. TJj L P.g. PA'-Y, r0NjCLr-M0Ni?J.MNJEJ3. 1921. , PACE THRCC ' r-.-r DUFUR WINS SUNDAY GAME BY 8-6 SCORE WOOLSEY BLOWS UP IN SEV ENTH INNING AND DALLES LEAD IS SHATTEHEU. The Dufur sagebrunhers yesterday made good their threat to wipe up the earth with The Dulles baseball ttjun by handing the locals the lemon end of an 8 to C score. Tno Dalles was in the lead, 5 to 0, for the first six innings of the game, and everything looked like clear sailing. In the seventh canto, how ever, Woolfey.whowijs pitching for the locals, seemed to weaken, with tho result that the Dufur swatsten;, last on their feet from long prac tice In chasing jtfckrabblts, at once began circling the bases. When the dust had linaHy cleared away, tour of The Dalles' rooters who had wagered on the local team wert' bu- lng carried from the field on stretch , ers. The Dalles tertm Is going to in vade Dufur next Sunday, with the avowed Intention of securing re i venge. On the third and fouith or Till.. .1,.. I I A ,1. ... . 1 wuij, mi? iucui le.wii win piay two E,VERKEADY WATERLESS SOAP Cleans Hands, Clothing Carpets, Woodwork Pne and 5 lb. Cans ASK YOUR GROCER ;.(t MEETING NOTICES 'Masons Attention. Special communication, Wasco .lpdgg, 15(0,, IGjJ A., li, '&, A. M this Monday even ing, 7:30 p. m. Work in P C. degree, Hy order o( W. M 13 United Artisans ' . iRegular meeting at 8 o'clock, Wed nesday, June 15, K.tof 1'. hall. Initia tion and nomination of officers. ir W. R. C. Meeting of VY.,R. c;for this q'vonlns has been p03tpned,'fb Friday even lag. i:i Legionnaires Attention! Regular meeting, Dalle. Post No. 10, American le gion, at tho county court room, this, Monday even ing, 8 p. m. Ily order of 1-AT FOLEY, Commander, 'MATT DUFFY, Adj. V.'. Fire Delegates .Regular monthly meeting, 7:30 p m., Tuesday, June 14lh. C. F. Condon, retary. 14 Firemen Attention -rpneral meeting and drill, Tuesday '. a 14, 7:H0 p. ip. at. city halll .All ibers of department! 'requested to l present. By order, Hoard of Fire Delegates, C, F. Condon, c.e.-retary. 14 Knights of Pythias Regular mot. tins Monday night, June 13. Work in Es quire rank. Memorial day ex ercises June 14. By order of C. II. BAGOOTT, C. C. Kl B. R. C. of A. ar urgently rHiiuestdd to come nnd bring their wives to an open meeting to be held at Sclianno's hall Monday evening. June 13, at 8 o'clock, with a view to organizing the Loyal Star, Ladies' auxiliary to the U. R. C. or A. Refrecbmonts will bo served. 13 CbMlfled ndvurllelng 1 cent per worn MCI) tnerl!oii. ,lf Imerltwl 6 time or moro, 3-4 ocut h word tlimihly pnbll nation rate on Application at the office FOR RENT FOR RENT - Five room house, clone ill. Write box care Chronlclo. 14 FOR RENT Apart meat in the Con dou building, H F0R"RBNT Furnished houpekeep lng looms. I jr. East Second. 10 FO.R RRN'T Smnll h iure, 320 E ' " Fourteenth Klieei. 1' FOR RENT Sleepim; rooms. f.oS WaBhlngton. Lots of hot water. 15 FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms up3tairn. Telephone blalc 4341. 18 mmP "J&Llmmm v games with the Condon team, at Condon. THIS TIME LAST YEAR Ruth mailo his 17th homer off Mvtrs In Cleveland. Cincinnati took the trad away tiom lirooklyn in the National League. Jersey City forfeited a double header to Toronto. Cleveland's largest crowd, 2'J, 2CG saw the Yanks beat the In d.'.ins, 14 to o. RUTH MAKES 19TH HOMER lly United New The Hnhe got his l'.Mh homer an I CONSERVATIVE founded jfw&i&bs itoan The modem bank, alining to serve nil classes ol lieojle, must be at ones conservative in Its poli cies, while it is aggressive in methods. And its ofiicers must be well and favorably known through out the community. , The French & Company html: Is directed by men of Influence and standing in this section: men who believe in strictest observance of banking regulations, and the adoption of sane, well ma tured policies. 4 Paid IS rf FOR UBuNIT Three or Tour unfurnlsli- ed housekeeping' rooms. 407 Union street. 15 mmi rails? im a m iiuiiiiinrt??.N. S? I !ma"a"4f!TL re, Aa ii FOH ItENT Go to 722 Easl Third FOR SAMS Horse, buggy and bar for nlco'y. furnished liousokeeplni; j. noss. cheap. Joe (ieiger. telephone rooms. Rates reasopable., 15 1 aii . . " FOR UKi7r3lx-room"iIomje VmT7AMl have some oxcep ,aud gaion.-iaulj:o.C01--iVbalec.i.UflnaUi-.KQOil. bacgalnsjn brand .new 'Bl,.e(jt ' m i stotl iirid wood auto trailers. Vn,!- tT-iff RUNT- Fin nls'.ie.I upaitiueni, ! cool and clean. Telephone' red 39!U. 14 FOR SALE FOR S.Vl.lO -Jersey cow. Inquire ,322 Calhoun or telephone black 3L'iil. 14 FOR SALE- Hulck four, louring car. Motor Service garage. It". FOR SALE Rawlelgh products. 410 West Fourth St. Black 1331. J23 FOR I3ALE Sand and giavel. Truel. servicu. Country trips. Gordlon inn! Van Dolah, telephone red 1331. 30 FOR SALE Four-year-old 2-gallon rich milking Jeruey cow, $45. Just frech. Telaphone red 1U!1. 14 FOR SALE "-New" Brunswick phono graph, l'lajf. all records. A burgnln. Call red 3C32. 13 FORSAIjEMi::; goats. Reasonable. Telephone red 4032. Call, 72f. Fair street. H FOR ' SALE -Three lots on West Ninth street, $350 each. Telephone rod, 4702. . i:5 FOR SALE Residence properly find vacant lots. Easv terms. Inquire CIS Clay street. Is f6rSALE Ctiib htory frame house, new; 10x32, to be moved from lot. Sealed bld3. Address Carl I'atton. X721 Jackaon street, 15 FOR SALE Eight room house on paved street, clo.io in. $3750 on eanv terms. Telephone red 2482, 13 FoTf SALE Dod ge touring cur, over-h- uled, new paint and lop. Terms. 505 East Second street 13 FOR SALE Ten-room hotel. Inquire box- 67, Kent. Oregon. J 20 FOR SALE Complete threshing ma chine. 28-lnch J I. Car.e separator and engine. Outfit In first class con dition. E. A. Read. Bulck Garaga, Telephone main D21. 2711 FOR SALE I Jige and tmull farm anil orchard tracts. Iteasonahlo prices, good terms. W. O Uannu. Dufur. tire IK'f FOIt SALE -Cheap. Two mall Mc t'ormlclc combine with good englii", also borne allachment. Write W. L Tyron, 500 West Eleventh street. The Dalles. 20 FOR SALE Lata model King elgh' and Chandler touring car. Greatly reduced prices Terma If wanted. Walthcr-WllHams company. 4 n pair of doubles In Sunday's Yankee victory over the Tlgon, 12 to 8, scor ing two runs and driving 'fti a third. I llabe walked' with nobody on in tho first and died there and in the fourth he fanned with noLody on. The home run came in the fifth. I'pcklnpaugh was on third after kno'-k-iiiK a triple which had scored thiee runs. Habe knocked the ball into the upper right field stand. I Until doubled with the bases empty In the sixth, but .was nailed stealing third. In the elghlh Pecklnpaugh cleared the bases with his homer Just ahead it Ruth's turn at bat. Babe I lion doubled, scoring on I'lpp's single. Taxi Brown's Taxi. Telephone mall .1021. tr IN POLICIES on Savings E. H. FRENCH, President HAUL M. FRENCH, Vice-President V. H. FRENCH, Secretary J. C. HOSTETLER. Cashier miss i?Di?rriJ jc. nf BANKERS inc THE DALLES OREGON FOR SA1.K Two r,0ga:;on wood oil j barrels. First class. 220 East Thin' 1 street. i lhe.--VI!li:'.iiis coiupunj . 14 FOR SA UE Dry oak wood; old oak. 111 fill; second giowlh. $12.f0. Dullv. ered. Call 3UP22. altur fi p. in. tf FOR SALE A purebred Kentucky .lac'., 0 years old, 156 hand.'), a real sacrifice. Will lake a good used Dodge' or Chevrolet. Sonfe leniio. For particulars write J. E. Hallyburton, Ortley, Ore. 17 FOR SALE SO acies, 3 J miler. from Friend, 7i miles from Dufur on Fif teen Mile; five-room house, large barn; threoacro family orchard. E. A. Tajlor, 7035 Fo3ler Road, Cort land, Ore. . 10 FOR BALE Surplus buttermilk, r.ult able for stock fcotling purposes. I'rlco three cenia per gitllou, 20 gallons or more. Norman Cream company. 13 FOR SALE- 7-rooin house on Calhoun street, garden, barn, chicken house, trull trees, lawn, lot 50x120. $2,000, tonus. AVe also have lots on West JJluventli street at reasonable prices, ' DARN1ELLE BROTHERS 14 FOR SAI j-.'llaled hay and grain. We deliver any place In towu, One horae, weight 1750, 7 years old Guaranteed. Will sell or trade fur cattle, One team, weight 2400. Sound and gentle. O. K. Feed barn. Julv2 FOR SA LE OH TR A Dr7FuU" equllT ped, sheep tlflit, !)00 acre wheal and storl; ranch, on creek, with plenty of alfalfa, one halt' mile from school, 7 miles from county seat, hevon-roori house, plenty of buina, etc. W!a have you. Box 83, lleppncr. Ore 15 TORSALEm I Jhe board of trustees, MothodUt church, for the sale of dwelling lued us the parsonage, at Third and Union slreots. Building caii be ex amine.! tit any convenient lime by Interested parties. The board reser ves the right to reject any and all bids, r.hauld they pfovo unnntlsl'iir lory. W. E. Gllhousui. chairman committee. 17 ; vVani to . u WANTED- Woman for housework, i Apji'.t Norituti C.t cum roinpaii WANTED Sheepheider. Teleiihone black 3151 13 SWNT.EliMaiiiir7vlfe want Job ns cooks on ranch or In ramp. Wili'i box 65, care Chronicle. A WANTED St rawberry pickers" "Vi iTo for Infornntlon. Elevwi acre? George W Collins & Sons, Under wood, Wash. 16 COAST GUARD CUTTER HUNTS FLEET OF LIQUOR RUNNERS By United t'reo SA.N FRANCISCO. June 13.- -Seek-lng h fleet of liquor runners said m be enroute from British Columbia to points on the California coast with s cargo of liquor valued at several nun dred thousand dollars, the constguarn cutter Swlt't was straining north to day under secret outers, her crew tinned with rifles. The fleet Is f-ald to consist of five motor schooner., their Timely Reminders The hay and wheat crop is IHC Header. Buy Now While Our Stock is Complete At Farm Machine Headquarters Walther-Williams Co. WANTED , Cherry pjcltorf., ahoui, June 14 or 15. For definite dti'e telephone"'0F4, F. .1. Thomas. 1.1-f W,A NTED "PojIi loir"prTciTe7? nurse. Conl'iheiiiont casi':! pre I erred. Mr:i. D. .V'Cornwell, blafel: 4701. 1 , u , POR TRADE1 TO TRADK-lt)0xl80 feetligrountl, 0 room house on Chenowllh paved load, for hbuse and lot ill towu, I'' F. Flsch. R.I , City. ' I 13 t ; - LOST Oft FOUNt)' l.'OP.T Lady'., coal and man's co'ii between Mmler and Itowena. Tele Jilione .1. J, Fleck, ; 15 '10r--32'call7uTTurhh ' V-on revolver. Regiru to Chronicle office for rewurd. l'l LOST- -Black "handbag v.Tlli inls, F. M. L containing safety razor nnd women's lingerie, between Tygh (Valley and The Dalles. If found notify The Dalles Garage. Reward. 15w24 T- STOLEN STOLEN Pari v who took coircro'o wheelbarrow from alloy at rear of Clironiele office, pleane rt'titrn It. 13 LOANS MONEY TO LEND- To t.wners i.l Chenowltli Mourn tracts or other gooil proper! for biillillni'. piupo-ie.-. W. F. Gltcheil. 403 WaHhini'.ton street. 17 MISCELLANEOUS HEMSTITCHING .mil buttons covor ed, Mrs.' A .1 Mollne. 007 Dillon street. 'r' TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furut turn and pluno moving. Freight buuled and general express bunt ness, Telephoue: Stand, red 10.1; residence black 1352. J. K. Henzle Ull HEMSTITCHING--Plcot edging. Mrs L M. Roothby. 308 Washington street. Telephono main WSJ, II Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sunday 17.11 Vogt Blk Over Crosby's COMMON DALE YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON I'OI NTS Are reJched the easiest by way of Grants anJ Maryhill on the MAKYHILL FERRY New Eight-cjr Ferry No Backing to Board Boat A 10-mile paved road connects Mary birr and Qoldendale New Railroad Crossing No 6auJ names being, the federal officers said the Lady Minn. I he Silver Spray, fie Oerah Wave, the Mary and the Sayv nn ro. . Have Your Hair Renewed We can give you any Rhade of hair coloring with a famous Franco-American hair coloring which Is so perfect that It cannot be detected, fiom the) natural color. Hennaing also a spe cialty. All lines of beauty culture at thu Hotel Dalles Ueanty shop, Tele phone main 4051. J 17 coming along nicely and you will need dependable equip ment such as "International" McCORMICK or DEERING Mowers and Hay Rakes, Bin ders, Reapers or maybe a ring Results SPECIALTY SHOP llumst Itching, plcot edging, dress making, 218J East Third street, Con- I dou building. Telephone blank 5211.7 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS Portland-The Dalles Truck Service General freight hauling. Leaves Portland 2 p. m. Leaves The Dalles, 1:30 p. in. Dally service. Tho Dallus telephone red 0741. Portland tele phones, Marshall 1355 or east 30H0 .117 Maitiadl M5illbMirira SftaSwSl! Teacher of Piano, Harmony and Theory. Leschetlzky method, Special atten tion given to beginners. Summer term opens June 15. Phone red 3401. Stu dio 1000 F'ullon street .120 PIANOS TUNM3D Aitd repaired, ac tion regulating and retlniublng. Plnyer actlonii a specialty. Work guaranteed. 8. A. Dockutador, Cor son Music store, 320 Futtf Second street. Telephone main 1001. tf FORD SpeciiilssiLs Whitney Repair Shop 709 East 8econd St. Freight and expreos between The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and ull wav U3lnts Leave The Dalles, U a. iu dully except Sunday. Leave Moio 1:30 p. m. Ieave Wasco, 2:30 p. m D. M. Pierce, proprietor Telephone black. 1642 or main 471. tf LUC1LE CUMMIN3 Teacher of Piano Studio tit 513 Union stieet, Tel phone black C001. .120 Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist and Evenings by Appointment Drug Store Phone Black 1111 FOR SALE -A DAY! And the price is willingness to try a new inethod. Instead of a day of hard manual work with the family washing or of dreary superintending of a "wash-woman," you can buy yourself freedom for a day by bundling up that wash, hand ing it to our representative and get ting it back on time with ali the work done beautifully. And when you figure up the cost, you'll find it costs you no more than h woman would. You've bought a day for nothing! Start saving time this week ! MODEL LAUNDRY Orchard Ladders We have a complete stock at reduced prices. It will pay you to see us before you buy. MANCHESTER MFG. CO. POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKUL Lessons by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist VEIZ BAUER General real estate, iiisurui.ee, nnd loans. 100i East Second Ktreet. Tele phone main 1571. 2Ktl LEGAL NOTICES. Notice for Dldi far O. L. Griffin Road WiiKdd County lii'ii'liy rails fur Hi-alitl IiIcIh for Ki-fHllnir of Him C). L, (irlffln ivuia, I'UHtiTly Hum aimiicii.-kici' iiiuiii, n rilHtiiiioi- of - if n inlli'. All IjIiIh hIkiII I)h on pinn).mil Iiiuiii; wlilcli will lit' fnrnlnhi-cl iipiin uppll(ui I Inn by tlie Cniinty Kim JdiiihIit. Thu spi-e-H'lcatliiiiH pliniH iiihI estiiiiMti'S I'm- IIiIm liiilii'iiveiiii-nt nn on file In tin- uffli'i of County CIitI; of Wnncn Count v, On Koii. nnd nlno with I. W Ahirx, Coun ty ItniidiuiiHtt'r nl Ills offiro in County Court linuKi', Tlio li Ill's, ori'Kon, iiml mihji'cl to lnHpi-i'tlou. Tht' win I; will Im doni' In iirrorilancii with tho ahovo ini'iitlonril plans ami pi'ririi'.'illonii un WOODARD & TAUSCHER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty Estimates furnished free of charg:. All Work Guaranteed, Telephone Main 64C1 o Call at Gates Block Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main WVli Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wunco The LULU D CHANOAI.L, M.io.iyer Hrlt Thorn, Am1jnt Man.igor t.lctimrd Cnitulmerb. t sldlilUlinil 1IH Woman Atndjnt Mrs. M. J. Wlllerion Tslsphons Red 1ttl Motor Equipment Im Im' m 'I Mmmmmmm Lm m JmVmWSmmmmmt " m der the . supervision an,d direction 'of the County ltimdmunter.' ' i? i v -r All bids nitiKt be ' accompanied by L'l'i-tirii'd rliiH'lt' for .1 ULTcent' of .the U nimnint of thu' bid, to bei forfeited 4o Wiikco County" hi caixo such .bid ahoubl Im arcoiitt'd and the' blddur. .bould fnl to cntiir Into contract, nnd bond for the faithful performance of tho work. All bids should bo scaled and filed with tho County Clerk on or before the 1.1th day of June, 1921. All bids will tad opened by thu County Court at til o'clock a. ni. on said date. Wiim'ii County reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Dated tills IM day of June, A. I. 1ICI. V. L. CltlCHTON. 14 County Clerk. - - I E. C. PRICE IRegaoften-Jiidl Arclhinllecll 504 First National Bank Bldg. The Dalles, Ore. 16tf Dr. Ceo. Fv NcwhouHe Eye Specialist We iito equipped to give your eyes tho very best of care. Eyes tested. Classes ground. Second and Washington Streets - I The Dalles Dalles Dufur Telcphonrs Uy Red 361 Night Red SSB J. H. Harper, Black 2132 Cut FiOWtfl'M