarded as lelluhle, is I tying to do his best "ri:;li;eou.;l.v." (The word U a lavnr l!e i l Hie president.) In lii.i every art illtl t xpre:- lion he liiatlife. t.s his etii; eniess to do, ami Ins concern lest he .nay not do what Is right to nil par its concef.'.i'd. And II is this desire to "cheat" no one. a desiio to play fair all aionnd thai lead:; lo the prediction Ilia! lie will no! do anything I'ioiy or sensutionn), nothing that inlgltt "hurt' sotuione during Ills teiiu of tiff ce. It is u well known fact to W:ir.h itigtou observers that I lt!:i::,i; wi'l see almost anyone who wishes to sen him. It Is estimated by Whi't; Unit.-.' allachos that, since ho look office tic lias shak.a h.imN wi.h at Jo turn culleri and visited, by t.pticlnl appoml intn.t, with liiiudi'ed;, m others. Ih tidily calling list in meaior, It r e -linple. than Hie aeiage weeklv a;' poliitiiunt t.ileiular ot his ,i I'dt cease.- Ii I - ah n a tai l III. ii v hen ' in ri ha-. lUe m iate. v lib Harding, Hie -in pi Illicit m.i bo iiud freitueiitiv is fe.vtended illdt-l'lnltely, eiilie- brcati. ( the iitKlt!e:il is unusii.illv 'in wliat Ills caller mav have t-. s-.v i tlftit he doeit not wish to hint lilm l hi.uging Ihe iippoinlnif ul to an aliti ii It im.:i.i;:(iii. A 1rie;id oi III di nl tells Ihe .slory Hint on on si. di llariillig lislcned lor an ! a t-iiior wno i)itolctl p.i . a-e p;i.-siic;e from lite" ISible i i provt Hie leiigue of iiiitlotin'wit unr;,-,!i N'-i! thiil Hauling- ngioeil willi views ol liis visitor, but v.u.. n. ed in Ihe novelty. Alio her example of Ihe pjt-t, human nature sidu i.t found m hi-s-iclal life, I ,j ami Air.i. Ila.tli.ii- Up.r oui.hly enjoy lillle I unci It tu th, ,.im givi n and enter into Uioni as n irHci pants and not as ho.fl ami ie-ste ,i Tlirijuglioui Washington He-ie j... lie- n niiii-li i ommout can a d b ti . "home.," atmosphere ol the W!i;'. I louse giitlit :-iu;:s. Ami, in ihe'eveiiltiRH, af'er lite d.u ni.T ho llf, one may :,ee Ihe tvecultv cot pi.. freiii:iil.i loaving t While llottre for ,-i social visit ,.n Hi . friends ahoul Ihe city. . r i o. ( ! air i. al 'o ih.C lilt 1 Open Wednesday 5th Morning June KING GEORGE HOST AT ASCOT MEETING Hy tlni-.t tl ' :iks ASCOT, Kng., June 1 1. Kin; (ieorge wan host to tlm fashion, lilt' and aporling world today, wlp n Hi in istrneialic Ascot ' race nice inc. opened on the royal heath As.i, is toyal property. !iti!l the i:inK a;, poiii'H his own stewarils, .but i,th i wise he allows the jockey dub : run Hie meeting which IncPrl -sotuo of the finest rr.clng oi , In year. The beuutlf.i! tritcl: Is tit mvn o;jcii to tlio public free, nnd Hi onlv charges made am for Ihe :"i eious griuitlstiintl seals and Hie 1,1 ; betting enclosures, but thoiuatuts A COMPhlSTE STOCK OF FANGY AND RTAl'LK G ROGER IES FRUITS AND VlOGFi'AULRJ Ask For Our Prices ') I A') PHO NE V 0 U R ORDE 1 1 NEW STORE FREE DELI VER : NEW STOCK Telephone Main ,301 I UAL ANDERSON, Proprietor 'i l i U :ERLiEADY WATER1J0SS SOAP Gleans Hands, Glolhinu (!ai')cb', Woodwoi'k One 'Mid 5 II), Cans ASM YOGR (i ROGER Ulo lUOtl l-'i e th -1 1 1 w here, on slated day loud -1 k i I -will be sold directly to the consumer by the producer, l-'n.h market--- al leaily have litten opctli'd mill stalls for the sale or dairy proilucts, meat;-, vegetables, grain ami other fnotl.-t noon will In added Similar mVrhet." already ure functlonl..: with con slderahle s;icces in the ulntc of Sao Paulo ami Minns Heme. Jimp of latlit'h' and .Millinery, 116 Mtllinerv Sale Chiltlren't h ti-. Eiu.1 afiCPUd. III.iiK' ARE YOU EIRE A SA1UJDAT? Same pe iple i-iin be eonipitred tu ;t (..ulliA't As loll; u- Hi.1 vslud it-, they can inaUe go itl profit nh Hut when the bl't'i'it i.tth. itlt ,s w lit timtn .e( bad they dl'lf wi II life ciiriellt. DtUl'l be like it s iilttaat dull I di Itl will) flu title Ho like i.le.iuilaiat and you won't h.ive to tletienti e'i the w lutl licpp uo your a ul will Htralithl uhtiid. K.e I'luiiulHK otnvurd towaitU votir DD al Itenp unviu; your tijoui and yii.t'11 itsioh put I In a nhorter time tlmn vow'll roJilUo Ol'l'.N AN AlVul'NT TODAY. l.'cr ('cnl Interest. I'aiil On Savings Acrnunt: Citizens National Rank p. Di ii. J. J J. H Tclephuut M:lu :tUH OHIrcr Stnilnlnian. President. Ilitrrt.ii A. Itcllttif, Vice-Pin. (Irootio, Cnsliler Turuck. Aun't eaxliter. I . Slatteluiuu Aiiiuir ticuleil Dr J A. lit liter Dr II. ('. Olingor II. U Kuck J J lld milch J J Van Dtillett Two Kinds of Women CI We know' a woman, who when she noecU tj purehasc nejesavy things for the home cr the family puts on her shopping eol.unlo, (iahs a bit of powder tin her nose and sallies forth. SI nhops ' liere Street' one and ther and chases up and down .. another hunting' and h-ii-n t-i-n-g'.'AYhen sho. goto h:ni'j fs'.io is j '. y and j-a-d-e-d. Sho feels ail nuu'sod .moh tally 7. and iihvsieaily. . . . . , We know another who luu learned the of roadinjr Gji'on iele advertisements before she starts out. SJio"J:mcls ftut . U'lini; she wants and whoro io ffot it. ' Then sho goo3 straight down town and right to-the stores that has IT. f; In this way she saves time, money and eCfori. and coinesi liouie I'jesh as' a daisy and ready to get friend husband a good dinner fnsfend of .'takinp; him to the cafeteria. Which one are you ? V