I THE DALLES DAILY CHf.ONICLr SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1921. PAOE THREE T s CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Seventh and Case streets. Services It n. in. Sunday and 8 p. tn. Wednes day. Heading room maintained by thr. faoclcty In room C07 First Nnllonul bank building Is open to tho public dally, except Sunday, from S a. iu. to 0 p. m. ST. PETKRS CltUItClI Services during hummer months: First mas'!, 7 a. m. Second ninsa, i):30 a. m. 15cnn diction after second mass. Coniorsluns "on Sundin-s and vo r lirsl Friday from t to C p. in..; and 7 to 0 p. :n. Ite'v. P. J. O'Hourk'c, pastor. ENGLISH LUTHEHAN CHURCH Union at Seventh. lilble cchool, 10. Morning worship. 11. Prelude, (9rclg); solo, "The Ninety and Nine," (Loretiz), Mr3. J...M. Lone; offertory. ."Intermezzo',' (jMascugni) ; postlude, (Voidl). Luther league devotional meeting. 7, Call Burehsloif, "leader. Vespers, S. Hcv. 1. Eck, pastor. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHUHC'II Trinity mi. Holy communion, S a in., at which new members will he received Into draco chapter of tho Daughter!! of the King. Church school, ,y.:lo. ..Morning prayer, 11. Hcv. U. (!. Holtholt, rector. CHROHKLE CLASSlFIi mm 17 (Tl TfWIfTfVufTrJf MEETING NOTICES Recital. The public Is Invited to attend a recital anil class exhibition given by pupils of Miss Lucllu Cummins, at 8 o'clock Monday evening, June 13, at high school audltoilum. il Neighbors of Woodcraft Offieen; and nelghborn of Cedar Cliclo No. 8., arc requested to meet at 3 p. m. in the K. of P. hall, Sundav, .June 1L (o participate in our iuvcil- ing ceremony. 11 FOU SALE -Bukk four, loitilng ear. MtKor Service garage. 15 Knights of Pythias Regular meeting .Mondav night, Juno 111. Work in Hi: quire rank. Memorial day ex orcises June It. By order of U. II. HAtifiOTT, C. C. i:5 FIHST METHODIST CI1UUOH Fifth and Washington. .Sjinday cchnol, 10. Children's Da program, offering, educational fund and new parsonage. Morning service ll. Baptismal ser vices and reception of members. Up worth league, 7. Evening service, S; subject, "Tlio Idealist, or Touching tlie Invisible." Hoard meeting Tues day night, midweek prayer meetiir; Thursday night, 8. Rev. W. II. II. For syth, pastor. B. R. C. of A. aro urgently requested to come :iid ming incir wives tn an open meetiii" to bo held at Sehanno's hall Monday evening, June 1.1, at 8 o'clock, with a view to organizing (lie Loyal Star, Ladles' auxiliary to the B. R. C. of A. Ret'rouliniuiit j will be served. 13 Clnsslfled ndvcri lulng 1 cent ppr worn each Ituprtlon. If InRrrtcJ C limes or more. s- .vnt a wrd. Monltily itilill ciitlon niK-s on nppllratlnn nt thw office FOR RENT UNITED BIIETHHEN CHURCH Flni and C! st reel n. Sunday school, lu. Special Cradlo Roll service, It): 30. Morning service, 11; subject, "Load ing Childicn Sottly." Children's De program bj tho Sunday school, S p. m. Prayer nierting Thursday, S p. in. Hev. G. 'K. Hartman," pastor. CALVARY I5AFTIST CHURCH Union and .Seventh. Sermon Sunday niorning, "Does God (live Men a Sec ond Chanco?"' niblo school, 11. U. Y. P. U., 7. Children's Day program in llio evening, 8 o'clock. Rev. John L. .Boguc, pastor. , . , THE SALVATION ARMY-tHoU-meeting, 11. Sunday school, L':3) Y. P.' L.", Grlot SalVati'in mcetim. p. 111. Captain Clira Niclm-n, enant Mabel Langdun, ol fleers in FOR KENT --Flve iouin houae, close in. Write box L'O. care Ch oniclo. 11 FOR HKXT- Apartmctil In ilmCop don building. y. FOR KALE--Two nil-gallon wood ol' bitnels, Flist class. S'Ju Fast Thin' street. it FOR SALE Horse, buggy and bar-lie:.!-., cheap. Joe (lelge", tcleplioii" KiFL':'. II FOR SALE Ii'lvo room niodera houso and garage. f3500. Small payment, balance like rent. Tele phone red 2171, evenings. 11 FOR HALF We have some excep tionally good bargains In. brand new sto;l and wood auto nailers. W".!-tliei-Wi'.llains compaii. 14 FORSA LliT'l ")ry "oak 'oodToMak, ?11 .0; second giowth, $12.50. Ucllv. ercd. Call 30F22. after li p. m. tf FOR SALE -A puiebicd Kentucky JaoV, G years old, 13i hands, :i real sacrifice. Will take a gooil used Dodge or Clieviolet. Some tonus. For particulars write J. E. Hallybutton, Orlley, Ore. 17 FOR SALU Three residence proper ties, on terms like rent; also one rubber tired buggy and harness, oil" auto trailer, one deep well pump. K. C. Fitzgerald, telephone SF13. 11 WANTED Strawberry pickers. vVilto for Inl'o.nnallon. Eleven acre. George W. Collins & Sons, Undor wood, Wash. 15 FOR TRADE FOR TUADE Lot, ,VSxlP5, nt Fifty ninth and Broadway, Portland, for car. Ford piefcriod. Telephone red 1111. 11 VEMZ BAUEK tlcncrnl real cstnle, Insurance, nuo loans. 'lOOJ East Second street. Tele phone main 1571. 2HH TO THADH 100x180 feet ground, C room houso on Chonowilli paved road, for house nnd lot in town, F F. Flsch, H. 4, City. 13 LOST OR KOUND LOST -32 caliber Snillh & Wesson revolver. Return to Chronicle ofllce for reward. l'J STOLEN STOLEN Party who t-.iok concre'e whoolbarrow from allej at rear of Chronicle office, please return it. 13 FOR SALK-S0 aejos. 3', miles from Friend, 7i miles from Dufur on Fif teen Mile: five-room house, largo barn; three-acre family orchard. E. A. Taylor, 7035 Foster Road, Port land, Ore. 1G FOR KENT Good upright piano. G E. Corson, tho music nia:i. 11 FOR HI3NT Furnished huu-ekeep- ing rooms, 11.") Kast Second. 10 FOR KIONT Small house, 3:0 liasl Fourteenth street. 13 FOR RUNT Housekeeping rooif.s, 81'j Pino stieot. 'Black 3fM'.2. 11 FOR RIONT Sleeping rooms, 508 Washington. Lots of hot water. 15 FOR HUNT Go to 722 Uust Third for nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. Rates reasonable. 15 FO iTRUNT Good "ldiire", Jpleiiiyof running water. C. J. Corson, 320 East Second street. 11 XNaRKGATIONAE. ('IIURCII - Service, 11. Hcv. if. C. Cover of Salem will- 'occupy the pulpit, nibfo school, 10. No evening sen ice. Hear "I'r,;j Wjth Ir iili Kyc.i." II Free Clinic No lIiaiuc For Exnmlna tlon Tuc-3liya and Thursdays. Or. Baum, I'hiiopracllc plislelan Third and Warhinglou. main 501, it FOR RUNT Four good .rooms, up stairs. Bath and toilet.' Telephone black G2Ut. 1J Notice to. Bidders lalloii City will icoeive bills io:' Wiley barn, now s', Hiding a rth and Federal streets, sucre., bidder to lomove e nm from the erty. All bids must be in M'.o ds of the city recorder on or be lore June Hi, 1921, at 7:'i0 p.' 1,1. Hallos City reserves the right to '( jeet any or all bids. I). L. CATICS, City Recoider. 13 J'OR RUNT Furnlrhed hous.-kceplue, rooms. 320 Kast cThlrd Street. Telo phijiVOj rcd,G3'12. 11 FOR HUNT SI; looni nnicc, parage and garden. Inquire GDI Webster street. 13 FOR. IMf.NT lruini.ilicii apartment cool and clean. Telephone red 3!'.H U FOR RUNT 3-rooni furnished apart meiit. Private bath and entrance Small garden. 1521 Jackson street Telephone red 3'.I72. 11 Foil" R UNn''fxtra iieat ing capacl' y frr visitors at tliji Ch'ldron's l)a jirograni. Baptist churzh, Sunday evening. 11 FOR SALE POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WP&CHKUL Lossous by -Aiipotiitinent Empiess Theatre Plauisl. Wihiio Tsrpck Lane Fiefghl and express bet ween The Unites and Wneo, Moid ami all wu M joints Leave The Dalles, ! a, m dally except Stindaj Leavo Moio 1:30 p. 111. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. n. D. M. Plorce, propriotor, Tuiephono b'.acK 1H2 nr main 471. il IWEKNOW YOU'LL BE SATI5FIEP ONCE OUhL PLUMBING- vYOU HAVE TRIED 1 f n SCIBNTinc plumbum 13 Iho tiort or prottsdon that wv'io w-.-ll , veined In. Wo cun plan for your homo a hotting ss tern or sinl'.a'i drainage ,nat will add to ith hu ilm ami pomloit posclbi'itlf of your place of rcsldenrcv. JJi' not get in touchiwith 'us? JOHN MILNE PLUMBING & Phone Red 991 HEATING The Dallei FOR SALIC--Jersey cow. Inquire 322 Calhouir or telephone black 32G1. 1 FOR SALU Rawlelgh products. 410 Vcst Fourth St. Iilack 1331. J23 FO if !SM"i?Sanil inmT gi a vol. fnifi service. Cnuntvy trips. Gordion ani' Van Dolah. telephone red 1 i 1 . 3( FOR SALU -Four-joar-ohl 2-galion rich milking Jersey cow, ?!5. Jus fresh. Tclophone red 1 101. 14 f7RsXlU New Briiusw Ick plTonn. graph. PIios all record:.. A bargain Call r.cd 3G32 13 FOR SALU--. Milk goals. Reas-mable Tclephono red 1032. Ca'l 725 Fair Etieot. 11 iflvATrrThrree lots on Wo t Ninth Btreel, $350 cadi. Telephone ml 4702. FOHSALU Uigln room houso oj: pavel Btrcct, close lu. ?3750 on ca:v terms. Tclephono red 24&2. 13 FOR SALU Dodgo tourin.'f car, over-h-iuled, new paint and top. Term 5H5 Fast Second strool 13 FOR SALU Trn-rooin hotel. Inquire box G7, Kent, Oregon. J'.'O Fo"rT"ALU Coniplolo threshing 'ma chine. 28-lnch J. I. Caso separator nnd onglno. Outtlt In Unit class con dition. U. A. Read, Buick Garage, Tclophone main 021. 27tt FOR SALU Uirge and tmall farm and -. orchard tracts. Reasonable prices, good terms. W. C Hannu, Dufur, O10. llf- FOR SALU Cheap. Two man Mc I Cormlck toinbine with good cnglii", ! also horno attachmcni. Write W. L. , Tyron, 50G Weal Ulcvonth stroc. ' The Dallos. 2fi FOR ALU -Lato modol King cMP i and Cbun'JIor touring fir. (Jicatiy . reduced prices Torinii it wanicil. j Waltlur-Williams toujpa'iy. 14 FOR SALl--Your own terms An imqr of intereilng Ohllr'ren'h Ha pro gram Sundav evening Ipf'-t church. , FOR iSALU Surplus buttermilk, suit ablo for slock feeding purposes. Price three cents per gallon, 20 gallons er 11101c. Norman Cream company. y, FOR SALU Case gas tractor 45 horse power, US-Inch Pride or Wash ington separator, and two MeCo:--111 ick headers. Price J1500. Term1-. S. C. Williams, 321 Artisan Building-. Portland, Oregon. 11 l6TTsTLi?Ue(MiiKram deliver any place in town. Ona home, weight 1750, 7 years old Guaranteed. Will sell or trade for cattle. One team, woight 2100. Sound and gentle. O. K. Feed barn. Jujv2 FmTsATjTdT the hoard of trusted, Me'liedist church, lor the siilb' iff dwelling used as the parsenag"', at Third ami Union streets. Building can he ex amlr.el at' any convenient time by , iiilere.dcd parties. Tho board leser f vns the right, to f'Qjct any and all bids, Lhould they prove i;ir;atis!'ar loiy. W. K. Gllhoiiscn, chairman committee. 17 LOANS MONUY TO LUND -To ( wnors ol Chcnowith Homo tracts or other good properly lor building purpose.! W. F. Gltcheir, 103 Washington street. 17 MISCELLANEOUS DRUSSMAKING All patterns fu nlslied at reasonable prices. Mir Foster, 10!) "West Second street. 11 LUCILE CUMMINS Teacher of Piano Summer classes open June 1. Stu dlo at 513 Union stieet after June to .120 LEGAL NOTICES. HUMS'lTTCllJNG and buttons cover cd, Mrs. A. J. Molhic, G07 Union street. .15 V R AN S FUR A N L) " UX PHUSs' Furnf ture and piano moving. Frolght hauled and general express busi ness. Telephones: SJand, rod 101; residence black 1352. J. U. Henzlo. 11 tf Notice tor Bids for O. L. Grlflln R..1CI Wasco County lioii'by culls for sealed bids for KindlliK of the U. L, Griffin i-oihI, easterly from Manchester I toad, n distance of 3-4 of a mile. All bids Hhnll ho on proiuiiml blnnk which will foe furnished upon M.iilk.i tlon bv the County Itoadinnster. The spec ifications plans nnd estlmntes for this Improvement are on file In the office of County Clerk of Wasco County. Ore i;on. and also with '. W. -Mnrx, Ooun iv Roiulnmstcr nt hl office In County Court House, Tliu Dalles, Oregon, nnd subject to Inspection. The work will bo lone In nceordnuco with tho nlmve. il1- -md "Inni nnd specif Ientlons un der the supervision nnd direction of thu County Uoadmiistcr. .in- uiUa iniiat uu accompanied by a certified eheek for perceiu ol the amount of tho bid, to bo forfeited to Wnseo County In ense such bid should be accepted nnd tho bidder should fall to enter Into contract, nnd bond for tho faithful performance of tho work. All bids should be senled nnd filed with tho County Clerk on or before tho 15th day of June, 1921. All bids will bo opened by the County Court nt lu o'clock a. in. on snld dnto. iuii.111 County icscivcw tho right to eject tiny nnd all bids. Dated this 1st day of June, A. D., .921, W. L. CltiCHTON, 14 County Clerk IIUMST1TCI1ING Plcot edging. Mrs. L M. Boothby, 308 Washington strcol. Telephone main 058 1. tl , QUIT MEAT IF YOUR KIDNEYS ACT BADLY Take a Tab)espoonfu! of Salts If Dack Hurts or Bladder Bothers. SPECIALTY SHOP 1 1 cnist itching, plcot edging, dress- ; making. 2181 Kast Third slreot, Con don buildingM Telephone black 5211.7 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS WANT CD 'ANTUI Shccpheider. Telephone black 3151. ., . 13 WANTUD- Good shingler. Inquire 113 West Thirteenth street. II 1 Portland-The Dalles Truck Service General freight hauling. Leaven Portland 2 ,p. 111. Leaves The Dalles. 1:30 p. 111. Daily service. The Dalln telephone rod 0741. Porlland tele phones, Marsiall 1355 or oast, 3fifio. .117 Mad Mnlkiinn SpM! Teacher of 1 1 Piano, Harmony and Theory LoHchotlr.ky method. Special at ten. (ion given to beginners. S 11 miner term opens Juno 15. Phono red 341)1. Stu dio 1000 Fulton street J20 WANTUD Cook on ranob. Telephone black 5GS2. 11 WANTUD Two ceiling quiro Royal Cafe. fans. lull WANTUD Position as pra'cticil nurse. Contlnoineiil ca'ien pro, erred. Mrs. D. A. Cornwell, black 4701. 1G WANTUD -The plea uie of your pr onto Sunday evening at the Baptis church to hear 1G interesting mini bers ,in Children's Day program. 11 i'FaiNUS t'UNKL And repaired, ac tion, regulating and rnltnlshlng Player fictions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S A. Dockstnder. Cor son Music store. 320 I'ar.l Second street. Tclephono main ldfil. tf FORD Whitney Repair Shop 709 East Second nt. We are a nation of meat caters and our blood is tilled with uric acid, says a well-known authority, who wains us to bo constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the over work; they get sluggish: the dim inutive tissues clog and thus the waste Is retained in the blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have stinging pains in thu back or . the urine is cloudy, full at sediment, or the bladder is Irritable, obliging you to seek relief during tins nlgit; when you havo Bevoro headaches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleepless necs, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad wealher, get from your phar macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a lahlcspoonful In 111 glass of water before breaklast each niorning and in a few days your kidneys will act tine. This lanious salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemo juice, combined with llthia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate dogged kidneys, to nuulralizo the acids in urine so It is no longer a source of Irritation, thus ending urinary ; and bladder dlsordeis. Jad Silts is inexpensive and can not. injure.; maks a delightful ef fervescent lithia-water drink, and nobody can make 11 mistake by tak ing a little occasionally to keep thu kidneys clean and active. Adv. E. C. PRICE Rcgiiclteredl AircMiieci 504 First National Dank Dido The Dalles, Ore. ICtf GAIETY, CHARM AND REFINEMENT radiate through the atmosphere of this res taurant. Here the diner finds neither the chill of formality nor vulgar boistcrousness. Her; you eat and chat in a quiet home-like place where the food, the cooking, and the service are unsurpassed. Try Our 50c Noonday Luncheon BLACK & WHITE RESTAURANT !!! ! Motor Service Garag'e Wc Give Superior Service Announcing the fact that ye have 20,000 square feet of concreted floor space available for storage purposes. Our basement is concreted, heated and frost proof. We are prepared to accept anything for storage at reasonable rates from a trunk to a truck. Our Specialty is Service at the Gas Tank . Wilson & Loomis, Props. Successors to Motor Service Co. HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU LOSE? When you are anxious about a proposition that means a great deal to your business, how much time do you lose waiting for letters that somehow fail to arrive? When the time draws near and the deal must be closed within a few days or hours, how much time do you lose while you ondeayor to make an appointment with a man whose in terests are tied up Avith yours, or wait im patiently while he transacts his business and comes to a conference with you? Do you know you can always reach a busy business man by Long Distance? You do not need to wait for an appointment while he clears up other matters that engross his attention, the Long Distance call is irresistible. No mat ter how ousy he is, other tilings will wait when the operator says "Long Distance is calling you." Do it by Long Distance you will save time and money. Ask for Pacific Long Distance. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY BUCK FEVER! In deer season hunters often becoino nfllicteil with "BUCK KKVKIl." Many of them, boforo shooting doer or other ,gainc, become so nervous that they arc hardly nblu to aim or hold their guns. THIS IS KNOWN AS BUCK FUVEU. There aro many people who have every intention of anv ing money. But just as they start to open an. nccount, there comes the feeling or hesitancy and delay another form ol "BUCK KKVKH." DON'T let yourself become a victim of thla "lover." niCTEIt.MINIO to SAVE money and to OPEN An' account with usANI) ACT. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings Accounts. Citizens National Bank Tclephono Main 3101 Officers Directors I'. J. Sladulraun, President. T atiulolnuia. Or J A ltculor Vice-Prea Arthur Soufert jji. J. a. ueuiLi, MLLiitJ. )r j A ou(or U. m Oroono, Cashlor r- ,p- II. U Kuck J. V. Turock, Ass't Cushler. f - "0,n" 'tf1 J. .1. Van Oelloit GOLDEN DALE YAKIMA AND ALL EASTERN WASHINGTON POINTS Are reached the easiest by way of Gr.inta and Mniyhlll on th MARYHILL FERRY New Eight-car Ferry No Backing to Board Bot A 10-mile paved road connects Maryhill and Qoldcndalc New flnllroad Crossing No Sand Dr. Geo. F. Ncwhousc Eye Specialist Wo am equipped to give your eyes the very best of cure. Eyes tested, (Basses ground. Second nnd Washington Streets The Dalles WOODARD & TA US CHER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Coment Woik. Fireplace Work a Specialty Estimates furnished frco of cliarg:. All Work Guaranteed, Telephone Main 6401 o Call at Gates Block Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phom Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CRANDA.LL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles Dufur LULU D. CI1ANDALL, Manager Bert Thomas, Assistant Man.iflr Licensed CmtMlmcrs, Established 137 Woman Attnrint Mrs. M. J, Willcrton Tsleuhons Red 1781 Motor Equipment Telephones Oiy-RdUI . Nlght-Hsd SSI J. H. Harper, Black 2192 Cut Flowen