PAGE TWO THE DALLES OAILY ,CHRONlce, MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1921. I . ! Ml " - f THE DAILY CHRONICLE Bitabllahed 1890 The Unllua, Ore. I'ubllihed Every Iivnnlug Hxcept Sunday toy the Chronicle l'ubllnhlNg compuny inc LOOKING BACKWARD Ben ft. l.ltfln Entered In itcuiid class OiHir Munagerf (,',ro111 T1,p Clnoiilcl', June 13, 18!lii.) -lj-jj I iiiiier .1. W . JciikiiiH will preach ul tSuer!Ja",i'' ,,08,off":e "i Dufur Hnturiluy , venHm. nniJ Stimlny morning :inil eveiiln,'. United Press and United Nwn Servlco Member of Audit Ilureou of Circulations OAILY CHRONICLE BY advance In aii viuicu... CARHIER ID.OIJ Biz months. In ailvuiicu..- , I3.U0 One month ... . . . - .tt) DAILY CHHONICLE BY MAIL One year, In advanvi. J5.00 Six months, In advance... 2.GQ One tnunth ...... .GU WEEKLY CHRONICLE One year, In advance. .... S!.00 t In ordering clmf.Ko ciitier should uhsuya s new addriiflH. of address, give old as ill- wnll TCLEPHONCS Editorial Hchiiiih. .. . lit Busini'DS, Adv., Or Di-ntH Itutl 111 HilhscrlbeiJ" lo the l.'liniiilnlu are guar anteed service. I'nmiiit and ri't'iilur de livery of every Biihicilher'i (inner la the tm of the clri'iilntlon depnrtinent. The Chronicle iomIwb am reoulred In IuIm from irie (laoers on nit (kiicii or wnerever inc udhci llier wIhIii'h 'lie (nitier dellveied, 'I'lii! express company at Tho Prillc.s has .shipped i:i,!)75 pounds nl rawbei rles tu .Montana noil I'oiiland, K. V. Smith In ()( the bowlini; rw onl last nlKlil liy ii r.core of "S. Pre vlour. lo llils, Hurry FiwIiIhi held the licit wllh ii score ol' M points to Mis credit. The Impl pskIoii In thai It v!'l he a km;: tliiio liL'fori! Smith'.) i.hi'! Is'if lied. Frank (lable was atlac'iti'd Tiu'mIi; at Waplnltla by a sheep herder whom hi' liad ilischtirgeil. The h-id.r bi-al lilm over the lii!,'id Willi a i c.,lv"' hi'liinil while (ial.le wa;, set" el In n elm Ir flfjinliiK up hhi wai.Tr. THE UNDERDOG .Mrs. (Since .loluison left lor Ah'iiti.n lihls alii'i'iiooii mi I lie licgulaio . for the past year, returned lo her lioini- In Portland .Saturday. A .A. Kerns, special agent for the Importers and Exporters ilnsuranee company, In in tin1 city on buslne.-.i.. ..Miss Mildred Tan;; of Tacoina !r a (jiu.'-.t of her aunt, Mr.',. J. H. Pal nii-r. Minn Alice Chase, who was a niem lifr of tint graduating class of the lo cal high school, returned to her homo at Dufur yesterday. Jloy Oiirdnrr, accoiiipllsheil liaiiilll and (rain rohher, who l.-i -.inder two sentences which will liecp him Ijh tiiinl federal prison Lais for ,riU yea in if ho ever ;;els there, is' at large. Holdly disarmiiu; a drowsy guaid on a train out of I'o'tland Friday night, (!nrilner forced the man lo c lensc htm Irom his manacles, anil is rooming the hllb east of O.mkIIo Jlock, Wat h., pin. sued, It Is liue, hut tree. Of the scoiea of people heard com ..incr.llng on his tl -Hpeiiite escape Satin day and Sunday in The Dalles, 'htilf of them said in substance: "Good, and I hope he j;els away." Probably the other half thought the name I blur. Thin sentiment was voiced ah no special 1 1 Unite to Gardner. One: hoars It uvcry lime a criminal, no ness matter how low he may ho, makes' i a break lor liberty. It is the curious sentiment, or psychological characteristics or the Iiiiiiiin mind which makes people root for the underdo';. Orogonlans will remember that back in 1902, In the days of Harry Tracy, thai notorious desperado, af ter his break from the stale prison In Salem, was almost a hero. Peo ple of the northwest walled breath Jessly between editions of the newii papers lor news of his most 'recent hiusli with Jaw. Until the Iiihi one, Tracy wits uuct'eiisftil, and' Identical ly the sanio woids of approval were exclaimed ftir 1 lurry Tracy that aie Lying said now. Brown's Uutur Zlagt, Time Table Two i mind trips dally, heave Hank hotel, l. a. in. and 4 p. m, I.e.' wo Uiifur 7::io it, m. and 1 p. in. tf PERSONALS 1 ,MI.!S Illanche Putnam of U'.ir.eo was shopping In tlie ( II y u.iko . .Miss Wabi I iienneli of Mor.ior was chopping In the city iaiurday. .Mil. Lulu D, Ciandall wenl to l'ri land Hatunlry lo spend si veral days. I O. W. Id iinrr.n of Hood lllver ' regisiered at the Hank hotel. is ludd .Jierolf visitor In of Khanlko is a bust The Hallos loda. at ,. M lU'llaon of Hie Hank hotel. Mrs. S. Harbison of ihojiplug in The Dalles. Gateway Is Mr. and Mrs. huainrns vl-ltors .lohn i4. Gavin are In Pnrtland today. ' 'Hero -worship In one of i ur Viv os t sent'lnieniii, and It manllesls II self lor aiiy kind or a hero, bo lie soldier defending his country, or a criminal defending himself from the lin Gardner Is the kind of a man who should always lor the safety of the rest ot hla kind, be Imprisoned. Vet the folks whom he menaces acclaim hlni. II is alwayu true thai the maasi's recognize a brave man. Tlr grcaiur ihu chances he lakes, no mailer what hla chancier he, the mightier Is the auplaao t tin t gnen up lor him. Conversely, th i. In no scorn on eaith equal lo that dial! to Hie man who publicly betrays his cowatdlce even though among h.s scorneis ,nn personu equally cowaully. Along this same general line of thought howiv.'i-, maiiv people aie wonileiliig liow buily guaids. ariiM.I, and in chargi i.t leapoiate priMou tiih who were scciiely manacled, uhould be so nexllKoni as to allow lellows like (iaiilnc ami Pyinn g t tlio upper hand ami free themselves. With eveiy odd ugalmit the pi l oners, and whh every safoguard up p.Uenlly l liisible, lialus h eu lakeli, Gardner l.i .Someone was liegllgeni. News paper aecoi'iits Imlicaie thai one guaid had accompanied Pyron to the smoking coiupaiimcni of the c. r, leaving liardn r mid the other gutiid together This gutiiil, a-counts . a, w. ,i droWHlng, and the prlsonm hit him over the lua.l with Hie handcutlx, slunuing him. ''iio gaaids wcie careless In hand "nig iheue men In becoming noall tnt. they were disregarding Hi Ir duty to i In public, the public paid Ihein, to ace that Hie cilunuali Gaid ner and Pyrou woie put away H.1I no niuller whai Hie condition: suriouudiu;.', Ihcit ehci pe m.n h,. Gaidner I loamni,; the wooil--. where I hero la ioni oi hi.'i ami v.Mtei in the huiiiiii r Hue, with K ood ciiaiiKH el not In I ii. it rccap(r ed. And tin people uli.i tcic liciug KHlegiiariled t his .mpi i ...n . , wishing him well. ' A VOHU TO IHU. Mr. and Mrs. M. Iluntlnijton or Kel so are guests al Hotel Dalles. D. Olsnoyer ot lloqulam is a ness visitor in The Dalles. Mr. and Mia. II. C. Maroln of Sa lem are legist eit-d at Hotel Dalles. Mrs. H. Luckey of Prlnevllle l.v visit lug wilh Irieuds. 'Mm. G. H. Dnlryniple of Pendleton is visiting with relative!; here. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Hoe. of Salem are vlr.iiois today. ..Miss Anna Piper ng at Hotel Dalles. of Milton is stay- 'Mm. .. ii. .lohn.s and son, Tom, Pendleton, are visiting In the city. of liess L. Marrow or Warco la a bus visitor In The Dallei today. Mrs. W. I. Whealdon and daughter, Miss Alaixaiel Whetildon ol Port laud, aie vbitlii!! with tiomds in this clt I'M Wood, chief npeclal agent til' Dm O.-W. It .i N lailioad, wah a buhl ness isllor yesli-nlay. .laine.i Kaulck of Hood lllver In, been v IJ t inir Willi I'rlcud.i In Tl' Dalles tt it lilt 1 th' last m'voial dass Mr. and Mia I' (Ill-leu are visi.lng cliy. U. Il.i.ikell .l Pen w lib nl; uU in tin Mrr. Waiiu Dalli s L. tod:; ('. Lee.) and daughter of lut'.s, aie mopping In The 1. N. Konljc ol' Antelope is. In The Dalles today, leitcwluti luminesc ac (iialntauci s. Miss Copley of Sslein la In Hie ell) to spend i In i umiiier acatlou vtltn uer slsteV. Mi, .lohli Hir.or. , , .lohn llioer and llaiph Wohmu nu. toie.l to tuloiii and letunied' e .lei i. .. Mis Maile ' en al eiidln McCormack, -'I ' ir-'. Who has Ac..deinv on' v'l Jum ls il.i; i lliako tu-d If you .in- . i Indivl IiiiiH pa Hi me. m - in. no lo ... I'D c tilMM iiiaitii.l ia.iallmeii.ic H..u'i put iif l lio pnluliil (till. ol willing a clo'ck lir y..ui q.ii nurly ucb-'i-xiii -ut Wi din ddti) i he 1 'Hi ''s Hie div Ui .i lit . ..niiii.i iii i . ii. posed to l.e In .tin . iliet-'l. r u m i n I Ii1) le ii .1. I lici !aiii V 1 t t.ill'l down on ywil I'ui' (he . Ii.Ij am. no, I and live p-rceot iiiliro.l. Portland Uallway, Light & PiiMir company aunoiiucod fli,000,00i lutcii j i on program, EMPRESS Home oi' Ciood Photoplays Too Ik li( and Tuesday TOM MIX In "A Ridin Romeo" "ISA U EL" or 'TIIK TRAIL.? END' Willi House Peters Jane Novak iMrs. .lack Swlfl returned to hfr home In Portland yesterday altei spending ceveral days l. Illtig with friends In this city. Miss Harriet Hhruin ol Hip A. M. Wll Hams company, was In Porilitu.l I'fi week buylni; for the linn and r.eeiiii Hie rose festival. She ieliiine.1 jf? terdny. Mrs, K. .1. Collins and children o! Diifur, accompanied by Misn Martha v.. .lelfers, moloreit to Portland Sa. unlay where Ihoy expect to vMl foi a week. Mrs. P, M,. Nolan of Sealtle n rived in The Dalles .Sunday evening for a visit of several days wllh her son, K. VV, Nolan, iiianager ol (he Hmprei 1. 1 eai or. Itev, II. K. Hossell and Mrs. Kossell ret in end to i belr homo in Monmouth tiaturday, nfier al'endlnj; the cone meneemeni exercises of the hk'h r.chool. Their son, Norman, was i member of Hie rjiaduailn;; cla"... Mrs, .1. M, Lowe left ai mon today for lllckleton, Wahii., where alio will Iiartlclpale af f-oloiot In Hie Fla; D.iy exerclsei being given Tuesday under the auspices of the pioneers' aso elation. She will niturn to The Dalles the latter part of Hie woo!:. .Madras' is a For Cherry Picklno Spi 'ce baskets and Hfurlly laiiden at Wall her-Williams company, II Save your feet it pays In the long run. Feel have a cash value. Got our nreh Preserver circular -Ii IpIIs whv. Fdw. C. Pease company. ids for Coal Sealed bids for a carload of Kern merer coal, to be dellvrred ai th? city hull, The Dalles, not later than 45 days t rout acceptance ol bldi, will be received by Dalles City. All bids shall le pi ('Seated lo the city recorder oi or before .lime L'5, 11121, at 4 p. in. D. L. CATKS, City Itecorder. Daled at The Dallo.i, Ore., June 11, NEWS NOTES i Baptlbt Program Interests Tht Clilldren'n Day program al Calva'" liapllst church last evening wa -r.-Joyed by nearly 20(1 people, who i hov ed llielr aiipiiiciatinn of the dlflereut iiumbers by E'lierous upjilauro Ore iiumber, "Daddy's Little Laddie," v in by Melvln C'ichr'an, .n roponied. (luiriul Election and Uancd The : nniial olec.ioii of The Dallei high school alumni association and dance will be held tonight at Klks' temple at S.ilO, The dance will be Informal. It has btfPii decided thai nl lH3Ht olii member of each collide attending the dance must be an aluinnua of the school. Complete Washinflton Tour Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kargl relumed ye.i leiday fiom a two week's trip, spent louring Washington. They encounter nl r.oo(l roads throughout Hie trip and had the unusual experience of seeing mow five imd six Icel depp on each ride of the road, ur they passed ibr.iiigh Snoqiialimle i:i!j.s. Llbiarian Coec East Miss Flora F. Can-, county librarian, lelt iiunday af. ir-rnoi.n on a vaontlon trip lo vlsll iPlatlVPi. iu the east. She will attend ootiiiu.-ncpinetil exercises al Hie Utii vi i pity of Michigan, her own alma mater, whete her nephew receives his degree i hi.: year. MIhk Carr Is 'going by wa of Sealtle, Vancouver, H. C. and the Canadian llocklcs' rouip. She will be gone a month, vis .tli.3 in Yellowstone iiark before re iirnlng lo The Dalles. Water Will Be Warm The water In the hlsh school tank will be warm ed lo 70 degrees for the women'., wimmlng class Tuesday evenins, ar cording lo announcement inside1 today by the Community Service commltlPe In charge. There has been romc com plaint on I he nights previous when women hae swam because of Hip chill of the water, and t his condition will be .remedied, according to H. J Kirk, superintendent of schools. .Mls Charlotte Thrall will be in charge bl the class tomorrow, giving lessons to those desiring them. Exercises Well At'.entied A crowd ed house attended the special Child ren's Day program at the United illre.thrpn church lar.l pvenlns. The chancel of the. church was banked vlth cut flowers and flags. The pro grain was one of much variply, child- ren and grown-ups allkp participating Credit for Ihe excellent program was attrlhuHd to Mrs. Margaret Willie thp Sunday school superintendent, Mrs. Dena Cochran, Ihe primary superin tendent and Miss Pansy Nelsv.an1l.3r, choilster. At the morning servlc'n, there were threp bapllsmi and two ac cessions. Crest Believed P-sscd The crest of the flood, for Ihe lime belne; al least, has apparently been pj.ved iThe river now stands at 41.7, or a 'drop ol .7 of a fool .-luce Saturday, when llip'iljlEh mark ol the year, 42 4 was rpacheit. At Ihe olfidal goveln nifni reading Sunday mot ning, Ihe riv er stood at 42.1 feet, showing the ex treme high water had probably been reached r.ome. time Si unlay nlglu. A no time during' the. flood has the Co lutnbla rlv'er 'highway Immediately oast of 'ijie DallP.s been damaTed P ativ c.oiifihlf;ahle exir-ui., The. wate did, hnwvr, come up lo within a lew Ineht-a. ojf croi.clns..lhrt road-bt! al a low place' near,,l';iye Mile. Water iBIpcku Highway WI h the high wainr canning one lurfacin; plain on Ihe Columbia .lllver highway hot we. n The Dalles and the Deschutes river, to temporarily suspend opera tions, it Is now expected that this Dtretch of the road wilt not be thrown open ior general travel tor at least a m. .ii lb yei. 'me highway is l.;iiuc-.. fiom The 'Dalles to a short distance beyond cive .title, and Hum u.u iy... cuuu.i mw iu (Jeiiio ou .be oi:n-i eni, leaving an uuiinished til(i oi i.ev. iai iii.ics in the, iiiou wliich woik Is now belnjj conce. :.a.e,i. in in l.i laretcn navel Is ab.-.o-lately barred by an incompieied inn i.el, winch la being (li.iird iniough a rclc cllfl which overhangs the load. Mt. Hood Loop Inspection The pro posal l ...;v;ui u L'tiUlieulioii winl ll'c- .it. ilod loi.ji road ior 'iim balles, t.-inaineiy dl.iciis.,ed ir some .line y local liu.wi.e..i) men, loda.r Soiniit.n la'nglljle fo. m when W. H. rfiierianl, rupeivisor of the Oiegon nailc.nal tot- t'!, KiinoiiiicKl i hat he would be In the city 'Wednesday to go over tin route in person. Snorrard I.. coming at the request of The Dalles-Wasco County Chamber of Commerce, K. I . Van Scholck, chamber secretary, will accompany the- forest supervisor on h'.s tour of Inspection. A fair load al I ready extends iioin The Dallr-s to . Uiook.V meadows. Wliat local bnsl- ness men are asking Is thai Ihe gov ernment forest service build a toad through the nallonal forest, connec'- lng with the 0.1 f. Hood loop rodd and , wit h ihe present road lo Bi colts' mea jdow.i, tlm.-. making it possible lor t tourists lo come through The Dalles on their loop irlp around Mt, Hood. Vacation School Plans Thr dallv vacation Bible school, to be conducted at the Baptist church June 20 lo July II, while new in The Dalles, has been tried out successfully In many other places. Portland will have several schools of this kind this year. The In tJituUon here will be for children bp twepn the ages pf four and 12 years, and will accommodate about 75 children. The school will open ear-h morning at 9 o'clock and close at li:G0. The program will consist ol music, marching, picture drawing, story telling, mat and basket ' weav ing, song memorizing, carpentry and outdoor games. According lo 'Rev John L. Bogue, who is directing the school, the loan of at least a dozen caws and hammers will be necessary Children whom It is planned to have attend the school are as'.ced to appea at the chiirch Thursday morning be tween 10 and 11 o'clock for registra tion. The school is free. June Millinery Sale of . ladies' and Children's hats. Black's Millinery, 115 East Second. IV LOST White and brown spotted POX TERRIER PUP $10.00 REWARD NOTE Any one furnishing information resulting in the finding of the pup will receive tho reward. BERT Black 5261 CASINO or Red 321 MM OUU FEET ARE SQUARELY ON THE GROUND When asked how long a inan'i legs should be, a wise man once said "Long enough to reach the ground." Anil we feel the same about the service of a bank. It should be long enough to reach right down to t.he practical problems of everyday life. Ours doestry it. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE FIRST "'10NAL BANK es, Oregou Or. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tefe , phone main 3911, res. main 1691. Stf Free Clinic No Charge ForvExamlna , Hon Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr.. Baum, chiropractic physician, Third and Washington. 'main 601. tf World's Champion WILL BE HERE Tuesday, June 14th WHERE! GANNETT MOTOR CO. To Demonstrate that He can Install a Set of Hassler Shock Absorbers On your Ford in 30 minutes. ..Come and have a set installed on your Ford lO DAYS FREE TRIAL, No Charge For Installation This Day ; Better have a set installed Save wear on Backs and Tires Gannett Motor Co. Authorized FORD AND FORDSON DEALER Opposite Postoffice - The Dalles, Ore. 1 DANCE Dalles High School Alumni Senior Reception ELKS' HALL ! . . Monday, June 13 A'dmission $1.00 8:30 ' Chronicle Want Ada Bring Quick Results ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF THE DALLES GROCERY Located, with The Dalles Heat Company I Open Wednesday Morning June 15th if i K A COMPLETE STOCK OF FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Ask For Our Prices TELEPHONE YOUR ORDER NEW STORE v A; FREE DELIVERY NEW STOCK Telephone Main 301 HAL ANDERSON, Proprietor 5 'V ii 4t