The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 11, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Commencements Feature.
Commencement at llio high school
and at St. Mnrj'h Academy wore tlio
outstanding events of I Ills week.
A number of out of town people who
are fi lends or relatives of members
of the graduating clashes hnvu spoilt
several days In the clly, The greater
mtinhci' ol them will he accompanied
to their hemes by students who have
been In school lieio during the year.
High School Excrr.lses,
A capacity crowd of friends and rel
atives filled the high school audito
rium last night, honoring the target
graduating clnss In the hlr.tory ol The
' Dalles. Sixty-five students made up
' the class of 1921. The stage was dee
orated with red roses, the class Mow
er. The address to the class by Profes
sor .1. F. Drtimbaugh, of Oregon Agri
cultural college, held the undivided at
tcntlon of the audience, lie dlscussei
the power of Ideas over natural In
It. I.. Kirk, city superintendent, call
od attention to the unusual scholar
ship record of the elans, In thal more
than 50 percent of the students were
on the honor role, which requires tin
averago scholarship lecord of !)() or
v. K. Wiley, principal of the high
school, presented the silver citizen
ship cup to tho class of l!i:M, In lie
linowledgnient that their record ol
scholarship and student activities sur
passed tnose oi anj oilier class in
tho high school.
i no commencement program was as
"Graduation firand March," (Kami
cnik), Orchestra; Invocation, Rev.
II. K. Hossell; "Lulspiol," (Keler
Hcla), Orchestra; Address, "I'ana
cess-," Professor .1. 'F. Iliiimhaugh,
'Oregon Agricultural college; ".linn
.Rhapsody," (M. Daniels), Freshmen
.Girls' Quarletle; Presentation ol Cit
izenship Cup, Principal W. IC. Wiley;
Presentation or Senior Class, It. I,.
Kirk, superintendent of city i-ehools;
.Presentation or Diplomas, .1. II. Kirk,
chairman hoard of directors "One
Fleeting Hour," lloyi;' QunllotM'.
Those graduated were: Alva Art
klnson, Wjnnlfrcd Amy, Clair Har
nett, Katherlne llayley, Mllllson llov
ens, 10(11) It; llollon, .Melva Mill lor,
Vera Canlleld, Myrtle Carlson, Kath
arine Carpenter, Alice Chase, Enoch
Chase, Marlon Cochran, (Menu Coop
er, Melba Crelghton, Frank DonrdoilT,
Agnes Duckworth, Clarence '10! Uh. Hel
en Foisyth, Chester Frit., Emm (iar
man, Ksther (Mhson, .Marie drill In,
Hen Ilallyhurlon, Italph 1 lallyluirlou,
Arnold Harris, Albeit llazon, Fran!;
Ileckmau, 'Marguerite Hill, Glnrtji,
Wilson .lotfors, Ethel Johnson, Dean
.lolillhou, Italiih Kaufman, ( Kl"l;,
Lenorn Kllndt, Violet Koontz, Dor
othy Longinlro, Kula '.tahiino. , Ode'
sa Mnlloy, lleulah MeClay, John Me
Leod, William Mc.N'eal, Vivian Merrl
Meld, Kiln .Miller, Cliailolle New
house, Mary overman, Phjllis Pat
Ihon, Chester Phillips, Austin lta
inond, Noiiuan Hossell, Ada fears,
Nona Shaw, Ethel Hhruui, Thora
Smith, Eula Stogsdlll, Call Slime, Keii
nelh Thompson, Magdaleua Weill,
Florence Woodlonl, Eugene Wright,
(lertrude Yager, Memleo Young, Rob
ert Young.
By Margaret Walker
" solos, Isabel
Oakinan, Helen Meeker, Wilbur Start
clinan, Harry Wlckninn, Audrey Vo
gel, Floyd Cook, Hennle Grlzzell, .loo
Edgolt, Dudley Palmer and Darrcl
El wood.
Dancing Party Given.
Dr. and Mrs. 10. It. Lyda and Mr.
and 'Mrs. Hcrt Thomas entertained
with a dancing party at the lOlks hall
Monday night. About !M) collides were
present. Music was furnished by Rich
iarrtc' orchestra. Punch was served
thinughout the evening by .Mrs, F. L
Phlpps and Miss lleulah Patterson.
Birthday Party,
lilttle Dorothy Searles was hosla-is
to a number of her Irlends Saturday
afternoon, on tho occasion of her
birthday anniversary. C.reen and yel
low streauieis anil pink roses were
used in the dining loom. Sever, can
dies decorated the birthday eake. 'Ihe
little guests were Clara and MIMIc
llelts, Marty Nicholson, Anna Mi.rgar
el Andrews, Itomona Smitli, Frances,
Elizabeth and Dorothy Toomej.
Entertains For Mrs. White.
iMrs. Francis V. Calloway entertain
ed Informally Wednesday nl'ternoim,
honoring Mrs. It, 10. 'White of Port
land. The afternoon was spent social
ly while each one was busy willi
needle work. Tea was served.
Bridge Luncheon Club Meets.
'Mrs. II. h. Kuek entertained the
Friday afternoon liridgo Luncheon
club at her home. Columbine and
roses were effectively used In tho
rooms. Alter luncheon the nl'i3rii"'jn
was spent al bridge; Mrs. Uartholo
mow winning the high score and Mr.s
W, O. Hartley the second high score.
Guilds Meet.
Tho members of St. Paul's Guild of
the lOplseopal church were ho.-s esses
to the members of tho Hood Hlvei
guild Wednesday when they wore en
tertained at tho rectory anil luncheon
was served in their honor. After
luncheon, an informal business scs
slon was held and then the vhltors
were taken In automobiles !o Ills
Oddy lo see Ihe high water.
Ladles' Aid Meets. ,
An informal meeting of (he l'icni
hers of Ihe Senior Congregational Da
dies' aid was held at the home of Mrs
I. 10. Harnett, Wednesday alio. noon
with a
Miss Ross Entertained,
Martha Grlzzoll entertained
theater party Thursday night
at the Kmptess theater, honoring Mls
Diiura Koss or Pendleton, wno was
one of the local high school teachers
last. year. Supper was enjoyed at the
Hlnck and While restaurant,
intimate friends were present
Lorenc Reed Hostess.
.Mrs. A. 10. Heed gave a birthday
party last Saturday afternoon for her
little daughter, Lorcne, at their home.
(Sanies were played after which the
children were Invited to I lie dining
loom, whore dainty ref resilient s were
yerved. Tiny baskets of candy were
given as favors. The little guests pres
ent were, Dorothy Curl, lone Chaney,
Gladys While, Mildred Sherer. La
voile Penners, Alberta Causey and
'Margaret Allen. Mrs. .1. W. Allen as
sisted Mrs. Heed.
Conrcgatlonal Aid Gathering,
'file Junior Congregal lonal Ladle
Mil met Wednesday afternoon at tho
homo ol Mrs. Harry Greene, with Mm
Ireeno, Mrs. T. II. West and .Mrs.
I'liompsou Cohcrlh acting as hostess,
s. A business session was held, al
or which tho afternoon was devoted
to needlework and a social lime. In
freslinients were served.
At St. Mary's.
The coiuineiu'euienl program at SI.
'Mary's Academy Thursday night was
enjoyed by a large number ol people.
'Ihe stage was artistically decorated
Willi sjrlnga and green vines. Art I al
ly Hidden lights Illuminated Ihe .stage
and very beautiful ef feels weie pro
iiuceu uuring i no evening ny the use
of colored lights, in subdued sliailei
which wine nirown upon tne giri, as
they posed in graceful gioups, Intel
preting "The l.ady of Shallot.
The address by Hev. A. F. Lamer of
LuGrando was of an Inspiration n.i
lure. Ho spoke of education as n i bar
acter builder. Honors were eonfurreil
upon the tallowing graduates: Mary
J'.li.alii't h llird. Katherlne Ann IliooU-
house, Kathleen Mar Dufly, Muriel
la Mario IIMaon, of Duiur. M.iiKtuet
Mary Malone. ol Antelope. Marie Kiln
or MfCnrinlck ol Portland. Ann l.atu.i
Shea ol Astoria and Mildred MjUu
St long.
Tho programme consisted llio ltd
lowing numbers:
'tSt. Mary's, Th Prunes Do We
King," efinrus; solo, Murgaiol Maty
Kelly; "Miserere du Tiuaioiu."
(Verdi), piano solo, MniKuici Mabme
"My Henri at Th Se' Voir",
(Saint Saeiis), v km. solo, Kathleen
Dill f. v.
(Juniata, "The Lad ;l Sh.illoi '
Heading, Ann Shea; pi dogue, M.irivl
In Hlllgen. Solos: "Tli'H i She Wtav-
es," JiiHtlno Kondea'i, "Shadows oi
llio Wold Appear." Mirta lleiLrnm;
Hho Hath No Loyal Knight i.nrt
Trim," Vivian Lane, - am Hall ilck
ol Shadows." Ageon Mh cuicim "Ah
Ho Koile Down li ruiiic'o:, ' K!Ua
both Frillies; "Thev ll"irl II' i .Slic
ing Jlur Imh. Song," .Mllrt i I McKon
na. Chorus, vocal clase; violin solo,
(Drrtla), Mlldied Strong; conlei ring
of graduating honors, llov P. !
O'Roiirko; address to gnuliiates. llov
A. K. Loesor, chorus, '(iaiideninus
Enjoyable Evening Gathering.
A crowd ol" nearly one hundred
men, women and cliililieu enjoyed a
baseball game, out or doors picnic
supper and evening caiuplire at Sun
set I 'ark Tuesday night. The occasion
was Ihe nionlhlv meeting Ihe Men's
lub of Ihe Haplist church. Members
the club willi Ihelr families and a
number of Invited guests made up
the company. The baseball game re
sulted hi victory for Charles Hoth's
cam by a score of ill lo 11, After
supper a big (ampliie.was started
and under direction of Community
Service Director II. W. Arbury all
the old songs were sung.
Class Breakfast
The senior class breakfast at So
res is paik Tuesday morning at tl
o'clock was an enJonble affair. It
was given lor the members of the
class and some of the faculty. The
iiiienu as described consisted of
"Shakesperlan rolls, einhyronlc chick
en, Java, bread and truit." The re
port does not explain the quality ol
each article of food.
Summer Meetings for Scouts,
Troop No, ;i, Ho) Scouts id' America
at tho regular meeting In the I la pi KM
church Wednesda) evening decided to
meet through the summer mouths
once each month, tho First Wednes
day evening, Many or the members
are leaving the city for tiie siimuuH'
and others will be working at reg
ular posh ions. Ice cream and straw
berries with a general good time pre
ceded the adjournment.
Dorothy Greene Has Party,
A pleasant hlrthdu parly was en
joyed yesleiday afternoon al the home
of Mr. and 'Mrs. Ilarr Grcwtu', the
occasion lining Ihe Mb birthday mini
verMiry of Dorothy Greene. Pink and
white roM-h were used The dining table
was attractive with a "sunbonnet
baby" tablecloth nnd with tulle
si i earners lioiu Ihe chandeliers to the
table, where they were held by kow
plo dolls. Favors ot tiny pink ban
kets of candy were given. Outdoor
games weie played, Tho litlle guests
Invited weie. Doulse l.ubbe, Hetty
Thomas, Hetty Van Dellen, Lauretta
Lowe, Georgaiine Dodder, IOII.aboi!
Shevlln, Kathei'lue Otlell, Frances
Van Dellen, Hott Houth. Hlll Claw
lord, Tom Shevlln, Tom Saunders.
Charles Phlpps. lOdwanl Sinil'ert, Jack
'Waldioii, Sidney lllooin and Hal
Miss McCulloiiQh Entertains.
'Moulin McCullough entertained at
tho home of her sister, Mrs. it. P.
Darulelle, Saiurdaj The color hcheni"
was in pink and white and was car
ried out In Ihe Mowers used and In the
refreshments Cards and dancing
weie ouJuM'il Punch was nerved iliu-
In;; the inciting The guests present
were, Allco Orlzzoll, Cecil Harper,
Kunlce Doyle. Sadie Mullo Marie
Farewell Party.
A farewell parly was given at the
home of F. (!. Roberts, 511 Federal
street, last night, honoring Miss Geor
gia and Miss Mabel Williams, who
left Immediately alter tho parly for
lakhna, Wash. They expect to spend
the summer with their brother, Hub
ert Williams, and icturn lo the city
in September. The guests present
were, Tholma and Marjorie Smith.
Florlno Knebel, Winnllrod ileal, .Mav
Alexander, Hornlce Jtoherls, Hay ward
itacy, Lee Draper, Vernon Chrlsman
and Hud Souley.
Miss Cummins' Recital.
IMusie lovers are looking forwar.l
with pleasant anticipation to the re
cital to he given by Miss I, nolle Cum
mins' class in music, Monday night at
Ihe high school auditorium.
Uaseball rivalry between The
Dalles and Dufur will bo. given full
sway tomorrow afternoon, when
team Ironi the neighboring Wane
county city will tanglo with the
strong local town team. The same
will be called promptly at 2 . ISO, on
the old ball field.
'i no Durur sagenrusliers are rc
ported to be coming with the back
Ing of a large contingent of wild
eyed rooters. As soon as this infor
niHtion became generally known
here today, two prospective umpires
lined up to officiate in tomorrow's
game suddenly became aflllcted with
severe headaches which would pre
vent their being out under tho hot
sun, they nllbled.
oolsey will occupy the box for
(he local diamond artists. Kasbei
ger, who played on the O. a. C
team this season, may be in the
local lineup.
it is reported tliat Dufur has re
crultcd a strong team for Its in
vaslon of The Dalles. Their team is
managed by Dill Steers, who is on
i ranch near Dufur. Steers will
probably play in tomorrow's game.
hit four
Return From Convention.
Mrs. F. II. Watts, Mrs. 10. G. Merrl
field, Mrs. Mary Logan, Mrs. 10. C.
i'rlce and '.Mis. Grover Young, who
went lo Pendleton na delegates lo Ihe
Women's Fertoralod Club:? conven
tion, have returned and report a very
interesting and helpful meet Ing. Mrs,
Ida Callahan of Corvallis was reelect
ed president for tho coming year. Tho
Ptfople of Pendleton entertained Ihelr
visitors royally, the local women re
Kortgc-Fleck Wedding.
Tho first June church wedding of
this year was solemnized at St. Peter's
Catholic, church Wednesday morning
at 11 o'clock, when .Miss Katherlne
Lillian Fleck biaiue Ihe bride of Os-
ir William Korlge, Father P. J.
O'Hourko officiating.
The bride was gowned In while wi'h
veil and orange blossoms. She carried
white bride's roses. She entered to
the strains of 'Mendelssohn's weddlm;
inarch with her brother, Joseph Fleck,
mil attended by her sister, Mirs Ho-
slna Flock. Tho bride's maid wore
pale green and carried American
Meanly roses. The wedding march
was played hv .Mrs. lOdward Hall.
Phe bridegroom was attended by
Max Kasebergor.
Mrs. Pal Foley. Mrs. H. A. Lubbo
and Miss Violet Ducieh sans "Cie
ator." They, with Mrs. 10. C. Hlunt
composed Ihe choir,
A wedding bieakfast was afterwards
served at the home of the bride's
mother, Mrs. J. .1. Fleck.
.Mr. and Mrs. Kongo are at home
li friends at tholr ranch east of the
Stock, St. Louis Cards,
singles in four times up.
Dclewaro College beat the Uni
versity of California, 10 to 2.
The Cubs beat the Ilraves after
losing 10 successive games.
Yale defeated Princeton, 4 to 2.
University of California m'ade
three runs in the ninth and five
in the tenth, beating Pennsylvan
ia 8 to ?,.
Hear "Peggy With Irish lOyes," 11
Have You Tried
Week-Kurt chocolates, niaile
j;on? Pound boxes iiO cents,
Di ug store.
In Ore
Servico 11
There'o A Difference
If you'vo been a "ready made" man
tn tho past, bo a "made- to order man''
In tho tuture. First class hand tailor
ed suits to measure, o5.00 anil up. W.
It, Webber, ono block cast of post-
Wilker Lowrj Teague anil Marjorie
illeleu illugbes both of Klickitat,
Wiihh., wore united in marriage Wed
nesday alleruoon at the home of Hev.
John I.. Hogue on Clark street.
Taxi Brown's Taxi.
Telephone mall JiOiM.
Have You Tried
Wei'k lOud chocolates, made
rou? Pound boxes SO cents.
Drug store.
In Ore
Service it
Dr. S, llurko Mnssoy, dentist, First
National bank, rooms 307-30S. Tele
phone main :UHl, les. main lf!U Stf
Have Your Hair Renewed
Wo can give you any shade of hair
coloring with a famous Franco-American
hair coloring which Is so perfect
that It cannot be detected from the
natural color. Hennaing also a spe
cialty. All lines of beauty culture nt
tho Hotel Dalles neauty shop, Tele
phono main 4051, J17
Hood lUver 'Apple Growers' asso
ciation distributes $.10,000 to apple
growers. Total disbursements for 1D20
crop now $l,140,nuo.
Lebanon paper mill employes get 20
percent wage reduction, which places
minimum pay at about $3.25 per day
and $t.00 maximum.
Excavation completed for Hood
River's new $40,000 theater, complete
ly equipped, and with seating capa
city of aoo.
"First1 'National Hank of Aurora,"
with (!2 stockholders soon to bo readv
for business. New building to bo creel
ed. '
Lincoln county proposes lo cooper
ate wltll i'tntc In grading and niaca !-
amlzing Corvallls-Newport highway to
Hentoh 'county line, crponding $2i:i.-
240 of total cost of lilgliway, or 40
porcenl. '
LaGrand6 Palmer shwiuill to start
opera M'onk soon.
Hcnd Farm products distribution
compa'ny to erect $20,000 building.
Paper mills al Sal'oni and Oregon
City reduce wages 20 'percent.
St. Helens' sends shipload Washing
ton and Idaho plno to South Africa.
Corvallis to pavo north Ninth street
to connect Pacific highway.
Medford Contract closed for log
ging S7 million feet timber In Crater
Lake National Tark oast of Hut to
cr up the river and then made his
wiv In an automobile to Canada,
later shipping lo Australia on a
si earner.
He was formerly convlctcrt when
lie slit open ,10 sacks of mall, while
blacked as a negro. Ho had the po
lice baffled for a long while.
Gardner's suitcase was lotinrt near
the spot where tho San Diego rob
bery was committed. It was adver
tised, as the police had no reason
to connect him with the crime.
An ex-convict then told the pollc
that Gardner was the inan who bad
robbed tho malls, and also told
where Gardner roomed. The bandit.
was then captured, after an cxclt
from Napa, Cal., indicate
Gardner will not leave
She said:
"He is my husband and I am true
to hlni. It would have been better
If he had been made to go to prison
but since ho has escaped, I am for
him and hope that he makes the
best of it. The world should not
think of Gardner as entirely bad.
nave uvea wun mm tor lour years
and know him."
ing pistol
that Mrs.
planes will be used to capture Roy
Gardner, escaped train bandit, ac
cording lo advices received here to
United tales Marshal Holohan
was today notilicd that Camu Lewis
military authorities had granted the
use of military planes to patrol
southern Washington for some trace
of the daring train robber.
mm PTnnomii nrsn
iviunoi fiUDii r
Main 0001 lionnctt Taxi Main 01. tf
(Continued From Pago 1.)
commission have been Invited, and
are expected to attenil. Mark A.
Mayer, well known resident of J'ort
land and Mosicr, has also been asked
lo bury tho hatchet and join with tho
rest of the county In rejoicing.
The big time will start promptly
at 8 o'clock, when pall bcarors will
appear bearing tho last remains of
old man Rhodes. From then on thero
will be something doing every min
ute until 12 o'clock.
Tho chamber has secured 100
pounds of confetti and proposes to
stage a confetti battle at some time
ituring tho evening. A copious sup
ply of red fire will also bo -jsed to
light tho street during the celebra
tion. Starting at 9 o'clock,, tho stroot
will be cleared for freo dancing.
which will continue until midnight.
will bo furnished by a five
By Hudson Hawley
(United News Stuff CnrrcKUuiitlunt)
PARIS, Juno 11. Paid Tornow,
irchltect lo the cx-kalsor, ilb'd in
little suburb of Mctz on Wednesday,
while preparing lo leave Franco for
Wiirtcniburg, following r-ntlo hinl.i
from tho French governiw..i , it was
learned hero today.
Death overtook Tornow uh;;" he
was elaborating his plan to restore
Rliehns cathedral and the Frencn
press today expresses gratification
that lie "had the decency to die be
fore completing them." Tornow was
disliked as a German, but feared as
in architect, and his porch, which wis
built upon I ho Motii cathedral, ie-
placing, tho original French Gothic
porch, is considered a monstiosity,
typical of German art.
lornows porch at Met, was
signed to celebrate the Gorman
quest ol' Lorraine and for this,
because lie ordered torn down
Ficnch porch which coinnienioratoil
llio stay of Louis XV, the French
never forgave him.
The "monstrosity" was dedlcntcd In
100;i, at the same time as tho un
veiling of tho famous statuto of the
Prophet Daniel, which had a mous
tache resembling that of tho ex-kaiser
Tornow's only reward from his mas
ter was decoration of the Order ol
tho Sepulchre.
Tot now- obtained Mie good
of the lOmpress Augusta forty
ago anil helped her sketch
castle. Later he toadied to hoi
son Wilhelin. When French
entered Lorraine, ho continued to
live near Motz, In seclusion, the
French deeming it unwise to stretch
technicalities and expel him at the
time. There he prepared his plans tor
tho repair of Rheiius cathedral, not,
however, at tho request of the French
(o himself nnd community for the
year lo follow."
A report that America has about
reached the limit of Its progress un
til a revival of religion Is brought,
about was recently tiiade bj Roger W.
Habson, founder of the Habson Statis
tical organization, Dr. Macpherson
pointed out. Likewise Henry K. Rowe
in bis book on "Society It's Origin
and Development," says the decline of
tho church Is a sign ol social degen
eracy. This sentiment of statistician
and sociologist Is considered most
significant by Dr. Macpherson, who
"Religion supplies tho dynamics
that cmiiowcr;. men and women to
overcome the obsl)icle3 of life. It
enables them lo winnow tho wheHt
of human values from tho chaff of
dollar Idealism, ill gives Inspiration to
play one's pari manfully in the hum
drum of life, and supplies the Impetus
for development.
"No bettor Investment can be made
in the country community than for
a strong church center dominated by
ii man whose religion reaches down
and transforms the daily life of the
people. The position or the country
preacher Is a commanding one."
Hoar "Peggy With Irish Eyes." 11
Home of Good Photoplays
Owen Moore
(Continued From Pnco 1.)
escape this timo as ho did when
escaped in Portland in 1920.
begged veleaso from tho Oregon
hoot so that ho could get rest, Jind
then tinned the tables on tho mar
shal. In his first escape he left the train
iK-ar Portland with two other prls
oners, leaving the marshal chained
to his berth. Ho then stole a motor
cycle, went up tho Columbia River
highway, got a boat and went furth-
Catarrh Cannot Be CurW
With l.OCAf, APPLICATIONS, aa th
ennnot reach the eon! ot Ho UUeaM.
CatK-rli U IoihI i!teiie, crcAtly tn
fluo.'K tf.l by constitutional comllitoni. and
In order to dire It you must take an
mtenml rrmsily. Mall' Catarrh Medi
cine U taken uitoruully ami ucts tliru
tho blooU on the mucous aurf.ues of the
yntem. Mull'i Cutnrrh Mt'dlcln wai
pri'M'ribtHl ly one of tho bot physicians
in Mils country for years. U 13 com
posed of om of tlio best ionic known,
combined with some of tha best blood
puriflera. Tlio perfect combination of
h Ingredients tn Hall's Catarrh Medl
cine I uliat produces such wonderful
csults In catarrhal conditions, fend for
testimonial. tre.
5". J. CHUNKY CO., Props., Toledo, a
All DrogKlsts, .c
Mall's Family PUt for conitbatlo
LEGE, Juno 11. "It Is hoped that
every country and small town church
in Oregon will form the nucleus of an
automobile oxcursion to meet with
hundreds of others on tho O. A. C.
campus Farmers' week," said Dr. Hec
tor Macpherson, United States and
collogo organization specialist. "Tho
country life coherence schedule will
supply every pastor of Oregon lortun
ato enough to be thero with sugges
tions and enthusiasm of untold valuo
Sunday Morning
Snappy program of
song and readings by
the children of Sunday
Another Rip-Roaring Farce
"A Divorce of
The Digest and Best Laugh of the Season
One Husband, One Wife, One Sweetheart
A and One Beau
All in an Exciting Mix-up
Extra Added Attractions
Werschkul on the Organ
Coming Monday Tuesday
And the price is willingness to try a
nev method.
Instead of a day of hard manual work
with the family washing or of dreary
superintending of a "wash-woman,"
you can buy yourself freedom for a
day by bundling up that' wash, hand
ing it to our representative and get
ting it back on time with all the work
done beautifully.
And when you figure up the cost,
you'll find it costs you no more than a
woman would. You've bought a day
for nothing! Start saving time this
week !
Open Air Pavilion
Sat. Night, June 11th
We have a complete
stock at reduced
It will pay you to see
us before you buy.