The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 14, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Have you
tried the ,
new 10c
Dealers now
carry both;
10 for 10c,
20 for 20c.
It's toasted.
In Salcnt. Mrs. llclslcr was well
known In The Dalles and in Ditlur
where she resided for many yea !.
Pievlous to her marriage to Mr. llefs
ler, she lived In The Dalles. Her mine
then was Mrs. Asnes Gllniore. Mi1,
and Mrs. Carson and Mrs. Atln Wood
ford, who Is also a daughter of Jin
llclsler, wont lo Salem yesterday. The
f mural will he held there.
H. L. Edmunds Returns After an
absence of about seven years, II. L.
Dlmunds has returned to Tlr..' Dulles
lo make his homo, lie has taker, ."i
position at the French and company
hank as assistant cashier. Mr. VA
munds wail employed at du local
hank from 190" mull MM, wii-M ho
went to (inrdincr, Ore., as cashier of
the Kirst National hank of that city.
With an ever Increasing business,
the French and company bank was
obliged to secure an assistant cash
ler who was familiar witli The Dalle)
territory. LMmuuds was induce. 1 to
give up his position in Gardiner and
return to this city. He will retain
his interest in the First National
bank of Oiu diner and contin;io as
a director of the institution. Mrs.
Kdiinmd.s, who was Holla lJddon of
tills city, and daughter, Maude, ac
companied Mr. Edmunds.
River Continues to Fall With Hie
Columbia river going down with In-
j creasing rapidity, merchants of The
there by sending men anil women to
ou'lying districts of the state, accord
ing to Mrs. Frances Saul, In charge of
the local chapter of the Ited Cross.
i This makes it ncccssarj to find work
for the local unemployed and also per
sons who have come Into the district
from Portland.
I County Agtnl K. is. .tnt-kmun is In J
Corvnllls, attending the "Farmers'
Week" being held at O. A. C. Mhs
I Prudence Patterson Is acting as score-1
jtary during .lackman's absence.
i Miss M. A. Triplltt, who has been
teaching at Wasco, passed through the
You will find here some wonderful
bargains in women's oxforlj and
pumps. The sizes run from L'i I.) "ij.
lCdw. C. Pease company.
every Wednesday and Saturday night
Chcnowlth grove opi n air pavilion.
Good floor. Good music. Taxi from
llilack &. While, fifteen minute ser
vice, 2ti cents. Mtl
Jude. Wllr.on Returns-Circuit Judp Dal,es uro ljCKinuing l() ljl.c.ull(1 ft ;h
Kr. (I Wilson to i,ilslol., ils ,,lcy scu 10 water
Dalles loday, alter silting as judge on
Hie Multnomah county bench for the
last eight days. Judge Wilson presid
ed in Hie department of Judge (5. W.
S'.laplulon, who is in (lie east attend
ing tiie Shrine convention.
Nine Baptised Children's Day
oxHeises held last Sunday at the
Methodist church were well attend
ed. The church auditorium war. beau
tifully decorated. The closing feature
of the program was the baptism of
lowering in I heir basements. Ai i
o'clock ibis morning, the official gov
ernment leading showed the river at
41.2 feel, which is a drop of .i of a
loot during the last 24 hours and a
total drop of 1.2 root under the high
mark of the present flood, whhli was
42.1 feel. All danger of further rises
is now believed lo be past, wilh the
Snake and upper Columbia rivers
steadily declining. No check has been
inniln nf dm ilninilfn ilnnn 1- thn I'li-inn
nine young persons Ironi the school jin Wasco county, but Hie total will inl
and (he reception of 22 new mem
bers into the church.
B. I. L. President to Visit A. K.
Hloeleiol't, stale pretidenf of the I!. 1.
I,., will come to The Dulles Wednes
day from Portland to attend a meet
ing of Hie local chapter tomorrow
evening.. The Dalles H. 1. I. was re
cently organized as an auxiliary of the
I'. R. O. Sisterhood. Officers will be
elected and arrangements for attend
ing the state convention will bo made.
Garage Renovates The Walil-er-Williunis
garage building, corner of
Third antl Federal streets, has been
given a new coat 1X white i aim. The
appearance of the building is grcai
ly improved. A new electric sign has
also been installed, projecting over
Third street. This is in addiilon lo
the big sign which hangs all the way
. acioss Second stieel.
Community Council to Meet A
mooting of tiie Community Council
.will be bold tonight, immediately fol
lowing (he Hag day exercises, in the
public, library hall. Finances will bo
Mjiseusucd, along with several oilier
important matters to be brought up.
Community Sen ice is attempiin..; lo
serine sufficient funds to permit
thai organization to operate in The
Dalles for the remainder of this
Vacation Hours at Library Dur
ing Hie remainder of June and the
months of July and August, the pub
lic library will not ho open at all
during thn mornings, and will be
closed on Sundays, it was announc
ed this morning. The library will
open at 12: If, p. m. and close at !)
o'clock each evening. The tegular
schedule of library hours will be re
sumed some time in September.
Mrs. Alex Helsler Deac a uro
gram was received yesterday by Mrs.
T, J. Corson, announcing tho death
of her step-mother, Mrs. Alex IIisler,
doublcdly run into thousands of dc'
lars, the majority of which is in crop
destroyed. Along this line, it is point
ed out that more than 200,000 pounds
of spinach alone was destroyed by Hip
Hood, the greater pari of which was
contracted for by the local dehydrat
ing plant.
Finds Bomb At Door When XI. D.
Kirk, superintendent of schools, reach
ed his office at the high school iliis
morning, lip was startled, to say the
least, at the sight of an ugly looking
bomb lying, in front of the door. Us
viewed the contraption caiiiiomUv
from a distance lo see if it was smok
ing, and then advancing on it with a
flanking movement, succeeded in cap
luring (he projectile without any in
jury, to himself. The bomb was a
bloomer, however, for it was found lo
be a wooden sphere into which a little
piece of pipe with some tof- wirkiug
had been inserted, the contrivance In
the grand ensemble very much re
sembling the little pots used with
telling effect by long-whiskered bol
shevik! on czars and other trouble
sumo bourgeoisie. Kirk believes it
was a parting compliment from some
member of the ivcent high school
graduating class.
Unemployment Situation Better
The unemployment situation, as far as
common labor is concerned, is rapidly
clearing up in Wasco county, accord
ing lo leports from Hie local office of
the lied Cross, The Dalles-Wasco
County Chamber of Commerce and
County Agent 10. It. Jackiuan. Cherry
picking, i.trawherry picking and hay
ing are furnishing jobs for the un
employed in many instances. Farmers
aie now calling for help, which is be
ing supplied by the three above-men-Moned
organizations. The main difli
cully in Wasco county is the tact thai
Portland employment offices are at
tempting to relievo the labor situation
Bids for Coal
Sealed bids for a carload of Kern
merer coal, to he deliveied at the city
hall, The Dalles, not later than 4i".
days from acceptance ol bids, will be
received by Dalles City. All bids shall
Le piesenled to the city recorder ivi
or before June 2fi, 1021, at -1 p. m.
D. I,. CAT1CS, City Recorder.
Dated at The Dalles, Ore., June 11,
1921. IT
city yesterday with her niece, Miss
! Gladys Triplltt enroiite to their home
I at Carlton, Yamhill county.
I airs. J. II. Temple with her thi'd
Ircn went to Portland yesterday, wlieie
I I liny will make their future homo.
I They have resided in The Dalles dur
ling the past four years.
W. H. Sanfoid and daughter, Miss
liertiude Sanford. arrived in (lie city
I today from Omaha, Neb. They' are
visiting Mrs. W. II. Slieehaii, who is
Mr. Sanford's daughter. He is assist
ant. treasurer of the Union Pacific.
.Mrs. Rudolph Frank, accompanied
by her little daughter, Margaret, Miss
I'Mitli Rugger and Mrs. Lloyd Raker
motored Sunday to Portland. Margin-
ct Frank remained with an aunt ai
(Vancouver. Mrs. Frank and MI,-s Rug
ger returned yesterday.
J. Rolton of Gateway Is staying at
the Rank hotel.
C. A. Rust of Tygh Valley is r. busi
ness visitor hole today.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark of Rend
are registered at the Rank bote!.
A. II. Weatherford of Arlington is
In Tho Dalles upon business loday.
M. M. Rurtner of Durur was in the
city yesterday enroule to Portland.
uMrs. II. C. Rryson of Walla Walla is
Visiting wilii friends.
F. A. Hull of Wasco is a bus!no.--
visitor in Tho Dalles today.
T. J. Doyle of Grass Valley is stay
ing at Hotel Dalles.
J. Fulton of Granddalles Is in this
city upon business today.
.1. C. Parsons is now employed as re
lief clerk at Hotel Dalles.
R. H. Foreman of Antelope is in
The Dalles today renewing business
S. A. Dockstader and G. K. Corson
are in Sherman county this week on
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davidson of
Mauphi were in I lie city yesterday on
Mrs. R. 10. Ilooi'iilbrook and Mrs.
It. C. Combs, both of Goldendale, are
shopping in The Dalles today.
'.Mr. and Mrs. It. U Sehee of Prlne
ville are visiting with friends In lh
city. A. H. Wealhciford of Arlingirn is
a business visitor in Tho Dalles to
day. Mis. G. C. Headley and daughter,
Lenor'c, have gone to Trindad. Colo.,
lor an extended visit with relatives.
.Miss Juanlta Zero of Oakland, Cu!.,
is visiting In The Dalles with .Mrs.
G. R. Walton, 100!) View street.
..Miss Rrrlha Clement, who nan boon
the guest of Mr. and Mrs, G. K. Cor
ion, lelurned to her homo in Poit-
land yesterday.
Miss Leila Stone, who has boon at
tending Hie Oregon Agriculture col
lege, has returned to (he city and v!!l
peml the summer heie. She Is at. the
homo of her sister, Mrs. Ray Harper.
For Cherry Picking
Spruce baskets and Security ladder"
at Walther-Wllliams company. 1".
Eventually Why Not Now?
Ship by truck. Portbind-Tho Dalies
Truck service. Headquarters, Motoi
Service Garage. Portland telephone--',
Marshall l?.r? and Hast P.O'JO. 11
Auction Sale
at H0S Hast Third stieet, two doors
east of Dalles Meal company, Satur
day, June IS, consisting of 2't no -dressers,
20 mat tresses, bod springs,
Iron beds, rugs, pillows, comforters
and many o.her articles loo numer
ous to mention. Sale to comment e at
2 p. in. J. C. Thrall, auctioneer. 17v2l
By Lloyd Allen
(United Press Stuff (.'oiii'.siKiiuli-nt)
LONDON, June 14. King Oil has
suddenly come in' for widespread
popularity hero and King Coal's
dictatorship over the Riilihli Indus
try is a thing of the past, according
lo expert opinion.
England's great coal stoppage was
responsible for popularizing luel oil
All over the country factories,
railways, power plant, liospliati
turned lo foreign-produced fuel oil
the minute their coal bins were
emptied, when 1,200,000 Rritish
miners refused to accept drastic
wage reductions and slopped work.
K.iel (dl ciu of America's favor
ite fuels but hitherto virtually un
known in England, has come to stay,
according to authoritative prediction:
Rritish public services and indus
try will never again be wholly de
pendent on coal.
Unacquainted vMh (he nlni'dlell"
of Installing oil burners, the British
people were rather ustoumicu u,
leain that Immense power plants
could, in an emergency, bo converted
In a few days from coal to oil.
Thai's Just what happened. When
the coal pinch caused widespread
embarrassment, luet oil firms were
consulted and assured all inquirers
big stocks of fuel oil were being
held in the country and quick de
liveries could be made from abroad
to replenish the great tanks.
Large stocks of oil burning equip
ment were also at hand.,
Kng'.ind's genorai public was high
ly gratified. Presence of fuel oil
mean! continual Inn of great lighting
and power plants providing Juice lor
street car systems.
Brown's Dutur 3iagev Time Table
Two round trips daily. Leave Dank
hotel, 0. n. m. and 4 p. in. Loate
Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. if
The Diamond Trio
Two Days Only-Wednesday-Thursday
TWO PERFORMANCES 7:00. and 9:00
VHT in vfj
Ive tried them at
but give me a Camel
- I'm through experimenting. No more switching.
Wo more trying this and that. It's Camels for me
every time.
They're so refreshing! So smooth! So mellow mild!
Why? The answer is Camels exclusive oxnerf: '
blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos..
There's nothing like it.
No other cigarette you can buy gives you the real
sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes from the
Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette.
Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Get your
information first hand. You'll tie to Camels, too.
ft. J. REYNOLDS Tobacco C
WliutoicSaltm. N. C.
Motor Service Garage
We Give Superior Service
Announcing the fad. thai, we have 20,000 square feet oL' concreted floor
space available for storage purposes.
Our basement is concreted, healed and frost proof. We are prepared
to accept anything for storage al reasonable rates from a trunk to a truck.
Our Specially is Service at Ihe Gas Tank
Wilson & Loomis, Props.
Successors to Motor Service Co.
Maurice Tourneur's
Greatest I'iclure
a irons
The Little House with the BIG Pictures