The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 14, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Ouryears of
making good 1
of smokers
suggests that
we knowhow.
Just buy a
package and
find out
(Continued i hmii l'K 1 )
farmer, lmitlculiirly tit harvest limy,
later advanrlnt; llii'tn.
5. Broadly, tin1 caiisi'H for (In' I'loi
cnt agricultural syiitt.-iu.
I.onroot cald Hit' I'oinnilttiM! oxpoctu
to trace Utile coininoilll It's lioin t In j
f. 'i rin to tin! cnnsMinier. Rludyinu nil
proceem's or niiirltetlnt; anil mniitii.n- (
tuns involved, with tlm idna of 1 1 ti I -
lng why the in Ice. npi"at in no ureal. (
Vo will t.iltc a noiiiinodlly lllto
wheat and lollow It tiom ilio fln'd reaelum .1 (uukiiiikm'k talilu
on breau, no nam. vu win i:am
just where the exorbitant profit i and
whether It Ik line, an chained, lliat
the prlco of broad Is excemdvely liih
when eomparud to what the lainier
KOta lor wheat The I'undaineiiiiii
laeta have 111 vol been iibcoi tallied.
"Another thing I thlnlt we aliould
learn 1 uliotlici HpeeiilaloiH depit'K'i
the prlco ol grain nl lunvnM time, and
later advance It. Grain dealers deny
that this is done. But the clmrgo Is
freuuontl; made. The facts In the
oute ought to be detei mined."
Loin cot feuid II it were established
that the tanner cannot set adequate
credit, he h-jprri II will be shonn
whetlicr the lode; al .1 esei ve Byslein U
to blame, rr whether Hip leileial ic
iieive iiyi.tein Is to bliim:', or wlmtiie'
tho r.diiilnltitiaUun i;l the law In a!
fail 1 1..
'Ml the law iionils anion llnu, Mint
will be u".o el the tltln.', Hi" rmi
lnlttoe wir. iuU," he sunt.
"Anothe,' I hill).' u lit'ie to'l out
is why piicea ol linn product'! h.i
declined so i.uieli l.ioie rapidly than
tho tlnncE which lair.ioru ii.uut bu,
'l'he farmr-i' toll; his pioduet: iluMpl
but must pay liisJi pihe:; foi eery
thine ho ne;dj Wc vim to liiimv 11
tlioie hur. u:C3 utliliuul icdtiatnl '
C. S. Buirett, pj evident ol the la. 111
era' union ,':rl diuiiniun ot tho ii.illoii
al board cl luin graiuzalionr., Iiau all 3ttlsi i.i' 1 Iim.'iI unloni; to
picpti'u to (submit la-.ta to tho com
111 lltue.
Fanucr3 are ioad uiul Milling to
toatily, ueeoidlm; to Iliuietl.
"If the ut ho, :ntiie ts are ruu'il'y
lOi'.ponsive 1' ilu.ld m t be dlltieiill
tor the eonuiiittiu' to a, rive at the
truth eonceniiiiK rreri'iil mmlit 1 m "I
aRllCtlltliro and the imiii'., iii'imimc
and tlin pern a ; uh have p-o t f I
it." iiaid Bin n il
t- - -
Main tJiiiil iii'iiiui; -a.i .Main PI 1 1
YOU certainly want to
ravc money, and you
would like (o have better bakings.
Then use Calumet. It's the
biRgcst tliiiiR you can do tn Im
prove Hie quality of your bakingu
--and lower b.ilcliiK cost:.
Calumet is made in thelat'R-
rM, tni'st nanitaty ltikinf I'owder
l actrrif" in the Wniltl. No Hak
bu; I'u'.vdcr l'i iua-!c under better
r"tu'iiioii3 none tan be better it)
It contains only such inRic-
ilicnti have been olli inlly -
Uirs.-d bv th" I'. tV I'uio I'"ool
Authoriliei. An a'voluto unrnn
l-r lint it Ir pin o.
j 1 1 1 '1 I l Aw . ti -, U
I' 1 , I I :' A-.v 1 ti -,
. , ' . I', 1 1- I'd I i 1 1. in, I .11
1 1, . J'., , I ' Hi '. 1
I 1 , ( 1 ive J'' if id 1; . M.pi'r
1. 11 ..I.
It i t iirrd by -Ytro hnvc
n. t, '"Ui''-' i nli..ti ai d t tu'l'.
Umii i ',' tat. 1 I 1. 'l b it 1' !
not I - t1 if (' "vi" ' M"
t 1 !.-. I.ifclrt inal.ty 1 -.1' !
t ' ! I a ni'i 'ft 'li pt i' e
A I 'i . f l'i r?, 1 to 1 '
-tl t'l 1' ' 'ri I'M',.' I t.v i"H 'I m
1 m i ,'o I'f bui in.- t 'iviii I
1'iMHld 1 ml (if Cllumrt (iint,lM' f"ll
J6o x)'lt'm nir in
Mo instoMtlof lfi " can" Bsurn
you ii imiuiiiI win n yi u want ft
Western Irrigation Chances
Shown to House Committee
rr in-nM' - WaMitfT'nn Buieau)
WASHINGTON, Jun? 11 -In dis-
! mr. I'rpjton possibilities In In
ri(,i..rd piospuilty betoie li''arin;s
f t.ic li'iu.e coiniiilttce on litigation,
V. 1) U. Uodaon, Reirral nianaser ol
h" Po. tl.-ri'J Clioinbpr r.f Oomnicic,
piod'icd r-ouie liiti'sting f gui's as
lo the need ol 1 e elanir.t Ion lor I he
U( (cm o'uteij and pailltulaily with
ie 1 fiiee to Oiegon
l''rank V. UoUnson, for many
(Ur? in Pol Hand ami -Oicgon and
iow scncial Height ti all i - manasei
t the IJuion Pacili'; at Omelia. and
H I! Adam:,, ice picsldcnt of the
t'nlon Pacific, a'so told (ha commit
tee of th" net d lor the 'l-c'.ainat Ion
ol .-nid andn In the west. Mr.
! Roliiir-"n took l"ir rountloa In Idaho
and (ompaie.l tliein. Two were In I
'ted lands :ilid two wen: fine lion
; M rl ..Heel lands. The liifieaaeil pur
ii'bai.iiif; power and Inuieaaed Ktand
'aid rf eitlzeiiKblp with Kiowlli of
) up11lallr.11 and pmcieusive r.plrlt In
the ii rivaled coiinlien wi-re tilarllinc.
He kIihuimI that noiiii rlgalcd ( oin
inimiM.s had a lendei-rv to I'Miiaill
ill lain" traelM, v it 1 1 mnall rowth !n
I popiilalioii, and larked tin- eKiientlal
: 111 ct y ol eiops poKsu'KKed by the Int
imated !ieelion. Ill the productive line
'ralcorn In pioHiii'rlly rnd made new
Iho Irrl;aled lanibi weie eoiiHlant
and better markelH, inereaiied the
dii.tilblillon of k dr. and made rail
load Iraiii.piH lailnii more eiiially
fad il and bi the end would result
n butler levenuer, iniii'e II"!';)!. and
lower 1 a ten 011 all iimnioilll les.
"W'heic will ynu exlend your agrl
liit.ual llelds?" he .-inked "II iihfttld
e done within Hi" 1 1 1 1 1 f ol your
iwn country. If poatsible. You have
villi Iti t'l nation prr per about 3.
IPO. OOP annate inilor,. Thole aie
l.'jns.oOf'.OdO iici'-s of land within
bene conlhieH. Of tbia to'al S,7t3.
00 KCivn are owned as Innra and
anehes. In th'j larniowiied area
ut ITS. (Tl.t'OO acres a 10 called i 111-10-rd,
and 100.3-t !.0f") aeres in this
inn a.ea aie c'llled iiniinpi lived
"(IT the aiea elaaallled as tin
r ved, l ilt '.ililt.OI'O.OOO ii.'iTH urn
liltlvnied, II1U1 Iik hiding Hi" ppillnn
l the land :i'iii'-,d as Riiiiim;;r lallow
v.ich year. Thus you Hnd ycur iiRri
iltmT.l wealth eonllned to a farm
ion that is aetua'lv one seventh cl
Mini- total hud aiea In the nation
M'roin this 203 ,onO,(j')(i acres wis pio
lueeil In ni!l JKi.U'r. 000,000 in nop
nd 8.9b7.000,t00 In llvcptod , or an
.'GaiPRiitP lb" soli ol 3 2 1.98?.
'The sronp el 1'! 1 erlaniatlol
'.tatrii bar. the two-think) aica id
he counti, with but une-.'i'rd'i o1
the population In llini ali'iic i
Mie laie.e opp m t unity 1 01 UK'k'iiI
dual eipansion within Hi" liatlonn
Ollfllien l'!i ei' f.n tb" uri.'i'C.e n'
veill'iw I.mhIu ill th - BiMil li r-i 11 mid
m other r.iater. 1 in.'i t it
tiller oiler pruli all.- lb- only b-p'
I'U- 1 bo country in Hie way of asil
tilliual i'iaiis-.i; 11
few tiiiivcyo Made
"N( i.tatoinent can be nnub'
lo bow nun h ol the f l.jwlnt: wi'-'
1 Hie otieania ol lb" woslem atitei
an be ;avoi! unl liiieited tt lani'
or i 1 1 i -- a 1 1 , 1 1 I'w - "iiivey,; liavi
ei 11 iinulc. Them' ai" on Hie 1110.1l
ivailiible and eeou mile pioj ol r;
Alh n r-i tin- 'ili',"d pn j'-oi:.
If the u-tion (lord :. I ) li'i'd II - 1
plus atiiioiilliual opiilat Ion r ir the
next generation or two, it Hi'.' fo -d
,",milu,-. is to b" maintained, it tlieie
Is am lundi'imenial adwiulai'.o In e
lojuliim and our mral
po .iIImi... it 11 s-ile to iay thai the
lotnil '.ium'V"' mad" lo (b'to for
ni'-ati u wiik . lo but a small f iie
1011 of Hi'- total work Hiat will b"
innon ,iilbl- w'len A1101 ' -
1 r li I1 IMItllf
, I ItOtl It-
, yin Ciliuiiet
P itik.MH IVwil-r. ii
D ' niilxiilrr, iVt mpi
I ' 1 1 1 ltl umar.
I il 'l rtt. U
1 1 mi 1 mIiI w 4 1 rr .
IlllM III I l
ifiiwn 01 4114a
ellrt. 'llifiiuiA
iii Ibr ifgulvr waft
at Hi'1 wo"k In seilcus earnestness.
Oitpply Large
' Beglnnlns on Hi" noith. soino of
the Pacillo water supply systems
me 113 follows.
"Columbia liver, 'it Its mouth dls
chaiRCS about 200,000,000 acre Teat
of water a year.
"At 'lhe Dalles, wltcie the Colum
bia enici'Scp .from the gieat Inter
mountain icr;ton needlns Irrigation,
illo Ccluinbla discharges 15 1,000.000
acio f,-el a voir.
"Whcie the Columbia Joins the
ji-hkc, the toimer has 93,000,000
acio leet a ycai. and thfe Snak" dis
elniECS 13,000X00 acirs lee'.
"This water sh-.-d ol the Columbi?
is on ol th" laisosf in sticani flow
ff the cLiilinent, with an aica
roughly one'iuaitor of a million
sitiarc inllos. Thorn ;:ro a niultl
tinlo ol tilbiiiarios flowing lo the
Cel.inibla all over Uirgon evcept in
He soiidiweut, lioin all paits of
Idaho, Pastern Washington and
Vest"i 11 .'lonlana. Thorn are bun
dreds of reservoir areas and diver
sion points . alotr: Hi" trlbutaiy
si roam systoiu, only a small pint ol
which havf been surveyed. Willi an
.iKKioRalo ol KJO.OOO.OOO acres of land
in Iho walershed, and with 200.000.
000 aero loot or water flowinp; into
the sea IbroiiKh Hie Colunihla an
, niially, il Is Inevitable that millions
upon millions of acres of this land
can li" and will be irrigated wJien
'ever America needs a creator food
pi oducl Ion.
"Wo have mi Iho western seaboard
of tlio nation, between tho Rocky
mountains and the Pacific ocean,
about 25 per cent of the national
aiea within the states and only
about one-fourteenth ol the nation s
population, or, say. 7,000,000 people
This seaboard is the nation's eco
noinlc and strateclP western front
A &i cat reclamation scheme, n.tch
as Is suggested In the S Jtiitlt McNary
bill, would In all human likelihood
double this population, multiply the
economic strength t'ud fortify as
nothing else could the Industrial and
commercial position of the nation
In seeking business among the
countiies ol tho iPaelfic.
"There is laud and there Is water
In the western states for seveial
times 10,000,000 acre developments.
A wis--', sound governmental policy,
reducing construction costs wherever
possible, keeping overhead to the
of reclaimed lands when ready, will
In my humble opinion, reclaim with
in a generation moio vast areas of
the west than any of the framers ot
this law have ever dreamed of ac
complishing. In whatever rii"as,ire
this work progresses, it expands
swiftly tho best maikcl open to the
American manulactuicr and producer."
Pree Clinic No Charge Por Examine
Hon Tuesdays and Thursdays,
Dr. Baum. chiropractic phjsleian
I'll I I'd and Washington, main f01. it
Flag Day Exercises
I'lag day exercises will lie h- Id
in Tho Dalles lodge No. no.t, B. P.
O. 10., Tuesday evening, June II, at
8:110 o'clock In the evening at tho
Elks' temple. The Bailies' chorus
will furnish the music. The public
Is invited, ny order of
Exalted Ruler
Secretary. H
Ford and other light car owners can now buy a tire
of recognized standing and quality at a price that
Firestone knows is the greatest value ever offered to
the motoring public.
Cords At New Low Prices
Firestone Cords also are offered at lower prices: 30X3V2,
$24.50; 32x4, $46.30; 34x42, $54.90. Tire repair men,
who judge values best, class the Firestone Cord as the
sturdiest carcass made. Forty-seven high-grade car
manufacturers now use it as original equipment.
Go to lhe Firestone (loafer, lie offers you greater protection and economy
at a time when protection and economy are demanded as never before,
LEGE, Corvallls, Juno 11. Joo Kao i
betior of The Dalles, well known
football player and popular student,!
won honorable mention as a eandl-1
date for A. .1. Johnson awards given i
annually to students. Tho award la.
based on qualities of manhood,
scholarship and student activities.
Taxi Brown's Taxi.
Telephone mall R02t
there'') A r'ltfriir
II you'vi born a "ready m.idf" mat
n the past, be a "made to oidr man
n the tiitiir" First cla? hand tallm
I u',e t" meafuie J3S 00 and up. N
Wcbher.. op block east of po'
tiro !
Made Young
Bright eyes, a clear skin and a
Vody full of youth and health may
be yours if you will keep your
system in order by taking
Th world's standard rf mHy lorkidti7.
liver, blddr and uric acid troubles. th
enemies of lilo and looks. In usa sine
1696. All druggists, three azn.
Look for the nam finH MHaI an rtrw
bos nnH accept no tinilU!-i
Home of Superfeatures
Wednesday - Thursday
James Oliver
Adapted from his
great novel
and a notable cast in
cluding JANE NOVAK
An alluring story of
the great northwest.
"A Ridin' Romeo"
Chronicle Want Ads
, Tonight-Wednesday
"Why Trust
? Your
A fascinating farce of
gay husbands and clev
er wives.
Bring Quick Results